Research Article
[b] CONICET - National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina. Department
of Psychology, Psychology Research Institute, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Procrastination is a deleterious and increasingly pervasive phenomenon within the higher-
academic domain, and the progressive refinement of its measurement tools proves vital to
shed light and undertake this behavior. Thus, the present study examines renewed
psychometric quality features of the Tuckman Procrastination Scale within an Argentinian
sample. The sample was composed of 923 undergraduates from Buenos Aires City and its
environs (80.7% female; 18.7% male; 0.5% non-binary; Mage = 26.60; SDage = 8.25). The
Cordoban-Argentinian adaptation of the Tuckman Procrastination Scale was employed.
Content validity analysis of the scale’s items was carried out upon consideration of expert
judgments. Face validity of the instrument was analyzed via a pilot study with a subsample of
undergraduates. Subsequently, a confirmatory factor analysis of the Tuckman
Procrastination Scale structure was conducted, and the internal consistency of the resulting
factor was examined. Finally, correlations with the Academic Motivation Scale were analyzed
to provide evidence of convergent validity. Results of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis
supported an adequate fit of the Tuckman Procrastination Scale’s structure in its Cordoban-
version 15 items, while internal consistency was acceptable-to-excellent. Finally, convergent
validity evidence mostly exhibited positive associations between Procrastination and both
Amotivation and less self-determined motivational subscales of the Academic Motivation
Scale, while negative associations were observed with regards to Intrinsic Motivation
Table of Contents
Recommendations for Future Research
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Procrastination has been defined as the tendency to voluntarily put off tasks, despite
knowing the delay worsens one's performance, stemming from self-regulation failure (Steel
2007; Steel, 2010; Tuckman, 1991).
Procrastination is a highly pervasive problem within the academic domain, where reports
point towards at least half of all students incurring in this behavior (Ferrari et al., 2009;
Solomon & Rothblum, 1984). Other studies argue a progressive increase in its prevalence
over the years (Steel, 2007), which might steepen in recent times due to increasing
information-and-communication-technology usage among students (Reinecke & Hofmann,
2016). Procrastination has been linked in turn with a worsened academic performance and
psychological distress among undergraduates (Kim & Seo, 2015; Stöber & Joormann, 2001;
Tice & Baumeister 1997; Van Eerde, 2003). In both its omnipresence and its link with
adverse outcomes within the academic milieu, procrastinatory tendencies constitute a
behavioral pattern of which its amelioration proves a necessary endeavor (Ellis & Knaus,
Procrastination measurement
The vital input of the measurement of Procrastination towards aiding psychological research
on this widespread and deleterious behavior has been asserted within the literature (Fernie
et al., 2016). Moreover, reports posit that increasingly comprehensive and valid frameworks
of procrastinatory behavior are necessary (Van Eerde, 2003; Zhang et al., 2019), where the
existence of ongoing debates gravitate towards how to further refine empirical measures of
Procrastination (Steel, 2010).
Currently, self-reports are the most employed and reliable procrastination measures (Zhang
et al., 2019); yet, it has been suggested that little research has been undergone in the way of
producing satisfactorily valid academic procrastination scales (McCloskey, 2011).
The most commonly known and used scales have been Lay's General Procrastination Scale
(GPS; Lay, 1986), Solomon and Rothblum's (1984) PASS scale, and the Tuckman
Procrastination Scale (TPS; Tuckman, 1991). Of these former scales, both the GPS and the
PASS were designed with either dated definitions of Procrastination in mind or with scales
that did not exclusively assess procrastinatory behaviors (McCloskey, 2011). Thus, the TPS
stands out as one of the most utilized procrastination scales within the academic domain
whose designing definition of the construct converges with recent literature delineations (Kim
& Seo, 2015; Sirois & Pychyl, 2013; Steel, 2010).
Regarding the scale's construct validity, studies reported 1-factor models that exhibited
adequate fit. However, in many instances, the number of items retained within the
Procrastination factor decreased, out of 16 original items (Tuckman, 1991) to 14 (Serhatoglu,
2018; Uzun-Özer et al., 2013) or even 9 (Pinxten et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2020). Notably, the
number of studies that examined construct validity of the scale lacks in comparison to the
instrument's vast history of use (Kim & Seo, 2015; McCloskey, 2011). This marked contrast
between the scale's employment and the number of psychometric quality assessment
studies implies that a more comprehensive work on the assessment of the instrument's
psychometric features is needed.
