1-Impression Compound :
It is a thermoplastic, rigid and reversible impression material (meaning it can be
reused in the same patient if an impression needs to be repeated)
It can be reused in the same patient until a good impression is made.
It can compensate for a short impression tray because it does not sag under its weight.
It can be electroplated to form dies.
It can be added or removed until a good impression is made.
Due to high viscosity, it does not record fine details.[8]
Its dimensional stability is poor due to the release of internal stresses incorporated
into the material during kneading.
Edentulous arch impressions for complete denture fabrication.
Border molding procedure.
A single prepared tooth impression (copper tube impression).
It should not be used in undercuts areas.
2- Zinc Oxide Eugenol Impression Material (impression paste):
It is an irreversible nonelastic material used as a final impression (wash impression) in
complete denture fabrication. It records the tissues in the undistorted state .
Wash impressions (secondary impression) in complete denture fabrication and dual
impression in distal extensions partial dentures.
Bite registration and interocclusal records.[12]
It is a brittle material; it cannot impress dentulous mouths or severe undercuts areas.
It should not be used in patients who are allergic to eugenol.
Economical and easy to use
Good flow helps in recording fine details
Dimensionally stable
It cannot be used in stock trays; custom trays are mandatory
Can produce burning sensation of the mucosa
Setting time varies with temperature and humidity
Agar is another hydrophilic colloid impression material like alginate but reversible. It
is the first elastic impression material to be used in dentistry.
The agar has been used in dentistry for cast duplication and impression making. Its
use is now limited as it requires a complicated setup.
Nontoxic, odorless, and nonstaining
Requires purchasing a water bath
Low tear strength
Dimensional instability
Infection control unfriendly
it has become popular because it only requires a stock tray and a single mix.
Accurate and high dimensional stability - makes it possible to delay casting
and allow multiple pouring.
Good elastic recovery
Good compatibility with gypsum
Good shelf life
It can be used as a single-phase material or with a syringe tray technique
Most rigid of all the elastomers makes it hard to remove (newer polyethers are
slightly more flexible)
May cause allergy due to sulfonate acid esters
5-Digital Impressions :
The advantages of intraoral scanning are too many: the material and
armamentarium used in analog impressions are avoided (e.g., impression
trays, impression material, gypsum); the communication between the clinician
and laboratory technician is improved since the image can be modified,
recaptured, a soft copy can be stored; and the cross infections can be
minimized due to absence of physically stored casts.
However, digital impressions require an expensive setup, images of
completely edentulous arches are less accurate, the presence of blood and
saliva obscures subgingival finish lines, and they do not record complete
occlusal information for comprehensive prosthodontic treatments.[26]
[27] But, for single units and segmental dentistry, the intraoral scanners are
highly accurate.[28]
Tray used:
The tray is constructed over a spacer with stoppers and 1-2
holes to allow escape of excess impression material.
Impression material:
Plaster of Paris is the only true mucostatic impression material
though alginate often gives equally good clinical results.
1- in flabby ridges
2- pt liable to severe bone resorption like diabetes
3- easily irritated mucosa like in radiotherpy
4- pt with anatomic undercut providing good retention
5- cooperative pt with less nausia and vomiting
1- Open mouth The operator can see and insure
proper border molding and muscle movements are more
easily accomplished.(overextended or thick borders are
2-There is less distortion to the mucosa tissues will
not exert a displacing force on the denture increase
3- Tissues are not subjected to continuous pressure
which can cause interference with blood supply and
bone resorption
Denture base:
• Metallic denture base is preferred to than
dimensionally unstable acrylic denture base in order to
attain accuracy and proper fit of the denture base.
1. The mucosal topography (contour) is not static over the
day. It changes throughout the day. the denture may not fit the
mucosa all the time. Denture is retentive at rest but when the
mucosa is displaced during mastication the denture become
loose and retained by anatomic structures
2. This technique causes un-even loading of the denture bearing
(Hard bony areas will bear most of the occlusal load causing tissue
irritation & denture instability).
3. The role of peripheral seal in retaining the denture is neglected.
4. There is no intimate contact between the finished denture &
basal seat (due to dimensional changes of the impression material, the
cast material or during denture processing).
