Art 396 Dream Classroom
Art 396 Dream Classroom
Art 396 Dream Classroom
This assignment was fun but a challenge to set up my “dream classroom.” I had to
balance the 6 keys, classroom management expectations, and affordances. Keeping all those
things in mind, I still wanted a clean, neat, and realistic classroom. I will begin with a description
To start I added a few basics, desks, chairs, teacher desk, white board, smartboard, door,
and storage. These basic items don’t need much explanation. There is some form of seating,
chairs, board, and storage in every classroom. A few common items I added are bulletin board,
turn in space, bookshelf, worktable, window, and class rules. I added these because they are
found in most classrooms. They are crucial to help learning and are something I wouldn’t go
without in my classroom. A bulletin board can post classroom news or work, a turn in space is
and organizational factor I like, bookshelf to create a classroom library, a worktable so I can help
students easily, a window for natural light, and class rules to set expectations and boundaries in
my classroom. Lastly, I added a few uncommon or not as common items such as, birthday board,
carpet seating, organizers, couch, bean bags, self-reflection space, game shelf, mailboxes, water
station, nutrition station, and an extra supply station. These all aid to learning but are something
that are more “wants” rather than “needs.” I added a birthday board to show students they are
important to me, carpet seating for a comfy and organized spot, organizers to aid for planning
lessons, a couch and beanbags for a spot to relax when needed, a self-reflection space for when
they are overwhelmed, a game self for some fun while there is down time, mailboxes for the
students belongings, water station to make sure they stay hydrated, nutrition station to fuel their
bodies, and an extra supply station for when they need an item. The storage and set up areas will
be neat and put back the way the students found them each day. Students will have freedom to
interact with anything in the classroom that isn’t the teacher’s space. I want them to be able to
treat this space as a fun and friendly environment. There is plenty of room to play a game, do
fun/enjoyment, and valued. For safety I added classroom rules and a door. The rules will be to
keep everyone safe while having fun, and the door to be able to lock the classroom if that
situation comes about. For Success I added a supply station for students to get supplies when
needed and had a whiteboard and smart board to teach the lessons on. Love and belonging were
hard to show but it will be present in my classroom. I added desks for each student, so they have
their own space, and have a nutrition and hydration station so they are fueled to learn. Freedom
and independence are shown in carpet seating as they can pick wherever to set, the bookshelf
they can pick any book, and the self-reflection space where they can figure it out on their own
classroom. I added a couch and bean bags because reading or relaxing is more enjoying on one
of those, and game/bookshelf for students to enjoy on their free time. Value is also present in my
classroom. I want them to respect the space and everything in it, including their classmates. The
classroom management expectations will be clear and posted on a class rules poster. A few of the
would be, give your best effort, be kind, clean up, keep your hands to yourself, and respect others
and their property. A few affordances I hit above when explaining why I added the items I did in
my room, but I want a neat and organized room. I want this space to be colorful and welcoming
to all students. The bulletin board and classroom will be decorated to the time of year, the desks
will be neat, and chairs pushed in, a window for natural sunlight, and mailboxes for more
Overall, this was a fun assignment to create my dream classroom. I had to be sure to keep
in mind the 6 keys, classroom management expectations, and affordances. Although it was hard
to categorize a few of the items, I feel like I put together a well-rounded classroom. I can’t wait