CthulhuTech - Hot Merchandise II - OP 2
CthulhuTech - Hot Merchandise II - OP 2
CthulhuTech - Hot Merchandise II - OP 2
CthulhuTech is a game. It is a work of fiction intended as entertainment. Everything contained
within is a product of imagination. None of it is real.
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters, and themes. All mystical and super-
natural elements are fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
of Contents
04 Introduction
06 Act One
09 Act Two
13 Act Three
18 Important Supporting Cast
Welcome to Hot Merchandise I, the first adventure game. If you’re interested, you can find it at
in the epic story of Mom’s Coming to Dinner. This http://open.spotify.com/user/wildfire_studios/playlist
is a ready-to-run adventure that can be part of /0cRWZa4rbdJbDzBFZ1hWuK, or find the URL on
Organized Play. our Facebook page at facebook.com/cthulhutech.
We will be updating over time, to expand the
This is an introductory story for those interested repertoire of music and moods.
in starting an Eldritch Society game. It assumes
that most, if not all, of the Dramatic Characters
are Tagers, and any other mix will require you to
Rules for Organized Play
The great advantage of Organized Play is that
tone down parts. The story follows a group of players (and Storyguides) have the flexibility to
Tagers tailing a group of Chrysalis Corporation use their Characters in different groups. Perhaps
operatives into Seattle. Ultimately, they become they’re playing an event at a local hobby store or
embroiled in much larger plots going on in the at a convention, they’re playing in two groups,
shadows of the arcology. or their group dissolves or moves on to another
game and they want to keep playing.
This adventure is for Level 1 Characters, which
are those that have a total of 20-25 Skill Points. Using the guidelines here, players can keep their
If your Characters are more advanced than that, treasured Characters going through Mom’s Com-
you will need to adjust things to be appropri- ing to Dinner without restriction.
ately challenging.
Level 1 Characters
Naturally, these adventures are intended for Sto- This adventure is designed for Level 1 Charac-
ryguides. However, as a player, you may find the ters, which means they have earned up to 10
way the setting of CthulhuTech is brought to life Advances.
in these adventures useful for your visualization
of your Character and game. You probably don’t If players have been playing CthulhuTech outside
want to memorize the adventures if you plan to of Mom’s Coming to Dinner, they may have enough
play them – it’ll only ruin your enjoyment. Skill Points to be considered a higher Level. If
this is the case, you’ll need to bump up the diffi-
Organized Play Adventures culty and foes in this adventure in order to make
The CthulhuTech Organized Play adventures will it appropriately challenging.
take you through the most significant events in
the Strange Aeon, as designed. Adventure Rewards
Characters completing this adventure should re-
This doesn’t mean that you won’t come up with ceive 15 Experience. You can give these out over
awesome and significant adventures on your sessions, or you can give them all out at the end.
own, but these are the ones we designed to hit
the high points based on what we’ve created. Verification
Since players can travel between groups within
Soundtrack Organized Play, any kind of Character advance-
We’ve created a soundtrack for CthulhuTech on ment needs to be tracked and verified by the
the popular Spotify platform. It is composed of Storyguide. This is to make sure that everyone
dark ambient and experimental music, designed stays honest from group to group.
to provide an interesting background for your
more formal way to verify advancement is to In any event, make the judgment call that works
post the above details to the player’s Facebook best for your group.
Wall. This creates a digital record that is less
easily disputed, if it ever comes to that. Playing Outside the OP
Enthusiastic players may wish to play adventures
Character Death that are not part of Mom’s Coming to Dinner in
If a Character dies, the player shouldn’t be between Organized Play adventures. That’s awe-
handicapped in terms of playing in Mom’s Com- some and no one should be penalized for that.
ing to Dinner. Have the player create a new Char-
acter with the same number of Experience as the However, if anyone wants to bring in such a
Character who has passed on. Character, they should have all outside advance-
ment verified by their Storyguide, just as if they
However, have that player keep the deceased were playing within Mom’s Coming to Dinner.
Character with the new one, so that all Experi-
ence has been tracked and verified for purposed
of Organized Play.
