RISK ASSESSMENTtreefelling082022 - USv3

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University of Stellenbosch
PPE Required Hard hat, Ear Plugs, Reflector vests, Gloves, overall, safety boots etc
Client: 16.1 Appointee: Construction Risk Assessor:
Hendrik Paxton

Date: Date: Date: Date:

Tree Felling The removal of an entire tree/group of trees in identified areas close to river area


Activity in which the Activity that have the Activity that has the
potential for injuries is potential to cause injuries potential to cause one
unlikely or which may that will result in medical or more lost time All below risks will be “rated” using the following methodology: Possibility (P) x
result in injuries treatment or result in injuries, permanent severity (S) = Risk Rating (RR)
treatable by a first aider moderate financial / disability, death or
or result in minor environmental loss result in major financial
financial/ / environmental loss.
environmental loss
1 2 3 Possibility
3 – Medium 6 - High 9- High 3 High Risk – Will happen Possibility of
2 – Low 4 - Medium 6- High 2 Medium – could happen Occurrence
1- Low 2- Low 3- Medium 1 Low Risk – Happen infrequently (lees than twice per year) or
not at all
Task Hazard Risks P S RR Prevention Measures Residual Risk
post mitigation
Delivery and Vehicles accessing or Injury to persons, 2 2 4 Deliveries to be prearranged with site management, and only 4
offloading of exiting site Movement trespassers Theft delivered in designated area. Strict stacking and storage
materials and of vehicles and Property Damage Loss principles apply. Access was to be kept clear of materials and
equipment Employees on site of material vehicles etc.
Ensure safety controls/system/file are in place and audited
Ensure all employees have completed Induction and health &
safety communication
Inadequate warning Injury to Employees and 2 3 6 Vehicles to have reverse hooters / spotter to control reversing. 6
systems in place when damage to property All vehicles to use hazard lights in vehicles to warn members of
reversing the public of moving vehicles and stationary vehicles.
Collision with material Injury to people, 2 3 6 Drivers inducted upon entering the site, speed 6
/ equipment / plant damage to property limits/restrictions to be displayed and a calibrated breathalyser
to be used as spot checks to ensure no operator/driver is
under the influence of alcohol.
Spillages from Environmental damage, 2 2 4 All spills to be cleaned up using spill kits on site. All vehicles to 4
chemicals/materials Waste generation Cost be well maintained and a drip tray to be placed beneath leaky
during offloading implication for clean up vehicles/plant.
Moving, carrying, Injury to people Damage 2 2 4 All employees to be trained of the correct ergonomic 4
lifting, positioning and to property technique of lifting materials, using their legs to lift an not their
placing of backs. Heavy equipment/tools/materials to be lifted using
unmanageable tools, mechanical means. Suitable numbers of persons to be involved
material & equipment during manual movement. Housekeeping to be done to ensure
that the area is clear of tripping hazards. Employees to wear
gloves during manual handling to protect hands and fingers
during manual handling. Supervisor to monitor the activity and
ensure compliance with safety requirements.
Damaged PPE Lacerations Burns, Eyes 2 3 6 Supervisors ensure that all employees is issued with the 4
Incorrect PPE injuries Inhalation Ear required PPE as per scope of works and trained in the use,
Insufficient PPE Faulty Injuries maintenance and cleaning of such PPE. Supervisor and
PPE. Employees must take note of certain limitations & expiry dates
of PPE. Employees to report any defective PPE to their
Supervisor immediately.
Offloading Containers Falling Objects Failure of 2 2 4 Lifting Tackle to be visually inspected prior to use. Valid 4
/ materials / lifting Certificates available on site of all lifting equipment, machines
equipment machine/equipment and tackle, maintained by external authority. No Swaying of
loads. Operator to be appointed with proof of competencies
Swaying of loads available. Daily inspection registers to be completed prior to
Overhead activities use. Offloading area to be demarcated and all unnecessary
personnel to be removed from the area. Outriggers to be
placed on firm foundation and adequate outrigger pads to be
placed beneath the outrigger footing to prevent outrigger
sinking away in sand.
Parking of vehicles Traffic jams injuries to 2 2 4 Parking only in designated areas. Delivery vehicles/trucks, 4
Plant Machinery people, damage to plant hire vehicles etc., should not arrive on site at the same
vehicles & property time to ensure no pile up of vehicles happen on site.
Access ways blocked
Tree Felling Struck by falling tree Crush Injury 2 3 6 -Verbal warning of the risk 4
- Fall zone identification and made clear
- Cut a wedge to encourage the direction of fall
- Consider the natural lean of the tree which will dictate the
direction of fall
- Avoid felling in strong winds
- Identify and clear escape routes
- Use a buddy system – one cutting one watching
- Communication between cutter, observer and instructor
- Felling only one tree at a time
Struck by falling branch Injury 2 2 4 -Verbal warning of the risk 6
- Explain the collapse one of a branch
- Cutting outside of the collapse zone
- No cutting above head height
Falling / Stuck in tree Injury exposure 1 2 2 -Verbal warning
- All Coppicing to be done from the ground
Pulling on hung up Strain/ Falling when it 1 2 2 -Verbal warning of the risk 2
branch comes loose- injury -Clear lower branches so the branch falls to the ground
-Use of ropes and pulleys to free the hung up branches
Felling in windy Uncontrolled branches / 1 2 2 -Verbal warning of the risk 4
