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USER Information Crest Condensing Boiler

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FB-USER_100161014_2000004599 Rev E

User’s Information Manual

Models: 2500 - 6000

WARNING: If the information in these instructions is

not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing
property damage, personal injury or death.

-- Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and

liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.


• Do not try to light any appliance.
• Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your
• Immediately call your gas supplier from a near by phone.
Follow the gas supplier’s instructions.
• If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department.
-- Installation and service must be performed by a qualified
installer, service agency, or the gas supplier.
Save this manual for future reference.
HAZARD DEFINITIONS ..................................................... 2 3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ..................................... 9
1. PREVENT COMBUSTION AIR CONTAMINATION ..... 4 Crest CON•X•US Interface (CCI) ............................... 10
2. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ....................................... 5 Home Screen .............................................................. 10
Maintenance Procedures ................................................... 6 Revision Notes ................................................... Back Cover
Boiler Must Be Serviced and Maintained .................... 6
Check Boiler Area ......................................................... 6
Check Pressure Temperature Gauge........................... 6
Check Vent Piping ........................................................ 6
Check Air Piping ........................................................... 6
Check Relief Valve ....................................................... 6
Check Condensate Drain System ................................ 6
Test Low Water Cutoff (if installed) .............................. 8
Reset Button (low water cutoff) .................................... 8
Check Boiler Piping (gas and water) ............................ 8
Operate Relief Valve .................................................... 8
Shut Boiler Down .......................................................... 8

Hazard definitions
The following defined terms are used throughout this manual to bring attention to the presence of hazards of various risk levels
or to important information concerning the life of the product.

 DANGER DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious

 WARNING WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.

 CAUTION CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury.

CAUTION used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in property damage.

NOTICE indicates special instructions on installation, operation, or maintenance that are important but
not related to personal injury or property damage.

User’s Information Manual

Please read before proceeding

The Crest Installation and Operation
NOTICE  WARNING DO NOT install units in rooms or
Manual along with the Crest Service environments that contain corrosive
Manual are for use only by a qualified contaminants (see Table 1A on page 4).
heating installer/service technician. Failure to comply could result in severe
Refer only to this User’s Information personal injury, death, or substantial
Manual for your reference. Improper property damage.
installation, adjustment, alteration,
service or maintenance can cause
property damage, personal injury
Boiler service and maintenance –
(exposure to hazardous materials) or • To avoid electric shock, disconnect electrical supply
loss of life. Installation and service must before performing maintenance.
be performed by a qualified installer, • To avoid severe burns, allow boiler to cool before
service agency or the gas supplier (who performing maintenance.
must read and follow the supplied
instruction before installing, servicing, Boiler operation –
or removing this boiler. This boiler
contains materials that have been • Do not block flow of combustion or ventilation air to
identified as carcinogenic, or possibly the boiler.
carcinogenic, to humans). • Should overheating occur or gas supply fail to shut off,
do not turn off or disconnect electrical supply to the
When calling or writing about the boiler circulator. Instead, shut off the gas supply at a location
– Please have the boiler model and serial external to the appliance.
number from the boiler rating plate.
• Do not use this boiler if any part has been under water.
Consider piping and installation when The possible damage to a flooded appliance can be
determining boiler location. extensive and present numerous safety hazards. Any
appliance that has been under water must be replaced.
Any claims for damage or shortage in
shipment must be filed immediately Boiler water –
against the transportation company by
the consignee. • Thoroughly flush the system (without boiler
connected) to remove sediment. The high-efficiency
Factory warranty (shipped with unit) heat exchanger can be damaged by build-up or
does not apply to units improperly corrosion due to sediment.
installed or improperly operated. • Do not use petroleum-based cleaning or sealing
compounds in the boiler system. Gaskets and seals in
Failure to adhere to the guidelines on
 WARNING the system may be damaged. This can result in
this page can result in severe personal
substantial property damage.
injury, death, or substantial property
damage. • Do not use “homemade cures” or “boiler patent
medicines”. Serious damage to the boiler, personnel,
and/or property may result.
• Continual fresh make-up water will reduce boiler life.
Mineral buildup in the heat exchanger reduces heat
transfer, overheats the stainless steel heat exchanger,
and causes failure. Addition of oxygen carried in by
makeup water can cause internal corrosion. Leaks in
boiler or piping must be repaired at once to prevent
makeup water.

Freeze protection fluids –

• NEVER use automotive antifreeze. Use only inhibited
propylene glycol solutions, which are specifically
formulated for hydronic systems. Ethylene glycol is
toxic and can attack gaskets and seals used in hydronic
User’s Information Manual

1 Prevent combustion air contamination

If the boiler combustion air inlet is located
 WARNING Table 1A Corrosive Contaminants and Sources
in any area likely to cause contamination,
or if products which would contaminate
the air cannot be removed, you must have Products to avoid:
the combustion air and vent re-piped Spray cans containing chloro/fluorocarbons
and terminated to another location.
Contaminated combustion air will damage Permanent wave solutions
the boiler, resulting in possible severe
Chlorinated waxes/cleaners
personal injury, death, or substantial
property damage. Chlorine-based swimming pool chemicals

If the boiler combustion air inlet is located Calcium chloride used for thawing
in a laundry room or pool facility, for
Sodium chloride used for water softening
example, these areas will always contain
hazardous contaminants. Refrigerant leaks
Paint or varnish removers
Pool and laundry products and common household and hobby
products often contain fluorine or chlorine compounds. Hydrochloric acid/muriatic acid
When these chemicals pass through the boiler, they can form
strong acids. The acid can eat through the boiler wall, causing Cements and glues
serious damage and presenting a possible threat of flue gas
spillage or boiler water leakage into the building. Antistatic fabric softeners used in clothes dryers
Chlorine-type bleaches, detergents, and cleaning solvents
Please read the information listed in Table 1A. If found in household laundry rooms
contaminating chemicals will be present near the location of
Adhesives used to fasten building products and other similar
the boiler combustion air inlet, have your installer pipe the
boiler combustion air and vent to another location, per the
Crest Installation and Operation Manual. Areas likely to have contaminants
Dry cleaning/laundry areas and establishments
To prevent the potential of severe Swimming pools
personal injury or death, check for areas
and products listed in Table 1A before Metal fabrication plants
installing the boiler or air inlet piping.
Beauty shops
If contaminants are found, you MUST: Refrigeration repair shops
• Remove products permanently.
—OR— Photo processing plants
• Relocate air inlet and vent Auto body shops
terminations to other areas.
Plastic manufacturing plants
Furniture refinishing areas and establishments
New building construction
Remodeling areas
Garages with workshops

User’s Information Manual

2 Maintenance schedule

Service technician Owner maintenance

(see the Crest Service Manual) (see pages 6 - 8 for detailed instructions)

• Address reported problems, if any
• Check boiler area
• Inspect interior; clean and vacuum if Daily
necessary; • Check pressure/temperature
• Clean condensate trap and fill with fresh

• Check for leaks (water, gas, flue,


• Verify flue and air lines in good condition • Check vent piping
and sealed tight

• Check system water pressure/system • Check air piping

piping/expansion tank
Monthly • Check air and vent termination

• Check control settings screens

• Check ignition and flame sense • Check relief valve

electrodes (sand off any deposits; clean
and reposition) • Check condensate drain system
• Check wiring and connections

• Perform start-up checkout and

performance verification per Section 9.

• Flame inspection (stable, uniform)

• Test low water cutoff
• Check both flame signals (at least 10
microamps at high fire) Every • Reset button (low water cutoff)
6 months
• Clean the heat exchanger • Check boiler piping (gas and
• Test low water cutoff (reference the water) for leaks
Crest Service Manual).
• Operate relief valve

If combustion or performance
indicate need:
• Clean heat exchanger End
• Shut boiler down (unless boiler
• Remove and clean burner using of season
used for domestic hot water)
compressed air only months
• Clean the blower wheel

Follow the maintenance procedures given throughout this manual. Failure to perform the service and
maintenance or follow the directions in this manual could result in damage to the boiler or system, resulting
in severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage.
User’s Information Manual

