Course Project - GE6106 Purposive Communication

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[GE6106 Purposive Communication 1] 1

[Reflective Essay]

Course Project Specifications

Course Project: Reflective Essay

Instruction: While other countries are on their way to rebuilding and opening, our country is still
experiencing the mayhem the coronavirus pandemic brought us a year ago. Until now, we are still
facing adversities that test our resilience such as economic problems, health care challenges,
hunger, and miscommunication. Reflecting on your life and experiences during this pandemic,
write a reflective essay that will talk about the “Importance of Effective and Good
Communication in times of Pandemic or Crisis”. Your reflective essay should focus on your life
experiences, challenges, and personal growth. Discuss how these changed and impacted your
personal life.

Structure of a Reflective Essay

1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion

Reflective Essay Format

12-point font Cambria
1.5 Spacing
1-inch margins (2.54 cm) Top and Bottom
Word count: Minimum of 600 words

 All submissions will be subject to an AI checker to ensure authenticity. Any content found to be generated
by AI will automatically fail this assignment.
 State 5-8 APA 7th in-text citation and references from credible studies and journals.
Course Project
Course Project Rubric

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory No Evidence

Criteria (%)

The reflection The essay The essay is

provides the ‘big attempts to tie linear in
picture’ of the artifacts presentation. All
student’s together. The artifacts are listed
experiences. The student provides and described
student some personal separately and at
interweaves insight into how length. Personal
information artifacts were insight into how
regarding specific beneficial. The these artifacts
Cohesiveness of
artifacts and how student has benefited the
these artifacts created a general student is not
(20 pts) were beneficial. picture of their provided. The ‘big
The reviewer is experiences. The picture’ of the
left with several reviewer student’s
details which understands that experiences is not
make the the student evident. The
student’s gained clinical reviewer
experience and academic understands what
unique knowledge and each artifact is
skills. but not how they
(18-20 pts.)
tie together.
(14- 17 pts.) (8- 13 pts.)

The reflection The reflection Insight into the

leaves an leaves a weak reflection process
impression on the impression on is not evident as
reader about the reader about the writer did not
Experiences & what the student what the writer articulate what
learned. Insight learned. Insight was learned and
Accomplishment into the reflection into the what needs to be
(20 pts.) process is reflection developed in the
somewhat process is not future.
evident as the evident as the
(8-13 pts.)
writer articulated writer did not
what needs to be clearly articulate
developed in the what needs to be
future. developed in the
(18-20 pts.) (14- 17 pts.)

Reflection and Demonstrates an Reflects on own Does not reflect

Examples ability to reflect work and on own work at
[GE6106 Purposive Communication 1] 3
[Reflective Essay]

(20 pts.) on own work and improvement on all and no

adequate number occasion but examples are
of examples are does not provide provided.
provided. many examples
at all.
(18- 20 pts.) (8-13 pts.)
(14- 17 pts.)

Reflection Little effort was No effort was

demonstrates made to write made to write
that some effort essay. Little essay. No
Effort and Personal was made to evidence of a evidence of a
Reponses write essay. personal personal
(15 pts.) Evidence of a perspective perspective
personal within reflection. within reflection.
within reflection.
(10-12 pts.) (7-9 pts.)
(13-15 pts.)

Reflection reveals Reflection Reflection does

insight reveals some not reveal
Goals and Levels of
into personal insight into insight into perso
goals and personal goals nal goals
(15 pts.) levels of learning and levels of and levels of
(13-15 pts.) learning. learning.
(7-9 pts.)
(10-12 pts.)

No spelling and Some spelling, Many spellings

grammatical grammatical and grammatical
Writing Mechanics
errors. Organized errors and/or errors. Serious
(10 pts) paper organizational organizational
problems. problems.
(10 -9 pts.)
(6-8 pts.) (3-5 pts.)

Rubric adapted from

Course Project

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