ARCO Exploration and Production Teehnology, 2300 2, ST Piano Parkway, Piano, Texas 75075 USA

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' TOTAL Centre Scientihque et Technique, 78470 St. Remy les Chevreuses, France
ARCO Exploration and Production Teehnology, 2300 ~2,st Piano Parkway, Piano, Texas 75075 USA

AnSTaACr: The Gironde estuary was formed by the Holocene drowning of mer 1984; Krystinik and Blakeney-DeJamett 1990; Blakeney-DeJarnett
a fluvial valley incised during the Wiirm global sea-level fall. A depositional and Krystinik 1992).
sequence accumulated in the valley during the eustatic Iowstand, the Ho- Many valley incisions attributed to fall in relative sea level have been
locene rise, and the post-Holocene highstand. The sequence comprises a documented. Examples include the many Pleistocene valley systems ob-
diverse assemblage of lithofacies that can be grouped into Iowstand, trans- served on continental shelves around the world, like the Gulf of Mexico
gressive, and highstand systems tracts. The lowstand systems tract com- (e.g., Fisk 1944; Suter and Berryhill 1985; Anderson et aL 1990), the
prises a continuous unit of relatively thin fluvial gravel and coarse sand in Atlantic margin of the United Slates (e.g., Knebel and Circ6 1988; Mat-
the thaiweg of the incised valley. The transgressive systems tract comprises teucci 1984; Harris 1983; Schlee 1964; Uchupi 1970; Veatch and Smith
the bulk of the incised valley fill and forms a landward-thinningwedge of 1939), and the French Mediterranean coast (e.g., Tesson et at. 1990).
tidal-estuarine sands and muds. In the estuary mouth these are overlain Ancient examples include the Namurian section in County Clare, Ireland
by a thick unit of coarse-grained, estuary-mouth tidal-inlet and tidal-della (Elliott and Pulham 1991), the Viking Formation in Alberta, Canada
sands. The highstand systems tract, initiated at about 4000 BP, forms a (Boreen and Walker 1991; Allen and Posamentier 1991), and the Penn-
seaward-prograding, tide-dominated estuarine bayhead della that has been sylvanian and Cretaceous of the western interior of the United States
gradually filling the estuary since the post-Holocene stillstand. Coeval with (Weimer and Sonnenberg 1989; Van Wagoner et al. 1990; Krystinik and
this filling of the estuary, the adjacent oceanic shoreline has been starved Blakeney-DeJarnett 1990).
of sediment and is being eroded by waves, indicating that transgressive The sediment fill of incised valleys can be highly complex (e.g., Allen
and highstand systems tracts locally can be synchronous. et al. 1970; Allen et al. 1976; Reinson et al. 1988; Leckie 1988; Alien and
Several important stratigraphie surfaces punctuate the valley fill: the Posamentier 1991; Leckie and Singh 1991; Borecn and Walker 1991; Boyd
sequence boundary,the transgressive surface, the tidal ravinement surface, and Honig 1992; Dalrymple et al. 1992), with deposits ranging from non-
the wave ravinement surface, and the maximum flooding surface. The marine through esluarine to open marine. For example, incised valleys in
stratigraphic expression of the sequence boundary depends on its position the Pennsylvanian Morrow Formation (Krystinik and Blakeney 1990) and
within the valley. In the thalweg it separates Iowstandfluvial deposits from to some degree Namurian incised valleys of County Clare, Ireland (Elliott
underlying Tertiary carbonates; on the valley walls it is directly overlain and Pulham 1991) have been shown to be filled completely with fluvial
by transgressive estuarine sediments. On the interfluves the unconformity sediments. At the other extreme, parts of some incised valleys in the Viking
continues to be enhanced by modern subaerial erosion. As the interfluves Formation, Canada, are observed to be filled with open-marine deposits
are progressively transgressed by the eroding shoreline, the sequence (Allen and Posamentier 1991). The Pleistocene Hudson River incised
boundary is expressed as a wave ravinement surface with transgressive valley on the United States continental shelf off Long Island, New York,
marine sediments unconformably overlying Pleistocene or Tertiary sub- is now a partly (?) unfilled incised valley locally up to 50 m deep (Uchupi
stratus. 1970; Posamentier et al. 1992). Most commonly, however, incised valleys
The stratigraphic expression of the transgressive surface in the valley seem to be filled with a mix of all three depositional environments, with
thalweg is characterized by onlap of transgressive tidal-estuarine sediments estuarine deposits tending to be the most common (Allen and Posamentier
onto lowstand fluvial deposits. On the valley walls the transgressive surface 1991).
merges with the sequence boundary.Tidal scour at the estuary mouth forms Present-day estuaries typically originated as fluvial incised valleys that
a deeply erosional tidal ravinement surface overlain by thick estuary-mouth formed during the late Pleistocene eustatic sea-level fall and were drowned
wave- and tide-rewnrked sands. Subsequently these tidal-iulet sands are during the subsequent Holocene sea-level rise. Since the post-Holocene
eroded by waves associated with the passage of the transgressing shoreline stillstand at about 4000 BP (Fairbanks 1989), most estuaries have been
to produce a wave ravinement surface. filling with sediment both from landward fluvial sources and from the
In the distal part of the estuary the maximum flooding surface is ex- seaward side by tidal-inlet fill and flood-tidal deltas. These modem es-
pressed as a downlap surface where the regressive highstand estuarine tuarine complexes probably formed in much the same way as their older
muds prograde over transgressive tidal-estuarine muddy sands or estuary- counterparts and thus provide excellent analogues for comparison with
mouth sands. In the upstream or proximal end of the estuary the maximum the ancient, as well as for understanding the processes controlling their
flooding surface separates identical facies, i.e., transgressive and regressive infill.
tidal-estuarine point bars, and would be very difficult to identify. The objective of this paper is to describe the facies and stratal archi-
tecture of the incised-valley fill of the Gironde estuary in southern France,
and to propose a sequence-stratigraphic model for incised-valley fills in
this type of mixed tide- and wave-influenced coastal setting. This study
is based on a compilation of the abundant core, borehole, and hydrological
Incised valleys commonly result from fluvial erosion during fall in rel- data published by a number of authors, e.g., Fabre (1939), Allen et at.
ative sea level, and fill with sediment during stillstand and ensuing rise in (1969), Allen et al. (1970), Feral (1970), Castaing (1970), Migniot (1971),
relative sea level. The valley fills form regionally elongated belts of chan- Allen (1972), Assor (1972), Castaing and Froidefond (1978), Castaing
nelized sandstones and are the subject of considerable interest because (1981), and Braud (1986); for detailed core descriptions and discussion of
they furnish potentially important new hydrocarbon play concepts (Wei- radiometric data, see these papers.


Copyright(c3 1993,SEPM(Societyfor SedimentaryGeology) 0022-4472/93/0063-378/$03.00

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The Gironde Estuary, on the Bay of Biscay in southwestern France,

forms an elongate coastal indentation at the confluence of the Dordogne
and Garonne Rivers (Fig. 1). The estuary tapers landward from a maxi-
mum width of 18 km near its mouth to less than 3 km at the confluence
of the two rivers 80 km upstream. The drainage basin of the Dordogne
and Garonne Rivers covers approximately 75,000 km z and includes the
Massif Central and the Pyrenees Mountains.

The morphology of Gironde Estuary is typical of wave- and tide-dom-
inated estuaries and can be divided into three zones (Allen et al. 1973;
Dalrymple et al. 1992): meandering upper-estuary channels with tide-
dominated sand and mud estuarine point bars; a mid-estuary funnel-
shaped channel containing linear tidal sand bars and estuarine mud; and
an estuary mouth with a deeply scoured (35 m) tidal inlet terminating
seaward and landward in sandy tidal-delta shoals (Fig. 2).
Historical records from Roman times and bathymetric charts dating
back to the 17th Century indicate that the estuary is gradually fillingwith
fluvial sediment (Dutrait 1896; Migniot 197 l; Castaing 1981). This inflll
has resulted in the accumulation of several hundred square kilometers of
tidal fiats and marshes that have smoothed the irregular valley margins
that were exposed at the end of the Pleistocene and have considerably
narrowed the estuary during the past several thousand years (Fig. 2). As
the estuary is filling, the adjacent Atlantic coastline is being eroded at 1-
10 m/yr (Penin 1980; Howa 1987) due to strong waves and insutficient
supply of sand to the coast.
A longitudinal section through the present estuary (Fig. 3) shows that FIG.1.--Map of southwest France showinglocationof Girondeesluary.
accretion and aggradation of the modem tidal flats and marshes are re-
sulting in construction of an estuarine coastal plain. This coastal plain limit of tidal currents is always a considerable distance landward of the
coincides with the spring-high-tide level and slopes gently seaward with limit of salt water.
a gradient of 0.038 m/km. The bayline (Posamentier et al. 1988), which
represents the junction between the estuafine coastal plain and the more Sedimentation Patterns
steeply sloping (0.28 m/km) alluvial plain, is about 115 km from the
A large volume of fluvial sand and mud is supplied to the estuary by
estuary mouth.
the Garonne and Dordogne rivers (Castaing 1981). At present, however,
The late Quaternary incised valley of the Gironde forms a large land-
all of the fluvially sourced sand is deposited within the estuary, and none
ward-tapering channel-like erosional feature up to 20 km wide, with a
reaches the estuary mouth or adjacent oceanic coastline (Allen 1972).
seaward-sloping thalweg incised into a Tertiary carbonate substratum (Fig.
Studies by Castaing (1981) indicate that approximately 75% of the fluvially
3). The thalweg of the valley is at a maximum depth of 45 m below mean
sourced suspended silt and clay is deposited within the estuary; the rest
sea level at the mouth of the Gironde and connects landward with the
is evacuated out onto the shelf, where it is accumulating seaward of the
present fluvial thalweg in the vicinity of the bayline. The average longi-
50 m isobath (Fig. 2).
tudinal gradient of the incised valley thalweg is 0.23 m/kin, i.e., approx-
Sediments within the estuary form a distinctive longitudinal facies pat-
imately the same as the gradient of the present alluvial plain.
tern (Allen 1991), with coarse sand and gravel point bars in the rivers
landward of the bayline, tide-dominated sand and mud point bars in the
Waves, Tides, and Hydrological Regime upper estuary channels, and elongate tidal sand bars and estuarine mud
in the mid-estuary funnel (Fig. 2). The estuary mouth contains coarse
The Atlantic coastline is affected by a high-energy wave regime, with sands and gravels that are sourced from the adjacent oceanic coast by
winter storm waves in excess of 8 m (Castaing 1981). This engenders a wave erosion and longshore drift (Castaing 1970). At the estuary mouth
strong littoral drift that introduces large volumes of sand into the estuary these sands and gravels are further reworked by tidal currents to form a
mouth from the eroding oceanic coast (Dugas 1967; Gensous 1971). flood-tidal delta and tidal-inlet fill system, and are in contrast with the
Hydrological studies of the Gironde by a number of authors (Glangeaud muddy estuarine deposits farther landward in the estuary.
1938; Allen 1972; Bonnefille 1971; Castaing 1981) have shown that tides Two facies transitions in the present estuary are of particular importance
in the Gironde are semidiurnal, with amplitudes ranging from 2.5 m during within the incised-valley fill (Fig. 4): the transition from fluvial gravel to
neap tides to more than 5 m during spring tides. During low fiver discharge, tidal-estuarine sand and mud at the landward limit of the estuary, and
tidal-current reversal occurs up to 130 km from the mouth during low the transition from mud to sand at the estuary mouth. The fluvial-to-tidal
river discharge but only as far as 100-115 km upstream during river floods. facies transition at the landward limit of the estuary is situated in the
The salinity intrusion within the estuary varies seasonally, extending land- vicinity of the bayline, i.e., about 115 km landward of the estuary mouth.
ward up to 80-100 km during periods of low fluvial discharge and 40-50 Although tidal currents during low river discharge can extend landward
km during periods of high fluvial discharge. Consequently, the upstream of the bayline, this limit marks the zone where fluvial flood currents are

