Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students can;
 Know the different sources to be used in crafting a research
 Identify the important information to include in writing a bibliography
 Value the importance of citing source as respect in using other
author’s work through making a bibliography.
 Create a bibliography in different sources.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Writing a Bibliography
B. Competency: EN10SS-IVc1.6.3: Acknowledge sources by preparing a
bibliography; EN10SS-IVd1.6.4: Use writing conventions to
acknowledge sources
C. Materials: Book, flashcards, pictures, video tape, laptop
D. Values: Exhibit respect to other authors through making bibliography.

III. Procedure

Checking of Attendance
Arranging of chairs

IV. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

Good Afternoon Class! Good Afternoon Sir!

How is your day? So far we are great

That is good to hear, because today is another day Yes Sir!

for us to learn new lesson. Are you all excited?

I will divide the class into two, so please count 1 (The students follow the
and 2. instruction)

A. Activity
Direction: With your group, I want you to arrange
the scrambled letters to form a word. Yes Sir!
(These words are familiar to all of you since these
are the thing we used when we get significant
details, Are you guys ready?)

2. INTERNET The students will do the task in 2
3. NEWSPAPER minutes
Very Good! It seems that the task is very easy to all Yes Sir! We have fun arranging the
of you. Did you have fun? letters.

Before we proceed to our discussion, let us first

unlock some difficult words that we will be
encountering during the discussion.
(The teacher will use the “bookmark strategy” in (Student’s possible answer)
unlocking difficulties)
1. Book is a set of written
1. BOOK sheet in a paper
2. INTERNET 2. An electronic
3. NEWSPAPER communication network
4. JOURNAL 3. A paper distributed
5. MAGAZINE everyday that contains
6. SOURCE news
7. ARTICLE 4. A periodical dealing
8. AUTHOR especially with matters
of current interest.
5. A print periodical
containing miscellaneous
pieces (such as article,
stories, poems).
6. Something that
supplies information
7. A distinct often numbered
section of a writing
Very good that you have a little knowledge now 8. The writer of a literary work
about those words.

Do you now have any idea what would be our topic

for today? I think our topic for today is all
about the different sources
commonly used in creating a
Very Good! research paper.

B. Lesson Proper
Why do you think to know the different information It is very important for us to know
available in a particular source? the essential information to be
included in writing a bibliography
so that we will be guided and to
avoid confusion.

Can you tell me the information to include in The information to include in

writing a book bibliography? writing a book bibliography are
Author’s name, Year of Publication,
Title of work, Location, Publisher.

How about in writing a web bibliography? The information needed in writing

a bibliography are the writers
name, complete date of
publication, title of the article,
name of the online periodical,
volume number, issued number
and lastly is the URL of the web.
Very Good!

What are the common sources to be used as The sources which are possible to
reference in writing an academic paper? use in writing an academic paper
are book, magazine, newspaper,
journal, periodical, and web

C. Analysis

Okay, with your group, I want you to identify the (Response)

different bibliography according to its source. Using
the format prepared by the teacher.

1. Duaso, E. (2020). Tips on writing the p Web Publication

ersuasive text. A List Apart: For
People Who Make Website, 149.
Retrieved from
2. Cedron, S. (2005, December 28). Calls Newspaper
made to strengthen state energy
policies. The Country Today,
pp. 1A, 2A.
3. Buiza, J. M. (1990, April 9). Making Magazine
the grade in today’s schools.
Time, 135, 28-31.
4. Harlow, H. F. (1983).Fundamentals
for preparing psychology Journal

articles. Journal of Comparative

and Psychological Psychology,
55, 893-896.
5. Quito, E.S. (1989).Fundamentals of ethics. Book
Manila: De La Salle Printing Press.
D. Abstraction

I think you all have already know what are the Yes, Sir.
2. Communicative Syllabus Design.
Cambridge University Press, 1987. John
3. Suggested Instructional Materials in
Teaching Paragraph Writing for Fourth
Year high School Students. Villadolid,
Vynette G. Unpublished Seminar Paper.
May 2006. Philippine Normal University,
Taft Avenue, Manila.
4. Al-Humaidi, Majid M. Global Warming and Its
Effects. Retrieved on April 26, 2010.
s/ English%20for%20Specific%20%Review
%20 Of%20Literature.pdf.:2009
5. How Languages are Learned 2nd Edition. .
Lightbrown,Pasty M. AND Nina Spada.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2006.

Activity 2
Direction: Using the book assigned to you, make a
bibliography with all the information available.

(The teacher will distribute 1 book per student)

F. Assignment
Direction: With the available sources available in
your house, find a news and report it in the class
with correct citation of the news source. Write it in a
whole sheet of paper.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

School Head

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