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Review Article

Use of fly larva (Maggots) in Cancer Treatment: A systematic review

Masoud Ahmadnejad1 , Javad Rafinejad2 , Mohammad Tolouei3

Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Urmia University, Urmia,
Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Clinical Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

Corresponding Author:
Tel: +989141105054

Introduction: Superficial cancers are one of the most common cancers in humans and animals. The use of maggot therapy as an
alternative treatment is expanding and has achieved great success in treating superficial. Maggot extracts and secretions have been
[ Downloaded from on 2024-07-03 ]

also demonstrated to have beneficial biological effects. The present study aimed to perform the first systematic review of the use of
maggot, as well as its secretions and extracts, in neoplasms.
Methods: In the current review study, online databases, such as Pub Med, Web of Science, Scopus, and Embase, were searched
to retrieve the published studies from 1985-2021. The used keywords were Maggot therapy, Larval therapy, Larval extract, Larval
secretions, Cancer, Neoplasm, and Tumor. Only research on the larvae of the order Diptera was included in the present study.
Results: Out of 387 screened papers, 9 articles met the proposed inclusion criteria. There were three articles on the use of maggot
debridement therapy in tumor lesions and six articles on the effect of maggot secretions and extract on neoplastic cells. Maggot
debridement therapy has been able to control the complications of skin tumors and breast cancer. Several studies have also reported
anti-tumor effects on larval extracts and secretions.
Conclusions: Maggots were able to improve the appearance of lesions and prevent further tumor growth that was progressing before
larval therapy. It seems that maggot therapy can be used to treat necrotic tumors; moreover, its extract and secretions can be used to
treat a wider range of cancers in humans and animals. Nonetheless, more studies are needed in non-progressive cancers to determine
the true effects of this method.

Keywords: Complementary Therapies, Larva, Necrosis, Neoplasms

Citation: Ahmadnejad M, Rafinejad J, Tolouei M.Use of fly larva (Maggots) in Cancer Treatment: a systematic review.J Surg
[ DOI: 10.32592/jsurgery.2022.10.3.101 ]

Received: December 30, 2021 Revised: March 19, 2022 Accepted: May 22, 2022

J Surg Trauma 2022;10(3):95-102

Use of fly larva (Maggots)
Introduction Lucilia (Phoenicia) sericata which belong to the
Cancer is a major public health problem and a Calliphoridae family. (8). Other species of flies, such
leading cause of death in developed countries (1). as Lucilia cuprina, have been used in some studies
Skin cancer is one of the most common neoplasms of to treat ulcers (9).
whites, with a rising incidence across the globe (2). Larval therapy is widely applied in human and
The prevalence of melanoma is significantly related animal medicine and nowadays is mostly used in the
to skin color and is higher in whites than in other treatment of human diabetic wounds and infectious
ethnic groups. The risk of developing melanoma wounds of animals. Larval therapy has been also
increases with age. Men are more likely to get the effective in the treatment of pressure, vascular,
tumor than women (3). Non-melanoma skin cancers and surgical ulcers (10-12). The results of using
(NMSCs) are the most commonly diagnosed tumors. larvae are faster and sometimes more effective than
Most NMSCs are basal cell carcinoma and squamous conventional treatments. One of the advantages of
cell carcinoma (SCC), accounting for 70% and 25% larval therapy is no need for equipment, specialist,
of cases, respectively (2). hospitalization, and intensive care, as well as lower
The decision to perform surgical excision as a costs. The larvae only need oxygen during the period
preferred treatment of skin tumors can be affected and due to their photophobic nature, they penetrate
by various considerations, including co-morbidities, deep into the wound, where it is not accessible to the
the anatomical site of the lesion, and potential surgeon without invasive surgical intervention. No
intolerance for repeated excisions. Topical treatments significant side effects have been reported for larval
have less toxicity than systemic treatments. The therapy (8,13). The larval therapy method has been
5-Fluorouracil, Imiquimod, Photodynamic therapies, performed by Dr. Mirabzadeh and his colleagues in
[ Downloaded from on 2024-07-03 ]

