Miniature Wargames 483-202307

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JULY 2023 ISSUE 483

Display until 14/07/23


TWO HEAD Legendary Greek Skirmish


On to Lucknow: three more Will there be an unforeseen The Mayne Chance: an LRDG
Indian Mutiny scenarios outcome with Valkryx? DAK ATTACK scenario

With the latest news items.


o... what do we have in this issue, dear readers?
Well, there’s the conclusion of the Nihon Shugi (the
Sino-Japanese War) piece with a scenario; another
Despise Not Your Enemy: A solo campaign for The
foray into the new Tales of Myths & Monsters game with
a Greek setting (and shots of the Salute game) with a Men who would be Kings that might even
scratchbuild to suit; A Desert Raid DAK ATTACK keep you fit while you play.
scenario; more Indian Mutiny scenarios; plus
a scenario for The Men who would be King; 13 STIRLING WORK
an intriguing Napoleonic introduction to the The Mayne Chance: an LRDG scenario using DAK
Valkryx system for the Battle of Waterloo and ATTACK.
a Partizan show report. As the summer weeks
bring better weather, I’m looking forward
(fingers crossed) to more gaming. As The Old COVER 16 MYTHS &
Crow Medicine Show sang: “So, while you sit and
whistle Dixie with your money and your power I can Dog of Two Head: a skirmish game scenario set in
hear the flowers a-growing; in the rubble of the towers, classical Greece.
I hear leaders quit their lyin’, I hear babies quit
their cryin’, I hear soldiers quit their dyin’, 23 DEFENCE IN DEPTH
one and all”.
With the latest figure and rules reviews.
Have fun!

Cawnpore 1857: Command Decision has three
Get in touch more Indian Mutiny scenarios, concluding the
series started in last months issue.

John Treadaway
MiniatureWG 32 NIHON SHUGI
MiniatureWargames Pyongyang 1894. Part two and the conclusion of a
scenario set in the Sino Japanese war.


EDITORIAL MARKETING Refighting Waterloo with figures and electronic
EDITOR John Treadaway MARKETING MANAGER Katherine Brown 01778 395092 | assistance at Valkryx.


PUBLISHER Claire Ingram 46 PARTIZAN The Editor spends the day at the first Partizan of
DESIGN Mike Carr
Warners Group Publications PLC The Maltings, West Street, the year with cameras in hand.
COVER: Myths and Monsters: it’s all Greek! Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH | 01778 391000


ACCOUNT MANAGER Charlotte Lewis Warners Group Publications Plc 01778 391150 A crop of reading material to grace the
01778 391129 | wargamer’s book shelves.
01778 392420 | 57 SCRATCH BUILD
The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the
publishers. Every care is taken to ensure that the content of this magazine A Minotaur memorial.
ADVERTISING PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Charlotte Bamford is accurate, but we assume no responsibility for any effect from errors or
01778 395081 | omissions. While every care is taken with unsolicited material submitted for
publication, we cannot be responsible for loss or damage. While every care is
taken when accepting advertisements, we are not responsible for the quality
and/or the performance of goods and/or services advertised in this magazine.
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) exists to regulate the content of From John Treadaway.
advertisements. Tel: 020 7429 2222 © Warners Group Publications PLC, 2023

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 3

News, previews and community submissions from the wargaming world


More Modiphius!
Latest releases in these
lines (apart from figures:
see Defence in Depth)
are Fallout Wasteland
Warfare: Capital Rules
Expansion (£35) and The
Elder Scrolls: Call to
Arms – Chapter
3 Card Pack –
Dawnguard (£40).

CRETE A5, soft booklet is in full colour and

has maps and illustrations (mostly
Slightly under A4
and full colour,
A Rapid Fire scenario book diagrams of troops) and includes they are – as ever –
The Rapid Fire team (Colin Rumford some inspirational photography taken excellently produced
and Richard Marsh) have released specifically for this volume. The booklet support material for
a new scenario booklet aimed at – ends with sections on Special Rules for these two systems. The Fallout pack
not surprisingly – Rapid Fire rules. the scenarios (unusual elements like features a booklet containing more
Covering the WWII campaign featuring the De-Gerat rocket launcher), and battlefield rules plus 135 new cards, five
the German Air Assault on Crete, small sections covering Paratroops and New Region Rules Sheets, and five new
after a brief introduction and some Gliders, Luftwaffe Ground Attacks and scenarios. There are also pre-made unit
scene setting, the publication details weapon statistics. Published by Valiant profiles to speed your set-up plus some
four ‘waves’ of the battle and these Miniatures this booklet will cost around painting guides for the new miniatures.
are presented as a quartet of linked £9 and if one is playing the assault – Obviously you’ll need the Fallout Two-
scenarios: Maleme Airfield; Prison Valley; whatever rules you are employing – this Player Starter Set to use this expansion.
Retimo; and Heraklion. The 32 page, is an invaluable resource. Dawnguard is the third expansion for The
Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms. It includes
punch-out cards (244 in all) for all the
miniatures sets in Chapter 3, including
(obviously) Dawnguard, plus Vampires,
Bandits, Spriggans, Adventurers and
more. Additionally there’s Battle Mode
and Delve Quests plus Events and
Traps to expand the narrative adventure
game. Lastly there’s Weapons, Spells,
Enchantments and Items upgrades. Go

DUNGEON DENIZENS Guards (€24) – and a female Naga or

Lamia (€15). All are kits with separate
Female Fighting Foes weapon arms and – in the case of
Brother Vinnie (based in located in the Lamia – a long scaly tail, and the
Bratislava, Slovakia) have released helmeted guards are a tall 34mm (what
some new resin models very recently. with the high heeled boots...) and are
Aimed at high-fantasy Dungeons & wearing full chainmail... let’s call it
Dragons but suitable for mythological ‘armour’. Sculpting is, as usual, excellent,
games (they would work well in a Greek if pneumatic. Go to
myths game) they are a bunch of five to see these and some of their other
Amazonian type women – Dungeon extensive range.

4 Miniature Wargames July 2023

This month we spoke to David. How did helmets, socks, and cloth that drapes FUTURE WARGAMING EVENTS
you get started, we asked? “Well, I had around their chests and I used a mixture JOY OF SIX
some friends who were quite big into of those greens. For the highlighting on Sunday 2nd July
Warhammer, and they encouraged me them – and to make it look realistic – I Sheffield Hallam University,
to try it. I really enjoyed every aspect of would use a light shade of green on the Howard Street, Sheffield, S1 1WB
that hobby, with the building, painting, raised areas, and then use a mixture of
lore reading, playing the game itself with that green and the base dark green to
friends and meeting new people all the put in between the light green and dark ATTACK AT DEVIZES
time. But I realised that Warhammer is green (if that makes sense?)” Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th July
Devizes School, The Green
just the tip of the iceberg when it comes “For shading this was the easiest
SN10 3AG
to model making, and I began to get into step. Using both Vallejo and Citadel) it
building and painting scale models from was just a matter of applying it into the
companies like Airfix and Tamiya. I find recesses and using a bit of wash thinner

it an amazing hobby that not only is an to make sure it doesn’t flow where you
Saturday 5th August
absolute blast but teaches good qualities don’t want it to. After all the base coats, Edinburgh College’s,
like patience!” washes, and highlights, I added some Granton Campus, EH5 1QE
drybrush effects. And... that’s basically
it! It was a very enjoyable scene to make,
and all done with a fairly low budget. HEREWARD
I’m particularly pleased with the kind Sunday 3rd September
of gritty and dark effect I got on the The Cresset, Bretton Centre
soldiers: I think it looks pretty realistic.” Peterborough, PE3 8DX

“The picture I sent in is a snapshot of
Okinawa in 1944, when Japanese soldiers
relentlessly advanced on American THE SIEGE OF
positions. The models are all 1/35th
scale Japanese soldiers from Masterbox.
The base is just styrofoam with plaster 14 JULY 1683
over it, and the sides are thin strips of On this date the Ottoman army
balsam wood. My goal with this was laid siege to Vienna as part of
to essentially create a photograph from a long European campaign. A
history, and capture a moment and a demand that the city surrender
story. I feel satisfied that I achieved that was refused and the 15,000 troops,
goal... to some extent!” What about the base? “For that I 8,700 volunteers (supported
“The paints I used on the Japanese used the Vallejo Humid Earth texture by 370 cannons) chose to stand
soldiers were: Khaki (by Vallejo) and paint, then painted over that in several their ground (having heard of
many, many thin coats of this built up layers of various shades of brown, and massacres elsewhere when the
a nice strong colour on the uniforms. then highlighted the raised areas with troops had capitulated). The
I occasionally added a few drops of a lighter shade of brown. The bushes Viennese demolished structures
Lahmian (Citadel) to lighten the colour and vegetation is mostly from the Army around the city leaving an empty
slightly. For the highlight I used Dryad Painter basing starter set, with some just ‘no-mans-land’ and the Ottomans
Bark (Citadel). I also used this for from my back garden.” had only 150 field guns and
various ropes and belts on the soldiers. “I doubt it will be used in gaming cannon: insufficient for the task
For the highlights on them I just added itself – perhaps as a scenery piece at hand so mining tunnels were
some white paint to the Dryad Bark and or maybe as a unit of troops – but it dug under the city walls, but all
drybrushed it on. Next was Black (Vallejo) was fun to do. My number one tip is of this took time and it allowed a
and really this was just for the boots. probably to just thin your paints as relief force to arrive in September.
Application was fairly simple here: I much as you can and do lots and lots Eventually the Ottoman army was
just applied several coats of black of thin coats instead of a few thick defeated in a battle that ensued
If you’d like to submit
unity onto the boots and that was it! Next coats that look streaky. Around the when the relief force – assembled
something for Comm
Corner, contact I used Russian WW2 Uniform plus consistency of milk is what one should from a variety of European
MiniatureWargames@ US Dark Green (both Vallejo) for the aim for, so they say.” countries – arrived.

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 5


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SEND THREE AND FOURPENCE BELOW: Column marches across border flanked
by lancers.

A solo campaign for The Men who would be Kings
Words and pictures by Conrad Kinch

“There is nothing heroic about the

commissariat, there is nothing glorious
about the transport, but brilliant victories
and desperate defeats not infrequently owe
their origin to these less imposing but vitally
important and integral portions of modern
campaign organisation.”
Indian Frontier Warfare: A Tactical
Treatise by G.J. Younghusband

There are a lot of things that I find
frustrating about the 21st century. But
amongst the many fat headed things
ABOVE: Heliograph team (HAT miniatures) keeping
that people believe in these enlightened in communication with the rest of the column.

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 7

The logistics task would be represented

by real world physical activity while
intelligence gathering would be
represented by attempting to learn a
language. I’ve been using a mixture of
Fitbit (a fitness tracking watch) and
an app called Runkeeper to track my
attempts to get back into some sort of
shape. Fitbit is a step counter (amongst
other things) and keeps track of how
many steps I take per day. Run keeper is
an app that keeps track of your running
(more jogging in my case) and allows you
to set targets that you want to achieve.
ABOVE: As the Kinch Light Border horse canter past, Important Note: This is the plan that
Captain Treadaway attempts to reason with a local man.
I followed: a 43 year old fat Dad with very
limited time to train. It is offered as an
modern days is that the campaigns of in Imperial Rule: Instruction for the British example only and should be amended to take
the Empire in the 19th century were easy. Infantrymen on the Indian Frontier by Gen. account of the physical fitness of the player
This is usually combined with a belief Sir Andrew Skeen. Both are descriptions and you should, of course, consult your
that the senior leadership and regimental of frontier warfare and what came across doctor if required.
officers who fought for the Empire were very strongly in those accounts was that This solution is not unrelated to the
somehow simultaneously blimpish intelligence gathering and logistics were fact that I am currently attempting
and blinkered buffoons who crushed the cornerstones of any expedition. to resurrect the ghost of my physical
all before them. I call this Schrodinger’s fitness as a bout of COVID combined
Colonel: the man who is simultaneously ON THE TABLETOP with a few months of general inactivity
incompetent and all conquering. My initial plan was to play a limited left me out of breath when taking
There is an element of what CS Lewis three scenario mini-campaign aimed the stairs. These are, of course, only
called “Chronological Snobbery” in this, the at recreating one of the small punitive suggestions and some other activity
idea that our Great Grandparents were expeditions that were a regular could be substituted. The trick is to set
somehow far more silly and stupid then part of the endemic feuding and out your goal beforehand and make
we are. But it also combines with it the raiding that was/is part of life on the sure you stick to it. I also included some
additional insult that the British army’s Northwest Frontier. But the problem requirements in terms of press ups,
opponents were either ignoramuses with attempting to reflect logistical etc in my own version, but I’ve stuck
or somehow naive. One is reminded and intelligence issues in a wargame to running for this example. If you
of a Punch cartoon published shortly is that – firstly – you don’t want the are using the Starting Strength App (a
after the humbling of Lord Chelmsford off board shenanigans to make the beginners weight lifting app which I
at Isandlwana which showed a Zulu actual wargame with figures to be a heartily recommend: Mark Rippetoe's
chieftain spelling out a lesson to a seated foregone conclusion. Secondly, logistical work is brilliant) you could easily
John Bull on a chalkboard. Written on the and intelligence problems are often substitute the number of lifts or total
board was the legend, “Despise not your easy to articulate (carry X amount pounds lifted instead of steps.
enemy”. The men who broke the square of ammunition to point Y or talk to
at Abu Klea and triumphed at Maiwand locals regarding B), but complicated LOGISTICS
and Gandamark were neither children in practice. You either end up writing The plan was as follows: The NHS
nor fools. a mini-game to tackle these problems suggests that a person take 10,000
That said on the Northwestern (which often means you’re rolling a steps a day, for a total of 70,000 steps
Frontier, the British army generally die and consulting a table which isn’t per week. This is a fairly basic level of
had the advantage in open battle. The very satisfying) or you’re playing activity and I decided that this would be
advantages of training, technology and the equivalent of Settlers of Cataan my bare minimum. If I failed on any day
discipline lay with the redcoats, courage with imaginary mules and boxes of to take a minimum of 10,000 steps, the
was generally pretty evenly distributed ammunition, which is complicated and column would be lost and the campaign
on both sides, while the advantages of presents its own problems. over. I would need to run at least three
local intelligence, terrain and position My solution to this is a variation on times per week. I won’t embarrass
lay with the Afghans. This particular a campaign mechanic I’ve used before myself by saying for how fast or for
campaign was prompted by reading two in Send Three & Fourpence: General how long, but any run had to be over
books: Indian Frontier Warfare: A tactical Bonaparte’s Clean Set of Heels in a two miles to count. Any run which was
treatise by GJ Younghusband and Lessons previous issue, but... with a bit of twist. missed added a point of disadvantage.

