2024 Report 191 Icass Guidelines
2024 Report 191 Icass Guidelines
2024 Report 191 Icass Guidelines
Report 191 ICASS Guidelines January 2024
The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) deems it essential to develop
guidelines for the conduct of internal assessments for N1 to N6 programmes. The purpose of
these guidelines is to set consistent standards for the:
Report 191 internal assessments prepare students for external examinations through
formal assessment activities that support teaching and learning and build up the ICASS
marks that count towards the calculation of the final examination results. In terms of The
National Policy on the Conduct, Administration and Management of the Examination of
Formal Technical College Instructional Programmes (FTCIP), these marks must be subjected
to quality assurance mechanisms to ensure that uniformity of standards is maintained. The
quality assurance (i.e. moderation, monitoring and verification) mechanisms inherent in the
assessment process serve to strengthen its credibility and thereby the credibility of the
qualification. The overarching and founding principles of assessment of Report 191 offerings
are quality and credibility.
The Report 191 internal continuous assessment (ICASS) marks for Business Studies
(Semester) marks are valid for two (2) consecutive years and for Engineering Studies
(Trimester) marks are valid for three (3) examinations (not necessarily consecutive). All
assessment evidence should be available during this period should queries arise or further
external moderation processes conducted.
These assessment guidelines are implemented from 1 January 2024 and is an attempt to
drive improved quality and uniform standards in the teaching and assessment of Report 191
subjects. Should there be any contradiction between prescriptions in subject syllabi and these
guidelines, the syllabi must be adhered to. Furthermore, programme and promotion
requirements for individual subjects as captured in the Report 190(2000/03) and Report
191(2001/08) policy documents, must prevail and supercede these Guidelines.
These guidelines are applicable to students enrolled in Report 191 trimester Engineering
Studies (N1-N6) and semester Business and Utilities Studies (N4-N6) in full time, part time
and distance learning modes.
The Department of Higher Education and Training wishes you success in the planning,
teaching and assessment of the Report 191 programmes, and encourages you to strive towards
best practices in all aspects of implementation.
Ms S Zungu
Deputy Director-General
Technical and Vocational Education and Training
1. Introduction 4
2. Planning for Internal Assessment 5
3. The ICASS Mark Component 6
4. Assessment for Different Modes of Delivery 7
5. Setting of Assessment Tasks 7
6. Setting of Assessment Tools 8
7. Moderation of Tasks 8
8. Recording of ICASS Marks 9
9. Evidence of Teaching and Assessment 10
10. Monitoring of Implementation 12
11. Conclusion 13
12. Trimester Subjects – Natural Sciences: Engineering Studies 14
13. Semester Subjects – General-, Business- and Services Studies 17
G1 Analysis Grid 24
G2 Pre-Assessment Moderation Process and Checklist 25
G3 Post-Assessment Moderation Process and Checklist 29
G4 Monitoring Report Template 31
G5 Composite Pre and Post Moderation Report Template 32
G6 ICASS Irregularity Register 33
These guidelines should be read in conjunction with the relevant Report 191 Subject
Syllabi and The National Policy on the Conduct, Administration and Management
of the Examination of Formal Technical College Instructional Programmes (FTCIP).
• develop a policy for internal assessment to cover all aspects in the complete
assessment process (including amongst others procedures for student
appeals and irregularities in accordance to The National Policy on the Conduct,
Administration and Management of the Examination of Formal Technical
College Instructional Programmes (FTCIP);
• compile trimester and semester assessment plans and schedules;
• design and moderate suitable assessment tasks and tools;
• procure necessary consumables for practical components on time.
• appoint an external moderator to conduct external moderation practical’s timeously.
• conduct assessments as per the trimester/ semester subject assessment plan.
