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The key takeaways are strategies for differentiation, learning styles, core values, and literacy skills.

Some strategies mentioned for differentiation include cooperative grouping, graphic organizers, cues and questions, and flexible grouping.

Two reading strategies discussed are audio-assisted reading which is used during reading and anticipation guides which are used before reading.

Agustin G Montemayor

June 15, 2020

Core Values (TIU3)

Accuountability Mindfulness

Learning Styles (TIU4) Learning styles with 2 examples – place a star by your preferred styles

* Auditory Kinesthetic
Style: Style: use better voice and Style:
use a variety of colors intonation when speaking to use more role playing
create interest
when presenting ex. ex. in class
ex. incorporate choral repetition
seek out total physical
ex. use more realia in ex. ex. responses

Activate the Brain – The R’s (TIU7)

1. Relationship 4. Retrival 7. Re-exposing

2. Rigor 5. Routing 8. Rehearsing

3. Relevance 6. Retaining 9. Recognizing

Teach the Vocabulary (SS1)

1. Frayer Model 3. Word Games (Wheel of Fortune, Password)

Personal Dictionary
2. Word Walls 4.

Strategies for Differentiation (SS2)

Flexible Grouping 3. Tiered Instruction

2. Respectful Tasks 4. Formative Assessment

Strategies for Success (SS2-7) Provide 2 examples of each
Strategies for Success (SS2-7) – Provide 2 examples of each

Example 1 Example 2
Four Corners I've Got This
Cooperative Grouping

Graphic Organizers Sequence Chart Venn Diagram / KWL

Advanced Organizers Connect four thinking Venn Diagram / KWL

Similarities / Differences Compare / Contrast (Venn
Cornell Notetaking Plot Diagram
Summarizing & Notetaking

Cues & Questions Let's rate the effectiveness of the visuals used Okay, lets choose one commercial that would
in the commercials by ages. Why is it effective? be most effective for someone ages 12-15
years. How do you know?

Blooms Verbs (SS8-SS9)

Create Create, Invent, Compose, Generate, Hypothesize
APPS: Storytelling - Anchor, Animating - FlipaClip
Evaluate Judge, Choose, Rate, Argue, Support

APPS: Moderating - Notion Notes, Collaborating - A Web Whiteboard

Analyze Contrast, Modify, Sketch, Compare, Produce

APPS: Organizing - Padlet, Mashing - Thinglink

Apply Solve, Illustrate, Demonstrate, Predict, Write

APPS: Interviewing - iRigRecoder, Showcasing -IPEVO

Comprehension Infer, Summarize, Classify, Explain, Discuss

Annotating - Nimbus, Explaining - Voice Thread
Remember Name, Order, Arrange, Label, Select
APPS: Listing - TodoList, Mind Mapping - MindMeister
Four Questions to redirect behavior (CBM6)

Mary, what are you doing? (said in a calm voice, watching body language and tone of voice)

2.What are you supposed to be doing?

3. Were you doing that?

4. What are you going to do about it?.............Thanks for making a good choice.

Modifications and Accommodations (E6)

Quantity Time Level of Support
Definition Definition Definition
Adjust the number of items Allow more time Allow for more teacher/peer

Example Example Example

7th grade Science Allow the student to continue the Allow for a study buddy or maybe
Do 2-3 trials instead of 5 test during independent reading more pair work in general / have
time or take home student sit near me

Input Difficulty Output

Definition Definition Definition
Communication that A chanllenge-appropriate task How does the student best express his/her
registers with the student

Example Example Example

Audio supported text Draw a image of, instead of Allow for student to write a
drawing and labeling response instead of an oral
Think of ways to best integrate the student into the
Participation Notes:
classroom and tailoring the curriculum to the individual
Definition need
How to balance participation


Student use the clicker to

change slides during a
group PPP
Suggestions for working with Students in Poverty (E12)
Provide access to computers, magazines, newspapers, and books so Students who live in poverty may not always know the correct behaviors for
low-income students can see and work with printed materials. School may school situations. At home, they may function under a different set of social rules.
1. be the only place where they are exposed to print media 4. Take time to explain the rationale for rules and procedures in your classroom.

2. Keep your expectations for poor students high. 5. Arrange a bank of shared supplies for your students to
borrow when they are temporarily out of materials for class
Poverty does not mean ignorance.

3. Students who live in poverty may not always know the correct behaviors for school
situations. At home, they may function under a different set of social rules. Take
6. Do not require costly activities. For example, if you require students
to pay for a field trip, some of them will not be able to go.
time to explain the rationale for rules and procedures in your classroom.

Reading Strategies to Strengthen Literacy Skills (R8)

Strategy name When / how to use it Define it

1. Audio-assisted reading Use it individually or small groups Students read and listen along to build
Use it with longer texts with students that have have trouble
During reading with reading fluency fluency and comprehension

Framed paragraphs Use it individually, small group, or whole class. After reading
2. After reading
it allows for students to write following a paragraph structure. A skeletal paragraph template that help students to write
down their thoughts after a reading.

Use it individually, small group, or whole class. A check list about an upcoming reading that has the students
Anticipation guide Use it before a reading assignment , It help the students focus making predictions about the reading.
3. Before reading on the topic of reading and make predictions about the reading. This also a great way to confirm their predictions after reading.

Making content comprehensible for ELL students (R9)

Write at least 3 strategies / techniques that you could easily implement in your classroom for your content

1. Prepare the lesson Graphic organizers, Marginal notes, Jigsaw text reading

Content word wall, Cloze sentences, Visual vocabulary

2. Build background

3. Make verbal communication understandable Step by step manner, Think Alouds, Multimedia and other

4. Learning strategies (this one should be easy!)

I wonder, Create a poem, chant, song, or play, Question cube

5. Opportunities for interaction

Encourage more elaborate responses, Foster student student
interactions, Wait time
6. Practice and application
Planning for hands-on experiences, modeling correct English,
Integration of language skills
7. Lesson delivery
Lesson objectives clearly communicated orally and visibly,
students engaged 90-100%, Pacing
8. Review and assess
Relating newly learned words, Assessments, Feedback

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