8 Miniature Wargames July 2023

My target was at least 12,000 steps per
day, so 84,000 steps per week.
Total the number of steps taken at
the end of each week and compare it
to the baseline. For each 10% you have
exceeded the baseline, you gain a point
of advantage. Points can be spent as
directed in the scenario notes. Only
whole numbers count, so exceeding the
baseline by 13% counts as 10%.
Example: If Conrad has set a baseline
of 70,000 steps per week, each additional
7,000 steps becomes a point of advantage.
If Conrad manages 83,000 steps that week,
he gains one point of advantage for the first
7,000 steps, leaving 6000 steps remaining.
This falls short of the 7000 required for a
second point of advantage. Conrad damns ABOVE: Charged by tribesmen, the screwgun crew
himself for not taking the dog for a walk. are too late to save themselves.
For each 10% or part thereof that you
miss the baseline, you gain a point of language. I have great aspirations of us instead. If you are using a text book, these
Disadvantage. It is important to note that all holidaying in France over the next few will usually have a little set of exercises at
fractions count in this instance. Missing years. There are probably better language the end of a chapter, maybe get a friend
a target by 13% is as bad as missing it by courses out there and I certainly think or family member to administer them,
20%, so the incentive is there even if you you should do it in conjunction with just to keep you honest.
are going to miss your baseline goal to something else to develop more fluency, The plan was as follows:
try and reduce the margin by as much as but Duo Lingo has certainly proved
possible. You cannot gain more than three effective at getting me speaking and ◗ I must maintain an unbroken streak
points of advantage. Points must be spent thinking about French consistently. (i.e. I must complete at least one
on that weeks battle and may not be kept. It doesn’t really matter what App or exercise per day) for the duration of
Any unspent points are lost. other medium you use, so long as there the campaign. If I fail to do so, I will
is a mechanism that tests your aptitude have trusted the wrong guide and
INTELLIGENCE and which tracks your progress (or the column will be decoyed into an
In this campaign I would represent lack thereof). Most of these things use ambush and massacred.
gathering intelligence and engaging with “experience points” or “reward points” ◗ I typically earn about X experience
the locals by learning a language. I’ve or some other means of measuring your points per week. This is the baseline.
been trying to improve my French for progress. I use DuoLingo because it suits For each 10% that I exceed the baseline,
about a year now mainly because I’m very me and it’s free, but if there’s an app you gain a point of Intelligence. Points
keen that the Kinchlets possess another or book that you prefer, substitute that can be spent as directed in the scenario
notes. Only whole numbers count, so
exceeding the baseline by 13% counts
as 10%. This follows the same pattern
as the steps in the Logistics example.
◗ The maximum number of Intelligence
points that can be earned in a week is

The baseline is reset each week (it’s

hard to score an Intelligence coup every
week). So if your baseline is 150 in week
one and you earn 200 (netting three
points of Intelligence along the way),
your new baseline will be 200 for week
two. For each ten percent that you miss
your baseline, you gain a point of Bad
ABOVE: Small and portable, the screwgun adds
invaluable firepower to the column. Intelligence. Fractions count as per Rule
No. 6 in Logistics.

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 9

A solo mini campaign for The Men who would be Kings set on the Northwest Frontier
This scenario is written as a solo game using the Mr Babbage rules found on p40 of the Units which are wiped out during the
The Men who would be Kings rulebook. The player is presumed to be the leader of a British expedition are removed from the roster
punitive expedition sent to deal with a rebellious village. There is no earthly reason that this and may not be moved again. Keep unit
couldn’t be played either as a solo game but with the player taking the Afghan part or as a two casualties to one side during play. Half
player game, but I must caution you, I have not playtested it in that manner, so you will need to of all casualties (round up) return to
prepare to adjust things on the fly. their unit. Half the remainder (round
Playing solo as the Afghans: Use the same logistics and intelligence rules as the British down) are wounded.
(these things don’t suddenly become unimportant because you are on home turf), but simply For every six wounded figures the
swap Advantage/Disadvantage, Intelligence and Bad Intelligence. For example: If you clock up
expedition has with it, the player must
enough miles to score two points of Advantage, inflict two points of Disadvantage on the British
increase their baseline number of steps
player. Secondly, you will have to re-interpret the rules for AI controlled Imperial forces on p43
TMWWBK rulebook to take account of the fact that the British will be attacking in scenarios 1 by ten percent. This can be reduced by
and 2. using mules to carry the wounded at a
Playing two player: Both sides use the same logistics and intelligence rules, however, rate of three wounded per mule. Mules
Advantage/Disadvantage, Intelligence/Bad Intelligence are only awarded on difference, so that carrying wounded reduce the amount of
if the Afghan player generates three points of Advantage and the British player only generates ammunition carried by four.
two, the Afghan player is awarded one point of advantage. The British player uses the
campaign and attrition rules, while the Afghan player starts each scenario with fresh forces. Abandoning the wounded
“When you’re wounded and left on
BRIEFING ◗ One unit Ghurkas - Fierce Regular Afghanistan’s plains, and the women come
Captain, Infantry (Poor shots, ignore difficult out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your
The village of Shadbagh has begun terrain) rifle and blow out your brains and go to
raiding its neighbours in contravention ◗ One unit Kinch Light Border Horse your gawd like a soldier.” - Young British
of the agreement signed last year with the (Regular cavalry lancers, counts as Soldier, Kipling
representative. This has gone beyond previous two choices)
feuding into full blown banditry. If British ◗ One unit baggage mules You may abandon your wounded
promises are to be worth anything, this must ◗ One unit baggage mules to the tender mercies of the Afghans
be stopped. You are required to travel through All units are assumed to be using if you wish. The column may move
the passes to Shadbagh, detain the guilty the Limited Ammunition rules (p38 unencumbered. All units suffer a -1
parties and return them for trial or render the TMWWBK), but all units are assumed to discipline penalty and must take a
village uninhabitable. You are to move with all start with five rounds. pinning check as if they’d taken three
celerity due to the increasing heat and are to Baggage Mules: These are a special casualties at the start of every game.
ensure that this task is accomplished with the unit of three mules and three attendants.
minimum of loss. They move at Regular Cavalry speed AFGHAN FORCES
For your attention and immediate action, and may only use the Actions Move, I used the standard Pathan list from p61
Lt Col Treadway, O/C Queens Malabars Rally and Distribute Ammunition. A of TMWWBK, but you should adjust to
April 28th 1883 stationary Baggage Mule unit may fit your collection. For reference:
activate to distribute up to 12 rounds
YOUR FORCES of ammunition to any stationary unit ◗ 3 units Irregular Infantry
◗ Three units of Regular Infantry within six inches. Each mule which ◗ 2 units Tribal Infantry
◗ One unit of Regular Cavalry OR One becomes a casualty reduces the amount ◗ 2 units Tribal Cavalry
Well Drilled Crewed Weapon (screw of ammunition by four.

Additionally select three from the

following options.

◗ One unit Regular Indian Infantry

(Poor Shots)
◗ One unit Regular Indian Infantry
(Poor Shots)
◗ One unit Local Constabulary Irregular
Infantry (Poor Shots, counts as half a
◗ One unit Local Constabulary Irregular
Infantry (Poor Shots, counts as half a
choice) ABOVE: Bayonet versus pulwar in the burning village.

10 Miniature Wargames July 2023

1 2 3
Advantage At the beginning of the game, At the beginning of the game, At the beginning of the game,
move one unit of your choice six move two units of your choice move three units of your choice
inches. six inches. six inches. away with a marginal loss.
Disadvantage +1 on the Native Deployment +1 on the Native Deployment +1 on the Native Deployment The last game of the campaign,
table for the first two turns of table for the first four turns of table for the first four turns of
the game. the game. the game and +1 on the Native painful to relate, was basically
Actions table for the entire game. Cheltenam as my lads struggled home
Intelligence For the first two turns of For the first four turns of Six times during the game, when with their wounded. I pushed it out on
the game, roll each Native the game, roll each Native an Afghan unit is deployed, you
Deployment twice and pick the Deployment twice and pick the may move it six inches before it the running front and managed to score
result of your choice. result of your choice. activates.
two points of Advantage in Logistics
Bad For the first two turns of For the first four turns of Roll d6, this many units get lost and one point of Intelligence. It was
Intelligence the game, roll each Native the game, roll each Native en route and do not appear until
Deployment twice and pick the Deployment twice and pick the Turn 3. not enough. Despite the head start,
worst result. worst result.

There’s certainly an argument for sculpts produced for The Sword and the
including a Poorly Trained Field Gun Flame many moons ago, ESCI plastics
crew at Shadbagh, if your mood and and some of the slightly built, but very
collection permits. lovely Newline Designs lads.
So how did this work out? To quote
SCENARIO: THE WAY TO SHADBAGH a certain Lord Chelmsford, I regret to
You advance across the border and report a very disastrous engagement...
into the unknown. Your scouts report The first week went quite well. I
skirmishing Pathans ahead. It looks like managed to hit my targets both for
you’ll have to force your way through. logistics and intelligence and generated
Play Scenario A: Just passing by (p45 a point of advantage in each. Deploying
TMWWBK) for this game use the my full force on the table (which is
amendment below. effectively a 36 point (ish) force on
◗ The British player is the attacker. the table, compared to the more usual
◗ The British player may use his entire 24) meant that I was able to draw out
force. the tribesmen relatively early in the
◗ Terrain should be a mix of rocks, engagement. I then smashed them with ABOVE: The broken remnants of the column flee for
bushes and trees, the long table edges rifle fire, while force marching my troops the border.
representing the sides of a steep valley. across the table. The 18th Royal Irish
The first six inches of board along the were badly cut up and took nearly 50% about half my lads made it out. The
long tables edge are treated as difficult casualties due to a badly timed volley Kinch Light Border Horse sacrificed
terrain to British forces. (I based my and some ambitious play on my part, themselves trying to distract the
board set up on the terrain from the but I finished the first game cautiously Afghans from the struggling infantry,
Lone Survivor film, quite rocky, but optimistic. I loaded the wounded on but a unit of tribal swordsmen managed
with a fair bit of greenery) mules and carried on. to close and wipe out the mule train,
◗ Win: Proceed to Scenario 2: Decision Unfortunately a really demanding which levelled the playing field in terms
at Shadbagh (see the digital resource) week in work meant that I didn’t have of victory points. The end of the game
◗ Lose: Proceed to Scenario 2: Decision as much time to devote to the game as I was brutal. I had thought I could rescue
at Shadbagh (again, see the digital would have liked. I could have done it, a Pyrrhic victory, but a bad round of
resource), but begin the game with one I just got lazy. This led to the spectacle melee routed my infantry rearguard
additional point of Disadvantage (any of Mrs Kinch raising her eyebrows as and they fled off the table, netting Mr
disadvantage in excess of three is lost, I headed out for a run at 11pm on a Babbage the extra two points he needed
as life is already hard enough!) Thursday evening because I realised that to clinch the victory.
I would miss my target if I didn’t. That
MINIATURES and being sloppy about my Duolingo CONCLUSIONS
I used my 1/72 scale colonials for this. meant that I approached Shadbagh with What did I make of it? It was challenging
My British infantry are redcoats because (barely) adequate logistics, but two points and a nice change. I might have set the
I already have them for the Zulu war of Bad Intelligence. This meant that benchmarks a little high... but adjust
and while khaki uniforms were worn my gun crew got charged by concealed these to fit your own circumstances.
in Afghanistan, the 19th century British Afridi’s at close range and butchered to It did feel good that my success or
soldier is a bird with scarlet plumage in a man, which totally unhinged my plan failure was my own and I
my head. The HAT range for the Zulu of bombarding the defenders out the was kicking myself for
war is quite complete and should have village. I took so many casualties trying taking my eye off the
everything I could wish for. If you’d like to take the village at the point of the ball in week two. A DOWNLOAD
more period accurate figures, Newline bayonet that I had to withdraw. The dice salutary lesson in not
Designs do an excellent range. The were against me and I’d come up with a neglecting my logistics information/downloads
Afghans were a mixture of Ral Partha plan with one point of failure. We slunk or intelligence! ■

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 11

The Mayne Chance: an LRDG scenario using DAK ATTACK
Words and pictures by Brendan Wheatley

reviewed Mr Wheatley’s rules a few issues back and Dave The thrust of this part of the story is that David ABOVE

I Tuck and crew produced a scenario in the last issue so here

is a tase from the rules author: Go to dakattackgame. or Offensive Miniatures for more info. Ed.

Stirling is incredibly jealous of the initial success Paddy
Mayne is having in destroying far more enemy assets
than he himself has managed to achieve. In the series
there is even a scene where Stirling chalks up a score
board showing their respective totals. I have read
“People sleep
in their beds
at night only
because rough
men stand
ready to do
I’m pretty sure many of you have been watching the TV several books in my research of the L.R.D.G. [The Long violence on
series Rogue Heroes the story of the S.A.S. [Special Air Range Desert Group] and the S.A.S. with whom they their behalf.”
This is an SAS
Service]. There has been much said about the series in were closely associated in the early days in the North patrol.
terms of what is true, what is false and what has been African campaign. My own conclusion is that Stirling
exaggerated purely to make good viewing. I will state did indeed have something of a competitive streak
here and now that I have no intention of getting involved within him but exactly how strong that streak was I
in that debate. However, one of the main themes in the have no idea.
first series was the relationship between David Stirling This particular part of the story line was however the
who is credited with the creation of the unit and one of inspiration for the following idea for some interesting
his officers, namely, Blair “Paddy “Mayne. games for S.A.S. raids.

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 13

ABOVE up your own depending upon the models you have in

Get those
your collection.
Stukas! Your
target for
tonight: a couple ADDING SPICE
of parked up
From my research of these units it is obvious that both
dive bombers.
David Stirling and Paddy Mayne were brave men and
ABOVE RIGHT wanted to be in the thick of the action. So to reflect
A German this and to add a bit of spice to an already intriguing
game award double points for any enemy asset directly
destroyed by our two heroes.
A German fuel For example, if destroying an enemy aircraft earns
dump: another you 100 points award 200 if destroyed directly by the
possible target
actions of Stirling or Mayne. Even more spice can be
for a raiding
group. added if you are playing multiple raids by using only
what is left of your units in subsequent games.
A GAME WITHIN A GAME So if in raid one you lose a Jeep or a couple of men
The idea is that we play a game based upon a typical they are lost to you in the next game and so on. What if
S.A.S. raid or “beat up” as they were called on an Axis air one of our heroes gets killed?. Well you could be ruthless
base, fuel dump or other suitable target. For argument’s and say “game over” but this would rather spoil things
sake let us assume this raid is led by Paddy Mayne so I make the following suggestion: each time one of
involving several jeeps under his command. We then play them is wounded deduct 100 points and if killed count it
a repeat of this game but this time led by David Stirling. as two wounds and deduct 200 points. In this way they
The results of the two games are then compared always survive to fight another day. Yu can follow the
to see which one of them has destroyed more enemy ‘wounded man’ protocol in the DAK ATTACK rules.
assets and is declared the winner. This idea of course
could be extended so that three or more different raids SOLO OR MULTI PLAYER GAME
are played out with each one being played twice and As already stated, DAK ATTACK can be played solo
the points accumulated in a sort of mini campaign or but if you happen to have an opponent or several
ladder board. players on a club night wishing to join in here is a
really competitive way to play.
THE RULES After deciding who is playing Stirling and who is
The system I have used for these games are, of course, playing Mayne, roll dice to see who goes first as the
my own DAK ATTACK rules but any suitable set of S.A.S. commander. Let us assume that Mayne is in
rules can be used. The advantage of DAK ATTACK charge of the S.A.S. raid in the first game: what is the
is that they were specifically written for use with the Stirling player going to do, just sit and watch? No:
L.R.D.G. units which contained Jeeps and therefore do after all we don’t want a player to simply observe
not need to be altered in any way for the S.A.S. They when he could be playing the game. The answer is
were also written for solo or multi player use and have that the Stirling player will now play the part of a
a points chart for enemy assets destroyed as well as German/Italian officer and be in command of the Axis
points for your own losses. There are many scenarios defending troops. That player will now try his utmost
to choose from within the rules but it is easy to make to disrupt all of Mayne`s best laid plans. Note that –

14 Miniature Wargames July 2023

within the rules – there is a section explaining exactly
how to play the Axis side.
After this game has finished count up the points tally;
then re-set and play again reversing the roles of Mayne
and Stirling , but this time with the Stirling player in
charge of the attack and the Mayne player controlling the
Axis side. If there are more than two players just allocate
Jeeps to the other players so that they can all join in.
Each raid using DAK ATTACK rules should last
around an hour so playing a round of two games
should be ideal for a club night. As a final note
about multi player options this game could also be
developed as a sort of knock out competition within
the club with everyone involved taking their turn as
the SAS Commander.

