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BATTERY EXAM cause of insurrection?

a. the abolition of the privileges enjoyed by the laborers of the Cavite

SOCIAL SCIENCE Arsenal of exemption from the tribute
1. It is a discipline that existed for around 1,400 years and is as old as b. when Rafael de Izquierdo assumed control of the government
Mathematics and Philosophy. It is a knowledge acquired through inquiry or c. the secular throne that the Spanish revolution overthrew
investigation.- History d. the unchanged government and when Gen. Izquierdo intended to govern
2. ________ became known as the account of the past of a person or group of the people with a crucifix in one hand and a sword on the other
people through written documents and historical evidence.-Historia 11. Multiperspectivity is one of the key concepts of historical analysis. Which
3. The following are the definitions of the History defined by historians of the following does define it?
except for one.-History is a not a ‘selective system’ not only of cognitive, a. It is an important skill for an individual to track the changes in attempt to
but of causal, orientations and reality. understand the past
4. Verifying sources, dating them, locating their place of origin and b. It is a way of looking at historical events, personalities, developments,
identifying their intended function are the process the historians have to do. cultures, and societies from different perspective
What process is this?- Historical Method c. In multiperspectivity, historians may misinterpret evidence, may omit
5. Positivism is a school of thought that emerged between the 18th and 19th significant facts and may impose a different ideology
century. This thought requires the following except what?- positivity d. This is just a way to the failure of historian in his historical interference,
6. Which of the following is not an attribute of Historiography?-It teaches description and interpretation.
students the mantra “no document, no history” 12. Which of the following is a misconception in the ‘Proclamation of
7. Which of the following defines primary sources? Philippine Independence’?
a. It may have pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources in them a. It was Bonifacio who wrote the Act of the Declaration of
b. these sources range from eyewitness accounts, diaries, letters and legal Independence. Ambrocio Rianzares Bautista read it at the Kawit, Cavite.
documents b. The proclamation of the Philippine Independence was on June 12, 1898
c. they are not the participants or witnesses c. The declaration of independence was signed by 98 people, among them an
d. materials produced by people indirectly involved in the event being studied American Army officer who witnessed the proclamation.
8. It is a type of Historical Criticism which distinguishes hoax or d. The passage in the declaration reminds one another passage in the
misinterpretation. American Declaration of Independence
a. External Criticism 13. Kartilya ng Katipunan, which was written by Emilio Jacinto in 1896, has
b. Internal Criticism teachings. Which of the following is included?
c. Hoax Criticism a. A life that is not dedicated to a noble and divine cause is like a tree
d. False Criticism without a shade, if not, a poisonous weed.
9. Which of the following is not a major component of effective historical b. Bear always in mind that love of God is also the love of country, and this,
thinking? too, is love of one’s fellowmen.
a. Sensitivity to multiple causation c. Guard the mandates and aims of K.K.K. as you guard your honor.
b. Sensitivity to Context d. Insofar as it is within your power, share your means with the poor and the
c. Awareness of the interplay of continuity and change in human affairs unfortunate.
d. Sentivity to subjectivity 14. What are the contributions of Cory Aquino in the Philippines?
10. According to the Spanish version of Cavite Mutiny of 1872, what was the l. She restored democratic institutions because she laid the foundation of a
robust and vibrant democracy c. freedom and liberty
ll. She called on America to help the Philippines in preserving the freedom d. 8 tagalog provinces
which the Filipinos have won for themselves 19. Institutions that specialized in communicating information, images and
lll. She abolished the 1973 constitution and she created the Presidential values about ourselves, our communities and our societies…
Commission on Good Governance a. Social Media
lV. Aquino paid the $26 billion foreign debt of Marcos administration b. Communication Media
a. l,ll c. Mass Media
b. l,ll, lll d. Communications Technology
c. l,lll, IV 20. This refers to the dispersal of an ethnic population from an original
d. l,ll, lll, IV homeland into foreign areas by force because of traumatic reasons caused by
15. Which of the following is not true about the book “First Voyage around war, famine, etc.
the World”? a. Global Migration
a. It was written by Antonio Pigafetta, an Italian official chronicler of b. Global Transfer
Magellan’s Expedition c. Global Settlement
b. It provided description, location and distances of the places visited thereby d. Global Diasporas
enhancing the knowledge cartography at that time 21. It signifies the social condition characterized by thick economic,
c. The book contains the retreat of the Spaniards back to Spain on September political, and cultural interconnectedness and global flows that make existing
6, 1522 aboard the Vitoria with a dozen more survivors. political borders and economic barriers irrelevant.
d. The book contains information about the first mass held on March 21, a. Global Village
1521 b. Globalism
16. This is an art form, which veered away from the classical art by c. Globalization
exaggerating human features and poking fun on its subject? d. Economic and Political Globalization
a. Political Caricature 22. In this type of economy, individuals and firms pursue their own self-
b. Editorial Cartooning interest without any central direction or government intervention.
c. Political Cartooning a. Capitalism
d. Classical Caricature b. Communism
17. What is the main reason why Aguinaldo thought that it was necessary to c. Humanitarianism
declare the independence of the Philippines? d. Decentralization
a. the Spaniards are no longer in our country because the American army 23. Globalization does not reflect the arbitrary agenda of a particular social
defeated them class or group of the undisturbed workings of the market indeed preordained
b. to inspire people to fight more eagerly against the Spaniards a certain course of history. What does it imply?
c. to give hope for the oppressed Filipino people a. Globalization is irreversible
d. because the American government will help us achieve our independence b. Nobody is in charge of globalization
18. What does the sun in the Phil. flag which contains a mythical face c. Globalization benefits everyone
represents? d. Globalization is liberalization and global integration of markets
a. civilization and development 24. Which definition best describes a nation?
b. vibrant democracy a. emphasizes the organic ties that hold groups of people together
b. community that emanates from civic society to execute peace legitimately supply
c. compulsory political organization c. Food supply increases arithmetically while population growth
25. Which definition best describes state? increases geometrically.
a. emphasizes the organic ties that hold groups of people together d. Food supply is directly proportional to the number of people
b. community that emanates from civic society to execute peace legitimately 31. This refers to the scientific study of the size, composition, distribution
c. compulsory political organization and changes in human population?
26. Which definition best describes nation-state? a. Demography
a. emphasizes the organic ties that hold groups of people together b. Statistics
b. community that emanates from civic society to execute peace c. Population Growth Study
legitimately d. Population Commission
c. compulsory political organization 32. What are the dimensions of food security?
