English American Lit
English American Lit
English American Lit
Engage students in a historical survey of selected literary works produced by understanding English and American literatures
Course Description
from its beginnings to the 21st century.
3 hours / week
Contact Hours/Week
Desired Course Content / Subject Teaching And Learning Assessment Of Resource Time
Textbooks / References
Learningoutcomes (Dlo) matter Activities (Tlas) Tasks Material Table
At the end of the term, the I. The Basics of Literature Lecture- Discussion Research PPT / LCD 6
students are expected to: Critical Analysis Perlita, Romero & Pacelli Connection Projector weeks
Purpose, Eugenio (1997), An
Group Activity
a. Identify and recall Audience Approach To Literature.
Paper-Pencil Test Testing
the Basics of Quezon City: Katha
Critical Materials
Literature Publishing Company, Inc.
b. Trace the origin and Small group discussion Multimedia
II. Introduction of English
history of English Presentation Hand-outs
Literary Periods
literature a. Old English Furnin, Rom And Michael
c. Give intelligible Bath (199&). Reading
Literature Dramatization
insights and fiction critically. New york:
Beowulf prentice hall. Questionnaire
perception on the b. Middle English Written test
specific writings Lecture
that has been read Guth, Hans P. And Gabriel
Canterbury Tales L. Rico. Discovering
and assess how Group Work: Acrostic Analysis Papers
by Geoffrey Literature: Stories, Poems,
their social milieu
Chaucer and Plays. New Jersey:
influenced these
c. Elizabethan Poetry Prentice Hall, Inc. 1997 Group Activity
literary pieces.
and Prose
d. Gain understanding
Selected Writers
of the lives of the Thornley, G.C And
d. Elizabethan Drama
different writers of Roberts, Gwyneth (2003).
different William
Shakespeare An Outline of English
e. Restoration Drama Literature. England:
e. Analyze selected
and Prose Pearson Education.
literary works.
f. Demonstrate the John Milton
values learned in
the study of
literature to real life
At the end of the term, the a. Eighteenth-Century Cerda, Regoer Don SJ. Et Lecture- Discussion Research PPT / LCD 6
students are expected to: Prose al. Readings From World Connection Projector
Literatures: weeks
Robert Swift Group Activity
a. Trace the origin and Understanding People's
b. Early Nineteenth Paper-Pencil Test
history of English Cultures, Traditions And Testing
Century Poets
and American Beliefs (A Task Materials
John Keats
literature Approach). Great Books Small group discussion Multimedia
Percy Bysshe Shelley
b. Give intelligible Publishing. Quezon City. Presentation
William Wordsworth
insights and 2013.
c. Later-Nineteenth Lecture-Discussion Hand-outs
perception on the Dramatization
Century Poets
specific writings Thornley, G.C And
Lord Alfred Tennyson
that has been read Roberts, Gwyneth (2003).
Robert Browning Written test
and assess how An Outline of English Lecture
Elizabeth Barrett
their social milieu Literature. England: Questionnaire
influenced these Browning Analysis Papers
Pearson Education. Group Work: Acrostic
literary pieces. d. Nineteenth-Century
c. Gain understanding
Thornley, G.C And Group Activity
of the lives of the
Roberts, Gwyneth (2003).
different writers of II. Introduction of American An Outline of American
different Literary Periods Literature. England:
a. Colonial Beginnings Pearson Education.
d. Analyze selected
literary works. Of Plymouth
e. Demonstrate the Plantation by Ramos, Lyster Et al.
values learned in William Bradford Around The World Though
the study of b. The Birth of a Nation Literature: A Handbook
literature to real life c. The Rise of a National For Literature 2. Cebu
situations. Literature Normal University.
Electronic Sources:
At the end of the term, the III. Introduction of American Cerda, Regoer Don SJ. Et Lecture- Discussion Research PPT / LCD 6
students are expected to: Literary Periods al. Readings From World Connection Projector
d. American Renaissance Literatures: Weeks
Group Activity
a. Trace the origin and Ralph Waldo Understanding People's
Emerson Paper-Pencil Test
history of English Cultures, Traditions And Testing
Edgar Allan Poe Beliefs (A Task
and American Materials
literature Approach). Great Books Small group discussion Multimedia
e. The Boston Brahmins
b. Give intelligible Publishing. Quezon City. Presentation
Conan Doyle
insights and Longfellow 2013.
Lecture-Discussion Hand-outs
perception on the Dramatization
specific writings f. The Civil War and the Thornley, G.C And
that has been read Gilded Age Roberts, Gwyneth (2003).
Walt Written test
and assess how An Outline of English Lecture
their social milieu Literature. England: Questionnaire
influenced these Pearson Education. Analysis Papers
Dickinson Group Work: Acrostic
literary pieces.
c. Gain understanding g. The Era of Realism and
Thornley, G.C And Group Activity
of the lives of the Naturalism
Roberts, Gwyneth (2003).
different writers of
h. Poetry from 1900 An Outline of American
through 1930s Literature. England:
Pearson Education.
d. Analyze selected i. The Writers of the Lost
literary works. Generation
e. Demonstrate the Ramos, Lyster Et al.
values learned in Around The World Though
the study of Literature: A Handbook
literature to real life For Literature 2. Cebu
situations. Normal University.
Electronic Sources:
Classroom Policies 1. Regular attendance is expected. Should there be absence, students must present excuse letters stating the
reason of absences.
2. Students must be seated according to seat plan.
3. Everyone must observe professional behavior at all times civil discourse throughout class time. Leaving the
class other than to attend to emergencies and personal necessities is discouraged. Furthermore, cellphones,
mp3, ipad and other gadgets have to be in silent mode discouraging their uses during class hours except when
it is used as an educational tool.