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/ :jli •
TIDAL ISLET ,, , I ~ f l H / ,~..:,~/,j__,,
\, ~ ~,'J"- ~ %~: , ~~/ , , I' ~L I //t .~..'~ " I10kin

~ o--..,~~ r'~-'.::~:J and marsh

+\ S,,.strat.,m

Bathymetry in meters

t I

• ~ ~ Fluvial sand
• • and gravel
• . ~ c ~ Tidal estusrlne
• " " sand end mud FIG.Z-Top: Morphologyand de~sitional
environmentsof the presentGirondeestuary;
~ / ~ Sstuerlne mull depth contoursare in meters below mean sea
level. The maximumlandwardlimits of tides
Estuary mouth and salinityalso are indicated,as well as the
and shelf send
location of the bayline(see discussionin text).
l ~ ] Shelf mud Bottom: present-daysedimentdistribution.
Modifiedfrom Allen(1991).

sufficiently damped out by tides so that tidal mud deposited during low this wedge represents post-Holocene regressive deposits overlying trans-
river discharge can be preserved within the channel sands (Allen and gressive Holocene and early post-Holocene sediments.
Truilhe 1987). The transition from mud to sand at the estuary mouth Studies by the aforementioned authors (e.g., Allen et al. 1970; Feral
marks the point of convergence of the seaward-progading estuarine muds 1970; Allen and Truilhe 1987) have shown that a variety of sediment
and the transgressive landward-migrating estuary-mouth sands. Both of types and facies are present within the incised valley. These can be grouped
these facies transitions are preserved as stratigaphic discontinuities in the by lithology and sedimentary structures into three facies assemblages:
valley fill and will be discussed below. coarse fluvial sands and gravels, tidal-estuadne sands and muds, and
estuary-mouth sands. A briefdescription of each faciesassemblage follows.

Fluvial Sand and Gravel
Sedimentary Facies
A continuous bed of massive gavel and coarse sand overlies the thalweg
The sedimentary fill within the incised valley forms a wedge that is up of the incised valley, with an average thickness of about 10 m (Figs. 5, 6).
to 45 m thick in the thalweg of the incised valley under the estuary mouth At the landward limit of the estuary these coarse sediments merge with
and thins landward to 10 m in the vicinity of the bayline (Feral 1970; similar modern fluvial deposits landward of the bayline. These deposits
Allen et al. 1970; Assor 1972). Analysis of radiocarbon dates (Feral 1970; are devoid of marine fauna as well as any evidence of tidal processes, like
Allen and Truilhe 1987), old bathymetfic charts (Migniot 1971), and clay drapes, flasers, and bidirectional cross-beds (Fig. 6A). The lithological
archeological evidence (Dutrait 1896), indicate that the upper 10--25m of similarity and physical continuity of these deposits with present fluvial

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50 0 50 100 150km
t T T 1
30 30

20 20

10 10
I~loezn'uAalNem,mJ ~ ~ o0 ~ _ ~
0 MSL I L . .So . ,~'5..,'~"~ 0
10 DELTA • " 10
Fro. 3.-Longitudinal section throughthe Oi-
20 20 ronde estuary illustratingthe bathymetryof the
modern thalweg, the thalwegof the Wfirmin-
30 30 cised valley,the shorefaceprofileof the adja-
cent coast, and the profile of the estuafine
40 40 coastal plain, the alluvialplain, and the loca-
tion of the bayline.The deposits beneaththe
50m 50m
present thalwegcomprisemainlyHoloeene
1 ,L t L
transgressiveestuarinedeposits overlyingpre-
50 O 50 100 150km Holoceneto Holocenefluvialsedimenls.

deposits suggests strongly that these sands and gravels were deposited in Holocene age by a number ofauthors(Fabre 1939; Casming 1970; Feral
a fluvial environmentlandward of the bayline. In all of the cores landward 1970).
of the estuary mouth, the thickness of the fluvial sand and gravel in the
valley thalweg is on the order of 10 m, i.e., equivalent to the sediment
Tidal-Estuarine Sand and Mud
thickness in the present fluvial channels. This would suggestthat the gravel
and coarse sand at the base of the incised valley records the preservation The fluvial gravel at the base of the valley fill is overlain by a landward-
of a single fluvial channel section. In the estuary mouth, however, a few thinning sediment wedge that forms the bulk of the incised valley fill and
borings indicate that the lop of the fluvial sand and gravel is about 15 m comprises three major lithofacies: cross-stratified to rippled sand with
above the maximum thalweg depth. The possible stratigraphic significance abundant mud laminae, flasers, and drapes (Fig. 6B); estuarine mud (Fig.
of this apparent thickening of fluvial deposits will be discussed below. 6D); and carbonaceous clay with peat lenses (Fig. 6C). Because each of
Owing to lack of carbonaceous material the gravel has not been radio- these facies is now found in the estuary, similar facies observed in the
carbon dated, but by its stratigraphic relationship with underlying Holo- subsurface are interpreted to have been deposited in a tidal-estuafine
cene estuafine deposits and the presence of Pleistocene fluvial deposits on environment similar to that of the present estuary. The first facies shows
the valley interfluves it has been interpreted as being of late Wtirm to typical tidal features (Allen and Truilhe 1987) and was deposited as tidal-



luvial I
d gravel [
Ek:lal ]
CARBOI,IAIkCEOUS me~iurn-grain~

MARSH MUD rippled and cross-
clay with roots, bedded sand with
plant fragments arid abundant clay laminae,
peat lenses flasers and drapes; Fro. 4.-Schematic facies model for a Gi-
accumulates as tidal
rondo-like macrotidal estuary being trans-
sand bars and
e6tuarine point bars gressed by a high-wave-energy coastline. Modi-
fied from Allen (199 I).

