Miniature Wargames September 2020
Miniature Wargames September 2020
Miniature Wargames September 2020
came across an interesting element of gaming whilst online just other day, and on AND FOURPENCE
I several separate instances. In what feels like a previous existence, I once spent over a
quarter of a century working for a local authority and was immersed in the need for
‘political acuity’ in my every day life, with both a small and a large ‘P’. Despite the
issues of wargaming shows and reenactment groups that I’ve had to deal with in the
past (it seems I’m not the only person that likes dressing up in silly hats – and more!)
Realism in wargames: “It’s a
trap” says Admiral Kinch!
up until now I hadn’t realised how much the politics of the real An exclusive solo play scenario for Kings of
world and every day life was transitioning into a rather less War: Vanguard plus a painting guide for the
enjoyable environment for gaming. I have to say, the calls Abyssal Dwarfs.
I have heard to make wargaming a more politically ‘safe
space’ baffle me: we are (mostly) grown men and women 18 KEEP TAKING
of all ages and preferences but we play a game that deals – THE TABLETS
however abstractly – with killing people.. And there’s no Archaeology and Arms in the
two ways about that. Sure, I’ve known people refuse to Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.
play certain armies and forces through history – and that’s
fine and I totally respect their views – but when that 22 DEFENCE IN DEPTH
stretches into fantasy and SF I’m really puzzled. With the latest figure and rules reviews.
As the late Frederic Bulsara (of whom I am a
vast fan) – sang: “Open up your mind and let me 26 COMMAND DECISION
step inside... Play the game everybody...” Leave Antietam: Sharpsburg, Maryland, 1862!
the politics for the nine to five, eh?
Get in touch Concluding the building of two armies at
the double. Part two: paint and finish.
It’s the Punjab in 1849: Bloody conflict
and the British East India Company.
John Treadaway miniature_wargames_magazine
MINIATURE WARGAMES INCORPORATING BATTLEGAMES Looking sharp with three Skirmishes in Spain!
EDITOR John Treadaway
Luke Hider
51 SCRATCH BUILD 01778 395085 | Build a Roman Mile Castle!
BLOOD RED SKIES other team, at the same release date and
for the same price you could choose the
everything for building Munchkin,
Quadling, Gilikin or Winkie Armies
Twin Engine terrors! Soviet Pe-2. Redesigned from a high- (including Munchkin pirates...) and
In September Warlord are altitude escort fighter into a character sets that include Dorothy,
releasing two new squadrons dive bomber, it Toto, The Tinman, Scarecrow and the
for their Blood Red Skies should prove a Cowardly Lion. The rules – written
system in 1/200th cast in ‘Warlord good match and all are by Buck Surdu – have been designed
Resin’. for the German available to pre-order now from to support solo, two player and team
forces there’s a Junkers the Warlord play. The rulebook contains everything
Ju 88C. This Solid nosed, online store at needed to play a streamlined and
machine gun and cannon intuitive ‘fantasy’ horse and musket
equipped heavy mass battle game, together with full
fighter is impressive background of the world, it’s factions,
and £25 buys you a squadron of six scenarios and uniform guides. Look up
aircraft in a boxed set. If you bat for the the range at
REDISCOVERING GAMING: A PAINTING SAGA the rule books in the boxed set:
the errors are listed with a page
Andrew Wilson discovered miniatures Contrast paint for leather, under tunics number, and changes are presented
35 years ago with a boxed set of and leg wrappings. in red. The download is free and
Dungeons & Dragons, some Citadel After base coats I gave them a also contains the updated Print &
paints, and his dad's Airfix enamels. drybrush with Army Painter Corpse Play cards with updated stats for
Halcyon days, marked by receiving the Pale. This is better for picking out selected adversaries and allies in
Warhammer 40,000 book for Christmas most colours than white, working very the game. Go to
1987. After a break from miniatures, well on green and browns, and can be
Andrew’s rediscovering his love of
wargaming. These miniatures are part
inked over while still highlighting the
raised areas. THIS MONTH
of FootSore’s Romano-British range for
the wargame Saga.
The whole model was then washed
with Army Painter Strong Tone. I
“I hand-prime individual figures with decided on a non-metallic style for POLAND
Ceramite White,” Andrew says, “then the helmet; building up from a base of SEPTEMBER 1, 1939
follow the same pattern – flesh first, Instar Pure Orange, drybrushed and The invasion of Poland (called variously the
normally Vallejo Sunny Skin Tone, then then glazed with Contrast Iyanden Kampania wrześniowa in Polish and the
blocking in clothes and armour. I used Yellow. Leathers were washed with Überfall auf Polen in German), marked the
beginning of World War II for most of the
samples of Instar Paints Alpha range, of Army Painter strong tone, and a western world. The German invasion began on
Forest Green for tunics, standard Instar thinned soft tone, with the same wash 1 September 1939, one week after the signing
Matte Brown for fur, and Sapphire applied to the helmets, cuffs and feet. I of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact between
Blue for trousers. I use Aggaros Dunes wanted something different for the fur, Germany and the Soviet Union, and one day
so I've gone for a stylish badger pelt. after the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union
had approved the pact. The Soviets, of course,
Finally, I added white stripes and cuffs. also invaded Poland on 17 September. The
The bases are simple – two layers of campaign ended on 6 October with Germany
sharp sand and PVA, sealed, painted and the Soviet Union dividing and annexing
with Forest Green and drybrushed the whole of Poland under the terms of the
yellow. Tufts really make a base, and German–Soviet Frontier Treaty. The shot is a
Deal Wargames Society’s take on this event.
these are WWS and Serious-Play.
I still have 20 miniatures from my
warband to go, so I'm
hoping get them
on a tabletop
soon- and If you’d like to submit
one day my something for Community
Corner, contact
daughter can MiniatureWargames@
finish some!”
And why realism is a trap
Words and pictures by Conrad Kinch
The field of Waterloo at approximately 0800. As you can see the Lion
Mound which is about 140 feet high is just about visible alongside the
museum/visitors centre. Visibility and weather are both significant
factors in real conflict, but not often included in wargames.
September 2020 Miniature Wargames 7
It may sound like I’m deriding
the concept of realism in
wargames here, but I’m not.
Like all things, it’s a matter
of degree and compromise. If
you want to realistically model
some aspect of warfare in your
games, you’ll need to think
carefully about the game that
you play and make sure to pick
communication at all. Paddy terrifying and boring. A realistic ABOVE your candidate accordingly.
