Chapter7 Lathi 4thed
Chapter7 Lathi 4thed
Chapter7 Lathi 4thed
Block diagram of a digital
communication system
Advantages of digital communication
Different parts
• Source
• Multiplexer
• Line coder
• Repeater
Line Coder
• See the other ppt
Baseband and passband
PSD of different line code
Pulse shaping
• PSD of a digital signal is controlled by line
• Influencing the PSD by shaping the pulse is
termed as pulse shaping.
Intersymbol Interferences and
• Why does ISI arise?
• Is it practical?
Drawback of first criterion pulse
• We will have to wait an infinite time to generate
it. Any attempt to truncate it would increase its
bandwidth beyond Rb/2 Hz.
• But even if this pulse were realizable, it would
have an undesirable feature: namely, it decays
too slowly at a rate 1/t. This causes some serious
practical problems. For instance, if the nominal
data rate of Rb bit/s required for this scheme
deviates a little, the pulse amplitudes will not
vanish at the other pulse centers.
• The solution is to find a pulse p(t) that satisfies
Eq. (7.23) but decays faster than 1/t. Nyquist
has shown that such a pulse requires a
bandwidth kRb/2, with 1 < k < 2.
Derivation of zero ISI Nyquist pulse
• Lets take the spectrum of the pulse as follows
• Sampled desired pulse
• or
• Use of conjugate property
• The curve has an odd symmetry about the set
of axes intersecting at point alpha [the point
on curve at f = Rb/2]. Note that this
requires that
• r is called roll-off factor.
• One family that satisfies above spectrum
• r=1, PSD
• Spectrum
• Problem-
• The MMSE method does not try to force the pulse samples to zero
at 2N points. Instead, we minimize the squared errors averaged
over a set of output samples.
• Addition is modulo-2
Differential PSK
• The modulated signal consists of pulses
Differential PSK
• Demodulation-
Differential PSK
• In demodulation of DPSK, we avoid generation of a local carrier by
observing that the received modulated signal itself is a carrier (±A
ens wet) with a possible sign ambiguity.
• Therefore, unlike M-ary ASK, M-ary FSK does not require more
transmission power. However, its bandwidth requirement increases
almost linearly with M (compared with binary FSK or M-ary ASK).
• PSK signalling: