Quadratic Equation Part (A)
Quadratic Equation Part (A)
Quadratic Equation Part (A)
Q.1 *
If P(x) = ax 2 +bx+ c and Q(x) = - ax2 + dx + c, where ac 0, then P(x) . Q(x) = 0 has
( A) exactly one real root (B) atleast two real roots
(C) exactly three real roots (0) all four are real roots.
Q.2 If a, (3 are the roots of the equation x 2 + px - r = 0 and a, 3(3 are the roots of the equation
x 2 + qx - r = 0, then r equals
3 3
8 (p-3q)(3p + q)
8 (p + 3q) (3p - q)
3 3
(C) (3p - q) (p - 3q) (0) 64 (3q - p) (p - q)
Q.3 Let A- and
"'z be two values of"- for which the expression x2 +(2-A) x+ A- 4 becomes a perfect
square. The value of (1,, 12 + 1,,/) equals
(A)8 (B)25 (C) 50 (0) 100
Q. 5 If e"- and e-"- are the roots of equation 3x2 -(a+ .b )x + 2a = 0, a, b, A e R, A* 0 then least integral
value of b is
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 9 (D) 10
Q. 7 If a, p are the roots of the quadratic equation x 2 + 2( 1 - cos 30) x - 2 sin 230 = 0 (0 e R),
then the maximum value of a.2 + (3 2 is equal to
(A)0 (B)4 (C)8 (0)16
Q.9 If one of the root of the equation 4x2 -15x + 4p =0 is the square of the other then the value ofp is
(A) 125/64 (B)-27/8 (C) -125/8 (D) 27/8
Q . 10 2 2 3
Consider the quadratic equation (k. - l)x + (2k +9k 2
+ 3k-14)x+ (2k3 + 5k2 - Ilk-14)==0th-
fmd the the sum ofall the value(s) of k (where k E R) for which the given equation has en
Colwnn-1 Column-II
(A). Exactlyonerootzeroandotherrootisfinite (P) -1
Both roots zero (Q)
(C) Exactly one root infinity (R) 2
Q.2 Tlhe smallest integral value of p for which the inequality (p - 3)x 2 - 2px + 3(p - 2) > O
is satisfied for all real values of x, is
W8 ~7 ~6 ~5
Q. 5 The largest integral value of k for which the quadratic trinomial P(x) = (k- 2)x 2 + 8x + k + 4 is
non-positive for all real values of x is
W2 ~4
Q.6 Consider the graph ofquadratic polynomial y = ax 2 +bx+ c as shown below. Which of the following
is(are) correct? y
(A) a-b+c
abc =o (B)abc(9a+3b+c)<O
a+3b+9c x
(C) abc <O (D)ab(a - 3b+9c) > O
. x 2 (5- x)(l-2x)
Q.7 If S 1s the set of all real ',t such that -'---__..:;__:'--~ is negative
and 3 2 is positive, then S contains
6 X +X -X •
Q.8 Letf(x) = x +px-2, g(x) =px 2 + x +(p + 2) V x e R, where~ is areal constant.
If f(x) > g(x) V x e R, then the range of pis (- oo, - : ) where m and n are coprime.
Find the value of (m-5n).
Q. 9 Let x + 2y2- 2xy- 2 k (x + 2y) V x, y e R then find the number of integral values of k.
Q. l O If the roots ofthe equation x2 + (p + 1)x + 2q -q2 + 3 = O are real and unequal V p e R then find the
,minimum integral value of (q2 2q).
Q.4 If one root of quadratic equation x 2 - x + 3m = 0 is 4 times the root ofthe equation x2 - x + m = 0,
where m -:;: 0 , then m equals
12 12 12 12
(A) 196 (B) 169 (C) 256 (D) 189
Q.8 If quadratic equations 2x2 -3x + 5 = O and ax2 -bx +c =0, a, b, c e N have a common root then
the value of a + b + c can be equal to
(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 20 . (D)25
Q. 1 . x 2 +2x-3
If x e R then range of f(x) = is
- 2x 2 +3x-9
Q.3 If the quadraticpolynomialftx) =(a-3)x2-2ax +3a-7ranges from [-1,oo )foreveryx e R, then the
value ofa lies in
(A) [O, 2] (B) [3, 5] (C) [4,6) (D) [5, 7]
- Paragraph for question nos. 4 & 5
p t2 +4t+10
(t) = t2 + 4t + 5 ' t E R
and Q(x) = x 2 -2mx + 6m -41, where x, m e R.
