02 Installation Instructions
02 Installation Instructions
02 Installation Instructions
Step 1:
Prior to Installation:
A) Bushwacker only approves installing the flares according to these
written instructions with the hardware provided. WARNING: Failure
to install according to these instructions will invalidate the warranty.
This includes, but is not limited to using alternative installation TOOLS FOR EASY INSTALLATION:
methods, hardware, or materials. DO NOT USE: Loctite, SuperGlue, • Socket wrench with 10mm socket
or similar products on the hardware or the flares. • #2 Phillips Stubby or Right-Angle
B) Fit: Verify the fit of the flares to vehicle. (Some filing, sanding, or Screwdriver
cutting may be necessary to ensure proper fit).
• Pry Tool or Flat Head Screwdriver
C) Painting: (Optional) if paint is desired it must be done prior to
installing flares on the vehicle clean outer surface with a good grade • Drill with 5/16” Bit
degreaser. DO NOT USE LACQUER THINNER OR ENAMEL • Awl (Optional)
REDUCER AS A DEGREASER. Wipe outer surface thoroughly with • Utility Knife
a tack rag prior to paint. • Grease Pencil
Paint flares using a high quality enamel, or polyurethane automotive • Rubber Mallet (Optional)
paint. (Application of a primer coat is optional) • Flashlight (Optional)
If painting edge trim (not recommended), use a flex additive.
D) Performance: Using larger Tires may increase the area required
to turn the vehicle. Some Tire/Rim combinations may require INCLUDED IN KIT:
lowering bump stops and or installing steering stops to prevent tire • 1 Pair Front Fender Flares
from contacting flare. • 1 Set Rear Fender Flares (3 pcs each)
E) Exhaust System: Modifications may be necessary to maintain a • Edge Trim (270”)
minimum 4” clearance between flares and exhaust pipes.
(Exhaust gases should not vent directly onto flares)
• #14 Truss Head Screws (20 each)
F) Metal Protection: All exposed fasteners and bare metal should • #14 “U” Clips (20 each)
be treated with red oxide primer BEFORE installing flares. Spray • Black Tabs (2 each)
inner fender wells with undercoating AFTER flare attachments • “S” Clips (2 each)
have been completed. • Serrated Flange Screws (2 each)
G) DECALS: Flares may interfere with existing decals on vehicle. If
• “C” Clips (8 each)
you wish, remove decals prior to installation of flares.
• Plastic Fasteners (6 each)
Illustration #1
Step 3: Front Flare Installation (See Photos #1 through #12)
1 2
Remove Remove
Remove four factory fasteners from wheel well Remove two plastic fasteners from splash shield,
as shown, using a pry tool or flathead retain for reinstallation. There will be seven
screwdriver. Discard. plastic fasteners total.
3 4
Remove three plastic fasteners from splash Remove two plastic fasteners from splash shield,
shield, retain for reinstallation. retain for reinstallation.
5 6
Pull back splash shield. Slide four supplied #14 “U” Position flare on fender, taking care to slide
Clips over factory holes in fender (factory fasteners bottom rear of flare between rocker and factory
removed in Step 1). Reinstall fasteners removed in fender flare.
Steps 2-4.
7 8
Use a grease pencil to mark clip location at Peel paper backing from supplied Black Tab.
bottom rear of fender, using hole in flare as a Adhere tab to supplied “S” Clip.
guide. Remove flare from fender.
9 10
Slide “S” Clip/Black Tab combination onto fender Reposition flare on fender, and starting at front, install
lip, centering on mark made in Step 7. four supplied #14 Truss-Head Screws through forward
holes in flare and into “U” clips installed in Step 5.
11 12
Install a supplied Serrated-Flange Screw through Verify fit and tighten all screws.
lower rear hole in flare and into “S” Clip installed
in Step 9. Use an awl to locate hole if needed.
Step 4: Rear Fender Flare Installation (See Photos #13 through #24)
13 14
Remove six factory fasteners from wheel well as Using a 10mm socket, remove two factory bolts
shown, using a pry tool or flathead screwdriver. from splash shield, retain for reinstallation. There
Discard. will be five plastic fasteners total.
15 16
Using a 10mm socket, remove three factory bolts Pull back splash shield. Using a utility knife, trim
from splash shield, retain for reinstallation. notches in rear edge of bumper at three hole
locations, trimming enough so that holes in
supplied #14 “U” Clips align with factory holes.
17 18
Slide three supplied #14 “U” Clips over factory Slide three supplied #14 “U” Clips over top factory
holes in fender (bumper trimmed in Step 16). Some holes in fender (factory fasteners removed in Step
additional trimming may be needed if holes in clips 1). Reinstall fasteners removed in Steps 2-4.
do not align with factory holes in bumper.
19 20
Position Rear Flare Piece and Upper Flare Position Rear/Upper Flare on fender, and starting at
Piece. Use four supplied “C” Clips to attached rear, install six supplied #14 Truss-Head Screws
flare pieces. through holes in flare and into “U” clips installed in
Steps 17-18.
21 22
Position Rear Door Piece on door, taking EXTRA care Use a grease pencil to mark three hole locations
that the door piece is properly positioned. Door edge on door edge, taking care to maintain part
will require drilling. Carefully open door. It is helpful to position.
have a second person assisting with this.
23 24
Remove Door Piece from door, and carefully drill Reposition Door Piece on door, and install three
three marked locations with a 5/16” drill bit. supplied plastic fasteners. If needed, use a rubber
mallet to gently engage fasteners. Verify fit and
tighten all screws on Rear Flares.