27. It is a geographical area under the jurisdiction of another country or l. Food Access
sovereign power or state. ll. Food Availability
a. State lll. Food Utilization
b. Territory lV. Stability
c. Country V. Food Protection
d. Nation VI. Sustainability
28. It is the supreme, absolute, and uncontrollable power by which an a. l, II, III, IV
independent state is governed. b. III, IV, V, VI
a. Supremacy c. I, II, IV, VI
b. Sovereignty d. II, III, V, VI
c. Laws e. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII
d. Authority 33. It is a branch of Social Science that deals with the theory, organization,
29. Which of the following does not define International Law? government and practice of the state.
a. It may be defined as the rules and principles that nation-states consider a. Economics
binding upon themselves. b. Politics
b. It pertains to property, trade, immigration and other areas that have c. Political Science
traditionally been under the jurisdiction of individual nations d. Governance
c. It applies only to the extent that countries are willing to assume all rights 34. it satisfies the needs of the present generation without compromising the
and obligations in this area. capacity of the future generation, guaranteeing balance between economic
d. It takes place within the political environment of governmental growth, care for the environment and social well-being.
institutions, political parties and organizations through which a a. Sustainability
country’s people and rulers exercise power b. Development Goals
30. What can we infer from the proportion of growth of people and their food c. Sustainable Development
consumption? d. United Nations
a. Population trend increases 35. This denotes that all people have rights and civic responsibilities of being
b. There is no significant relationship between population growth and food a member of the world with whole-world philosophy and sensibility, rather
than as a citizen of a particular place 42. Rizal was a product of mixture races. Which of these races were said to
a. Civic Responsibility be the genealogical ancestors of Rizal?
b. Global Citizenship a. Malay, Chinese, Spanish, Negrito
c. International Laws b. Chinese, Japanese, Negrito, Malay
d. Planetary Citizenship c. Arab, Negrito, Japanese, Spanish
36. What is not an attribute of Global South? d. German, Malay, Chinese, Spanish
a. Source of raw material 43. What was the main highlight of Rizal’s readings on Dr. Jagor’s Travels in
b. Poor and Less developed region the Philippines?
c. Developing region a. Defects of the Spanish colonization
d. Richer and developed region b. Prophecy that someday United States would colonize the Philippines after
37. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Global City? Spain
a. Well-educated people d. The indolence of the Filipinos
b. It has multinational companies e. a and b
c. Diverse people f. a and c
d. Independent government 44. It was the place where Jose Rizal was buried.
38. It is a specialized agency of the United Nations in 1945. It helps to a. Bagumbayan
eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. b. Luneta Park
a. World Bank c. Paco Cemetery
b. World Food Program d. Manila Chinese Cemetery
c. Food and Agriculture Organization 45. This theory of Thomas Robert Malthus suggested that growing population
d. International Fund for Agricultural Development rates would contribute to a rising supply of labor that would inevitably lower
39. Which is not a power of the President? wages.
a. Military power a. Malthusian Theory of Population
b. Budgetary Power b. Malthusian Theory of Labor and Wages
c. Legislative Power c. Theory of Supply and Demand
d. Power to address the Congress d. Theory of Workforce
40. Which of the following is not a United Nations organ? 46. In La Juventud Filipina, Rizal urged that native-bon Filipino not to
a. General Assembly ___________.
b. Security Council a. Submit to Spanish rule
c. Trusteeship Council b. Remain indifferent to the progress of his/her country
d. Environmental Council c. be lazy
41. What was the underlying rationale behind the imposition of Spanish d. be deceived by the Christian religion introduced by Spain
surnames by Go. Gen. Narciso Claveria? 47. Jose Rizal was only a young boy of sixteen when he first fell in love
a. Easy subjugation of the entire archipelago with?
b. Convenient taxation records and other legal purposes a. Leonor Rivera
c. Filipinos wanted to be Spaniards b. Nellie Boustead
d. Filipino surnames were unique and extraordinary c. Segunda Katigbak
d. Josephine Bracken c. He had no choice since the class already started
48. This masterpiece of Rizal became the First Filipino literature to receive d. both a and b
Spanish recognition as the 1st Prize awardee in a literature contest. Its e. both b and c
messages to the Filipino youth were to rise in lethargy, engage in arts and 54. Rizal had a vocational course leading to the title of ‘pepito agrimensor’
sciences and contribute in the progress of the country. which means…
a. A Footnote to Youth a. good fencer
b. To the Philippine Youth b. agricultural expert
c. To the Filipino Youth c. technology expert
d. Youth as Hope d. expert surveyor
49. What is the correct Spanish order of priests during the Spanish 55. Which situation details Rizal’s first taste of Spanish brutality?
colonization? a. He was brutally slashed and snorted by a Spanish officer due to
a. Augustinians, Franciscans, Jesuits, Dominicans, Recollects alleged disrespect
b. Franciscans, Jesuits, Recollects, Dominicans, Augustinians b. He met an accident involving Spanish officer
c. Dominicans, Franciscans, Jesuits, Recollects, Augustinians c. He was molested by Spanish guest
d. Augustinians, Franciscans, Dominicans, Jesuits, Recollects d. Rizal argued with his teacher, hence, the teacher failed him in his courses
50. Who is the Austrian friend of Rizal who said that Rizal is the greatest 56. Why did Rizal study abroad and pursue higher education?
person that the Malay race has ever produced? a. He wanted to experience learning abroad
a. Ferdinand Blumentritt b. His heart was purely broken after his break up with Valenzuela
b. Rufino Collantes c. He could no longer endure the rampant bigotry and discrimination in
c. Pedro Palaez the Dominican owned university
d. William Howard Taft d. He wanted to take the opportunity of learning abroad for free
51. This act organized the politico-military district of Morong into the 57. Rizal used his penname ________ in his essay Amor Patrio that urged his
Province of Rizal in honor of Rizal’s martyrdom. compatriots to love their fatherland.
a. Act No. 173 a. Dimasalang
b. Act No. 731 b. Agapito bagumbayan
c. Act No. 137 c. Kalipulaku
d. Act No. 177 d. Laong Laan
52. Rizal wrote this poem when he was 15 years old and a student in Ateneo. 58. Rizal enrolled in this university in two courses – Medicine and
He dedicated this poem to his beloved hometown, Calamba. Philosophy and Letters
a. In Memory of Calamba a. Universidad de Barcelona
b. Reminiscing Calamba, Laguna b. Universidad Central de Madrid
c. In Memory of my Town c. University of Sto. Tomas
d. Reminiscing my Town d. Ateneo de Manila University
53. Rizal entered and matriculated at the University of Sto. Tomas with the 59. The savior of the Noli Me Tangere was Maximo Viola. Who was the
course of Philosophy and letters. What was/were the reason for his choice? savior of El Filibusterismo?