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382 (;.P. ,tLLEX AND tt. W. PO3~IMENTIER

0 50 100 150km

3O A A' 30


,0 --0--oEsT-- 10


:ttL , "
- - I " ~.~'1"~''~"~"~
~ Coarsefluvial sand anti
I - ~! gravel
[" " .--I Tidal send and mud
o o ° o

4010 ~ • . . ",~.. ,-"~ " oo o ~ ' - - " - - | "~Fx

"- M o d--e m:-- ~ Tidal fiat and marsh mud
thalvvefl ~ Estuary mouth sand
50m ~ MIjorerosionaaJdame 50m
50 0 50 100 150km

EolianDunes 0
B I i i , , 5kin
10 ,-, 10
20 ShorefaceDeposits
" ~.~" • J •
" o~ . "~"
30 "j .--.. 30
40 I,~°°1 gravel oo ° o o o 40
Tidal sand and mud
5O m 50 m
Tidal fiat and marsh mud MajorErosion Surface

Estuary mouth send

C i C'

10 10

20 20
30 m 30m

FIG. 5.--Lithofacies distribution and borehole control (vertical lines indicate borehole locations) along an axial (A-A') and two transverse sections (B-B', C-C') in
the Gironde estuary. The cores and borings have been compiled from the work of several authors (see text for references). Section A-A' is drawn along the deepest

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estuarine point bars in the upper-estuary channels and on tidal sand bars was attained at about 18,000 BP (Prell et al. 1986; Fairbanks 1989) the
in the mid-estuary funnel. The estuarine muds contain isolated sand lenses shoreline was at or near the shelf edge, and the Gironde incised valley
and ripple laminae and were deposited towards the seaward end of the extended about 135 km seaward from the present coast. Eustatic rise began
mid-estuary funnel, whereas the carbonaceous muds represent tidal-flat at about 18,000 BP, and at about 10,000 BP flooded the incised valley in
and marsh deposits. The existence of these estuarine sediments overlying the vicinity of the present estuary (Feral 1970). Little is known about the
fluvial deposits is associated with the onset of the Holocene marine trans- depth of incision of the valley and the nature of its fill beyond the mouth
gression in the incised valley. of the present estuary because of lack of shallow-penetration seismic and
boreholc data on the shelf.
As shown by J4C dating (Feral 1970), the valley-fill succession is Ho-
Estuary-Mouth Sands
locene and post-Holocene, with the exception of the basal fluvial deposits,
At the seaward end of the estuary the tidal-estuarine sands and muds which are possibly late WUrm in age. The Holocene was characterized by
are overlain by a seaward-thickening wedge of massive coarse sand with a rapid rise in relative sea level followed by negligible rise during the post-
scattered gravel and shell debris (Figs. 5, 6E). These sediments were de- Holocene, since about 4000 BP (Fairbanks 1989).
rived from Pleistocene fluvial sands and gravels in the estuary mouth and Prior to the Holocene marine flooding of the valley beneath the present
adjacent coast and transported landward into the estuary by longshore estuary, only fluvial gravel and coarse sand was being deposited in the
drift and flood tides (Castaing 1981; Howa 1987). They range up to 25 m valley thalweg (Fig. 7A; Feral 1970). As previously mentioned, the pre-
thick adjacent to the inlet channel at the estuary mouth (Fig. 5) and pinch served thickness of these deposits is equivalent to that of the present fluvial
out approximately 20 km landward of the estuary mouth. channels landward of the estuary. This implies that unless the fluvial
The base of the sand is erosional and paved with gravel and shell lag deposits were originally thicker and subsequently eroded, there has been
(Fig. 6E). The sands are coarse and well sorted, and show internal erosion no significant fluvial aggradation in the landward extremity of the incised
surfaces with shell and gravel lag (Assor 1972; Braud 1986). Sedimentary valley either during Iowstand or during the subsequent Holocene sea-level
structures include parallel bedding, bidirectional cross-stratification, and rise. This further suggests that during sea-level rise the valley landward
wave ripples (Braud 1986), indicating a high-energy wave and tidal en- of the estuary was a zone of fluvial sediment bypass. Consequently, the
vironment. The basal surface of these estuary-mouth sands is deeply in- only record of fluvial sedimentation in the valley during lowstand and
cised into underlying tidal-estuarine sands and muds. This scoured base transgression is a section whose thickness is equivalent to that of a single
results from tidal erosion in the narrow tidal inlet at the estuary mouth fluvial channel. This section lies within the valley thalweg comprising
and can incise locally into the fluvial gravel at the base of the valley fill those sediments that were en route to the fluvial or estuarine mouth and
(Fig. 5). The sand forms a thick tidal-inlet deposit, which is interpreted trapped there as they were transgressed.
to be transgressive over the underlying tidal-estuarine sands and muds The possibly thicker fluvial sediments in the vicinity of the present
and separated from them by a tidal ravinement surface (see discussion estuary mouth could be related to several causes: (1) seaward thickening
below). of the fluvial deposits due to aggradation of fluvial sediments during low-
On the adjacent interfluves and along the oceanic coast, wave erosion stand in the seaward part of the incised valley, (2) localized sediment
and shoreface retreat result in a pronounced wave ravinement surface and thickening due to the presence of deeper scour pools in the incised river,
erosion of several meters of underlying Pleistocene deposits. Overlying or (3) presence of alluvial terraces formed during the fall in relative sea
this surface, a veneer of transgressive nearshore sand is accumulating that level and subsequently preserved. Evaluation of these possibilities will
blankets the entire Aquitaine shelf (Castaing et al. 1971; Penin 1980; require more extensive core and borehole data and radiocarbon dating in
Collotte 1985). As the coastline continues to be transgressed in the vicinity the seaward extremity of the estuary and on the shelf.
of the estuary mouth, transgressive wave-reworked sands that accumulate The presence of tidal-estuarine deposits overlying this fluvial section
over this wave-eroded surface cut into underlying regressiveestuarine tidal indicates that the Holocene eustatic rise was sufficiently rapid that the
facies (Fig. 6F). increased accommodation was greater than the fluvial sediment flux. Con-
sequently, the sediments supplied to the valley from upstream during the
Holocene were deposited as aggrading, transgressive tidal-estuarine facies
Geological Model of the Estuary Fill
that onlapped the lowstand fluvial profile as the valley was transformed
The Gironde Estuary originated as an incised valley that formed during from a fluvial valley into an estuary (Fig. 7B). As observed in the present
the progressive Wiirm sea-level fall between about 100,000 and 18,000 estuary, this point of onlap and fluvial-to-tidal facies transition corre-
BP (Fig. 7A; Allen et al. 1970). When the maximum eustatic lowstand sponds to the bayline (Fig. 8). In a vertical section this facies transition is