NOTES ON JEEPS When the S.A.S. undertook these raids they were ABOVE
When collecting together your model Jeeps, if they are always aware of time restraints as the “get away” German forces
and their
correctly modelled for the S.A.S. that’s great but don’t could be a tricky business. Enemy aircraft or desert transport.
worry too much if not: a separate chart can be devised patrols were always on the look out for them. To reflect
stating exactly how each vehicle is armed and how this in the games and to give the S.A.S. a “hurry up” I ABOVE
many crew it contains. In some raids there were two would suggest the following time limits for raids. For This is a typical
SAS jeep.
crew (driver and gunner) and in others three crew with larger raids with many targets ten moves should be
the extra man as a gunner in the back. allowed and for smaller raids eight moves maximum
Armament would consist mainly of two twin Vickers then they must get out and head for their laying up
“K” guns – one in front and one in the back. They could position in the desert.
also be armed with a heavier gun in place of one of the This will not only be more realistic
Vickers guns: the choice is yours. This should all be noted but prevent the situation where if the
on each vehicle chart along with the names of the crew: defenders have been neutralised that DOWNLOAD
after all we do need to know which vehicle contains the S.A.S. can PROFILE CARD
Paddy Mayne or David Stirling! take as much
These charts are supplied in time as they like
DAK ATTACK. The number of destroying the
Jeeps used in the game is up to remaining targets.
you. It could be as few as three It will all add pressure
until you build up your force but I on the Officer in charge to
would suggest five or six as a good get the job done. May the
number. best man win! ■

If using the DAK ATTACK rules just
select a scenario in the rules which
as mentioned before can be played
either solo or multi-player, otherwise
you can use whatever vehicles you
have as targets remembering that the
AXIS had captured a lot of British kit and were using it
Airfields were probably the most important
target and if you have some aircraft that’s great
but fuel dumps, vehicle parks etc were also
targeted. Use whatever suitable models you
have in your collection for the targets. For the
defenders I would suggest using two squads
of ten figures. My squads are organised as
ten man units including six riflemen an MG
with three crew and an officer.

The status quo
of Cerberus

Words by Chris Swan. Photos by The Editor at Salute

ales of Men, Myths and Monsters is a set of

T one on one skirmish rules designed to recreate the

drama, heroics and actions of the myths
in what the Greeks called the Age of
Heroes or at least the Hollywood version of it,
particularly the movies of Ray Harryhausen.
Having reviewed Mr Swan’s rules and seen the
game at Salute I asked Chris to write
a couple of scenarios for the game
and this is the second. it’s all Greek
to me! Ed.

16 Miniature Wargames July 2023

INTRODUCTION How had this happened? Well a dryad had lived
In last month’s issue I explained how the rules in the pine tree and – when she rejected the amorous
designed to recreate skirmish games set in the Greeks advances of Mighty Zeus – he had struck the tree with
mythological setting and how its supplement pack a lightning bolt causing it to fall across the river so
– called Legends and Sagas – expands the rules to blocking it and casting the dryad out from her home.
cover any fantasy setting but specially the Arabian The blockage also meant that the nymph, who was the
Nights and European legends. I then provided a new dryad’s sister and controlled the river, had to divert it
adventure based in an Arabian Setting. This month to ensure it kept flowing. Of course the Goddess Hera,
we will return to the Greek Myths with a second Zeus’s wife, was furious (given the Herania was named
in her honour) and made Zeus promise to replant the
tree and return the river to its true course. Wiley Zeus LEFT
replied that he would be happy to do so if only the Hercules and
dryad would return to her tree. comrades fight
the Chimera.
He then convinced the nymph to keep her dryad
sister from returning to her tree by charming the demi- LEFT
humans who lived in the area to hunt her down and A Flame to
the Gods of
trap her (she’d never liked her sister anyway...) and – Olympus.
just to make extra sure that if the dryad escaped from
the hunters she could not reach her tree – he placed
Dioskilos, a huge, two-headed hound, to watch over it.

adventure which includes a new creature not found in

the main rules: The Dioskilos.
So, brave heroes enter the world of myths and face
the Gods of Olympus!


In the Time of Heroes, the greatest crime was to kill a
blood relative. If someone committed such an act they
could only atone for it by being purified by a King,
usually after performing some act of contrition for him.
The twelve Labours of Hercules was such an act for –
when the Goddess Hera tricked Hercules into killing Of course Hera knew how tricky her husband could ABOVE
his own wife and children – he had to serve King be and hence had influenced King Alpheus in his The Argo at rest
on the shore.
Eurystheus as a slave performing a series of seemingly decision to send the Hero off to sort things out: two
impossible quests before he gained atonement. And could play the game of the Gods!
so to our tale... (I have an overwhelming need to say “and
now the Prologue” in a Frankie Howard style... Ed.) THE SET UP
Now it came to pass that a Mighty Hero accidently Use a 4’ by 4’ table divided to into three zones.
slew his brother during a hunt (well he claimed it was ◗ Zone 1 is 6 inches deep and runs the width of the
an accident...) but – before he could become his city’s table and is where the Hero and his companions
new ruler – he was required to seek purification for the start. A dry river bed at least 4 inches wide and in the
act from Alpheus, King of the nearby city of Herania. exact middle of the table edge runs from this zone
Upon reaching the city, he and his companions found though Zone 2 to the table edge in Zone 3. It counts
that it was suffering from a severe drought as the as a deep ditch and it takes a turn to climb down into
mighty river on whose banks it stood had run dry. So it or up from it and cross onto the other bank.
when he sought an audience with King Alpheus and ◗ Zone 2 is 24 inches deep and runs the width of the
asked to be purified for his crime, the King replied that table. It is covered with dense undergrowth and trees
he would be happy to do so providing he discovered and the dry river bed runs through it. In the centre
why the river had stopped flowing and restored it to its of this zone is an oval shaped clearing devoid of any
full flow! So, the Hero and his companions set bout the cover with an area 18 inches by 24 inches in size.
task to find out the reason why the river was bereft of The Dryad is currently trapped in the centre of this
water. In fact, the reason was simple: a mighty pine tree clearing and is encircled by 2 Centaurs and 2 Fauns/
now blocked the river and the Nymph who controlled Satyrs who are with 16 paces of her and keeping her
the river had changed its course. from leaving the clearing.

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 17

except for 4 pieces of scenery representing trees

and bushes each of which should be no larger than
6 inches in diameter and. These all count as bad
going. To ensure that there is plenty of open ground
no area of bad going should be placed closer than 6
inches to another piece or to either side of the river
bank. The Nymph is behind the fallen tree in the
pool of water and Dioskilos can be placed in front
of the tree or hidden lurking in ambush in any of
the areas of bad going.

◗ The Hero and his companions
◗ The Nymph, 2 Centaurs, 2 Fauns/Satyrs and

◗ The Hero and his companion must free the dryad
and ensure she reaches the fallen tree and touches it
◗ The Nymph must use the demi-humans and
Dioskilos to stop this at any cost or face the wrath of
BELOW ◗ Zone 3 is 18 inches deep and runs the width of the
the Cyclops
table with the dry river bed running through it. A TIME FRAME
defends the large fallen tree lies across the dry river bed within The adventure plays out until either side is destroyed
temple ruins. 4 paces of where it leaves the table edge with a pool or breaks off the combat or the Dryad has reached the
of water directly behind it. The area is fairly clear fallen tree and touched it.

18 Miniature Wargames July 2023

The Heroic Warrior and companions
Heroic Warrior Hero 4 Brave Quick witted, Sword, Spear Heavy armour
Mighty Warrior
Companion Supporting 2 Brave, Tough, Sword, Spear Armour and
Oath sworn Shield
Expert Archer Supporting 2 Lucky Bowman Bow and Sword Light Armour
Drilled Fighter Minor 1 Resolute Fighter Sword, Spear Armour and
Follower Minor 1 Brave Brawler Javelins and a club Light Armour

The Dryad and the Nymph: Sisters in Conflict Centaurs

Cards 1 Cards 2
Max Speed 12 Action Dice 1D10: Reduced Dice 2D10 Low
Character Minor: 1D10: Reduced Dice 2D10 Low Weapons Hooves and any weapons
DV 0
Weapons Charm
Trait Expert Bowmen –
DV 0 If they hit a character or creature with an arrow the foe’s
DV is lowered by 1
Traits Stealthy, Charm Move 16 and obviously are Born in the Saddle

Special Rules LEFT

◗ Fondness for alcohol: If fails a task test they stop to Perseus uses
consume any in sight, becoming drunk. When drunk his reflective
shield to fight
they use reduced dice for all tests but gain the Two Medusa.
Fisted (or should that be Two Hooves) Trait

Fauns and Satyrs

Cards 1
Action Dice 1D10: Reduced Dice 2D10 Low
Weapons Pan Pipes, May have slings, bows, spears or clubs
DV 0
Trait Stealthy: if shot at or attacked when in cover their DV is
increased by 1
Move as humans on foot and are Surefooted

Special Rules Special Rules

◗ The Dryad is Surefooted, moving 12 paces on land ◗ Pan Pipes: Use their Pan Pipes to put a trance on
and cannot enter water characters simply by playing the pipes within 12
◗ The Nymph is a ‘surefooted’ swimmer moving 12 paces. If a character hears such a pipe they take a
paces in water and cannot cross dry land. Reaction Test. If they fail (usually 1-4) they will do
◗ Charm: Normally Dryads and Nymphs can only use nothing except follow the Faun and/or listen to the
their charm when within 6 paces of a male character. tune until they pass a reaction test using Reduced
◗ The character must take a reaction test. If the Dice or the pipes stop playing.
character fails (usually 1 to 4) they will do nothing
except follow the Dryad or obey the Nymph’s Dioskilos: The Two Headed Hound
commands even going to a dangerous area where Max Speed 16
they could be killed, such as a cliff edge, deep water, Stamina 3
rocks, etc until they pass a reaction test or the Dryad Attack Dice 2
or Nymph stops using their power. Attack Type Teeth and poisonous bite
◗ Whilst Charmed the character will fight to defend DV 2
the Dryad or Nymph against other characters, even if Traits Fearsome, Sixth Sense, Bloodthirsty
the other characters are trying to break the charm
◗ In this case the Nymph has been given enhanced Special Rules
powers by Zeus so has charmed 4 demi- humans, 2 ◗ Double trouble: The Dioskilos may split its attack
centaurs and 2 Fauns/Satyrs, and can control them dice to attack more than one character. It causes high
up to 48 paces away from her. impact damage.

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 19

◗ Poison: The Dioskilos has poisonous bites: any

character injured by the bite takes a reaction test.
Characters with a tough constitution roll 2D10 and
take the highest roll: others roll to test for wounds as
normal. If they fail the reaction test (1 to 4), treat as
2 hits.

Dryads and their Tree
Dryads have a special symbiotic bond with their tree
which is not only their home but also feeds their life
force. At the same time the tree is normally protected
from all harm by the wild spirit who inhabits it.
If a Dryad is separated from their tree they will
begin to starve to death whilst the tree will become
diseased and die. As it has been several days since the
dryad was cast out of her tree she is now weak and it
is essential that the she rejoins her tree as quickly as ABOVE REBONDING
The Dryad
possible. However, due to lack of food, she can now trapped by the To rebond with her tree she must be able to spend one
only move four paces per turn unless carried, in which Centaurs. uninterrupted turn with it whilst physically touching
case she is so light that a character can carry her at no it and then roll 1D10 and check the result on the chart
penalty but must use both hands to do so. top right.

20 Miniature Wargames July 2023

REASON FOR TEST 1 2 TO 4 5 TO 9 10
Reconnecting with her tree Too Late! No bond Yet! Bonded Again The Bond is Strong!
The tree is too The Dryad fails The Dryad bonds The Dryad bonds quickly with her tree and can enter it this turn.
diseased for her to in the bonding with her tree and Her joy is overwhelming and magic floods out – If the Hero and/or
rejoin it and so both process this turn can enter it this any of his companions are within six paces of the tree they regain
will now wither but may try again turn one card they have lost during this adventure
away and die next turn

Not all of those who want to play the Greek myths
will have suitable figures but it’s worth
remembering that many myths are likely to have
had a basis in real life. For example, Centaurs may
actually have been based on nomadic horsemen such
as Scythians and other horse tribes found around
the Black Sea area, whilst Fauns and Satyrs may
have been based on wild tribes living in the forests
and hills and multi-headed dogs may have been an
interpretation of large wolf packs.
So, players should feel free to replace these mythical
creatures with more human or natural foes instead.


As a two player game, this scenario is perhaps best
played twice: firstly with one player taking the role
of the hero, his companions and the dryad and the
other the nymph, her demi-human puppets and the
Dioskilos for the first game and then swapping sides
for the second game. But in the meantime, the question is will the Hero
However you choose to play it, you can see how – in succeed in returning the dryad to her home
the myths – humans, demi-humans, creatures and the and thus be absolved of his blood
spirits of nature were often no more than playthings to crime? Or will the nasty nymph
be used and discarded by the fickle Gods of Olympus complete Zeus’s plan and let her DOWNLOAD
in their many games. Perhaps it is like us gamers when sister perish! Only you and the THE SCENARIO MAP
we put one set of figures away to begin playing a new Gods of the Dice will decide.
period that takes our fancy. Happy Gaming! ■

Jason prepares
to land on the
Isle of Mythos.