From a local perspective, the TPS has been previously adapted to be used with Argentinian
population. Furlan et al. (2010) began with a 35-item version of the TPS. The authors
translated the instrument into Spanish and carried out a pilot study and an exploratory factor
analysis with Cordoban Psychology undergraduates – a city of the central part of Argentina
which gathers a significant proportion of the Argentinian population and houses one of the
country's most prominent universities. The resulting scale was comprised of 15 items. Its
one-dimensional structure exhibited a good fit in a second study, which employed a sample
of multiple career undergraduates, and displayed adequate internal reliability values (Furlan
et al., 2012).
Nonetheless, it should be noted that the studies mentioned above exclusively employed a
student sample of Argentina's Córdoba city. To warrant a more in-depth assessment of the
scale properties, studies within populations from varying regions of countries would do best
by carrying out multiple psychometric property assessment studies employing increasingly
diverse samples (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2009). Additionally, the original adaptation sample from
which both the pilot-testing and item-selection procedures were carried out was exclusively
composed of Psychology students (Furlan et al., 2010). Thus, further validation studies
would aid by exploring internal structure evidence with a broader sample of undergraduates
from additional country areas. The conjunction of these facts warrants additional analyses
which delve into the scale's psychometric properties.
Finally, the TPS is not without its criticisms – caveats have pointed towards the need for a
more solid construct validation (McCloskey, 2011), as opposed to the study where the 1-
factor structure was verified – originating from a factorial analysis of a sample of 50 students
(Tuckman, 1991). All in all, considering its vast usage history, the TPS remains an ideal
instrument for procrastination assessment within the academic domain – provided continual
psychometric quality assessment is carried out.
Moreover, possessing more extensive and increasingly diverse samples such as from
different universities and diverse areas of countries would undoubtedly strengthen previous
national findings and provide further evidence of the TPS's validity and reliability (Uzun-Özer
et al., 2013).
Consistent with its definition, reports have long posited that Procrastination can be
considered as arising from a motivational deficit or failure (Haghbin et al., 2012; Klassen et
al., 2008; Klingsieck et al., 2013; Senecal et al., 1995; Yurtseven & Dogan, 2019). These
findings have led to an extensive line of research embedded in identifying and analyzing
individual differences linked to the tendency to procrastinate (Klingsieck et al., 2013), of
which motivation has been proven to be a key factor (Rakes & Dunn, 2010).
An instrumental and correlational study design was implemented.
Participants were recruited through convenience sampling. The sample was divided in
twofold: a first subset was composed of 5 undergraduates majoring in diverse subjects from
public universities of Buenos Aires City and its environs in Argentina (3 women; 2 men; Mage
= 25.20; SDage = 2.28). The second subset was comprised of 923 undergraduates of the
same academic background as the first sample (80.7% female; 18.7% male; 0.5% non-
binary; Mage = 26.60; SDage = 8.25). The first subset was selected for a pilot study, whereas
the second was used to carry out internal structure, internal consistency, and convergent
validity analyses.
Sociodemographic Survey. Participants indicated their age, gender, and academic
background information.
Tuckman Procrastination Scale (TPS). The TPS assesses Procrastination within the
academic domain, according to the previously mentioned definition (Tuckman, 1991). The
Cordoban-Argentinian adaptation of the scale was employed (Furlan et al., 2010; Furlan et
al., 2012).