observed substratum.SectionB-B' is locatedat the mouth of the presentestuary,and sectionC-C' is located at the upstream extremityof the estuaryabout 75 km
landward from the mouth. Note the presenceof thick erosive-basedestuary-mouthsands in the distal section.The surface upon which these deposits lie is incised
into the underlyingestuarineand fluvialsediments.This relationshipis characteristicof the distalextremityof the estuarinevalleyfill.

Ftc. 6.-Core photographs of sedimentaryfaciesin the Gironde valleyfill. A) Fluvialcoarse sands and gravels:note the sharp erosivecontactbetweenthe fluvial
gravelsand the underlyingTertiarycarbonates.This contactrepresentsthe sequence-boundingunconformity.B) Tidal-estuafinesandsand muds:wellsortedmedium
sands with abundantclay flasers,drapes, and laminae.These tidal faciesappear seawardof the bayfineas estuarinepoint bars and tidal sand bars. C) Carbonaceous
marsh clay: massiveclay with carbonaceousdebris, roots, and peat lenses.D) Estuafinemuds: present in the more distal part of the estuary funnelseawardof the
tidal sand bars (Fig. 4), and consistingof massiveunburrowedmud with rare sand lensesand ripple laminae.E) Estuary-mouthsands:coarsesand with disseminated
pebblesand shelldebris. Note the sharp erosionalcontactbetweenthe sand and the estuarinemud. This contactrepresentsthe tidal ravinementsurface(seetext and
Fig. 9). F) Transgressivebeach and shoreface sands:parallel-stratifiedand cross-stratified,well sorted, mediumsandsoverlyingan erosionalsurfaceincisingorganic
marsh and tidal-flatclay. This erosion surface representsthe wave ravinementsurface(see text).

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Fio. 7.-Schematic illustrationof the geologicalevolutionof the Girondeestuary duringthe Wiirmeustaticcycle. A) Lowstand:prior to about 18,000 BP coarse
fluvialsedimentbypassedthe incisedvalleyen route to the lowslandshorelinelocatedat the continentalshelf. B) Initiationof transgression:at about 10,000BP the
incised valleywas transgressedand became an estuary, with estuafinecoastal-plaindeposits onlappingonto the alluvialplain as the baylinemigratedup the valley.
C) Maximummarinefloodingoccurred at about 4000 BP and resulted in a blanketof estuarinemud in the funnelzone and landwardmigrationof the tidal inlet at
the estuarymouth. D) Stillstand:sinceabout 4000 BP relativesea level has remainedalmost stable,and a regressivetidal-estuarinebayheaddelta has progradedinto
the upper estuary,graduallyfillingit with sediment.

abrupt and very distinctive, and corresponds to a tidal flooding surface Since about 4000 BP the estuary has been gradually infilling seaward
as the bayline migrates landward over the alluvial plain. This surface is with fluvially sourced tidal-estuafine sand and mud. These deposits have
locally erosional, but in the Gironde it does not appear to be very irregular prograded over the transgressive tidal estuafine sands and muds in the
or deeply scoured. upper and middle estuary and the estuary-mouth sands in the lower estuary
During the Holocene sea-level rise, estuary-mouth sands in the form of (Fig. 7D).
a tidal inlet and flood-tidal-delta complex migrated up the estuary (Fig. Eventually, when the estuary is entirely filled, fluvial sand will be able
7C). The base of the tidal inlet eroded deeply into the underlying tidal- to reach the coast and contribute to longshore drift. Since the yearly flux
estuarine sands and muds. As the inlet migrated upvalley during the trans- of fluvial sand is of the same order of magnitude as the littoral drift rates
gression, this surface formed a major transgressive erosional surface, which (Castaing 1981; Castaing and Alien 1981; Howa 1987), it is possible that
by analogy to the (wave) ravinementsurface formed by erosional shoreface transgression eventually may be halted if sea level remains constant. Be-
retreat (Stamp 192 I; Swift 1968) can be termed a tidal ravinement surface. cause of the high-wave-energyenvironmentof this coast, however, as long
This surface is an important feature that affects the distal part of the valley- as supply of fluvial sand remains at present levels, a prograding highstand
fill succession. As the valley was flooded by the transgressing sea, the delta probably will not form.
adjacent open coast also retreated landward because of drowning and
wave-induced erosional shoreface retreat, forming a wave ravinement
Present sea level was attained at about 4000 BP. This represents the
Sequence-Stratigraphic Interpretation
time of maximum flooding of the estuary (Feral 1970). At that time the
volume of the estuary was significantlylarger than today, because no tidal The Gironde estuary constitutes an incised-valley system filled with a
flats and marshes had accumulated along the estuary banks (Feral 1970) transgressive-regressivesediment wedge that constitutes a nearly complete
and oysters and bioclastic debris extended farther landward in the estuary Type 1 depositional sequence (in the sense of Mitchum 1977 and Posa-
than now (Allen et al. 1970). Historical records indicate that even by about mentier and Vail 1988) deposited during the Wiirm eustatic cycle. The
100 AD there had been relatively little infilling in the lower estuary (Dutrail basal sequence boundary is expressed as an unconformity at the valley
1896). floor. The sequence is not yet complete because it lacks an upper bounding