Griffith’s Generalship Game has simulation of a Great War battle The Battle of Rolica If you want ‘crunchy’ and in
replayed as a Napoleonic
a completely abstract combat would probably involve a lot wargame. Wargamers depth small unit tactics, your
system, but it does model how of sitting under shellfire, dying strive for realism in game is probably not going
long you will need to spend by inches, which is not wildly painting their troops, but to handle larger engagements
how often do we include
writing to your family while on entertaining. There’s probably blackpowder smoke well. A game that focuses on
campaign. Like a cameraman only so much realism we want and it's effective in our communications, won’t have
who chooses to put one part of in a game that we play for fun. games? detailed tactical rules.
the picture in focus, the author Take Bolt Action and Chain Now there is a constituency
has the aspect of warfare that he of Command for example: both that really enjoys rules that
wants to model and has made platoon level wargames with a focus on detail in the name
sure that that aspect is correct. wealth of scenarios available. of realism. Harpoon players
Any platoon commander who spring to mind, and to those
DOES IT WORK ended up really fighting his way brave souls, I say “I salute
AS A GAME? through a succession of those you, but I can’t join you.” They
There is an excellent book would be in hot water with his are a small, select and often
by Tony Horowitz called superiors in short order. lonely brotherhood in my
Confederates in the Attic about “Another balanced fight, Kinch? experience. Games that focus
America’s relationship with Taking on nearly equal numbers on doing a few things well
their Civil War and how it is with only one tank in support?” and most things pretty well,
remembered. In it the author “Yes Sir.” while still functioning as a
describes an attempt in the “Are you okay? Or were you pleasant entertainment for
early 20th century to record the asleep during the ‘Fair Fights are those involved is what I enjoy
famous ‘rebel yell’: the battle for Idiots’ portion of the Platoon and – more to the point – are
cry of the Confederate army. Commanders Course?”. what I’ve actually been able to
The Confederate veteran who Now Bolt Action and Chain convince people to play.
performed it said he was an of Command give a fun game We can have some realism
old man and couldn’t quite do and actually manage in some in our games of toy soldiers,
it justice, but observed that “It ways to model small unit but let’s not beat ourselves up
never sounded quite right with a tactics. But what they don’t if we never quite manage a
full stomach”. model is the typical infantry truly realistic game: if we did
Unless you’re one of those engagement because – in many someday manage to square that
very few people who play ways – that isn’t much fun for particular circle, we probably
wargames professionally, most the defender, who gets hit with wouldn’t enjoy it very much.
of us play wargames for fun. I overwhelming force and has to Please contact me – especially
am sure there are many people withdraw sharpish. That’s not if you’ve ever finished a game of
who find war a great deal of fun, to say that “fair” fights don’t Napoleon’s Campaigns in Miniature
but – for most of the participants happen, but they don’t happen – at or
– it seems to be a mixture of the that often and they are usually @aquestingvole on Twitter. ■
Subscribe to
to guarantee your
A solo-play game for the Aby
ssal Dwarfs with a painting
9 77251 3 83801 2
And you can download the
rules for FREE!
save money!
Can McClellan win at
Skirmishing in Spain with
Sharpsburg in 1862?
ENTER THE PORTAL! An exclusive solo play scenario for Kings of War: Vanguard
By Chris Kellehan & Rob Burman | Images by Mantic
The rule system across a shimmering portal that appears to connect Normally Vanguard pits small, elite warbands against
uses a lot of
inspirational to another realm. As you begin to explore this bizarre each in brutal combat but – for this free scenario – we
artwork! This artefact, you hear shouts! You have been discovered by thought we would do something a little different. The
is by Michele a party of Abyssal Dwarfs and their hunting pack of mutated mission makes use of the Abyssal Dwarf miniatures
mastiffs. You will have to fend off the attackers while attempting that are discounted with this digital issue (See p15 for
OPPOSITE to get your warband safely through the magical opening. details). Although they are a really flexible figure sprue
But this should Welcome to an exclusive solo play scenario for Kings that can be assembled in a number of ways, if you want
inspire too: an
Abyssal Dwarf of War: Vanguard – the fantasy skirmish game from to play this scenario, we recommend building them as
Army. Mantic Games. In this scenario your brave warband five Decimators (the ranged option), five Blacksouls (the
must defend a mysterious portal from the wicked melee option) and also make sure you build the two
Abyssal Dwarfs and their twisted hunting hounds. Mutated Mastiffs.
We've teamed up with Mantic Games to offer
an exclusive discount for readers of our digital
issue. Save 40% on the price of the Abyssal
How to assemble and paint your figures,
Dwarfs sprue and you can build 12 models –
Decemators, Blacksouls and Mutated Mastiffs
By Dave Symonds from Mantic Games Use the discount code: MWGMINIS
o go with the Enter the Portal lines removed with the back of a knife gun first, as this will fit in a specific way
PAINTING THE ABYSSAL DWARF Agrax Earthshade. Once this is dry, apply
I will be using a selection of GW Citadel Athonian Camoshade. The first
Citadel and Army Painter paints wash adds depth and warmth to the
in this guide. The miniature was colours, while the second adds an aged
undercoated with Citadel Mechanicus look to them.
Standard Grey Spray. Grey is a great Drybrush both the gold and the
neutral undercoat for most paint silver with Army Painter Shining Silver.
schemes and this is no exception. This will finish the metallic areas. (The
Before we get started, there are a illustration of the four arms – page bottom
couple of things to bear in mind with – shows this whole process in a linear,
the miniature. Firstly, I’ll mention this progressive fashion. Ed.)
more than once: after finishing the metal Before moving on, it’s important
areas, change your paint water and tidy to change your water, so that the
up any non-metal areas with Citadel excess metallic paint in there doesn’t
Mechanicus Standard Grey to give contaminate it for other colours. It’s also
yourself a smooth base to work from. useful to get some Citadel Mechanicus
As you progress, you’ll need to take Standard Grey and re-apply it to any non-
more and more care to avoid painting metal areas, so you have a smooth base
over any finished areas of the miniature, for the remaining colours. Shade these areas with Citadel Agrax
but if you do make a mistake, just go Earthshade all over. Try not to get this on
back with a little of the basecoat for that THE CLOTH & BONES the metal, but it won’t be a big problem
area and you should be fine. if you do.
Finally, this scheme is suited to
batch painting: painting multiple
miniatures at once as a single batch.
This is a great idea if you’re painting
up a regiment for your Kings of War
army. Simply complete the same step
on every miniature before moving on
to the next step.