Academic Motivation Scale (AMS). The Argentinian version of the Academic Motivation
Scale was employed (Stover et al., 2012; Vallerand et al., 1992) to examine convergent
validity evidence with the TPS. This scale assesses seven academic-motivational subtypes
per Self-Determination Theory. From least to most self-determined: (a) Amotivation –A;
unregulated behavior or absence of motivation, (b) Extrinsic Motivation – External –EM-Ext;
behaviors carried out in avoidance of punishment or for the obtainment of external rewards,
(c) Extrinsic Motivation – Introjected –EM-Int; behaviors carried out in avoidance of anxiety or
guilt for not executing them or for improvement of the individual's self-esteem, (d) Extrinsic
Motivation – Identified –EM-Id; extrinsic yet abstract motives guide the selection of
behaviors, (e) Intrinsic Motivation towards Knowledge –IM-Know; the pleasure of learning
guides the execution of tasks, (f) Intrinsic Motivation towards Achievement –IM-Achieve;
refers to emergent satisfaction upon the overcoming of one's limits, and (g) Intrinsic
Motivation towards Stimulating Experiences –IM-SE; activities are performed for aesthetical,
intellectual or sensorial sensations. The scale has shown adequate reliability and evidence of
both internal and external validity regarding local university students (Stover et al., 2012;
Stover et al., 2015).
Data collection was carried out through an online survey. Participants were recruited via
social media student groups, where a link to the survey was provided. Undergraduates gave
informed consent to participate and were simultaneously briefed regarding the confidentiality
of their responses as well as the possibility to desist from participating at any point in the
procedure. Subjects received no form of compensation for their participation in the study.
Content Validity
Five experts in Educational Psychology and Psychometrics gave their judgments on the
pertinence of the TPS items regarding the assessed construct. Expert judgment was
calculated through Aiken indices.
Face Validity
5 undergraduates from Buenos Aires City and its environs underwent a pilot study of the TPS
in its Argentinian-Cordoban version. Each offered their views on the comprehensibility, clarity
and familiarity with the wording of the scale's items, the verbalized task and the response
Convergent Validity
Normality assumption of Procrastination-total and Academic Motivation-subscale variables
was assessed, of which only for the Amotivation subscale of the AMS this was not
supported. Thus, Pearson's r correlation coefficients were calculated for associations of all
variables with the exception of Amotivation, of which Spearman's rho was estimated.
Correlational effect sizes were interpreted regarding values suggested by recent meta-
analytical literature (r > .10 small, r > .20 medium, r > .30 large; Gignac & Szodorai, 2016),
rather than utilizing typical cut-off criteria (e.g., Cohen, 1992), on account of
recommendations made by recent reports (Correll et al. 2020; Funder & Ozer, 2019).
Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS 25.0 software package, as well as RStudio
lavaan (Rosseel, 2012) and psych (Revelle, 2017) packages.
Content Analysis
Regarding content analysis, the scales' 15 items exhibited Aiken coefficients equal to or
higher than 0.80, which ensured the scale's content validity within the educational context.
Pilot Study
Following students' suggestions, changes were made to the task and several item wordings,
as well as semantic anchorage of the whole five points of the Likert scale was provided to
facilitate the response experience.
A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed to assess the construct validity of the
procrastination model outlined in the Method section. Examination of goodness-of-fit indices
revealed a good overall fit of the one-dimensional structure. Fit indices –CFI, TLI, RMSEA
and SRMR– exhibited adequate-to-optimal values (CFI > .95, TLI > .95, RMSEA < .06,
SRMR < .08; Marsh et al., 2004). It should be noted that, despite encountering a statistically
significant chi-square value, this can be attributed to the usage of a large sample and thus
not lead in its sole examination to model rejection (Tanaka, 1987). Regarding path
coefficients pertaining to the scale's items, all were significant at p < .001 and above
acceptable parameters (>.30 Whitley & Kite, 2013). However, only one item surpassed
optimal estimation levels (>.70, R2 > .50; Kline, 2011) with other six items closely in
approximation. Fit indices, estimated path coefficients, and overall CFA structure are
summarized in Table 1 and Figure 1.
Table 1.
Tuckman Procrastination Scale Confirmatory Analysis. Fit Indices
Fit Indices
574.025*** 150 .957 .970 .055 [.051-.060]* .064
(DWLS Estimation)
Figure 1. Tuckman Procrastination Scale - CFA Path Diagram. Note: all estimated
standardized paths were significant at p < .001
Table 2.
