By F. J. Vecchio1
ABSTRACT: The Disturbed Stress Field Model is a smeared delayed-rotating-crack model, proposed recently
as an alternative to fully fixed or fully rotating crack models, for representing the behavior of cracked reinforced
concrete. It is an extension of the modified compression field theory; advancements relate to the inclusion of
crack shear slip in the element compatibility relations, the decoupling of principal stress and principal strain
directions, and a revised look at compression softening and tension stiffening mechanisms. In this paper, a
procedure is described for implementing the formulations of the Disturbed Stress Field Model into a nonlinear
finite-element algorithm. The procedure is based on a total-load secant-stiffness approach, wherein the crack slip
displacements are treated as offset strains. Computational aspects of the formulation are shown to be simple and
numerically robust. The hybrid crack slip formulation used is found to accurately model the divergence of stress
and strain directions, providing an improved representation of behavior. Predictions of shear strength and failure
mode are significantly influenced in some cases.
From the elastic strains due to stress [ε c ], standard strain trans- n
formations are used to determine concrete principal strains, [ 0] = [Dc ]{[ε s ] ⫹ [ε 0c ] ⫹ [ε pc ]} ⫹ [Ds ]i [ε 0s ]i (3)
angle of inclination of the stress field, and crack direction. i=1
Note that the angle of inclination thus determined will differ
from the angle of inclination of the total strains, eliminating For the implementation procedure described here, the ma-
the requirement previously held in the MCFT that the incli- terial stiffness matrix [D] for a reinforced concrete element
nations of principal stress and principal strain coincide. will be constructed in the context of a secant-stiffness for-
Also described in Vecchio (2000) are constitutive relations mulation. Stiffness matrices for the concrete [Dc ]⬘ and each of
for cracked reinforced concrete. These are largely based on the the reinforcement components [Ds ]⬘i are first defined with re-
spect to their principal axes. The total stiffness is then deter-
Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S mined by combining the contributions from each of the com-
1A4. ponents, using appropriate transformations to account for
Note. Associate Editor: Julio Ramirez. Discussion open until June 1, anisotropy.
2001. To extend the closing date one month, a written request must be Cracked concrete is treated as an orthotropic material with
filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for this paper
was submitted for review and possible publication on November 19,
its principal axes (1,2) corresponding to the direction of the
1999. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. average principal stresses (i.e., crack direction). In defining
127, No. 1, January, 2001. 䉷ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/01/0001-0012– secant stiffness values, net strains [εc ] are used; that is, total
0020/$8.00 ⫹ $.50 per page. Paper No. 22148. strains [ε] less strains due to crack slip [ε s ], elastic offsets
FIG. 1. Reinforced Concrete Element: (a) Element Properties and Applied Stresses; (b) Total Average Strain Conditions in Element;
(c) Average Stresses in Concrete
[Dc ]⬘ = 冋Ēc1
¯ c2
册 (4)
where E¯ c1 , E¯ c2 , and G
¯ c = secant moduli. At a particular stress-
strain state, the secant moduli are evaluated as follows:
¯ ¯
¯ c1 = fc1 ;
E ¯ c2 = fc2 ;
E ¯ s = Ec1 ⭈ Ec2
G (5)
εc1 εc2 ¯Ec1 ⫹ E¯ c2
where εc1 and εc2 = net principal strains in the concrete; and
fc1 and fc2 = corresponding principal stresses [Fig. 2(a)]. Pois- FIG. 2. Definition of Secant Moduli: (a) Concrete; (b) Rein-
son’s effects and lateral expansion, if being considered, are forcement
treated in the manner of elastic offsets [ε 0c ].
For each reinforcement component, a corresponding matrix where = for the concrete (i.e., inclination of principal stress);
[Ds ]⬘i is evaluated and = ␣i for the reinforcement (i.e., orientation of bars).
冋 册
In this formulation, it is necessary to account for the strain
i E 0 0
i offsets in determining prestrain nodal forces. For the crack slip
[Ds ]⬘i = 0 0 0 (6) strains [ε s ], free joint displacements [r sc ] are determined from the
0 0 0 element geometry; that is
where i = reinforcement ratio. The secant modulus Ēsi is de-
fined [r sc ] = [ε s ] dA (12)
Ēsi = (7) Given the free displacements, the prestrain joint forces [F sc ]
can be evaluated
where εsi and fsi = average strain and average stress, respec-
[F sc ] = [k c ][r sc ] (13)
tively, in the reinforcement [Fig. 2(b)].
The component material stiffness matrices are transformed where [k c ] = concrete component of the element stiffness ma-
to the global reference system and then summed. The total trix. Prestrain forces are similarly calculated for the elastic and
material stiffness matrix [D] is evaluated plastic offset strains. The prestrain forces are then added to
the nodal load vector. A full description of the approach is
given in Vecchio (1992).
