Chapter 4 Multiplication Facts and Strategies

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Letter Associative Property of

Multiplication The property that
states that when the grouping of
factors is changed, the product
remains the same.
Dear Family,
Distributive Property The
During the next few weeks, our math class will be property that states that multiplying
learning how to multiply with the factors 2, 3, 4, a sum by a number is the same
as multiplying each addend by
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. the number and then adding the
You can expect to see homework that provides
multiple A number that is the
practice with multiplication facts and product of two counting numbers
Here is a sample of how your child will be taught
to multiply with 3 as a factor.

Multiply with 3 Tips

This is one way we will be multiplying with 3 to solve Another Way to Solve
problems. Multiplication Problems
Teddy made a face on 1 cookie, using 3 raisins. How many Making an array is
raisins will he need for 4 cookies? another way to solve the
problem. Use tiles to make
Drawing a picture is a way to solve this problem.
an array of 4 rows with 3
tiles in each row.

3, 6, 9, 12
Skip count by 3s to find the number of raisins in all. Count all the tiles.
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3, 6, 9, 12 4 groups of 3 is 12.
4 groups of 3 is 12. 4 × 3 = 12 4 × 3 = 12

So, he will need 12 raisins for 4 cookies.

Have your child draw more groups of 3 for 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 cookies.
Then have your child answer questions such as “How many raisins
would be on 8 cookies? What do you multiply to find out?”
Chapter 4 P59

Carta Propiedad asociativa de la

para la casa
multiplicación La propiedad que
establece que cuando se cambia la
agrupación de los factores, el producto
no cambia
Querida familia,
Propiedad distributiva La propiedad
que establece que multiplicar una
Durante las próximas semanas, en la clase suma por un número es lo mismo que
multiplicar cada sumando por ese
de matemáticas aprenderemos cómo multiplicar número y luego sumar los productos
con los factores 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 y 10. múltiplo Un número que es el
producto de dos números naturales
Llevaré a la casa tareas que sirven para practicar distintos de cero

las operaciones de multiplicación y sus estrategias.

Este es un ejemplo de la manera como

aprenderemos a multiplicar por el factor 3.

Multiplicar por 3
Esta es una manera de multiplicar por 3 para resolver
Otra manera de resolver
problemas. problemas de multiplicación
Teddy hizo una cara en 1 galleta, con 3 pasas. Hacer una matriz es otra
¿Cuántas pasas necesitará para hacer caras en 4 galletas? manera de resolver el
Una manera de resolver el problema es hacer un dibujo. problema. Usa fichas para
hacer una matriz de 4 filas
con 3 fichas en cada fila.

3, 6, 9, 12
Cuenta salteado de 3 en 3 para hallar el número total de pasas.
Cuenta todas las fichas.
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3, 6, 9, 12
4 grupos de 3 son 12. 4 × 3 = 12 4 grupos de 3 son 12.
4 × 3 = 12
Por tanto, Teddy necesitará 12 pasas para 4 galletas.

Pida a su hijo o hija que dibuje más grupos de 3 para 5, 6, 7, 8 y 9 galletas. Después,
pídale que conteste preguntas como “¿Cuántas pasas se necesitan para hacer
8 galletas? ¿Qué factores debes multiplicar para hallar la respuesta?”.

Lesson 4.1
Multiply with 2 and 4 COMMON CORE STANDARD—3.OA.3.
Represent and solve problems involving
multiplication and division.

Write a multiplication sentence for the model.

1. 2.

Think: There are 2 groups of

5 counters.
_×_=_ 5 10 _×_=_

Find the product.

3. 2 4. 4 5. 2 6. 4
× 6
_ × 8
_ × 3
_ × 6

7. 4 8. 2 9. 4 10. 2
× 4
_ × 7
_ × 5
_ × 4

Problem Solving

11. On Monday, Steven read 9 pages 12. Courtney’s school is having a family
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of his new book. To finish the first game night. Each table has 4 players.
chapter on Tuesday, he needs to read There are 7 tables in all. How many
double the number of pages he read players are at the game night?
on Monday. How many pages does he
need to read on Tuesday?

_______ _______

Chapter 4 P61
Lesson Check (3.OA.3)
1. What multiplication sentence matches 2. Find the product.
the model?