2 Maintenance schedule
Maintenance procedures Read the list of potential materials listed in Table 1A on
page 4 of this manual. If any of these products are in the
Boiler must be serviced and maintained room from which the boiler takes its combustion air, they
must be removed immediately or the boiler combustion
air (and vent termination) must be relocated to another
The boiler must be inspected and started
 WARNING area.
annually at the beginning of the heating
season by a qualified service technician. Check pressure/temperature gauge
In addition, the maintenance and care
of the boiler designated on page 5 of this 1. Make sure the pressure reading on the boiler pressure/
manual and explained on pages 6 through temperature gauge does not exceed 24 psi (165.5 kPa).
8 must be performed to assure maximum Higher pressure may indicate a problem with the
boiler efficiency and reliability. Failure to expansion tank.
service and maintain the boiler and system
could result in equipment failure, causing 2. Contact a qualified service technician if problem persists.
possible severe personal injury, death, or Check vent piping
substantial property damage.
1. Visually inspect the flue gas vent piping for any signs of
The following information provides blockage, leakage, or deterioration of the piping. Notify
detailed instructions for completing your qualified service technician at once if you find any
the maintenance items listed in the problems.
maintenance schedule on page 5. In
addition to this maintenance, the boiler Failure to inspect the vent system as noted
must be serviced and started up at the above and have it repaired by a qualified
beginning of each heating season by a service technician can result in vent system
qualified service technician. failure, causing severe personal injury or
Check boiler area
Check air piping
To prevent potential of severe personal
 WARNING 1. Visually inspect the air inlet elbow to be sure it is
injury, death, or substantial property
damage, eliminate all materials discussed unobstructed. Inspect the entire length of air piping to
below from the boiler vicinity and the ensure piping is intact and all joints are properly sealed.
vicinity of the boiler combustion air inlet. 2. Call your qualified service technician if you notice any
If contaminants are found: problems.

Remove products immediately from the Check relief valve

area. If they have been there for an 1. Inspect the boiler relief valve and the relief valve
extended period, call a qualified service discharge pipe for signs of weeping or leakage.
technician to inspect the boiler for possible
damage from acid corrosion. 2. If the relief valve often weeps, the expansion tank may
not be working properly. Immediately contact your
If products cannot be removed, qualified service technician to inspect the boiler and
immediately call a qualified service system.
technician to re-pipe vent and air piping
and locate vent termination/air intake Check condensate drain system
away from contaminated areas. 1. Inspect the condensate drain line, vent line, condensate
PVC fittings, and condensate trap.
1. Combustible/flammable materials -- Do not store
combustible materials, gasoline or any other flammable Flush condensate trap with water
vapors or liquids near the boiler. Remove immediately if
found. 1. Remove the four (4) screws securing the top cover to the
condensate trap and remove the cover (FIG. 2-1).
2. Air contaminants -- Products containing chlorine or 2. Locate the plastic ball inside the float tube. Verify there
fluorine, if allowed to contaminate the boiler intake air, is nothing under the ball causing it to not seat properly.
will cause acidic condensate in the boiler. This will cause
significant damage to the boiler if allowed to continue. 3. Fill with fresh water until the water begins to pour out of
the drain.
6 4. Replace the top cover and the screws removed in Step 1.
User’s Information Manual

2 Maintenance schedule (continued)

The condensate trap (FIG. 2-1) must Use materials approved by the authority
 WARNING be filled with water during all times NOTICE
having jurisdiction. In the absence of
of boiler operation to avoid flue gas other authority, PVC and CPVC pipe
emission from the condensate drain line. must comply with ASTM D1785 or
Failure to fill the trap could result in D2845. Cement and primer must comply
severe personal injury or death. with ASME D2564 or F493. For Canada
use CSA or ULC certified PVC or CPVC
Figure 2-1 Condensate Trap pipe, fittings, and cement.
To allow for proper drainage on large
horizontal runs, a second line vent may
FROM CONDENSATE be required and tubing size may need to
increase to 1 inch.
TO FLOOR DRAIN The condensate line must remain
1” PVC / CPVC CONNECTION unobstructed, allowing free flow of
condensate. If condensate is allowed to
freeze in the line or if the line is obstructed
Condensate disposal
in any other manner, condensate can exit
1. The Crest is a high efficiency appliance that produces from the boiler tee, resulting in potential
condensate. water damage to property. Call your
qualified service technician to inspect
2. The rear of the boiler has a 1 inch (25.4 mm) stainless
the boiler and system.
steel drain fitting and a 3/8 inch (9.8 mm) stainless steel
vent line for connection to the condensate trap. 10. A condensate removal pump is required if boiler is
3. Connect the 1 inch (25.4 mm) fitting to the 1 inch below the drain. When installing a condensate pump,
(25.4 mm) fitting on the condensate trap with the select one approved for use with condensing boilers and
factory supplied silicone hose. Secure the hose to furnaces. The pump should have an overflow switch to
the condensate trap and the boiler using the factory prevent property damage from condensate spillage. The
supplied hose clamps. switch should be wired to the auxiliary device proving
4. Connect the 3/8 inch (9.8 mm) fitting to the 3/8 inch switch terminals on the low voltage connection board.
(9.8 mm) fitting on the condensate trap (shipped loose)
with the factory supplied silicone hose. Secure the hose Figure 2-2 Condensate Disposal
to the condensate trap and the boiler using the factory
supplied hose clamps.
5. The condensate trap must be installed at the same level
or below the boiler base.
6. The condensate trap is sized for a 1" PVC outlet
connection pipe.
7. Plug the wiring connection from the condensate trap
into the connector located on the back of the unit.
8. Slope condensate tubing down and away from the
boiler into a drain or condensate neutralizing filter. FLOOR DRAIN
Condensate from the Crest will be slightly acidic OR DRAIN PAN

