Best Practice Guide 9

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Best Pracce Guide 9

Safe installation
of retrofit
LED lamps

Page 1
Best Practice Guide
Electrical Safety First is indebted to the following
organisations for their contribution and/or support to the
development of this Guide:

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from the websites of some of the contributing organisations.
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Electrical Contractors’ Association
Electrical Safety First is supported by all sectors of the electrical
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and institutions, regulatory bodies, trade and industry associations and
Institution of Engineering and Technology
federations, trade unions, and local and central government.
*Electrical Safety First (formerly the National Inspection Council for
Electrical Installation Contracting) is a charitable non-profit making
organisation set up in 1956 to protect users of electricity against the
Lighting Industry Association hazards of unsafe and unsound electrical installations.

London Fire Brigade


Published by:
Electrical Safety First
SCEME 45 Great Guildford Street
London SE1 0ES

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Electrical Safety First and other contributors believe that the guidance
and information contained in this Best Practice Guide is correct, but
all parties must rely on their own skill and judgement when making
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This is one of a series of Best Practice Guides produced by
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© Electrical Safety Council. September 2014
Safe installation
of retrofit
LED lamps
This Guide has been produced by
Electrical Safety First in association with
the bodies indicated on Page 2.

1. Introduction of an acceptable quality, there are a number of

safety concerns relating to some readily available
Lamps containing light emitting diodes (LEDs) are
products. These concerns relate typically to the
becoming the increasingly dominant light source
risk of electric shock occurring during installation,
of choice for industrial, commercial, amenity and
maintenance or inspection and testing work.
more latterly domestic lighting following the arrival
As with any other lamp type, there is also the
of compact, high luminous efficacy white light
possibility of a poor quality LED lamp or luminaire
types having a very long operating life (if installed
causing a fire.
Ever more innovations and advancements are being
The continued development of ever more efficient
made in the field of LED lighting and currently these
LED light sources, coupled with the relative ease of
precede somewhat the development of standards
controlling brightness and even colour output has
for such products. However, a number of product
resulted in further development of the fluorescent
standards are now available while others are
lamp to virtually cease. It is inevitable therefore that
currently still in production, nevertheless specifiers
the use of LED lighting will continue to grow in the
and users of LED lighting need to be aware of
years to come.
the risks that poor quality products and incorrect
The introduction of LED lighting brings with it an installation may present. The Lighting Industry
increasing number of products onto the UK market Association (LIA) Technical Statement TS01 gives
available for sale not only from more conventional details of National, European and International
outlets such as wholesalers and DIY stores but also Standards and guidance covering LED lighting
from a range of sources via the internet. Whilst products that have been published or which are
many of the LED lamps available for purchase are under development.

Page 3
2. Aims 3. Installation of
LED lighting
The aims of this guide are to

• Highlight potential dangers and In general LED lamps may be installed:

risks associated with the
• In luminaires designed specifically
• Use of self-ballasted LED lamps designed as for use with LEDs
a direct replacement for tungsten filament,
compact fluorescent and similar lamps • In existing lampholders or light fittings as
a replacement of less efficient lamps
• Conversion of fluorescent luminaires to
work with self-ballasted LED lamps and • In an existing fluorescent luminaire either
as a retrofit lamp replacement or following
their subsequent use and maintenance
conversion of the luminaire.
• Promote best practice by providing practical
advice and guidance on how best to deal with
the potential hazards and risks listed above.

This guide does not consider issues such as energy

efficiency or lighting design performance.

Page 4
4. Replacement of they function reliably and cause no danger to the
user or surroundings.
conventional lamps Whilst the use of high quality LED replacement
lamps should not present an electric shock risk,
A range of LED lamps having integral controlgear,
there have been a number of cases where lamps
defined in BS EN 62560: 2012 - Self-ballasted LED -
have been found on the market that have exposed
lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V
live parts on the accessible faceplate of the lamp.
— Safety specifications as self-ballasted LED lamps
This clearly presents a direct contact electric shock
are available as a direct replacement for 230 V
risk during lamp replacement or if the face of the
lamps1 having a wide range of lamp caps, including
lamp is touched for any reason when the supply to
bayonet cap, Edison screw cap2, plug-in G-type
the lighting circuit is on.
caps3, GZ10 and GU10 pins.
In research, carried out on behalf of Electrical Safety
First, touch voltages were measured for normal and
reverse polarity between Earth and the accessible
LED leads and solder contacts that might reasonably
be touched during insertion or removal of the
lamps. The results are shown in Table 1. The full
laboratory test report relating to this research can
be downloaded free of charge from the ‘Electrical
professionals’ section of the Electrical Safety First