Q.4 The sum of all integral values in the range of P(t) is
(A)l9 (B)20 (C)21 (0)22
Q.5 If Q(x) + 54 P(t) \;;/ x e R then true set of values of m is
(A)[- 1, 6] (B)[-6, 1] (C)[- 7, 1] (0) [-1, 7]
(0, 0)
Q.7 If a be one of the root of f(x)= Othen the value of (a3 + 10a2 + 40a + 39) is
(A)O (B)9 (C)lO (D)-9
Q.8 Range of h(x) =(¾+a )x2 +(b- l)x +(c-6) when x e [-2, O] is
3 3
(A) [ : ,6] (B) [ : , 8] (C) [6, 8]
Q.9 If sin2x + sin x = (a+ 2), then which ofthe following statement(s) is(are) con-ect?
(A) Number of integral values of a for real solution to exist is 3.
(B) There exists no solution for a< or a> 0.
(C) The minimum value of a for real solution is - 2.
(0) Number of prime values of a for real solution to exist is 1.
Q.1 O Let f(x) = x2 +bx+ c (b, c e R) for all x e R, attains its least value at x = - 1 and the graph of f(x)
cuts y-axis at y = 2. Then
(A)theleastvalueoff(x)forallx e Ris 1. (B)thevalueoff(-2)+f(O)+f(l)equals9.
(C)the least value off(x)for all x e R is-1. (D)thevalue off(-2) +f(O) +f(l) equals 7.
Q. l Let P(x) = x3 -6x2 +Bx+ Chas 1 + 5i as a zero and B, Care real numbers, then value of (B + C) is
(A)- 70 (B) 70 (C) 24 (D) 138
is equal to
(A)5 ..(B)8 (C)12 (D) 15
Q.3 Let a, P, y and o be the roots (real or non-real) of equation x4 3x + 1 = 0. The value of
a 3 + p 3 + + o3 is equal to
(A)6 (B)9 (C) 12 (D) 15
Q.4 Ifthe general expression ofdegree 2 given by 3x2 +xy+ ky2 + 10x-3y+ 7 can be factorised into two
linear factors then value of k is
(A)4 (B)2 (C)-2 (D)-4
a. Px yx 2
Y= l + - - + - - - - + - - - - - ' - - - - - th th I f t -2.
X-a. (x-a.xx-p) (x-a.)(x-p)(x-y) en evaueo ya X- , IS
For some real value of k, let 3a.3 - a.2 = ka. - 9, 3p 3 - p 2 = kp - 9, 3y3-y2 = ky- 9
where a. > p > y and a. + y = 0. · •
Q.9 Let roots of the equation x 3 + 3x2 + 4x = 11 are a, (3, y and the roots of equation
x3 + /x 2 + mx + n = 0 (/, m, n e R) are a+ (3, p + y, y + a.
Cohonn-1 Colunm-11
(A) l is equal to (P) -6
Q.10 If the system of equation r2 + s2 =t and r+ s +t= k- has exactly one real solution, then find the
valueof k.
Q.11 If a, (3 and y are the roots of the equation 5x3 - qx - 1 = O, (q e R) then find the value of
a.2-3(3 2 -3 ·y2-3
(3y ya af3 ·
Q.3 If the equation x2 + ax + b = 0 has one root equal to unity and other root lies between roots of the
equation x2 - 7x + 12 = 0, then the range of a is
(A)(-5, -4) (B)(-4, -3) (C)(-3, -2) (D)(4, 5)
Q.4 The greatest integral value of p for which the quadratic equation x2 - p(2x - 8) = 15 has
one root less than 1 and other root greater than 2, is
(A) -1 (B)0 (C) 1 (D)2
Q.5 Let P(x)=x2 -2(a2 +a+l)x+a2 +5a+2.Ifminimumvalueof P(x) for x~O is 8, thenthesum
of the squares of all possible value(s) of a, is
(A) 13 (B) 17 (C) 37 (D)49
0] then the number of integral value of 'p' for which ei.. + 1 an~
Q.6 If).., peRan d pe [-5, 1 . . 2 _ .
- ). + 1 are the roots of the quadratic equation x + ( 1 - 2p) x + 2p - 1 - 0 is
(A) 7 (8) 8 (C) 14 (D) 16
If a, p are the roots of equation x2 - 3x + c = 0 (c e R) and a. < 1 < P, then c belongs to
Q.9 If a + .I_ and 2 -P __!.. (a, p > 0) are the roots of the quadratic equation x 2 - 2(a+ 1)x + a - 3 = 0
a p
then find the sum of integral values of 'a'.