• conduct subject level moderation on marked assessments per subject as per the
assessment plan;
• monitor the conduct and moderation of internal assessment;
• conduct verification of evidence and marks produced;
• report on the implementation of the internal assessment component and
• account for the implementation of the above to both the academic board and the
The subject assessment plan should indicate the assessment tasks that must be
approved, administered, moderated and recorded in an academic cycle. It must also
provide the names of the lecturers responsible for the setting thereof and the
timeframes. Details should be provided of the subject aims/learning objectives
covered in each task. See Sections B and C for specific information on trimester
and semester subject assessment plans.
These plans must be submitted to the academic head of the college for approval
prior to the commencement of teaching and learning in the academic period. The
management team at a college will use these assessment plans to monitor and verify
the conduct of internal assessment.
Note that the pass percentages and ratios vary for different instructional programmes
and are found in the following policy documents.
By way of illustration, a few examples of subjects’ promotion and ratio requirements are
provided, but are not limited to:
• Travel Services N6: Promotion requirement = 70%
• Travel Services N5: Promotion requirement = 60%
• Introduction to Educare Practice N4: Ratio of Semester: Exam = 60:40
• Clothing Production N4: Ratio of Semester: Exam = 70:30
• Fashion Drawing: Ratio of Semester: Exam = 70:30
Each student must complete the stipulated number of assessment tasks for each
subject in a Report 191 academic period. See Sections B and C for the number and
nature of trimester and semester assessment tasks. Only the marks achieved in these
tasks will be used to compile an ICASS mark for each subject.
Such tasks are administered to support the teaching and learning process. They are
used to provide feedback to the students and to inform planning for teaching.
Supporting tasks should not be seen as separate from learning activities taking place
in the classroom, but should serve as building blocks to assessment. Students or
lecturers may mark these additional assessment tasks. The assessments not
contributing to ICASS mark must be recorded and filed separately.
Report 191 policies allow for full time, part time and distance learning. The integrity and
quality of these programmes should be maintained at the same high standard in all
modes of delivery. ICASS mark requirements as stipulated for trimesters (Section B)
and for semesters (Section C) are therefore applicable to all modes of delivery.
The setting and moderation of assessment tasks as well as the conduct of assessment
for part time and distance learning delivery modes are required to comply with pre- and
post-assessment moderation requirements set out in these guidelines.
Tasks may be set and administered by a campus or tasks may be set by one
campus and shared with other campuses of a college or other colleges.
The latter is advocated provided that all measures are in place to prevent assessment
information passing among students of various campuses and colleges. The
credibility of these assessments must be highly protected and captured in the
institutional policy on the conduct of assessments in the college.
of careful thought and competence in the setting of questions. The assessment tasks
should be carefully designed and weighted to cover the Subject Aims/Learning
Objectives of the subject. The total number of marks allocated to a task should suit
the scope of the particular task. The design of these tasks should ensure that a
variety of knowledge and skills are assessed at the same cognitive levels and degree
of difficulty as in the external examination. Less difficult internal assessments could
lead to inflated ICASS marks that would be lowered through standardisation to the
external written paper results.
The tasks included in the ICASS mark component should progressively and
collectively cover the entire span of the learning objectives in a subject. Different
curriculum learning objectives will lend themselves to different types of assessment
tasks. See Sections B and C for information on trimester and semester assessment
Three types of assessment tasks are applicable for Report 191 subjects:
In addition, the lecturer setting the task should complete a pre-moderation checklist
(Annexure G2) for the task to ensure that it meets the basic minimum criteria. This
forms part of the pre-assessment moderation process and documentation and
should be handed to the moderator with the assessment task.
The assessment tool which best suits the type of assessment task being
administered must be compiled to match the type and purpose of the assessment
task. It may include, but is not limited to, marking memoranda/guidelines, rubrics and
checklists. In the case of practical tasks, a suitable marking tool must be
developed for evaluation of practical outcomes. See pages 14-16 for the setting of
trimester and pages 17-22 for semester assessment tools.
7 .1 Pre-assessment Moderation
A lecturer who is a subject expert must moderate and approve the assessment task
before it is administered to the students. This internal moderation of an assessment
task must be conducted according to the subject assessment plan.