Calibos’s giant
vulture ready
to attack the

The mighty

Calibos, son
of Thetis and
enemy of

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 21

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the Parthians or various Scythian tribes
(Saka, Dahae etc.) The horse sprues come
four different positions to a frame (split
into eight halves) with some different
quivers. The humans also split in two at
the waist with three different leg halves
and six upper torsos options plus various
arm and head choices and – just having
them split at the waist – helps with

flexible positions. The leg/body options


and mid-torso split helps get a lot of

variation in pose even before you start
head selecting: you can even build some
HORSE ARCHERS & LATE of them performing a ‘Parthian shot’
ROMANS which should look pretty dynamic.
◗ The weapons needed (bows and
◗ £30 - £36 sometimes a nocked arrow, really) come
pre-attached to the relevant arms so
Victrix have sent a couple of recent that makes assembly easier. The heads
releases in for review. Late Roman come with a variety of ‘head-gear’ (well,
Armoured Infantry and Ancient Horse mostly bare with a brow band or a cap,
Archers. All are manufactured in hard some of which need to be grafted onto
plastic and feature ‘self’ bases (an oval the bare noggins) and the bodies are, of
base – sometimes called a ‘puddle’ base course, unarmoured. There are lots of
– usually by people who like thicker slot extras (daggers, swords and axes etc) to
bases...) but that’s good: those that want adorn the models with.
a self-base have them and those that There are even some left handed
don’t can hide them on a slot base. What options. Horse archers were expert
they remind me of (in a nostalgic kind of bowmen (well, the ones that survived...)
way) are Airfix figures, and them being and could almost certainly shift from
supplied in a thick plastic bag (with a left to right handed when shooting,
zip closure) and a printed card to with which makes sense when having to
an instruction sheet included just adds shoot forward, left, right and behind. So
to that rose-tinted vision. Of course, that’s all a good thing to model. Detail
being modern plastics from Victrix they and variety at a great price for 28mm
are infinitely better than that! models that come out at around 30mm.
Starting with the Late Romans this Highly recommended.
set allows you to build three dozen
armoured chaps kitted out as Late
Romans, Romano British/Arthurians or
Germanic/Goths. There are five identical
sprues each of six standing torsos and
all have chain or scale hauberks. There’s
a command sprue with a selection of
different standards for different forces
(including a very nice Draco) and
five identical sprues of head selection
(virtually all helmeted but, of course, in
alternative styles. Add a big selection
of arms with weapons (and some extra
weapons) and round or oval shields.
Detail and proportion re excellent and
the pack will cost you £36. Shield decals
are available from the Victrix store.
The Horse Archer set – 12 models for
£30 – comes, again, with different head
and quiver styles so you can represent

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 23

PLASTIC FALLOUT & ELDER (well, two if you include the sculpted
SCROLLS base) she is a civilian character figure
◗ for (probably) an NPC who wanders the
◗ £15 - £43 wasteland distributing irradiated water
on a ‘holy mission’.
Modiphius have released another Switching now to The Elder Scrolls,
batch of figures to match their recent the first box we have are Vampire
published supplements (see this Fledglings (£43). This jolly set are from
month’s Forward Observer for details). the Clan Volkihar and come with three
We have three boxes for Fallout: pretty cool-looking vampires (one
Wasteland Warfare (Capital Wave) and female, two male) dressed in robes
two for Elder Scrolls Call to Arms. Most and slashing with swords. To go with
exciting are the new plastics (as opposed them are three different Death Hounds.
to resin) figures to let’s start with those... These are... hard to describe: obviously
Heavy Armour T45 (£32) is a kit of three ‘dog like’ they have an almost ‘faceted’
different figures in full armour which physique and a skull-like visage that’s
CARLIST WARS are about 55mm tall when assembled. very impressive (and scary). As usual
◗ And ‘assembled’ is the key word here. these come with scenic bases.
◗ £32.50 Detail is very fine to the extent that the Finally – to counter them – what you
main heavy weapons (with a choice of will need is some Dawnguard Vampire
Caliver have a new hardback army three) are cast in two halves to achieve Hunters (£43). Again, this box has six
guide. Entitled Armies of the Carlist hollow barrels where appropriate so a figures with three Scouts in armour
Wars 1833-1876, it covers – as one might fair degree of sticking stuff together is and open helms, armed with (mostly)
imagine – the organisation, uniforms required but the end result is excellent. crossbows; and three Vampire Hunters.
and weapons of both the Liberals and The only slight downer is that – unlike all These latter models have similar armour
Carlists fighting in Spain in that period. of the resin models – the bases are plain but fully enclosed helmets, shoulder
Written by Gabrielle Esposito the book plastic (but any modeller worth their pauldrons and long warhammers.
is in A4 format with 160 or so pages and salt can fix that in a jiffy) and the price With the exception of the plastic T45
is stuffed with a wealth of illustration. is low (well, compared to the rest of the heavy armour, all of these are sculpted
Most of this is in colour, although there range...). The posable options of these in varieties of grey, high quality resin
are some occasional period engravings models are, of course, cracking. and are excellent models for a small
(and some of those have been coloured), Still in the same 32mm range are the force. Recommended.
and so the newer illustrations vary Brotherhood of Steel: Combat Patrol. At
a little in style but not in quality. The £43 for six resin models: three are the
colour references for uniforms (many Medium Combat Armour Troops
painted by the late Jose Maria Bueno dressed in all-enclosing – but
Carrera) are all excellent when doing slightly less impressive –
what is needed: when it comes to armour than the T45 models,
showing a gamer what colours to paint with lighter weapons
their troops, they are spot-on. and these figures are
Other than pictures, what else is in a regular height. To
there? After a Chronology of the period back them up are three
(sub-separated into different fronts, more troops in Recon
so Northern Front, Aragonese Front Armour. There are
and the Catalan Front), the book then two female and
covers the armies. These include both one male, all have
the Liberals and Carlists and they are part hard-body
separated up into three eras: the First protection but open
Carlist War, the Second Carlist War and (or no) helmet,
(spoiler alert...) the Third Carlist War. although the guns
The illustrations – especially in the aren’t particularly any
last three-quarters of the book – appear smaller!
in every double page spread so, frankly, The final box is a
it’s an interesting book just to flick single figure called
through and should be inspiring if Rosa Meitner
you are thinking of stating the period. (£15). A simple
Highly Recommended. one piece kit

24 Miniature Wargames July 2023


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Havelock on the Road to Cawnpore Part Two Words and pictures by Jon Sutherland

his Command Decision – the second of a pair – looks ABOVE focused on just Aong, which was the second of the four battles
at the rapid march, even more rapid victories, but the A determined between July 12 and July 16. After last month’s four battle,
ultimately too late liberation of Cawnpore (Kanpur) mounted by this Command Decision picks up the story of Havelock and
in 1857. This is a campaign scenario, but I have outlined the rebel infantry his men with stunning victories against overwhelming odds
battles so you can refight them in order, carrying the casualties and artillery. on their dangerous and punishing march to Cawnpore and
forward. In some respects this is a thorough upgrade of my beyond. This month, we finish off the sequence of engagements
Miniature Wargames issue 428 (December 2018) when I and the final reckoning with the mutineers.

26 Miniature Wargames July 2023

BASHIRATGUNJ: 29 JULY 1857 Under Brig-Gen. Henry Havelock (Inspired):
Havelock’s force set out at 0500 and after three miles
ran into Rebel pickets. It became clear that the majority UNIT STRENGTH WEAPONS DRILL/MORALE COMMANDER
of the enemy were in the town of Unao, a strong Allahabad Volunteer 6 Sword, pistol, Irregular/ Lt-Col. Fraser
Cavalry carbine Aggressive Tytler (Good)
position. Before the town could be approached there
64th (2nd Staffordshire) 16 Enfield Rifles Precise/
were a succession of walled enclosures with Rebel Regiment Aggressive
skirmishers in place, beyond this was a loop holed 84th (York & Lancaster) 8 Musket Precise/
village. Unable to turn the position, Havelock sent his Regiment Aggressive
men to attack it frontally; he arranged a skirmish line 78th Highlanders (Ross- 16 Musket Precise/
shire Buffs) Aggressive
armed with Enfields and opened fire with his artillery,
1st Madras Fusiliers 16 Enfield Rifles Drilled/Aggressive
the 78th Highlanders and the Madras Fusiliers took the (‘Neill’s Bluecaps’)
lead, and he then reinforced them with the 64th. The Ferozepore Regiment 18 Musket Drilled/Aggressive
(Brasyer’s Sikhs)
men took the enclosures and the village, but they could
Maude’s Battery, No. 3 1 Light Gun/2 Precise/
see Rebel reserves moving up the Lucknow (Lakhnao 3 Coy/8th Bn., Royal Field Guns Aggressive
road). Havelock drew his men up on to a spot of dry Artillery
ground between the village and the town with his Bengal Artillery 2 Field Guns Drilled/Aggressive
artillery in the centre. The dense columns of Rebels
were slaughtered as they came forward. When some REBELS
of the British began sniping from the swampy ground Under Nana Sahib (Able):
around the Rebel flanks, the whole enemy force fled
Havelock pushed on another six miles after a 1st Composite Sepoy unit 30 Musket Drilled/Average Nana Sahib (Able)
three hour break and approached the walled town of 2nd Composite Sepoy unit 30 Musket Drilled/Average
Bashiratgunj surrounded by wet ditches. 3rd Composite Sepoy unit 30 Musket Drilled/Average
4th Composite Sepoy unit 30 Musket Drilled/Average
“It looked very formidable. In front of it was a large pond Field Bty, Oude Irregular 4 4 x Field Guns Drilled/Stubborn
or tank, swollen by the surrounding inundation to the form
Local Levies 20 Matchlocks Rabble/Poor Unattached
of a river. On the Lakhnao side of it was another pond or
lake, traversed by a narrow causeway. It possessed besides
a wet ditch, [Havelock] conceived in a word the idea of DEPLOYMENT & OBJECTIVES
amusing the rebels with a cannonade, whilst he should send At the very gates of Lucknow, the British must force
the 64th to cut them off from the causeway. When he should their way through once again. The 64th and the
consider that movement sufficiently pronounced he would Volunteer Cavalry begin the game behind the trees
storm the town with the 78th, and the Madras Fusiliers, near the causeway. The main British force may deploy
and catch the enemy between two fires. He succeeded in all, astride the road with the artillery deployed to fire on
except in the most decisive, of his combinations. He poured the main gate and walls of the town. The task must be
a tremendous fire on the town, whilst the 64th made a flank completed within 12 turns.
movement to his right; then, when he deemed the moment to The Rebels are numerous, but dispirited. Set up
have arrived, he sent on his remaining infantry at the main with two Sepoy units in entrenchments either side
gate.” Sir John William Kaye of the main road, two more behind them protected
by the walls of
the town. The
artillery is split
with two guns in
the entrenchments
either side of
the main gate.
The local levies
are guarding
the causeway.
The Rebels must
prevent the British
from gaining entry
to the town in
order to win.

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 27

16 AUGUST 1857
“The mutineers of the 31st and 42nd from
Saugor, the 17th from Fyzabad, and sepoys
of other regiments, with troops of the 2nd
Light Cavalry and 3rd Irregulars, united to
a portion of Nana Sahib’s troops, were, with
two guns, in one of the strongest positions
I have ever seen: they numbered 4,000 men.
The plain, densely covered with thicket, and
flanked by villages, has two streams flowing
through it, not fordable by troops of any arm,
and only to be crossed by two narrow bridges,
the furthest of which was protected by an entrenchment armed Below my powerful artillery fire; the streams prevented my turning
with artillery: the road takes a turn after passing the second Chaotic scenes them, and my troops were received, in assaulting the position,
as British
bridge, which protects defenders from direct fire; and behind troops chase by a heavy rifle and musketry fire from the rifle and battalion
are the narrow streets and brick houses of Bithoor. I must broken rebel companies engaged; but, after a severe struggle, the enemy
do the mutineers the justice to pronounce that they fought units across the were driven back; their guns captured, and infantry chased
obstinately, otherwise they could not for a whole hour have off the field in full retreat towards Seorajpore. Had I possessed
held their own, even with such advantages of ground, against cavalry, not a rebel nor a mutineer could have reached
that place alive; as it is, they shall not long remain there
BRITISH unmolested.” Brig-Gen. H. Havelock C.B., to the Deputy-
Under Brig-Gen. Henry Havelock (Inspired): Adjutant-General of the Army, Calcutta, dated Bivouac,
Bithoor, 17 Aug 1857.
Allahabad Volunteer 6 Sword, pistol, Irregular/ Lt-Col. Fraser DEPLOYMENT & OBJECTIVES
Cavalry carbine Aggressive Tytler (Good)
British force may deploy astride the road with the
64th (2nd Staffordshire) 16 Enfield Rifles Precise/
Regiment. Aggressive artillery deployed in the centre. They may occupy the
84th (York & Lancaster) 8 Musket Precise/ whole of the baseline. The key objective is to take the
Regiment. Aggressive bridge and to seize the high ground on the opposite
78th Highlanders (Ross- 16 Musket Precise/ side of the river. This must be done by Turn 15.
shire Buffs). Aggressive
The Rebels are numerous, recently reinforced. At
1st Madras Fusiliers 16 Enfield Rifles Drilled/Aggressive
(‘Neill’s Bluecaps’). least one Sepoy unit must occupy the village and
Ferozepore Regiment 18 Musket Drilled/Aggressive another in the sugar cane fields. One more must be
(Brasyer’s Sikhs).
in the redoubt with the artillery. The cavalry is on the
Maude’s Battery, No. 3 1 Light Gun/2 Precise/
3 Coy/8th Bn., Royal Field Guns Aggressive opposite side of the stream near the island (the stream
Artillery cannot be forded). The Rebels must hold the bridge at
Bengal Artillery 2 Field Guns Drilled/Aggressive the end of the game to win.

Under Nana Sahib (Able):


17th Bengal Native 20 Musket Drilled/Average Nana Sahib (Able)
28th Bengal Native 15 Musket Drilled/Average
31st Bengal Native 15 Musket Drilled/Average
34th Bengal Native 15 Musket Drilled/Average
42nd Bengal Native 15 Musket Drilled/Stubborn
2nd Bengal Light Cavalry 10 Sword Trained/Average
3rd Irregular Horse 10 Sword Irregular/Average
Field Bty, Oude Irregular 2 Field Guns Drilled/Stubborn
Remnants of Nana’s 20 Musket Drilled/Poor
original Sepoys

28 Miniature Wargames July 2023

Following his victory at Bithur,
Havelock was forced to fall back on
Cawnpore to reinforce Neill. A large
force of rebels was close to Cawnpore,
his men were also in dire need of rest
and he needed reinforcement himself.
This was to delay Havelock’s move
against the rebels around Lucknow
by a month and a half. When he
got back to Cawnpore, Havelock
discovered he was to operate under
the command of Major-General Sir James Outram. three of the five Sepoy units and occupy either the BELOW LEFT
By late August, a letter from Lucknow suggested that large walled garden or the Alambagh by turn 15. The Rebel horse
artillery bolts for
the defence was on the verge of collapse and that marsh can only be crossed at a rate of 1d6” per turn the rear.
immediate action was necessary. and the unit is considered to be disordered.
Havelock’s reinforced column got to within 4 miles The rebels must hold both the large walled area and
of Lucknow on September 23. He ran into a determined the Alambagh until turn 15 at which point they can
enemy force dug in around the former gardens of the withdraw claiming a draw. If they manage to destroy or
King of Oudh known as the Alambagh. rout two British infantry units they have won the game.

