6110.1J - Physical Readiness Program
6110.1J - Physical Readiness Program
6110.1J - Physical Readiness Program
1J From: Subj: Ref: Chief of Naval Operations PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (1) (2) (3) (4) DoD Instruction 1308.3 of 5 Nov 2002 OPNAVINST 6100.2A OPNAVINST 5102.1D BUPERSINST 1610.10C NAVPERS 15560D, Military Personnel Manual SECNAVINST 1920.6C SECNAVINST 6120.3 OPNAVINST 6000.1C BUPERSINST 1430.16F SECNAVINST 1420.1B DoD Instruction 1215.13 of 11 May 2009
Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) Policy Guidelines Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) Failure Process Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) Tables Body Composition Assessment (BCA) Medical Waiver Chart (5) Physical Readiness Test (PRT) Medical Waiver Chart
1. Purpose. To establish policy and requirements for Navys Physical Readiness Program to ensure both Active Component (AC) and Reserve Component (RC) personnel maintain a level of physical fitness required to support overall mission readiness per reference (a) through (k). 2. Cancellation. OPNAVINST 6110.1H.
3. Scope. This instruction applies to all AC and RC Navy personnel, commands, and activities. a. This instruction describes the Navys Physical Readiness Program, issues program requirements, defines the responsibilities for compliance, and establishes required minimum standards of physical fitness.
OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 b. The Physical Readiness Program Operating Guide is the official Physical Readiness Program supplement guide to the this instruction and will be referred to as the Operating Guide throughout this instruction. All information contained within the guide is available for download on the Physical Readiness Program Web site: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/support/physical/Pages/default2.aspx. The Operating Guide is divided into three sections: (1) Physical Readiness Program How To Guide; (2) Command Fitness and Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP) Guide; and (3) Physical Readiness Program Nutrition Resource Guide. 4. Discussion. It has become increasingly important for all Navy personnel to maintain a minimum prescribed level of physical fitness necessary for world-wide deployment, whenever or wherever needed. Per reference (b), the Navy utilizes a holistic approach to overall wellness via exercise, nutrition, weight control, tobacco cessation, prevention of alcohol abuse, and health and wellness education. While all of these factors contribute to overall wellness, the primary focus of this instruction is to define the policies and requirements for both maintaining and assessing Navy physical fitness. 5. Policy. All Navy AC and RC personnel shall meet minimum physical fitness standards for continued naval service. a. Command Physical Training (PT) Program. Commanding officers (COs) are responsible and accountable for the physical fitness of their personnel and shall establish and maintain an effective year-round physical readiness program. Physical fitness shall be integrated into the workweek, consistent with mission and operational requirements. To maintain health and decrease the risk of chronic disease: (1) Members shall comply with medical screening requirements for participation in all physical training consistent with this instruction. (2) Members should participate in moderate activity at least:
OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 (a) Two hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes) per week, i.e., 50 minutes three times per week or 75 minutes two times per week; plus (b) Perform strength training exercises at least twice per week to work all major muscle groups. (3) Detailed requirements for exercise sessions are located in the command fitness section of the Operating Guide on the Physical Readiness Program Web site:
b. Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA). The Navy assesses personal physical fitness via a semi-annual PFA (see enclosure (1)). The PFA includes a medical screen, a body composition assessment (BCA) and physical readiness test (PRT) (see enclosure (1)). The medical screening includes the annual periodic health assessment (PHA), a semi-annual NAVPERS 6110/3 Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire (PARFQ), and prephysical activity questions (see enclosure (1)). The BCA is based upon height and weight tables and circumference measurements, when required. The PRT is a series of physical events that assess cardio-respiratory fitness, muscular strength, and endurance. Physical fitness standards should be maintained constantly and consistently, not solely at the time of semi-annual testing. c. Failure to Meet PFA Standards. Meeting minimum PFA standards are a condition of continued naval service. Members with PFA failures will be subject to administrative actions. Members failing to meet BCA or PRT standards shall participate in an FEP. Members failing to meet PFA standards three times in the most recent 4-year period shall be processed for administrative separation (ADSEP) from the Navy. d. Medical Waiver Management. Members with two consecutive medical waivers or three in a 4-year period shall be referred to the military treatment facility (MTF) for a medical evaluation board (MEB). MEB findings shall be forwarded to Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM), Career Progression Department (PERS-8) for disposition.
a. Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education (DCNO (MPTE)) (N1) shall: (1) Develop physical readiness policy and provide oversight. (2) Manage Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS). (3) Provide Train-the-Trainer courses to certify instructors for the Command Fitness Leader (CFL) course. Provide quality assurance and assistance to Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) for CFL training and certification courses. (4) Provide direct community management for all PFArelated matters affecting Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV), Nuclear Propulsion Management Branch (N133) personnel. All community management and policy decisions affecting Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program personnel must be referred to OPNAV (N133) for review and approval. This includes all administrative separation packages that are submitted per this instruction. (5) OPNAV, Physical Readiness Program Office (N135F) shall provide program management to include policy oversight, enforcement, standards, and quality assurance for CFL certification, ADSEP waiver processing and waiver compliance, management of CFL curriculum, and accession point training programs. b. CNIC shall:
(1) Provide fitness staff and facilities for physical fitness training at each installation. Ensure CFL instructors and morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) fitness staff comply with current policies when assisting with command PT, FEP, and PFA. (2) Schedule and execute CFL certification courses based on regional requirements.
OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 c. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) shall:
(1) Establish guidelines to ensure consistency of the authorized medical department representative (AMDR) BCA and PRT waiver recommendation process. (2) Develop and execute a training program for all physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and independent duty corpsman (IDCs) on proper procedures for BCA and PRT medical screening and waivers. (3) Provide management and oversight of the BUMED approved ShipShape Weight Management Program. d. Commander, Naval Education and Training Command shall:
(1) Develop and maintain a pre-requisite course for prospective CFLs on Navy Knowledge Online E-Learning. (2) In coordination with OPNAV (N135F) and CNIC, develop and maintain CFL course curriculum. (3) Conduct a PFA on all members attending schools greater than 10 weeks in duration. (4) Ensure all recruits meet or exceed physical readiness standards by completion of recruit training. (5) Establish a PRIMS account for each recruit and enter final PFA score prior to completion of recruit training. (6) Ensure compliance with the standardized fitness and nutrition programs, in consultation with OPNAV (N135F). (7) Establish a physical fitness program at all schools, regardless of duration. e. Commander, Naval Safety Center shall: Collect and analyze data on Physical Readiness Program injuries and deaths, per reference (c).
OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 f. Commander, Navy Personnel Command (COMNAVPERSCOM) shall:
(1) Ensure PFA results are incorporated into the promotion, advancement, and reenlistment process. (2) Ensure compliance with PFA requirements is incorporated into personnel transfer and detailing decisions. (3) NAVPERSCOM (PERS-8) and NAVPERSCOM, Reserve Personnel Matters (PERS-9) will manage ADSEP processing for all members who have three or more PFA failures in the most recent 4-year period. (4) Evaluate PFA MEB findings for disposition. g. Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command shall:
(1) Ensure all Drilling Reservists, including Voluntary Training Unit members, complete a PFA twice annually. (2) Ensure reserve unit commanders, COs, officers in charge (OICs) and reserve healthcare professionals assist, advise, and educate command members in implementing the Physical Readiness Program. (3) Ensure compliance with all Physical Readiness Program reporting requirements. (4) Establish policy for Drilling Reservists pertaining to timing of PFAs and conduct of FEP. h. Echelon 3 Commanders shall:
(1) Evaluate command requests for waivers for readiness and approve as appropriate, with consultation from the individuals Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS) Officer Community Manager/Enlisted Community Managers (BUPERS-31/32). (2) Appoint a collateral duty physical readiness control officer (PRCO) to liaison with OPNAV (N135F) and to provide assistance to subordinate commands on the Physical Readiness Program policy and compliance.
OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 (3) Ensure PFA compliance reporting from PRCO at least semi-annually. i. Immediate Seniors in Command (ISICs) shall:
(1) Ensure command compliance with Physical Readiness Program policies. (2) Evaluate and forward recommendations to next higher echelon commander on command requests for waivers for readiness. j. Commanders, COs, OICs shall:
(1) Comply with and execute all requirements of this instruction, utilizing the Operating Guide and Web site to obtain additional guidance for program operation. (2) Integrate PT into the workweek, consistent with mission and operational requirements. (3) Designate (in writing) and maintain one certified CFL to administer the requirements of this instruction and one assistant CFL (ACFL) per 25 command members. (4) Ensure proper safety precautions are followed during command or unit PT, PFAs and FEP. (5) Ensure members receive proper medical screening: (a) To participate in a PFA, members must have a current PHA, NAVPERS 6110/3, and answered no to all of the pre-physical activity questions (except question one). (b) To participate in command or unit PT and FEP, members must have answered no to all of the pre-physical activity questions (except question one). (6) Ensure fitness reports and performance evaluations accurately reflect PFA performance and that all recommendations for promotions and advancements are conducted per the requirements of reference (d). (7) Ensure counseling of enlisted personnel who fail the PFA is properly documented through issuance of a permanent
OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks which is properly verified in the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) and electronically forwarded to NAVPERSCOM via the servicing personnel support detachment or personnel office (PERSUPPDET/PERSOFF). A sample can be found in PRIMS. (8) Ensure counseling and signatures are completed when issuing a letter of notification (LON) for officer PFA failures. A sample can be found in PRIMS. (9) Ensure the management of an effective FEP. (10) Ensure all data for semi-annual PFA are entered into PRIMS within 30 days and all waivers are entered within 14 days of the completion of the command PFA cycle. (11) Initiate ADSEP processing within 14 days of the third or greater PFA failure in most recent 4-year period for all individuals, per references (e) and (f), unless a waiver of readiness has been approved by the echelon 3 commander. (12) Ensure compliance with reference (c) reporting requirements for any physical readiness-related injuries or fatalities. k. CFLs shall: (1) Meet the following requirements: (a) E6 or above (preferred); (b) Non-user of tobacco products; (c) Overall PRT score of Excellent or Outstanding; (d) Be within Navy BCA standards; (e) Maintain current cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) qualifications; and (f) Complete OPNAV approved 5-day CFL certification course within 3 months of assignment as CFL;
OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 (2) Conduct the semi-annual PFA per this instruction and the Operating Guide. (3) Advise chain of command on all Physical Readiness Program matters at least quarterly. (4) Maintain responsibility and oversight for command PT and FEP as outlined in the command fitness section of the Operating Guide. (5) Ensure all ACFLs are CPR certified and competent to conduct PRT, BCA, FEP, and command PT. All ACFLs shall be nonsmokers and meet the same PFA requirements as the CFL. (6) Use PRIMS to manage PFA data: (a) Ensure semi-annual PFA scores are entered within 30 days of the completion of the command PFA cycle. (b) Ensure all Physical Readiness Program waivers are entered into PRIMS within 14 days. (c) Verify NSIPS electronic service record (ESR) and the official military personnel file (OMPF) against PRIMS for all newly reported personnel. Ensure written counseling NAVPERS 1070/613 (for enlisted) or LON (for officers) is drafted and submitted to the appropriate chain of command for all personnel with documented PFA failures in PRIMS, but no evidence of written counseling. 1. PHA Status. Inform all members of their PHA status. Ensure members understand the policy which prohibits participation in command or unit PT, PFAs, or FEP if the PHA is not current. 2. Written Counseling. Ensure written counseling (NAVPERS 1070/613 for enlisted) or LON (for officers) is drafted and submitted to the appropriate chain of command for all personnel with documented PFA failures in PRIMS, but no evidence of written counseling in the OMPF. (d) Ensure PRIMS data is current and accurate for all detaching personnel and select appropriate permanent change of station option.
OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 (7) Maintain original written documentation (notes and or worksheets, etc.) of official command PFAs and FEP for a period of 5 years and per current personal identifiable information policy. (a) Ensure all LONs for the first PFA failure are maintained in the CFL records. LONs for the second and third PFA failure shall be forwarded to NAVPERSCOM, Records Management/Policy Branch (PERS-313) for entry into the OMPF. (b) Forward all Administrative Remarks to PERSUPPDET/PERSOFF for NSIPS ESR verification and submission to the OMPF. (8) Report all Physical Readiness Program-related injuries to the command safety officer. (9) Draft letters of correction (LOC) and forward with supporting documentation to OPNAV (N135F) for PRIMS correction within 1 year of error. l. Individual Members shall:
(1) Participate in a year-round physical fitness program to meet Navy fitness and BCA standards. (2) Review and verify accuracy of PFA data in PRIMS within 60 days of the PFA cycle. (3) Maintain an updated annual PHA. (4) Complete a NAVPERS 6110/3 for every PFA cycle. (5) Fulfill all FEP requirements in the event of a PFA failure. 7. Records Management. Records created as a result of this instruction, regardless of media and format, shall be managed per Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Manual M-5210.1 of November 2007.
a. The preferred means of preparation of the Administrative Remarks is via the NSIPS ESR or PRIMS. In the event that neither capability is available, NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks is available at Naval Forms Online: https://navalforms.daps.dla.mil/web/public/forms. NAVPERS 6110/3 Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire (PARFQ) and, NAVMED 6110/4 Physical Fitness Assessment Medical Clearance/ Waiver are also available at the above Web site. b. Reporting requirements contained in this instruction are exempt from reports control per SECNAV M-5214.1 of December 2005.
Distribution: Electronic only, via Department of the Navy Issuances Web site http://doni.daps.dla.mil/
OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT (PFA) POLICY GUIDELINES 1. PFA. The PFA consists of a medical screening, BCA, and PRT. To facilitate operational commitments or mission requirements, a command may conduct an official PFA anytime within each Navy PFA cycle providing there is a minimum of 4 months between PFAs and only one per Navy cycle. The command PFA cycle is determined by the CO to include the regular and make-up dates for PFA components. a. Failing the BCA portion of the PFA is an overall PFA failure. b. To ensure safety during the PFA process, members that fail the BCA or who are medically waived from the BCA shall not participate in the PRT. 2. CO Authority. The CO has authority over the schedule, conduct, safety, and medical waivers for the PFA. a. The Physical Readiness Program requires the completion of a 1.5 mile run or walk, the definitive assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness. The CO and or OIC may authorize participation in PFA approved alternative cardio-respiratory events. b. The CO may waive the PRT component of the official PFA for the entire command based upon deployment and operational (DEP/OP) commitments. Additional reasons for nonparticipation are listed in paragraph 6. c. The CO must request approval from the ISIC to DEP/OP BCA for the command. d. Waiving more than two consecutive PRT cycles for DEP/OP for the entire command requires concurrence from the echelon 3 commander via the ISIC. e. The CO, using Bad Day guidelines, may authorize one retest on the PRT portion of the PFA (see enclosure (5)). f. At the end of each PFA cycle, the CO has authority to determine whether non-participation was authorized or
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 unauthorized. All unauthorized non-participation shall be designated as UA in PRIMS and scored a PFA failure. 3. PFA Notification. The command shall provide a notification at least 10 weeks in advance of scheduled PFA dates. This notification is intended for the preparations required by the CFL and for medical screening of members. It is not intended as a preparation window for individuals. Navy personnel are not exempt from taking the PFA if they did not receive a PFA notification as long as they are medically cleared and acclimatized, per paragraph 6b(2)(b). 4. PFA Participation. Participation in the semi-annual PFA is required for all Active Duty and Drilling Reservists, regardless of gender, age, rank, title, billet, or retirement request status. a. cycle. All members are required to participate in one PFA per PFA cycles are defined as: (1) Cycle 1 (1 January through 30 June). (2) Cycle 2 (1 July through 31 December). b. PFAs for the current cycle must be completed within the cycle dates. PFAs may not be conducted after the cycle and entered as the previous cycle. c. See paragraph 6 for authorized non-participation.
d. No member shall participate in the PRT without medical clearance. PRT medical clearance requires: (1) Periodic Health Assessment (PHA). A PHA is an annual requirement (reference (g)). Members who do not have a current PHA shall not participate in a PRT or physical conditioning. (2) NAVPERS 6110/3. All personnel shall complete a NAVPERS 6110/3 via PRIMS as soon as possible following the PFA notification. (3) Pre-physical activity questions. The CFL shall ensure every member is asked the questions prior to participating in the PRT (see paragraph 8).