Suspected Cheating
Cheating is poor sportsmanship, most especially
in roleplaying games. Most people simply don’t,
since roleplaying games are about the story.
nervous that they are the ones that killed Karen Hassan seems awed by the find, but gives the
– he obviously has ears out on the street. New artifact back to the Characters when he is fin-
people in town coming to see him, and someone ished. He would gladly make an offer, but he
with an unsavory connection to him is brutally doesn’t know what would be valuable enough to
murdered – it all looks a little suspicious. offer for such a thing. Happy for this opportu-
nity, he offers to help in any further way he can.
The Characters should, of course, try to talk When asked to speculate on what the Children
their way out of it. After all, Hassan still has the of Chaos might want with the circlet, Hassan
artifact. If they choose to shift, Hassan calls off can venture a few guesses but nothing concrete
his dogs. He has heard things about Tagers and – probably something to do with a fertility rite.
is fascinated by them. He has the courtesy to
not ask too many questions, sends his guards It would all be great if Hassan hadn’t just slipped
away, and assumes that if they killed Karen that them fakes. The fake artifact has been lightly en-
she had it coming. Either way, the Characters chanted so that it will still read as magic, but the
are in the clear. sneaky sorcerer has kept the real power for him-
self. You see, Hassan’s the bad guy. He’s giving
When the Characters warn Farouk that his life them duplicates so he can sell the original item
is in danger, he gives them an amused look. back to the Chrysalis Corporation. You might
Referring to his bodyguards, he assures them say he’s one of their outside contractors. He’s
that he’s got more where they came from, and the one who had his otherworldly servants kill
he was planning on visiting some out of town Karen V. She betrayed his confidence – a serious
friends anyhow. lack of judgment on her part. In a few hours,
that shop will be empty and Hassan and his as-
The Artifact sistant will have gone underground.
Hassan returns the artifact and lays out what
he’s learned; Karen’s death motivated him to He’s also an incredibly accomplished liar –
work quickly. It’s very old – the name is said to catching him in a lie will require an Incredibly
be Sumerian, but it is suspected that it existed Hard Test, using a skill such as Law Enforce-
long before that. It has been reported in ancient ment, Persuade, Misdirect, or any similar skill.
Egypt, but supposedly lost at that time. Split
that he’s not being tailed. Since he’s a Vrykol Laurence Zimmer
and supernaturally perceptive, the Characters
are going to have to be very good and very care- Nlada - Experienced, Nazzadi male, late-thirties,
ful – he’s got an Observation 4, with a Percep- Outsider-Tainted sorcerer with brilliant green
tion of 12, in addition to senses beyond those eyes with sideways feline pupils, amoral and sin-
of mere mortals. He’ll make four Tests against ister. He works as a trusted servant of Mr. Has-
his pursuers (four per group if they split up). If san, a lieutenant in his black market dealings.
he catches on to them, he’ll lead them on a wild
goose chase until he thinks he’s lost them, and The Warehouse
then get back on track. Finding him again will Zimmer gets off the train and takes off into a
take a Hard Observation Test. If the Charac- warehouse neighborhood, still cautious to en-
ters can’t pick him up again, Katie will shift and sure that he is alone. As it’s night and the fake
follow him more discreetly, letting them know sky has turned dark, there aren’t a lot of people
where he goes. If Zimmer discovers he’s being roaming around a place like this. About the only
tailed more than once, he’ll lead the Characters sign of civilization is a corner market they pass
into an ambush of an Elib and two Dua-Sanaras
(Storyguides should feel free to bump up the
on the way. (It’s run by a loud Korean couple and
they’re getting ready to close.) Zimmer eventu-
numbers for a larger group). ally cuts down a dark alley, approaches a smaller
warehouse, and slides a key card through a slot
Eventually, he takes a mag-lev train down a few and enters.