Under Brig-Gen. Henry Havelock (Inspired) and
Major-General James Outram (Good):


Allahabad Volunteer 6 Sword, pistol, Irregular/ Lt-Col. Fraser
Cavalry carbine Aggressive Tytler (Good)
64th (2nd Staffordshire) 16 Enfield Rifles Precise/
Regiment Aggressive
84th (York & Lancaster) 16 Musket Precise/
Regiment. Aggressive
“About 3 A.M. the rain cleared off, and at 11 A.M. the 5th Northumberland 16 Musket Precise/
Fusiliers Aggressive
sun came out and the clouds dispersed, and gave promise of
78th Highlanders (Ross- 16 Musket Precise/
fair weather. A smart cannonade was heard in the direction shire Buffs). Aggressive
of Cawnpore; several imagined they also heard musketry, and 1st Madras Fusiliers 16 Enfield Rifles Drilled/Aggressive
(‘Neill’s Bluecaps’).
the sound was listened to with the most intense and even
90th Scottish Rifles 16 Enfield Rifles Precise/
painful anxiety by the garrison, who felt assured it must be Aggressive
their friends advancing to their assistance. But it was hardly Ferozepore Regiment 18 Musket Drilled/Aggressive
expected that our force could have advanced so far, owing to (Brasyer’s Sikhs).
the heavy rain which had fallen, and the state in consequence Maude’s Battery, No. 3 1 Light Gun/2 Precise/
3 Coy/8th Bn., Royal Field Guns Aggressive
that the roads and country were in; however at 5 P.M. Artillery
another distant cannonade was heard which lasted for half Bengal Artillery 2 Field Guns Drilled/Aggressive
an hour, and which appeared much nearer than before: this
elicited many and divers opinions, and created the greatest REBELS
possible excitement.” September 23 entry: The Defence of Under Ahmadullah Shah (Maulavi of Faizabad) (Good):
Lucknow (a Diary Recording the Daily Events during
the Siege of the European Residency from 31st May to UNIT STRENGTH WEAPONS DRILL/MORALE COMMANDER
25th September, 1857 by Thomas Fourness Wilson 1858). 1st Composite Sepoy unit 30 Musket Drilled/Average Maulavi of
Faizabad (Good)
2nd Composite Sepoy unit 30 Musket Drilled/Average
DEPLOYMENT & OBJECTIVES 3rd Composite Sepoy unit 30 Musket Drilled/Average
We know that the rebel’s left flank rested on the 4th Composite Sepoy unit 30 Musket Drilled/Average
Alambagh itself and some of their front was protected 5th Composite Sepoy unit 30 Musket Drilled/Average
by marsh. The enemy was estimated at around 10,000 Field Bty, Oude Irregular 4 2 x Field Guns Drilled/Stubborn
infantry and 1500 cavalry. Havelock determined to
Local Levies 30 Matchlocks Rabble/Poor Unattached
flank the rebel right.

Local Irregular Horse 4 x 10 Sword Irregular/Poor
Havelock must attempt to either rout or destroy

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 29


RULES ABOVE in a walled enclosure near the bridge and by artillery

I used my own Mad Dogs & Englishmen: India 1798- A panoramic on it. These were overrun, as was another rebel stand
view of the
1858 (2nd Edition) rules for these scenarios, other rules outskirts of along the bank. The 78th stormed the Kaisarbagh
are available. Cawnpore Palace, but rebel resistance continued towards dusk.
with rebel Finally, the residency was reached with
ON TO LUCKNOW: FACT CHECK forces falling
back towards Havelock’s force having suffered 25%
After chasing the rebels out of the Alambagh, the Lucknow. casualties.
British now faced the prospect of running the gauntlet It was quickly realised that the DOWNLOAD
of loop-holed houses between the Charbagh Bridge combined force was too weak to
crossing the Gomti River along the canal and towards fight their way out – but that is information/downloads
the Lucknow Residency. The British were hit by rebels another story... ■

30 Miniature Wargames May 2023

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Farnborough International Exhibition Bring & Buy
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GU14 6TQ 30+ Tournaments
Gaming Pyongyang 1894
Words and photos by John Kersey. Illustrations by Osprey

Following on from last months background piece, this

is how Mr Kersey made a game of it! Ed.

My aim with Pyongyang was to present this as
part of an ongoing series of games looking at
the Nihon Shugi period. Lately my show games
have three very simple precepts:

◗ Based on a 6x4 flat board with stylized,

simple scratchbuilt or commercial building
terrain pieces etc. This I like to think of as a
“Hornby trainset wargame” so it’s something
that folks could do at home with little
resources. THE GROUND
So starting with those
◗ Presentation influenced by period model precepts in mind this
theatres. By this I mean likened to the model ABOVE determines what sort of
theatres popular in the 19th century and early 20th Besides the ground area I was looking
century which would be contemporary with the Osprey book at. Being not too precious
on the First
events depicted. A strong nod to this is the use of Sino-Japanese about exact ground scale is liberating (in that you can
backdrops. War there are a take liberties!) and – as with Pyongyang – sometimes
range of other you can “cherrypick” just a limited area where the
pictorial sources
◗ Emphasis on fun and playability over realism and including action was especially climatic or pivotal and ignore
complexity. As I may be going for a mass effect the Japanese the rest. In this I’m influenced by the series of large
painting and basing styles may appear a little basic language format battlefield books popular in the ‘80s and ‘90s
historical books
but it has to have the right look and feel as a game. available from based on 3d computer models that selected just the
specialist outlets. most exciting area which was then expanded out into
Moving on from this the chosen medium has been large coloured paintings of the action. For Pyongyang
1/72 or 20mm as the scale/size fits with some great Imperial I selected the north eastern part of the town where the
plastic and metal figure as well as commercially Japanese diversionary attack took place.
available buildings and accessories both for wargames Guards division
but also model railways. In my childhood there was
forces - from
the left Artillery RULES
a very limited range of historical figures but recent sergeant First As for rules... myself and the 1/72 Wargames crew
times have seen an explosion in plastic soldier ranges Class, Cavalry (David Lycett and Paul Millward) have been exploring
regiment lancer
from manufacturers such as HaT, Strelets, Red Box, and captain the General de Brigade adaption, “There are your
Orion as well as old favourites such as Airfix, Revell, 1st infantry Guns” published by Partizan Press. These cover the
IMAX, Italieri and so on. With some creativity you can regiment. ‘Age of Steam’ and so our conflict just crept in at the
swop out components such as field guns or wagons Publications. end of the period covered by them. We use the rules
etc and convert or adapt figures from other ranges for playsheet as a basis and ‘kriegspiel’ any situations that
supporting roles. are not straightforward.
Of course the sample army lists and specific army
NOTE: In last months issue some figures were special rules do not cover Chinese nor Japanese
credited (on page 40) as Kennington Miniatures. armies but by recourse to some of the other lists,
They were in fact Jacklex Miniatures. representative lists were drawn up. Similarly weapon
stats do not cover all the specific gun types however

32 Miniature Wargames July 2023

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 33
This was supplemented with some 20mm metal
figures from the ex Kennington Miniatures range now
distributed by SHQ. Cavalry figures were provided
by the Imperial Chinese 17th century heavy and light
cavalry boxes from Red Box which are still in keeping
for the Qing Chinese forces at the time!
In terms of artillery I had to resort to some scavaging
using Gatling guns from the HaT Colonial range,
mountain guns from the Strelets Russo-Turkish range
and crewed by Jacklex miniatures Egyptians with
converted small turbans made from Green Stuff. The
ABOVE from the generic details it was possible to make some Korean forces were the 16th century Korean Guerillas
The Imperial educated guesses. The Imperial Japanese army was from Red Box and who also, when converted,
Japanese forces
“greenboarded” known to be schooled by Prussian advisors so some formed crewmen for fortress artillery on the walls
- a way of of the Prussian army rules were adopted with a few of Pyongyang. The guns themselves were from the
checking out the stereotypical uniquely Japanese flourishes! As for the Red Box Turkish siege artillery box which look very
force as a whole
to see how they Qing Chinese; again there were some characteristic much like Korean ones! With the benefit of hindsight I
will appear prior features especially in terms of their erratic performance would probably give the Koreans more heavy infantry
to the show. so that it should be a bit of a rollercoaster ride keeping representing imperial guards from the same company
BELOW them together on the field. Besides their special rules and rather less guerillas. Both the Red Box and Orion
The Japanese I added a Corruption Table rolled at the start for each boxes had quite a few civilian type figures including
attack has unit after deployment to add some ginger to the play! a woman with baby which would be out of place in a
the walls of military unit. They however made excellent refugees
Pyongyang. MODELLING & FIGURES and so were dotted around the battlezone with some
28mm Hovels Having long wanted to game this fascinating conflict (suitably cut down at the waist) located wading within
resin Roman
Milecastle and previously settled on 1/72 the question was then the river as vignettes.
sections used as finding all the components that could be turned into The Imperial Japanese army forces were solidly from
20mm Korean a game of the battle of Pyongyang, and which could the longstanding Jacklex Miniatures range, which
city walls - it
kinda works! be presented to the public. There are two promising have been lovingly curated and extended by its current
plastic ranges of Chinese for the Boxer rebellion from owner, Mark Lodge. Mark obtained some components
Orion and Red Box. I leant more heavily on the Orion for the Japanese field gun from the designer, Jack
range as it contains more Imperial Chinese infantry Alexander (see a Last Word on Jack Alexander from
regular forces, the Boxers still proving useful to depict issue 475. Ed.) and has supplemented these with new
local militia forces. build pieces to complete the gun and limber. I used
the Arisaka field guns for the battle which were in
use later on during the Russo-Japanese War but
those with a more purist approach to this
conflict might substitute these
for the Krupp field
guns in the

34 Miniature Wargames July 2023

Japanese Army there are ABOVE
some nice contemporary Sato force
deployed ready
ones for 28mm from to assault
Redoubt and Victorious on the right
Miniatures: they are a flank. Optimal
little large but – as I said stand in the
– I prefer the presence background.
of bigger banners! The
Japanese made use Sato force with
of small flags (about 1st Battalion in
20” square) to denote the lead assault
the earthwork
battalions with geometric fortifications
designs. The designs of General
were found through an Ma Yu Kun’s
internet search. As these
were such a distinctive
feature I had to resort to
handmade using paper
Egyptian range. In fact I had completely overlooked and coloured pens but again preferred a slightly
that they were available at the time! After picking the oversized approach to make them distinctive.
right infantry and cavalry, recourse was made to IMEX
for a ammunition and ambulance wagon within their BUILDINGS
ACW range. For these I resorted to my 28mm collection: the
fortifications being a Roman fort obtained through
A COLOURFUL RAG Essex Miniatures and the houses within the walls
Flags give an army its identity and its soul. The being from the Hovels range. The obligatory temple
Chinese were noted as employing a lot of colourful was one from the former John Jenkins 28mm range,
flags as a morale booster and were a keynote of the probably now extinct.
armies of the time. I’m not fussy about using 28mm If one was gaming in 28mm fan there are a large
even if a little oversized as they are easier to pick out selection of figure ranges to explore. Both Redoubt and
in the clutter of the tabletop and no harm in going Old Glory have Boxer Rebellion ranges with suitable
big and bold there! There are several vendors for Japanese and Chinese figures of that period. Wargames
Boxer era flags which include Imperial Chinese flags Atlantic have released both Japanese and Chinese
(blue dragon on a yellow field) and a quick search plastic boxed infantry sets and Crusader have just
online will turn up several options. For the Imperial recently started a Boxer Rebellion range as well.

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 35
THE ART OF BACKDROPS RIGHT Major Victory: The Chinese army is broken (it is assumed
A feature of my recent show games, especially at Uniform Imperial they abandon the city anyway).
Chinese forces
Partizan have been the use of backdrops. These - from the Minor Victory: The Japanese seize both hills.
used to be very much a signature part of this show left Tiger man Minor Victory: : The Chinese lose a General (and the
as the late Duncan MacFarlane, editor of Wargames swordsman, Japanese do not lose a leader).
Beijing firearms
Illustrated would harvest photos for his magazine Bannerman
from there and the backdrop added to the effect and Imperial Defender:
(it’s certainly far easier than adding them post facto in Guardsman. Major Victory: The Chinese retain both hills and the city.
Photoshop! Ed.). If you look at model railway layouts Publications. Minor Victory: The Chinese kill both Japanese commanders.
at an exhibition they are almost mandatory there so Minor Victory: The Chinese lose both hills and retain the city.
why so few at wargames shows?
My first foray into this was a 4 foot long one for a The winner is the party with the higher level of
WH40K participation game and was a very rushed effort. Victory. Any other result counts as a draw.
Basically it was thick card the full length of the board,
sprayed black and then sprayed a lighter colour towards TERRAIN/LAYOUT
the top. Random mountain photos salvaged from a The board is laid out as shown on the scenario map.
picture calendar and some planets from an astronomical Each square is around 1ft. The earthwork forts are large
one gave a slightly unnatural but striking look that fitted though to hold four infantry stands and an artillery unit.
with the game. Later on, influenced by the 19th century
toy theatres I tried freehand watercolour painting light
blue skies onto the backdrop board and then adding
menacing darker grey clouds at the top taking inspiration
from the TV artist Bob Ross. Again quite effective and
worth the effort (and the perm... Ed.).
For a previous Partizan show (the game being the
battle of Maldon 1910) I took some photos of the area
which were then sepia toned and printed out by a
commercial printer to give a period feel but I wanted
to try yet another approach for Pyongyang at the Other
Partizan show. We used the commercial printer to
print out some contemporary woodblock prints of the
battle and the preceding landing and battle so it acted
as a narrative, almost graphic novel style.


The scenario: 15 September 1894. The Northern Attack.
INTRODUCTION The deployment areas of the various Chinese and
Presented as a There are your guns! Assault scenario Japanese forces is shown on the scenario map. The
with the Imperial Japanese Army forces as the attacker Japanese forces are deployed within their marked
and the Qing Chinese (Beiyang Army forces) as the deployment zone.
defenders. The scenario covers the attack on the
northern perimeter of the Pyongyang fortifications SPECIAL RULES
mounted by the Japanese force commanded by Sato Japanese
and Tadzumi. ◗ Headstrong Commanders: as Prussians in There are
Your Guns! Page 81.
FORCES ◗ Command the Prussian Way: as Prussians in There
The forces are as outlined on the army list further on. are Your Guns! Page 82
◗ Ki no satsu (fighting spirit): automatically pass
MISSION morale tests to attack and in hand to hand combat
The attacker will seek to break through the Chinese ◗ Explosives: used against the gate. The unit gets into
forces and enter the city, either through the gate or by contact and rolls 1-4 = success (gate destroyed); 5-6 =
an escalade over the walls. unit destroyed before blowing the gate
◗ Harada unit: charges 12” near city walls, One turn to
Attacker: scale or descend wall, if next to gate can open from
Major Victory: A Japanese unit enters the city and the gate the inside. Roll 1-4 = success gate opened, if not try
is opened. next turn and thereafter at start of turn.

