Demo Tom Math

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A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of random
Standards variables and probability distributions.
B. Performance The learner is able to apply an appropriate random variable for a given
Standard real-life problem (such as in decision making and games of chance.
C. Learning
Objectives The learner illustrates a probability distribution for a discrete random
(Write the LC variable (M11/12SP-IIIa-4).
code for each)
The learner expected to…
A. define the probability distribution of discrete random variable;
D. Specific
B. familiarize themselves with the steps of constructing probability
distribution of discrete random variable; and
C. appreciate the importance of probability distribution of discrete
random variable by relating it to real life situation
A. Content Probability Distribution of Discrete Random Variable

Probability Distribution of Discrete Random Variable – the probability

distribution of a discrete random variable 𝑋 is a list of each possible value
of 𝑋 together with the probability that 𝑋 takes that value in one trial of the
B. Concept  Each probability 𝑃(𝑥) must be between 0 and 1
0≤ P(x)≤1

 The sum of all the possible probabilities is 1

1,2,3 Eyes on the board – The teacher may call out “1, 2, 3, eyes on me,”
and students know to stop what they're doing and respond with “1, 2, eyes
on you.” Not only does it capture students' attention, but it refocuses them
on the process of responding.
C. Strategy
Crystal Clear – The teacher will say “Crystal” to ask the students if they
understand what is being discussed, then the students will answer “Clear”
if they did understand. It may use also to get the attention of the students
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Visual Aids
 TV
D. Instructional
 Board
 Chalk
 Coins

E. Reference Introductory_Statistics_(Shafer_and_Zhang)/
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“Please all rise as we to pray! (Student 1 will go in front and lead
May I call our prayer leader for the prayer.)
today, Student 1.”
Student 1: “Dear Lord, as we
gather to begin this class today, we
ask for your presence and
guidance. We know that without
you, we can do nothing. We ask
that you open our minds and hearts
to receive the knowledge and
understanding we will be taught.

“Good morning, everyone!” Class: “Good morning, Ma’am!”

“Okay, so before you take your

seat, kindly pick up all the pieces of
papers under your chairs and align
your chairs properly.”

“Last time we had discussion Class: “Yes, Ma’am!”

about statistics, right?

“Before we move on to our next

lesson let us first have a recap of the
lesson that we had yesterday.”

“Now, who can give a definition Student 1: “Statistics involves the

of statistics? Yes, student 1?” collection, description, analysis,
A. Reviewing and inference of conclusions from
previous lesson “Perfectly well said! Thank you, quantitative data.”
or presenting student 1.”
the new lesson
“Today we will be discussing
new lesson”

B. Establishing
a purpose for “To set our expectations, let’s see
the lesson our learning objectives for today. (Students will read the learning
Please read everyone.” competencies.)

“Before we start our day, let us

have activity first. This activity


Mechanics: The class will be divided
into four groups. Each member will
be blind folded, then, a member of
the group will list those drawn by his
fellow members and the rest of the
group members will pick an emoji.
The group who picked all care
reaction will be the winner in this
activity and get a recitation points.
After the activity be sure to take note
some important observations from
what we did in the activity.”

“Are the mechanics clear?” Class: “Clear!”

“Alright! Let’s get into it!”

(The teacher will start the activity)

“Did you enjoy the activity?” Class: “Yes, Ma’am!”

“What do you think our lesson Student 2: “I think the topic of our
today based on the activity we had? lesson for today is probability
Student 2.” distribution of discrete random
“Absolutely right! Thank you,
student 2.”

“I have here two fair coins. If I Student 3: “The possible results

C. Presenting toss these coins twice, what do you when these coins tossed are two
examples/instan think are the possible outcomes? tails, two heads, one head-tail, and
ces of the new Student 3.” one tail-head.”
“Fantastic! Thank you, student 3.
Let h represent the head, and t
represent the tail. We have tt, hh, ht,
and th.”

“Based on the game we had Student 4: “Probability distribution

earlier and on the answer of your is a listing of the possible
classmate, what do we define outcomes and its corresponding
probability distribution? Student 4.” probabilities.”