Basecoat any areas that will be gold
with Army Painter Plate Mail Metal. This
will give us a strong undercoat for the
gold, which can sometimes come out a
bit thin. Basecoat the weapons and any
other silver areas with Army Painter
Gun Metal – this applies to Blacksouls’
melee weapons or Decimators’
blunderbusses. Basecoat the cloth with a couple of thin
Next, the gold areas are given a coat coats of Citadel Mephiston Red. Basecoat
of Citadel Retributor Armour, completely and bone areas (trophies or skulls) with Re-apply thin coats of Citadel Mephiston
covering the colour underneath. Citadel Rakarth Flesh. Make sure you Red and Rakarth Flesh, avoiding the
Both the gold and silver areas are take care not to paint to the metal areas recesses. Then highlight the cloth with
given two washes all over. Wait for you have already covered. If you do, thinned down Citadel Troll Slayer Orange
these to dry complete between coats and a small amount of Citadel Retributor and the bone with thinned down Citadel
before moving on. The first is Citadel Armour can be used to hide mistakes. Ushabti Bone.
history of the Rosetta Stone. The
stone, or tablet which gives this
piece its name, was discovered
in 1798 during the Napoleonic
invasion of Egypt; the invading
Archaeology and Arms in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan force included a Commission of
Arts and Sciences whose work
By Glenn Clarke
at the port of Rosetta – near
Alexandria – was overseen by
Pierre Bouchard. Inscriptions on
BACKGROUND ABOVE force finally defeated the Khalifa the tablet were in three different
The first Sudan War ended in Concentrated fire from and destroyed his army at the languages including the hitherto
the well established
December of 1885 when General defence line. Battle of Omdurman. mysterious hieroglyphics;
Stephenson defeated and routed Skirmishes around the Bouchard immediately realized
the remaining Mahdist forces important railway junction of that the tablet would be useful in
at Ginniss. The Mahdi had died Wadi Halfa as the new border deciphering this ancient Egyptian
in June and his followers were was established provided me writing. He dispatched it to
then commanded by the Khalifa with the ideal opportunity to General Menou in Alexandria
Abdullah who placed the entire develop a wargames idea that who quickly earmarked it for
Sudan under an oppressive and had played upon my mind for a transportation to France. Before
despotic regime. From April 1886 while. Wadi Halfa was situated it was shipped the details were
the Egyptian-Sudanese frontier south of Abu Simbel, between the carefully recorded and published
was established at Wadi Halfa second and third cataracts of the by the Commission whilst the
with all territory to the south Nile river as it flowed through stone itself was taken by the
being under the Khalifa’s control. the Nubian Desert, a region that British in 1801 when French
However, there were continual had been embroiled in the unrest forces capitulated. Despite their
incursions Northwards into and fighting of the Mahdist loss of the original artefact it was
Egyptian territory and by 1888 Revolt and the Khalifa’s rule. A a French scholar, Champollion,
the newly established Egyptian minor action in the area was to who first deciphered the
Army called upon support from be the scene for my game which text furnishing the means of
the British Army. This combined would specifically centre upon translating hieroglyphics.
onto wagons and pack horses of the Queen” website. The RULES
whilst the valuable tablets were figures shown here are from The rules I used throughout
propped up and photographed. Depot Battalion with a wagon were the Black Powder set from
The archaeologist’s role and the which is scratch built and based Warlord Games. They have just
importance of the artefacts raise upon the well-known picture produced an updated version
a couple of considerations which of Roger Fenton’s van in the but I had the 2013 edition which
I will look at when I discuss the Crimea. includes descriptions of a number
rules. All of the buildings plus the of different games; in particular
well, the zariba and the dig the description of the Battle of El
MODELS itself are scratch built using a Teb in the Sudan in 1884 – which I
The Sudanese forces came variety of materials although mentioned earlier – was especially
straight from the Perry boxed the tents are from Perry again. useful. Although this battle was
set of 28mm plastic figures. The Information about making the a much larger action than the one
entire force consisted of infantry dig can be found on my blog if I have described here the rules
armed with a few firearms you are interested. The whole were perfectly workable for this
and mainly edged weapons scene was enhanced with the particular game. Warlord Games
and spears. Likewise, the addition of accessories from have produced a supplement called
British defenders were mainly a couple of other sources; the Blood on the Nile and you could of
infantry and – again – from the small Egyptian statues are from course use this if you prefer.
Perry boxed plastic set. I did Ainsty Castings whilst the pots Although the Black Powder
add a small number of metal and open wagon came from Iron rules are readily available the
command figures from Perry Gate’s excellent range of unusual newly released second edition
and I stiffened the force up with items. Rock faces are plain simple does not include the Battle of El
the addition of a Gatling gun chunks of cork bark and bog Teb supplement which had been so
with Naval Brigade crew and a wood bought from the garden useful to me. Consequently, I have
seven-pounder screw gun. The centre: look for a store that stocks included the relevant data and unit
archaeologists are Perry figures materials to enhance reptile tanks statistics here. All firing modifiers,
and come from their Mafeking and the like. From the same break test values and the like can
range of civilian defenders. I source I obtained several big be taken straight from the generic
made a few minor modifications bags of beige coloured reindeer Black Powder Quick Reference
and additions including vases moss much more cheaply than Sheet from whatever edition you
and measuring rods which they could be obtained from have; they can also be applied to
should be clear enough from the model suppliers. both forces with no alterations.
photographer and his assistant; Lincolns Infantry Rifle 6 3 +4 3 Steady
the most noted photographer in M.G. Arty. Gatling 1 Special +4 1 Steady
this theatre at the time was the Gun Arty. 7 pdr 1 3-2-1* +4 1 Steady
Frenchman named Pascal Sebah BELOW The British troops have a staff rating of 8 and are all classed as regulars.
Archaeological finds being
and you can see examples loaded on wagons and * 3 Short range, up to 6 inches; 2 Medium range up to half of maximum;
of his work on the “Soldiers pack horses. 1 Long range over half of maximum; Maximum range is 60 inches.
Civilian Infantry Rifle 1 2 +4 3 Irreg.
Rifles Infantry Rifle 6 2 +4 3 Warband
Spears Infantry Spear 6 1 +4 3
All of the Sudanese are classed as irregulars and they have a
command staff rating of 8.
All of the data in these tables is taken from the relevant sections in
the Battle of El Teb supplement with a few minor adjustments. Data
for the archaeologists has been devised after looking at the tables,
finding similar troop categories and establishing what appeared to be
logical, realistic and appropriate values.
Each Command
Decision aims to
offer a series of
playable options
Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17 1862
in timeless
military scenarios. Words by Jon Sutherland | Pictures by Diane Sutherland and John Treadaway
Command Decision
is designed so
you can read
the situation and SITUATION REPORT Union soldiers have found a top secret Confederate
figure out your It is the summer of 1862 and the war is not going well communication: Special Order 191 detailing his Maryland
own command for the Union and President Abraham Lincoln. He has Campaign and dated September 9. The communication
decisions if you
were leading prepared the Emancipation Proclamation but dare was found wrapped around three cigars and left in an
the troops on not announce it until Union forces have achieved a abandoned Confederate camp near Frederick.
the ground. significant victory on the battlefield. You cannot believe your luck. “Here is a paper
You can either
work through Nothing could be less likely; the latest Union defeat with which, if I cannot whip Bobby Lee, I will be willing
the various under John Pope at Bull Run at the end of August to go home,” you promise your aide. It seems that
options or use was another demoralising blow. General Robert E. Lee plans to divide his forces as he enters northern
the mechanics to
create the precise Lee knew that another severe blow might just finish territory, so his army will be split between the
circumstances Lincoln and bring the Union to the negotiating table. Maryland towns of Boonsboro and Hagerstown in
of the table top Lee has already put paid to the threat to the Confederate Maryland with the remainder between Harper’s
engagement. The
scenarios may capital, Richmond. He senses that McClellan is short Ferry and Martinsburg in West Virginia. The
have particular on confidence and his army low in morale. Lee has question is, do you believe what is written in the
historical themes determined to push across the Potomac and into Special Order and if so, can you react fast enough to
and settings,
but you can Maryland and has seized the town of Frederick. take advantage of it?
easily adapt the You now find the enemy with its back to Sharpsburg
mechanics to
suit your own
ROLE & COMMAND and your forces straddling the Antietam Creek. A
preferences and You are Maj. Gen. George McClellan commander of decisive assault could easily break Lee’s lines before
collections. the Union Army of the Potomac. On September 13 two his reserves can move up to reinforce him.