Ingenol mebutate (PEP005), and retinoids (Vitamin special centers in Iran for several years (14).
A analogs) are known as surface treatments used in The maggots have received the title of small
skin cancers (4). Moreover, malodorous and fungal nature surgeons by the debridement and removal of
lesions in advanced skin cancers are a challenge necrotic material (13). Maggots secrete substances
for medical staff. Surgical debridement, systemic that have antibiotic properties against Pseudomonas
antibiotics, and dressings are commonly used to aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus
treat this condition. However, the results are often aureus (15-16). In one experiment, the extract
unsatisfactory and, in some cases, contraindicated of L. sericata laurel was demonstrated to reduce
due to the possibility of bleeding and further tumor inflammatory mediators, such as IL-1β, IL-6,
invasion (5). Maggots (larvae) therapy can help TNF-α, and NFκB. In this study, the antioxidant
manage these complications. properties of larval extracts were proven by HO-
The larvae of flies (maggots) have long been used 1, SOD, GSH-Px, MPO, and MDA methods (17).
by the Mayan Indians, as well as some Spanish and Antiviral properties have also been exhibited for the
Greek tribes, for the treatment of human wounds. secretion and extract of Lucilia cuprina larvae (18).
The larvae were even used to heal soldiers' wounds In summary, maggots have the following therapeutic
during the Napoleonic Wars; nonetheless, with the properties: antibiotic, anti-biofilm, synergy with
[ DOI: 10.32592/jsurgery.2022.10.3.101 ]

development of modern medical equipment, this other antibacterials, antifungal, anti-inflammatory,

method received less attention. Maggot therapy is immune system modulator, a regulator of fibroblast
a method in which sterile fly larvae are used to treat growth, coagulation enhancers, nerve repair,
superficial lesions in humans and animals. Scientific anti-atherosclerotic, and anti-tumor (19). Some
studies on the use of maggots were started by Dr. papers have suggested that larval therapy is useful
W. Bayer (6). Larval therapy was approved by the in the treatment of tumor lesions; however, a
US Food and Drug Administration in 2003 (7). The comprehensive study is not available in this context.
most commonly used larvae in larval therapy are The present study was performed to find evidence
J Surg Trauma 2022;10(3):95-102 96
Rafinejad et al.

to prove or disprove the possible effect of the irrelevant papers were deleted. Original articles and
order Diptera larvae on the treatment of neoplastic case reports on the use of maggot therapy or larval
lesions. Accordingly, a systematic review study secretions and extracts in lesions or neoplastic cells
was performed on the use of maggot therapy in published online were included in the study. The
cancerous lesions or maggots secretions and extracts articles containing at least English abstracts were
in neoplastic cells. included in the study since there are limited studies
and reports in some scattered areas and their minimal
Material and Methods information should not be lost. Only research on
The present systematic review was conducted based the larvae of the order Diptera was included in the
on the Cochrane protocol according to the PRISMA present study. The bias may be due to the lack of
guidelines (Figure 1). A query was conducted on access to articles published in non-English languages
international databases, such as PubMed, Scopus, and selective reporting within studies.
Web of Science, Embase, and Google Scholar (as
gray literature) for a 35-year period from 1 January Results
1986 to 10 November 2021. This period was A total of 387 articles were retried from the papers
selected due to the long history of larval therapy and published from 1991-2021. The highest number
the initial search. Search terms used were ("Maggot of articles was from Scopus (n=273), Web of
therapy" Or "Larval therapy" OR "Larval extract" Science (n=93), Embase (n=9), and Pambod (n=4),
Or "Larval secretions") And (Cancer OR Neoplasm respectively. Eight articles were identified from the
OR Tumor). The terms were searched in the topic, results of Google Scholar searches related to our
title, abstract, and keywords of published articles. topic. 68 duplicate papers were detected and deleted
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Duplicate articles were removed using EndNote X8 using EndNote X8 software. Out of 319 articles left
(Thomson Reuters, Toronto, Canada). after the removal of duplicates, 74 articles remained
In the first stage, some unrelated articles were after reviewing the titles and abstracts, and finally,
deleted based on the title evaluation. In the second after a careful review of the criteria, 9 articles were
stage, the abstract of the articles was evaluated, and included in the present study (Figure 1).
[ DOI: 10.32592/jsurgery.2022.10.3.101 ]

