Cheng 2017
Cheng 2017
Cheng 2017
Research Article
Influence of Deformation and Stress between Bone and Implant
from Various Bite Forces by Numerical Simulation Analysis
Copyright © 2017 Hsin-Chung Cheng et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Endosseous oral implant is applied for orthodontic anchorage in subjects with multiple tooth agenesis. Its effectiveness under
orthodontic loading has been demonstrated clinically and experimentally. This study investigates the deformation and stress on
the bone and implant for different bite forces by three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) methods. A numerical simulation of
deformation and stress distributions around implants was used to estimate the survival life for implants. The model was applied to
determine the pattern and distribution of deformations and stresses within the endosseous implant and on supporting tissues when
the endosseous implant is used for orthodontic anchorage. A threaded implant was placed in an edentulous segment of a human
mandible with cortical and cancellous bone. Analytical results demonstrate that maximum stresses were always located around the
implant neck in marginal bone. The results also reveal that the stress for oblique force has the maximum value followed by the
horizontal force; the vertical force causes the stress to have the minimum value between implant and bone. Thus, this area should
be preserved clinically to maintain the structure and function of a bone implant.
ceramic tooth
Cancellous bone
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Implant system: (a) part, (b) assembly, and (c) cross section.
Loading of implants in three dimensions with various bite The authors had done the test of element quality; element
forces (masticatory force (vertical force), molar force (hori- quality is mostly close to 1. So the results are credible. The
zontal force), and special masticatory force (oblique force)) deformation and stress (Pa) at the implant-bone interface
(Figure 5), the values of the bite forces used are 500 N, 1000 N, were computed using FEA software.
1500 N, 2000 N, and 2500 N. The special masticatory force
in different angles (30∘ , 45∘ , and 60∘ ) is used relative to 3. Results and Discussion
the occlusal plane. This 3D loading acted on the center of
the upper surface of the tooth. Force magnitudes, as well Figure 6 shows the deformation distributions of various
as the acting point, were chosen based on previous work masticatory forces (500 N–1000 N). Figures 6(a) and 6(b)
at Taipei Medical University Hospital. Assuming that the show that the maximum deformation value occurs on the top
implant binds to the bone, the interfacial condition is bonded of the tooth. Deformation value decreases as the deformation
[12]. Pre- and postprocessing were conducted on a personal position goes to the bottom of implant. Figures 6(c) and
computer (PC). The CPU of PC had an Intel type (Core 6(d) indicate that the maximum deformation value occurs
2 Q8200) and 3.5 GB RAM. Computation time for each on the top of the tooth. Deformation value decreases as
simplified single-size implant was approximately one and half the deformation position goes to the implant abutment. The
hours. All computations were fulfilled for the 3D models. deformation distribution of implant presents the symmetry
4 BioMed Research International
0 0.0025 0.005
0.0013 0.0037
Figure 4: Mesh and screw type of implant system: (a) mesh and (b) screw type (diameter = 4.5 mm, pitch = 0.7 mm).
Figure 5: Various bite forces: (a) vertical force, (b) horizontal force, and (c) oblique force.
BioMed Research International 5
(g) (h)
Figure 6: Deformation distributions for various forces: (a) 500 N, vertical force; (b) 1000 N, vertical force; (c) 500 N, horizontal force; (d)
1000 N, horizontal force; (e) 500 N, oblique force (45∘ ); (f) 1000 N, oblique force (45∘ ); (g) 500 N, oblique force (60∘ ); (h) 1000 N, oblique force
(60∘ ).
by means of the central axis of the tooth. The deformation tooth. The deformation distribution of implant system by
distribution of implant system by horizontal force has the oblique force (60∘ ) has the difference among it by vertical
difference among it by vertical force. Figures 6(e) and 6(f) force. Figure 7 shows the stress distributions of various mas-
reveal that the maximum deformation value takes place on ticatory forces (500 N–1000 N). A study goal was to identify
the top of the tooth. Deformation value decreases as the the exact location of the implant abutment. Analytical results
deformation position goes to the implant abutment. The for Figures 7(a) and 7(b) demonstrate that maximum stress
deformation distribution by oblique force (45∘ ) shows the was on the neck of the implant abutment. Additionally, the
symmetry by means of the central axis of the tooth. The neck of the implant abutment was the weak point. Analytical
deformation distribution of implant system by vertical force results for Figures 7(c) and 7(d) demonstrate that maximum
demonstrates the oblique shape on the tooth. Figures 6(g) stress was on the neck of the implant abutment. Additionally,
and 6(h) show that the maximum deformation value occurs the neck of the implant abutment was the weak point. The
on the top of the tooth. Deformation value decreases as stress distribution of the implant system decreases with
the deformation position goes to the implant abutment. The the central axis of the implant. The stress distribution of
deformation distribution of implant by oblique force (60∘ ) implant system also presents decrease from neck of implant
presents the symmetry by means of the central axis of the abutment to the top of the tooth. Analytical results for
6 BioMed Research International
(g) (h)
Figure 7: Stress distributions for various forces: (a) 500 N, vertical force; (b) 1000 N, vertical force; (c) 500 N, horizontal force; (d) 1000 N,
horizontal force; (e) 500 N, oblique force (45∘ ); (f) 1000 N, oblique force (45∘ ); (g) 500 N, oblique force (60∘ ); (h) 1000 N, oblique force (60∘ ).
Figures 7(e) and 7(f) demonstrate that maximum stress was Figure 8(a) reveals the maximum deformation of implant
on the neck of the implant abutment. Additionally, the neck system on different bite forces (various values). The deforma-
of the implant abutment was the weak point. The stress tion of the implant system has the maximum value by hori-
distribution of the implant system decreases with the central zontal force; then it is by oblique force 30∘ , 45∘ , and 60∘ , and
axis of the implant. The stress distribution of implant system it by vertical force earns the minimum value. The maximum
also presents decrease from neck of implant abutment to value of deformation increases as the bite force increases.
the top of the tooth. Analytical results for Figures 7(g) and Figure 8(b) reveals the maximum stress of implant system
7(h) indicate that maximum stress was on the abutment. A on different bite forces (various values). The maximum stress
study goal was to identify the exact location of the implant value of the implant system occurs by horizontal force; then
abutment. Analytical results demonstrate that maximum it is by oblique force 30∘ , 45∘ , and 60∘ ; and stress by vertical
stress was on the neck of the implant abutment. Additionally, force earns the minimum value. The reason is that horizontal
the neck of the implant abutment was the weak point. The force can generate a larger moment than other loading on
stress distribution of the implant system decreases with the the neck of the implant abutment. Vertical force acts directly
central axis of the implant. The stress distribution of implant on the abutment of implant. This phenomenon gets smaller
system also presents decrease from neck of implant abutment moment on the implant abutment. The maximum value of
to the top of the tooth. stress increases as the bite force increases.
BioMed Research International 7
250.0 system is the weak point as the bite forces come from the
human being.
Deformation (∗10 −3 mm)
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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