RISK ASSESSMENTtreefelling082022 - USv3
RISK ASSESSMENTtreefelling082022 - USv3
RISK ASSESSMENTtreefelling082022 - USv3
University of Stellenbosch
PPE Required Hard hat, Ear Plugs, Reflector vests, Gloves, overall, safety boots etc
Client: 16.1 Appointee: Construction Risk Assessor:
Hendrik Paxton
Tree Felling The removal of an entire tree/group of trees in identified areas close to river area
Moving Vehicle Injury to public 2 3 6 Ensure that there is a clear way when moving up and down 6
Property damage with vehicles
Ensure traffic management as part of the safety management
Ensure spotters in place to manage traffic flow
Cleaning of Moving, carrying, Injury to people Damage 2 2 4 All employees to be trained of the correct ergonomic 4
area lifting, positioning and to property technique of lifting materials, using their legs to lift an not their
placing of backs. Heavy equipment/tools/materials to be lifted using
unmanageable tools, mechanical means. Suitable numbers of persons to be involved
material & equipment during manual movement. Housekeeping to be done to ensure
that the area is clear of tripping hazards. Employees to wear
gloves during manual handling to protect hands and fingers
during manual handling. Supervisor to monitor the activity and
ensure compliance with safety requirements
Damaged PPE Lacerations Burns, Eyes 2 3 6 Supervisor ensure that all employees is issued with the 6
Incorrect PPE injuries Inhalation Ear required PPE as per scope of works and trained in the use,
Insufficient PPE Faulty Injuries maintenance and cleaning of such PPE. Supervisor and
PPE Employees must take note of certain limitations & expiry dates
of PPE. Employees to report any defective PPE to their
Supervisor immediately
Dust Inhalation dust/ particle 2 2 4 Where possible dustless machines to be used, of cutting to be 4
emissions by operator done in a well-ventilated area. Supervisor to monitor activities
on site. Employees to wear all required forms of PPE.
Use of Injury to Employees, 2 2 4 Daily inspections when issuing tools. No homemade tools are 4
substandard/broken damage to property allowed.
hand tools
Misuse of hand tools Injury to Employees, 2 2 4 Supervisor to monitor activities and to ensure that users are 4
damage to property aware of tool limitations. Toolbox Talks to be used as training.
Using the wrong tool Injury to Employees 2 2 4 Supervisor to monitor activities and to ensure that users are 4
for job aware of tool limitations. Toolbox Talks to be used as training.