36 Miniature Wargames July 2023

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 37
Chinese ABOVE
◗ Bao: Although a brave and resolute commander he Chinese and
was killed on Peony Hill in an artillery explosion or Korean refugees
seek to flee the
according to Vladimir, gunshots so does not benefit conflict along
from Fortune Points. He is Honest so +1 on the Paper the Taidong river.
Dragon table roll. Civilian figures
from the Orion
◗ Reluctant to charge: -1 for Steady and Raw/ Boxer range
Conscript to charge. modified as
◗ Paper Dragon: the effects of corruption endemic needs be.
in the Chinese army of that period and even after
reform later on. Roll a D6 dice for each unit at the
start of the game. This result is hidden from the
opponent until effect is required (alternatively try
hidden counters):


6 Gains 1 extra Better guns - Automatically Maintains ammo
Fortune Point uprate to Mauser passes Morale tests supply
magazine rifles if Elite In our game at The Other Partizan 2022 the Paper
5 Cautious - will only No effect No effect Guns- have limited Dragon rule provided a lot of entertainment. The
order Hold unless ammo roll D6 dice leader of the Chinese party (David Lycett) had two
the result of a test - 1-3 one turn of
says otherwise firing identical bad rolls of 2 for his artillery units and could
4-6 two turns of
firing not fire! However Paul Millward as the Japanese party
4 No effect No effect No effect No effect was unaware of this and had to exercise caution in his
3 No effect No effect No effect No effect advance due to the threat of the guns. He must have
2 Unlucky - loses all Loss of heart - take Loss of heart - take Guns - have no become suspicious that the guns weren’t firing because
Fortune Points if Morale test before Morale test before ammo can not fire he went hell for leather after two turns!
has any start of battle and start of battle and
obey results obey results
1 Coward - if a
Morale test is
Running Dogs - if
Raw/Conscript and
Running Dogs - if
not Elite and
Guns - very badly
forged - will explode
required will required to take a required to take a if fired on dice roll The scenario plays out the action on the northern part
automatically fail Morale test will run Morale test will Run of 1-3 (kills as per
and Run the Firing table for a of the city, under attack by the Sak-Riong and Gensan
battery) detachments.

38 Miniature Wargames July 2023

Colonel Sato - Gensan 1 Battalion Infantry = single bolt action rifle 4 stands Veteran medical dressing
Detachment - 18th station. Imex
Regiment 3 Fortune 2 Battalion Infantry = single bolt action rifle 4 stands Veteran
Points ACW wagon
3 Battalion Infantry = single bolt action rifle 4 stands Veteran
with converted
Scout detachment Cavalry - carbines sword 4 stands Steady Airfix WW1
Field Artillery - 1 Company Breach loading rifled field gun 3 model guns Steady British infantry
and Jacklex
Engineers Infantry = single bolt action rifle = explosives 2 stands Veteran
RJW figures
Harada unit Special unit 1 stand (counts as 2 figures) Elite (plus an Airfix
Major General Tadzumi 3 1 Battalion 12th Regiment Infantry = single bolt action rifle 3 stands Veteran WW1 German
Fortune Points (less 1 company) stretcher
1 Battalion 21st Regiment Infantry = single bolt action rifle 3 stands Veteran casualty!). The
(less 1 company) Medical Corps
Scout detachment Cavalry - carbines sword 8 stands Steady arm of service
colour was green
Field Artillery - 1 Platoon Breach loading rifled field gun 1 model gun Steady as depicted
on the service
hatband and
CHINESE FORCES shoulder straps.
CinC General Yeh 2 Guard cavalry 1 squadron Cavalry - polearms and bows 4 stands Elite The assault on
Fortune Points the North Gate:
Manchurian light cavalry 2 Cavalry - bow and sword 4 stands each Steady
squadrons Sato force
confronts a
Fortress artillery - 2 Muzzle loading Heavy 1 model gun each (4 guns) Raw/Conscript
batteries large body of
militia (in large
1 Battalion - Donghak rebels Various - polearms and bows 6 stands Raw/Conscript stands) whilst
General Tso Pao Kuei Tigermen Infantry - sword and shield (skirmishers) 16 figures Steady supporting
(Bao) - Manchu Kansu fire is given by
Braves 0 Fortune Points* Skirmishers Infantry - muskets 16 figures Steady
Korean fortress
Polearms Infantry - polearms 12 stands Steady artillery on the
Mountain guns - 1 battery Breach loading mountain gun 2 model guns (counts as 6 guns) Steady ramparts. City
General Ma Yun Kun - Blue Banner Battalion Infantry - single bolt action 6 stands Steady walls from
Bannermen 2 Fortune the Hovels
Points Red Banner Battalion Infantry - musket 4 stands Raw/Conscript range Roman
Militia Infantry - polearms 9 large stands (with 6 figures) Raw/Conscript milecastle as
Artillery - Gatling guns Gatling guns 2 model guns (6 guns) Steady are the civilian

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 39
A different
GOING FURTHER: RESOURCES Peking 1900 Osprey Publishing. Although of the
view of the The conflict could seem an obscure one with little subsequent Boxer Rebellion campaign the book has
28mm Hovels information available, especially compared to the many relevant notes on both the Chinese and Japanese
resin Roman better known Boxer Rebellion which is certainly armies.
Milecastle with
oriental internal better served with books etc. For an entertaining read For a one-stop shop perhaps the best resource is the
buildings. on the general campaign both land and sea seek out recently published Men-At-Arms on this very conflict
“Vladimir” which is available as on-demand print for which a review is presented here. Armies of The
An Imperial books from various vendors on the internet. First Sino-Japanese War 1894-189, Osprey Publishing
Chinese flag - a by Gabrielle Esposito (Illustrated by Giuseppe Rava)
blue dragon on a OTHER RECOMMENDED RESOURCES The Osprey Men-at-Arms series will be very familiar
yellow field - is
printed slightly The Sino-Japanese War by Nathan Chaikin 1983 204 to most wargamer readers here. Within their 48 page
over-size on to pages (available through the internet). This is actually format complete with six pages of illustrations it
paper. an art catalogue with coloured illustrations of the proves to be an excellent primer to the subject and
Japanese woodcut prints together with detailed notes period as well as a source of painting inspiration
on the incidents. Chaikin draws on Vladimir and especially for a fairly obscure conflict such as this.
other contemporary sources on accounts and notes on The events leading up to the campaign and the
the campaign together with detailed orders of battles separate engagements both on land and sea are
for both sides. Not something you usually see in art covered with a broad brush. The coverage extends
catalogues! beyond the events on the mainland and includes
Imperial Chinese Armies 1840-1911, Osprey an overview of the expedition to, and subsequent
Publishing. In the familiar Men-At-Arms format with conquest of Formosa. This little known event is also
coloured illustrations and general notes on Chinese supported by a three figure full page illustrations of
armies around this period. what are termed defenders of Formosa including an

40 Miniature Wargames July 2023

exotic looking tribesmen, one with a firearm. Besides BELOW
that there are illustrations of the respective Japanese Japanese gun
team from
and Chinese imperial forces as well as a three figure the Jacklex
set of Korean military personnel. Many have picked Miniatures
up on the fascinating Chinese “Tiger Man” or tenn nai Imperial
Japanese range.
illustration in his two piece tiger striped costume but Note the gun
to me G. Rava has excelled in his depiction with the is a Krupps
Imperial Chinese Guardsman archer in his gloriously field gun from
their Egyptian
brocaded silk uniform, a fantastic painters challenge campaign range.
for sure. Japanese Chinese, Korean and Defenders of
Formosa all have their own written section in the book BOTTOM
Retreating back
detailing their organisation, uniforms and weapons to the main gate.
in outline. All in all, this is an excellent primer to give
you an introduction and jumpstart to the period and
fascinating conflict.
Finally, my blog on the Nihon shugi period
including the First Sino-Japanese War is hosted on the
Jacklex Miniatures website. Follow this for further
background and developments! ■


July 2023 Miniature Wargames 41

Your first mystery box purchase


It’s the ultimate gaming surprise, made by gamers for gamers. Don’t
want to leave anything up to chance? You can let us know what you like!

Limited to one per customer.
Words and photos by Jon Spalding of Valkryx

have been watching with keen interest the development of ABOVE it is the knife edge nature of the battle that makes it

I a new gaing system by Valkryx (you have probably seen

their adverts in the magazine). What I hadn’t realised is
the huge scope of the project with many periods catered
for including historical. Read on. Ed.
stands fast!
such a fascinating study, and one to which we return to
time and time again with enthusiasm.
For the tabletop gamer Waterloo represents the
apotheosis of the Horse & Musket era, with brightly
coloured uniforms and parade ground manoeuvres.
The Morning Post: 22nd What a pleasure it is to take a ‘God like’ view of a scenic
June 1815. model battlefield populated by thousands of beautifully
Annihilation of painted miniatures! But some of us want more than a
Wellington’s whole pretty battlefield... we want a true-to-life simulation that
army, Allies in full allows us to test our ability to change the outcome of
retreat to the East... 18th June 1815. This relies on employing the tried and
tested tactics of the day, not least the rock, paper, scissors
INTRODUCTION relationship of cavalry, artillery and infantry. There
It cannot come as a should be impediments to units doing exactly what we
great surprise if “...the want, when we want it, and a compelling reason to keep
nearest run thing you ever a strong reserve. The fog of war is ever present.
saw in your life” turned
out differently on the TIMING IS EVERYTHING
day, with catastrophic With wargaming, above all we seek the Holy Grail of a
repercussions for Britain and Europe. true-to-life simulation using miniatures where real time
Students of Waterloo will identify a long list of errors exactly matches scale time! Let’s be clear what we are
and lost opportunities that led to Napoleon’s defeat. talking about here. When you stand at a table, with rule
If either Ney had supported his cavalry with infantry, and dice in hand, you exist in real time. But our battle is
or Grouchy had marched to the sound of the guns, the being fought in scale time. This means that a battalion,
outcome may well have been different. Without doubt marching at 100 paces a minute, can travel up to 450m in

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 43
With over twelve thousand 10mm miniatures,
including 600 artillery pieces, we field every infantry
battalion, cavalry regiment and battery present at the
battle. To keep our players on their toes we represent
not only The Prussian IV Corps but also Grouchy’s
III and IV Corps, just in case history takes a twist and
delivers an unwelcome surprise from the Bois de Paris
on Wellington’s left.
Our specially constructed 7.5m x 3.5m tabletop
has enabled us to re-create the 26 sq km Waterloo
battlefield at a scale of 1/1000. Here you will find
the respective ridges occupied by Wellington and
Napoleon and the high ground occupied by the French
Grand Battery.
The layout is a revelation in itself. We’ve all read
about the fight for Hougoumont, but how many of us
really have a sense of how far that farm was situated
in front of Wellington’s line, acting as a breakwater
against the French attack? We all know about the
pivotal role of La Haie Saint in the centre of the
ABOVE five minutes. At a tabletop scale of 1:1000 this equates to British line, but do we appreciate the importance of
The battle a movement allowance of 450mm per turn. the close knit defensive barrier formed by Papelotte,
around La Haie
Sainte’. Moving and calculating combat outcomes for even La Haie Farm, La Marche, and Frichermont that
a handful of units can take the best part of an hour to channelled D’Erlon’s abortive attack on a relatively
execute. Thus, a traditional tabletop game creates a critical narrow front?
disconnect between real time and scale time. This slow Our battlefield is designed to ask the same
motion unfolding of the battle provides both solace to the questions of our players as was asked of Wellington
pedestrian commander and yet serves to handicap the and Napoleon. There were many good reasons why
more able one. However, the pressure of real time game the 18th June followed the course it did, but many
play is the only true test of your generalship. mistakes contributed to the ultimate outcome. We
So what are our options here? Do we sacrifice are not expecting our players to re-enact the battle as
realism through the use of oversimplified rules, or – it unfolded on the day, but rather to find their own
alternatively – by choosing to accept the disconnect path to victory. We believe we’ve produced the best
between real time and game time? Either way we do real-time simulation that is possible on the tabletop.
not get a true-to-life simulation. Your strategy may differ, but you will find you are best
served by employing the tactics of the day. However,
THE INTELLIGENT WARGAMES TABLE (IWGT) the best laid plans do not always come to fruition. Will
In our opinion the Intelligent Wargames Table arguably you avoid a catastrophic mistake? Will your fellow
represents the greatest innovation in tabletop gaming generals be the best of the best, or like Napoleon do
since H.G.Wells published Little Wars in 1913. It you prefer a lucky general to a good one?
combines highly complex rules with real time game play.
Using Near Field Communications (NFC) GENERALSHIP: THE ULTIMATE TEST
technology, and more PCB’s and microprocessors than We are launching our Napoleonic game at a Grand
you can shake a stick at, it monitors movement and Event on the 17th & 18th June in support of Help
works out combat outcomes in the blink of an eye. for Heroes. Following this we are happy to invite
The system provides for formation change, calculates individuals and teams to join us for a day of
casualties, tracks ammunition expenditure by type, and challenging real time game play. We can offer you a
monitors morale. Target selection is automated. unique experience at a very affordable cost. Our super-
The player is not required to use look-up tables, throw size table and miniatures are at your disposal and
dice, do sums, or keep score! The bean counting is done you are assured of a warm welcome. This is a unique
by the system. Importantly, it manifestly retains the opportunity not to be missed.
appearance of a traditional wargame table while allowing See our website at for opening times,
players to concentrate on command, not computation. special events and announcements, including a
proposed Napoleonic team competition to find our
ARE YOU UP TO THE CHALLENGE? National Champions.
We think that re-fighting Waterloo represents the Are you able to fill Wellington’s boots, or is Napoleon’s
ultimate test for the IWGT. bicorn hat the perfect fit? Your army awaits its leader. ■

44 Miniature Wargames July 2023

Sign up for the very latest - industry
releases, kick starters, reviews,
interviews and more from Tabletop
Gaming. You can unsubscribe at any time!

Either scan the QR code or visit

Wargames Fantasy and


Website updated

Alive and kicking ABOVE
An Israeli C130
lifts off at
Words and photos by The Editor Entebbe by The
his is going to be a short article that mostly

lets the pictures do the talking but there are A vast Battletech
quite a few things worth a mention. The show Mech.
was located in the now customary (for both
Partizans and Hammerhead) venue at the Cedric Ford Gettysburg by
Pavilion at the Newark Showground. For those that 1st Corps.
haven’t been, it’s a big shed-type building, but is quite
a comfy one and has catering facilities and seating
on site and – effectively – unlimited free car parking.
Entry was £5 (or less with a concession) and the show
had a good atmosphere and was very well attended.
So: hopefully the ‘panic’ is over (see my Last Word in
this issue)
There was a good selection of traders (about 46 of
them with a decided historical bent) and lots of pretty
demo and party games (around 70). Some were, rather
like this year’s Salute, corralled into the Lard Zone
with (obviously) a heavy TooFat Lardies presence

46 Miniature Wargames July 2023

ABOVE LEFT (though not all of the games run by the dynamic duo)
Entebbe airport and there were a few trader games.
minus a few
Migs. There were many fine games: lots of 28mm Ancients
(including a huge To the Strongest outing); a couple
ABOVE of very impressive 28mm ACW games (especially the
Some superb
scratchbuilt 1st Corps one which was gorgeous); and a wealth of
scenery in The WWII games including a Rapid Fire and some Chain
MDS Crossings. of Command ones.
LEFT Real stand out’s for me were The Bunker’s excellent
It's all a Raid on Entebbe in 1/72: lots of Israeli C130s
Dastardly plan, taking off at a scratch

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 47

A typical
highstreet from
the Very British
Civil Forum.

