Product Owner Syllabus
Product Owner Syllabus
Product Owner Syllabus
Understand the Scrum Flow, the core components of the Scrum framework, and the Scrum vocabulary
Understand the principles/legs of empirical process control
Understand the work culture Scrum creates
Understand the scope of the Product Owner, ScrumMaster and the team role in detail
Understand why there is no project manager and no agile product manager
Product Vision
Understand the importance of having the product vision as an overarching goal galvanizing the entire
Scrum team
Understand the desirable qualities of the vision and how it can be shaped
Understand the importance of carrying out just enough prep work
Understand the relationship between vision and product roadmap
Product Backlog
Release Management
Understand the product owner’s role in Scrum meetings, and how the Product Owner and Team
Understand why sprints are timeboxed and protected
Understand the concept of sustainable pace
Understand team commitment