(typically with a pH from 3 to 5). Install a neutralizing

filter if required by local codes.
A neutralizer kit (FIG. 2-2) is available from the factory
(#100157652 / KIT30097). The neutralizer kit must be NEUTRALIZER KIT
placed on a surface that is a minimum of 3 inches lower 3” MINIMUM BELOW
than the condensate trap.
9. Do not expose condensate line to freezing temperatures.

User’s Information Manual

2 Maintenance schedule
Test low water cutoff (if installed)

1. If the system is equipped with a low water cutoff, test the 2. Read the boiler pressure/temperature gauge to make
low water cutoff periodically during the heating season, sure the system is pressurized. Lift the relief valve
following the low water cutoff manufacturer’s top lever slightly, allowing water to relieve through
instructions. the valve and discharge piping.

Reset button (low water cutoff) 3. If water flows freely, release the lever and allow the valve
to seat. Watch the end of the relief valve discharge pipe
1. Testing the low water cutoff shuts the unit off. Press the to ensure that the valve does not weep after the line has
RESET button on the low water cutoff to turn the unit had time to drain. If the valve weeps, lift the seat again to
back on. attempt to clean the valve seat. If the valve continues to
weep afterwards, contact your qualified service
Check boiler piping (gas and water) technician to inspect the valve and system.

1. Remove the boiler front access door and perform a gas 4. If water does not flow from the valve when you lift the
leak inspection per steps 1 through 7 of the Operating lever completely, the valve or discharge line may be
Instructions on page 9. If gas odor or leak is detected, blocked. Immediately shut down the boiler, following
immediately shut down the boiler following the the operating instructions on page 9 of this manual. Call
procedure on page 9. Call a qualified service technician. your qualified service technician to inspect the boiler and
2. Visually inspect for leaks around water piping.
Also inspect the circulators, relief valve, and fittings. Shut boiler down (unless boiler is used
Immediately call a qualified service technician to repair for Domestic Water)
any leaks.
1. Follow “To Turn Off Gas to Appliance” on page 9 of this
Have leaks fixed at once by a qualified manual.
service technician. Failure to comply could
2. Do not drain the system unless exposure to freezing
result in severe personal injury, death, or
temperatures will occur.
substantial property damage.
3. Replace the front access door. 3. Do not drain the system if it is filled with an antifreeze
Operate relief valve 4. DO NOT shut down boilers used for domestic water
heating, they must operate year-round.
1. Before proceeding, verify that the relief valve outlet has
been piped to a safe place of discharge, avoiding any
possibility of scalding from hot water.

To avoid water damage or scalding due

to valve operation, a metal discharge
line must be connected to the relief
valve outlet and run to a safe place of
disposal. This discharge line must be
installed by a qualified heating installer
or service technician in accordance with
the instructions in the Crest Installation
and Operation Manual. The discharge
line must be terminated so as to eliminate
possibility of severe burns or property
damage should the valve discharge.