a. His father liked it a. Mariano Ponce
b. He was still uncertain as to what career to pursue b. Valentin Ventura
c. Ferdinand Blumentritt a. It is a socio-historical novel based on facts
d. Feodor Jagor b. It cited an armed revolution
60. In March 1883, Rizal joined the Masonic Lodge Acacia in Madrid under c. It was dedicated to Rizal’s mother
his Masonic name Dimasalang. The following are the reasons why he d. It is a political novel in which Rizal predicted the coming of the
decided to become a mason except on. revolution
a. He wanted to become more skilled in fighting to dispatch the friars in 66. What did Rizal claim about Noli Me Tangere?
the Philippines a. It was fictitious description of the oppressed condition of his
b. He needed the help of the masons to fight the abusive friars in the countrymen
Philippines b. It was his way of inciting rebellion
c. By the abuses of the friars in the Philippines, Rizal drove to desperation c. The facts he narrated are true and actually happened
and masonry d. It was a direct attack on the Spanish authorities
61. In 1872, the martyrdom of GOMBURZA truly inspired Rizal to fight the 67. In which literary work did Rizal foretell the Philippine revolution, the
evils of Spanish tyranny and redeem his oppressed people. The governor- coming of the Americans and Spain’s downfall in Asia?
general who ordered the execution of GOMBURZA was __________. a. The Philippines, A century Hence
a. Governor-General Rafael de Izquierdo b. To the Women of Malolos
b. Governor-General Fernando Primo de Tavera c. To the Oppressed Filipino
c. Governor-General Ramon blanco d. The Colonization in the Philippines
d. Governor-General Camilo de Polavieja 68. It was the civic society which aimed to unite the Filipino people before
62. Below are the four statements about the Philippines during Rizal’s time. Rizal’s deportation to Dapitan.
Which statement is false? a. La Solidaridad
a. The system of the government was called frailocracy b. La Liga Filipina
b. The Philippines was represented in the Spanish Cortes c. La Politica del Filipinos
c. The big plantations were owned by religious organizations d. Propaganda Movement
d. The justice system served the interests of the Spanish colonial government 69. Which of the following was the La Liga Filipina aimed to carry out?
63. Noli Me Tangere was originally composed of 65 chapters. However, the I. To spread revolutionary ideas and masonry
chapter Elias and Salome was deleted due to which reason? II. To unite the whole archipelago into one homogenous body
a. Rizal himself was not fond of publishing it II. To assassinate abusive and tyrannical friars and governors
b. It was the least prepared chapter among other chapters IV. To work for the separation of the archipelago from Spain
c. To save the cost of printing V. Expose the abuses of the Spaniards to the whole world
d. Because Maximo Viola said so VI. Make his fellowmen more nationalistic
64. Gesselschaft society is mainly personalistic. How about the Gemeinschaft a. I, II, III, IV
society? b. I, III, V, VI
a. traditional c. II, V, VI
b. self-centered d. I, II, III, IV, V, VI
c. egoistic 70. How did Rizal describe his novel El Filibusterismo in terms of treatment,
d. collectivistic style and content?
65. Which statement of El Filibusterismo is true? a. El Fili is a romantic novel; it is work of heart, book of feeling; it has
freshness, humor, lightness and wit V. Community enrichment projects
b. El Fili is a political novel; it is a work of the head, a book of thoughts; a. I, II, II
containing bitterness, hatred, pain, violence and sorrow b. I, II, III, IV,
c. El Fili is a novel about Filipino ethics, a book of Filipino habits and c. I, II, IV, V
customs; it has humor, wit, bitterness and pain d. I, II, III, IV, V
71. How did Rizal describe his novel Noli Me Tangere in terms of treatment, 76. Which among the following is the latest discovery that holds through
style and content? about the alcohol lamp of Rizal?
a. Noli is a romantic novel; it is work of heart, book of feeling; it has a. It is where Rizal hid his last poem ‘Mi Ultimo Adios’
freshness, humor, lightness and wit b. It was originally owned by Rizal
b. Noli is a political novel; it is a work of the head, a book of thoughts; c. It was a gift to him given by Paz Pardo de Tavera
containing bitterness, hatred, pain, violence and sorrow d. It was destroyed by Spaniards
c. Noli is a novel about Filipino ethics, a book of Filipino habits and customs; 77. What was Rizal’s first article as a contribution in the La Solidaridad?
it has humor, wit, bitterness and pain a. Los Agricultor Filipinos
72. Rizal fell in love a Japanese woman named ______. b. Hymn to Talisay
a. O Sei San c. La Indolencia Filipina
b. Seiko San d. To the Flowers of Heidelberg
c. San san 78. Which gospel did Rizal acquire the formation of the title of the Noli me
d. Min San Tangere?
73. A new movement in studying the Philippines from the scientific and a. St. Luke
historical point of view of Filipino themselves. b. St. John
a. Pansilong Pananaw c. St. Matthew
b. Pantayong Pananaw d. St. Peter
c. Ethic Perspective 79. It is the power to apply the law to contests and disputes concerning
d. Colonial Mentality legally recognized rights or duties between the state and private person or
74. Among the three main propagandists in Europe, he was known to be a between individual litigants in case.
fearless lawyer who exposed Spanish oppression and misdeeds through his a. Executive Power
writings including mocking Spanish friars. b. Judicial Power
a. Antonio Luna c. Legislative Power
b. Jose Rizal 80. It may be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not otherwise
c. Marcelo Del Pilar disqualified by law who are at least eighteen years of age, and who shall have
d. Graciano Lopez Jaena resided in the Philippines for at least one year and in the place wherein they
75. Which of the following are the contributions of Rizal when he was exiled proposed to vote for at least six months immediately preceding the election.
in Dapitan? a. Suffrage
I. Irrigation system b. Liberty
II. Rizal built a school and a clinic c. Democracy
III. Scientific and agricultural discoveries d. Right to vote
IV. Poetry and arts e. Plebiscite
a. Carbon dioxide
SCIENCE b. Methane
c. Nitrous Oxide
1. Which of the following is the cause of the change of seasons? d. Chlorofluorocarbons
a. the rotation of the earth 8. Which of the following instrument is used to measure the diffuse solar
b. prevailing winds blowing across land or water energy as one of the instruments of climate change?
c. the distance of a place from the equator a. pyrheliometer
d. the tilt of the Earth’s axis b. pyranometer
2. It refers to the point 0o longitude; runs through Greenwich, England. c. anemometer
a. Equator d. hygrometer
b. Latitude 9. If earth had no greenhouse effect, it would be ________.
c. Meridian a. completely covered with water
d. Prime Meridian b. hotter
3. When referencing a specific place on Earth by its coordinates, what comes c. colder
first? d. the same as it is now
a. Longitude 10. CFC is the main pollutant in ozone depletion. Upon reaction with
b. Latitude sunlight, CFCs are broken down. Which element is considered as harmful to
c. Prime Meridian the ozone?
