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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

PG and Research Department of Chemistry

Vivekananda College , Madurai
Class III B.Sc Chemistry

Course Title Elements of Spectroscopy

Course Code 07EP6C

Semester Sixth


1. The different types of energies associated with a molecule are

(a) Electronic energy (b) Vibrational energy (c) Rotational energy (d) All of the mentioned
2. Which of the following types of waves has the shortest wavelength?
(a) UV rays (b) Microwaves (c) Radio waves (d) X-ray
3. A wave with low frequency would have relatively
(a) Low energy and a long wavelength (b) High energy and a short wavelength
(c) High energy and a long wavelength (d) Low energy and a short wavelength
4. Where on the electromagnetic spectrum is visible light found?
(a) Between infrared rays and UV rays (b) Between radio waves and microwaves
(c) Between X-rays and gamma rays (d) Between x-rays and UV rays
5. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Gamma rays have longer wavelengths than UV rays
(b) Gamma rays have shorter wavelengths than microwaves
(c) X-rays have longer wavelengths that microwaves
(d) Radio waves have shorter wavelengths than X-rays
6. Which of the following is NOT in the visible light spectrum?
(a) Ultraviolet light (b) Blue light (c) Violet light (d) Red light
7. Absorption process is
(a) Decreases the number of photons (b) Promotes molecule to a higher energy state
(c) Promotes molecule to a lower energy State (d) All the above
8. Which of the following is an application of molecular spectroscopy?
(a) Structural investigation (b)Basis of understanding of colors
(c)Study of energetically excited reaction products (d) All of the mentioned
9. Intense band generally observed for a carbonyl group in the IR spectrum is due to
(a) The force constant of CO bond is large
(b) The force constant of CO bond is small
(c) There is no change in dipole moment for CO bond stretching
(d) The dipole moment change due to CO bond stretching is large

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
10. The correct order of different types of energies is
(a) Eel >> Evib >> Erot >> E tr
(b) Eel >> Erot >> Evib >> E tr
(c) Eel >> Evib >> Etr >> E rot
(d) Etr >> Evib >> Erot >> E el
11. A photon of wavenumber 100 cm1 has a wavelength of
(a) 1 m (b)1 mm (c)1000 nm (d)100 m
12. The energy in joules of a photon of wavelength 355 nm is
(a) 5.596 x 1028 J (b) 5.596 x 1019 J
(c) 5.596 x 1017 J (d) 5.596 x 1026 J
13. Calculate the moment of inertia, I, of the molecule 1H35Cl. The masses of the two atoms are mH = 1.673
x 1027 kg and mCl = 5.807 x 1026 kg. The equilibrium bond length of the molecule is 1.275 Å
(a) 2.644 x 1047 kg m2 (b) 2.644 x 1027 kg m2
(c) 2.644 x 1044 kg m2 (d) 2.644 x 1024 kg m2
14. Which one of the following is correct for the linear molecules
(a) IA = IB = IC (b) IA < IB = IC (c) IA << IB = IC (d) IA ≠ IB ≠ IC
15. Which one of the following is not a linear molecules
(a) C2H2 (b) CO2 (c) CH3F (d) COS
16. For which of the following molecules could a pure rotational spectrum not be observed in the gas phase?
(a) NO (b) HCl (c) N2 (d)CO
17. Which of the following statements is correct about the principal moments of inertia of an XY
molecule that lies on the A axis?
a) I A = I B and I C = 0 b) I A = I B = I C c) I A &gt; I B and I B = I C d) I A = 0 and I B = I
18. Which of the following transitions between rotational energy levels is not allowed?

a) J = 0  J = 1 b) J = 1  J = 3 c) J = 1  J = 0 d) J = 1  J = 2
19. The microwave spectrum of a molecule yields three rotational constants. The molecule is
a) Prolate symmetric top b) Spherical top c) Asymmetric top d) Oblate symmetric top
20. The spectroscopic technique by which the ground state dissociation energies of diatomic molecules can
be estimated is -------- spectroscopy.
a) Microwave b) Infrared c) UV-visible absorption d) X- ray


21. Infrared spectroscopy provides valuable information about
(a) Molecular weight (b) Melting point
(c)Conjugation(d) Functional group
22. Which of the region of IR spectra appears between (1400-600) cm-1?
(a) Functional group region (b)Fingerprint region
(c)Low-frequency region (d)None of the mentioned
23. Which of the following molecule have infrared active vibrations?
(a) NO (b)CH4(c)H2(d)All of the mentioned