Procrastination and Academic Motivation Scale's subscales. Correlation Analyses
IM-SE IM-Know EM-Id EM-Int EM-Ext A
Procrastination -.24*** -.19*** -.16*** -.04 .10** .00 .28***a
Spearman’s rho; ** p < .01; *** p < .001
The present study aimed to offer new psychometric property analyses regarding the
Argentinian version of the TPS for university-level students, insofar as past validation studies
were circumscribed to a specific area of the country and thus reflected a need to complement
past work by employing a renewed sample of students of differing environs. Consequently,
this study provides renewed evidence as to the scale's content, face, construct and
convergent validity evidence, as well as an assessment of its internal reliability. From an
applied perspective, psychometric quality and technical properties of the scale within a
broader national area are provided. From an instrumental standpoint, evidence of the
dimensional structure of the construct is conveyed.
Decisions to maintain the TPS's Cordoban-version 15 items arisen from expert judgments
and the heeding of student suggestions ensured both the correspondence of the scale's
content regarding the measurement of the Procrastination construct in its original definition
(Tuckman, 1991) and a smoothed response experience tailored to the Buenos-Aires-city-
and-environs linguistic particularities. Internal structure analysis of the TPS confirmed an
adequate fit of the theoretically underlying model, coinciding with previous literature findings
regarding construct validity analyses of the scale (Furlan et al., 2012; Serhatoglu, 2018;
Uzun-Özer et al., 2013). Regarding item-level estimated parameters, these satisfied
minimum requirements of acceptability (Whitley & Kite, 2013) and were in turn similar to
those reported in the Cordoban-Argentinian construct validity assessment study (Furlan et
al., 2012). However, it should be noted that only item number 3 surpassed optimal parameter
criteria (Kline, 2011), with items number 1, 2, 4, 8, 10 and 15 closely approximating this. The
aggregation of these facts implies that, in terms of the scale's internal structure, evidence
points towards the satisfactory feasibility of its usage to assess procrastinatory tendencies
amidst undergraduates. However, refinement and depuration of its items may be overdue
and welcomed as an addition to the Procrastination measurement literature.
The indicators above point towards evidence of an adequate representation of the theoretical
procrastination structure on an empirical level within the Buenos-Aires-City-and-environs
university-level context. These elements provide further assurance as to the viability of
assessing the Procrastination construct on the Argentinian higher-education domain.
Considering that the present study encompassed a large sample of students from within the
largest city in Argentina and further environs, this fact, in conjunction with the similarity in
results with regards to the past Argentinian report (Furlan et al., 2012), offer evidence in
favor of the representativeness and applicability of the TPS within the country. However,
notwithstanding the positive outlook that the present results may offer, future studies should
pay close attention to the instrument's item-level loadings to ensure continued robust
evidence of its internal validity.
Regarding current convergent validity results, the findings of negative associations between
procrastination and intrinsic motivation subtypes as well as positive associations regarding
procrastination and extrinsic and amotivation subscales follow literature findings in an overall
manner (Bosato, 2001; Brownlow & Reasinger, 2000; Burnam et al., 2014; Cavusoglu &
Karatas, 2015; Katz et al., 2014; Lee, 2005; Milgram et al., 2003; Seo, 2013; Yurtseven &
Dogan, 2019). It would thus appear that students who possess either an absence of
motivation or less self-determined motivational profiles also exhibit higher procrastinatory
tendencies, while for more self-regulated undergraduates Procrastination levels appear at a
Notably, exceptions were the lack of statistically significant associations between the TPS
and both EM-Id and EM-Ext AMS subscales. Associations between the EM-Id AMS subscale
and Procrastination proved to be a conflicted finding in past studies (Cerino, 2014; Chang,
2014; Rebetez et al., 2015; Senecal et al., 1995), while in turn the same occurred regarding
the EM-Ext AMS subscale (Cerino, 2014; Rebetez et al., 2015). This information might
explain the absence of significant correlations hereby reported. Thus, while these factors
warrant additional attention in the future, they may not be considered a complete exception
within the existing literature. In addition to this, the absence of significant associations may
also be attributed to the profusion of dimensions of the local version of the AMS: while some
studies employed the latter scale considering 3 or 4 motivational dimensions (Cavusoglu &
Karatas, 2015; Orpen, 1998; Senecal et al., 1995), the Argentinian version exhibits a
whopping seven dimensions for which a total of 27 items are distributed along (Stover et al.,
2012). The latter fact might have been the result of an attempt to over-represent the
underlying motivational theory, which may have caused motivational factors to overlap and
thus not correlate with the TPS within the present study.