[D] = [Dc ] ⫹ [Ds ]i (8)
i=1 A total-load, iterative secant-stiffness routine is then used to
where perform a nonlinear analysis for a reinforced concrete struc-
ture. Through each iteration, the material stiffness [D] and el-
[Dc ] = [Tc ]T [Dc ]⬘[Tc ] (9) ement stiffness [k] matrices are progressively refined until sat-
isfactory convergence is achieved. The convergence criteria
[Ds ]i = [T ] [Ds ]⬘[T
s i
i s ]i (10) can be based on either the secant moduli or the element dis-
The transformation matrix [T] is given by placements achieving stable values. A flow chart and descrip-
冋 册
tion of the algorithm was given by Vecchio (1990) for ele-
cos2 sin2 cos sin ments with elastic offsets only; the plastic and shear slip
[T] = sin2 cos2 ⫺cos sin (11) offsets are treated in an analogous manner. A subportion of
⫺2 cos sin 2 cos sin (cos2 ⫺ sin2) the algorithm that will be useful in performing a sample cal-
␦s = (14)
1.8w ⫺0.8 ⫹ (0.234w ⫺0.707 ⫺ 0.20) ⭈ fcc
␦s =
w 冑
ing the secant-stiffness algorithm summarized in Fig. 3 (at the
element level). For simplicity, it will be assumed that elastic
i ( fscri ⫺ fsi )cos2ni = (0.01785)(223 ⫺ 119)cos2(46.92⬚)
expansion offsets [ε0c ] and plastic offsets due to loading history
and material flow [ε pc ] are zero. Elastic offsets in the reinforce- ⫹ (0.00713)(300 ⫺ 242)cos2(⫺43.08⬚) = 1.08 MPa = fc1
ment [ε0s ]i are also zero.
At the current load stage, after 10 iterations of the iterative 2. Find the shear stress on the crack using Eq. (I-8)
Step 4: Crack Slip
vci = 0.716 MPa
[D] = 冋 9046 3885
册 (MPa)
1. Calculate the crack spacing, from Eq. (I-21), to be s = Step 7: Offset Strains
35.4 mm. Calculate the crack width, using Eq. (I-22), to
be w = 0.073 mm [ε 0c ] = [ε pc ] = [ε 0s ]1 = [ε 0s ]2 = {0 0 0}
2. From the stress-based approach, using Eqs. (I-40) and s
[ε ] = {⫺0.227 0.227 ⫺0.038} ⫻ 10⫺3
(I-12), calculate the shear slip strain
In the NLFEA procedure, use [ε s ] to determine the prestrain
␥ as = 0.460 ⫻ 10⫺3 joint forces. Alternatively, at the element level, use (3) to de-
termine the element prestress vector
3. From the rotation lag approach, using an initial crack
direction of ic = 45⬚ and the lag limit ᐍ = 5⬚, find from (⬚) = [Dc][ε s ] = {⫺0.194 0.256 ⫺0.048} (MPa)
Eqs. (I-41)–(I-43) that
Step 8: New Estimate of Strains
⌬ ε = 7.34⬚; ⌬ = 2.34⬚
From the NLFEA algorithm, determine the resulting strains
And hence, = 47.34⬚. Now, using Eq. (I-18), find at the conclusion of the 11th iteration
␥ bs = 0.418 ⫻ 10⫺3 [ε]⬘ = {0.596 1.209 2.339} ⫻ 10⫺3
4. At this stage of loading, the stress-based criterion gov- [εc ]⬘ = {0.823 0.982 2.377} ⫻ 10⫺3
erns Alternatively, at the element level, use (2) to determine the
⫺3 new estimate of total strains
␥s = max(␥ , ␥ ) = 0.460 ⫻ 10
[ε]⬘ = [D]⫺1{[] ⫹ [⬚]} = {0.596 1.209 2.339} ⫻ 10⫺3
5. Resolve the slip strain into orthogonal components using
Eqs. (I-13)–(I-15) [εc ] = [ε] ⫺ [ε s ] = {0.823 0.982 2.377} ⫻ 10⫺3
冋 册
beams.’’ ACI Struct. J., 97(1), 102–110.
5476 3885 ⫺4397 Vecchio, F. J. (2000). ‘‘Disturbed stress field model for reinforced con-
[Dc ] = 4366 ⫺3875 (MPa) crete: Formulation.’’ J. Struct. Engrg., ASCE, 126(9), 1070–1077.
4385 Vecchio, F. J., and Collins, M. P. (1982). ‘‘Response of reinforced con-
crete to in-plane shear and normal stresses.’’ Rep. No. 82-03, Dept. of
2. Reinforcement—from (10) and (11), given that 1 = Civ. Engrg., University of Toronto, Toronto.
0.01785, 2 = 0.00713, ␣1 = 0⬚, and ␣2 = 90⬚, find Vecchio, F. J., and Collins, M. P. (1986). ‘‘The modified compression
冋 册
field theory for reinforced concrete elements subjected to shear.’’ ACI
3570 0 0 J., 83(2), 219–231.
[Ds ]1 = 0 0 0 (MPa) Walraven, J. C. (1981). ‘‘Fundamental analysis of aggregate interlock.’’
J. Struct. Div., ASCE, 107(11), 2245–2270.
0 0 0
冋 册
0 0 0
[Ds ]2 = 0 1426 0 (MPa) The following symbols are used in this paper:
0 0 0
a = aggregate size (mm);
3. Composite [D] = total material stiffness matrix;