Moderation conducted on marked tasks after the administration thereof ensures that
the assessment tool was applied correctly and that students have been treated fairly in
the assessment process.
The DHET will undertake moderation of the ICASS tasks administered and the marked
student evidence during nationally convened moderation sessions. A sample of the
subjects offered per TVET College qualification will be targeted per examination cycle
during this exercise. Use will be made of subject specialists currently lecturing the
subject at a TVET College to engage in the moderation process.
The DHET moderation process will focus on the quality of both the ICASS tasks
administered and the quality of the marking process. Colleges offering online
assessments should facilitate remote online moderation.
When recording performance in assessment tasks, the marks achieved in each task
must be converted to reflect the weighting for the subject. Marks should be rounded
off to avoid the use of decimals. The converted mark must be indicated on the marked
test/assignment/examination answer sheet as well as on the record sheet (e.g. 20/50
= 40% = 12/30).
Where a student completes less than the required number of tasks for the ICASS
mark component, a zero (0) must be allocated to the tasks missed and the final total
must be calculated according to the prescribed number of tasks (e.g. 20/30 + 0/70 =
The number of tasks that should be recorded is explained on page 15 for trimester
subjects and on page 18 for semester subjects. Marks for any additional assessment
tasks may not be used for the calculation of the final ICASS mark. Record sheets
constitute the official assessment records that must be kept by the college for
monitoring, moderation and verification purposes. It is important to be mindful that
these records constitute legal evidence, should a legal dispute be declared by a
student or parent / guardian.
The record sheets should be used to compile the final ICASS mark for the subject
that will in turn be transferred to the official ICASS mark sheet provided by DHET for
the submission of ICASS marks for resulting purposes.
The lecturer must keep record of only tests, assignments and internal
examinations administered that will be used to compile the term/semester mark.
The contents of the file must be arranged in chronological order per
trimester/semester/year as well as per subject and/or per levels.
The evidence refers to all the marked tests, assignments and internal examination
papers (including the 10% moderated sample marked in green), accompanied by
the electronic system print-outs of marks submitted to DHET. The student’s work
The academic line management at colleges is critical to ensure that the ICASS mark
component of each subject is implemented in such a manner that it does not
compromise the integrity of Report 191 programmes offered at the college.
(a) A subject monitoring report (Annexure G4) per lecturer reflecting the availability
• Lecturer information
• Subject file content
• Assessment file content
• Evidence of students’ work and post-assessment moderation evidence
(b) A composite pre- and post-assessment monitoring report (Annexure G5) reflecting
the combined pre- and post-moderation status for a subject offered by different
lecturers across campuses. This report should reflect the:
• Total number of students enrolled (across all campuses);
• Total number of students assessed (across all campuses);
• Total number of students who passed all assessments for the period (across all
• Total number of assessments conducted and moderated (across all campuses);
• Number of assessments conducted for this monitoring period expressed as a
percentage of the total planned assessments for the subject (across all
campuses); and
• Compliance to pre- and post- assessment requirements
Academic line managers must submit monitoring reports on all findings to the Academic
Head of the College before the end of each term and in accordance with a schedule
provided by the Academic Head of the college.
The Academic Head must, on the basis of the reports received, compile a college
report to inform the college management on assessment implementation at the
college and use the reports received from campuses to undertake visits to campuses, to
acknowledge subjects and campuses where best practices are implemented and to
ensure that the necessary support is provided to lecturers where the assessment
implementation is being compromised.
During such visits spot checks and sampling should be undertaken to ensure that the
marks captured on the ICASS mark record sheets can be backed up by student
assessment evidence and lecturer assessment files.
The lecturer has a limited number of opportunities to assess the students’ knowledge
and competencies during the academic period and therefore each task must be
planned and administered with great care.
The subject assessment plan indicates the assessment tasks that must
be set, conducted and recorded for a trimester. See Annexure T1 for an
example of a trimester subject assessment plan.