d. Equator a. Cl
4. In which of the following climate zones is weather dominated by high b. C
pressure and winter temperatures are below -40oC? c. F
a. Polar Tundra d. Fl
b. Polar ice cap 11, The country experiences an average of 20 typhoons a year, 5 of which are
c. Mid-latitude western continental margin said to be destructive. Which of the following gives reason to this?
d. Mid-latitude eastern continental margin a. The Philippines lies along the Pacific Ring of Fire
5. Which of the following does not best describes dry temperature? b. The Philippines is above the equator
a. a type of temperature measurement that reflects the physical properties of a c. The Philippines is enclosed by oceans
system with a mixture of a gas and a vapor, usually air and vapor d. The Philippines is located in the Pacific Typhoon Belt
b. a temperature does not indicate the amount of moisture in the air 12. All of the following is related to vulnerability except what?
c. a temperature that indicate the amount of moisture in the air a. gender
6. Which of the following instruments is used to measure relative humidity? b. education
a. barometer c. family
b. anemometer d. ethnicity
c. pyrometer 13. Tsunamis are waves generated by?
d. hygrometer I. earthquakes
7. Rice cultivation and cattle raising are significant anthropogenic sources II. underwater landslides
(due to human activities) for the greenhouse gas __________. III. volcanic eruptions
a. I,ll c. temperatures would increase
b. ll,lll d. neither increase nor decrease
c. l,ll,lll 20. Australia emitted 597 million tons of greenhouse gas in 2007. Which of
14. If a large amount of debris, rock and soil slides down a slope, it is what the following ways is the best to cut up to 110 million tons of our emission?
type of landslide? a. Installing energy efficient light bulbs in every home
a. A translational landslide b. Greater energy efficiency in industry and more energy efficient buildings
b. A lateral spread of flow landslide c. Recycling all recyclable waste at home and in industry
c. A lahar slide d. Planting one million trees
d. A fall or topple slide 21. Which of the following best describes the RA 10121 or the Philippine
15. Which of the following statements below characterized the eye of a Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010?
storm? a. it is a new law that transforms the Philippines’s disaster management
a. cloudy and highly stormy system from disaster relief and response towards disaster risk reduction
b. calm and cloudless b. it is a new law that repealed PD 1566 and the focus of this act is on disaster
c. full of strong winds relief and response
d. site with high atmospheric pressure c. it is a reactive law which focuses on disaster risk reduction and
16. In using a fire extinguisher, PASS stands for? management
a. Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep 22. Which of the following is not a salient feature of RA 10121?
b. Plunge, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep a. Formulation of a NDRRM Framework and the NDRR Plan
c. Pull, Aim, Shoot, Stay b. Framework for Climate Change Adaptation & Disaster Risk Reduction and
d. Plunge, Address, Shoot, Sweep Management
17. All of the following are necessary ingredients for fire except: c. Creation of the LDRRM Office
a. fuel d. OCD directors as chair of the RDRRMC with NEDA, DPWH, DOST,
b. oxidizing agent DFA as vice chairs
c. flame 23. Which of the following does not belong to the 4 general phases of
d. heat PDRRM Framework?
18. Which of the following type of fire extinguisher will best extinguish the a. Preparedness
fire that is caused by an oil company? b. Mitigation and Adaptation
a. wet c. Risk Assessment
b. dry d. Response
c. foam e. Rehabilitation and Recovery
d. carbon 24. Medical services, psychosocial support, alternative livelihood and
19. During periods of fast continental drift more CO2 is emitted to the temporary shelter are in what phase of PDRRM?
atmosphere. In general, how would you expect atmospheric temperatures to a. Preparedness
respond? b. Mitigation and Adaptation
a. temperatures would decrease c. Risk Assessment
b. no impact on temperatures d. Response
e. Rehabilitation and Recovery
25. Relocation, structural retrofitting, sustainable livelihood and b. Allowing the entry of relief goods and disaster teams in disaster-
infrastructure rehabilitation are in what phase of PDRRM? stricken area
a. Preparedness c. Substitution of relief goods
b. Mitigation and Adaptation d. Selling of relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities intended for
c. Risk Assessment distribution to disaster victims
d. Response 31. What is the immediate care given to injured or suddenly ill person?
e. Rehabilitation and Recovery a. Survival kit
26. Policies, ordinances, laws, and DRRM planning are in what phase of b. First Aid Kit
PDRRM? c. First Aid
a. Preparedness d. CPR
b. Mitigation and Adaptation 32. It is a break usually in bone. If the broken bone punctures in the skin it is
c. Risk Assessment called an open and compound.
d. Response a. Fracture
e. Rehabilitation and Recovery b. Sprain
27. What department which is a vice chair of NDRRMC is in charge of c. Dislocation
disaster response? d. Strain
a. DILG 33. _________ is the overstretching or tearing a ligament.
b. NEDA a. Fracture
c. DPWH b. Sprain
d. DOST c. Dislocation
e. DSWD d. Strain
28. What department which a vice chair of NDRRMC is in charge of disaster 34. It is the overstretched or overexerted muscle or tendon.
preparedness? a. Fracture
a. DILG b. Sprain
b. NEDA c. Dislocation
c. DPWH d. Strain
d. DOST 35. Which of the following first aid you should not apply if your jowa has
e. DSWD severe bleeding from fracture caused by fighting with your affair?
29. Not less than ___ of IRA and estimated revenue from regular sources a. Monitor for shock, breathing and pulse
shall be set aside as the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management b. Elevate victim’s feet 8 to 12 inches
Fund. c. Avoid applying pressure to stop the bleeding
a. 5% d. Don’t move injured area
b. 10% 36. It is a strip of woven material to hold a dressing or splint.
c. 15% a. bandages
d. 20% b. dressing
30. Which of the following is not a prohibited act in RA 10121? c. socks
a. Forcibly seizing of relief goods d. belt
37. It is the process of immobilizing a suspected fracture. b. Strain
a. splinting c. Dislocation
b. dressing d. Displacement
c. bandaging 44. In first aid for fracture, RICE means?
c. belting a. Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate
38. It is an immediate protective cover placed on a wound. Its purpose is to b. Rest, Ice, Cut, Endure
control bleeding, prevent further contamination and to ease the pain. c. Rip, Ice, Care, Evaluate
a. splint d. Right, Inclusive, Care for Emergency
b. dressing 45. It is a type of burn which damage extends to both outer skin and
c. bandage underlying tissue layers (epidermis and dermis).