Effectively, the options give you the opportunity to
play any one of the three main phases of the battle.
The games are all at Corps maximum level and can
be played with a handful of regiments representing
each division. This is a set of scenarios about taking or
holding ground rather than delivering a crushing blow
on the enemy. Ideal rules for the games favours sets
such as Black Powder, Johnny Reb or Fire and Fury.
The recommended table sizes for 28mm can be 8 x 4
and for 15mm/10mm 4 x 2.
ANTIETAM: FACT CHECK same ground in the morning, but neither general had BELOW Rebel
As soon as Lee realised that a copy of the order was the stomach for more bloodshed. On the evening of advance.
missing he knew he was in danger and needed to mass September 18 Lee began to withdraw, continuing into BOTTOM This is
his army. Generals D.H. Hill’s and James Longstreet’s the next day. Significantly, the Union army had not Sumner’s Corps
forces ran into Union troops at South Mountain near been beaten and it was the Confederates that were moving up to hit
Sharpsburg on September 14. Lee was about to order pulling back. This gave President Abraham Lincoln
a general withdrawal, but changed his mind when he the paper thin victory he had been waiting for, five
received word that Jackson had taken Harper’s Ferry. days later he issued the preliminary Emancipation
Lee knew he could still beat McClellan and ordered Proclamation. ■
his Corps to concentrate on Antietam Creek near
The Union 1st and 12th Corps hit the Confederate
left flank on the morning of September 17. A series of
increasingly desperate counterattacks led by Stonewall
Jackson’s brigades contested ground around Miller’s
Cornfield, the Hagerstown Turnpike and the West
Woods. Later in the morning the Union 2nd Corps
tried their luck against the Confederate centre, but
despite the heavy fighting and actually breaching the
enemy line, they could not capitalise on their hard
fought successes. In the afternoon the Union 9th Corps
under Ambrose E. Burnside tried to storm a stone
bridge on the Confederate right. Burnside was on the
verge of taking the bridge and commanding heights
beyond when A.P. Hill’s division arrived from Harpers
Ferry to drive him back.
Exhausted, both armies bivouacked on the battlefield
that night. It looked as if they would contest the
Keep an eye out on our website, Facebook page and Newsletter for updates and more details.
All orders and cheques by post: Perry Miniatures, PO BOX 6512, Nottingham NG7 1UJ. Cheques made payable to Perry
Miniatures. All major credit/debit cards accepted. Please add postage & packing: UK 12%, Europe 17%, Rest of World 20%.
Our website has a secure online ordering service.
Building an army under duress. Part 2: Paint
Words by The Editor | Pictures by Kevin Dallimore
Finished! Great Orcs of Dol Guldur
uring the recent heavy lock FORCES OF EVIL Tone varnish – particularly on 15mm
September 2020 Miniature Wargames 33
The Punjab in 1849: Bloody conflict & the British East India Company
Words by Dave Tuck | Pictures by Malc Johnston
ur little group is very fortunate in that we have we realised that Malc’s Sikh army which is huge, had
General Gough a very large collection of figures and periods only been fielded twice in over four years. That needed
leads the way.
to choose from, in our weekly games, but rectifying, and a refight of the Battle of Chillianwallah
BELOW sometimes that level of choice can be a two- was the result. This battle is a very unusual affair, with
Sikh gunners edged sword! We have recently built a set of winter the main action being fought through often dense
dug in.
terrain boards and, as a consequence of that, we scrub and jungle, and the outcome under dispute.
played the Battle of the Bulge, AWI, Thirty Years War We came to the Sikh wars as a result of us raising
and Modern Cold war games to death. We needed a a large army for the Indian Mutiny. We always raise
change, and when we explored the options available, forces for both sides between us, and we have enjoyed
refighting historical and fictional battles using our
Victorian Steel rules. (some of which have been written
about in this very magazine!) We realised the Sikh
army was a different animal entirely, to the Mutineers
of a few years later.
There were two Anglo-Sikh wars, in both wars the
Sikh artillery was the strongest arm, with guns often
of heavier calibre. These were bravely manned by
gunners who sold their lives to defend their cannon.
The infantry in the first war was often European
trained and drilled, uniformed and often a match
for their British opponents. The fact that they fought
defensive battles and often dug in, only made the
British task even harder. By the time of the second
war the quality of the infantry had deteriorated. This
September 2020 Miniature Wargames 37
ABOVE was as much a result of the political machinations of Another Sikh army was reported, and Gough was
The HEIC column the army commanders, as any lack of courage of the ordered to deal with Sher Singh’s force, before the two
advancing to
the fight. soldiers. The Sikh cavalry was a very mixed bag, with enemy forces could unite.
some very brave troopers, and some irregulars less so.
Sikh bodyguard
The Second Anglo-Sikh war came about as a result THE BATTLE
in full dress. of the loss of independence in the Punjab, imposed On 13th January, Gough’s army was marching towards
Figures are by the Honourable East India Company. There was a the Jhelum River, and drove out a Sikh outpost from
mostly Mutineer revolt in the city of Multan, which was quelled by a Chillianwallah. The Sikh force was in a good defensive
Miniatures, Old
Glory and AW force consisting largely of Sikhs from the Khalsa army, position, and Gough had no option but to attack
Miniatures. whom the British had fought in the first war! frontally. The Sikhs numbered between 23,000 to
On 14th September this army, under Sher Singh 30,000 men including around 5000 cavalry, and some
Attariwalli rebelled. They had no goal other than to 60 guns. The Khalsa (or trained) army was only 12,000
oppose the British. Some British officers had already strong which implies a lot of irregulars in that number.
taken steps, and garrisoned the local fortresses and It is alleged that many of these did not fight, and the
the crossing points on the Indus river and the passes number of fighting troops was similar on both sides.
through the Margalla hills. With few options the rebels The army was split into three main bodies. On the
moved north, and then fortified the crossing over the left Sher Singh, had one cavalry, nine infantry units,
Chenab river. The British decided to annex the Punjab, some irregulars and 20 guns. In the centre Lal Singh
and the veteran commander, Sir Hugh Gough, was had two cavalry units, ten infantry units and 17 guns.
despatched. He attacked Sher Singh’s force on 22nd These were defending a line of scrub and jungle of
November, but his force was repulsed. Following a day varied thickness. Finally, on the right was a further
of fighting, Sher Singh withdrew to the north. cavalry unit, four infantry units and 11 guns.