levels, deep into the SoDo industrial area – over-
all, not a quick ride and one with lots of oppor- The warehouse looks pretty secure and only has
tunity for failure. a few windows mounted high into the walls for
some “natural” light. It is very difficult to see in-
Act II: Hassan & Co side, as warehouse racks filled with crates block
Act Goals: To investigate the warehouse, to dis- the view. While it is certainly within their pow-
cover the complicity of Farouk Hassan, to fight er, the dumbest thing the Characters can do is
great resistance to regain the Circlet, and to sur- charge right in. They have no idea what they are
vive the escape back to civilization. facing yet and they still can’t use their supernat-
ural senses, because this place has a Ward of Se-
clusion as well. In reality, there’s plenty of mun-
(the rest are left as guards for the warehouse). civilization where the fight can’t continue. Nei-
Once they’re gone, half the Chrysalis Corpora- ther of them particularly cares what happens to
tion operatives shift into Vrykol Dhohanoids, the artifact at this point, since they have turned
and leave with the Circlet. responsibility over to the Chrysalis Corporation.
The Characters have a choice to make – go after Eventually, the Characters will head to the SoDo
the Circlet, save the women in the crates, or try mag-lev train station for a ride back to Queen
for both. Anne.
Regeneration: 1 Point Agility 7, Intellect 6, Perception 5,
Fear Factor: 12 Presence 5, Strength 5, Tenacity 6
Temperament: Devious & Dedicated Secondary Attributes:
Senses: Actions 1, Orgone 11, Reflex 6
• Acute Vision General Skills:
• Nightvision Athletics 3, Observation 2, Survival 2
• Scan Combat Skills:
Movement & Speed: Dodge 2, Fighting 2
• Land 13 mph (32/8 ypt) Weapons:
• Flight 27 mph (67/15 ypt) • Claws -1
• Bite 0
Gaunt Damage Bonus: 0
Size: Medium (6 to 8 ft. tall) Vitality: 7
Attributes: Fear Factor: 12
Agility 11, Intellect 3, Perception 7, Senses:
Presence 5, Strength 8, Tenacity 10
Secondary Attributes:
• Nightvision
• Thermal
Actions 2, Orgone 11, Reflex 7 Movement & Speed:
General Skills: • Land 11 mph (27/6 ypt)
Athletics 4, Observation 3, Stealth 4,
Survival 4 Act III: Saving Bacon
Combat Skills: Act Goals: To escape and survive long enough
Dodge 3, Fighting 3 to return the genuine Circlet to the Eldritch So-
Weapons: ciety.
• Horns +1
• Barbed Tail +2 Scene 4 - Train Ride
Damage Bonus: +1 Goals: Survive the train ride back to Queen
Vitality: 14 Anne.
Armor: 1/1
Regeneration: 1 Point Setting: A SoDo mag-lev train station, a mag-lev
Fear Factor: 12 train.
nal structure; therefore it is nearly impossible to Fear Factor: 16
crush them and they can flatten to slip through Temperament: Malicious & Emotionless
all but the tiniest of cracks. Furthermore, they Senses:
maintain a body temperature equal to their sur- • Nightvision
roundings, so they do not register on thermal • Scan
sensors. This formlessness also allows them to • X-Ray
smother opponents. Treat smothering like en- Movement & Speed:
tangling, except the victim suffers an additional • Climbing 17 mph (42/10 ypt)
two dice of damage every turn from suffocation (can cling to sheer surfaces)
(once their last breath runs out). • Land 34 mph (84/20 ypt)
There will be a team at every public transit hub, be entirely pacified by good news. Got some?”
major thoroughfares, and roaming the streets.
The teams make Observation Tests with an Ad- Through all this, the Characters may or may not
ept skill rating of 3 and a Perception of 6. Tak- retain possession of the artifact. They return to
ing a direct route will result in four Tests being the Eldritch Society one way or the other. If they
made against the Characters; a more circuitous have the piece, then they have completed their
route will result in six Tests, but the authorities mission and all is well for the moment, though
will have a -4 penalty. they will have to continue to lay low for a while.