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W 7
/j'. fAN..Sp_RESSlVE

F~a.8.- Stratigraphicrelationship of asgrad-

I ~ ~ . , L . ~ V /
: . Y T J.t" S,oo,o,.,
ing and transgressiveestuarine coastal-plain
deposits onlappingthe alluvial plain daring the
ceurse of bayline migration landward up the
COARSE " "-~,..,~--*"'*'-'~.,.1{ I fluvial profile during the Holocenesea-level

unconformity, which will develop when another fall in relative sea level the outer shelf and beyond, as has been reported for other late-Pleistocene
induces downcutting by the rivers. lowstand deposits (e.g., Suter and Berryhill 1985; Tesson et al. 1990). The
This sequence was initiated by the Wfirrn glacio-eustatic fall between incised valley in the area of the modern Gironde estuary was a zone of
100,000 and 18,000 BP and was deposited between then and now. This fluvial bypass during fall in relative sea level as well as during lowsland.
interval represents a high-frequency eustatic cycle at approximately fourth- The apparent absence of significant fluvial aggradation during lowstand
order scale (in the sense of Vail et at. 1991). Although the sequence lacks in the upstream part of the incised valley may be explained by the time
an upper boundary, it has all the attributes of depositional sequences lag between coastal progradation and subsequent upstream fluvial aggra-
described by Posamentier et al. (1988) and Posamentier and Vail (1988), dation. Coastal progradation is extremely rapid, as shown by modern
including a basal sequence boundary (SB), a lowstand systems tract (LST), deltaic coasts that have advanced several tens of kilometers or more in
a transgressive systems tract fiST), a transgressive surface (TS), a maxi- the few thousand years since the end of the rapid Hotocene eustatic rise.
mum flooding surface (MPS), and a highstand systems tract (HST). Upstream fluvial aggradation appears to be significantly slower (C. An-
Figure 9 shows schematically the sequence-stratigraphic interpretation gevine and S. Schumm 1992, personal communication), so there is a time
of the Gironde incised valley fill. In addition to the key surfaces that define lag between seaward migration of the coastline and upstream fluvial ag-
the systems tracts, other significant surfaces, like the tidal ravinement and gradation. This lag increases landward, because the hydraulic "message"
wave ravinement surfaces, can be observed. for the river to start aggrading its floodplain propagates upstream from
the bayline. Therefore, little or no fluvial aggradation would be expected
Sequence Boundary(SB) in the upstream segments of incised valleys unless lowstand conditions
lasted a sufficiently long time. This further implies that the thickness of
At the valley thalweg the sequence boundary overlies Tertiary sediments the lowstand fluvial deposits in an incised valley would increase down-
that are unconformably overlain by fluvial gravel, whereas on the valley stream. This could possibly explain the apparent thickening of the fluvial
walls the sequence boundary is overlain directly by transgressive tidal- deposits at the estuary mouth, mentioned previously.
estuarine sand and mud. On the interfluves outside the valley the sequence
boundary overlies older fluvial conglomerates interpreted as highstand
deposits of the previous Pleistocene sequence (Fig. 9B). In these areas, Transgressive Systems Tract (TST)
where the sequence boundary is subaerially exposed, the unconformity is
still being enhanced by subaefial processes, whereas at the coast this surface With the onset of the rapid Holocene eustatic rise the incised valley
is being enhanced by wave erosion. Seaward of the coast the sequence became flooded as the supply of fluvial sediment was overwhelmed by
boundary is expressed as a wave ravinement surface (Swift 1968) analogous the addition of new accommodation. The very rapid rate of base-level
to the E/T surface (erosion/transgression surface) described by Plint et al. rise, combined with the landward-migrating tide limit and its associated
(1986). grain-size barrier effect (Allen 1991) impeded transport of fluvial gravel
downstream from the landward-migrating bayline. This resulted in ac-
Lowstand Systems Tract (LST) cumulation of transgressive tidal-estuarine sand and mud deposits step-
ping landward and onlapping the alluvial plain (Fig. 9). We place these
The sequence boundary in the valley thalweg landward of the estuary deposits within the TST rather than within the LST as suggested by Van
mouth is overlain by a one-channel-thick deposit of fluvial gravel and Wagoner et al. (1990), because the shift from fluvial to estuafine sedi-
coarse sand. These deposits reflect the lowstand fluvial profile, though mentation clearly suggests that a marine transgression occurred within the
some cut-and-fill fluvial deposits may be deposited during subsequent valley. As the sea transgressed the incised valley, most hinterland-derived
transgression. These fluvial sediments are therefore interpreted as the low- sediments were trapped within the incised valley. This eliminated any
stand systems tract even though some may have accumulated during trans- fluvial sediment contribution to the littoral drift on the adjacent coasts,
gression. The fluvial sands and gravels were preserved when they were and undoubtedly resulted in accelerated shoreline transgression.
buried beneath the landward-onlapping TST, and consequently are diach- Three facies associations comprise this systems tract: tidal sand and
ronous (younger landward) and locally coeval with the TST. The bulk of mud formed in estuarine point bars, tidal bars, and tidal flats; estuary-
the lowstand deposits are likely to be seaward of the modem estuary, at mouth sand worked by waves and tides, and wave-dominated transgres-