The fall-out for Gough was also severe. He was
relieved of his command, and General Napier took
over. Before he could take command, Gough won
the decisive battle of Gujerat. The British were so
impressed by the fighting ability of the Sikhs, they
recruited them: in their thousands. These troops stayed
loyal during the Indian Mutiny, and were a large factor
in its eventual defeat.
The last words go to Lord Lucan and General Airey,
who remarked after the charge of the Light Brigade
“this is a most serious matter” and General Airey’s
reply “this sort of thing will happen in war. It is
nothing to Chillianwallah.”
This then is the battle we chose to recreate.
September 2020 Miniature Wargames 39
ABOVE The Honourable East India Company The HEIC forces have two infantry Commanders and
The 16th lancers ◗ 4 x 13 stand infantry brigades, each made up of: two Cavalry Commanders
in action.
4 Elite British stands
BELOW 8 Trained regular Bengal native infantry stands. The Sikh Army
Bengal Horse One Elite Regular artillery stand. ◗ 7 x 9 stand infantry brigades. Five are made up of:
Artillery and
Bengal native ◗ 2x 9 stand brigades of cavalry: 8 Trained regular infantry stands and an Elite
infantry leave 4 Elite British lancers regular artillery stand
camp. 4 trained regular Bengal light cavalry ◗ Two are made up of:
1 Elite regular Horse artillery stand 8 Third rate irregular infantry stands and an Elite
and regular Artillery stand.
1 stand of 4 Elite British light dragoons ◗ 2 x 12 stand Cavalry brigades. Each made up of:
4 trained regular Bengal light cavalry, 12 third rate irregular Cavalry stands.
1Elite regular Horse artillery stand
The Sikh forces have three commanders, one for each three
brigades. This makes them less flexible than their opponents.
The terrain played a major part in this battle. The
Jungle was thick and disorientating. Troops moving in
the Jungle only roll a maximum of two order dice per
brigade, instead of the normal three.
Movement for regular infantry is normally 6” for each
order passed, in open ground. In the jungle, for each
order passed, the roll on a D6 is deducted from this,
and if the result is no movement, then the unit halts.
Rolls are carried out for each four-stand unit, rather
than the complete brigade, so all brigade cohesion will
probably soon be lost.
Both sides objective is to break the enemy forces.
If the HEIC fail, this is a defeat, which becomes a major
defeat if two or more of the British units, either infantry or
Cavalry, rout off the battlefield.
The Sikhs lose if the HEIC forces clear the jungle, and
force a break in their line, or if any enemy troops exit from
the Sikh baseline, unopposed. They suffer a major defeat if
they are forced to abandon more than 50% of their artillery.
This battle is very well balanced, with a larger, but less well-
trained Sikh army, being a good match for the HEIC forces.
The Sikh Artillery in defence can be lethal, but often only at
grapeshot range, due to the lack of visibility in the jungle.
VISIBILITY The HEIC will inevitably find their plans being disrupted
Visibility is limited to the total rolled on two D6 x by the jungle, and frustrated by the lack of co-ordination
1”, so may be between 2” and 12”, it is rolled for caused by this, and they will need to hit the enemy in
each unit, rather than the brigade as a whole. It is the flank where possible (especially when approaching
also rolled each turn, so a unit in sight one turn, may artillery). We enjoyed our refight and hope you do too. ■
not be located the next. BELOW
No troops may fire into the jungle, unless at the LINKS 16th Lancers
covering the
edge of it or in it. This is subject to them locating a Victorian Steel rules available from Adrian’s Walls column en route
target by spotting them. or to battle.
Three Skirmishes in Spain: being the further Tales of
a certain Captain of the 95th Rifles and his Men
Words by Chris Swan | Pictures by Ian Colwill
istorical fiction as a genre has enjoyed a Of course his first and probably most famous series
The Rifles
You command a small group of picked men and are
accompanying a small band of Spanish guerrillas to the
village of San Christos. Your orders are to locate and
rescue a female spy known as the Black Spider who is
hiding in the village and escort her off the table so that
and he went on to write a total of 24 novels about her vital information can be shared with Britain and
Sharpe who as most readers will know rises from her Spanish allies.
the rank of private in the British army in India where
he saves the life of General Wellesley, later the Duke The Brigands
of Wellington, to be made an officer and eventually You command a small but successful band of brigands.
reaches the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. You have fooled the British into thinking that you
Throughout most of the novels his main companion
is Sergeant, later Sergeant Major, Patrick Harper and
the chosen men of the 95th Rifle Regiment, although
they are linked to the fictitious South Essex Regiment
later renamed the Prince of Wales’ Own Volunteers
which Sharpe ends up commanding.
In 1993 the novels were transferred to TV and the
series ran until 1997 with two more stories set in India,
Sharpe’s Challenge and Sharpe’s Peril, shown in 2006
and 2008. Cornwell said that he was initially dubious
about the casting of Sean Bean for the television
adaptations. In fact the actor Paul McGann had
originally been cast to play the part but two weeks into
filming of the first episode in Ukraine, McGann injured
his knee playing football and was forced to withdraw.
Thus Sean Bean was cast and the rest, as they say, is
history. Cornwell later said that his initial doubts did
not last and he subsequently changed his writing of the
character to align with Bean’s portrayal as he “could
not imagine Sharpe as anyone else”.
September 2020 Miniature Wargames 43
OPPOSITE and your men are guerrillas fighting the French. In spy and which is the maid should be kept secret from
(LEFT) reality you have been looting local villages and supply both sides!
Joachim’s men
advance on the columns. Your loot is buried in a crypt in the church
village. at San Christos. You need to recover your loot. In THE SET
addition, a female spy known as the Black widow For this game you will need a number of Spanish style
(RIGHT) knows your secret – she must suffer an unfortunate buildings, one of which is the Church where Joachim’s
The Heroic accident and die. loot is stashed, and a suitable bridge.
Captain fights The bridge should be set up in one corner of the
to free the spy
and her maid. The French Fusiliers board across a river with some scenery on the far side
You are in charge of a small group of Fusiliers and as this is where the gallant Captain, his men and his
have come to the village of San Christos to meet a Spanish “allies” will enter. The Captain’s men should
Spanish female spy called the Black Widow. She has cross via the bridge but the guerrillas know the area
information about the British and their Spanish allies well and so can instead chose a point along the river
and you must escort her off of the table so that her vital bank where it is safe to cross treating it as bad going
information can be given to your General. which slows their movement – obviously the Captain
and his men could follow them once they cross but this
The French Voltigeurs would delay them getting into the village.
You are in charge of a small group of Voltigeurs and A road way or open space should run from the
have come to the village of San Christos to guard its bridge to the opposite corner as this will be the exit
bridge as your General wishes to use it to advance point for the French. The village should be set up with
against the British and their Spanish Allies. Thus whilst the church in the middle, on one side of a small square
you have been ordered to cooperate with the Officer with other buildings, outbuilding and walls set up to
leading the Fusiliers in their mission, yours must take surround the square and provide suitable cover for
priority. characters to creep up on each other.