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 5. Medical Clearance. Members who respond yes to one or more of the pre-physical activity questions (except question one) shall be referred to the AMDR for medical clearance. PFA medical clearance for participation in the PFA will be annotated on a NAVMED 6110/4 Physical Fitness Assessment Medical Clearance/ Waiver provided in PRIMS or from the medical department. a. AMDR Review. Only AMDRs are authorized to make PFA medical recommendations to the CO. AMDRs shall be a physician, adult nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or IDC and shall be appointed in writing. b. AMDR Recommendation. The AMDR shall review all NAVPERS 6110/3s with yes responses and make appropriate recommendations via a NAVMED 6110/4. The medical department will file a copy of the NAVMED 6110/4 in the members medical record. c. PFA Medical Waivers. Individuals who receive a BCA or PRT medical waiver for two consecutive PFA cycles or three in the most recent 4-year period shall be referred to the MTF for a medical board (MEDBOARD). The medical board findings shall be referred to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-8) for disposition (enclosures (4) and (5)). 6. Authorized PFA Non-participation. Personnel who fail the PFA, and are subsequently granted a medical waiver for subsequent cycles, remain a PFA failure until completing and passing an official PFA. The following are the only authorized medical and non-medical exceptions for not participating in the PFA: a. Exceptions for Medical Reasons. Medically waived status does not count as a failure or pass for the PFA and will not be used to count towards such for administrative, promotion, or retention purposes. In all cases, the Service members CO is the final authority for granting all PFA medical waivers, and all medical waivers shall be recorded in PRIMS and will be filed in the members medical record consistent with the paragraphs below: (1) BCA Medical Waivers. Members must address potential medical circumstances affecting accurate measurement prior to the official BCA. After-the-fact BCA waivers are not authorized. BCA waivers may be granted only if the member is in
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 approved limited duty (LIMDU) status (ACC 105) for the medical condition prompting the BCA waiver request, and only under the following circumstances: (a) BCA waivers may be granted in the setting of an inability to obtain an accurate weight (e.g., leg cast) or measurement (e.g., recent surgery on an area directly involved with the measurements used to calculate BCA). (b) BCA waivers may also be granted if the member has fallen out of BCA standards within the preceding 6 months due to a medical condition or medical therapy which has been newly diagnosed, worsened in severity, or increased in dosage in that 6 month period, which is known to result in weight gain. (c) The inability to exercise is not a valid reason for a BCA waiver. (d) All BCA medical waivers will be issued on a NAVMED 6110/4 and will require two signatures: 1. The physician (military or civilian) recommending the waiver; and 2. AMDR physician.
3. If the AMDR is the recommending physician, the AMDRs supervisor's signature is required. (2) PRT Medical Waivers. AMDRs may make a recommendation to the CO to medically waive all or a portion of the PRT for an individual. (3) Pregnancy Status. For the purpose of this instruction, pregnancy status is defined from the time pregnancy is confirmed by a military health care provider (HCP) or civilian HCP in cases of inaccessibility to an MTF, until the end of the 6 months following convalescent leave (postpartum): (a) Pregnant Service women will not be issued medical waivers. Pregnant Status will be assigned in PRIMS. PFA results prior to confirmation of pregnancy shall not change.
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 (b) Pregnancy-status Service women shall not be required to meet BCA and PRT standards. (c) Per reference (h), pregnant Service women in a pregnancy status shall receive guidance from a physician, adult nurse practitioner, or physician assistant concerning type(s) and duration(s) of activities (e.g., walking, water aerobics, elliptical, stationary bicycling) to maintain appropriate physical conditioning and body composition. Pregnancy-status Service women will not be mandated to participate in command or unit PT or FEP. (d) AMDRs shall indicate when pregnant Service women, who have been removed from a pregnancy status, can participate in the BCA, PRT, or PT. COs may place personnel removed from a pregnancy status into the FEP to assist those members with preparing for the PFA, provided they are medically cleared. (e) See reference (h) for policy regarding medical waivers and PFA exemptions for Service women undergoing infertility treatment with in vitro fertilization. b. Exceptions for Other Reasons. Circumstances exits in which participation in the PFA, as required by this instruction, may not be possible. The CO may waive PRT participation for circumstances. Justification for approved non-participation shall be entered into PRIMS and will not be considered a PFA failure. A full list of authorized non-participation reasons are listed below: (1) DEP/OP. For deployed units where conducting a PRT is impractical, however BCA is still required. (2) Excused. The reporting senior of the member must submit a PFA non-participation letter to OPNAV (N135F) to designate excused non-participation in PRIMS: (a) Isolated Duty. For members assigned to non-military organizations such as embassies, one-of-a-kind duty such as the Personnel Exchange Program, or a joint command without an available qualified CFL or Service equivalent.