Pwll Melyn 1405
by Lance &
Longbow Society.

Ancients from To
the Strongest.

ABOVE built airport; the 1st Corps ACW (the Assault on

A very shiny McPherson’s Ridge at Gettysburg) that I mentioned
Xenos Rampant
game by earlier with some great teddy-bear fur, rolling-terrain
Chesterfield complete with photographic backdrops (which made
(COGS). my life easier!); a fun Catch the Pidgon game (as in
RIGHT silly biplanes via Dastardly and Muttley); and (as part
7TV strangeness of the Lard Zone and – if my notes are accurate – by
by Crooked Dice. Alan Sherwood) a superb WWII game called The MDS
Crossings with some superb scratch built 1/72 scenery
and models a-plenty.

48 Miniature Wargames July 2023

Good shot sir!
The ever popular
Battle of Hopton
Heath by The
Iron Brigade.

ACW by The

Jumbo attack!
Ancients by

Three examples
of very fine
figure painting
and modelling in

If I could fault the show for anything (and I’m trying
quite hard to be critical but fair) I think the show could
have done with a central focus. I’m not sure what
exactly that could be (a ‘re-enactor’ element springs to
mind but – arguably – that’s been done to death and
is only tangentially interesting to wargamers) but that
might have been interesting.
However, that being said, Partizan is still a great
show full of eye candy and purchasing opportunities
and I’m looking forward to the later on in the year on
October 8th. Same venue, same Bat Channel... ■

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 49



◗ Mark Lardas 1944
◗ Osprey Publishing (softback ◗ Pier Battistelli
2022) ◗ Osprey (2023)
◗ £14.99 ◗ £16.99
◗ 80 pages (softback) ◗ 96 pages (softback)
◗ ISBN:9781472849366 ◗ ISBN:9781472850140
◗ ◗

This book (subtitled The The Italian Campaign saw some

US Navy’s controversial very bitter fighting, with a distinctly
Enigma raid, Atlantic Ocean 1944) is a challenging environment for those
good read and exciting narrative which Allied troops accustomed to the open
fully explains the preparations which spaces of the desert – much closer
Captain Gallery of the Guadalcanal made actions (anti-tank guns sometimes
to capture a U-Boat. Gallery received opened fire at 100 yards or less), easy
assistance from US Naval Intelligence concealment for the defender, urban
but was unaware that it was already fighting, booby-traps, strong fixed
reading enigma signals. The book covers defences, and so on. Narrow attack
the scramble to cover up the capture. frontages meant that it was often
The narrative is supported by some great difficult to bring superiority to bear,
artwork, maps and photographs. whether tactically or operationally,
In that the Escort Carrier group leader and the weather always seemed to play
prepared for the eventuality, it might an adverse part in both summer (dust)
be termed a raid but it was more of a and winter.
naval boarding action. The author is an As usual with this ‘Campaign’
American and – in the best Hollywood series, there are chapters on the
style – he seems not to know that the opposing commanders, forces, and
British Royal Navy conducted several plans, with the bulk of the book
similar boardings in 1941. One such covering these August-December 1944
(U110) was where the original enigma actions, as the Allies sought to break
machine was captured. While irritating through the final defensive barrier in
it does not detract from what is a ripping Italy. The level of analysis is broadly
yarn, ably told, in a manner which shows operational rather than tactical, but
the heroism and leadership involved. with a good feel for the whole range
The description of anti-submarine of challenges faced (by both sides).
warfare and escort carrier hunting Thankfully, most maps are two-
groups is particularly good but there dimensional single-page rather than
is little utility for wargamers except as the spine-breaking two-page oblique
background information. It is highly versions; orders of battle go down to
recommended for all readers with an regimental/brigade level. A this is a
interest in the war against the U-Boats. good overall profile of a tough fight.
Martin S. Pike Chris Jarvis

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 51

sieges of Reading, King’s Lynn, Lincoln

and York.
There are twenty-two black and white
illustrations, most of which reproduce
contemporary portraits and illustrations
of places mentioned in the text; there are
also a few modern photographs of places.
Two contemporary town plans are
reproduced in the text: Reading c.
1611 and King’s Lynn by Wenceslaus
Hollar. Seven modern full-page maps or
diagrams by George Anderson depict
the Campaigns of 1643; A modern
ELIZABETH’S NAVY: SEVENTY CAMPAIGNS OF THE EASTERN interpretation of Hollar’s map of King’s
YEARS OF THE POSTWAR ASSOCIATION Lynn; The Siege of York; Deployment
ROYAL NAVY ◗ Laurence Spring of the Royalist Army at Marston Moor;
◗ Paul Brown ◗ Helion & Company (2022) Major General James Lumsden’s plan of
◗ Osprey Publishing (2023) ◗ £29.95 the allied deployment at Marston Moor;
◗ £45.00 ◗ 248 pages (softback) the archaeological finds at Marston
◗ 344 pages (hardback) ◗ ISBN:978191113986 Moor, and the archaeological finds
◗ ISBN:9781472854971 ◗ around White Syke Close.
◗ Both diagrams showing the
Number 89 in Helion’s Century of the deployment of the opposing armies at
Soldier 1618-1721 series is subtitled The Marston Moor are accompanied by full-
This is a fascinating Rise of Oliver Cromwell, 1642-1645. page keys identifying the units thereon;
book because I served in the Royal Many wargamers will have seen actor unfortunately, neither of the diagrams
Navy for over thirty years during this Robert Morley’s portrayal of the Earl of nor their keys are on facing pages, so
period. I might be biased overall but, Manchester in the film Cromwell, which readers must flick between pages –
unfortunately, this book highlights how has often been shown on television; this something that could have been avoided
much it was a time of decline in terms of book may help to change the popular when planning the book’s layout.
numbers and capabilities as politicians perception of the commander of the Stephen Ede-Borrett provides Notes
forgot the first duty of government. Eastern Association Army as something and Observations of the Eastern
It describes the navy in each decade of a buffoon created by that film. Association Cornets and Colour Plate
giving a summary of the numbers of The army of the Eastern Association Commentaries on the sixteen cornets
ships, work and operations. It strikes was one of the most successful depicted by Dr Lesley Prince and
a good balance between describing Parliamentarian armies of the First Civil Anderson Subtil on the eight colour
the changing navy and the geo- War: it prevented the counties of East plates bound into the centre of the book.
political context in which it operated. Anglia from being taken over by Royalists; He gives translations of the Latin mottos
It runs to 2022 and notes that currently it supported Lord Fairfax’s Northern but notes that, ‘..their meaning to the
there is one admiral and at least two Association army against the Royalist bearer who commissioned them is often
commodores for every major warship. forces of the Marquis of Newcastle; going to be a matter of pure conjecture.’
Given the rising global tensions, not an helped to defeat the latter at the battle Appendix I offers twenty pages on the
encouraging thought. of Marston Moor, and assisted the Organisation of the Eastern Association
The text provides a framework for remnants of the Earl of Essex’s army and forces, covering Types of Soldiers,
some beautiful photography of ships that of Sir William Waller at the second Regimental Colours, Clothing, Discipline
both large and small, accompanied by battle of Newbury. The author examines and Casualties. Appendix II contains the
extensive captions characterising the key these two battles in detail, using both Journal of Colonel Montagu’s Regiment.
events of the ship’s life. Not all ships contemporary sources and archaeological Appendix III, Captured Regimental
are covered but most classes of ships evidence. Several eyewitness accounts Colours, lists Royalist Colours Captured at
are represented but no technical detail. of the second battle of Newbury, quoted Marston Moor. A four-page bibliography
Other than inspiration, it has limited in the author’s earlier Campaigns of Sir concludes the book; there is no index.
application to wargamers. William Waller 1642-1645 (also published Wargamers interested in recreating
It is well written and superbly by Helion & Company, 2019), are – not the campaigns and battles of the First
illustrates the Royal Navy since the unreasonably – repeated here. There are English Civil War will find this a very
Second World War. It is thoroughly also shorter descriptions of the battles useful companion to the other Helion
recommended for all readers. of Gainsborough and Winceby – not books on Civil War armies.
Martin S. Pike accompanied, alas, by any maps – and the Arthur Harman

52 Miniature Wargames July 2023

and the main rivers, but with no other
detail of the terrain; Battle of Balaclava,
second phase, the Charge of the Heavy
Brigade, with minimal detail of the
terrain, and Battle of Balaclava, third
phase, the Charge of the Light Brigade.
In both battle maps, British, French
and Russian troops are shown as white
boxes, identified only by text beside
them. Individual British regiments are
identified in the first battle map but not
the second.
Eight pages of colour plates are
FLIGHT LIEUTENANT THOMAS THE CHARGE OF THE HEAVY bound into the centre of the book.
‘TOMMY’ ROSE DFC BRIGADE: SCARLETT’S 300 IN They include modern photographs of
◗ Sarah Chambers THE CRIMEA the North Valley from the Sapoune
◗ Pen and Sword Books Ltd (2022) ◗ M. J. Trow Heights; a soldier’s pipe found in the
◗ £25.00 ◗ Helion & Company (2022) British Lines; an 1834 pattern British
◗ 315 pages (hardback) ◗ £25.00 cavalry sword; and the uniform
◗ ISBN:9781526783820 ◗ 256 pages (hardback) trunk and grave of Captain George
◗ ◗ ISBN:9781399093002 Brigstocke, 4th Dragoon Guards. There
◗ is a monochrome engraving of General
James Scarlett in the uniform he wore
This book covers much the same ground at Balaclava; a contemporary Punch
as Cecil Woodham-Smith’s The Reason cartoon about the enquiry into the
Why (Constable, 1957), in describing the state of the army; and a still from Tony
This book is a genealogist’s dream in recruitment, training and ethos of pre- Richardson’s 1968 film, The Charge of
narrating the life of a famous ancestor Crimean War British cavalry regiments, the Light Brigade, showing the Heavy
and getting it published. It is about but with the emphasis upon the Heavy Brigade engaging the Russian cavalry, a
Flight Lieutenant Rose from his birth Brigade and its experience at Balaclava sequence which was cut by the director
to his death. It covers the First World and afterwards, rather than those of the before the film’s release.
War where Rose was, before he became Light Brigade. The author believes that The author has produced ten full
a pilot, a mechanic in the Royal Navy Ms Woodham-Smith was mistaken in length colour portraits of six officers and
Armoured Car section. He transferred regarding the hostility between Lords four men of the Heavy Brigade, some
to the Royal flying Corps in 1917 and Lucan and Cardigan as a significant of which show them as they would
then, by the time of the armistice was cause of the disaster that befell the latter. have appeared in the Charge, others
an ace with eleven kills. The author Unlike Martin Sheppard, author of the showing full, mess and stable dress,
explores aspects of Rose’s service and more recently published General Sir with their faces based on contemporary
investigates related issues such as the James Scarlett (Pen & Sword, 2022: photographs. In most cases the heads
armoured car section or the design of Reviewed by Mr Harman last month. Ed.), are rather too large for the bodies, but
flight suits. She recounts the campaigns he regards Lucan’s order to halt the the uniforms are shown quite clearly
of the armoured cars both in Belgium Heavy Brigade’s advance to support the and would be a useful reference for
and Africa. It is an engaging story but, Light Brigade as the one correct decision painters of model soldiers.
from the wargaming perspective, of only that officer made that day. An appendix lists the officers and
limited value. The Prologue to the main narrative, men of the Heavy Brigade, by rank
War service takes up half of the entitled ‘The Lost Brigade’, describes and regiment, with their ranks at the
book after which the story moves on how the Heavy Brigade was omitted time of the charge. The names of those
to between the wars where Rose was from films made in 1912, 1928, 1936 and wounded are underlined; those killed
in the air racing game. Eventually he 1968, and reproduces the text of Alfred, are given in italics and underlined. A
became a Chief Test Pilot and, during Lord Tennyson’s little-known poem The two page bibliography and a six page
the Second World War, a major in the Charge of the Heavy Brigade which he index conclude the book; there are no
Home Guard. was persuaded to write by a friend in footnotes.
It is well written and a terrific 1882. This is a very readable account of
example of what genealogical research Four full page maps are placed at the the Heavy Brigade in the Crimean
can produce. It is recommended for all start of the book: The Seat of War 1854-6; War, offering a valuable alternative
readers. War Zone, South West Crimea, showing perspective on the Battle of Balaclava.
Martin S. Pike the coast from Kalamita Bay to Balaclava Arthur Harman

53 July 2023 Miniature Wargames 53


VESSELS 1870-1914 ◗ Stephen Wynn JUNE-29 AUGUST 1944
◗ Les Brown ◗ Pen and Sword Maritime Ltd (2023) ◗ Edited and translated by Richard W Harrison
◗ Seaforth Publishing (2023) ◗ £22.00 ◗ Helion and Company (2022)
◗ £40.00 ◗ 268 pages (hardback) ◗ £28
◗ 192 pages (hardback) ◗ ISBN:9781526736260 ◗ 533 pages (softback)
◗ ISBN:9781399022859 ◗ ◗ ISBN:9781804510445
◗ ◗