c. belt a. First degree burn
39. Which of the following is not a goal of first aid? b. Second degree burn
a. Promote recovery c. Third degree burn
b. Alleviate the suffering d. Fourth degree burn
c. Prevent further injury 1. It is renewable source of energy that does not work all the time and it can
d. Prolong the lives of first aiders be harmful to the environment because the fishes may be blocked from the
40. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a first aider? river.
a. observant a. Tidal
b. tactless b. Wave
c. emphatic c. Biogas
d. respectable d. Hydropower
41. It is a type of burn which damage extends deeper into tissues (epidermis, 2. It is a renewable source of energy that turns waste into fuel.
dermis and hypodermis)? a. Biogas
a. First degree burn b. Biogenic
b. Second degree burn c. Wastage
c. Third degree burn d. Geothermal
d. Fourth degree burn 3. It is a renewable source of energy that is very efficient and doesn’t hurt the
42. Which of the following is not a first aid for snake bites? environment. Limited by its location, this source only occurs on areas of the
a. Having the victim lie down and stay calm. Keep bitten area mobile. world that have volcanoes.
b. Keep the bitten area below level of heart a. Biogas
c. Wash wound with large amounts of warm or room-temperature water with b. Volcanic Gas
or without soap. c. Geothermal
d. Go to an emergency department d. Tidal
43. It is typically a result of strong forces; sometimes accompanied by 4. Which of the following is not considered as non-renewable source of
fractures or other serious injuries; significant displacement can damage energy?
nearby nerves cause serious bleeding. a. Oil
a. Sprain b. Coal
c. Natural Gas d. Hydrogen Fuel Cells
d. Wood e. Biogas
e. Nuclear 10. Scientist has been working on alternative fuel namely ‘Grassoline’ that
5. It is a non-renewable source that is often located around coal or oil can actually be made from a type of grass known as _________.
deposits in the earth. It is used for heating, cooking and generating electricity. a. switchgrass
It is a fossil fuel. b. bamboo
a. Oil c. bermuda grass
b. Coal d. zoysia grass
c. Natural Gas 11. Polar molecules attract one another. This type of intermolecular force is
d. Wood called dipole-dipole attraction. What do we call the special, unusual, very
e. Nuclear strong type of dipole-dipole?
6. It is a non-renewable source of energy that uses the power of the atom to a. Oxygen bonding
create something very simple: steam power. b. Hydrogen bonding
a. Oil c. Polar bonding
b. Coal d. Molecular bending
c. Natural Gas 12. Imagine a body of liquid. The liquid molecules in the bulk have attractive
d. Wood intermolecular forces on all sides, pulling in all directions. These interactions
e. Nuclear minimize the energy of these molecules. What intermolecular force is at
7. It is an alternative fuel that can be made from certain types of vegetable work?
oils. Cars can be converted to burn this kind of fuel. a. Surface tension
a. Biodiesel b. Viscosity
b. Bioalcohol c. Hydrogen bonding
c. Biomass d. Capillary action
d. Hydrogen Fuel Cells 13. This is caused by a combination of intermolecular forces between
e. Biogas neighboring molecules (cohesive forces), as well as intermolecular forces
8. Which of the following is not a type of bioalcohol that can be used as between the liquid molecules and the molecules of the surface of the tube
alternative energy source? (adhesive forces).
a. methanol a. Surface tension
b. propanol b. Viscosity
c. ethanol c. Hydrogen bonding
d. butanol d. Capillary action
e. isopropyl 14. He was the student of Thales who replaced the single element (water) of
9. It is one of the types of nom-fuel methane which may help power the Thales by the four elements: earth, water, air, fire.
planet someday. It is formed in swamps, marches and landfills. a. Anaximander
a. Biodiesel b. Plato
b. Bioalcohol c. Eudoxus
c. Biomass d. Aristotle
15. It refers to the processes used to create copies of DNA fragments, cells, or d. Biotechnology
organisms. 19. It refers to the direct manipulation of DNA alter an organism’s
a. Cloning characteristics (phenotype) in a particular way. This is a process of inserting
b. Genetic engineering new genetic information into existing cells in order to modify a specific
c. Transgenic organism for the purpose of changing its characteristics.
d. Eugenic a. Eugenics
15. He was an astronomer and mathematician who believed that the earth was b. Genetic Engineering
the center of the universe. c. Genetically modified organism
a. Anaximander d. Biotechnology
b. Plato 20. It is a broad discipline in which biological processes, organism, cells or
c. Eudoxus cellular components are exploited to develop new technologies.
d. Aristotle a. Eugenics
e. Nicolaus Copernicus b. Genetic Engineering
f. Claudius Ptolemy c. Genetically modified organism
16. He came up with the radical way of looking at the universe. His d. Biotechnology
‘heliocentric system’ put the sun (helio) at the center of our system. But he 21. It is a term that describes an organism containing genes from another
was not the first one to have this theory. organism out into its genome through recombinant DNA techniques. It is one
a. Anaximander that contains a gene or genes which have been artificially inserted instead of
b. Plato the organism acquiring them through reproduction.
c. Eudoxus a. Transgenic
d. Aristotle b. Eugenic
e. Nicolaus Copernicus c. Genetically modified organism
f. Claudius Ptolemy 22. Which of the following is not a potential risk of GMO in the
17. Johannes Kepler was a German astronomer who discovered the three environment?
major laws of planetary motion. Which of the following is not included? a. Risk in gene flow
a. the planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at one focus b. Emergence of new forms of resistance and secondary pests and weed
b. the time necessary to traverse any arc of a planetary orbit is proportional to problems
the area of the sector between the central body and that arc (the area law) c. Killing of organisms in the field to be able to guarantee harvests
c. there is an exact relationship between the squares of the planet’s periodic d. GM soy and allergic reaction
times and the cubes of the radii of their orbits (the harmonic law) e. tillage
d. planets move in epicycles, smaller circles, and the earth itself moved f. Air pollution
along an equant 23. __________ are often modified so they can be used as vectors for
18. It is the movement that is aimed at improving the genetic composition of inserting genetic information into other organisms. This process is called
the human race. transduction and if successful the recipient of the introduced DNA becomes a
a. Eugenics GMO.
b. Genetic Engineering a. virus
c. Genetically modified organism b. plants
c. bacteria National Research and Development Agenda?
d. yeast a. National Integrated Basic Research agenda
24. Which of the following is not a benefit of GMO? b. Education
a. Horizontal transfer of recombinant genes to the microorganisms c. Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources
b. There is a possibility of increase shelf life d. Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology
c. It takes less land to grow more food e. Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
d. Genetically modified crops can conserve energy and water resources f. Health
e. GMO crops can be tailored to provide better health benefits 30. It is a belief that pleasure is the most important pursuit.