Figure 1. Systematic review PRISMA flow diagram

J Surg Trauma 2022;10(3):95-102 97

Use of fly larva (Maggots)

The revision of nine eligible articles (Table 1) myiasis lived for 15 years (24). There have been
indicated that 11 cases of maggot debridement other reports of involuntary myiasis associated
therapy have been performed in human with skin neoplasms in humans.
proliferative lesions (SCC, Kaposi's Sarcoma, In all of these reports, tumors grew very slowly
and Endometrial adenocarcinoma metastasis) and (25-27). According to some scientists, studies on
horses (Melanoma, SCC, and Sarcoid). horse skin can be considered a model for human
These tumor lesions were located in the legs, chest, skin lesions (28). In one article, three uses of
head, and neck. One case of myiasis with breast maggot therapy on proliferative lesions in the
cancer yielded good results. Larvae extract has motor organs of horses were presented.
been also used in the treatment of mice hepatoma, A proliferative lesion in a horse with larval
and the effect of larvae extract on human leukemia therapy was completely healed. In the case of
cells and human lung cancer cells have been horse melanoma, debridement and granulation
investigated. tissue production were observed following maggot
Lucilia sericata larvae have been used in most therapy.
cases; nonetheless, Chrysomya megacephala and Nonetheless, maggot therapy in a chronic SCC
Phormia Regina larvae have been also used in did not have a positive effect on lesion healing
some cases. (29). In one study, maggot therapy with L. Sericata
Although we have high hopes that fly larvae can larvae was performed on four cases of equine
be effectively used in the treatment of neoplasms, sarcoid lesions (fibroblastic tumor).
limited studies are available on the effect of maggot In two of the horses, the results were satisfactory
therapy on these lesions (13,20). and caused the appearance of healthy skin; however,
[ Downloaded from on 2024-07-03 ]

Maggot therapy has been performed for a no positive results were observed in the other two
malodorous lesion caused by SCC in a human cases (30).
chest. In this case, the smell and appearance of the Larval secretions and extracts can also have anti-
wound improved after two rounds of larval therapy. tumor effects. In one study, the effect of two fatty
Pain in the area prevents the next larval therapy acids extracted from Chrysomya megacephala
(21). Larval therapy with L. Sericata for Kaposi larval extract was investigated using a colorimetric
Sarcoma reduces odor and infection, improves assay (MTT) and Sulforhodamine B (SRB) methods
blood flow, and prevents amputation. The author on human leukemia cells HL-60 and human lung
considers the use of larval therapy useful for the cancer cells A-549.
final stage of malignant wounds and recommends Both of these substances had an inhibitory effect
that more studies be conducted in this regard (5). on cancer cell growth, and HIV-1 integrase. ω-6
Maggot therapy was performed for a metastatic PUFA was the main active ingredient in these fatty
necrotic wound in the leg following malignant acids (31). The feeding of C. megacephala larval
adenocarcinoma of the endometrium. extract for 10 days to hepatoma-bearing mice
Conventional treatments before maggot therapy models reduced tumor complications.
failed to heal the wound. Larvae treatment removed The protein expressions of p38 mitogen-activated
[ DOI: 10.32592/jsurgery.2022.10.3.101 ]

the necrotic tissue on the wound and the granulation protein kinase (p38MAPK) and phosphorylated-
process appeared to have begun (22). p38MAPK (p-p38MAPK) in tumor tissues, as well
Larval therapy has been also used to treat skin as the levels of interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, tumor
tumors in the head and neck (23). necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and vascular endothelial
There have been cases, in whom skin cancers have growth factor (VEGF), were detected in tumors.
been associated with spontaneous myiasis. In one The antitumor mechanism of the C. megacephala
case, a person with fibroepithelial cell neoplasia of extract may be related to cytokines and activation
the breast (phyllodes) who had been associated with of the p38 MAPK signal pathway (32).
J Surg Trauma 2022;10(3):95-102 98
Rafinejad et al.
Table 1. Reports and research on the use of maggots in the treatment of cancer