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 (b) Acclimatization. No single policy can be developed to fit every circumstance regarding the need for acclimatization of newly-reported personnel. COs are authorized, with AMDRs consultation, to set appropriate acclimatization periods for newly-reported personnel for participation in command or unit PT, PFAs and FEP. In the event the acclimatization period extends into a new PFA cycle, the member shall participate in the BCA and the PRIMS record for the PRT shall reflect excused. (3) Individual Augmentee (IA). Due to the nature of IA assignments, IAs may be designated in PRIMS as "IA" participation status if either the BCA, PRT, or both were not completed due to conditions at the deployed location, such as safety or the nature of the assignment. Note: Per NAVADMIN 160/08, an IA is defined as any member in receipt of individual deployment orders issued by NAVPERSCOM, Career Management Department (PERS-4), to include individual augmentee manpower management (IAMM), global war on terrorism support assignments (GSA), overseas contingency operations support assignment (OSA), and mobilized reserve personnel (RC MOB) not mobilized as part of an established commissioned reserve component unit, and health services augment personnel (HSAP). Individuals in such assignments will be treated as newly reported personnel upon return and are expected to meet Navy standards for physical fitness and military appearance. (4) Temporary Additional Duty. May be used for consecutive schools lasting less than 10 weeks in duration or temporary duty assignment with no means of participating in an official PFA for entire PFA cycle. (5) Leave. May be used for convalescent leave and emergency leave which extends beyond the command and Navy PFA cycle (not intended for regular or leave in conjunction with permanent changes of station orders). 7. BCA. The BCA portion of the PFA is passed (within BCA standards) when a member is within established Navy body composition assessment standards. a. BCA Standards. Navy body composition standards are determined by established maximum weight for height standards (enclosure (3)). If an individual exceeds the weight for height
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 screen, the circumference technique shall be used per the Operating Guide to determine body fat percentage. Individuals who are within standards via the height and weight measurement are exempt from the circumference calculation procedure. b. PRIMS is the official source to determine the percent fat estimation for men and women. The BCA tables contained in the Physical Readiness Program Operating Guide may be used as an on-site reference. The maximum allowable Navy body fat limits are: Age (years) 17-39 22% 33%
Male Female
c. COs and officers in charge should specify the required uniform - uniform of the day or Navy physical training uniform that will be worn during official and unofficial height and weight screening and circumference measurements. d. Official BCA. An official BCA is a BCA conducted during the command PFA cycle or after the command PFA cycle for members without a PFA record for the current cycle. (1) One-on-one BCAs are not authorized. A CFL or trained ACFL and trained observer must be present; (2) Only a designated and certified CFL or trained ACFL can administer the BCA for an official PFA, except as noted below; and (3) In the event a member is assigned to a joint command without a Navy CO or CFL, the official Navy PFA may be conducted by the CFL-equivalent of the sponsoring Military Service using Navy criteria and procedures. The CFL-equivalent will forward PFA data to OPNAV (N135F) for entry into PRIMS. e. Unofficial BCA. A check-in or courtesy BCA is a proactive measure to assist members in consistently meeting BCA standards. Check-in and courtesy BCAs shall not be used as an official BCA, unless the measurement occurs after the command PFA cycle and no current PFA record exists.
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 f. Non-authorized BCA. For the official PFA, measurements taken by medical department personnel, civilian doctors, MWR fitness staff, or any other person are not authorized and shall not override the BCA taken by the CFL or ACFL. g. BCA Participation. The BCA shall be accomplished on every member even if the PRT component of the PFA is DEP/OP. Command-wide DEP/OP for BCA must be approved by the ISIC (for individual exemptions, refer to paragraph 6). h. BCA Scheduling Requirements for AC. The BCA shall be completed within 10 days of, but not less than 24 hours, prior to participation in the PRT. i. BCA Scheduling Requirements for Drilling Reservists. Drilling Reservists shall strive to comply with the BCA requirements of paragraph 6b, but have up to 31 days from the time they complete the BCA to conduct the PRT. Reservists shall not conduct a BCA less than 24 hours prior to the PRT. j. Altering BCA measurements. Any attempt by a member to alter their BCA measurements by using body wraps, starvation diets, and sauna suits is prohibited. If temporary altering is detected by the command, the CFL or the ACFL, the member shall be required to wait a minimum of 72 hours before completing the official BCA measurement. Any attempt to influence the BCA measurement through intimidation, coercion, or other means may result in disciplinary action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. 8. PRT. The PRT is passed when a member scores satisfactory or above in all events. a. Administration. The PRT shall only be administered by designated and certified CFLs and trained ACFLs. All personnel participating in the PRT shall wear Navy PTU. b. Participation. Member is medically cleared to participate in the PRT and the BCA is passed. c. Alternate Cardio Events. The swim, elliptical and bike are alternate cardio events. Participation in an alternative cardio-respiratory event is not an entitlement. The
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 Operating Guide provides detailed information on the use and testing procedures for the cardio-respiratory alternative events. d. Scoring. Each PRT event is scored for five levels of performance and assigned points based on performance (enclosure (3)) (points from each event are added together and divided by three to determine the overall score): (1) Outstanding: (2) Excellent: (3) Good: 90 to 100 points;
75 to 89 points;
44 points or below.
e. Personnel at Increased Elevation. Members permanently assigned to locations at increased elevation shall participate in the PRT per the Operating Guide. Increased elevation is defined as greater than or equal to 5,000 feet above sea level only: (1) PRT events completed at altitudes of 5,000 feet or higher shall use adjusted tables located in the Operating Guide; and (2) Other than using adjusted tables, PFA procedures are not modified due to increased elevation nor do COs have any authority to modify other components of the requirements. f. Pre-physical Activity Questions. Any members with positive responses to any of the below questions (except question one), must be evaluated by an AMDR before participating in the PRT. The CFL will make a determination if further medical evaluation is necessary. The pre-physical activity questions are: (1) Do you have a current PHA? participate today. If no, you may not
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 (2) Do you have chest pain (with or without exertion), bone or joint pain, high blood pressure or high cholesterol? If yes, have you been cleared, by your medical provider, to participate in PT? (3) Have you had a change in your medical status since the last time you were asked these questions? (4) Are you ill today or know of any medical condition that may prevent you from participating in physical activity today? (5) (For PRT Only) Did you answer yes to any NAVPERS 6110/3 questions? If yes, do you have a PFA medical waiver or clearance form on file? If no you may not participate today? g. PRT Safety Guidelines. Participation in physical activity, even those related to improving health status, pose a risk of injury. Environment and characteristics of participants also contributes to overall injury risk. Members must be informed of these risks and taught how to minimize the possibility of injury: (1) The CFL is responsible for conducting a safe PRT and shall complete the PFA checklist in the Operating Guide. All events of the PRT shall be performed per the Operating Guide. (2) One-on-one PRT are not authorized. Every PRT must have a CFL or ACFL and one qualified CPR monitor present per every 25 participants. (3) All PRTs shall begin with the pre-physical activity questions to determine whether there have been any changes in medical status since completion of the NAVPERS 6110/3. (4) The CFL or ACFL will lead the participants in a 5 to 10 minute dynamic warm-up. Appropriate exercises are described in the Operating Guide. (5) All PRT events shall be completed on the same day, and in the following sequence: warm-up, curl-ups, push-ups, cardio-respiratory event (run or walk, swim, elliptical trainer or stationary bike), and cool-down.