In this sense, correlational analyses point towards adequate convergent validity evidence of
the TPS scale regarding motivation within the academic context, with coefficients bearing
similarity with those reported on extant literature studies. Nonetheless, further evidence of
the association between the TPS and a more diverse array of constructs will be needed to
ascertain the present findings.
Practical implications of the findings presently reported are the possibility of performing an
adequate assessment of procrastinatory tendencies of individuals currently inserted within
the higher-academic domain. Furthermore, considering the university population's
educational capacities, the furthering of validity and reliability evidence hereby presented
allows for the consideration of a self-assessment of Procrastination. Thus, a Procrastination
assessment by the students themselves would allow undergraduates to gain conscience of
their dilatory tendencies and eventually facilitate them to modify them if these prove not to be
adaptive with regards to their performance. Secondly, an effective Procrastination diagnosis
could lead to increasingly personalized and refined interventions, either individual or grouped
by academic seniority level. Moreover, an increasingly apt assessment may allow for a finer
detection of this problematic behavioral pattern; thus, it ultimately warrants the consideration
of promoting more functional educational approaches among undergraduates, which could
reduce the occurrence of procrastinatory behavior.
The limitations of the study include the fact that the sample was not gender-balanced, which
may have altered the interpretation of results. Future studies should consider conducting
additional internal and external validity analyses with more balanced samples. Pertaining to
this, future studies might also benefit from performing factorial-invariance analyses of the
TPS with regards to both gender and academic seniority.
Additionally, analyses and respective findings stemmed from a correlational design. Future
work might do good to implement longitudinal designs; this modification may broaden the
generalization of results.
Finally, a convenience sampling method and exclusively self-report instruments were used
within the present study, facts which warrant particular attention upon interpretation of
Admittedly, not all variants of procrastinatory behavior have been found to hold negative
connotations within the literature, as several reports within past years have found
Procrastination to be multidimensional in nature (Hensley, 2013, 2016; McCloskey, 2011).
Thus, future studies which incorporate aspects of procrastinatory tendencies not defined in a
traditional sense, such as Active Procrastination (Choi & Moran, 2009; Chu & Choi, 2005),
may shed some light on multiple facets of the construct and its measurement (Michinov et
al., 2011).
Moreover, future studies could consider analyzing and proposing a briefer version of the
TPS. This suggestion turns robust upon examination of recent literature employments of the
scale, where a combination between high internal reliability values and progressive item
reduction within studies has resulted in successful implementations of increasingly shortened
versions of the TPS (Kim et al., 2020; Meier et al., 2016; Pinxten et al., 2019; Schnauber-
Stockmann et al., 2018; Uzun-Özer et al., 2013). This in turn reflects recent literature
ventures regarding other Procrastination scales (Klingsieck & Fries, 2012; McCloskey, 2011;
Sirois et al., 2019; Yockey, 2016). In light of results regarding the internal structure analyses
conducted within the frame of this study, consideration of reduction of the TPS items with
particular attention upon items number 1, 2, 4, 8, 10 and 15 may prove an auspicious
offering ampler validity and reliability evidence of the TPS in the Argentinian university-level
The research was funded by the University of Buenos Aires through a Ph.D. Fellowship
Grant Program.
Other Support/Acknowledgement
The authors have no support to report.
