10 Tips For Leadership

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"Leadership Tool Belt"

Tip #1: Master the ability to lead yourself first

5 Pillars of personal success (physical fitness, mental fitness, personal pursuit (hobbies
outside of the job), professional development (the more compentent = the more confident),
financial knowledge)

What is your leadership style? Traditional (old school), supportive, innovative (interactive
with officers), active.

To acheive those goals use S.M.A.R.T = specific, measureable, action steps, realistic, time
sensitive (deadline)

Growth mindset vs fixed mindset

Extreme Ownership book

Ego Inoculation (self correcting) and The coach's mirror (can you look in the mrror
without beating yourself up)

Tip #2: Master the ability to coach and lead your team effectively

Hybrid Leadership = combination of old school command and control BUT new school

12 Traits of legendary leaders: honesty, humility, loyalty, coachability, passion/drive,

adaptable, courage, antifragility, empathy, confidence, gratitude, awareness

8 Roles of legendary leaders: leader, manager, role model, mentor, influencer,

communicator, coach, crisis manager

Leadership vs Management

Tip #3: Master the ability to connect with all generations

Tip #4: Master the ability to communicate effectively at all levels

5 types of noise in communication: physical, physiological, psychological, semantic,


93% of communication is non verbal

Tip #5: Master the ability to balance te dichotomy of leadership

Buddy to Boss challenge

Tip #6: Master the ability to confidently create an ethical environment for your team

"ethical survival"

Ethical policing

Procedural justice

Tip #7: Mather the ability to recruit, motivate, and retain team members

4 elements of successful delegation: AIRS: authority, information, resources, support

Tip #8: Master the ability to prevent/manage/convert toxic employees

5 dysfunctions of a troubled team: 1) absence of trust. 2) Fear of conlict. 3) Lack of

commitment. 4) Avoidance of accountability. 5) Inattention to results.

5 Steps to creating an effective team environment: 1) create psychological safety. 2)

Establish an ethical culture. 3) Value FTOs, informal leaders, and emerging leaders. 4) Practice
what you preach. 5) Make success of win-win situations.

"Make the deposit before you make the withdraw"

Tip #9: Master the ability to thrive - not just survive - in critical situations

Tip #10: Master the ability to become a leader-producer

Bonus: Master the ability to stay curious as a lifelong learner

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