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- - - 2 " -- .- "~. "7 o o
• ' ° ..,..~ o o

40 Hlgl'mtar~Systm Tract SB sam Boundwy 40

,, o o
5011'I ~ y = ::~TS~:tlm~:ralct 50m

0 5kin
I! L , , , . , B' I

0 O

10 10

20 20
• I,,,, b •

30 30

40 40

SO m 50 m

C i = FluvialDeposits C'
r,~,,,,,~,,~ho I Pmvl°us~lu°ne~
0 0

21) 10

30 20

10 30

(Om 40m

Ro. 9.-Scqucnce-stratigraphie interpretation of the Gironde incised valley fill. Note the presence of key stratigraphic surfaces that bound each facies association,
and the marked differences in facies within the transgressive systems tract in the proximal and distal parts of the valley fill. Locations of sections are the same as in
Figure 5. Unlike Figure 5, however, the longitudinal section (A-A') is drawn through the present estuary thalweg so as to illustrate the bathymetdc relationship between
the landward-migrating tidal-inlet channel and the tidal ravinement surface.

sive shoreface sand. The first two are within the incised valley, whereas As the transgression continues, the estuanne sands and muds are sharply
the third is on the interltuves or overlies the estuary-mouth sand facies in overlain by tidal-inlet sand sourced from the seaward end of the estuary.
the valley as the coastline migrates landward over the valley fill. These The surface between these two facies associations is an erosional surface,
facies associations are bounded by distinct stratigraphic surfaces: the trans- termed a tidal ravinement surface, that originates at the thalweg of the
gressive surface, a tidal ravinement surface, and a wave ravinement sur- landward-migrating tidal inlet. As shown in Figures 9A and 9B, this ero-
face. sional surface can be regionally continuous in the distal part of the valley
The transgressive surface forms the base of the TST and separates tidal- fill, and could be misinterpreted as another sequence-bounding uncon-
estuarine sand and mud from underlying fluvial conglomerates ofthe LST formity within the incised valley.
(Fig. 9A). This contact represents the updip-migrating bayline position Seaward of and lateral to the estuary, a wave ravinement surface de-
and will be discussed further below, On the edges of the valley the trans- velops in response to passage of the shoreline across the estuafine deposits.
gressive surface coincides with the sequence boundary and separates the Wave erosion associated with retreat of the shoreface can result in removal
TST from deposits of earlier sequences (Fig, 9B), of several meters of sediment (Swift 1968; Demarest and Kraft 1987). The

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0 Of
t 0

/ ~ ~ ,~,~f ,.X ~ I..~____.~J"~. J J FACIES

[~-~#g'~l ~" , ~ 7 - ~ ' / O,~//~ ~ Estuarymouthsand
j " "/ ~ d- t mud

oo ~ I~] Coarsefluvialdeposits
.. . \


- -

'. . . .
I .~,,~,~,~,~. . . . ~ . o O' '/-1"-I I BOUNDARY

I .I


Fit. 10.-Schematic strafigraphicand faciesmodelof an incised-vaUeyfill in a mixedwave-influencedand macrotidallyinfluencedincised-valleyfrill,based on the

Gironde estuary. The lowstand and transgressivesystems tracts will be readilyidentifiable,but in certain parts of the valley frill,it will be difficultto distinguish
betweenthe transgressiveand earlyhighstandsystemstracts and to identifythe MFS (seediscussionin text). The transgressivesurface, the waveravinementsurface,
and the tidal ravinementsurface will be regionallycontinuousand readily idemifiableon well logs and cores, except when the wave ravinement surface directly
overlies estuary-mouthsands. For explanationof abbreviations,refer to Figure9.

wave ravinement surface is overlain by a thin coarse-sand to gravel trans- those of the underlying TST tidal deposits. One significant difference is
gressive lag deposit forming a relatively continuous blanket of sand and the presence within the HST of tidal-sand-bar deposits within the pro-
gravel on the Aquitaine shelf (Collotte 1985). grading bayhead delta. These deposits do not seem to accumulate during
the transgressive phase, because they form only during periods of overall
Highstand Systems Tract (HST)
The surface between the HST and the underlying TST is a downlap
Relative sea level reached its present position at about 4000 BP (Fair- surface that represents the maximum flooding surface (MFS) (Posamentier
banks 1989) and has remained approximately at that level since. This halt and Vail 1988). Lithologically this contact can be difficult to recognize, In
of rise in relative sea level has resulted in a halt in the addition of new the upstream part of the valley the MFS lies between transgressive-phase
space for sediment to fill.The sedimentary response has been a turnaround and regressive-phase estuafine point bars, and will be difficult to recognize,
from transgression to regression in the incised valley as a prograding wedge or may even be absent owing to local scour by highstand estuary channels.
or bayhead delta consisting of prograding tidal sand bars, tidal fiats, and In the middle part of the estuary the MFS will be recognizable at the base
upper-estuary point bars prograded into the head of the estuary. (The term of massive estuarine muds that downlap onto underlying carbonaceous
bayhead delta may not be quite appropriate here insofar as the physio- marsh muds and muddy-sand estuafine point bars of the TST. Farther
graphic setting is that of an estuary rather than a bay; a term like estuary- seaward the MFS will be at the downlap surface between the massive
head delta may be more precise. Nonetheless, because the latter term is estuafine muds of the HST bayhead delta and the underlying TST estuary-
not commonly used, only the term bayhead delta will be used in this mouth sands (Fig. 9A).
paper.) The lithofacies of these regressive HST deposits are similar to In time, as the upper estuary fills, cross-sectional areas will decrease

