Land Use Land Cover Classification
Land Use Land Cover Classification
Land Use Land Cover Classification
Land Use Land Cover Classification and Change Detection Using High
Resolution Temporal Satellite Data
96 37,203
2 authors, including:
Sopan T Ingle
North Maharashtra University
All content following this page was uploaded by Sopan T Ingle on 29 May 2014.
Research Paper
Land use and land cover change has become a central component in current strategies for managing natural resources
and monitoring environmental changes. To maintain the present natural resources and to understand the causes and
consequences of over exploitation of soil and water resources the land use, a land cover mapping and monitoring was
done in the study area i.e. Jalgaon District. In this study, satellite images for March and November 2007 were used for
LULC (Land Use/ Land Cover) Supervised classification. For the classification purposes, seven LULC classes
were decided. For Accuracy Assessment Classification error matrix and KAPPA analysis was done. Change Detection
between both the images for all the land use and land cover classes were computed. The most extensive land cover
category of the District in November is agricultural land i.e. 49.43%. The second most extensive land cover category is
barren land, 28.31% in March. Saline area shows significant difference in both seasons. The major change (+ 9.02%)
identified, in the study, was in Agricultural area from pre-monsoon to post-monsoon season. The overall accuracy of
classification methodology is 89% and 91.02% and Kappa statistics is 0.86 and 0.88 respectively for the March and
November images.
Keywords: Land Use, Land Cover, Supervised Classification, Change Detection, Accuracy Assessment
1. Introduction
Land cover refers to the physical characteristics of Earth's activities on his natural resource base over time. In
surface, captured in the distribution of vegetation, water, situations of rapid and often unrecorded land use change,
soil and other physical features. Landuse refers to the way observations of the Earth from space provide objective
in which land has been used by humans and their habitats information of human utilization of the landscape. Over
(such as agriculture, settlements, industry etc.). Although the past years, data from the Earth sensing satellites have
land use is generally inferred based on the cover, yet both become vital in mapping the Earth's features and
the terms land use and land cover being closely related are infrastructures, managing natural resources and studying
interchangeable. For example, settlement is cover but if we environmental change (Zubair, 2006).
include buildings whether it is being used for residence or
industrial activity, it shows the land use component Rao & Narendra (2006) and Boakye et al (2008) have done
(Chaudhary et al, 2008). the mapping of land use and land cover changes using
unsupervised classification methodology. They used
Land use and land cover change has become a central ERDAS imagine software for classification and final maps
component in current strategies for managing natural preparation. There are many studies found in which many
resources and monitoring environmental changes. Viewing researcher or scientists have used ERDAS imagine
the Earth from space is now crucial to understand man's software for the classification purpose. Asadi et al (2010),
To maintain the present natural resources and to underst- The temporal satellite data IRS P-6 LISS III of the study
and the causes and consequences of over exploitation of area is pertained to two different seasons, pre-monsoon
soil and water resources the land use and land cover and post-monsoon. Hence the images had to be co-
mapping and monitoring was required essentially in the registered normalised and subset for input into the
study area i.e. Jalgaon, Indian, hence the current study was classification and change detection process. Maximum
Likelihood classifier was used in the supervised classifica- After Supervised classification initial LULC map is edited
tion method in this particular study. Many literatures on the basis of ground verification of doubtful areas and
reviewed for the selection of the appropriate and best some classes were recoded into their respective classes.
classification method. Rao & Narendra (2006), Remi et al Clump and Eliminate process were run to get the final
(2007) and Chaudhary et al (2008) have widely used LULC map in ERDAS IMAGINE. Ground truthing/
popular supervised classification technique, the maximum verification were done on those particular areas, which
likelihood classifier for the LULC classification in their were not clear in the classification. In this process, land
respective studies. use and land cover maps were prepared initially and the
Jonathan et al (2007) decided that the Maximum Likeliho- confusing spots were identified. For each class i.e.
od Classification Algorithm (ML) would be an appropriate agriculture, forest, water bodies, settlement and barren
choice, since it is an extremely simple and easily land, at least ten points were marked. An exhaustive
implemented algorithm, but at the same time, is very well ground truthing of study area was carried out with the help
known and has already been successfully applied to a of GPS and made some corrections subsequently. The
broad range of remote sensing problems (Lillesand & ground reference data used for the image classification was
Kiefer, 2000). Therefore in this particular study, supervi- further applied in accuracy assessment purpose.