Each student must complete two assessment tasks in the form of the two tests per
trimester. Only the marks achieved in the two tests will be used to compile the ICASS
mark for the subject. The table below indicates these assessments:
Where possible, tests should be written during class periods to avoid the notion of test
series and the accompanying loss of valuable teaching and learning time. Annexure
T3 provides details of the duration and mark allocations for tests for trimester subjects.
For trimester subjects, college policy may require one or two additional supporting
assessment tasks such as short class tests to gauge the student's learning
progress, but such tasks may not be incorporated into the ICASS mark
Tests must be set and moderated by subject experts. The questions should be set to
cover the scope of assessment and weighting contribution to the final ICASS mark as
indicated in Annexure T3. Each test must consist of a combination of short,
medium and extended question types on different cognitive levels. Some syllabi
indicate the percentage of different cognitive demand questions that should be
included in the examination papers and should therefore also be the case for
tests. Each test must be accompanied by a marking memorandum that provides
alternative answers and must indicate the mark allocation that corresponds with
the test.
Lecturers setting a test should complete an analysis grid to indicate the content
coverage, the duration, the mark allocation and the cognitive level of each
question. Annexure G1 provides an example of an analysis grid.
Lecturers are required to maintain a subject file and an assessment file and to keep
the actual scripts and assignments and artifacts in storage.
For effective teaching and learning it is important that students receive assessment
feedback within a reasonable period, which should be not more than five working
days after the test was written or the assignment handed in. The following procedure
should be followed:
The subject assessment plan indicates the assessment tasks that must
be set, conducted and recorded for a semester. See Annexure S1 for an
example of a semester subject assessment plan.
Each student must complete three assessment tasks per semester. Only the marks
achieved in these three tasks will be used to compile the ICASS semester mark for the
subject. The table below indicates these assessments:
1 Test or 1
Semester subjects Assignment, external 1 Test
(75-78 Lecturing Days) moderation 1 Assignment
1 Test or 1 incorporated 1 Internal
N4 - N6 General – Assignment and Exam
Business and Services 1 Internal
Studies Examination (3 tasks)
Semester subjects may constitute theoretical knowledge, practical skills and applied
competence. It must therefore be assessed in ways that best suit the nature of the
subject i.e. tests, assignments and practical’s Annexure S3 provides details of the
duration and marks for assessment tasks for semester subjects.
Test questions should include elements of applied competence. A test should not
consist of a series of small tests, but should cover a substantial amount of content.
Where possible, tests should be written during class periods to avoid the notion of test
series and the accompanying loss of valuable teaching and learning time. Tests and
internal examinations may not compromise teaching time.
3.2 Assignments
Assignments require students to find information and apply knowledge and skills.
Students must be assessed on their understanding and application of learning material
and not on rewriting text from sources.
Examples of practical assignments may include, but are not limited to, open book
assignments, research assignments, writing of letters and reports, conducting a job
interview in role play, doing a presentation or demonstration, investigating interest
rates on loans and drawing up a budget, cooking and serving a three course meal,
composing a song and playing it for an audience.
For semester subjects the college assessment policy may require more additional
supporting assessment tasks such as short class tests or quizzes to gauge the
students' learning progress, but may not be incorporated into the ICASS semester
mark calculation.
Tests and assignments must be set and moderated by subject experts. Test questions
and assignment instructions should be set to cover the scope of assessment and
weighting contribution to the final ICASS mark as indicated in Annexure S3.
4.1 Tests
Tests must consist of a combination of short, medium and extended question
types on different cognitive levels. The test must be accompanied by a marking
memorandum/guideline that provides alternative answers and must indicate the
mark allocation that corresponds with the test.
19 Department of Higher Education and Training
Report 191 ICASS Guidelines January 2024
4.2 Assignments
Assignments should not only include short questions that require straightforward
answers, but should include questions/tasks that will encourage critical thinking and
decision-making skills. For assignments, students are required to write longer
reflective answers, such as paragraph-type responses to a given scenario, e.g.
case studies. Paragraphs providing reasons and supporting evidence/arguments
are essential. The assignment must reflect a range of different cognitive levels.