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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Tuckman Procrastination Scale – task wording and response format across studies
Tuckman, 1991 Furlan, 2010; 2012 Present Study
- USA - Argentina - Argentina
Durante su carrera un estudiante Durante su carrera, un estudiante usualmente debe
debe cumplir diferentes cumplir con distintas actividades como, por
actividades de aprendizaje, como ejemplo, leer textos, resolver ejercicios, prepararse
leer textos, resolver ejercicios, para rendir, hacer y presentar trabajos prácticos, y
prepararse para rendir, redactar y demás. Las siguientes frases describen algunas
Not Available presentar trabajos, etc.; y las situaciones que les pasan a los estudiantes cuando
siguientes frases describen tienen que hacer estas actividades.
algunas cosas que les pasan a los No hay respuestas correctas o incorrectas.
estudiantes cuando deben Intentá responder lo más honestamente que
realizarlas. Indica con qué puedas en relación con tu experiencia. Indicá con
frecuencia esto te ocurre. qué frecuencia estas cosas te pasan.
that's me for
Likert sure; that's my 5-point: 5-point:
Scale tendency; that's 1=“Nunca me ocurre” to Nunca me pasa; Casi nunca me pasa; A veces me
Wording not my 5=“Siempre me ocurre”. pasa; Casi siempre me pasa; Siempre me pasa.
tendency; that's
not me for sure.
Tuckman, 1991 - USA Furlan et al., 2012 - Argentina Present Study - Argentina
I needlessly delay finishing Demoro innecesariamente en Demoro innecesariamente en
1 jobs, even when they're terminar trabajos, incluso cuando terminar trabajos, incluso
important. son importantes. cuando son importantes.
Pospongo el comienzo de
I postpone starting in on things Pospongo el comenzar con cosas
2 cosas que no me gusta
I don't like to do. que no me gusta hacer.
Cuando tengo una fecha
When I have a deadline, I wait Cuando tengo una fecha límite,
3 límite, espero hasta el último
till the last minute. espero hasta el último minuto.
I keep putting off improving my Sigo posponiendo el mejorar mis Pospongo el mejorar mis
work habits. hábitos de trabajo. hábitos de trabajo o estudio.
Empiezo a trabajar de
Empiezo a trabajar de inmediato,
I get right to work, even on inmediato, incluso en
5 incluso en actividades que me
life's unpleasant chores. actividades que me resultan
resultan displacenteras.
Me las arreglo para encontrar Me las arreglo para encontrar
I manage to find an excuse for
6 excusas para no hacer algunas excusas para no hacer
not doing something.
cosas. algunas cosas.
I put the necessary time into Destino el tiempo necesario a las Dedico el tiempo necesario a
7 even boring tasks, like actividades aunque me resulten las actividades aunque me
studying. aburridas. resulten aburridas.
I'm a time waster now but I Derrocho mucho tiempo y me Derrocho mucho tiempo y me
8 can't seem to do anything parece que no puedo hacer nada parece que no puedo hacer
about it. al respecto. nada al respecto.
Cuando algo me resulta muy
When something's not worth Cuando algo me resulta muy difícil
9 difícil de abordar, pienso en
the trouble, I stop. de abordar, pienso en postergarlo.
I promise myself I'll do Me propongo que haré algo y Me propongo que haré algo y
10 something and then drag my luego no logro comenzarlo o luego no logro empezarlo o
feet. terminarlo. terminarlo.
Cuando hago un plan de
Whenever I make a plan of Siempre que hago un plan de
11 trabajo o de estudio, lo
action, I follow it. acción, lo sigo.
Desearía encontrar una
I wish I could find an easy way Desearía encontrar una forma fácil
12 forma fácil de ponerme en
to get myself moving. de ponerme en movimiento.
Aunque me enoje conmigo
Even though I hate myself if I Aunque me enoje conmigo cuando
mismo/a cuando no hago las
13 don't get started, it doesn't get no hago las cosas, no logro
cosas de la facultad, me
me going. motivarme.
cuesta motivarme.
Termino las actividades
I always finish important jobs Siempre termino las actividades
14 importantes con tiempo de
with time to spare. importantes con tiempo de sobra.
I get stuck in neutral even Aunque sé que es importante Aunque sé que es importante
15 though I know how important it comenzar con una actividad, me comenzar con una actividad,
is to get started. cuesta arrancar. me cuesta arrancar.
Mercedes Fernández Liporace Psychologist, Ph. D., is a Full Professor at the University of
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently, she serves as Head Researcher on Psycometrics at the
University of Buenos Aires and as Senior Researcher at CONICET (National Council of
Scientific and Technical Research - Argentina). She is the author of numerous articles and
has compiled several books on psychological assessment.