sed classification (Maximum Likelihood Classifier) is
done on the image processing software ERDAS Imagine After ground truthing, Accuracy assessment was carried
9.1 for the land use land cover classification. out. It is most important aspect to assess the reliability of
map. No image classification is said to be complete unless
For the classification I level, seven LULC classes i.e. its accuracy has been assessed. To determine the accuracy
Barren land, Settlement, Salt Affected Area, Forest land, of classification, a sample of pixels is selected on the
Waterbody, Harvested land and Agricultural land were classified image and their class identity is compared with
classified. The reason for using these seven classes is the ground reference data.
that, at this more generalized first and second level, an
accuracy in interpretation can be attained that will Evaluating the quality of a classification result is of high
make the land use and land cover data comparable in importance in remote sensing since it gives evidence of
quality to those obtained from other methods used in this how well the classifier is capable of extracting the desired
study. For land use and land cover data needed for the objects from the image. In this study the classification
identification and mapping of Salt affected and error matrix is used which is the common means of
waterlogged areas, the choice of these classes are expressing classification accuracy. The second technique
appropriate and the accuracy of interpretation at the used for accuracy assessment is the KAPPA analysis.
generalized first level is satisfactory when the interpreter KAPPA analysis is discrete multivariate technique which
makes the correct interpretation 85-90% of the time. And calculates the producer’s and user’s overall accuracy, as
generally, information at level I is of interest to users who well as the Kappa accuracy level. After accuracy assessm-
desire data on a nationwide, interstate or district wide basis ent and correction the class wise area of March 2007
(Anderson et al, 2001). image and November 2007 image was calculated (Table
The classification is done for all the 15 major and medium
irrigation projects of Jalgaon District and the whole district In land use land cover classification change detection is
area. For Supervised classification total of 123 training very important process which is done after the completion
sites were made by demarcating a polygon or an area of of calculation and analysis of the land use land cover
interest for all the seven land use and land cover types. classes from pre and post monsoon images i.e. March 2007
and November 2007. By using Change Detection option in 3.1.1. Extent of Land Cover Categories in District Area
ERDAS IMAGINE software, the differences between two
images of pre and post monsoon for all the seven land use Jalgaon District comprising 11,765 sq. km geographical
and land cover classes were computed. The detailed area, have 15 Talukas (Local Jurisdiction areas falling
methodology is illustrated in flowchart in Figure 1. under the administrative powers of District Magistrate) and
March November
S. No. Classes
Sq. km % Sq. km %
1 Salt Affected Area 588.25 5.00 291.70 2.48
2 Barren Land 3330.60 28.31 2927.13 24.88
3 Harvested Area 1764.75 15.00 1176.50 10.00
4 Water Body 211.77 1.80 258.83 2.20
5 Agricultural Area 4754.23 40.41 5815.44 49.43
6 Forest Area 941.20 8.00 1120.02 9.52
7 Settlements 175.29 1.49 175.20 1.49
Total 11765.00 100.00 11765.00 100.00
3. Results and Discussion 1519 villages. According to 1951 census the population
was 14,71,351 which became more than double in 2001
3.1. Land Use and Land Cover Mapping and Change census i.e. 36,82,690. The forest area in the district in
Detection 1956-57 was about 1620 sq. km i.e. 13.92% (Dist. Gazett-
eer, 1956-57) but in 2005-06 it was estimated about (5.0%) and 291.7 sq. km (2.48%) in November
10.90% of the total geographic area (State of Forest which shows significant difference and will be discussed
Report, 2005). in forthcoming sections of the paper. The above mentioned
results indicate that there is significant difference in the
The supervised classification conducted on the March and pre-monsoon season and post-monsoon season, which
November, 2007 images (Figure 2 a-b), the forest area in can be clearly seen in the Figure 2 (a and b). As shown in
the district specifically shows greater variations. As shown Table 2, water body covers 258.83 sq. km (2.2%) in post-
in Table 2, the forest area calculated in November 2007 monsoon season and 211.77 sq. km (1.8%) in pre monsoon
image was 1120.02 sq. km i.e. 9.52% but in March 2007 season. The last land cover/ land use class classified
image the forest area was decreased to 8.0% because, the by the supervised classification is settlement. Settlement is
forests on the Satpuda mountains become naked due to an area of human habitation, which has a cover of
leaves fall off the trees in this season. So, the mountains buildings and network of transport and other civic
appear barren in this season. As there will not be much amenities. The total area under settlements is estimated
difference between the two seasons of a year as confirmed about 175.2 sq. km which is 1.49% of the total district
by ground truthing, but as compared to State of Forest area.