_ 8

Spiral Review (3.NBT.2, 3.MD.3)

3. Sean made a picture graph to show his 4. The table shows the lengths of
friends’ favorite colors. some walking trails.

Walking Trails
This is the key for the graph.
Name Length (in feet)
Each = 2 friends.
Mountain Trail 844
Lake Trail 792
How many friends does Harmony Trail 528
stand for?
How many feet longer is Mountain
Trail than Harmony Trail?

5. Find the sum. 6. A bar graph shows that sports books

received 9 votes. If the scale is 0 to
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20 by twos, where should the bar

527 end for the sports books?

Lesson 4.2
Multiply with 5 and 10 COMMON CORE STANDARD—3.OA.3
Represent and solve problems involving
multiplication and division.

Find the product.

1. 5 × 7 = ______ 2. 5 × 1 = ______ 3. 2 × 10 = ______ 4. ______ = 8 × 5

5. 1 × 10 = ______ 6. ______ = 4 × 5 7. 5 × 10 = ______ 8. 7 × 5 = ______

9. ______ = 5 × 5 10. 5 × 8 = ______ 11. ______ = 5 × 9 12. 10 × 0 = ______

13. 5 14. 10 15. 5 16. 10

_ 6 ×
_ 7 ×
_ 3 ×
_ 4

17. 5 18. 10 19. 5 20. 10

_ 0 ×
_ 8 ×
_ 2 ×
_ 6

Problem Solving
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21. Ginger takes 10 nickels to buy some 22. The gym at Evergreen School has three
pencils at the school store. How many basketball courts. There are 5 players
cents does Ginger have to spend? on each of the courts. How many
players are there?

_______ _______

Chapter 4 P63
Lesson Check (3.OA.3)
1. Mrs. Hinely grows roses. 2. Find the product.
There are 6 roses on each of her 10
rose bushes. How many roses in all are 5
on Mrs. Hinely’s rose bushes?
_ 8

Spiral Review (3.OA.9, 3.NBT.1, 3.MD.3)

3. Mr. Miller’s class voted on where to go 4. Zack made this table for his survey.
for a field trip. Use the picture graph to
find which choice had the most votes. Favorite Juice
Flavor Votes
Grape 16
Field Trip Choices
Orange 10
Science Center Berry 9
Aquarium Apple 12

How many votes were cast?

Key: Each = 2 votes.

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5. Which of the following is an even 6. Estimate the sum.


25, 28, 31, 37

__ 89

Lesson 4.3
Multiply with 3 and 6 COMMON CORE STANDARD—3.OA.3
Represent and solve problems involving
multiplication and division.

Find the product.

1. 6 × 4 = _ 2. 3 × 7 = _ 3. _ = 2 × 6 4. _ = 3 × 5

Think: You can use doubles.

3 × 4 = 12
12 + 12 = 24

5. 1 × 3 = _ 6. _ = 6 × 8 7. 3 × 9 = _ 8. _ = 6 × 6

9. 4 10. 6 11. 2 12. 6

_ 3 ×
_ 5 ×
_ 3 ×
_ 3

13. 10 14. 3 15. 7 16. 3

_ 6 ×
_ 6 ×
_ 6 ×
_ 0

17. 9 18. 3 19. 10 20. 1

_ 6 ×
_ 3 ×
_ 3 ×
_ 6
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Problem Solving
21. James got 3 hits in each of his baseball 22. Mrs. Burns is buying muffins. There
games. He has played 4 baseball are 6 muffins in each box. If she buys
games. How many hits has he had? 5 boxes, how many muffins will
she buy?

_______ _______

Chapter 4 P65
Lesson Check (3.OA.3)
1. Paco buys a carton of eggs. The carton 2. Find the product.
has 2 rows of eggs. There are 6 eggs in
each row. How many eggs are in the
carton? 9
_ 3

Spiral Review (3.OA.3, 3.NBT.2, 3.MD.3)

3. Find the difference. 4. Dwight made double the number
of baskets in the second half of the
basketball game than in the first half.
568 He made 5 baskets in the first half.