25. He was an astronomer and mathematician who believed that the earth was a. Hedonism
the center of the universe. b. Stoicism
a. Anaximander c. Materialism
b. Plato d. Theism
c. Eudoxus 31. This wave is also called as Agricultural Revolution. This wave started as
d. Aristotle people realized that they could raise crops in the ground.
e. Nicolaus Copernicus a. First Wave
f. Claudius Ptolemy b. Second Wave
26. It is a type of cloning that refers to the transfer of a DNA fragment of one c. Third Wave
organism to a self-replicating genetic element such as bacterial plasmid. d. Fourth Wave
a. DNA cloning 32. He is a Filipino inventor of fluorescent lamp which the most widely used
b. Genetic cloning source of lightning in the world today.
c. Bacterial cloning a. Agapito Flores
d. Reproductive cloning b. Diosdado Banato
27. It is a type of cloning that is used to generate an animal with the same c. Angel Alcala
nuclear DNA as another currently or previously existing animal. d. Juan Salcedo Jr.
a. DNA cloning 33. Which of the following in not a contribution of Spanish Colonization
b. Therapeutic cloning Period in the Science and Technology in the Philippines?
c. Bacterial cloning a. The study of medicine was given priority
d. Reproductive cloning b. The Spanish contributed to the field of engineering in the islands by
28. It is a type of cloning that can be used to create embryos for stem cell constructing government buildings, churches, roads and bridges
research. The goal is not to create a cloned human being but rather to harvest c. Agriculture and industrial development was given focus by the
stem cells that can be used to study human development and to potentially Spaniard colonial
treat disease. d. The Spanish introduced formal education and founded scientific institution
a. DNA cloning 34. Just like any other technological advancements, robotics also faces
b. Therapeutic cloning different problems and dilemmas. Which of the following is not a dilemma
c. Bacterial cloning faced by robots?
d. Reproductive cloning a. Ethical dilemma of robots such as emotional component
29. Which of the following is not part of the five sectors of Harmonized b. Safety
c. Accountability c. Robotics
35. Just like people living in the society, robots also have their own set of d. Vision Systems
rules and characteristics that define what a good robot is. Which of the 41. It is the ability of a computer software and hardware to do those things
following is not included to the laws of robots? that we, as humans, recognize as intelligent behavior.
a. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human a. Artificial Intelligence
being to come to harm b. Turing Test
b. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such c. Robotics
orders would conflict with the first law d. Vision Systems
c. A robot must secure the life the person its serving, not allowing its 42. Which of the following is the proper sequence of Scientific Method?
master to be harmed a. Identify the problem-formulation of hypothesis-gathering of relevant data
d. A robot must protect its own existence of information-testing your hypothesis-analysis of data-conclusion
36. Which of the following is not true about nanotechnology? b. Identify the problem-gathering of relevant data of information-
a. Nanotechnology refers to the science, engineering, and technology formulation of hypothesis -testing your hypothesis-analysis of data-
conducted at the nanoscale, chich is about 1 to 100 nanometers. conclusion
b. The concepts of nanotechnology and nanoscience started in December 29, c. Identify the problem -gathering of relevant data of information-formulation
1959 when Physicist Richard Feynman discussed a method in which of hypothesis-analysis of data- testing your hypothesis-conclusion
scientists can direct and control individual atoms and molecules. d. Gathering of relevant data of information-identify the problem-formulation
c. Nanotechnology employs the study and application of exceptionally small of hypothesis-testing your hypothesis-analysis of data-conclusion
things in other areas 43. It refers to the historical changes in thought of belief, to changes in social
d. A nanometer is a trillionth of a meter & institutional organization that unfolded in Europe in between roughly
37. Which of the following is not a distinct feature of a nanoscale? 1500-1700.
a. Scale at which much biology occurs a. Educational Revolution
b. Scaled-up, reliable, and cost-effective manufacturing b. Historical Revolution
c. Nanoscale materials have far larger surface areas than similar masses of c. Social and Institutional Revolution
larger-scale materials d. Scientific Revolution
d. Scale at which quantum effects dominate properties of materials 44. He is the father of science who focused on practical experiments to
38. It attempts to determine whether the responses from a computer with deduce an idea or fact. He also believed that science and religion cannot go
intelligent behavior are indistinguishable from responses from a human. together.
a. Artificial Intelligence a. Galileo Galilei
b. Turing Test b. Sigmund Freud
c. Robotics c. Francis Bacon
d. Vision Systems d. Isaac Newton
40. It is a major branch of artificial intelligence that involves developing 45. It tells the climate condition of different countries.
mechanical or computer devices that perform tasks requiring a high degree of a. latitude
precision or that are hazardous for humans. b. longitude
a. Artificial Intelligence c. equator
b. Turing Test d. prime meridian
46. It tells the particular time (GMT). c. Augustine
a. latitude d. Thomas Aquinas
b. longitude 2. Plato basically took off from his master and supported the idea that man is
c. equator dual nature of body and soul. In addition to what his master espoused, Plato
d. prime meridian added that there are three components of the soul. Which of the following is
47. It is a robot that measures the temperature and salinity that is being not included?
dispersed in ocean. a. rational soul
a. Electronic Maximum Minimum Temperature b. appetitive soul
b. Radiosonde c. permanent soul
c. Sea Surface Temperature d. spirited soul
d. Argo 3. He agreed that man is bifurcated in nature. The body is bound to die on
48. BONUS QUESTION: Which of the following is not a proxy earth and the soul is to anticipate living eternally in a realm of spiritual bliss
measurement of climate change? in communion with God.
a. when your armpit is sweating a. Rene Descartes
b. ice cores b. Socrates
c. fossil sediments c. Augustine
d. fossil pollen d. Thomas Aquinas
e. ocean sediments 4. For him, man is composed of two parts: matter and form. Matter or ‘hyle’
f. corals in Greek refers to the ‘common stuff that makes up everything in the
g. historical documents universe.’ Form on the other hand, or ‘morphe’ in Greek refers to the
h. tree rings ‘essence of a substance or thing.’ It is what makes it what it is.