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 (6) Following completion of the PRT events, the CFL or ACFL shall ensure participants perform recommended cool-down exercises and sign the official PRT score sheet. 9. PFA Status PFA is passed when a member passes both the BCA and the
a. PRT.
b. When the BCA is passed and one or more PRT event is medically waived, the overall score of the PFA is partial pass. c. When the BCA is passed and the entire PRT has been exempt due to an authorized non-participation reason, the overall score of the PFA is BCA pass. d. The PFA is a failure when the BCA or any PRT event is failed. 10. Data Reporting. PRIMS is the only approved means of organizing and documenting information including the results of medical screening and waivers. All data for a PFA semi-annual cycle including waivers and justification for non-participation, shall be entered into PRIMS within 30 days of completion of the commands PFA cycle. Data entered must match the cycle in which the PFA was conducted. Each command is responsible for tracking PFA results via PRIMS and taking appropriate administrative action. a. CFLs have up to 60 days from test date to edit existing PFA records. b. All AC and RC personnel are responsible for reviewing their PRIMS data within 60 days after each PFA cycle, as it may impact promotion, retention, transfer, or selection status. 11. PRIMS Corrections. Requests to correct PRIMS data must be submitted to OPNAV (N135F) within 1-year of occurrence. The request must be sent via a LOC from the originating command, along with supporting documentation. Examples of required documentation are available on the Physical Readiness Program Web site: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/support/physical/Pages/default2.aspx.
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT (PFA) FAILURE PROCESS 1. PFA Failures. A failure of either the BCA or PRT component of the PFA constitutes a PFA failure. In the event a medical waiver is granted for all or part of the PRT, members must still pass the BCA component unless it is also medically waived. Members failing the BCA component for the first time or receiving a new failure in a 4-year period shall be referred to medical for evaluation for clearance to participate in command or unit PT or FEP. a. Bad Day. A CO may authorize one retest to pass the PRT portion of the current PFA cycle: (1) An individual must request a Bad Day within 24 hours of completing the PRT. If approved, the retest must be administered within 7 days of the initial PRT failure and within the same PFA cycle for which the Bad Day was requested. Drilling Reservists have until the end the following month; (2) The member must retake all components of the PRT. The Bad Day option does not apply to BCA determinations; and (3) If the individual is approved for a Bad Day but does not participate in the retest, becomes medically waived before the retest, or transfers to another assignment before the retest, the initial test score is to be entered into PRIMS as the official PFA. b. PFA Failure Notification. Documentation of written counseling provided any time prior to member acquiring third PFA failure is sufficient notice for all administrative actions specified in this instruction. (1) Enlisted PFA Failure Notification. COs will provide enlisted personnel failing the PFA a written notification of the failure within 30 days following the completion of the command PFA cycle. Per reference (e), notification shall be in the form of at least one NAVPERS 1070/613. (2) Officer PFA Failure Notification. COs will provide officers a LON within 30 days following the completion of the command PFA cycle.
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 c. Assignment to FEP. FEP is mandatory for any member who fails any portion of the PFA and is available, at the discretion of the CO, to any member who desires to improve their fitness. Participation in FEP shall continue until the member passes the next regularly scheduled command PFA and scores good or better in all PRT components d. Fitness Reports and Performance Evaluations. PFA failures shall be reported in fitness reports and performance evaluations as directed by reference (d). e. Enlisted Advancements. Enlisted members shall have advancement or frocking deferred if they have failed the most recent official PFA. In the circumstances where a special PFA is required for frocking and promotion purposes (i.e., chief petty officer induction), the command shall defer frocking for members that fail to meet Navy PFA standards. Members may participate in monthly FEP PFA to regain eligibility. If not within standards by promotion cycle limiting date, the advancement authority will be withdrawn, per reference (i). f. Officer Promotions. Officers shall be ineligible for promotion if they have failed the most recent PFA. Reference (j) outlines requirements for a CO to forward notification of failure to delay promotion to NAVPERSCOM, Officer Performance and Separation Branch (PERS-834). Members may regain eligibility by passing the next command directed PFA (i.e., monthly FEP mock PFA) and notification shall again be made to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-834). g. Reenlistment and Extension. AC members who have three or more PFA failures in the most recent 4-year period shall not be reenlisted or extended. Requests for exceptions to policy for active duty reenlistments or extensions shall be addressed to NAVPERSCOM, Active Enlisted Programs Branch (PERS-811), via the chain of command. Requests for exceptions to reenlistment or extension policy for Reservists should be addressed to NAVPERSCOM, Reserve Enlisted Status Branch (PERS-913), via the chain of command. h. Transfers. AC and Full Time Support (FTS) personnel who have three or more PFA failures in the most recent 4-year period