User’s Information Manual

3 Operating instructions
WARNING: If you do not follow these instructions exactly, a fire or explosion
may result causing property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
A. This appliance does not have a pilot. It is • Immediately call your gas supplier from a
equipped with an ignition device which neighbor’s phone. Follow the gas supplier’s
automatically lights the burner. Do not try instructions.
to light the burner by hand. • If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call
B. BEFORE OPERATING smell all around the fire department.
the appliance area for gas. Be sure to C. Use only your hand to turn the gas control knob.
smell next to the floor because some gas
Never use tools. If the handle will not turn by
is heavier than air and will settle on the hand, don’t try to repair it, call a qualified service
technician. Force or attempted repair may
WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS result in a fire or explosion.
• Do not try to light any appliance. D. Do not use this appliance if any part has been
under water. Immediately call a qualified
• Do not touch any electric switch; do service technician to inspect the appliance and
not use any phone in your building. to replace any part of the control system and
any gas control which has been under water.

1. STOP! Read the safety information 8. Turn gas shutoff valve clockwise to “ON”.
above on this label. Handle will be parallel to pipe.
2. Set the thermostat to lowest setting. 9. Install front door.
3. Turn off all electric power to the 10. Turn on all electric power to applianc e.
applianc e. 11. Set thermostat to desired setting.
4. This appliance is equipped with an 12. If the appliance will not operate, follow the
ignition device which automatically lights instructions “To Turn Off Gas To Appliance” and
the burner. Do not try to light the burner call your service technician or gas supplier.
by hand.
5. Remove front door.
6. Turn gas shutoff valve counterclockwise
to “OFF”. Handle will be perpendicular to
pipe. Do not force.
7. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out any gas.
If you then smell gas, STOP! Follow “B”
in the safety information above this label.
If you don’t smell gas, go to next step.


1. Set the thermostat to lowes t setting. 4. Turn gas shut off valve counterclockwise to
2. Turn off all electric power to the appliance “OFF”. Handle will be perpendicular to pipe.
if service is to be performed. Do not force.
3. Remove front door. 5. Install front door.

L BL2 005 3 REV B

User’s Information Manual


w/Crest CON•X•US Interface (CCI)

The Home Screen displays the available basic system information. It is divided into the following sections: Status, System,
Boiler, Modulation, and Navigation.

Figure 4-1 Home Screen

• The System Section is located in the middle of the screen • The Navigation Section is located across the top of the
and displays exterior sensor data. If hooked up it will screen. There are three (3) main sections located next
display the following: Outdoor Air, Hot Water Temp, to the Lochinvar icon: Home, View, and Setup. The Home
System Supply Temperature, and System Return Section is the screen shown above. The View Section
Temperature. takes you to several screens that allows you to view sensor
data. The View Screens consists of Boiler, Modulation,
• The Boiler Section is located in the lower middle of the Pump, Cascade, BMS/BAS, Graph, History, and Service
screen and displays sensor data for those sensors installed Notes. The Setup Screen has several screens to aid in
in the factory as follows: Inlet, Outlet and setting up the boiler. The Setup Screens consist of Set
Delta Water Temperature, Outlet Water Temperature, Points, Rapid Setup, Advance Setup, HW Night Setback,
Flue Temperature, Flame Currents, and Premix Air Service Maintenance, Service Notification, and BAS. There
Temperatures. is also a HELP button located on the right side of the
screen along with an expanded HELP option (About, Save/
• The Modulation Section is located on the right of the Load Parameters - also known as Loch’n Load, System
screen and displays the target modulation of the unit. Update, and Wifi Setup).

• The Status Section is located on the left of the screen and

displays how the unit is currently running (i.e. Off, Stand-
by, Blocking, and Lockout) including: the Power Button,
current driving demand (i.e. Space Heat or Hot Water),
the next Space Heat or Hot Water Setback scheduled, the
reason for any blocking or lockout, and the current set
point temperature with a button that allows you to
change the set points.

User’s Information Manual


Revision Notes: Revision A (ECO #C07970) initial release.

Revision B (ECO C11613) reflects the addition of models 4.0 and 5.0.

Revision C (ECO C14386) reflects the addition of the corrosive

contaminant warning on page 3 (R06313).

Revision D (Change #500001029) reflects the addition of the Crest

CON•X•US Interface.

Revision E (PCP #3000003566 / CN #500003622) reflects the addition

of the 6.0 Btu Model.
FB-USER MM #100161014_DIR #2000004599 Rev E

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