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and the landward limit of tides will migrate downstream. This will enable by a sharp contact of nearshore marine sand overlying either estuary-
fluvial gravel to work its way gradually downstream, locally eroding and mouth sand or deposits of earlier sequences on the interfluves.
replacing the tidal muddy sands. This will result in seaward migration of The highstand systems tract (TST) comprises an estuafine bayhead delta
the bayline and eventual fluvial aggradation. with fining-upward tidal-estuarine point bars passing seaward to coars-
ening-upward tidal sand bars. It is noteworthy that while the estuary is
CONCLUSIONS filling with the early highstand systems tract, the interfluve coastline con-
tinues to be transgressed because of lack of sediment supply.
This study documents a Recent analogue for ancient incised valley fills The expression of the maximum flooding surface (MFS) varies according
in a mixed wave- and tide-influenced setting. The Gironde incised valley to location in the valley and generally will be more difficult to identify
was formed by fluvial erosion during the Wiirm glacio-eustatic fall and than the other stratigraphic surfaces. In the upstream part of the valley it
was filled during the subsequent lowstand, Holocene rise, and post-Ho- lies between transgressive-phase and regressive-phase tidal-estuarine point
Iocene stillstand. This eustatic cycle represents a fourth-order cycle in the bars, and will be difficult to recognize, or will even be absent owing to
terminology of Vail et al. (1991), and the transgressive-regressive sedi- later erosion. Farther seaward it will be more recognizable at the base of
mentary fill within the valley constitutes a Type 1 depositional sequence, the massive estuarine muds that downlap over underlying estuarine point-
although the upper sequence-bounding surface has not yet formed. This bar muddy sands and tidal-flat muds of the TST. Still farther seaward the
fourth-order sequence comprises a wide range of lithofacies that are or- MFS is expressed as the contact between estuary-mouth sands and over-
ganized into the three systems tracts as defined by Posamentier et al. (198 8) lying prograding massive estuarine muds.
for third-order sequences. Each systems tract is represented by a distinct The sequence boundary is expressed here as an unconformity, but its
suite of facies separated by prominent and regionally continuous strati- facies expression will be highly variable depending on its paleogeographic
graphic surfaces. These facies as well as the stratigraphic surfaces are setting. In the valley thalweg the sequence boundary is overlain by low-
readily identifiable in outcrops, cores, and well logs, and the stratigraphic stand fluvial gravel, whereas on the sides of the valley it is overlain by
surfaces constitute good correlation markers. the varied facies of the transgressive systems tract. Landward of the estuary
The major facies and log patterns formed by an incised-valley fill of mouth these facies will comprise tidal-estuarine sand and mud, whereas
Gironde type are shown schematically in Figure 10. During lowstand the at the estuary mouth and seaward, estuary-mouth sand will commonly
incised valley landward of the present estuary mouth was a zone of sed- overlie the sequence boundary on the valley walls. On the valley interfluves
iment bypass. The Iowstand systems tract (LST) is expressed in this part the sequence boundary landward of the estuary mouth will be overlain by
of the incised valley as a one-channel-thick unit of fluvial gravel and coarse highstand estuarine deposits, whereas at the estuary mouth and seaward
sand in the thalweg of the incised valley. These coarse sediments are the sequence boundary will be expressed as a wave ravinement surface
trapped during the transgression by the landward-migrating bayline and overlain by transgressive nearshore sands.
are subsequently onlapped by estuarine sands and muds (Fig. 9). This As shown in this study, incised-valley fills can be complex, comprising
phenomenon suggests several conclusions regarding lowstand sedimen- a wide range of facies and a number of widespread and mappable strati-
tation: (1) significant fluvial aggradation does not occur during a rapid rise graphic discontinuities. This suggests that ancient incised-valley-fill suc-
in relative sea level; (2) the transgressive surface at the top of the lowstand cessions are similarly complex. The Gironde valley fill described here may
systems tract is expressed as an onlap surface; (3) in a macrotidal setting therefore provide a useful analogue for the study of similar tide- and wave-
the updip limit of estuarine deposits onlapping onto the transgressive dominated ancient estuarine incised valleys.
surface represents the bayline location; and (4) the lowstand systems tract
is in part diachronous, because some of the lowstand fluvial deposits are ACKNOWLEBGMENTS
replaced during transgression by non-aggrading cut and fill.
During transgression the incised valley became a zone of sediment trap- We wish to thank P. Castaing, A. Feral, and G. Truilhe for their help in compiling
ping. As a result, the bulk of the incised valley fill in the Gironde is within the data presented in this paper, as well as for the many stimulating discussions
on lhe sedimentology of the Gironde estuary. We also thank D.P. James and D.A.
the transgressive systems tract (TST), and comprises three facies assem- Leckie for sharing with us their thoughts on incised-valley stratigraphy. Comments
blages: tidal-estuarine sand and mud, estuary-mouth sand, and nearshore from reviewers J.M Begg,J.D. Bryant, and D.A. Leckie significantly improved
marine sand. The first is fluvially sourced, whereas the latter two are and sharpened the text. Permission from TOTAL S.A. Centre Scientifique et
palimpsest, i.e., result from the transgressive reworking of older deposits. Technique and ARCO Exploration and Production Technology to publish this
The transgressive surface at the base of the TST typically is overlain by paper is also acknowledged.
the estuarine sand and mud facies. In a vertical section the transgressive
surface will be clearly defined by the abrupt facies change from coarse REFERENCES
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