The distance from the village side of the square to the
The Black Widow bridge should be no more than two moves of the fastest
You have vital information to sell to the British and the foot rate allowed under the rules – this ensures the
French – you don’t really care who gets it as long as game is close and gives the British and the Guerrillas
they pay well. However, you also know the secret of time to cross the river and get into action before the
The village. the Brigand called Joachim and that he will kill you if French Fusiliers escort the women off the table.
Bearing in mind he gets the chance. You want to live and will go with One building on the side of the square should be
the scale used, whichever side is winning and will give you the best designated as a tavern in which the French Voltigeurs
the scenery is
almost entirely chance of survival. Just to add to the confusion, the start. The French Fusiliers begin in the square with the
scratch built. Black Widow has a maid with her – but which is the two female characters standing outside of the church.
ADDITIONAL SCENARIOS The Heroic captain and his men now boosted by ABOVE
Given the number of stories in which Sharpe and either a second party of chosen men or a detachment of The Fight for the
village starts.
company appear it seems frugal to only use these the Kings German Legion have spotted the French and
characters in one scenario – so here are two more each intend to relieve them of their supplies and loot. OPPOSITE
with slightly different objectives. Unknown to the Captain a second party of French (TOP)
The village with
soldiers (use Lieutenant Francois Gitanes and his men) film crew.
LIVING OFF THE LAND are approaching the farm as well. They spot the Rifles
Wellington was quite explicit in his orders to his troops or KGL and one of them opens fire. The shot warns the OPPOSITE
– the Spanish were their allies and his soldiers were French at the farm who rush to defend themselves and Lieutenant
ordered to pay for all food and other supplies taken their loot. Now it’s everyman for himself. Gitanes and his
during the campaign – no looting was allowed and men.
discipline was enforced sometimes via a flogging and THE SET
sometimes at the end of a rope. Of course, looting from For this game you will need three Spanish style
the French was acceptable. buildings, one for the farm house and two smaller
However, these rules did not apply to the French, building for the outhouses. There should also be
whose idea of warfare was to live off the land – they two pens for animals and perhaps a couple of partly
looted and stole wherever they went but, of course, collapsed low walls around the farm. The farmstead
finding and taking supplies in a hostile countryside should be placed in the middle of the table.
was one thing – getting them back to their troops in The Wagon stands in the farm yard near to the farm’s
their camps was another! entrance and is guarded by two soldiers – randomly
In this scenario a party of French infantry (use determine in which buildings the other soldiers are.
Capitaine Gauloises and his men) has arrived at a The rest of the surrounding country side is fairly
deserted farmstead and is seeking food and loot. They flat although rock outcrops and bushes are scattered
have with them a small wagon which already contains around which will provide cover.
items that have been “confiscated” They are currently Roll to determine from which of the four table edges
searching the farm house and outhouses having left each of the two British forces entered and then place
two men on guard outside. them 30 paces away from the farm near to that edge.
The Rifles
You are leading a patrol consisting of two groups when
you spot some French soldiers looting a farm house.
Whilst Wellington has strictly forbidden his troops
from looting, you have an opportunity to see off the
French and “appropriate” their supplies for your own
men. So you order your men to capture the wagon
and/or inflict enough casualties on the French to force
them to withdraw and thus abandon it.
Corporal Jones Supporting 1D10 QJ Disciplined Marksman Baker Rifle 36
Character Surefooted Sword Bayonet
Chosen man Minor Character 1D10 10 Disciplined Expert with Rifle Baker Rifle 36
Brave Sword Bayonet
Chosen man Minor Character 1D10 9 Disciplined Fighter Baker Rifle 36
Brave Sword Bayonet
Advancing to
A DISH BEST SERVED COLD church. The buildings no longer have intact doors
the sound of The Spanish say that revenge is a dish best served although a broken down wagon as well as piles of
the drums. cold – so following this proverb Joachim has waited rubbish and broken timbers are available in the church
to get his revenge on the Heroic Captain and his men and outside to form improvised barricades.
after they reported his activities as a brigand to their The rest of the surrounding country side is fairly
superiors, thus cutting him off from allied funds and flat although rock outcrops and bushes are scattered
supplies. He has been awaiting the chance for revenge around which will provide cover.
and has allied himself with the French in order to gain The Spanish Brigands start 30 paces from the
it. One of his men has spotted the Heroic Captain and entrance to the church, whilst the French must roll to
his men at a nearby abandoned church. determine from which of the other three table edges
Joachim and his brigands join forces with a French they entered from. Place them 30 paces away from the
patrol and the two groups move in on the church. Church from that edge.
However, they are spotted. With the Spanish brigands The Heroic Captain and his men can be placed
approaching from one direction and the French from anywhere within the walls of the church or its
another, the heroic Captain and his men must set about buildings. Up to two barricades can have been
defending the church as best they can. constructed and placed within the walls of the church
For this scenario use Joachim and his brigands plus or to obstruct its entrance.
Capitaine Gauloises and his men. They are opposed by
the Heroic Captain and all of the riflemen, including PLAYERS’ BRIEFINGS
those commanded by Corporal Jones. The Rifles
You are leading a patrol consisting of two groups and have
THE SET taken shelter in a ruined church when one of the sentries
For this game you will need a suitable building to use you posted spots the enemy coming to attack you. Looking
as the church plus a couple of smaller buildings for out you see that they are in two groups and one is led by
a priest’s house and an outhouse. There should also your arch enemy the Spanish Brigand Joachim. You must
be a couple of partly collapsed low walls around the now drive off the French and either kill or capture Joachim.
for all your
art way through writing the current giving me a fort footprint of 310mm x 320mm, MATERIALS USED
I coated the whole model with
a dilute mixture of ready mixed
filler and PVA glue and later
painted it with Dulux Endurance
Paint. Blue foam – though
easy to work – has one major
disadvantage: it is very fragile.
The ready mixed filler/PVA glue
mix and then the Dulux paint
should produce a strong crust
strengthening the surface of
the model prior to painting. The
main curtain wall or outside
wall was cut to shape and I
used embossed wallpaper with
a cobbled stone texture – cut to
shape and glued in place with
PVA – to set out the road and fort
interior or courtyard.
The groundwork was modelled
from Geek Gaming Modelling
Compound which you mix with
water to produce a paper
mache/Plaster of Paris mix. I
added a plaster casting of some
rocks to the front a feature I had
seen on many of the internet
searches I had done while
researching the fort.
I modified the interior by
adding two raised pathways
to either side of the road and
modelled a Roman oven in
one corner – I had seen similar
ovens in illustrations and
made mine from some spare
blue foam.