Where test results are shown in red in Table 1

Fig 1. Example of LED lamp for direct replacement
this indicates a non-compliance with Clause 7
of Edison Screw lamp. Image courtesy of Osram.
of BS EN 62560 which requires lamps to be so
constructed that, without any additional enclosure
Electric shock risk
in the form of a luminaire, no internal metal
Clause 4.1 of BS EN 60968: 2013 - Self-ballasted parts, basic insulated external metal parts or live
lamps for general lighting services - Safety metal parts of the lamp cap or of the lamp itself
requirements states that self-ballasted lamps shall are accessible when the lamp is installed in a
be so designed and constructed that in normal use lampholder.

Table 1

1 Unit which cannot be dismantled without being permanently damaged, provided with a lamp cap and incorporating a LED
light source and any additional elements necessary for stable operation of the light source
2 Lamps with E11, E12, E17 and E26 caps are excluded from the scope of EN 62560:2012 as they do not comply with
European safety requirements
3 G24, G23, 2G7, 2G10, 2G11, etc.
Page 5
Where the source of supply for the LED lamp does It is highly recommended that the supply to the
not meet the requirements for the protective relevant circuit is switched off or the lamp/luminaire
measure separated extra-low voltage (SELV), is unplugged before removing or replacing LED
the lamp should be of Class II construction (See lamps, which is good practice for all relamping
BS EN 60598-1: 20084 - Luminaires - General exercises.
requirements and tests).
A number of lamps available on the market in the
UK are so manufactured that they can be easily
disassembled, without the use of tools, such that
access to live parts is possible.

Fig 2 Example of LED lamp having exposed live

contacts that are possible to touch on the sides

One way of avoiding such risks is to choose lamps

having the component parts on the faceplate
encapsulated in an insulating material.
Fig 5. Example of LED lamp that can be easily
disassembled to allow access to live parts

Clause 9.1 of BS EN 62560 specifies torque levels

at which a lamp cap shall remain firmly attached to
the bulb or that part of the lamp which is used for
screwing the lamp in or out for bayonet cap and
Edison screw lamp caps. However, during testing
commissioned by Electrical Safety First5, it was
found that in some cases, merely applying a turning
force which is reasonable to remove a lamp from a
lampholder was sufficient to cause the lamp body
to separate from the lamp cap, permitting access
Fig 3. Example of LED lamp having encapsulated to internal components. In some cases, this was
live parts on surface that is accessible with because the bond between the lamp body and lamp
lamp installed. Image courtesy of Osram. cap broke. In other cases, the lamp body merely
unscrewed from the lamp cap.
Alternatively lamps having an integral lens in front
of the component parts may be chosen. Currently no torque values are stated for a number
of other lamp caps, including GU10 type, but
specification of such values is under consideration.

Fig 4. Example of LED lamp having an integral lens.

Image courtesy of Megaman UK.
4 IEC CTL DSH0749 decision 2009

Page 6
Clause 11 of BS EN 62560 states that external parts
of insulating material providing protection against
electric shock, and parts of insulating material
retaining live parts in position shall be sufficiently
resistant to heat.

In the fatal fire incident mentioned above, the most

severely damaged of the three GU10 LED lamps in
the luminaire above the bed had, as a result of heat
damage, lost the envelope, heat sink and control
Fig 6. Example of where body of LED lamp has
printed circuit boards (PCBs) all of which had fallen
separated from lamp cap when force representative
onto the bed. (See Fig 7).
of that required for lamp replacement is
applied allowing access to live parts

Fire risk
A number of cases have been recorded of dramatic
lamp failure where component parts have fallen
from the lamp causing a fire.

In January 2013 an investigation of a fire that

resulted in a fatality concluded that the most likely
cause of the fire was a faulty self-ballasted LED
lamp. This fault resulted in burning debris falling
Fig 8. Luminaire after fatal fire. The remains
onto a bed immediately below the light fitting in
of the plastic body of the lamp can be seen
which the LED lamp was housed, setting fire to
protruding from the body of the luminaire.
the bedclothes. It is unclear whether the fault in
Image courtesy of London Fire Brigade.
the lamp was due to the failure of a capacitor or
as a result of heat produced by a high resistance This incident highlights the need to purchase lamps
soldered connection in a printed circuit board, the that meet the requirements of relevant product
resultant heat build-up either igniting the plastic standards such as BS EN 62560.
barrel of the lamp or possibly causing the failure of
the adjacent capacitor.

