COT Q3 Math

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COT #3

School Grade Six

Teacher Area
Teaching Quarter Third
Date Week / Week 9/
Day Day 2
LESSON Time 7:30 – 8:20

I. Objective
The learner…
A. Content
Standards sequences in forming rules, expressions and equations.

The learner is able to understand…

B. Performance expressions, and equations in mathematical problems and real-life
Standards situations.

C. Learning The learner…

Competencies differentiates expression from equation. (M6AL-IIId-15 p. 225)
or Objectives
(Write the LC
Code for each)
II. Content Expression and Equation
III. Learning
A. References
1. Teacher’s MELC in Mathematics 6 p.225
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Mathematics Q3W3, ADM p. 5-24
3. Textbook 21st Century Mathletes 6 pp.224 -237
Laptop, Television/LED TV, Teacher Made Slide Deck, Meta Cards,
B. Other Learning
Real Objects, Charts, Terrific box,Wheel of Names/Online Name

Developing Mastery
C. Integration Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily

Love and desire
D. Strategies Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
*Clap and stamp
Match Me
Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Use of Puzzle
Presenting Examples
Integrative Approach (AICDR)
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1
Content – Based Instruction ( 4 A’s Activity)
Experiential Learning (Concrete experience)
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Graphic Organizer
Developing Mastery
Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily
Differentiated activity
-Think, Pick, Flip, Check
- Tree Chart Graphic Organizer
-Color It Out
- Draw Me
Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
Venn Diagram
Evaluating learning
Modules / paper and ball pen test
Additional activities for application
IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing *Giving of Classroom Tips
previous Showing terrific box with items inside it and chips with reward
lesson or words written on it. As the pupil answers teacher’s question he will be
presenting the given a chip. The top 10 pupils who have the most number of chips
new lesson received will get item on the terrific box.

What’s in?
a. Drill: Game
Strategy: Clap and stamp

Determine whether the given group of words is a phrase or a

1.The sports car
2. The sports car is red.
3.on the table
4. The book is on the table.
5.might enjoy the message
6.You might enjoy the message

b. Review:

Strategy: Match Me
Direction: Find the expression that matches the phrase.

The sum of twelve and nineteen 15+11

Eight decreased by six 7x8

Ten minus five 12+19

Seven multiplied to eight 10+5

Fifteen plus eleven 8-6

How do we translate phrase into expression?

In translating word phrases into algebraic expressions, consider
the operation to be used since there are key word or phrase to denote
Strategy: Use of Puzzle
Wheel of Names/Online Name Picker

Arrange the jumbled letter to form a word

B. Establishing a
purpose for
the lesson



Teacher tells that the words formed are the topic to be discussed .
C. Presenting a. Motivation
examples/ How many are you in this class? How many are boys? How
instances about girls?
Do you know what is the total population in our school?

Word Problem No. 1

Strategy: Integrative Approach (AICDR)

The population of our school is 661. If there are 307 males then
find the number of females in the school.

What is the total population of our school?
How many are males?
What are you going to find out in the problem?
Without computing, can you guess how many are females?

What operation are you going to use?


What expression can you give out of this?

661 -307

What else? (Pupils give expressions that fit the problem)


Why do you say that this is an expression? What do you call the
difference? How about minus? Do they have the same meaning? Aside
from the difference and minus what other phrase can you give out of

What conclusion can you give based from the phrases that you give?

What are we going to do to find for the answer?

What mathematical sentence can you give ?
(Teacher shows the solution?)
661-307 = n
Look at the algebraic numbers
661-307 661-307=n
What can you say about them? Are they the same? Why?
Give their differences
(Teacher will table pupils’ answer)
Strategy: Content – Based Instruction ( 4 A’s Activity)
Experiential Learning (Concrete experience)

Problem No. 2

Teacher calls 2 pupils and ask their ages. She will give a problem
out of it.

___________is _ years old while _________ is _ years old. What is

the total age of the two?


What is the problem about?

D. Discussing What is asked in the problem? Can you give the expression from it?
new concepts (Pupils give expression out of the problem)
and practicing What operation are you going to use to solve the problem?
new skills #1

Give the mathematical sentence out of this problem.

Method 1:
Giving the equation .

“To give the appropriate equation ,write the mathematical sentence

out of the problem.

12+11= n

Application: N= 12+11

E. Discussing Strategy: Graphic organizer

new concepts
and practicing Ask:
new skills #2 What is expression?
What is equation?
Give the difference between them.
A. Guided Practice


A. Teacher flashes strips of paper. Those who have ‘ Show Me Board ‘

will draw a circle if the flashed number is expression and draw a
line if equation .Those who don’t have show me board will just form a
circle and line using fingers.

1. 9-3= r

2. 8y

3. 40x5

F. Developing 4. 12+45 = n
mastery (Leads
to Formative 5. 6x10 = x
B. Independent Practice

Differentiating equation from expression.

Individual Activity
Pupil will be called to manipulate laptop. He will tick the
correct box that is appropriate for the given algebra. If the answer is
correct the picture correct will come out, if wrong oops will appear.
Use of powerpoint presentation

G. Finding Strategy: Differentiated activity

practical Use of Rubrics
applications of
concepts and Rubrics for Group Activity
skills in daily CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
living Cooperation
Time Frame

A.Group Activity
I- Think,Pick, Flip,Check
Fill the table with the following:

Expression Equation

3x-7 6x9=n 4x=20 3x+9m=45

7y 34x23 13y-12
15(6) 18n-12=m

II- Tree Chart Graphic Organizer

Differentiate Equation from Expression


Rubrics for Scoring

Criteria Yes No
Presentation (3 points)
Clarity (1 point)
Neatness (1 point)

III-Color it Out
Color all the equations Red and Yellow for expression
IV- Draw Me
Draw 2 flowers. Name the flowers Equation and Expression.
On each petal write its differences.
Criteria Score
Correctness of the drawing (3 points)
Organization (1 point)
Neatness (1 point)
H. Making Strategy: Venn Diagram
generalization What are the differences between expression and equation?
s and
about the
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is expression?
A.23+25 B. 3x=27 C.4+3y =16 D. 19X5 = n
2. Following are equation EXCEPT one. Which one is it?
A. 2x+3 y= B. 9x=18 C.9+3y =18 D. 18X8
3. 5n- 2 is an expression or equation? Why?
A. Expression because it has variable.
B. Expression because it has no equal sign.
C. Equation because it has variable
I. Evaluating
D. Equation because it has equal sign.
4. Which of the following is correct?
A. Equation has equal sign while expression doesn’t have.
B. Equation and expression can be solved.
C. Equation has number and expression has an equal sign.
D. All of the above
5. Circle the equation and box the expression in the following
32-25 = 7 32-25

On a clear bond paper, draw two objects then write the difference
between equation and expression. Be creative in doing it and be
guided with the rubrics below.

J. Additional
activities for

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