◗ €5.99
methodologies for the Evolution Silverline of colours to paint some scenery I was
2 in 1 using the Airbrush Medium. I working on. I used Skeleton Bone to touch-
tried mixing in a separate jar – by far up on the cement work I had already
the best method under pretty much all sprayed a base on using one of the Army
circumstances with this or any other brush Painter Spray Primer cans of the same
– and that’s certainly what I’d recommend. colour and – of course – the results were
I also tried mixing directly into the effectively invisible: good for me but bad
airbrush’s bowl as – to be frank – we’re all to demonstrate in photographs. So I
lazy and (especially half way through a job) added weathering using Leather Brown
we are all likely to attempt this approach. and it went on smoothly: no spattering
Bear in mind that my go-to paint for or washing out so the impressive heavy
figures tends to be Army Painters very pigment in the Army Painter paint wasn’t
own although I generally use Vallejo an issue through the airbrush when using
through the airbrush. This meant that I their medium.
struggled to test the medium with other Conclusions: preferably mix enough in
brands: for example I don’t have any a separate container before use. Mix at
impressively think GW paint to try it with. the recommended 50/50 with the paint
Mixing in the cup, I tried putting in the and don’t fiddle with that too much and
Army Painter paint first and then topping – if you have to mix in the air-brush cup
up the bowl with the medium in various – do it medium first! €5.99 for a large
ratios, trying with 50/50 and settling on dropper bottle and recommended.
Let’s take a look at the basic concept
as used in table-top figure games.
Obviously you can just play both sides
though clearly there’s a lack of any
element of surprise. It’s also quite easy
to fall into the trap of favouring one
side (perhaps your beloved British
Napoleonic Army) but such games will
soon cease to be entertaining. Still this
approach can be useful when you’re
testing a new game design to ensure
a variety of situations are assessed.
It’s worth saying why I say ‘design’: I
consider the usual description of ‘rules’
as perhaps a useful shorthand for the
The arrows will of course need some advance using the clearest route but and a reprint is available for that too.
note of the units allocated to each one. make use of cover if they can. Guide to Solo Wargaming, Stuart
The non-played side will then follow ◗ Skirmishers will advance and harass Asquith. There are two versions of this,
the plan: for example, that broad arrow the enemy, preferably from cover. the original ‘Military Modelling…’ and
heading for the ridge dominating the left ◗ Artillery will fire at targets in an order the later ‘Partizan Press’ version. The
flank clearly indicates that the plan is to of preference you select: perhaps latter is a slightly revised edition with an
advance to and then occupy it. advancing enemy infantry then extra chapter on ‘bigger battles’. Stuart
All this is quite simple and doesn’t cavalry then counter-battery. took a rather more positive approach
take much time but it can be an ◗ Cavalry will look for opportunities to solo gaming and provides a very
enjoyable activity in itself and you to engage enemy cavalry or attack comprehensive coverage of approaches
can add a lot of detail if you wish. infantry in the flank rather than to, and suggestions for, solo gaming.
An advantage of solo gaming is that undertaking a glorious but likely Another essential read.
you’re usually not rushing to get a damaging frontal attack. Programmed Wargames Scenarios,
game completed in an evening and the Charles S Grant. This is such a good book
different stages can be completed as I mainly play ‘Horse & Musket’ games that I very much regret to have to say
time and opportunity allows. And, if so the examples are from that context that it is quite hard (and expensive) to
you’ve come up with three plans for but it should illustrate what I’m getting get hold of. Borrow it if you can though
one side, you still have the basis for two at. They should also reflect the tactics of promises to guard it with your life may
more games by trying the other plans! the period. well be required. Why is this such a
Do three plans for your side as wekkand useful book? It provides exactly what
there’s plenty of variations to try and SOLO LIBRARY the title says, programmed scenarios
you have the basis in future for quickly That’s the concept, so let’s take a look at where the ‘other side’ has a range of
setting up a game using your notes. the books that are available (a number orders and responses (determined by a
are out of print but most are easily die roll) so that you don’t know what’s
SURVIVING FIRST CONTACT found on the second-hand market). coming and you can focus on ‘your
Several moves in, units will be in Solo-Wargaming, Don Featherstone. side’. It’s worth mentioning that the
contact: what are the opposing units Published in 1973, the original book has basics of the idea are also described
going to do? One idea is to present some possibly the worst book cover I’ve ever in Stuart Asquith’s Guide to Solo
‘standing orders’ for what units will do. seen but it is a classic and well worth Wargaming which is much more readily
For example: reading. Chapter 9 ‘The solo musket available.
game’ is an instant starter and easily Solo Wargaming Guide, William
◗ Infantry will fire at the opposition adaptable to other periods. A reprint is Silvester. This provides a very
in the first instance, realising that currently available. comprehensive coverage for playing
charges against fresh enemy infantry There’s also a solo edition of solo campaigns and is probably more
are unlikely to be successful until another of his books: Battle Notes for useful to those wishing to develop their
some damage has been done. They’ll Wargamers Solo Wargaming Edition solo activities.
The Pulp Alley collection is a
recommended set to start with if
you like the solo option.
Brigands and Browncoats, a game
from the Gale Force 9 Firefly setting,
contains a number of neat ideas and
some very nice figures to paint.
September 2020 Miniature Wargames 57
touch of Evil is a superb,
narrative driven board game
that can translate well to the
table top.
Thunderbirds is a lot of fun
and the Editor can't stop
buying better models to 'pimp'
his set!
I’m tinkering with A Touch of Evil for use covers miniatures, boardgames and
in a ‘Four Musketeers’ game in which video games in an entertaining and
the musketeers will have to face various informative style.
perils in order to regain the Queen’s
diamonds and make it back to Paris. BOOKS LINKS
One company which specialises • Don Featherstone’s Solo Wargaming:
in solo boardgames is Victory Point
Games. I’ve only played Cruel Necessity • Battle Notes for Wargamers Solo
set in the English Civil War but the Wargaming Edition:
game mechanism really provides some recreation/details/dfbattlenotes.htm
transferable. (It’s worth saying that the tough opposition. They used to cover a • Stuart Asquith’s Guide to Solo
figure set with the rules is pretty stunning huge variety of topics but appear to be Wargaming:
too, especially if – like me – you are a fan of re-vamping the range so I’m not sure php?s2v2q2bqrdqf3nu9mlc48r0fb4&id
the TV series. Ed.) of availability. Another manufacturer =10435
The other interesting mechanism is is GMT who produce a number of solo • Dan Mersey’s The Men Who Would
that of guards ‘patrolling’. They move games including one of the best around: be Kings:
round a set route, taking however Peloponnesian War. Availability seems who-would-be-kings
many turns it takes to walk the route to be a problem here as well. • William Silvester’s Solo Wargaming
depending on how long it is. Again, Guide:
should they see anyone acting ‘heroic’ OTHER RESOURCES Guide-William-Silvester/dp/1938270134
then they act as described above. This The Solo Wargames Association was • Pulp Alley:
is an excellent mechanism that can be founded in 1976 and is very active • Two Hour Wargames:
applied to sentries of any period. producing the ‘Lone Warrior’ magazine
For a change of pace, co-op games four times a year and with an active • Peter Guilder’s Sands of the
such as Modiphius Entertainment’s blog. There are links to site of solo Sudan:
Thunderbirds game (which is definitely wargaming interest and sample articles php?s2v2q2bqrdqf3nu9mlc48r0fb4&id
going to the desert isle with me) and and back issues are available. It is well =27069
Flying Frog’s A Touch of Evil offer recommended. • Firefly: Brigands and Browncoats:
interesting mechanisms which can be
drawn on for other designs. (The former SOCIAL MEDIA • Victory Point Games:
– apart from being a stunning re-enactment To no surprise there’s a solo wargaming
of series episodes – allows for solo and group on Facebook: • GMT Games:
cooperative play and comes with some sweet groups/298935643609045/ • Boardgameguru offer a good listing
models which just make you want to go on YouTube has a number of videos but of solo games and those adaptable
eBay and buy better ones. Well it did me the best introduction I’ve come across. for solo play:
anyway... Ed.) Go to: wargames-for-solo-play-247-c.asp
Elements can be snagged to use in QqRAA It’s ten minutes well spent • Solo Wargamers Association:
one’s own game designs. For example, if you’re new to solo gaming: it ■
The author’s grandfather served in the This is the story of the fighting retreat
prestigious Royal Dragoons and then the of the US 1st Marine Division in 1950
4th Hussars (Churchill’s old regiment) in the Korean War, fought against a
throughout WWII, and this is an account determined foe and in appalling winter
of that life drawn from his daily diaries. conditions.