__283 How many baskets did he make in the
second half?

5. In Jane’s picture graph, the 6. What multiplication sentence does

symbol represents two this array show?
students. One row in the picture graph
has 8 symbols. How many students
does that represent?
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Lesson 4.4
Distributive Property
Write one way to break apart the array. Understand properties of multiplication and
the relationship between multiplication and
Then find the product. division.

1. 2.

(3 × 7) + (3 × 7)
_______ _______

_______ 42 _______

3. 4.

_______ _______

_______ _______

Problem Solving
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5. There are 2 rows of 8 chairs set up 6. A marching band has 4 rows of

in the library for a puppet show. trumpeters with 10 trumpeters in each
How many chairs are set up? Use the row. How many trumpeters are in the
Distributive Property to solve. marching band? Use the Distributive
Property to solve.

_______ _______

Chapter 4 P67
Lesson Check (3.OA.5) PREP
1. Write a number sentence to show the 2. What is one way to break apart
Distributive Property. the array?


_______ ______

_______ ______

_______ ______

Spiral Review (3.NBT.1, 3.NBT.2, 3.MD.3)

3. The school auditorium has 448 4. Find the difference.
chairs set out for the third-grade
performance. What is 448 rounded 400
to the nearest ten?
− 296


5. There are 622 fruit snacks in one crate 6. Which sport do only 6 students play?
and 186 in another crate. How many
fruit snacks are there? Sports Students Play


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+ 186
__ Basketball


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Number of Students

_______ ______

Lesson 4.5
Multiply with 7 COMMON CORE STANDARD—3.OA.7
Multiply and divide within 100.

Find the product.

1. 6 × 7 = _ 42 2. _ = 7 × 9 3. _ = 1 × 7 4. 3 × 7 = _

5. 7 × 7 = _ 6. _ = 2 × 7 7. 7 × 8 = _ 8. _ = 4 × 7

9. 7 10. 7 11. 6 12. 7 13. 2

_5 ×
_1 ×
_7 ×
_4 ×

14. 10 15. 3 16. 7 17. 8 18. 7

_7 ×
_7 ×
_9 ×
_7 ×

Problem Solving
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19. Julie buys a pair of earrings for $7. 20. Owen and his family will go camping
Now she would like to buy the same in 8 weeks. There are 7 days in
earrings for 2 of her friends. How 1 week. How many days are in
much will she spend for all 3 pairs 8 weeks?
of earrings?

_______ _______

Chapter 4 P69
Lesson Check (3.OA.7)

1. Find the product. 2. What product does the array show?

_ 8

Spiral Review (3.OA.3, 3.OA.9, 3.NBT.1, 3.MD.3)

3. Which numbers below are even? 4. How many more people chose
retriever than poodle?
6, 12, 15, 24, 30
Favorite Breed of Dog
Dog Number
Shepherd 58
Retriever 65
Poodle 26

5. What is 94 rounded to the 6. Jack has 5 craft sticks. He needs

nearest ten? 4 times that number for a project. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

How many craft sticks does Jack need


Lesson 4.6
Associative Property of Multiplication
Write another way to group the factors. Understand properties of multiplication and
the relationship between multiplication and
Then find the product. division.

1. (3 × 2) × 5 2. (4 × 3) × 2 3. 2 × (2 × 8)

3 × (2 × 5)
____ ____ ____

____ 30 ____ ____

4. 9 × (2 × 1) 5. 2 × (3 × 6) 6. (4 × 2) × 5

____ ____ ____

____ ____ ____

Use parentheses and multiplication properties.

Then, find the product.

7. 9 × 1 × 5 = _ 8. 3 × 3 × 2 = _ 9. 2 × 4 × 3 = _

10. 5 × 2 × 3 = _ 11. 7 × 1 × 5 = _ 12. 8 × 2 × 3 = _

13. 7 × 2 × 3 = _ 14. 4 × 1 × 3 = _ 15. 10 × 2 × 4 = _

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Problem Solving

16. Beth and Maria are going to the 17. Randy’s garden has 3 rows of carrots
county fair. Admission costs $4 per with 3 plants in each row. Next year,
person for each day. They plan to go he plans to plant 4 times the number
for 3 days. How much will the girls of rows. How many plants will he have
pay for all 3 days? next year?