2. Mucofunctional or Mucocompression
*Primary impression is made with impression compound
*Special tray with bite rims with uniform occlusal surfaces are then
*Secondary Impression is made using zinc Oxide and Eugenol
impression material
*The impression is inserted in mouth and held under biting pressure
for one or two minutes.
*Borders are molded by asking the patient to perform functional
1. Better retention and support
2. The patient can exert his own masticatory force on the impression
material Stable during function
This technique combines considerable pressure on certain areas
& minimal pressure on others.
Custom Tray:
• The tray is constructed with relief over areas of no
pressure and closely adapted over other areas (stress
bearing areas).
• Sometimes there is need to modify the impression
procedures as:
i- Displaceable upper anterior (flabby) ridge.
ii- Fibrous (unemployed) posterior mandibular ridge.
• the impression is retained in the patient mouth; then a low
viscosity material will be painted or syringed these onto the
displaceable tissue (to record them in a minimally-displaced
(Plaster of Paris if ZO/E was used, light-bodied PVS if a medium-bodied
one was used)
Another technique
Make a primary impression with modelling
compound in stock tray
Remove or scrap the compound over the areas which
need relief and make perforations in the compound to
allow escapement of the impression material without
displacing the flabby tissue
Make the final impression (wash) with ZOE or
medium rubber base impression material.
• The chair side relining material is mixed according to the
manufacturer instructions.
• The material is added to the fitting surface of the denture &
the patient is instructed to wear the denture for one hour.
1- Allow equal distribution of pressure to allow mucosal
2- Record mucosa during function.
3- Allow maximum extension of the denture.
• Tray should be 2mm shorter than vestibular depth to accommodate the border
molding material
• Tray should cover the retromolar pad
Border molding
Border molding is "The shaping of an impression material by
the manipulation or action of the tissues adjacent to the
borders of the impression"
• Border molding begins with manipulation of the border tissues
against the border molding material applied on the tray
Border molding may be:
The lips are first elevated & then moved outwards, downwards and
Steps of making final maxillary wash impression Green stick compound & ZnO/E
b. Large voids
c. Improper consistency of impression material
d. Movement of the tray during the setting of the impression material.
Inadequate scrapping of the border molding material
incisive papilla
b. palatal rugae
c. median palatine raphe
d. maxillary tuberosity
e. pterygomaxillary notch
f. fovea palatini and
vibrating line area
k. labial frenum E E
a. retromolar pad A A
b. mylohyoid (internal
oblique line)
c. masseteric notch B
d. residual alveolar
ridge C
e. lingual frenum
f. external oblique
g. buccal frenum
h. labial frenum
Procedure :
1. After taking and disinfecting the impression, remove the excess water
from the impression.
2. Use permanent marker to place a line around the entire impression
approximately 3 mm from the peripheral border roll to designate the
desired extension for the border .
3. Adapt two or three pieces of beading wax to the tray’s polished surface to
adjust the impression above the countertop to keep the ridge level.
4. Invert the tube of the commercially available instant adhesive downwards
and then squeeze gently to apply it along the marked line, taking care that
it does not contact the skin .
5. Take the pre-prepared bead of the wax or bead made up of base plate wax
and stick it at the mark line with instant adhesive
6. Further strengthening of the junction of bead and elastic impression is
done by melting the wax around.
7. Place the boxing wax over the wax beading in usual manner by instant
adhesive or by melting the wax .
8. Make a mix of dental stone and pour the boxed impression in the
customary manner to control the thickness of the stone for the base .
9. After the stone is set, remove the boxing and beading from the impression
and trim the cast if required to preserve the land of the cast .
Place the final impression into plaster. Try to seal around the impression
using wet finger. About 2-3 mm of the impression borders should be
visible superior to the plaster and all the tissue surface should plaster free.
Again use wet finger to smoothen and seal the surface of the plaster. Rap
a strip of boxing wax around the plaster. Seal it with hot wax spatula.
The advantages of this technique are its speed and ease of use. Then
pouring and trimming the master casts is performed.