10 Tips For Leadership
10 Tips For Leadership
10 Tips For Leadership
5 Pillars of personal success (physical fitness, mental fitness, personal pursuit (hobbies
outside of the job), professional development (the more compentent = the more confident),
financial knowledge)
What is your leadership style? Traditional (old school), supportive, innovative (interactive
with officers), active.
To acheive those goals use S.M.A.R.T = specific, measureable, action steps, realistic, time
sensitive (deadline)
Ego Inoculation (self correcting) and The coach's mirror (can you look in the mrror
without beating yourself up)
Tip #2: Master the ability to coach and lead your team effectively
Hybrid Leadership = combination of old school command and control BUT new school
Leadership vs Management
Tip #6: Master the ability to confidently create an ethical environment for your team
"ethical survival"
Ethical policing
Procedural justice
Tip #7: Mather the ability to recruit, motivate, and retain team members
Tip #9: Master the ability to thrive - not just survive - in critical situations