conditions trees causing injury -Avoid cutting in windy conditions
Saw dust in eyes Eye irritation /injury 2 1 2 -Verbal warning of the risk 4
-no cutting above head height
-avoid cutting in windy conditions
-use of exclusion zone
Lone Working Injury whilst isolated 1 3 3 -No participants to work alone 4
-If instructors are working alone then they need to notify a
responsible person of the location, the expected return time
and the nature of the activity
-No felling or other high risk issues to be undertaken whilst
Faulty ladders Injury to Employees 2 2 4 Ladders to be visually inspected prior to use and declared safe 4
for use, damaged ladders to be removed from site. No wooden
ladders allowed on site.
Working off uneven Injury to Employees 2 3 6 Ladders to be placed on firm foundation. 6
Working at heights Fall from heights Injury 2 3 6 Employees to acknowledge the risk of working from the top 6
to Employees Damage two steps of an A-Frame ladder. Person to support ladders at
to property base. Extension ladders to be placed at an angle of 75 degrees
and to be extended at least 900 mm past the landing. Ladder
to be secured at the top and the bottom.
Falling material or Injury to Employees, 2 3 6 Tool bags to be used for excessive tools. Lanyards to be tied to 6
equipment damage to property tools, to prevent the tools from dropping to lower levels.
Ladder slipping while Injury to employees 2 3 6 All ladders to be fitted with rubber footings, and to be secured, 4
in use Damage to property of kept in place by an additional employee.
Use of Injury to Employees, 2 2 4 Daily inspections when issuing tools. No homemade tools are 4
substandard/broken damage to property allowed.
hand tools
Misuse of hand tools Injury to Employees, 2 2 4 Supervisor to monitor activities and to ensure that users are 4
damage to property aware of tool limitations. Toolbox Talks to be used as training.
Using the wrong tool Injury to Employees 2 2 4 Supervisor to monitor activities and to ensure that users are 4
for job aware of tool limitations. Toolbox Talks to be used as training.
Offloading Containers Falling Objects Failure of 2 2 4 Lifting Tackle to be visually inspected prior to use. Valid 4
/ materials / lifting Certificates available on site of all lifting equipment, machines
equipment machine/equipment and tackle, maintained by external authority. No Swaying of
Swaying of loads loads. Operator to be appointed with proof of competencies
Overhead activities available. Daily inspection registers to be completed prior to
use. Offloading area to be demarcated and all unnecessary
personnel to be removed from the area. Outriggers to be
placed on firm foundation and adequate outrigger pads to be
placed beneath the outrigger footing to prevent outrigger
sinking away in sand.
Faulty ladders Injury to Employees 2 2 4 Ladders to be visually inspected prior to use and declared safe 4
for use, damaged ladders to be removed from site. No wooden
ladders allowed on site.
Working off uneven Injury to Employees 2 3 6 Ladders to be placed on firm foundation. 6
Working at heights Fall from heights Injury 2 3 6 Employees to acknowledge the risk of working from the top 6
to Employees Damage two steps of an A-Frame ladder. Person to support ladders at
to property base. Extension ladders to be placed at an angle of 75 degrees
and to be extended at least 900 mm past the landing. Ladder
to be secured at the top and the bottom.
Falling material or Injury to Employees, 2 3 6 Tool bags to be used for excessive tools. Lanyards to be tied to 6
equipment damage to property tools, to prevent the tools from dropping to lower levels.
Ladder slipping while Injury to employees 2 3 6 All ladders to be fitted with rubber footings, and to be secured,
in use Damage to property of kept in place by an additional employee.
Use of Injury to Employees, 2 2 4 Daily inspections when issuing tools. No homemade tools are 4
substandard/broken damage to property allowed.
hand tools
Misuse of hand tools Injury to Employees, 2 2 4 Supervisor to monitor activities and to ensure that users are 4
damage to property aware of tool limitations. Toolbox Talks to be used as training
Using the wrong tool Injury to Employees 2 2 4 Supervisor to monitor activities and to ensure that users are 4
for job aware of tool limitations. Toolbox Talks to be used as training.
Exposure to extreme Dehydration Cold 2 3 6 HEAT Access to drinking water, Shade, Tinted safety glasses 6
temperatures/weather Sunburn Injuries LTI’s and ample rest during extreme heat Rain suits to be worn, and
Property Damage work in the rain to be kept to a minimum WIND Employees to
secure all loose materials when stacked outside, and ensure
that their safety is considered when working at heights during
high winds
Usage of faulty or Injury to Employees 2 2 4 Visually daily inspections of tools before use, and all findings to 4
damaged hand tools be reported to the supervisor.
Damaged PPE Lacerations Burns, Eyes 2 3 6 Supervisors ensure that all employees is issued with the 6
Incorrect PPE injuries Inhalation Ear required PPE as per scope of works and trained in the use,
Insufficient PPE Faulty Injuries maintenance and cleaning of such PPE. Supervisor and
PPE. Employees must take note of certain limitations & expiry dates
of PPE. Employees to report any defective PPE to their
Supervisor immediately.
Public Safety Struck by falling tree Crush Injury 2 3 6 -Verbal warning of the risk 6
/ US - Fall zone identification and made clear
reputation - Avoid felling in strong winds
- Barricade area to ensure no one enters the area
- Communication between cutter, observer and instructor
- Felling only one tree at a time
- Spotter positioned to warn passers by
- US Contractor management in place
- US Contractor 37(2) & COID LOGS in place