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 shall not transfer to a new permanent duty station and will be retained onboard. This restriction also applies to those who have waivers for readiness. (1) Requests for exceptions for active duty transfers shall be addressed to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4) via the chain of command. A template for transfer waiver requests can be found on the Physical Readiness Program Web site: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/support/physical/Pages/default2.aspx; (2) Transfers will continue to be authorized for Drilling Reservists who, due to a change in residence or unit disestablishment, are no longer within reasonable commuting distance from a reserve unit, as defined in reference (k); (3) Unless the most recent PFA was passed, Drilling Reservists who have failed two consecutive PFAs in the past 3 years shall not be assigned to IAMM assignments; (4) AC and FTS personnel who have failed the two most recent PFAs consecutively shall not transfer to a new permanent duty station until the member successfully passes a PFA during an official PFA cycle; and (5) Unless the most recent PFA was passed, AC personnel who have failed two PFAs in the past 3 years shall not be assigned to: (a) Overseas billets; (b) GSA/OSA; (c) IAMM assignments; (d) Pre-commissioning billets; (e) Recruiting division commander assignments; (f) Recruiting duty; (g) Equal opportunity advisor assignments; (h) Washington DC and Millington staffs;
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 (i) Combatant commander staff; or (j) Instructor duty. i. Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program. OPNAV (N133) is the single point of contact on all PFA failure policy matters relating to Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program personnel. All community management and policy decisions affecting Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program personnel must be submitted to OPNAV (N133) for review and approval vice NAVPERSCOM (PERS-811). This includes waivers for readiness, ADSEPs, reenlistments and extensions, and transfers. j. Medical Officers. All community management and policy decisions affecting medical officers must be referred to BUMED, Total Force Directorate (M1) for review and approval. 2. ADSEP. Mandatory separation processing shall occur for all members who fail three PFA cycles in the most recent 4-year period. Refer to reference (e) for enlisted and reference (f) for officer processing requirements. a. ADSEP for Over 18 Years of Service. Members with over 18 years of service are not exempt from ADSEP. Members with a third PFA failure prior to 30 June 2011 and an approved fleet reserve and retirement date will be allowed to retire (grandfathered in). Those with a third failure subsequent to 30 June 2011 will be processed for ADSEP. b. RC Personnel. RC personnel who have three or more PFA failures in the most recent 4-year period shall not be transferred to the Inactive Ready Reserve in lieu of ADSEP processing: (1) This restriction applies to Drilling Reservists and RC personnel who are being released from all types of active duty for operational support orders (temporary active duty recalls, voluntary mobilization and active duty for special work orders) and IAMM assignments; and (2) Requests for exception to this policy should be addressed to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-9) via the chain of command.
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OPNAVINST 6110.1J 11 JUL 2011 c. Waiver for Readiness. A waiver for readiness is a waiver of ADSEP processing and is granted for a specific PFA cycle only. The waiver is designed to address the adverse effect on unit, fleet, or community that would result from the loss of a specific individual: (1) COs must request a waiver for readiness through their ISIC. Echelon 3 (or higher) commanders maintain responsibility for approval and disposition of all waivers for readiness. Command requests must be initiated within 14 days of the end of the command PFA cycle. Approving commanders will consult with the appropriate BUPERS (BUPERS-31/32) before making a final determination on waiver approval. (2) A waiver for readiness expires at either completion of obligated service, or at the completion of the next PFA cycle (whichever occurs first). If, upon waiver expiration, the member still has three or more PFA failures in the most recent 4-year period, COs shall initiate ADSEP processing per references (e) and (f) or request renewal of the waiver for readiness. (3) Individuals with waivers for readiness will not be transferred (without transfer waiver), reenlisted, or extended. (4) A waiver for readiness does not excuse an individual from participation in the PFA nor will it change existing data in PRIMS. 3. Retention Following an ADSEP Board. Individuals retained in the Navy following COMNAVPERSCOM approval of the ADSEP board recommendation are eligible to transfer to billets other than those listed in paragraph 1h(d), however, the individuals will need a transfer waiver from NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4) prior to transfer. Individuals will be referred to an additional ADSEP board if they fail a subsequent PFA and still have three or more PFA failures in the most recent 4-year period.