Fig 7. Parts of damaged LED lights found within the

remnants of a bed deemed to be the source of fire
that resulted in a fatality. Note the remains of an
aluminium heatsink melted onto one of the mattress
springs. Image courtesy of London Fire Brigade.

Page 7
5. Conversion of Luminaires incorporating wire wound
(electromagnetic) control gear
fluorescent fittings In most cases, switch-start fluorescent luminaires
incorporating wire wound (electromagnetic) control
There is a Publically Available Specification
gear can be altered relatively simply to permit
(PAS 62776 – Double-capped LED lamps for general
use with ‘retrofit’ LED lamps. This is achieved by
lighting services – safety specifications) covering
the replacement of the original starter switch
the safety of double-capped LED lamps for general
followed by the installation of an LED ‘starter’ and
lighting services. This can be used whilst a full
double-capped self-ballasted lamp. Some LED lamp
standard is being developed. This will include the
manufacturers state that there is no need to modify
requirements for double-capped ‘retrofit’ LED
the luminaire or the controlgear therein in any way.
lamps designed for use with unmodified linear
Other manufacturers state that the ballast and
fluorescent luminaires.
power factor correction capacitor of the luminaire
Once the standard is published it will provide a should be disconnected to achieve maximum
presumption of conformity with the Low Voltage efficiency.
Directive, (limited to its scope and the relevant
requirements that are covered).

Retrofit is a term that generally covers the
replacement of a component with a component
of a different type – i.e. changing from a linear
fluorescent lamp to a linear LED lamp. Sometimes
there is little or no modification required to
the original luminaire. Other times there is a
considerable modification required to the internal
wiring. This can lead to unsafe situations if the work
is not carried out by skilled/competent persons.

A summary of compatibility between self-ballasted

LED tubes and modified or unmodified fluorescent
lamp luminaires is given in Table 2.

IEC document 34/221/INF contains a more

complete risk analysis of the various possible
combinations of wiring arrangements found in
luminaires and the various LED tube lamp types
that are available.

Page 8
Table 2
Compability of self-ballasted led tubes with modified and unmodified fluorescent light luminaires

Switch-start luminaire with starter Switch-start luminaire with starter Luminaire converted to have line Luminaire converted to have Luminaire converted to have line
Luminaire wiring removed and nothing put in its replaced by proprietary link or fuse and neutral at both tube ends supply to pins at one end of tube to both pins at one end tube and
arrangement place only neutral to both pins at other end of

LED tube internal

circuitry arrangement

Lamp does not light Lamp does not light Normal operaon Normal operaon in one direcon Lamp does not light

Lamp operates but live pins at one

Short-circuit Short-circuit Normal operaon Short-circuit
end if other end sll in lampholder

Lamp does not light Normal operaon Short-circuit Normal operaon in one direcon Lamp does not light
but short-circuit in other direcon

Lamp does not light Possibility of overheang Possibility of overheang Only half-funconal Lamp does not light

Normal operaon in one direcon

Lamp does not light Lamp does not light Lamp does not light Normal operaon
but lamp does not light in other

Normal operaon Short-circuit Short-circuit Short-circuit Normal operaon

Only half funconal Only half funconal Lamp does not light Lamp does not light Normal operaon

Lamp does not light Possibility of overheang as the Normal operaon Lamp does not light Normal operaon
two arrays will be in series

Only half funconal Only half funconal Short-circuit No funcon and short-circuit in Normal operaon
one direcon

Lamp does not light Lamp filaments will glow unl

BUT burnt out Lamp filaments will glow unl Lamp filament at one end will glow
BUT Lamp does not light
Installaon of fluorescent tube Normal funcon will resume if burnt out unl burnt out
original starter is refied Normal funcon will resume if
original starter is refied

Page 9
High frequency luminaires
Fluorescent luminaires having electronic ballasts
can also be converted to accept linear LED lamps.
However, in most cases the installer must bypass the
electronic ballast completely and wire directly to the
lamp contacts.

Such conversion presents a number of issues:

Fig 9. Example of LED tube and replacement

• The original manufacturer of the luminaire
will no longer be seen as responsible for
for starter switch that may be used to replace
the safety of the product unless they
a fluorescent tube in a switch-start fluorescent
specifically agree that this is the case.
fitting. Images courtesy of Philips.

