Mothership - Module - The Horror on Tau Sigma 7 [v1.1]

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A translucent red goo found throughout the area that does not match ■ The job coordinates lead to a small impact crater on Tau Sigma 7,
any known biological records. It is used to preserve and feed where an automated deposit box (ADB) has been dropped from
the young Aliens as well as power the structure. It also carries a orbit. This device, manufactured by Nakatomi Solutions, is a metal
contaminant virus, which will infect non-native species who come into box about the size of a person, with an in-tray for sample deposits
direct contact with the Lifeblood. Upon exposure, target must make and a rudimentary microphone and CRT screen interface.
a Body Save or become infected (1d10 DMG/round until treated). If ■ A cool, pleasant, automated voice will respond to questions, giving
HP is reduced to zero by the infection, make another Body Save. On basic information about the mission. The screen shows directions
success the PC has fought off the infection and is unconscious but to the Cavern along with a scan of the planet’s crust, indicating
alive. On failure, die. the rare metal detected below the surface. If a sample of NM-109
is placed in the ADB’s in-tray, it will send a signal to nearby NAKATOMI SOLUTIONS – Public Missive – tag 000213
Nakatomi ships for extraction, and ask crew members to report to
ALIENS Hardlight Station for payment. Rare metal deposit [Key Type NM-109]
Bites cause Lifeblood infection. Red cephalopod-like creatures about detected on Tau Sigma 7.
a foot in length. They are juveniles, kept in stasis in the ancient Request ground team for site
structure, awaiting the brood mother of their long-extinct species CAVE PAINTINGS access and sample retrieval.
to wake them up for their first hunt. Their physiology is comprised 1. A group of humanoid figures and smaller, tentacled figures march
almost entirely of Lifeblood. down into the earth. They find shiny piles of metal and bring them Hazard level 2.
C:60 Serrated Suckers 3d10 I:40 Hits:2(40) back to the surface, celebrating. Geology unstable.
2. There seem to be more alien figures depicted than before. Biology unconfirmed.
3. You no longer see scenes of a return to the surface or celebration.
IMMUNE RESPONSE 4. As you look, the shiny piles of metal disappear. The humanoid For enquiries regarding on-site injury
The entire structure is organic and uses a natural defence system to figures appear panicked. or harmful exposure, consult Nakatomi
repel intruders. The Immune Response Level begins at 0. Attacking or 5. The number and general appearance of the humanoid figures now Solutions’ Contractor Handbook article
damaging the architecture, aliens or anything else native to the area matches that of the crew members. The depiction of their journey F-7: Corporate Accountability Waiver.
increases the level by 1. Certain triggers may increase it further. When mirrors your own.
the level reaches 7, the structure floods with Lifeblood, drowning 6. The crew members in the paintings are captured, in pools of
anyone below ground level. Lifeblood, surrounded by aliens. The Lifeblood in the paintings
casts a red glow and drips slowly out of the walls.
7. The painted human figures move in the corners of the crew
BIOPLASTIC ARTIFACTS members’ eyes, pleading and writhing in agony. Lifeblood trickles
■ Clutch of fist-sized, solid bioplastic blobs. Something moves inside from the walls, pooling on the floor.
somehow. Highly valuable to the right buyer. 8. The walls run red with Lifeblood, it pours from the floor, walls, and
■ Bioplastic rod that emanates waves of revulsion and is sickening ceiling flooding the entire underground structure.
to the touch. Pacifies Lifeblood creatures and opens Lifeblood
mechanisms. Sanity Save or 1d5 Stress per round held.
■ Curved black barb with a tiny opening at its hooked tip. Stabilizes
Lifeblood infection if injected, granting the user control of the
virus’ mutagenic properties. Also links user to the Lifeblood hive
mind—Sanity Save or 1d10 Stress.