49. What event usually happens before perihelion? a. Rene Descartes
a. autumnal equinox b. Socrates
b. winter solstice c. Augustine
c. summer solstice d. Thomas Aquinas
d. vernal equinox 5. He was the Father of the Modern Philosophy, conceived of the human
50. Which of the following has the shortest wavelength? person as having a body and a mind. He was known for his famous ‘cognito
a. Visble Spectrum ergo sum’ or ‘I think therefore, I am.’
b. Infared a. Rene Descartes
c. Radiowaves b. Socrates
d. none of the above c. Augustine
d. Thomas Aquinas
Philosophy 6. He was an empiricist who believed that one can know only what comes
1. He was the first Philosopher who ever engaged in a systematic questioning from the senses and experiences. To him, the self is nothing but a bundle of
about the self. For him, every man is composed of body and soul. impressions.
a. Thales a. Immanuel Kant
b. Socrates b. Gilbert Ryle
c. David Hume identity, his biological givenness.
d. Merleau-Ponty b. Moi refers to a person’s sense of who he is, his body, and his basic
7. To him, there is necessarily a mind that organizes the impressions that men identity, his biological givenness; while personne is composed of the
get from the external world. He suggested that it is an actively engaged social concepts of what it means to be who he is.
intelligence in man that synthesizes all knowledge and experience. c. Moi refers to the self being private which means that self is isolated from
a. Immanuel Kant the external world; while personne refers to the distinction of the soul.
b. Gilbert Ryle d. Personne refers to the self being private which means that self is isolated
c. David Hume from the external world; while moi refers to the distinction of the soul.
d. Merleau-Ponty 12. For them the way that human persons develop is with the use of language
8. He was a phenomenologist who asserts that the mind-body bifurcation that acquisition and interaction with others.
has been going on for a long time is a futile endeavor and an invalid problem. a. Tito, Vic and Joey
He instead said that the mind and body are so intertwined that they cannot be b. Socrates and Plato
separated from one another. c. Mead and Vygotsky
a. Immanuel Kant d. Nancy Chodorow and Tolstoy
b. Gilbert Ryle e. Rodrigo and Leny
c. David Hume 13. In this experiment by Dr. Bandura, the sample children were presented
d. Merleau-Ponty with new social models of violent and nonviolent behavior toward an
9. He solved the mind-body dichotomy that has been running for a long time inflatable redounding doll. This experiment has proven right the hypothesis
in the history of thought by blatantly denying the concept of an internal, non- that social modeling is a very effective way of learning.
physical self. For him, what truly matters is the behavior that a person a. The Social Experiment
manifests in his day-today life. b. The Bobo Doll Experiment
a. Immanuel Kant c. The Behavior Experiment
b. Gilbert Ryle d. Experiment of Social Modeling
c. David Hume 14. Which of the following is not a definition of self-efficacy?
d. Merleau-Ponty a. It is the people’s belief about their capabilities to producer designated
10. Self is the center of all experiences and thoughts that run through certain levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect their
person. It is like the chief command post in an individual where all processes, lives.
emotions and thoughts converge. The statements suggest that self is b. It is not limited to the thinking process of the individual. It is a theory
_________. that includes keeping one’s emotion and motivations.
a. independent c. It comes into play when there is an actual or perceived threat to one’s
b. private personal safety, or one’s ability to deal with potentially aversive events.
c. consistent d. It is a theory based on the assumption that psychological procedures serve
d. unitary as a means of creating and strengthening expectations of personal efficacy.
11. According to Marcel Mauss, every self has two faces: personne and moi. 15. Joshua believes that success is based on hardworking, learning, training
Which of the following tells the difference between the two? and perseverance. What kind of mindset does Joshua have?
a. Moi is composed of the social concepts of what it means to be who he is; a. Mindset of self-efficacy
while personne refers to a person’s sense of who he is, his body, and his basic b. Goal mindset
c. Fixed mindset e. Judaism
d. Growth mindset f. Christianity
16. Joshua believes that his basic abilities, intelligence and his talents are 20. Jews believe in the God of Abraham, the same God that liberated the
keys for his success. What kind of mindset does this Hebrew slaves from Egypt to Canaan. What is the religion of the Jews?
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Joshua have? a. Buddhism
a. Mindset of self-efficacy b. Hinduism
b. Goal mindset c. Taoism
c. Fixed mindset d. Islam
d. Growth mindset e. Judaism
17. Which of the following is not a differentiation between the East and the f. Christianity
West? 21. Which of the following is not Frankl’s source of meaning?
a. Western perspective does not discount the role of environment and society a. purposeful work
in the formation of the self but the focus is looking toward self; while the b. courage
Eastern perspective sees the other person as part of yourself as well as the c. people
things you may create. d. love
b. The Western culture is what we could call individualistic culture while the 22. It is a Filipino term for procrastination. It is a poor habit of laziness that
East culture is collectivistic results to heavier workloads.
c. Competition is the name of the game for the East and more likely a. Bahala na
straightforward and forceful in their communication as well as decision- b. Mañana habit
making; while the West look after the welfare of their groups and values c. Balakajan
cooperation. d. Lakampake
d. West talk about their personal attributes while East talk about their social 23. It can be seen as a code of ethical conduct, of how one should properly
roles and social situations act according to their relationship with other people.
18. According to William James, it is primarily about our bodies, clothes, a. Ethics
immediate family and home. b. Confucianism
a. Physical Self c. Taoism
b. Sexual Self d. Moral Theory
c. Material Self 24. In this Philosophy, the self is not just an extension of the family or the
d. Spiritual Self community; it is part of the universe.
19. When people suffer, they want to experience the goodness of life. It a. Ethics
becomes a habit known as reactive cycle of wanting and hating, like and b. Confucianism
dislike, and craving and aversion. This recycle can be broken through the c. Taoism
practice of meditation. What religion practices mediation? d. Understanding the Self
a. Buddhism 25. This type of social comparison is the more common type of comparing
b. Hinduism ourselves with others. We create a positive self-concept by comparing
c. Taoism ourselves with those who are worse than us.\
d. Islam a. Downward social comparison
b. Self-evaluation maintenance theory c. Self-evaluation maintenance theory
c. Narcissism d. Discernment Law Theory
d. Upward social comparison 31. There is a general agreement that __________, i.e. living well and doing
26. It is type comparison which is comparing ourselves with those who are well, is the highest form of all human goods.
better off than us. a. Telos
a. Downward social comparison b. Eudaimonia
b. Self-evaluation maintenance theory c. Virute
c. Narcissism d. Ethos
d. Upward social comparison 32. Which of the following is true about virtue?
27. Social comparison also entails what is called ___________ which states a. It is not instilled in us by nature; rather it is acquired by habit (ethos)
that we can feel threatened when someone out-performs us, especially when through repetition and practice (habitus).
that person is close to us. b. It is instilled in us by nature; rather it is acquired by habit (ethos) through
a. Downward social comparison repetition and practice (habitus).
b. Self-evaluation maintenance theory c. This is the most common assumption of happiness.
c. Narcissism d. It is the highest good
d. Upward social comparison 33. Which of the following is not a type of persons?