Q. l Ifthe equation 11 - xi- Ix+ 21 + x = p has two distinct real solutions then
(A) p e (-2, 1) (8) p e [-2, l] (C) p e {-1, 2} (D) p e {-2, l} -
Q. 2 The smallest integral value of a for which the inequality 1 + log5(x 2 + 1) s; logs(a x 2 + 4x + a)
is true for all x e R, is
(A)4 (8)5 (C)6 (D)7
Q.3 The number of integral solution(s)ofthe inequality log(x2 +2)(x 4 + x 2 +2)
-J2-log3 (3 +Ix I) is
(A)O (8)1 (C)6 (D)l3
Q.4 If the equation I x2 + 2x + a I = 2 has exactly 4 real and distinct solutions, then
(A) a> 3 (8) a e (-oo, -1] u (2, oo)
(C) a e (-oo, 1) u (3, oo) (D) a <-1
Colwnn-1 Cmmnn-D
(A) The possible integer(s) satisfying the inequality (P) 2
1°£¾:2x-J) (3x - 4) > 0, is
(B) The possible integer(s) satisfying the inequality (Q) 3
log 1t ( x -x+l) > -2
. is (R) 4
tan- x+2 ,
2 1
Find the number of integral values of x satisfying the inequality log 4 ( X - )
7 forwhich \x 2 -5x+7-p\ =6+ \x -5x+l-:-P\
(a) The equation x 2 +bx+ c = 0 has distinct roots. If2 is subtracted frorn each root, the results are
reciprocals of the original roots. Find the value of (b2 + c2 +be).
(b) If x and x are roots of the quadratic equation 2x 2 + 3x-4 = 0, then find the quadratic equation
1 2
whose roots are (2x 1 + 3)-2 and (2x 2 + 3)-2.
ax 2 +2(a+ l)x+9a+4
Q.2 Find the range ofvalues of a, such that f (x) = 2
X - 8 X+ 32
is always negative.
Q.3 Let ex, (3 be real roots of the quadratic equation x 2 - kx + k 2 + k - 5 = 0. If m and M are
respectively the minimum and maximum value of a.2 + (3 , then find (m + M).
Q.4 Let a, b be arbitrary real numbers. Find the smallest natural number 'b' for which the equation
x2 + 2(a + b )x + ( a - b + 8) = 0 has unequal real roots for all a e R.
Q.5 When y2 +my+ 2 is divided by (y - 1) then the quotient is f (y) and the remainder is R 1. When
y2 +my+ 2 is divided by(y + l)then quotient is g (y) and the remainder is Rz. IfR 1 = then find the
2 2
Q.6 Consider the quadratic polynomial f (x) = x -4ax + 5a - 6a
(a) Find the smallest positive integral value of'a' for which f ( x) is positive for every real x.
(b) Find the largest distance between the roots of the equation f(x) = 0.
(c) Findthesetofvalues of 'a' forwhichrangeoff(x)is (-8, oo).
Q .7(a) If the quadratic equations, x 2 +bx+ c =0 and bx 2 +ex+ 1 =0 have acommonrootthenprovethat
either b + c + l = 0 or b 2 + c 2 + 1 = b c + b + c.
(b) If the quadratic equations x 2+bx+ ca= 0 & x 2 +ex+ ab= 0 have a common root, prove that
the equation containing their other root is x 2 +ax+ be= 0.
x +ax+4
Q.8 Let ftx) = is defined for all real x, then find the number ofpossible ordered pairs (a, b).
x +bx+16
(where a, b e I).
Q.9 . . real . F'mdth e maxunum
Let x be a positive . possi'ble value o fthe expression
. y= -
X +2-vx~ +4
Q.10 Find the smallest integral value of 'a' such that Ix+ a- 31 + Ix - 2al = 12x - a- 31 is true V x e R.
Q.13(a) Let a, 13 and y are the roots of the cubic x3 -3x2 1 = 0. Find a cubic whose roots are a.: , l3
2 2
and _Y_. Hence or otherwise fmd the value of (a.- 2)(13 - 2)(y- 2).
(b) If a, 13, y are roots of the cubic 2011x3 + 2x2 + 1 = 0, then fmd
(i) (a.J3ti + (l3ytl + (ya.ti ; . (Ii) a.~2 + 13-2 + y-2
Q . 14 Find sum ofall possible values ofthe real parameter 'b' ifthe difference between the largest and smallest
values ofthe function f(x) = x2 - 2bx + 1 in the segment [0, 1] is 4.
