IP Camera Quick Start Guide
IP Camera Quick Start Guide
IP Camera Quick Start Guide
Thank you for purchasing a Vilar IP Camera. The VS-IPC 1002 is a high performance IP Camera. The camera provides many features such as steady network connection, powerful customer management, compatibility and security. You can use it simple and convenient. This guide explains how to install this camera fast. For more details, please refer to the [ UP-009 IP Camera User Manual.doc] on accessory CD.
Connect the power adapter to the IP Camera power socket and then insert the plug into an available power outlet.
Start up your computer, and make sure it connects to the LAN successfully. Click Start>Running, and enter command (for Windows 95/98/ME) or cmd (for Windows2000/XP). Then select OK and enter ipconfig, press enter.
Please record the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway. You might use this information to set your device. Insert the accessory CD into the CD-ROM, copying the VilarWizard_CN.exe which is green software from the CD to your computer. Double-click it on your computer. The interface as follow will pup up.
This window shows us all the IP Cameras in your LAN. You can press the refresh button to get a new list. If there are many cameras in your LAN, you can look for your camera by checking cameras serial number. The serial number is on the back cover of this guide. If your IP Cameras IP address is not as the same segment of your PC(defined by IP Address and Network Mask), you may not be able to visit your IP Camera. For example, Your PCs IP address is, network mask is, then your PC can visit the IP address from to only, If your IP Cameras IP Address is not in this range, you cannot access it. Therefore you can click [Setup IP] button to change IP Cameras IP address and adjust it adapting your PC setting.
Please fill in the LAN parameters which were you recorded before such as Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and IP Address. Attention of IP Address is the front three sections of IP Address are the same as your recorded, but the last section you have to enter the number is different from your computer. For example your PC IP address is; you can set your camera IP address as You might need contact your network administrator to make sure how to set the last number of your camera IP address. For example:
Subnet Mask255.255.255.0 Default Gateway10.0.8.1 IP Address10.0.8.210 After that click [ok] and then enter the administrators username as admin and the administrator password as 123456.
Click OK, the system starting assign a new IP address for your IP camera.
Click OK after you saw the successfully prompt. Then new IP address of your camera has been shown in the interface.
Selecting this camera, and click visit IPCam option, the Internet explorer will connect your camera automatically.
Above interface can be indicated means your IP camera is connect to network successfully. Also you can enter your camera IP address into the Internet explorer to access, such as Click the User Zone button; you will enter the image view interface. The login window will be indicated at the first time.
Please fill in the administrators username as admin and the administrator password as 123456 to enter the website. When you enter the ActiveX mode at the first time, you might be prompted to install the ActiveX control. After you set the IE security option correctly, you will see the follow dialog box.
Click [Install] to continue. If you cannot see the message as above, you have to modify the Internet Explorer security configuration.
Note: You can not download the ActiveX Control without authorization until setup Internet Explorer security configuration properly.
Setting Internet Explorer (IE) security configuration will execute following steps: 1. Select [Internet Options] in [Tools] menu of IE; 2. Switch to [Security] option card;
3. Select [Custom Level]; 4. Setup as the following: a) Init and Run unmarked as safety ActiveX controls: [Alert]; b) downloading unsigned ActiveX controls: Select [Alert]; c) Run ActiveX controls and plug-in: Select [Enable];
visit this domain name from internet, the DDN server will return to the correct IP address. To prevent a confusion caused by reusing the same IP address, the DNS have to stop use the domain name when the user is offline. The DDNS operating figure as follow:
In order to use DDNS you have to apply a DDNS domain name first. Please visit http://www.vipcam.cn, enter the product serial number and original password login. You can find the serial number and password of your camera in the back cover of this guide. Setting your DDNS domain name and changing your password on this page. Please enter in common use e-mail address, because you can get back your password easier when you forget your password. After that visiting your camera on your computer, select system setting->network setting and set the Dynamic domain name option, it shown as follow:
Please choose DDNS supplier, enter your User name and Password, and then click apply. The network camera will reboot after that, if you see the current status is update IP address for DDNS server, it means DDNS configuration is successful. Please attention that your LAN have to open the UDP port when you using DDNS. If you have any question, please contact your network administrator or the Vilar IP Camera customers center to get some help.
When your camera connecting internet via ADSL, you might need open PPPoE service. In that case the network configuration as follow:
For open PPPoE function, please use network cable connects your camera to your PC network card directly, running VilarWizard_CN.exe or enter your cameras IP address into IE to visit your camera. Select Network setting from the System setting option, and enter your User name and Password as same as your ADSL account in the red box of below figure.
Furthermore select the redial automatically and DNS service IP address provided by PPPoE Server, and reboot system after click OK. Using network cable connect camera to ADSL. The ADSL connection is successful after 1-2 minutes, and then the LCD monitor will indicate the PPPoE status and IP address. When you use ADSL to connect your camera with internet, you need starting DDNS service, because the system assigns a different IP address for your ADSL every time. For more details, please refer to The dynamic domain name access as above. Thus you have been operated the camera completely, more features please refer to the IP Camera Operating Instructions.