Assignments are normally assessed best by means of a marking memorandum or
a rubric.
4.4 Rubrics
When rubrics are used, they should be developed to include 4 competency levels.
Where more than 4 levels are used the evaluation is unnecessarily complicated and
unrealistic criteria are included. An even number of levels encourages the lecturer to
take a decision whether the student’s performance falls in the upper or lower half of
the 4 levels. Where an uneven number of levels are used (e.g. 3 or 5) there could
be a tendency amongst lecturers to play it safe and choose the middle option (e.g.
2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5).
The mark allocated for a criterion considered as ‘competent’ must not be less than
the pass percentage of the particular subject (40% or higher) in order to align with
the pass percentage stipulated for Report 191 subjects.
For example, where a criterion counts 10 marks and the pass requirement is 40%
the marks must be spread across the 4 levels and marks awarded as follows:
0-3 = not yet competent = competency level 1
4-5 = competent = competency level 2
6-8 = highly competent = competency level 3
9-10 = excellent = competency level 4
4 3 2 1
Excellent Highly Competent Not yet
Level of competency
competent competent
Mark allocation
9-10 6-8 4-5 0-3
(max =10)
When using a rubric as an assessment tool it may be necessary to include the list of
aspects being assessed in a criterion as part of the rubric so that the lecturer who is
carrying out the assessment will know when a student has or has not covered all
aspects required for a highly competent rating. For example, the list of items which
should be checked in the criteria on the preparation of a function room (Annexure S4)
should be provided as a separate list as part of the rubric to the lecturer to support the
assessment process.
4.5 Checklists
The completed analysis grid and checklist must be submitted with the test,
marking memorandum/rubric/checklist for pre-assessment moderation.
Lecturers are required to maintain a subject file and an assessment file and to keep
the actual scripts and assignments and artifacts in storage.
For effective teaching and learning it is important that students receive assessment
feedback within a reasonable period of time, which should be not more than five
working days after the test was written or the assignment handed in. The following
procedure should be followed:
Extended Response***
Medium Response**
± Total
Problem solving
Subject Aim/Learning Objective (LO) Question
3 Analysis and
Short response *
Duration Mark
2 Application
1 Knowledge
(Numbering only) No.
(Minutes) Allocation
NB: The term “examiner “refers to the lecturer who is responsible for setting a test/assessment task.
Allocate specific examiners and moderators names, per HOD / Senior Before classes
subject per level, to each assessment on the Assessment lecturer commence for
plans. The examiner and moderator must be two different trimester/semester
persons. programmes
(Note: Examiners and moderators must be subject experts.
The allocated examiners and moderators must be teaching the
subject and level. Empower all staff to develop and moderate)
Add internal college due dates to manage the time lines in HOD / Senior Before classes
order to meet the Subject committee assessment plan lecturer commence for
deadlines. trimester/semester
Managing of the due dates on the Subject HOD / Senior Throughout the
committee Assessment plan. lecturer academic period
Moderation of assessments tasks and tools Subject Moderator as As per internal
(Pre-moderation of tests, assignments, pre-exam tests, etc.): allocated on assessment
• Check that the examiner completed the ‘Examiner’s and internal plan
Moderator’s checklist’: assessment plan
- Technical criteria
- Content coverage
- Cognitive skills
- Types of questions
- Language and bias
- Overall impression
- Assessment tool
• Start by going through the entire assessment task and tool
• Determine whether the students will be able to complete
the assessment within the given time
• Moderator must also complete the moderator’s section on
the ‘Examiner’s and moderator’s checklist’