_______ _______

Chapter 4 P71
Lesson Check (3.OA.5)
1. There are 2 benches in each car of a 2. Crystal has 2 CDs in each box. She
train ride. Two people ride on each has 3 boxes on each of her 6 shelves.
bench. If a train has 5 cars, how many How many CDs does Crystal have?
people can be on a train?

Spiral Review (3.OA.3, 3.NBT.1, 3.NBT2, 3.MD.3)

3. Find the sum. 4. Trevor made a picture graph to show
how many minutes each student
biked last week. This is his key.

472 Each = 10 minutes.

__186 What does stand for?

5. Madison has 142 stickers in her 6. There are 5 pages of photos.

collection. What is 142 rounded to the Each page has 6 photos. How many
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nearest ten? photos are there?

Lesson 4.7
Patterns on the Multiplication Table
Solve problems involving the four operations,
and identify and explain patterns in
Is the product even or odd? Write even or odd. arithmetic.

1. 2 × 7 = even
______ Think: Products 2. 4 × 6 = ______ 3. 8 × 3 = ______
with 2 as a factor
are even.
4. 2 × 3 = ______ 5. 9 × 9 = ______ 6. 5 × 7 = ______ 7. 6 × 3 = ______

Use the multiplication table. Describe a pattern you see.

8. in the column for 5

' ( ) * + , - . / 0 ('

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
( ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 ('
) ' ) + - / (' () (+ (- (/ )'
9. in the row for 10 * ' * - 0 () (, (/ )( )+ ). *'
+ ' + / () (- )' )+ )/ *) *- +'
, ' , (' (, )' ), *' *, +' +, ,'
- ' - () (/ )+ *' *- +) +/ ,+ -'
. ' . (+ )( )/ *, +) +0 ,- -* .'
10. in the rows for 3 and 6 / ' / (- )+ *) +' +/ ,- -+ .) /'
0 ' 0 (/ ). *- +, ,+ -* .) /( 0'
(' ' (' )' *' +' ,' -' .' /' 0' (''

Problem Solving
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11. Carl shades a row in the multiplication 12. Jenna says that no row or column
table. The products in the row are all contains products with only odd
even. The ones digits in the products numbers. Do you agree? Explain.
repeat 0, 4, 8, 2, 6. What row does Carl

Chapter 4 P73
Lesson Check (3.OA.9)
1. Is the product of 4 × 9 even or odd? 2. Describe a pattern you see.

10, 15, 20, 25, 30

Spiral Review (3.OA.3, 3.OA.5, 3.NBT.2, 3.MD.3)

3. Lexi has 2 cans of tennis balls. There 4. Use the picture graph.
are 3 tennis balls in each can. She buys
2 more cans. How many tennis balls Color of Eyes
does she now have?



Key: Each = 4 students.

How many students have green eyes?

5. Sasha bought 3 boxes of pencils. If 6. Find the sum. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

each box has 6 pencils, how many

pencils did Sasha buy?
+ 763

Lesson 4.8
Multiply with 8 COMMON CORE STANDARD—3.OA.7
Multiply and divide within 100.

Find the product.

1. 8 × 10 = _ 80 2. 8 × 8 = _ 3. 8 × 5 = _ 4. 3 × 8 = _

5. _ = 4 × 8 6. 8 × 7 = _ 7. 6 × 8 = _ 8. _ = 9 × 8

9. 8 10. 6 11. 8 12. 0 13. 8

× 2
_ × 8
_ × 7
_ × 8
_ × 5

14. 8 15. 9 16. 8 17. 8 18. 4

_ 8 ×
_ 8 ×
_ 3 ×
_ 1 ×
_ 8

Problem Solving
19. There are 6 teams in the basketball 20. Lynn has 4 stacks of quarters. There
league. Each team has 8 players. How are 8 quarters in each stack. How many
many players are there? quarters does Lynn have?
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_______ _______

21. Tomas is packing 7 baskets for a fair. 22. There are 10 pencils in each box. If
He is placing 8 apples in each basket. Jenna buys 8 boxes, how many pencils
How many apples are there will she buy?
in the baskets?

_______ _______

Chapter 4 P75
Lesson Check (3.OA.7)
1. Find the product. 2. There are 7 tarantulas in the spider
exhibit at the zoo. Each tarantula
5×8= has 8 legs. How many legs do the
7 tarantulas have?