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
24.The wavenumber of a transition is 2000 cm–1. In what part of the electromagnetic spectrum does this
(a) Microwave (b)Ultraviolet-visible(c)Infrared (d)Radiowave
25.To check that a secondary alcohol has been completely oxidised to a ketone
(a) Check that the IR spectrum has absorptions at 3500cm-1 and 1650cm-1
(b) Check that the IR spectrum has no absorption around 3500cm-1
(c) Check that the IR spectrum has no absorption around 1650cm-1
(d) Check that the IR spectrum no absorptions at 3500cm-1 and 1650cm-1
26.Which of the following is not a type of bending molecular vibration?
(a) Twisting(b)Stretching(c)Wagging (d)Rocking
27. Select the incorrect option from the following option.
(a) IR spectroscopy helps in determination of purity
(b) IR spectroscopy helps in determination of force constant from vibrational spectrum
(c)IR spectroscopy helps in identifying an unknown compound
(d) None of the mentioned
28. The zero-point energy of the vibration of 35Cl2 mimicking a harmonic oscillator with a force constant k =
2293.8 Nm1 is
a) 10.5 x 1021 J b) 14.8 x 1021J c) 20.9 x 1021 J d) 29.6 x 1021 J
29.The first Stokes line and the first anti-Stokes line in the rotational Raman spectrum of N2O are displaced
from the Rayleigh line by 2.514 cm1 and + 2.514 cm1, respectively. Determine the rotational constant of
(a) 0.629 cm1(b)0.419 cm1(c)1.257 cm1(d)2.514 cm1
30. Identify which of the following pairs of molecules exhibit both a pure rotational spectrum and a
rotational Raman spectrum
(a) O2 and H2O(b)CO2 and N2O(c)CO and CH4(d)NO and DCCH
31. Raman Effect supports
(a) Corpuscular theory (b) Wave theory (c) Quantum theory (d) Electromagnetic theory
32.In Raman spectrum, if λ is the wavelength of incident radiation, then the Anti-Stoke’s lines will have
wavelength equal to
(a) λ (b)λ + Δλ (c)λ - Δλ (d)λ2
33.For the vibrational Raman spectrum of a homonuclear diatomic molecule, the selection rule under
harmonic approximation is
(a) v 0 only (b) v1 only (c) v2 only (d) v0, 1
34.In Raman spectrum, if λ is the wavelength of incident radiation, then the Stoke’s lines will have
wavelength equal to
(a) λ (b)λ + Δλ (c)λ - Δλ (d)λ2
35. If the reduced mass of a diatomic molecule is doubled without changing its force constant, the
vibrational frequency of the molecule will be
(a) twice the original frequency(b)unchanged(c)√2 times the original frequency
(d) 1/√2 timesthe original frequency

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
36.For which of the following molecules would you expect the infrared active fundamentals to be Raman
inactive and vice versa?
(a) NO2(b)fluorobenzene(c)benzene(d)fluoroethene
37.In fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
(a) S/N is proportional to the number of scan
(b) Requires absorbance to observed by sequentially scanning through IR bandwidth
(c)Both the sensitivity and resolution are increased compared to traditional IR
(d)FTIR is much slower than traditional IR
38.The force constants for CO and CS are 1902 and 849 N m–1 respectively. Which statement
is incorrect?
(a) Less energy is required to dissociate CS than CO
(b)The wavenumber associated with the stretching of CO is higher than that of CS
(c)The trend in bond energies for CO and CS follows the trend in force constants
(d)Stretching the bond in CO requires less energy than stretching the bond in CS
39.Which statement is incorrect about CO2?
(a) CO2 has two stretching modes of vibration
(b)CO2 has two degenerate bending modes of vibration
(c)The IR spectrum of CO2 shows four absorptions
(d)CO2 is linear
40.Match the molecular formula to the number of degrees of vibrational freedom. Which pair is correct?
(a) SO2; 3 (b) H2S; 4 (c) CO2; 3 (d) CS2; 3


