Your Invoice: Roxanne Simmons
Your Invoice: Roxanne Simmons
Your Invoice: Roxanne Simmons
Account Number
Invoice Number 00009998
Statement number 10
ROXANNE SIMMONS Invoice Date / 17 Jan 2024
Tax Point
Calle Artigas, 4136
Salto 50330, Uruguay Purchase Order
14 day payment terms. If you do not pay on time, late payment interest and/or debt
recovery costs may be applied.
Ways to pay
Direct Debit: To set up your Direct Debit visit By phone: Call our payments line on 01250 718700.
Bank transfer: Pay directly to our bank: Remittance: Email remittance advice to
Account Number: 935253645 Please quote your
Sort code: 20-00-00 customer account number and invoice number for each
Please quote your customer account number, payment.
TW00000113291, so that we know the
paymenthas come from you.
Meters Phy/char size Last actual read Prev actual ADC (m3) Advance RTS (%)
(mm) (m3) read (m3) (m3)
METER 15/10 100 on 0 on 16/01/2020 2.0408 100 100.00
Fixed water Charge size Tariff rate Calculations Charge (£) VAT
(mm) (£/Year)
n/a 20.8300 20.8300 / 365 = 0.05707 2.12 Z
x 37 days
Fixed water Charge size Taiff rate Calculations Charge (£) VAT
(mm) (£/Year)
n/a 28.8300 28.8300 / 365 = 0.07899 2.93 Z
x 37 days
METER pipe sze 10 39.8200 39.8200 / 365 = 0.10910 4.04 Z
x 37 days
Supply point fixed Taiff rate Calculations (£) Charge (£) VAT
charges (£/Year)
Water 0.0000 0.0000 / 365 = 0.00000 0.00 Z
x 37 days
Waste 0.0000 0.0000 / 365 = 0.00000 0.00 Z
x 37 days
Volumetric water Threshold Cons (m3) Tariff rate (£/m3) Calculations (£) Charge (£) VAT
0.00 - 500.00 97.9584 1.3635 1.3635 x 2.0408 x 37 days 102.96 Z
Volumetric waste Threshold Cons (m3) Tariff rate (£/m3) Calculations (£) Charge (£) VAT
0.00 - 500.00 97.9584 0.9339 0.9339 x 2.0408 x 37 days 70.52 Z
Bill totals Discount (£) Net (£) VAT (£) Gross (£)
0.00 182.57 0.00 182.57
VAT Summary
Zero (Z) 438.81 0.00 438.81 0.00 438.81
Grand Total 438.81 0.00 438.81 0.00 438.81