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English12 q4 w7 Helenaaquijo

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Lesson Plans for Multigrade Classes

Grades 1 and 2

Learning Area: ENGLISH Quarter: FOUR Week; SEVEN

Grade Level Grade 1 2
Competencies Day 1 Day 1
Relate and (read) story events to one’s experience Recognize the difference between “made-up” and “real” in
EN1LC-lva-j-1.1 texts listened to
Ask simple questions (Yes/No)
EN10L-IVf-1.17.2 Create and participate in oral dramatic activities
Day 2
Supply rhyming words in response to spoken words Day 2
EN1PA-IVc-e.2.4 Read words with –u- with /^/ and / / as in but, duck, rut, put,
Give the meaning of words using clues (body movements, etc.) EN2PW-IVg-h-16
Match pictures with short I words
Day 3 EN2PW-IVg-h-2.8
Recognize describing words for things Read phrases, sentences and stories consisting of 2 syllable
EN1G-IVf-j-5 with –u- with /^/ and // and some sight words with
appropriate speed, accuracy and proper expression

Give the meaning of words with –u- with /^/ and // as in

duck, but, put, etc. EN2V-IVg-21

Day 3
Use the most frequently occurring prepositions on, in, and at
Day 1
Lesson Objectives Relate and (read) story events to one’s experience Recognize the difference between “made-up” and “real” in
Ask simple questions (Yes/No) texts listened to
Create and participate in oral dramatic activities
Subject Matter Relating and (reading) story events to one’s experience Recognizing the difference between “made-up” and “real” in

Asking Simple Questions (Yes/No) texts listened to
Creating and participating in oral dramatic activities
Learning Resources K – 12 Curriculum Guide in English 1, TG, LM, pictures, BOW, K – 12 Curriculum Guide in English 2, TG, LM, BOW, story,
story pictures
Procedures Grouping Structures (tick boxes):

Methodology:  Whole Class  Grade Groups

Use letter icons to show  Ability Groups
describe the parts of the lesson (for example the introduction),
methodology and assessment where you may address the whole class as one group Friendship Groups
activities  Mixed Ability Groups  Other (specify)
 Combination of Above
T Direct Teaching Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
G Group Work A. Pre-reading Activities
1. Class Sharing
I Independent Learning Ask pupils what they know about fairy tales.
2. Motivation
A Assessment Show picture of fairy godmother and pixies.
Let pupils talk about them.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties
Present the vocabulary words through pictures and action.
a. pixies
b. groaned
c. messy
4. Motive Question
Why did the pixies punish Bessy?
B. Reading of the Story/During Reading
Ask questions in between reading.
C. Post Reading Activities
Comprehension Questions
1.Who is Bessy? Describe her and her house.
2. Would you like to live in her house? Why?
3. Why did Bessy pretend to be sick?
4. Who helped her clean her house?
5. Why did Willy punish her?

A. 1. Look at the picture of the story “The Pixies and the Lazy Group Activity
Housewife” (See Appendix 1)
Ask questions regarding the picture. Group the class into three
1. What are the fairies doing?
2. In your home, would you do the same with the fairies? Group I – Color all the things which really exist with any
3. If you were Willy, would you also do the same with Bessy? color of your choice except yellow from the given picture.
4. Is it good to keep your house and school always clean and (See Appendix 2)
5. How will you help keep your house or school clean? Group II – Use yellow to color all the things that are not real
B. 1. Teacher will read the questions with proper intonation. from the given picture. (See Appendix 3)
2. Ask the pupils to read the questions after you.
- What did you notice with our intonation at the end of the Group III – Dramatize what the pixies doing.
question? Did it go up or down?
- What kind of intonation did we use?
- What kind of questions are read with falling intonation?
3. Let us read another set of questions.
1. Is Father Santos a priest?
2. Are the Lopezes a happy family?
3. Do the Lopezes go out together?
4. Did they have lots of fun that Sunday?
- Did your voice go down or up?
- With what words do the questions begin? What answer do
we expect?
- What kind of questions are said with rising intonation?
4. Read the following questions with correct intonation.
1. Are you a teacher?
2. Who is your friend?
3. Is she a doctor?
4. Where did he go?
5. Do you go to mass every Sunday?
5. When does your voice rise in asking questions?
- When does your voice fall in asking questions?