• Moderator must give feedback regarding changes needed
and make recommendations on checklist
• Keep all evidence of the moderation process
2.1 Cover page: Name of subject, time allocation and mark allocation
2.2 Instructions to students are clearly specified and unambiguous
2.3 Layout is reader friendly
2.4 The questions on the paper/assessment task have the correct numbering
2.5 Pages are numbered
2.6 Appropriate fonts are used throughout the paper
2.7 Format is correct (check page breaks, spacing etc.)
2.8 Mark allocations are clearly indicated (Marks per question / instruction, after
each sub section, marks added and totals are correct)
2.9 The paper can be completed in the time allocated
2.10 Formula sheet / Answer sheets / Addenda attached where relevant
2.11 Drawings – Clear and complete (With mark allocation) where relevant
2.12 The quality of illustrations, graphs, tables etc is clear and print ready
2.13 List of materials required to complete the task is provided where relevant
2.14 A clear indication is provided of the evidence that needs to be produced during
and/or on completion of the task (e.g. artefact, computer printout, activity
sheet, written response, etc).
2.15 The task is cost-effective
Yes/No/ Yes/No/
The task covers Learning Objectives as prescribed in the policy documents for
3.1 the particular subject and
The weighting and spread of content of Learning Objectives covered is appropriate
8.1 Cover page: Name of subject, time allocation and mark allocation
The assessment tool is appropriate for the type of assessment task being
8.3 Format (Alignment, check page breaks, spacing) is correct
8.4 The assessment tool is laid out clearly and is neatly typed
8.5 Clear mark allocation is provided per question / instruction
The assessment tool facilitates marking – clear guidance is provided on how
8.6 to allocate marks
8.7 allocate
Mark allocation corresponds with marks on the assessment task
The assessment tool makes allowance for alternative responses where
Drawings are clear and complete with accompanying mark allocation where
8.9 relevant
This section should be completed for the task and the assessment tool separately by the moderator.
Item Number Recommended Changes Motivation
Item Number Recommended Changes Motivation
Moderate 10% or a minimum of 5 written assessments Subject Moderator Within 2 days after the
• Moderators should familiarise themselves with the assessment (Subject expert: marked assessments
• The marked scripts selected for moderation should reflect best, empower all staff ! were handed to the
medium and poor performance. peer moderation) moderator
• Moderators should use a green pen only.
• Moderators should re-mark the entire script and also
show all √ as indicated on the assessment tool.
Feedback to marker: Subject Moderator Within 2 days after the
• Keep all evidence of the moderation process (E.g. 55 % / 66 %) marked assessments
were handed to the
Re-marking is strongly advised in the following instances: Marker Within 2 days after
• If the variance between the marker’s and moderator’s marks is greater feedback was received
than 5% for more than half of the moderated scripts. from the moderator
LECTURER:__________________________MODERATOR: ______________________
Number of students assessed
Number of answers sheets/scripts/assignments moderated
ID Numbers and names of students whose Assessed Moderated Comments
scripts/assignments were moderated Mark Mark
CRITERIA Moderator
1. Students were not advantaged/disadvantaged in either/or questions (choice
2. Alternative answers have been accommodated where relevant and credited
where applicable.
3. All responses have been marked.
4. Responses have been assessed and allocated marks in accordance with the
assessment tool.
5. The marks for the particular task have been totaled correctly.
6. The total mark achieved for the particular task has been converted to the correct
7. The weighted total mark achieved for the task has been correctly recorded on the
record sheet.
Checklist for the contents of the Lecturer Subject and Assessment Files
Is the lecturer’s information available? (Name, ID no., qualifications,
a) SACE registration, teaching/lecturing experience, workplace
experience, appointment and duties.
b) Does the Subject File contain the following:
1 Contents page
2 Class registers
3 Subject syllabus
4 Subject work schedule/ work plan / pace setter
5 Lesson plans and teaching resources
6• Evidence of additional supporting tasks as required by college academic policy
7 Evidence of review – diagnostic and statistical analysis, including notes on
8 Previous of the
question task/for
papers futureexercises
revision use / additional exercises /homework
9 Minutes / work sheets
of subject / tutorials
c) Are the documents in the file up to date and related to subject content?
d) Does the Assessment File contain the following:
1 Contents page
2 Assessment schedules
3 The assessment instruments and tools (the tests, assignments, internal exam)
examination papers and accompanying memoranda, marking guidelines,
4 Evidence of pre-assessment moderation (approval of the tasks)
• rubrics and checklists, whichever is applicable)
5 Evidence of post-assessment moderation (of 10% of the tasks)
6 Mark sheets for all groups of students (handwritten or printed)
7 Moderation reports and checklists.
8 Evidence of verification of marks captured on the electronic system (electronic
system print-outs)
Are the documents in the file up to date and arranged in chronological order per
e) trimester/semester/year as well as per subject and/or per levels for all the
subjects taught and for all levels and class groups?