The style is engaging, with that The background scene is of high-
peculiar landed gentry mix of intensive command optimism and miscalculation
cavalry social life and a gradual confounded by Chinese secrecy and
transition to the professional demands surprise. There are a dozen fair quality
of soldiering. There are occasional sketch maps, from strategic level
snippets of tactical detail, but on the to battalion actions, but (strangely)
whole the talk is of squadron and no photographs. The book conveys
regimental life in action and out of the the impact of war at individual
line. This includes cavalry patrolling and small-unit levels, with a rather
in Palestine, the campaign in North dramatic writing style that tends to pall
Africa, and the war in Italy (latterly, somewhat, and certainly well before
providing crews for the Kangaroo you reach the end. Fair enough, it’s the
APCs). It finishes with the immediate author’s choice – but the lack of hard
post-war tidying of PoWs and refugees information (I couldn’t find details of
and a fairly idyllic lakeside sojourn in losses, for example) and the constant
occupied Austria. ‘the bullets were flying thick and
Whilst there is very little here for the fast’ type of narrative, make this less
wargamer, this is a book of great charm, attractive than it could otherwise be.
in particular in describing the transition This will probably appeal to veterans
from a privileged ‘Edwardian’ lifestyle of the conflict. It also offers a mix of
(including life in the Army) to the many wargame scenarios, but you’ll often
changes resulting from modern warfare have to make an informed guess on
and wartime Army expansion. troop numbers etc.
Chris Jarvis Chris Jarvis
September 2020 Miniature Wargames 59
Website updated
• No Visitors
10% discount on all Web orders over £50
Slate Skull Wasteland Paved
Felt lined army and dice trays Objective markers and turn counters, many designs
Find us on eBay
and Facebook
Resin scenery and bases made in Scotland
Revolutionary War: the struggle for
American independence
An Interdimensional It’s time to tell them to get Make Hadrian proud with this
Campaign for Everyone! out of Laconia scratch build
How did the club first get started? addition, more traditional board ABOVE (LEFT) Where do you play?
It was founded in the year 2000. In games are played as well as LCGs Refuelling with some Our current venue is the awesome
beers and some Gasland:
that time we’ve had four different like Game of Thrones and more a game in progress. Rule Zero run by Gav and Tim and
venues. The club was founded as a recently Arkham Horror. located just opposite the Olympic
place to play tabletop wargaming ABOVE (RIGHT) Stadium, now West Ham Football
Social distancing at
at St Gabriel’s Parish hall in What are some of the most popular its very best! A pre- Club’s stadium, in Stratford. Rule
Aldersbrook, North East London. games at the club? lockdown game. Zero has three levels – the bar and
In the late autumn of 2009 we them Despite the board gaming I’ve kitchen on the ground floor where
moved to the Ex-Serviceman’s mentioned, tabletop wargames casual gaming takes place – such as
Club (ESC) in Leytonstone. More remain the staple of the club. board and card games, the first floor
recently, we moved to EXP Leisure Those currently being played at where more intensive gaming takes
in the summer of 2017 which the moment are Warhammer 40K place (this is where we are usually
was situated opposite West ham (including both Apocalypse and found) such as tabletop wargaming,
stadium and since January of this Kill-Team), the Middle Earth roleplaying and competitive events.
year we have moved just down Strategy Battle Game (MESBG), Finally there is the basement that
the road to Rule Zero (but more Gaslands Refuelled, Kings of War can be hired out for special events
on that later...). Over the past two (KoW) and Bolt Action. New and is just another string in Rule
decades the vision of the club has members would certainly be able Zero’s mighty bow!
always been to be a friendly and to easily pick up a game of one of
welcoming place where people can these, especially 40K, KoW and How do you advertise your club?
not only play tabletop wargames MESBG. The club has it’s own website at
but also share in all the other tanelornwgc.or
aspects of the hobby from cool What tournaments and events does
conversions to list building or the club run? So why would someone like to join?
running campaigns. We’re not the most competitive The club has continued to thrive
club: if we attend an event as a during lockdown. From a hobby
What’s changed in the years it’s club it is definitely more as a social perspective, in addition to our
been running? event rather than to win prizes. monthly painting vows we are
Tanelorn today is a small but And that’s a good thing because now running our second monthly
thriving community of like- as – a club and as individuals – painting competition. Whilst we
minded gamers. You’ll notice I said we’re often in the running for the have many talented painters at
gamers, as one of the strengths of wooden spoon! We actually have the club there is a wide variety
the club is the diversity of games our own Tanelorn wooden spoon of ability and this was evident in
played. Tanelorn has always which comes into play when a April’s competition. We’ve also
played a variety of tabletop minimum of three of our members been running a club Blood Bowl
wargames but in recent years attend an event. The annual League which has been very well
(I imagine like many clubs) we awarding of this is always hotly supported. We also had our first
If you’d like your club
have also seen more board and contested (especially by members virtual Annual General Meeting
featured in Miniature
card games played, especially of the committee!). Our own Wargames, get in and have continued to discuss and
with the rise of board games with events tend to be campaigns or contact at miniature plan a number of campaigns as
superbly sculpted miniatures like leagues rather than tournaments. wargames@ outlined above. So there’s lot’s of
The Others and Blood Rage. In We’re currently running a hugely reasons right there! ■
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NEEDS UNDER ONE ROOF In the pipeline next issue,
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Find us on Facebook
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New website coming soon West Midlands WV11 2QU
Shakespeare Studios
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y question is do retro some 21st century sets. This makes