A. Group Activity A. Presentation of output.
Group I B. Discuss how to identify real and made-up.
Write the questions in their proper column. C. Giving of examples.
(See Appendix 4)
Group II
Construct questions. (See Appendix 5)
Write R on the blank if the intonation is rising and F if falling. Recall the important events and write which of them could
(See Appendix 6) happen in real life (real) and which are made-up (fiction)
Write the fiction or made-up events in the table on the left.
Write the real events in the table on the right.
(See Appendix 7)
Identify the correct intonation for the following sentences. Draw Tell whether the event is a real or made-up.
(rising)↑ and (falling) ↓ before each question? (See Appendix .(See Appendix 9)

GRADE 1 to 12 School PUERTO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Grade Level 1 & 2

DAILY LESSON Teacher Celia E. Salubre Learning Area English
LOG Date March 13, 2019 / MW 1:30 - 3:10, F 1:30-2:10 Quarter Fourth (Week 7)

Day 2
Lesson Objectives Supply rhyming words in response to spoken words. Read words with –u- with /^/ and / / as in but, duck, rut, put, cut
Give the meaning of word using clues (body movements.) Match pictures with short u words.
Give the meaning of word with –u- as in duck, but, put, etc.

Subject Matter Rhyming Words Reading Words with –long /u/

Identifying rhyming words. Matching Pictures with Short u Words
Giving the Meaning of Word –u-with /^/ and / /
Learning Resources K to 12 Curriculum Guide, TG, LM, BOW, story K to 12 Curriculum Guide, TG, LM, BOW, pictures
Procedures Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
A. Have you ever been to a garden? What makes the garden beautiful? What can you do with the flowers? Have you experienced giving the flowers to somebody?
When? Why? What is the occasion?
B. Unlocking of Difficulties
1. tulips/sunflower (through picture)
2. cut (through action)
3. huge(through action)
4. refused (through action)
5. amused (context clues)
6. hugged (through action)
C. Presentation:
- Reading the story by the teacher, all, group and individual (with the chart posted in the board)
(See Appendix 10)
D. Analysis and Discussions:
For Grade 2 Ask: What are the words with short /u/?
- Pupils can answer orally but the teacher writes the words on the board.
- Let the pupils read/pronounce the words.
- Let the pupils watch a video clip on short /u/

A. From the story that we read, what are the words that have the Group Activity:
same or has a rhyming sound at the end. Group I
- List them down and pronounce. From the poem, encircle the words
B. Present another poem. (See Appendix 11) that have a short /u/.
- Let the children read the poem.
- Let them underline the rhyming words. Group II
- Let the pupils read the underline words. Recite the poem Bug with a correct pronunciation of short /u/.
C. What do we call these words that have the same sound at the
end. Group III
Match the pictures to its correct word.

Group Activity: A. Presentation of output and discuss.
Group I – Encircle the rhyming words. (See Appendix 14) B. Discuss about the short /u/. Let them read or sing together with the video presentation.

Group II – Read the words and find rhyming words and write them
down as you find each pair.
(See Appendix 15)

Group III- Match pictures which name rhymes.

Supply the rhyming words. Choose the answer in the box. (See Name each picture. Choose the answer in the box. (See Appendix 18)
Appendix 17)

A. Match Pictures which name rhymes. A

Match the picture with its name. Connect with lines.
(See Appendix 20)


Grade 1 Grade 2
TG 1 TG 2
LM 1 LM 2
Fun in Engllish 1 Fun in Engllish 2
English Expressway 1

Prepared: Checked:



Day 3
Lesson Objectives Adjectives Use the most frequently occurring prepositions on, in and at.
Recognize describing words for things

Subject Matter Adjectives Using the most frequently occurring prepositions on, in and at
Recognizing describing words for things
Learning Resources K to 12 Curriculum Guide, TG, LM, BOW, poem K to 12 Curriculum Guide, TG, LM, BOW
Procedures Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
A. What are the things are shown in my table? Tell something about each of the things.
B. Present the poem written on a chart.
- Reading of the poem by the teacher, group, individual and all.
C. Ask the following questions:
1. Where did you put the flower? The green leaf? The stone?
2. What is the color of flower and leaf, quantity of stone, number of desk?
-Write the responses on the board and let them read those words.
(See Appendix 21)

A. Ask the following questions: Read the sentences and answer the following questions. (See Appendix 22)
- What is the color of the flower? The leaf?
- How many desk?
- What is the texture of the stone?
B. Write the responses on the board.
C. Underline the words red, green, rough, and one.
D. Explain that those underlined words are called adjectives.
E. Have them analyse sentences on the board ask them what are
adjectives use.

Group Activity: A. Presentation
Group I – Read the stanza. Underline the adjectives. and discussion of the output.
(See Appendix 23) B. Guide the pupils in understanding prepositions more clearly.
- When do we use the prepositions on, in, at?
Group II. Encircle the adjectives use in the sentences. C. Encourage them to give their own examples.
(See Appendix 24)
I Complete the sentences with on, in, or
(See Appendix 25)
Read the following sentences carefully and then encircle the Encircle the preposition use in the sentence.
adjective in each sentence. (See Appendix 27) (See Appendix 28)

Prepared by: Checked by: Validated by:


Teacher I EPS-Math EPS-Filipino/ Division MG Coordinator


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