NOTE: Where tasks cannot be contained as evidence in the Student Assessment File, for example a model
or an artifact created by the student, their exact location must be recorded and available.
HOD/programme manager:
Drop-out rate
Pass rate
Total number of assessments conducted and moderated:
Please complete the checklist below for compliance to pre- and post-assessment requirements:
5. Post-moderation is conducted on
10% of the marked evidence
HOD / Academic Head
Offering Mark y as per
Centre Centre / ICASS Sheet irregularit Action
Date No. Name ID NO Subject Level Task No y form taken
Submission Completion date
Assess- Duration date Asses-
Assessment Content of post-
No. ment and mark Lecturer Moderator for pre- ment
tool coverage assessment moderation
task allocation date
1 Test 1
2 Test 2 memo
❖ Content coverage and weighting must be in accordance with the subject syllabi.
❖ Duration and mark allocation must be in accordance with the subject syllabi and external examination paper/s.
❖ Assessment dates will be informed by the TVET College academic calendar for that academic year.
1 Test 1
2 Test 2 Marking
o Content coverage and weighting must be in accordance with the subject syllabi.
o Duration and mark allocation must be in accordance with the subject syllabi and external examination paper/s.
o Assessment dates will be informed by the TVET College academic calendar for that academic year.
Test 1
The duration and marks should align with
1 Week 2-4 the external examination paper/s, e.g. if the At least the first 30% of the 30%
examination paper counts 100 marks for 3 syllabus content must be
hours, then the test should count 30-35 covered in Test 1
marks for 1 hour duration
Test 2
The duration and marks should align with
the external examination paper/s, e.g. if
2 Week 5-8 the examination paper counts 100 marks At least 75 - 80% of the 70%
for 3 hours, then the test should count 30- syllabus content must be
35 marks for 1 hour duration. Preferably a covered in Test 2
longer test because of its weight
contribution in to the ICASS.
TOTAL 100%
SUBJECT: ............................................................................................................
LEVEL ............................................
Subject Semester
Submission Completion
Duration date Assess-
Assessment Assess- Content date of post-
No and mark Lecturer Moderator for pre- ment
Task ment tool Coverage assessment moderation
allocation date/s
Test or
1 memo or
Test or Marking
memo or
2 Assignment Rubric
3 examination Marking
❖ Content coverage and weighting must be in accordance with the subject syllabi.
❖ Duration and mark allocation must be in accordance with the subject syllabi and external examination paper/s.
❖ Assessment dates will be informed by the TVET College academic calendar for that academic year.
Internal Marking
3 memorandum 70-80% of the syllabus
❖ Some subjects have very specific promotion requirements that may deviate from this general template. In such cases the prescriptions in the syllabus super cedes
this general template.
1 Assignment or practical task Should cover at least 80% of the practical 20%
Minimum 100 marks component of the subject
The duration and marks should align with
the external exam paper/s, e.g. if the
2 30%
examination paper counts 100 marks for 3 At least 50% of the syllabus content must
hours, then the test should count 30-35 be covered in the Test
marks for 1 hour duration
Internal examination
Limited or no setting up
Setting up done Most of the setting up is Some of the setting up is
process is followed or
TASK 3 sequentially and correctly done sequentially and done sequentially and
correctly done as per the
Setting up a function room. as per the task and correctly as per the task correctly as per the task
task and standard
standard requirements. and standard requirements. and standard requirements.
(7-8 marks) (5-6 marks) (4 marks)
(0-3 marks)