No Patient Maggot Application Neoplasm Place Result Source

Improve smell and Jones
1 Human Unknown MDT SCC Chest
appearance 1998
Reduces odor and
Leg and infection, Improves Lin
2 Human L. Sericata MDT Kaposi’s Sarcoma blood flow
chest 2015
Prevents amputation
Endometrial Removed the necrotic Sealby
3 Human L. Sericata MDT adenocarcinoma Leg tissue Granulation
metastasis appeared 2004
Head and Improved necrotic Reames
4 Human P. Regina MDT SCC
neck wound 1988

5 Human Unknown Associated Myiasis Phyllodes Breast Lived for 15 years Kudchadkar

Human leukemia Inhibition of cancer

Human Extracted cells (HL-60) Jun-Qing
6 C. megacephala Cell culture cell growth
[ Downloaded from on 2024-07-03 ]

cells fatty acids Human lung cancer 2008

cells (A-549)

Mice Reduced tumor Zhang

7 Mice C. megacephala Larval extract Hepatoma
model complications 2020
Melanoma Lepage
8 Horse L. sericata MDT --- Improved healing
SCC 2012
Removed the
necrotic tissue Ahmadnejad
9 Horse L. sericata MDT Sarcoid Leg Granulation
appeared Improve 2021
DMT: Maggot debridement therapy

Discussion skin cancers, in humans and animals.

The results of a systematic study demonstrated The beneficial effects of larval therapy in the
[ DOI: 10.32592/jsurgery.2022.10.3.101 ]

that maggot debridement therapy was sporadically treatment of cancers can be exerted via different
used in humans and animals. Due to the successful pathways. The amino acid 3-Guanidinopropionic
use of maggot therapy in the treatment of skin and acid (GPA) isolated from the secretions and extracts
superficial cancers, such as breast cancer (5,21– of L. sericata larvae, like its other analogs, can be
23), as well as the anti-tumor properties of extracts expected to have antitumor properties (33). The
and secretions of larvae in the laboratory (31-33), it substances secreted by maggots have proteolytic
seems that this natural treasure can be effective and properties and similar activity to trypsin, leucine
practical in the treatment of neoplasms, especially aminopeptidase, and carboxypeptidase. The
J Surg Trauma 2022;10(3):95-102 99
Use of fly larva (Maggots)

larvae and their extracts can modulate the growth, studies.

proliferation, and migration of cells, including
fibroblasts, by modifying the extracellular matrix Conclusion
(19,34). These properties may help reduce Maggot therapy seems to be an effective way to
overgrowth in skin cancers. Since larvae are cure malodorous and infectious cancer wounds.
photophobic, they penetrate deep into the wound Even some secretions from larvae can help control
without causing destructive effects. However, the cancer by modifying cell proliferation processes.
application of conventional techniques to access Nevertheless, to obtain more accurate and reliable
this area is accompanied by an invasion of normal information, more clinical trial studies should be
tissues. Studies have suggested that maggot performed on the use of larval therapy, as well as
therapy does not adversely affect chemotherapy larval extracts or secretions, to treat cancers.
with antibiotics (13,35).
Most findings confirm the anti-tumor effects of Funding
larvae; nonetheless, a recent study indicated that None.
larval therapy expresses some of the genes involved
in tumor formation. The activation of such genes Conflicts of Interest
can help repair ischemic wounds, such as diabetic The authors declare that they have no conflict of
wounds, by activating angiogenesis (36); however, interest.
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J Surg Trauma 2022;10(3):95-102

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