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47LinkingGit 200503 232302
47LinkingGit 200503 232302
Now that we have both RStudio and Git set-up on your computer and a GitHub account, it’s time to
link them together so that you can maximize the benefits of using RStudio in your version control
Use the Global Options menu to tell RStudio you are using Git as your version control system
Sometimes the default path to the Git executable is not correct. Confirm that git.exe resides in the
directory that RStudio has specified; if not, change the directory to the correct path. Otherwise, click
OK or Apply.
Confirm that the directory RStudio points to for the Git executable is correct
RStudio and Git are now linked.
Save the file. Note that when you do so, the default location for the file is within the new Project
directory you created earlier.
In this lesson, we linked Git and RStudio, so that RStudio recognizes you are using Git as your
version control software. Following that, we linked RStudio to GitHub, so that you can push and pull
repositories from within RStudio. To test this, we created a repository on GitHub, linked it with a new
project within RStudio, created a new file, and then staged, committed, and pushed the file to your
GitHub repository!