Spiral Review (3.OA.3, 3.NB.1, 3.NBT.2, 3.MD.3)

3. Find the difference. 4. The school library received an
order of 232 new books. What is
232 rounded to the nearest ten?

__ 99

5. Sam’s picture graph shows that 8 6. Tashia buys 5 packages of oranges.

students chose pizza as their favorite Each package has 4 oranges. How
lunch. This is the key for the graph. many oranges does Tashia buy?

Each = 2 students. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

How many should be next to pizza

on Sam’s graph?

Lesson 4.9
Multiply with 9 COMMON CORE STANDARD—3.OA.7
Multiply and divide within 100.

Find the product.

1. 10 × 9 = _
90 2. 2 × 9 = _ 3. 9 × 4 = _ 4. 0 × 9 = _

5. 1 × 9 = _ 6. 8 × 9 = _ 7. 9 × 5 = _ 8. 6 × 9 = _

9. 9 10. 5 11. 9 12. 2 13. 9

× 4
_ × 9
_ × 7
_ × 9
_ × 9

14. 10 15. 3 16. 9 17. 6 18. 9

_ 9 ×
_ 9 ×
_ 8 ×
_ 9 ×
_ 1

Problem Solving
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19. There are 9 positions on the softball 20. Carlos bought a book for $9. Now he
team. Three people are trying out for would like to buy 4 other books for the
each position. How many people are same price. How much will he have to
trying out? pay for the other 4 books?

_______ _______

Chapter 4 P77
Lesson Check (3.OA.7)
1. Find the product. 2. Clare buys 5 tickets for the high
school musical. Each ticket costs $9.
7×9= How much do the tickets cost?

Spiral Review (3.OA.3, 3.OA.7, 3.MD.3)

3. The table shows the hair color of girls 4. Miles picked up 9 shirts from the
in Kim’s class. How many girls have dry cleaners. It costs $4 to clean
brown hair? each shirt. How much did Miles
spend to have all the shirts cleaned?
Kim’s Class
Hair Color Number of Girls

5. In a picture graph, each picture of 6. An array has 8 rows with 4 circles in

a baseball is equal to 5 games won by each row. How many circles are in
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a team. The row for the Falcons has the array?

7 baseballs. How many games have
the Falcons won?

Lesson 4.10
Problem Solving • Multiplication
Solve problems involving the four operations,
and identify and explain patterns in

1. Henry has a new album for his
3 5
Pages with
baseball cards. He uses pages that 1 2 4
6 Cards
hold 6 cards and pages that hold
4 2
Pages with
3 cards. If Henry has 36 cards, 10 8 6
3 Cards
how many different ways can he
put them in his album? Total Cards 36 36 36 36 36
Henry can put the cards in his
album _ 5 ways.

2. Ms. Hernandez has 17

Rows with
tomato plants that she
2 Plants
wants to plant in rows.
She will put 2 plants in Rows with
some rows and 1 plant 1 Plant
in the others. How many
different ways can she
plant the tomato plants?
Make a table to solve.

Ms. Hernandez can plant the

tomato plants _ ways.
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3. Bianca has a total of 25¢. She Number of

has some nickels and pennies. Nickels
How many different combinations
of nickels and pennies could Bianca Number of
have? Make a table to solve. Pennies

Total Value

Bianca could have _

combinations of 25¢.
Chapter 4 P79
Lesson Check (3.OA.8)
1. The table shows different ways that
Shelves with 1 Car 2 4 6 8 10
Cameron can display his 12 model
cars on shelves. How many shelves Shelves with 2 Cars 5 4 3 8 8
will display 2 cars if 8 of the shelves Total cars 12 12 12 12 12
each display 1 car?

Spiral Review (3.OA.3, 3.NBT.1, 3.NBT.2, 3.MD.3)

2. Find the sum. 3. The school cafeteria has an order for
238 hot lunches. What is 238 rounded
317 to the nearest ten?


4. Tyler made a picture graph to show 5. There are 5 bikes in each bike rack at
students’ favorite colors. This is the the school. There are 6 bike racks. How
key for his graph. many bikes are in the bike racks?

Each = 3 votes. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

If 12 students voted for green, how

many should there be in the green
row of the graph?


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