Struck by falling branch Injury 2 2 4 -Verbal warning of the risk 4

-Barricade area
-Explain the collapse zone of a branch
-Cutting outside of the collapse zone
-No cutting above head height
-Regular audit of Compliance by external auditor

Moving Vehicle Injury to public 2 3 6 Ensure that there is a clear way when moving up and down 6
Property damage with vehicles
Ensure traffic management as part of the safety management
Ensure spotters in place to manage traffic flow
Cleaning of Moving, carrying, Injury to people Damage 2 2 4 All employees to be trained of the correct ergonomic 4
area lifting, positioning and to property technique of lifting materials, using their legs to lift an not their
placing of backs. Heavy equipment/tools/materials to be lifted using
unmanageable tools, mechanical means. Suitable numbers of persons to be involved
material & equipment during manual movement. Housekeeping to be done to ensure
that the area is clear of tripping hazards. Employees to wear
gloves during manual handling to protect hands and fingers
during manual handling. Supervisor to monitor the activity and
ensure compliance with safety requirements

Damaged PPE Lacerations Burns, Eyes 2 3 6 Supervisor ensure that all employees is issued with the 6
Incorrect PPE injuries Inhalation Ear required PPE as per scope of works and trained in the use,
Insufficient PPE Faulty Injuries maintenance and cleaning of such PPE. Supervisor and
PPE Employees must take note of certain limitations & expiry dates
of PPE. Employees to report any defective PPE to their
Supervisor immediately
Dust Inhalation dust/ particle 2 2 4 Where possible dustless machines to be used, of cutting to be 4
emissions by operator done in a well-ventilated area. Supervisor to monitor activities
on site. Employees to wear all required forms of PPE.
Use of Injury to Employees, 2 2 4 Daily inspections when issuing tools. No homemade tools are 4
substandard/broken damage to property allowed.
hand tools
Misuse of hand tools Injury to Employees, 2 2 4 Supervisor to monitor activities and to ensure that users are 4
damage to property aware of tool limitations. Toolbox Talks to be used as training.
Using the wrong tool Injury to Employees 2 2 4 Supervisor to monitor activities and to ensure that users are 4
for job aware of tool limitations. Toolbox Talks to be used as training.

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