This is a highly detailed account of the Subtitled The Rout of the German
development of the torpedo vessels Forces in Belorussia, this book uses
at the latter half of the nineteenth This book is an in-depth look at a the Soviet General Staff Study but does
century and into the twentieth. It covers wartime T-Class submarine and its not appear to be a direct translation,
an era when there was considerable disappearance while on its twelfth perhaps no more than Colonel Glantz’
experimentation, technological advances wartime patrol. The author is a retired similar work (Belorussia 1944) based
and changes in the design, role and use police constable with limited knowledge on the same study. There are significant
of these very small naval vessels. of the Royal Navy and maritime differences in presentation between this
These ships are the forerunners of operations which leads to inaccuracies and Glantz’ work. The author conforms
the more extensive classes of torpedo and misinterpretations. Most of his to the format used by the Soviet General
boat destroyers, ‘destroyers’ for short. sources appear to be websites and there Staff in the original work splitting the
Indeed, the book says that official is a lack of referencing throughout work into parts starting with a survey
interest in the boats was superseded other than private letters mentioned of the political-military situation and
by the new class. The trouble for in the text. This book has only limited continuing with preparation for the
wargamers, therefore, is that these application to wargamers or as an operation and finally execution. The
ships were only peripherally involved academic reference. author includes an analysis of the
in the Great War. Those that survived An aspect of the book takes the employment of specific arms of service
until then were guardships and events of the torpedoing of an Italian and includes more detail throughout than
local patrol vessels. Their utility for merchant ship containing prisoners Glantz. Inevitably there is some overlap
wargamers is therefore limited to ‘what of war to question the actions of the with Glantz’ work but it complements
if’ or fictional scenarios. commanding officer, his decorations rather than replicates owing much to
That notwithstanding, this is a and awards, and comes close to different emphasis and interpretations.
great book with a heavy bent towards smearing him. He believes that the ship Like the general staff study itself,
the technical details of engines and should not have been attacked although this book contains few maps and no
a description of the development of such attacks are part of the ‘cold photographs, and the orders of battle are
torpedoes. Well supported by good calculus of war’; think the ‘men in the tabulated within the text; Glantz extracts
photographs and line drawings, it water’ scene in The Cruel Sea film! It is into an appendix. It is at the operational-
covers the various classes and design why we try not to go to war. strategic level but from a wargaming
advances comprehensively. It is highly While the book is interesting in perspective has some utility and ideas
recommended for all with an interest in portraying life at sea in one of HM for scenario construction and even
the late nineteenth century technological Submarines, it has no maps. It is only more for a campaign. It is very strongly
advances in general and these torpedo weakly recommended for the general recommended for all with an interest in
boats in particular. reader. the Eastern Front.
Martin S. Pike Martin S. Pike Martin S. Pike

54 Miniature Wargames July 2023

not weak-willed collaborators or treacherous
renegades, but citizen-soldiers every bit as
motivated by conscience as the rebels they
fought…The role such Loyalists played
has historically been downplayed, and the
American Revolution remains an account
of oppressed colonists rising en masse to
overthrow an oppressive British monarch.”
Twenty half-tone illustrations include
reproductions of contemporary portraits
of Major William Cathcart, the original
commander of the British Legion,
Tarleton, Major George Hanger and Earl
Cornwallis; various prints and cartoons;
CLEAN SWEEP WAR AT SABER POINT: two nineteenth century paintings of the
◗ Thomas McKelvery Cleaver BANASTRE TARLETON AND Battle of Cowpens; and photographs
◗ Osprey Publishing (2023) THE BRITISH LEGION of the colour of the 2nd Continental
◗ £30.00 ◗ John Knight Light Dragoons, captured by Tarleton
◗ 464 pages (hardback) ◗ Westholme Publishing 2021 at Pound Ridge, and a Tarleton-pattern
◗ ISBN:9781472855480 ◗ £25.00 helmet of 1798.
◗ ◗ 240 pages (hardback) There are three maps: a half-page
◗ ISBN:9781594163524 reproduction of The Ambuscade of the
◗ Indians at Kingsbridge, August 31, 1778; a
Subtitled VIII Fighter Command two-page map of the Southern Campaign
against the Luftwaffe, 1942-45, this is 1780-1781, showing the Movements of
the story of the US fighter groups and That the victors write the history has Tarleton and the British Legion with
men engaged in the strategic bombing often, if not always, been the case; since numbered text boxes identifying the
campaign in Europe. It makes extensive the invention of cinematography, they various engagements, which is a useful
use of interviews with surviving pilots can also produce feature films that reference for creating a mini-campaign;
and sets their stories and careers within reflect their propaganda. Readers of this and another two-page map of the Battle
the overall campaign events. While magazine, who have probably watched of Cowpens, SC, January 17, 1781,
the chronology is sometimes difficult many war films, will know what degree with arrows and numbered text boxes
to follow, it captures the key events of of historical accuracy is to be expected identifying the stages of the battle.
the strategic air war well. The build-up when Hollywood claims a drama is Together with the detailed analysis of
and early operations, the policy of close ‘based on’ factual events. Tarleton’s errors in the text, it is perfect
fighter escorts to the bombers, the change The Patriot, a film ‘based upon’ the for wargamers wising to recreate that
to one of hunting enemy fighters and exploits of Francis ‘The Swamp Fox’ engagement as a tabletop battle. Although
the fight for air superiority, D-Day and Marion in the American Revolution, both of the two-page maps go right into
the oil and transport campaigns form starring Mel Gibson, is a prime example. the spine of the book, there is a degree of
a fascinating narrative. The difficulties As described in the Preface, in that repetition on the facing pages so that no
which plagued the fighter groups is film, ‘Colonel Tavington’ has civilians, information is lost.
described together with the limitations men, women and children, shut inside Thirty-seven pages of endnotes, a
of the aircraft. The narrative weaves the a church, which is then set on fire – fifteen-page bibliography and a ten-page
events into an engaging story and is well just like the Nazi massacre of French index conclude the book.
supported by photographs of men and villagers at Oradour-sur-Glane in 1944 Banastre Tarleton was a very brave
machines. There are few maps but they – but nothing like that ever occurred in young man, a reckless gambler –
include the Schweinfurt-Regensburg and the American Revolution! unsuccessful on card tables but initially
Bodenplatte operations. The author discusses whether Banastre victorious on battlefields – and a serial
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this Tarleton ever committed the brutal acts seducer, whose early successes and
book which significantly helps the for which he is infamous and seeks to meteoric promotion may have given
understanding of the strategic air war, do justice to “one of the most remarkable him an exaggerated sense of his own
fighter group operations and contains regiments not only of the American Revolution military ability and led to his ultimate
many individual fighter combat stories. but of any war. A corps made up of American disaster at Cowpens. His relatively brief
Its detail will reward the air wargamer in Loyalists, it engaged in almost every battle period of active service makes for most
scenario creation and historical matchups. in the Southern colonies. The study of this entertaining reading and may inspire
It is highly recommended for all readers. legion subverts our preconceived notions of wargamers to recreate his exploits.
Martin S. Pike patriotism. The men who filled its ranks were Arthur Harman

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 55

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A bull market Words and images by Tony Harwood

This would fit in very well as scenery for the Dog of plastic card. Various layers of DAS modelling MATERIALS USED
Two Head Greek Myths and Monsters game on clay and ready mixed filler were added and ◗ Blue foam
page 12 Ed. textured before a second layer of stones was ◗ Plastic card
added. I used a mixture of both superglue and ◗ A Minotaur’s head (from a
plastic toy)
suppose that I should start this article with PVA glue to glue the stones in place before

◗ Clutter from my ‘spares box’
an apology, as I have in the past produced a adding even more surface texture to the pieces. ◗ DAS modelling clay
similar scratch built shine for this magazine, After assembling the main piece, various ◗ Ready-mixed filler
(see the Slaine: Kiss my Axe article) but I bits and pieces of ‘clutter’ were sources from ◗ Sieved stones and sand
thought the inspiration and planning of this the ‘spares box’ before texture was added to
particular model was worth recording. Sue and the base with sieved stones and sand applied
I were visiting a National Trust house and – as I over PVA glue. With the modelling completed
always do – I browsed the second hand book stall I undercoated the whole structure with a mid
(most NT houses or gardens have one) and found grey basecoat to which I have added some PVA
a children’s illustrated book showing a beautiful glue. Painting continued with drybrushing,
Celtic stone shrine. I made a simple sketch of the washes and tints either painted or washed over
shrine and later tried to find the same illustration the stone surface – I find that adding various
on the internet. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful coloured washes over the surface gives a more
but did find various examples of similar Celtic ‘natural’ stone effect.
temples or stone shrines. The simple sketch is a Painting was carried out with a fine
conglomeration of some of these images. pointed brush and acrylic paints before I matt
Construction commenced with a lump of varnished the whole model, shrine and base.
scrap blue foam which was first carved and The final bit of painting was to add some
then sanded to shape. The carving, sanding and lichen or mould to the exposed stone and
impressing of a rough stone helped to disguise decorate the groundwork with dyed sawdust
the foam texture and produce a more natural or ground foam scatter materials which were
shape. The stones foundation was cut from a glued in place with superglue or PVA glue. In
thin layer of the same foam and then textured addition, I used weathering powders to add
before gluing to a rough circle of 3mm thick even more colour and definition to the stones.

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 57


The simple pencil sketch is The base and standing stone were
a combination of various glued together with my hot glue gun
images found on the internet and smaller standing stones were
or in an illustrated children’s added around the base. Once again,
book on Celtic mythology. I used DAS and ready-mixed filler
to add texture and fill gaps.
The piece was initially modelled
and planned as a Celtic shrine You can also see where I have
for Burrows & Badgers, but continued to refine the texture
took on a life of its own during and surface features on the main
construction and particularly stones. One of the techniques I
when adding ‘clutter’ to the base. used for this was brushing with a
It is now a purely Greek Minotaur wire brush and then heating the
or Greek mythology themed surface of the foam with a heat
piece of terrain. gun to remove and ‘furry’ bits. If
you do use a heat gun on foam,
be sure to proceed in a well
ventilated area.


The main standing stone was The base was decorated with bits
constructed from a piece and pieces from my ‘spares box’
of blue foam (which was and the groundwork was detailed
scrounged from a builders with a mix of sieved stones and
skip). I first carved the rough sand applied over PVA glue and then
shape then sanded the edges ‘flooded’ with a mix of watered-
and later impressed a stone down PVA.
from the garden into the
surface to give extra texture. To make this sink into the basing
elements, I had added a touch of
The plastic Minotaur’s head was washing-up liquid (known as ‘wet
cut from a children’s toy that I water’). This means that the mix will
had in my ‘spares box’ and glued break the surface tension and allow
in place with superglue. Later I the glue to flow better.
used both DAS modelling clay
and some ready-mixed filler to
blend the head into the stone.


I used 3mm thick plastic card After painting the shrine and
for the base and added layers base with a mid grey basecoat
of blue foam to build up the to which I had added some PVA
height and structure. glue (to seal the various bits),
I started to add some colour
The blue foam was carved, using layers of acrylic paint,
sanded and impressed before highlighting with drybrushing
a mix of DAS and ready-mixed and then adding washes.
filler were used to enhance the
surface texture and fill gaps. This process took some time as
I like to add multiple layers and
The pieces were glued detail before painting starting
together with both PVA glue the groundwork with a Snakebite
and superglue. Leather colour which was
highlighted with Snakebite and
white drybrushing. Various stones
and details were picked out in grey
acrylic paint to which I have added
more white as highlights.

58 Miniature Wargames July 2023

More detail painting followed
and this is where I have allowed
myself to add more highlights
and features. For example the
quartered layers in the stone,
the lichen and the green moss
or growths in the shadows.

The Minotaur’s head was

highlighted with various gold
and bronze colours before the
model was matt varnished.

I used green ‘railway scatter’
material applied over PVA to the
base and around the bottom of
the standing stones. In addition
I added ground foam and
static grass tufts to the model
(applied over superglue).

The final detailing was to

brush on a layer of weathering
powders to the model. These
were applied dry and with a
fan-shaped brush.

The Minotaur’s Shire is 130mm

tall and mounted on a 140mm x
140mm plastic card base.


As previously mentioned, the initial
intention was to produce a Celtic
themed or Burrows & Badgers
piece of terrain based on an image
I had seen in a children’s book.
As the model progressed (and
particularly after the plastic
Minotaur’s head was added and I
started using Spartan Games
shields to decorate the base) this
morphed into a Greek Myth inspired
piece which I will be using with
my Typhon game system from
Alternative Armies.

The model didn’t take that

long to make and the painting
was great fun. It got me back
modelling after a period of
building inactivity.

July 2023 Miniature Wargames 59

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Are we back to ‘normal’ yet?
he last couple of years all wargames shows rely on a “The biggest

T have been... an interesting

time. In the UK (at
least) the wargaming
hobby has been beset by a trio
of issues whilst – at the same
mix of both trader fees and paid
entry by gamers to the event, that
puts organisers in a bind and
threatens the show’s viability
into the future. Especially when
threat[s] are
Brexit and
time – a couple of developing teamed with...
opportunities. Having recently Brexit. Whatever one feels rampant advantages – what are the up-
returned from a couple of large about the voting for this, it has inflation.. the sides of any of this gloom? Well, I
wargames shows (Salute and undoubtedly affected European would say that there are probably
Partizan both of which followed traders coming to British shows
result is that three bits of ‘good news’ to
on from Hammerhead in March) (especially, I noted, Salute) and our hobby is counter some of this.
it was interesting to see what the reverse of that: Crisis in under a lot Along with the increasing
effect all of these had manifested Antwerp suffered a lot from importance of the web (in all
upon the wargaming hobby. British traders saying “no
of pressure.” it’s incarnations from Facebook,
Although there may be others, thanks: I just can’t handle the extra YouTube, and other similar
I would judge that the biggest paperwork”. So that’s not good. technologies, to PDF distribution
triple-threat of events chipping And – added to that is the cash of rules and more) other positive
away at our playing games with flow situation... moves have to include the
toy soldiers have been (in no Inflation. What with war in increased use of Plastics for
particular order) Pandemics, Brexit Europe, ULEZ zones (and their figures: great for mass production
and rampant inflation. ilk) in many major cities and but not so much for small runs.
The Pandemic: is it... over yet? the rise in energy prices (and, So, when that is too expensive to
At some point everyone has therefore, everything else) the set up, Injection Plastic in special
to accept (surely) that what cost of wargaming is rising fast. rubber moulds replacing metal
we had was a pretty bad case This has two effects, of course. in figures (pioneered by Siocast
of influenza. It wasn’t the first Firstly it raises the retail on the and now used by a number of
(as anyone who studied the toys we buy: everything from larger manufacturers) is another
aftermath of WWI can attest) and metal prices for the pewter way forward. Then there’s 3d
it won’t be the last. But it seems components to plastics (made printing: either at home (for those
that we can now – thankfully – from oil) plus printing and who want to do the set-up and
walk around a wargames show postage. Secondly, it reduces experience the learning curve) or
(at least) without every other the spare money we have to on-demand from manufacturers
person wearing a piece of paper actually spend on a hobby. So, who print to order with no actual
over their faces. That change when we have to make other models in stock. The obvious
aids with communication and inconsequential or trivial result is that there are now more
social interaction and puts us purchases – like, petrol, food, manufacturers and publishers (as
back close – maybe – to where we electricity and so forth – it opposed to just retailers) in the
were three years ago but... what means we have less to spend on wargaming hobby than I have
damage has it done to the hobby the things which bring us joy. ever seen.
as a whole in the mean time? Like toys, books and – indeed – I love shows. I love print
Well, fewer traders at shows is a magazines. magazines and books. I like
probable outcome as many have The result is that our hobby metal and hard plastic (and even
found they can do almost as much is under a lot of pressure. But resin) figures and models. But
business on-line as they could – since the human survival I’m guessing change is not only
at a face-to-face event so they imperative means we always try coming but it has already arrived.
just aren’t attending. As almost to leverage these downsides into The future still looks bright. ■

62 Miniature Wargames July 2023

“...the nearest run
thing you ever saw
in your life”.
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CO M PE TIT IO N 2 023/ 24


Following our “Waterloo Re-fought” event in Table shown lit for placement of infrastructure and units

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