Demo Tom Math
Demo Tom Math
Demo Tom Math
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of random
Standards variables and probability distributions.
B. Performance The learner is able to apply an appropriate random variable for a given
Standard real-life problem (such as in decision making and games of chance.
C. Learning
Objectives The learner illustrates a probability distribution for a discrete random
(Write the LC variable (M11/12SP-IIIa-4).
code for each)
The learner expected to…
A. define the probability distribution of discrete random variable;
D. Specific
B. familiarize themselves with the steps of constructing probability
distribution of discrete random variable; and
C. appreciate the importance of probability distribution of discrete
random variable by relating it to real life situation
A. Content Probability Distribution of Discrete Random Variable
E. Reference Introductory_Statistics_(Shafer_and_Zhang)/
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“Please all rise as we to pray! (Student 1 will go in front and lead
May I call our prayer leader for the prayer.)
today, Student 1.”
Student 1: “Dear Lord, as we
gather to begin this class today, we
ask for your presence and
guidance. We know that without
you, we can do nothing. We ask
that you open our minds and hearts
to receive the knowledge and
understanding we will be taught.
B. Establishing
a purpose for “To set our expectations, let’s see
the lesson our learning objectives for today. (Students will read the learning
Please read everyone.” competencies.)
“What do you think our lesson Student 2: “I think the topic of our
today based on the activity we had? lesson for today is probability
Student 2.” distribution of discrete random
“Absolutely right! Thank you,
student 2.”
“The possible values that X can Student 1: “Two tails, two heads,
take are 0, 1, and 2. Each of these one head-tail, and one tail-head.”
numbers corresponds to the event of
sample space. What are the possible
outcomes, again? Student 1.”
D. Discussing
new concepts X= 0 to {tt}
and practicing X= 1 to {ht,th}
new skills #1 X= 2 to {hh}
“Do you think, that the first Student 3: “Yes, Ma’am. Because
condition has been prove? Yes, or no the outcome of probability
F. Developing
and why? student 3.” distribution is 0.75 which is in
between of 0 and 1.”
(leads to
“Fantastic, student 3. Thank you Student 4: “Yes, Ma’am. Because
Assessment 3)
so much. How about the second the sum of 0.25, 0.50, and 0.25
condition, student 4?” which is the probabilities is equal
to one.”
“Absolutely correct! Thank you,
student 4.”
H. Making “If that so, I have a question for Student 6: “Probability distribution
generalizations you, what is probability distribution? is a listing of the possible values
and abstractions Student 6.” and the corresponding
about the lesson probabilities of a discrete random
“Exactly! Probability distribution variable.”
is a frequency distribution of the
values of the random variable.”
Happy Quiz #2
J. Additional
activities for Take Home Activity#1
application or
remediation Exit Ticket #2