Enclosure (2)
Men Maximum Weight (pounds) 127 131 136 141 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 181 186 191 196 201 206 211 216 221 226 231 236 241 Members Height (inches with fractions rounded up to nearest whole inch) 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Women Maximum Weight (pounds) 127 131 136 141 145 149 152 156 160 163 167 170 174 177 181 185 189 194 200 205 211 216 222 227
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1.5-mile run 500-yd swim 450-m swim 8:15 9:00 9:45 11:00 12:30 >12:30 Age 20-24 8:30 9:15 10:30 12:00 13:30 >13:30 Age 25-29 8:55 9:38 10:52 12:53 14:00 >14:00 Age 30-34 9:20 10:00 11:15 13:45 14:30 >14:30 Age 35-39 9:25 10:08 11:23 14:08 15:00 >15:00 Age 40-44 9:30 10:15 11:45 14:30 15:30 >15:30 6:30 7:15 8:30 11:15 12:45 >12:45 years 6:30 7:30 8:45 11:30 13:00 >13:00 years 6:38 7:38 8:53 11:38 13:08 >13:08 years 6:45 7:45 9:00 11:45 13:15 >13:15 years 6:53 7:53 9:08 11:53 13:23 >13:23 years 7:00 8:00 9:15 12:00 13:30 >13:30 6:20 7:05 8:20 11:05 12:35 >12:35 6:20 7:20 8:35 11:20 12:50 >12:50 6:28 7:28 8:43 11:28 12:58 >12:58 6:35 7:35 8:50 11:35 13:05 >13:05 6:43 7:43 8:58 11:43 13:13 >13:13 6:50 7:50 9:05 11:50 13:20 >13:20
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Maximum is the highest number of points attainable for an event. Males: Performance Level Maximum Outstanding Excellent Good Satisfactory Failure Maximum Outstanding Excellent Good Satisfactory Failure Maximum Outstanding Excellent Good Satisfactory Failure Maximum Outstanding Excellent Good Satisfactory Failure Maximum Outstanding Excellent Good Satisfactory Failure Points Curl-ups 100 90 75 60 45 <45 100 90 75 60 45 <45 100 90 75 60 45 <45 100 90 75 60 45 <45 100 90 75 60 45 <45 88 81 73 40 31 <31 85 78 71 37 29 <29 81 74 62 36 26 <26 75 70 56 26 20 <20 65 60 44 20 10 <10 Push-ups 68 63 52 32 21 <21 Age 45-49 years 450-m swim 6:58 7:58 9:13 11:58 13:28 >13:28 7:05 8:05 9:20 12:05 13:35 >13:35 7:07 8:07 9:37 12:23 13:45 >13:45 7:10 8:10 9:55 12:40 13:55 >13:55 7:15 8:15 10:20 13:10 14:05 >14:05
9:33 7:08 10:30 8:08 12:08 9:23 14:53 12:08 16:08 13:38 >16:08 >13:08 Males: Age 50-54 years 64 9:35 7:15 59 10:45 8:15 49 12:30 9:30 30 15:15 12:15 19 16:45 13:45 <19 >16:45 >13:45 Males: Age 55-59 years 60 10:42 7:17 56 11:25 8:17 46 13:12 9:47 16 16:15 12:33 10 17:09 13:55 <10 >17:09 >13:55 Males: Age 60-64 years 57 11:21 7:20 52 12:04 8:20 44 13:53 10:05 14 17:47 12:50 8 18:52 14:05 <8 >18:52 >14:05 Males: Age 65+ years 48 11:41 7:25 44 12:43 8:25 36 14:34 10:30 10 18:13 13:20 4 20:35 14:15 <4 >20:35 >14:15
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1.5-mile run 500-yd swim 6:45 8:30 9:45 13:00 14:15 >14:15 years 7:15 8:45 10:00 13:15 14:30 >14:30 years 7:23 9:00 10:15 13:30 14:45 >14:45 years 7:30 9:15 10:30 13:45 15:00 >15:00 years 7:45 9:30 10:45 14:00 15:15 >15:15 years 8:00 9:45 11:00 14:15 15:30 >15:30
9:29 11:30 12:30 13:30 15:00 >15:00 Females: Age 48 9:47 44 11:30 39 13:15 21 14:15 16 15:30 <16 >15:30 Females: Age 46 10:17 43 11:45 37 13:23 19 14:53 13 16:08 <13 >16:08 Females: Age 44 10:46 41 12:00 35 13:30 17 15:30 11 16:45 <11 >16:45 Females: Age 43 10:51 39 12:08 34 13:45 14 15:53 9 17:00 <9 >17:00 Females: Age 41 10:56 37 12:15 32 14:00 12 16:15 7 17:15 <7 >17:15
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Maximum is the highest number of points attainable for an event. Females: Performance Level Maximum Outstanding Excellent Good Satisfactory Failure Maximum Outstanding Excellent Good Satisfactory Failure Maximum Outstanding Excellent Good Satisfactory Failure Maximum Outstanding Excellent Good Satisfactory Failure Maximum Outstanding Excellent Good Satisfactory Failure Points Curl-ups 100 90 75 60 45 <45 100 90 75 60 45 <45 100 90 75 60 45 <45 100 90 75 60 45 <45 100 90 75 60 45 <45 88 81 73 40 31 <31 85 78 71 37 29 <29 81 74 62 36 26 <26 75 70 56 26 20 <20 65 60 44 20 10 <10 Push-ups 40 35 30 11 5 <5 38 33 28 10 2 <2 30 26 20 6 2 <2 26 22 16 5 2 <2 22 18 12 4 1 <1 Age 45-49 years 450-m swim 8:05 9:43 10:58 14:20 15:28 >15:28 8:20 9:50 11:05 14:35 15:35 >15:35 8:35 9:57 11:15 14:50 15:50 >15:50 8:50 10:05 11:25 15:05 16:05 >16:05 9:05 10:13 11:40 15:20 16:20 >16:20
10:58 8:15 12:30 9:53 14:08 11:08 16:30 14:30 17:23 15:38 >17:23 >15:38 Females: Age 50-54 years 11:00 8:30 12:45 10:00 14:15 11:15 16:45 14:45 17:30 15:45 >17:30 >15:45 Females: Age 55-59 years 12:23 8:45 13:57 10:07 15:20 11:25 17:48 15:00 18:34 16:00 >18:34 >16:00 Females: Age 60-64 years 13:34 9:00 15:08 10:15 16:25 11:35 18:51 15:15 19:43 16:15 >19:43 >16:15 Females: Age 65+ years 14:45 9:15 16:19 10:23 17:30 11:50 19:54 15:30 20:52 16:30 >20:52 >16:30
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The physician/specialist completes and signs a NAVMED 6110/4 to recommend a BCA medical waiver.
NO 1. Member will present NAVMED 6110/4 to CFL. 2. Medical will file a copy of the NAVMED 6110/4 in members medical record.
2nd consecutive BCA Medical Waiver in a 12-month period? Forward board results to NAVPESCOM (PERS-8) for disposition.
* This diagram depicts the Navys BCA medical waiver and PFA MEB process. All PFA medical waivers will be issued on a NAVMED 6110/4.
Enclosure (4)
The AMDR indicates on a NAVMED 6110/4: 1. What PRT event(s) is/are medically waived. 2. Expiration of waiver.
1. Member will present NAVMED 6110/4 to CFL. 2. Medical will file a copy of the NAVMED 6110/4 in members medical record.
* This diagram depicts the Navys PRT medical waiver and PFA MEB process. All PFA medical waivers will be issued on a NAVMED 6110/4.
Enclosure (5)