Artificial Intelligence Unit 1 Full Notes
Artificial Intelligence Unit 1 Full Notes
Artificial Intelligence Unit 1 Full Notes
What is AI?
AI is composed of two words Artificial and Intelligence, where
Artificial defines "man-made," and intelligence defines "thinking
power". Hence AI means "a man-made thinking power”. Artificial
Intelligence exists when a machine can have human based skills such
as learning, reasoning, and problem solving. With AI you do not need
to pre-program a machine to do some work, despite that you can
create a machine with programmed algorithms which can work with
own intelligence.
Goals of AI
1. Replicate human intelligence.
2. Solve Knowledge-intensive tasks.
3. An intelligent connection of perception and action
4. Building a machine which can perform tasks that requires
human intelligence. Like playing Chess, Driving a car
5. Creating some system which can learn new things by itself,
demonstrate, explain, and can advise to its user.
Advantages of AI
1. Reduction in Human Error.
2. Useful for risky areas
3. High Reliability
4. Fast
5. Digital Assistant
6. Faster Decisions
7. Available 24x7
Disadvantages of AI
1. High Cost
2. Can't Replace Humans
3. Doesn't Improve With Experience
4. Lack of Creativity
5. Risk Of Unemployment
6. No Feelings And Emotions
Evolution of AI
1. Maturation of AI (1943-1952) –
1943: The first work toward AI was done by Warren
McCulloch and Walter pits in 1943. They proposed a
model of artificial neurons.
1949: Donald Hebb demonstrated an updating rule for
modifying the connection strength between neurons. His
rule is now called Hebbian learning
1950: The Alan Turing proposed a test which can check
the machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior
equivalent to human intelligence, called a Turing test.
5. A boom of AI (1980-1987) –
1980: After AI winter duration, AI came back with
"Expert System". Expert systems were programmed that
emulate the decision-making ability of a human expert.
1. Reactive Machines -
2. Limited Memory –
IoT Examples:
AI Applications
1. What is AI?
2. Advantages of AI & Disadvantages of AI?
3. Explain various approaches to AI / Types of AI?
4. Explain skills Required to Become an AI Engineer ?