28. It is a trait characterized by overly high self-esteem, self-admiration, and a. Sophron
self-centeredness. b. Akrates
a. Downward social comparison c. Engkrates
b. Self-evaluation maintenance theory d. Self-indulgent
c. Narcissism e. Spirited
d. Upward social comparison 34. He is an individual who knows the good/right and knows what is not
29. There are times that we are aware of our self-concepts; this is called self- good/right but does the good/right.
awareness. Which of the following are types of self-awareness? a. Sophron
l. Private self b. Akrates
ll. Public self c. Engkrates
lll. Cyber self d. Self-indulgent
IV. Social Self e. Spirited
a. I, II 35. He is an individual who is not attracted to vice or weaknesses.
b. I, II, III a. Sophron
c. I, ll, lV b. Akrates
d. l, ll, lll, IV c. Engkrates
30. This theory is based on the belief that certain principles of law are d. Self-indulgent
inherent in the very nature of things and that men can discern these by means e. Spirited
of reason. 36. He is an individual who knows the good/right but does not do the
a. Reasoning Law Theory good/right.
b. Natural Law Theory a. Sophron
b. Akrates b. Thomas Aquinas
c. Engkrates c. Hugo Grotius
d. Self-indulgent d. Thomas Hobbes
e. Spirited 42. He defined natural law as the dictate of right reason, indicating that any
37. An individual who does not even know what is good and right. act, from its agreement or disagreement with the rational nature, has in it
a. Sophron moral necessity or moral turpitude. For him natural law is universal,
b. Akrates unchangeable and supreme.
c. Engkrates A. Marcus Tullius
d. Self-indulgent b. Thomas Aquinas
e. Spirited c. Hugo Grotius
38. It is something that is hard to obtain. It is grasped by a kind of intellectual d. Thomas Hobbes
virtue (practical wisdom) which operates in a way similar to perception. 43. He was an English Philosopher who stated that natural law is a precept or
a. Mean general rule, found out by reason, by which a man is forbidden to do that
b. Virtue which is destructive of his life. The law of nature is thus a dictate of reason.
c. Telos A. Marcus Tullius
d. Eudaimonia b. Thomas Aquinas
39. He stated that the concept of natural law is one of the most confused ideas c. Hugo Grotius
in the history of Western thought. This is due to the fact that there are various d. Thomas Hobbes
conceptions of natural law, and because even those who are in basic 44. He stated that the state of nature has a law of nature to govern, which
agreement on natural law theory often cannot see eye to eye on the obliges everyone; and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind who will
particulars. but consult it. He contends that the law originally given to Adam to govern
a. Whitehead his actions and those of his descendants was the law of reason.
b. Blackhead a. John Locke
c. Blackpinkhead b. Charles Rice
d. Marcus Tullius c. Hugo Grotius
40. He was a proponent of natural law who stated that true natural law – d. Thomas Hobbes
namely, right reason – which is in accordance with nature applies to all men 45. He defined natural law by saying: Morality is governed by a law built into
and is unchangeable and eternal. the nature of man and knowable by reason. Man can know, through the use of
A. Marcus Tullius his reason, what is in accord with his nature and therefore good.
b. Thomas Aquinas a. John Locke
c. Hugo Grotius b. Charles Rice
d. Thomas Hobbes c. Hugo Grotius
41. He began by positing an eternal law – the Divine Reason – by which God d. Thomas Hobbes
governs the universe – and then proceeded to state that man as a creature has 46. It claims that we should each be most concerned with complying with our
the eternal law imprinted on him and by it derives the natural inclination to duties, not attempting to bring about the most good.
proper acts and ends. a. Deontology
A. Marcus Tullius b. Metaphysics
c. Categorical Imperative level. Ethics are defined and influenced by the wider operating environment
d. Hypothetical Imperative in which the company exists.
47. It is a statement about what you ought to do, on the assumption of some a. Macro level
desire or goal. b. Micro level
a. Deontology c. Meso level
b. Metaphysics d. Individual level
c. Categorical Imperative e. Company level
d. Hypothetical Imperative 52. It refers to rules that are unrelated to moral or ethical considerations.
48. Which of the following is not true about utilitarianism? Either these standards are not necessarily linked to morality or by nature lack
a. Utilitarianism focuses on the effects of action ethical sense. For example is fashion standard.
b. The happiness and general well-being of the majority should take priority a. Non-moral standards
c. It attempts to define scope and freedom of individual and the right of b. Moral Standards
others. c. Meso Standard
d. Utilitarianism is a form of morality d. Micro Standard
e. Utilitarianism is a form of justice 53. At this level, judgments could be affected by what guides their values in
f. The moral action is that which produces the greatest good for the greatest terms of what is seen as being accepted by the organizations and the
number professions they are in.
49. Jeremy Bentham is an act utilitarian. Which of the following is not true a. Macro level
about of his concept of utilitarianism? b. Micro level
a. Bentham’s basic assumption is that humans by nature avoid pain and seek c. Meso level
pleasure d. Individual level
b. He argues that individual happiness is the supreme good e. Company level
c. Happiness would be measured in a quantitative scale 54. At this level, human values, including their preferable modes of behaviors
d. Democracy is an avenue to provide individual happiness to the and outcomes, would affect their views on how and what should be achieved
greatest number through his or her behavior.
50. John Stuart Mill is a rule utilitarian. Which of the following is not true a. Macro level
about of his concept of utilitarianism? b. Micro level
a. Utilitarianism is a theory based on the principle that actions are right in c. Meso level
proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce d. Individual level
the reverse of happiness. e. Company level
b. An individual can determine what will produce happiness for every 55. At this level, ethical standards are embedded in the policies and
individual procedures of the organization and form an important foundation on which
c. The moral worth of an act is judged according to the good or bad business strategy is built.
consequences that result from following a moral rule of conduct. a. Macro level
d. In his harm principle, the only good reason for restricting a person’s liberty b. Micro level
is to prevent harm from others. c. Meso level
51. It is one of the three levels of moral dilemma. It is called as systematic d. Individual level
e. Company level
56. At this level, the ethical standards of individuals in the business are on
important consideration. Managers and business owners should be aware of
this to manage potential conflicts.
a. Macro level
b. Micro level
c. Meso level
d. Individual level
e. Company level
57. This is concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the
goodness of badness of human character.
a. Moral Dilemma
b. Non-moral Dilemma
c. Character Dilemma
d. Laila Dilemma
58. Which of the following is not a characteristic of moral standards?
a. It involves serious wrongs or significant benefits
b. It has the trait of universality
c. It is based on impartial considerations
d. It is associated with spirituality
59. Which of the following is not strength of utilitarianism?
a. It provides clear and easy-to-understand guidelines
b. Secular
c. It focuses on happiness and benefits
d. Subjective
60. Which of the following is not a weakness of utilitarianism?
a. Time consuming and difficult
b. It has negative complications
c. We are pleasure-pain creatures
d. Favoritism is natural

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