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CLD 001-035_02-16-06-M6.

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An element as basic and small as a lampshade can make or break the look of a room. If the shade is not in
proportion to the lamp or the style does not fit in with the furnishings, the eye will immediately read the
room as awkward. The five classic lampshade shapes (for hard-wired, candlestick-style chandeliers and wall
sconces, as well as for portable lamps) are conical, drum, rounded flare, oval and square. What’s most impor-
tant to the look of a fixture is the material and texture of the shade itself. The rule of thumb for bases: a dec-
orative base needs a simple shade, and a plain base needs a colorful, more decorative shade. Another rule: a
square base needs a square shade, a round or cylindrical base looks best with a round or oval shade.


Parchment-paper shades in cream Glass is a natural reflector. Glass A transparent or light-colored shade An opaque shade, whether it’s a
or ivory allow for a generous lampshades can be multicolored, as lets the most amount of light dark-colored fabric, or a metal
amount of light to diffuse through in Tiffany lamps. This pleated glass through the material and into a shade of antique nickel, bronze, or
the material and into the room, cre- fixture from Shady Lady creates a room, and it casts a glowing halo antique brass, focuses light down-
ating a warm, intimate glow. This play of light and shadow in the room. around the fixture. Clear bulbs make ward for task lighting or to highlight
lantern lamp from Shady Lady has a The individual look and color of each a translucent shade sparkle even an object on a table. The table lamp
tea-stained paper shade to match piece is what’s most important with more. The white, flared shade on the from Hubbardton Forge above has a
the rustic nature of the fixture. The most glass shades. If uniformity is Billy Jean table lamp from Shady conic shade in a terra-cotta, micro-
illumination transmitting through preferred, the best choice is white Lady diffuses light upward, outward, suede fabric that lets a dusky,
the shade’s material is a muted art glass, alabaster, or opal glass, and downward, adding luster to the emberlike glow through the materi-
golden glow. each of which creates a warm, inti- silver candlestick base. al, and it focuses direct light onto
mate glow. the base to highlight the intricate
forged ironwork.


Some of the most expensive shades Brass mesh, used as a diffuser on
are made from fabric. But since a chandelier designed by architect
fabric is woven, light can transmit Heather Faulding, is used because
easily through the threads. White of its delicacy and as a layer to both
silk is the most transparent and see and diffuse the crystal petals
most expensive. Linen shades have that are inside the center of each
greater light diffusion than most magnolia. The effect produces a
other shades. Bleached or natural dappled reflection of light onto the
burlap, such as the shade on this walls and ceilings. Faulding also
Natural Inspirations table lamp from uses brass mesh for lampshades,
Shady Lady, is an alternative mate- though it usually requires an extra
rial adding texture to the fixture, and layer to better diffuse light. A single
when the light is transmitted layer of mesh shows a light source
through the shade, it has a dappled more clearly, and it looks a bit more
effect. “high tech” or contemporary. When
using mesh, Faulding says it’s best to
use 25- to 40-watt chandelier lamps
that produce the lowest tempera-
tures, but don’t let the source touch
or lay too close to the material.

Job no:90617CTP Title : RP_COMPLETE LITHTING DESIGN Client : Pro-vision P23

Scn : #175 Size : 215.9(w)279.4(h)mm Co : M6
Dept : DTP D/O : 1.03.06 (Job no:000000 D/O : 00.00.01 Co: CM0) 5TH BLACK
CLD 001-035_02-16-06-M6.qxd 2/28/06 4:37 PM Page 25


Accent lighting is a broad category that includes architectural (hardwired, recessed lighting with a con-
trolled beam spread or track lighting with adjustable cans) and portable fixtures meant to highlight a
special feature in a room. The category shown below focuses on under- and in-cabinet lighting to illu-
minate dim areas, and adjustable ceiling or wall spots that can be added to a room to highlight art-
work, other collections, or an architectural feature.

Under-cabinet lighting, also considered task lighting, gives a kitchen (or a home office with cabinets
over a work surface) a sparkling look. They come as low-voltage puck lights (round lighted disks with
halogen bulbs) or fluorescent tubes that can be plugged directly into a 120-volt receptacle. Under-cab-
inet lights will naturally be located close to the countertop, but remember that pucks with halogen
bulbs do create a noticeable level of heat when left on for long periods of time. To better conceal an
under-cabinet fixture, put it close to the front edge of the cabinet. Remember that the countertop and
back-splash surface will affect the brightness of an under-cabinet light. Dark surfaces absorb the
light; lighter colors reflect and diffuse light. Glossy countertops, especially dark colors, will cause glare
and annoying reflections with most under-cabinet lights. For best under-cabinet accent lighting
results with a dark, glossy countertop, keep the backsplash a light color.


Bookcase accent lighting is easy to achieve with Small spotlights, like IKEA’s versatile Non fixture Accent spotlights look discreet in this plastic,
portable lamps, but is almost always forgotten that is a mere 1 1/4 " (3.2 cm) high, can be used steel, glass, and chrome-plated wall/ceiling fix-
about in a lighting plan. The telescopic arms and inside cabinets, under cabinets, and inside book- ture from IKEA. It’s a portable fixture, but looks
adjustable shade of IKEA’s Magiker fixture sits shelves. Its low-level, 10-watt halogen bulbs give architectural because of its sophisticated design.
securely on a solid base. off just enough sparkle without emitting too much The halogen lights hang down 15 inches (38 cm),
heat. The spotlight shown has a shade, but can be and are accessible for adjustment to highlight
used without a shade for a traditional puck light changing artwork.


Accenting wall-mounted artwork can be tricky
and is always best done with unobtrusive lights
like this one from IKEA. The Isfall fixture can be
placed on top of a bookshelf with its shade
angled downward.


Lengths of rope lighting placed in strategic
places, such as the perimeter of a cove ceiling,
above windows but covered by valances, under
toe-kick cabinet areas, and along lengths of tall

bookcases, can create a glow that accents hori-

zontal planes. The tubular body of Boalum, a
classic fixture from Artemide, is designed with
reinforced, flexible, plastic material used for dif-
fused incandescent accent lighting. The ropes can
be connected for a longer tubular composition.


Job no:90617CTP Title : RP_COMPLETE LITHTING DESIGN Client : Pro-vision P25

Scn : #175 Size : 215.9(w)279.4(h)mm Co : M6
Dept : DTP D/O : 1.03.06 (Job no:000000 D/O : 00.00.01 Co: CM0) 5TH BLACK

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