Q.15 Find all numbers p for each of which the least value of the quadratic trinomial
4x 2 - 4px p 2 - 2p + 2 on the interval 0 :5 x :5 2 is equal to 3.
Let g(x) = x + 2ax +a 2 - 9, wher.e a e R. Ifboth roots of the equation g(x) = 0 are less than the
24-2x-x 2 25-x 2
largest integral value of x satisfying the inequality > , then find the smallest
14 16
integral value of a.
Q.17 Let P (x) = x 2 +bx+ c, where band care integer. If P (x) is a factor of both x4 + 6x 2 + 25 and
3x4 + 4x 2 + 28x + 5, fmd the value of P(l ).
Q.l8 a., pare the roots of the equation, x2 - 2 x _ a2 + 1 = 0 and y, 6 are the roots of the equation,
x - 2 (a+ 1) x + a (a- 1) = 0 such that a, P e (y, 6) then find the values of'a'.
Q.I9(a) Find all the values ofthe P~eter'a'forwhich both roots ofthe quadratic equation
x2 -ax+ 2 = 0 belong to the mterval (0, 3).
Q.20 Fi!"~ _the values of K so that the quadratic equation x2 + 2 (K _ 1) x + K + 5 = O has atleast one
positive root. . ,
Q. 21
2 7t ' L,
1s a root of ~e equation, x2 + bx + c = O where b, c e Q then fmd the value of ( 40crc ).
Q.23 Solve for x : logx _ Sx < - 1
Q.24 If the inequality loSa(x 2 - x - 2) > loSa(- x2 + 2x + 3) is known to be satisfied for x = 4
in the interval (xi' x 2), then fmd the product (x 1Xi).
Q.25 Find all the values ofthe parameters c for which the inequality has at least one solution.
··- . EXERCISE-3
(JEE-ADVANCED Previous Year"s Questions)
. . 1-2x+5x
Find the range of values oftforwh1ch2 sm t= x2 _ x-l, t e -
1t , 1t} ·
Q.l 3 2 22
(JEE 2005(Mains), 2)
(a) Let a, b, c be the sides of a triangle. No two of them are equal and A e R. If the roots ofthe equation
x2 + 2(a + b + c)'€ + 3A.(ab +be+ ca)= 0 are real, the~ . .
(A) A<- (B) A.>· 5
(C)A e (13,35) (D)A e (43,35)
(b) Ifroots ofthe equation x 2 -1 Ocx-1 ld = 0 are a, band those of x - 1Oax - 11 b = 0 are c, d, then fmd
the value of a+ b + c + d. (a, b, c and dare distinct numbers)
[JEE 2006, 3+6)
Q.3(a) Let a, p be the roots of the equation x 2 - px + r = 0 and a./2, 2J} be the roots of the equa.:
x 2 - qx + r = 0. Then the value of 'r' is
Q. 5 The smallest value ofk, for which both the roots ofthe equation, x 2 - 8kx + 16(k2 - k + I)= 0 are real,
distinct and have values at least 4, is [JEE 2009, 4 (-1))
Q.6 Let p and q be real numbers such that p ':#- 0, p3 ':#- q and p3 ':#- -q. If a. and p are nonzero complex numbers
satisfying a. + p = - p and a.3 + p3 = q,"then a quadratic equation having ; and as its roots is
3 2
(A) (p + q)x - (p 3 + 2q)x + (p 3 + q) = 0 (B) (p 3 + q)x2 - (p 3 - 2q)x + (p 3 + q) = 0
3 2
(C) (p - q)x - (5p 3 - 2q)x + (p 3 - q) = 0 (D) (p 3 - q)x 2 - (5p 3 + 2q)x + (p 3 - q) = 0
[JEE 2010, 3)
(a) Let a. and p be the roots of x 2 -6x -2 = 0, with a.> p. If 3n = a.n-pn forn 1, then the value of
a 10 -2a8 .
2a 9
(A)l (B)2 (C)3 (0)4
(b) A value of b for which the equations
x 2 +bx-I =0
x 2 + x+ b=0
have one root in common is
- (B) (C) (D) Ji
[JEE 2011, 3+3]
Q.8 The quadratic equation p(x) =0 with real coefficients has purely imaginary roots. Then the equation
p{p(x)) = 0 has
(A) only purely imaginary roots (B) all real roots
(C) two real and two purely imaginary roots (D) neither real nor purely imaginary roots
[JEE (Advanced) 2014, 3]
Q.9 Let S be the set of all non-zero real numbers a such that the quadratic equation ax2 - x +a= 0 has two
distinct real roots x 1and ,S satisfying the inequality Ix 1- ,s I< 1. Which ofthe following intervals is(are)
asubset(s) ofS?