If they don’t, then they at least have some more
Children of Chaos information that may help answer questions and
Killing all the Dhohanoids will make the Char- they will be asked to stay to fight. This wrap-up
acters’ lives easier – any that weren’t dispatched is written assuming the Characters are success-
will be back on their trails fairly quickly. If either ful.
of the sorcerers escaped, they’ll sic any surviving
Bakhi and Gaunts on them. Upon being handed the Circlet, Anton will im-
mediately contact an elder Tager, Garret Paul-
If the Characters managed to kill each and every son, who will promptly show up to escort him
one of their attackers, then congrats, it’s just the and the Circlet to a more secure location. Paul-
cops. son is a Wraith, the metamorphosis of a Phan-
tom, and thus virtually commands the Eldritch
Scene 6 – The Final Hand-Off Society in this area. He will thank the Charac-
Goals: Give the artifact back to the Eldritch So- ters, as well as Kory and her pack, and answer
ciety. Wrap things up. any lingering questions they have. Eventually
they will depart.
Setting: The safe house.
Cast of Characters
Anton Graves
Nlada Kory
Hassan’s Lieutenant Tager Pack Leader
This Nazzadi can only go out in public if he A well-muscled, attractive Nazzadi female, Kory
wears special contacts – his Outsider-Taint is also a Phantom Tager (callsign Flatline). She
shows in his strange eyes. Instead of the usual is a local pack leader in Seattle and an expert
red, his eyes are a brilliant green, nearly glowing, in Nazzadi martial arts (Hun-Zuti). Kory exudes
with sideways, slitted pupils. He isn’t much of confidence in everything that she does, but of-
a talker, but he is a very trusted servant of Has- ten dives into a fray without calling her backup.
san’s and on the cusp of becoming a member
of the Circle himself. Nlada manages nearly all Kory is currently single, her last relationship end-
of Hassan’s black market dealings in the arcane ing in flames. She felt that her boyfriend was un-
underground. willing to make decisions fast enough, especially
when they were complicated. Whether that was
Virtue/Flaw: Methodical/Sinister truly the case, or just her recklessness is unclear.
Experience: Experienced
Noteworthy Attributes: Agility 8, Intellect 8, Te- Virtue/Flaw: Confident/Reckless
nacity 9 Experience: Experienced 19
Noteworthy Skills: Misdirect 4, Observation 4, Noteworthy Attributes: Agility 8, Perception 6,
Occult 4, Streetwise 5, Dodge 5, Fighting Presence 7, Tenacity 9
4, Marksman 4 Noteworthy Skills: Athletics 3, Fighting 4 (Hun-
Noteworthy Qualities: Outsider-Tainted Zuti +1), Stealth 3, Intimidate 3, Pilot 2
Noteworthy Qualities: Driven, Fearless
Laurence Zimmer
Riley Sommers
Vrykol Dhohanoid
Society Operator
Laurence is short and squirrely, but somehow
Riley Sommers joined the Eldritch Society a year
manages to project an alternative kind of cool.
ago, when he came around a corner and saw a
He usually dressed in Chrysalis suits, but is happy
pack of Tagers ripping apart a Dhohanoid team.
to dress down for more covert missions than his
He soiled himself and passed out – later he was
title of Network Specialist might require. In ad-
approached by one of the Lorekeepers to work
Virtue/Flaw: Loyal/Precocious
Experience: Experienced
Noteworthy Attributes: Intellect 7, Presence 6
Noteworthy Skills: Communications 3, Com-
puter 4, Security 2
Noteworthy Qualities: Egghead, Manic
Whisper Tager
Katie’s cute, in a wholesome, girl next door
kind of way. She’s a bit of a sensory addict
and spends a lot of time in her Whisper form.
Though a great scout, Katie has the annoying
habit of humming trendy pop music. The prob-
lem is that her ADHD makes it nearly impossible
to finish a song before she switches to another.
Virtue/Flaw: Good-Hearted/Distracted
Experience: Experienced
Noteworthy Attributes: Agility 8, Perception 8
Noteworthy Skills: Athletics 3, Observation 4,
Stealth 4, Dodge 5, Fighting 2, Marksman
Noteworthy Qualities: Wary
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