It is recommended that LED tubes are selected

• The modifications made may adversely affect
the safety of the luminaire. For example, in
which may be installed, in conjunction with the
the case of ‘Ex’ certified equipment for use
associated replacement starter, without the need
in potentially explosive atmospheres the
for any further modification of the luminaire.
person who carries out the conversion will
The draft BS EN 62776 proposes that double-capped need to obtain third party certification of the
LED lamps suitable for use with magnetic ballasts modified product to the relevant standard.
should be marked with the symbol shown in Fig 10.
The manufacturer, importer, distributor and retailer
involved in the sale of LED lamps for use in fluorescent
luminaires have a responsibility to ensure that when
the conversion kit is installed the modified luminaire is
safe and complies with the safety requirements of the
Low Voltage Directive (LVD). The person carrying out
the conversation will have a responsibility to

• carry out a conformity assessment

Fig 10. Double-capped LED lamp suitable on the converted luminaire
for 50 Hz or 60 Hz operation
• produce appropriate technical documentation
The draft BS EN 62776 also proposes that where
double-capped LED lamps need to be used in
• provide a declaration of conformity, and
conjunction with components replacing a starter • ensure the application of
switch, the type reference of the replacement CE marking to the luminaire.
starter shall be marked on the lamp and that the
A more in-depth discussion of the post-production
LED replacement starter shall be marked as shown
modification of lighting products is given in Technical
in Fig 11.
Statement TS25 published by the Lighting Industry

At least one manufacturer now offers an LED

tube that is compatible for use with luminaires
having electronic ballasts without the need for any
conversion to the luminaire.

Electrical Safety First recommends the use of such

lamps in preference to those that require modification
Fig 11. LED replacement starter marking
of the luminaire.

Page 10
The draft BS EN 62776 proposes that double-capped
LED lamps suitable for use with electronic ballasts
should be marked with the symbol shown in Fig 12.

Fig 15. Luminaire wiring typically found after

modifying an electronic ballast luminaire
Fig 12. Double-capped LED lamp suitable with ballast bypassed. In this configuration
for high frequency operation and this type of LED lamp installed the pins
at one end of tube will be hazardous-live if
Potential hazards associated with conversion pins at other end of tube are engaged in the
of luminaires lampholder whilst circuit is still energised.
In some cases, the pins at one end of a double- If a fluorescent lamp is inadvertently installed in an
capped linear LED lamp can be hazardous-live when energised luminaire that has been converted for
the pins at the other end of the lamp are installed use with LED lamps there is a possibility of violent
in the lamp cap of a luminaire (See Figs 13, 14 and rupturing of the cathodes at the tube ends at the
15 and Table 2 of this guide). This is unacceptable. moment of insertion. Although possibly insufficient
Lamps presenting this shock risk should not be to break the glass wall of the lamp, it may invoke
used. Indeed, such lamps should not be for sale. a surprise reaction that could result in injury from,
say, a fall from access equipment during relamping.

In an effort to avoid such a potentially dangerous

situation occurring, it is recommended that a label
is affixed in a position visible to persons performing
relamping, stating which types of lamp are suitable
for use with the luminaire.
Fig 13. Simplified circuit diagram of one type
of double capped LED linear lamp available for The conversion of electronic ballast luminaires is
purchase. With this configuration, if the lamp is not recommended. However if such luminaires
installed into a luminaire providing both line and are converted, the work must be carried out by
neutral to one end of the lamp, the pins at one end suitably competent persons taking account of the
of tube will be hazardous-live when the pins at other recommendations of the LED lamp manufacturer.
end of tube are engaged in the lampholder whilst
circuit is still energised. See also Figs 14 and 15. Emergency lighting luminaires
Care must taken when making any modifications
to a luminaire containing a lamp on an emergency
lighting circuit such as replacing a fluorescent lamp
with a linear LED lamp. Because the emergency
lighting module would have been designed
originally to operate a fluorescent lamp, it is very
unlikely that it will operate a linear LED lamp in the
emergency mode. LIA Technical Statements TS14
Fig 14. Luminaire wiring typically found after
and TS25 give more guidance on this subject.
modification of a fluorescent luminaire. In this
configuration and this type of LED lamp installed
the pins at one end of tube will be hazardous-
live if pins at other end of tube are engaged in
the lampholder whilst circuit is still energised.