41. Woodward’s empirical rules were modified by Fieser in the year:

a) 1947 b) 1948 c) 1957 d) 1958
42. An auxochrome group is also known as colour __________ group.
a) absorbing b) emitting c) enhancing d) retarding
43. In the electromagnetic spectrum, UV falls under the region between:
a) 200-400nm b) 300-600nm c) 400-800nm d) 500-1000nm
44. The thickness of the silica cell kept inside UV spectrophotometer is of _______ cm.
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
45. From gamma rays to radio waves, wavelength __________ and frequency_________ .
a) Increases, increases b) increases, decreases c) decreases, increases
d) decreases, decreases
46. The unit of wavelength is _________
a) m b) hertz c) ppm d) joules
47. If wavelength decreases, then frequency _________ and energy ________.
a) increases, increases b) increases, decreases
c) decreases, increases d) decreases, decreases
48. The colour with the lowest wavelength in the visible region is:
a) red b) blue c) green d) violet
49. UV spectroscopy is also known as ___________ spectroscopy
a) fluorescence b) electronic c) transition d) complex

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
50. Beer Lambert’s law is not obeyed when:
a) fluorescent compounds are absent b) solute & solvent form associated complexes
c) absorbing molecules are in equilibrium d) transitions does not take place
51. An allowed UV transistion will have εmax value of:
a) > 1000 b) 500 – 1000 c) 100 – 500 d) < 100
52. Glass cells cannot be used to contain samples inside UV because:
a) it absorbs strongly in the UV region b) they can break easily
c) their optical surfaces are too difficult to handle d) they are very transparent
53. The transition that requires highest energy is:
a) σ σ* b) n σ* c)π π* d) n π*
54. An example of chromophore among the fol lowing is:
a) OH b) -NH2 c) SH d) R-NO2
55. Blue shift is also known as ________ shift:
a) bathochromic b) hypsochromic c) hyperchromic d) hypochromic
56. The hyperchromic shift is due to:
a) change in polarity of solvent b) removal of conjugation
c) introduction of auxochrome d) distortion of geometry
57. Which among the following cannot be used as a solvent in UV spectroscopy
a) ethanol b) benzene c) hexane d) water
58. When two double bonds are in conjugation, how does the energy levels of HOMO & LUMO
a) both increases b) HOMO increases, LUMO decreases
c) both decreases d) LUMO increases, HOMO decreases
59. The parent value of a butadiene system is:
a) 217nm b) 245nm c) 253nm d) 215nm
60. The incremental value for each alkyl substituent or ring residue in Woodward empirical rule is:
a) +5 b) +10 c) +20 d) +30


61. δ value of TMS in NMR spectra is fixed at

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
62. NMR spectroscopy is observed in
a) Visible b) microwave c) radiowave d) gamma rays
63. Among the following nuclei which one has nuclear spin as half integral
a) 1H b) 13C and 15N c) 19F and 31P d) all
64. Which of the following is not NMR active
a) 1H b) 12C c) 13C d) 19F
65. The unit of coupling constant is
a) Tesla b) Gauss c) ppm d) Hz
66. The number of signals obtained for TMS in 1H NMR is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
67. In a H NMR instrument operating at 60 MHz, a compound shows a peak at 240Hz downfield from the
TMS peak. The chemical shift in ppm is:
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
68. The H NMR chemical shift value of alkynyl proton is:
a) 1.8 b) 2.3 c) 2.5 d) 4.5

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
69. The H NMR chemical shift value of aldehyde proton is:
a) 5-6 b) 7-8 c) 9-10 d)11-12
70. The splitting of nuclear energy levels by the application of magnetic field produced by electrons is known
a) Stark Effect b) Zeeman Effect c) Tyndall effect d) Inductive effect
71. Which of the following molecule shows ESR spectra?
a) H2O b) O2 c) H2O2 d) CO2
72. ESR spectrum are observed in _______ region of electromagnetic spectrum
a) Microwave b) radiowave c) UV-Visible d) X-ray
73. The species which exhibit ESR spectrum have:
a) paired electrons b) unpaired electrons c) I=0 d) all the above
74. The number of peaks in the ESR spectrum of the CH3 radical is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
75. Electron spin resonance is also known as which of the following?
a)Electron paramagnetic resonance b) Electron diamagnetic resonance
c) Electron paramagnetic reoccurrence d) Electron diamagnetic reoccurrence
76. The value of magnetic moment is known as __________ magneton ?
a) Thomson b) Bohrc) Goldstein d) Rutherford
77. When the electrons are aligned either parallel or antiparallel to the direction of external
magnetic field, the electrons will precess about the axis at a frequency that is proportional
towhich of the following?
a) Applied magnetic field b) Electron magnetic moment
c) both a) & b)d) None of the above
78. If a weaker radiofrequency alternating magnetic field, having the frequency of precession of
the electron is applied at right angles to fixed magnetic field, which of the following occurs?
a) Fragmentation b) Scattering c) Resonanced) Absorption
79. The population ratio of grond state and excited state can be given by which of the
following laws?
a) Bohr law b) Beer-Lambert law c) Kelvin law d) Boltzmann law
80. ESR sensitivity increases with __________ temperature and with _________ magnetic
field strength.
a) Increasing, increasing b) Increasing, decreasing
c) Decreasing, increasingd) Decreasing, decreasing