Report 2005, the forest area in the year 2005 was estimated
10.90% which has decreased by 1.38% within two years 3.2. Land Use/ Land Cover Changes and Accuracy
(2005-2007). Assessment of Jalgaon District
Table 2 shows that the most extensive land cover category Table 3 shows the changes in various land use land cover
of the District as in November image (Post-monsoon) and categories (in sq. km and percentages) during the pre-
March image (Pre-monsoon) was agricultural land i.e. monsoon and post-monsoon period, in the year 2007. The
49.43% and 40.41% respectively. The difference between major change identified in the study was in Agricultural
the two seasons here in the same class was due to the area. This area has been increased by 9.02% from pre-
harvesting process that generally took place in March. monsoon to post-monsoon season, which is followed by
That’s why the harvested land in March is 1764.7 sq. km the next major change in harvested land which has been
or 15% of the total area, while in post monsoon season, it decreased by 5.0% from pre-monsoon to post-monsoon
is reduced to 1176.5 sq. km or 10% of its total area. But favouring the fact that farmers harvest their crops in pre-
according to district gazetteer of 1956-57, the agricultural monsoon season indicating the cropping pattern of India
area mentioned was 7769.8 sq. km which shows that there which is in accordance with the country's climatic
was slight reduction in agricultural practices during 50 conditions.
years (1957-2007) which may be due to changing cropping
pattern or people have shifted to other occupation. Also, in post monsoon season barren and saline areas
had significant reductions due to availability of water
As shown in the Table 2, the second most extensive land which lead to revegetation in barren lands, and the salts of
cover category is barren land, which had covered about saline lands also dissolve in water and leaches out in to
3330.6 sq. km (28.31%) in March and 2927.13 sq. km the ground and mixes with underground water or if the
(24.88%) in November. This is followed by harvested land water level is high it dissolve with water and saturates on
and forest area. Saline area covers 588.25 sq. km in March the upper level of ground but cannot be remarkably
identified. As soon as water evaporates in summer season irrigation projected area separately.
or pre-monsoon season salts again become visible as
white patches on the soil surface (WALMI, 1995). This study successfully shows that the change detection
Therefore, the change recorded for saline areas is about - techniques can applied to land use land cover change using
4.5%. The barren land shows about 3.43% decrease from remote sensing data. The study shows that the major
March to November due to revegetation in post monsoon change identified in the study area is in Agricultural area
season. 9.02% increased from March to November. There are
Table 3. Change Detection Statistics and Accuracy Assessment for Classification in the District Area
The statistics of change detection shows (Table 3), there is some changes also reflected in the study in the saline areas
only 0.4% increase in the water body from pre-monsoon to and water body from pre-monsoon to post-monsoon
post-monsoon and no change has shown in the settlement season. The overall accuracy achieved in the study is 89%
class. for March image and 91.02% for November which is
satisfactory. Both of the accuracy assessment indicate
The results in Table 3 show that the performance of the Kappa coefficient nearer to one.
classification methodology is in general quite good,
reaching an overall accuracy of 89% and 91.02% and The study shows that lack of management and spatial
Kappa statistics is 0.86 and 0.88 respectively for the March information in irrigation projects, which may be alleviated
and November images. Both of the accuracy assessments with remote sensing data that can provide opportunities for
indicate high Kappa values which are close to one (1). It periodical survey of land use/ land cover changes and their
means that the true (i.e. observed value) agreement spatial distribution.
approaches to 1 and chance of agreement approaches to 0.
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