Q.12 al2 =
(A) all+ alO (C) a11 + 2a10 (D) 2au + ¾o
[JEE (Advanced)2017, 3+3]
(JEE-MAIN Previous Year's Questions)
Q.1 Toe value of a for which the sum ofthe squares ofthe roots of the equation x 2 - (a- 2) x - a-1 = O
assume the least value is- [AIEEE-2005]
(1)1 (2)0 (3)3 (4)2
Q.2 Ifthe roots ofthe equation x 2 -bx + c = 0 be two consecutive integers, then b 2 -4c equals.
(1)-2 (2) 3 (3)2 (4) 1
Q.3 In a triangle PQR, LR= ; , If tan (~) and tan ( ~) are the roots of ax2 +bx+ c = O, a* 0
then- [AIEEE-2005]
(l)a=b +c (2)c =a+b (3) b =c (4)b = a+c
the roots of the quadratic equation x -
.. ~
2 2kx + k2 + k 5 0 are less than 5, then k l i e
r10 ..
UllQViU (4)[4, 5] 5]
(1)(5, 6] (2)(6, co) (3) (-00, 4)
Q.5 If the roots ofthe quadratic equation x 2 + px + q = 0 are tan 300 and tanl , respectively then the Vallie
. [AIEEE-20iu:i
0 f 2 + q - p IS (4) 2 ~vvJ
(1)3 (2)0 (3)1
Q.6 All the values of m for which both roots of the equation x 2 - 2mx + m l =Oare greaterthan-2 but
less than 4, lie in the interval- [AIEEE-2006]
(l)m > 3 (2)-l<m<3 (3)l<m<4 (4)-2<m<O
3x 2 +9x+l7.
Q.7 If xis real, the maximum value of 2 15 - [AIEEE-2006]
3 X + 9X+ 7
17 1
(1) 41 (2)1 (3)- (4) -
7 4
Q. 8 Ifthe difference between the roots ofthe equation x2 +ax+ 1 = 0 is less than Js, then the set ofpossible
values ofa is- [AIEEE-2007]
(1) (-3, 3) (2) (-3, co) (3) (3, oo) (4) (- oo, - 3)
Q. 9 The quadratic equations :X2 - 6x +a= 0 and x 2 - ex + 6 = 0 have one root in common. The other roots
of the first and second equations are integers in the ratio 4 : 3. Then the common root is
(1)4 (2)3 (3)2 (4) 1 [AIEEE-2008]
Q. 10 Ifthe roots of the equation bx 2 + ex+ a= 0 be imaginary, then for all real values of x, the expression
3b2x 2 + 6bcx + 2c2 is - [AIEEE-2009]
( 1) Greater than 4 ab (2) Less than 4ab
(3) Greater than - 4ab ( 4) Less than - 4ab
Q.l find the value ofk so that the two roots of the equation x2 + kx + 12 = 0 differ by 1.
1 1
Q.2 Ifthe sum ofthe roots
. of the equation -x+p -- = !r 1szero,s
- +x+q · h ow that theprodu ct ofth e roots is
Q.3 If 3+ is a root of the equation x 2-6x + k=O, find the value ofkand the other root
Q.5 If the roots of the equation (b-c)x2 + (c-a)x + (a-b) =Oare equal, then show that a+ c = 2b.
Q.6 If a is real and the roots of the equation 9x2 + 4ax + 4 =Oare complex, show that a lies between
-3 and3.
Q.7 Ifp is real and the roots of the equation p(x + l)(x + 3)+ 2 = 0 are not real, find p.
Q.8 Let ex, (3 be the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 +bx+ c = 0.
Find the condition that
(i) Exactly one root is zero.
(ii) One root is negative ofthe other.
(tii) One root is reciprocal of the other.
(iv) One root is double than the otherroot.
(v) One root is square of the other root.
ex, (3 are the roots of the equation ax2 + 2bx + c = 0. If ex= kP, show that ac (k + l 'f = 4b k
Q. 9
If the roots of the equation ax2 +bx+ c = 0 are in the ratio 1: m, show that ac(l + m'f = b lm.
Q.11 If the roots ofthe equation ax2 +bx+ b = 0 are in the ratio m : n, show that l + + l = O.