81. Which of the following formulae is consistent with a molecular ion of m/z 73 in a mass spectrometry
(a) C3H8N2(b)C4H11N (c)C4H10O (d)C3H5NO
82. In the mass spectrum of the molecule CBr4 (see preceding question) the relative intensities of the peaks
in the molecular ion will be which of the following?
(a) 1:1:1:1:1 (b)1:2:2:2:1 (c)1:4:6:4:1 (d)1:3:4:3:1

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
83. In the mass spectrum of the molecule benzyl alcohol (C6H5CH2OH), the base peak would be predicted
to correspond to which of the following structures?
(a) C6H5+ (m/z 77) (b)C6H5CH+OH (m/z 107)
(c)C6H5CH2O+ (m/z 107) (d)+C6H4CH2OH (m/z 107)
84. In the mass spectrum of the molecule phenol, C6H5OH, the approximate intensity of the peak at m/z 95,
relative to the molecular ion at 94 will be which of the following?
(a) 94% (b) 6.6 % (c)10.0 % (d)7.0 %
85.The number of lines exhibited by a high resolution EPR spectrum of the species,
[Cu(ethylenediamine)2]2+ is [Nuclear spin (I) of Cu = 3/2 and that of N = 1]
(a) 12 (b)15 (c)20 (d)36
86. What is the principle that allows us to use mass spectrometryto determine the molecular weight of a
(a) Higher molecular weight compounds are less volatile
(b) Higher molecular weight compounds are more dense
(c) A beam of higher molecular weight cations is deflected less by a magnetic field
(d) Ions with higher molecular weight absorb higher frequencies of light
87.What is the x-axis of a mass spectrum?
(a) mass (b)mass/energy(c)mass/charge(d)charge
88.The correct order for the basic features of a mass spectrometer is.
(a) Acceleration, deflection, detection, ionisation
(b) Ionisation, acceleration, deflection, detection
(c) Acceleration, ionisation, deflection, detection
(d) Acceleration, deflection, ionisation, detection
89.Which of the following species will be deflected to the greatest extent?
(a) 37Na+ (b)35Na+(c)37Na (d)35Na2+
90.Which of the following is not a use for mass spectrometry?
(a) Calculating the isotopic abundance in elements
(b) Investigating the elemental composition of planets
(c) Confirming the presence of O-H and C=O in organic compounds
(d) Calculating the molecular mass of organic compounds
91. In ionization chamber vapors are bombarded with fast moving……….
a) Protons b) Electrons c) Neutrons d) Antineutron
92.Who discovered the mass spectrometer?
a) Francis W. Aston b) J. J Thomson c) Ernest O. Lawrence d) Walter Kaufmann
93.Which of the following is a correct order of fragmentation in organic molecule?
a) σ-bonding > - bonding > lone pair b) -bonding > lone pair > σ-bonding
c) lone pair > -bonding > σ-bonding d) -bonding > σ-bonding > lone pair
94. Which of the following statements is INCORRECTregarding mass spectrometry?
a) It gives information about fragmentation patterns
b) Isotopic distribution patterns are observed in mass spectra
c) It provides direct structural data
d) It is a destructive technique