Page 11
6. Recalls 7. Markings
As mentioned previously in this Guide, there Approval and similar markings on a product do not
have been numerous incidents of dangerous and of themselves make a product safe to use. However,
potentially dangerous LED lamps being placed on it is assumed in this guide that products and their
the market. Once safety issues are discovered, packaging that are correctly marked in accordance
they may be subject to a compulsory or voluntary with the requirements of relevant product safety
product recall in accordance with the degree of risk. standards will provide important information about
Electrical Safety First has a list of recalled electrical the correct use of a product and may act as an
equipment and appliances, including LED lamps, on indicator of the quality of said product.
their website at:
Clause 5.1 of BS EN 62560 requires the following markings to be placed on self-ballasted lamps:

• Mark of origin – Trademark, manufacturer’s

name, or name of responsible vendor

• Rated voltage or voltage range – ‘V’ or ‘volts’

• Rated power – ‘W’ or ‘watts’
• Rated frequency or frequency range – ‘Hz’
Minimum height of letters or numbers, 2 mm.
Minimum height of symbols, 5 mm.

In addition, Clause 5.2 of that standard requires the

following information to be provided on the lamp,
or its immediate wrapping or packaging:

• Rated current – ‘A’ or ‘ampere’

• Special conditions or restrictions which shall
be observed for lamp operation – such as
‘not suitable for dimming’ (see fig 16).

• For lamps of significantly higher weight than

that of the lamps that they replace, attention
should be drawn to the fact that the increased
weight may reduce the mechanical stability of
certain luminaires and lampholders, and may
impair contact making and lamp retention.

Fig 16. Symbol that lamp is not suitable

for use with a dimmer switch.

Page 12
Self-ballasted LED lamps sold in the UK should carry
the CE mark as shown in Fig 17.
8 Disposal
A number of statutory documents, including
the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Regulations 2006 (as amended), make the holder
responsible for the disposal of waste products
such as lamps and luminaires. The holder remains
responsible for the waste even after it has been
Fig 17. CE marking removed from their premises.

A CE marking on a product is a declaration by the

manufacturer that their product meets all the
essential requirements of the relevant European
Directives, including those for safety, performance
and environmental issues. Do not rely on a CE mark
alone as a guarantee of safety. Like all markings, it
can be easily misused.

Page 13
9. Recommendations 10. Standards and other
summary publications referenced
Always use good quality products obtained from a
in this guide
reputable source.
BS EN 60598-1: 2008 - Luminaires - General
A good quality product will not: requirements and tests.

• have accessible parts that could become live BS EN 60968: 2013 - Self-ballasted lamps for general
in operation or under fault conditions. lighting services - Safety requirements.

• be readily dismantled, either BS EN 62560: 2012 - Self-ballasted LED lamps for

deliberately or unintentionally. general lighting services by voltage > 50V — Safety
Always take manufacturers’ instructions into
account when installing, using and removing LED IEC 34/221/INF - Risk analysis on new G5/G13
lamps. luminaire for LED lamp.

Ensure that the supply to the relevant circuit is IEC PAS 62776: 2013 - Double-capped LED lamps for
switched off or the lamp/luminaire is unplugged general lighting services – safety specifications.
before removing or replacing LED lamps.
HSR 25 – Memorandum of guidance on the
Where LED tubes are to be installed in a fluorescent Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
luminaire, the use of an LED tube type that does
LIA TS01 - LED Standards & Guidance.
not require any further modification beyond the
use of a replacement of the starter of a switch-start LIA TS14 - T5 and T8 Fluorescent Lamp and LED
luminaire is recommended. Lamp/Module Adaptors “Retro-fit Conversion Units”
for T8, T10 & T12 Luminaires.
If any conversion work is required this must only
be carried out by a suitably competent electrically LIA TS25 - Post Production Modification of Lighting
skilled person. Guidance on competence is given in Products
HSE publication HSR25.

Where a luminaire designed for use with

fluorescent lamps is converted for use with LED
lamps, a label should be placed on the luminaire in
a position visible to persons performing relamping,
stating which types of lamp are suitable for use with
the luminaire.

Look for the required markings on the lamp and/or

packaging and instructions discussed in section 7 of
this guide.

Page 14

Page 15
Best Prac Best Prac (Issue 2) Best Prac (Issue 2) Best Pracce Guide 5 (Issue 2)

Replacing a Guidance on the Connecting a Electrical

consumer unit in management of microgeneration installations
domestic and electrical safety system to a and their
similar premises. and safe isolation domestic or impact on the
procedures for similar electrical fire performance
low voltage installation of domestic
installations (in parallel with the premises used as
mains supply) single family

Best Prac (Issue 2) Best Prac Best Prac Best Prac

Consumer unit Test instruments Selection and Safe installation

replacement for electrical use of plug-in of retrofit
in domestic and installations: socket-outlet self-ballasted
similar premises Accuracy and test devices LED lamps

The latest versions of all the BestPracticeGuides are available to

download from

45 Great Guildford Street, London SE1 0ES

Page 16

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