Written by D. G. Chapman Art by Vil

Layout by Eric K. Hill Edited by D. Kenny
This product is based on the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game, published
by Tuesday Knight Games. This product is published under license. Mothership RPG is
a trademark of Tuesday Knight Games. All rights reserved. For additional information,
visit or contact
■ A large outcropping on the planet’s surface, visible from the Drop ■ A hot, cramped space full of odd, black bioplastic machines and
Site. Rounded holes in the smooth rock face give access to a hollow medical devices, humming with faint residual power. A large glass
interior. The stone forms chambers, flowing in arches and loops, tank full of Lifeblood contains a dead human, frozen in agony.
with a main atrium at ground level dividing into passages and sub- Inspection clearly shows they died of infection from the liquid.
chambers overhead that can only be accessed by climbing. ■ Faint Lifeblood stains continue in a path from the chamber and
■ There is a shallow dome in the centre of the ground. Inspection reveals into a cage next to the tank, containing the skeletons of two other
2. Tunnels it is hollow—this is a trapdoor, with an open space below. A fist-sized humans and an Alien from the hatchery. The creature is feeding on
hole at the dome’s centre is lined with rows of sharp spikes. These mummified scraps of flesh from the corpses, and does not notice
Drop Site clamp down on anything inserted. If this keyhole is fed Lifeblood, the any intruders at first.
trapdoor opens. Damaging the trapdoor or opening it by other means
increases the Immune Response Level by 2. 7. HATCHERY
3. Antechamber ■ This room is hot and humid. Black bioplastic coats the walls and
2. TUNNELS floor like an oil spill, with small tanks of Lifeblood appearing to
■ Natural tunnels loop and interwine through the rock. Holes in the grow naturally in irregular patterns, glowing brightly red. In each
1. Cavern walls lead outside and to the top of the stone outcropping. tank, an Alien is kept in stasis. Damaging or interfering with the
■ Through one small opening, the inside of the Antechamber can be tanks will cause the Aliens to wake and attack, and increase the
clearly seen. The opening is about the size of a human head, in a wall Immune Response Level by 2.
4. Shaft of thick stone. This hole is the only access to the antechamber. ■ One of the tanks has been smashed from the inside. The escape
was recent, Lifeblood still dripping onto scattered glass shards.
3. ANTECHAMBER A trail of Lifeblood stains leads to the Lab and the escaped Alien.
■ The only way in and out of this small room is a hole in the upper ■ A domed door resembling the trapdoor above leads to the cache.
cavern, with no holes in the outer wall. The space itself is large enough A hole in its centre is lined with spikes which clamp down on
to fit several people. anything inserted. Feeding the hole Lifeblood opens the door.
■ A bulbous growth of shiny black bioplastic is affixed to the far wall, Damaging the door or opening it by other means increases the
warm and faintly pulsing. A nozzle attached to a short tube extends Immune Response Level by 2.
from the growth. The nozzle steadily drips Lifeblood. If stretched, the
tube extends indefinitely. 8. MAW
■ The bioplastic will produce Lifeblood and pump it continuously ■ This circular room joins to the Lab and Mess via winding tunnels. A
through the nozzle if the nozzle is inserted into anything. If the small ledge leads around the rim of a cavernous mouth embedded
bioplastic growth is attacked it bursts, showering the antechamber into the floor—rows of sharp teeth descending into a black-red
5. Chamber in Lifeblood and increasing the Immune Response Level by 2. gullet. Heat rises from the fanged abyss.
■ The maw will devour anything thrown into it, killing living organisms
4. SHAFT instantly. If it is fed Lifeblood, the Immune Response Level of the
■ Beneath the trapdoor, a cylindrical tunnel descends straight down structure will slowly decrease.
into the planet’s surface. The centre of the shaft is a sheer drop from
6. Lab top to bottom, while along the edges are a spiralling slope downwards. 9. MESS
A faint red glow comes from the bottom of the pit, the ambient ■ Obvious traces of Lifeblood coat every surface here. A slick, black
temperature slowly increasing towards the bottom of the shaft. bioplastic growth is attached to the wall, pulsing with a faint
■ Along the walls of the slopes are Cave Paintings. These are organic warmth that fills the room.
camouflage patterns tied to the structure’s immune response system. ■ As in the antechamber, a nozzle extends from the growth dripping
The paintings shift, depicting different images as the Immune Lifeblood which can be extended indefinitely, pumping out
Response Level increases. If the level is above 0, any crew member Lifeblood if inserted into any orifice. If attacked it bursts in a spray
inspecting the paintings gains Stress equal to the current level. of Lifeblood and raises the Immune Response Level by 2.
■ In the far wall, a small hole looks through onto the cache.
■ A wide space beneath the planet’s surface, much warmer than above. 10. CACHE
A spiralling slope leads back up the vertical shaft, with three arched ■ An alcove that can be accessed through the door in the hatchery, or
openings in the walls leading to separate tunnels, connecting to the through the small hole in the mess. Open containers hold nuggets
Hatchery, Lab and Mess. The Hatchery’s deep, red glow emits from of rare metal NM-109, and there are various Bioplastic Artifacts
the tunnel leading to it. stacked against the walls.
10. Cache 8. Maw ■ The domed ceiling is low and covered in Cave Paintings. Faint
Lifeblood stains on the floor form a path between the Hatchery
7. Hatchery 9. Mess tunnel and the tunnel to the Lab.

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