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
95.The base peak in a mass spectrum is
a) Peak with lowest m/z ratiob) Peak withhighest relative intensity
c) The peak corresponding to the parent ion d) Peak with highest m/z ratio
96.Which of the following formula is consistent with a molecular ion of m/z 73 in a mass spectrometry?
a) C3H8N2b)C3H5NOc) C4H10Od) C4H11N
97.In the mass spectrum of ethyl propanoate, a typical peak would be expected from a Mc Lafferty
rearrangement is at…
a) 29 b) 74 c) 45 d) 87
98.In the mass spectrum of the compound given below, during the α-cleavage, the order of preferential loss of
groups is

a) Me > C3H7> Et b) C3H7> Et > Me c) Et > Me > C3H7 d) Et > C3H7>Me

99.The mass of metastable ion is produced due to decomposition of F1 in the following mass fragmentation
sequence is

a) 141.2 b) 125.4 c) 45.0 d) 210.2

100.In the mass spectrum of dichlorobenzene the ratio of the peaks at m/z 146, 148 and 150, is:
a) 1:1:1 b) 3:3:1 c) 1:2:1 d) 9:6:1
S.No. Answer S.No. Answer
1 (d) All of the mentioned 51 a) > 1000
2 (d) X-ray 52 a) it absorbs strongly in the UV region
3 (a) Low energy and a long wavelength 53 a) σ σ*
4 (a) Between infrared rays and UV rays 54 d) R-NO2
5 (b) Gamma rays have shorter 55 b) hypsochromic
wavelengths than microwaves
6 (a) Ultraviolet light 56 d) distortion of geometry
7 (b) Promotes molecule to a higher 57 b) benzene
energy state
8 (d) All of the mentioned 58 b) HOMO increases, LUMO decreases
9 (d) The dipole moment change due to 59 a) 217nm
CO bond stretching is large
10 (a) Eel >> Evib >> Erot >> E tr 60 a) +5
11 (d)100 m 61 a) 0
12 (b) 5.596 x 1019 J 62 c) radiowave

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
47 2
13 (a) 2.644 x 10 kg m 63 d) all
14 (c) IA << IB = IC 64 b) 12C
15 (c) CH3F 65 d) Hz
16 (c) N2 66 a) 1
17 d) I A = 0 and I B = I 67 a) 4
18 c) J = 1 ← J = 3 68 c) 2.5
19 Asymmetric top 69 c) 9-10
20 Infrared 70 b) Zeeman Effect
21 (d) Functional group 71 b) O2
22 (b) Fingerprint region 72 b) unpaired electrons
23 (a) NO 73 b) unpaired electrons
24 (c) Infrared 74 d) 4
25 (b) Check that the IR spectrum has no 75 a)Electron paramagnetic resonance
absorption around 3500cm-1
26 (b) Stretching 76 b) Bohr
27 (d) None of the mentioned 77 c) both a) & b)

28 b) 14.8 x 10 -21 J 78 c) Resonance

29 (b) 0.419 cm1 79 d) Boltzmann law
30 (d) NO and DCCH 80 c) Decreasing, increasing
31 (c) Quantum theory 81 (b) C4H11N
32 (c) λ - Δλ 82 (c) 1:4:6:4:1
33 (b)  v  1 only 83 (b) C6H5CH+OH (m/z 107)
34 (b) λ + Δλ 84 (d) 7.0 %
35 (d) 1/√2 times the original frequency 85 (d) 36
36 (c) benzene 86 (c) A beam of higher molecular weight
cations is deflected less by a magnetic field
37 (c) Both the sensitivity and resolution are 87 (c) mass/charge
increased compared to traditional IR
38 (d) Stretching the bond in CO requires 88 (b) Ionisation, acceleration, deflection,
less energy than stretching the bond in detection
39 (c)The IR spectrum of CO2 shows four 89 (d) 35Na2+
40 (a) SO2; 3 90 (c) Confirming the presence of O-H and
C=O in organic compounds
41 b) 1948 91 b) electrons
42 c) enhancing 92 a) Francis W. Aston
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
43 a) 200-400nm 93 c) lone pair > -bonding > σ-bonding
44 d) 1 94 c) It provides direct structural data
45 b) increases, decreases 95 b) peak with highest relative intensity
46 a) m 96 d) C4H11N
47 a) increases, increases 97 b) 74
48 d) violet 98 b) C3H7> Et > Me
49 b) electronic 99 b) 125.4

50 c) absorbing molecules are in 100 d) 9:6:1


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