“That’s interesting, student 4. Student 5: “Ma’am, the probability

Thank you so much. How about you, distribution of a discrete random
student 5?” variable 𝑋 is a list of each possible
value of 𝑋 together with the
“Impressive! Thank you, student probability that 𝑋 takes that value
5.” in one trial of the experiment.”

“Based on the results of your Student 6: “I notice that the values

group in the game we had, what do are all less than one.”
you think is the probability values of
the random variable in each
probability distribution? Student 6.”

“Very good! Thank you, student 6.

How about the sum of the Student 7: “I think the sum of the
probabilities? Student 7.” probabilities is equal to one.”

“That is right! Thank you, student

“It says that there are two
conditions that the probability of Student 8: “The probabilities in
distribution must prove, please read, the probability distribution of a
student 8.” random variable 𝑋 must satisfy the
following two conditions: Each
 Each probability 𝑃(𝑥) must probability P(x) must be
be between 0 and 1 between 0 and 1; and the sum of
0≤ P(x)≤1 all the possible probabilities is 1.”

 The sum of all the possible

probabilities is 1

“For example, a fair coin tossed Student 9: “A. Construct

twice. Let X be the number of tails the probability distribution of 𝑋.
that are observed. We have two steps B. Find the probability that at least
to follow. Please read, student 9.” one head is observed.”

“The possible values that X can Student 1: “Two tails, two heads,
take are 0, 1, and 2. Each of these one head-tail, and one tail-head.”
numbers corresponds to the event of
sample space. What are the possible
outcomes, again? Student 1.”
D. Discussing
new concepts X= 0 to {tt}
and practicing X= 1 to {ht,th}
new skills #1 X= 2 to {hh}

“The probability of each of these

events, hence of the corresponding
value of X, can be found simply by

Table is the probability

distribution of X.
x 0 1 2
P(x) 0.25 0.50 0.25

“At least one tail” is the

event X≥1, which is the union of the
mutually exclusive events X=1
and X=2.”

P(X≥1) = P(X=1) + P(X=2)

E. Discussing
new concepts “Using this formula, can anyone Student 2: P(X≥1) = P(1) + P(2)
and practicing from the class solve the probability = 0.50 + 0.25
new skills #2 distribution of x? student 2.” = 0.75
“Good job! Thank you so much,

“Does anyone have a question on Class: “No, Ma’am!”

how to get the probability
“Alright! If that so, I have a

“Do you think, that the first Student 3: “Yes, Ma’am. Because
condition has been prove? Yes, or no the outcome of probability
F. Developing
and why? student 3.” distribution is 0.75 which is in
between of 0 and 1.”
(leads to
“Fantastic, student 3. Thank you Student 4: “Yes, Ma’am. Because
Assessment 3)
so much. How about the second the sum of 0.25, 0.50, and 0.25
condition, student 4?” which is the probabilities is equal
to one.”
“Absolutely correct! Thank you,
student 4.”

G. Finding “What do you think is the Student 5: “Probability distribution

practical importance of probability helps us realize that the probability
applications of distribution in our lives? Student 5.” of success is difficult to estimate,
concepts and but if we never search, the chance
skills in daily “Wonderful! Thank you, student of success will be zero.”
living 5.”

“Did you understand our lesson Class: “No, Ma’am!”


H. Making “If that so, I have a question for Student 6: “Probability distribution
generalizations you, what is probability distribution? is a listing of the possible values
and abstractions Student 6.” and the corresponding
about the lesson probabilities of a discrete random
“Exactly! Probability distribution variable.”
is a frequency distribution of the
values of the random variable.”

Happy Quiz #2

A pair of fair dice is rolled.

Let X𝑋 denote the sum of the
number of dots on the top faces.
I. Evaluating
A. Construct the probability
distribution of X for a pair of
fair dice.
B. Find P(X≥9) B. P(X≥9) = 0.27
C. Find the probability C. P(X is even) =0.5
that X takes an even value.

J. Additional
activities for Take Home Activity#1
application or
remediation Exit Ticket #2

A. Write down 3 things you

learned during today’s
B. Write down 2 questions you
have about today’s material.
C. Write down 1 thing you need
more help with from today’s

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