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(According to NEP – 2020 Regulations)

(2022 – 23 Onwards)

Department of Electronic Science
Jnana Bharathi, Bangalore – 560056

September, 2022

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 1


Sl Page
No. Description
1. Proceedings of the meeting 3
2. Preamble, Introduction, Significance of Electronics, Eligibility Criteria 5
3. Program Objectives and Program Outcome 6
4. Tentative Course Structure 7
5. Proposed Curriculum Framework 8
Appendix-1: Course pattern and scheme of examination for B.Sc. as per NEP
6. 9
2020, Internal Assessment Marks
7. Assessment and Weightage 10
8. Appendix – 2 Syllabus for Core subjects 11
9. ELE-CT 3.1: Programming in C and Digital Design using Verilog 11
10. ELE-CP 3.1: Programming in C and Digital Design using Verilog(Practical) 14
11. ELE-OE 3.1: E-Business 16
12. ELE-OE 3.2: Application of Electronics-1 17
13. ELE-OE 3.3: Robotics 18
14. ELE-OE 3.4: Medical Electronics 20
15. ELE-CT 4.1: Electronic Communicaion-1 21
16. ELE-CP 4.1: Electronic Communicaion-1(Practical 24
17. ELE-OE 4.1: Application of Electronics-2 25
18. ELE-OE 4.2: E-Commerce 26
19. ELE-OE 4.3: IOT and Applications 27

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 2


Meetings of BoS UG was convened at the Chairman’s Chamber, Department of Electronic

Science, Bangalore – 560060 to frame the syllabus for B.Sc. 3rd and 4th semester Electronic Course
under the New Education Policy (NEP)-2020. The committee convened i.e., on 13.09.2022 and
exhaustive discussion were made. Finally, it was decided to adopt the syllabus framed by the
expert committee for 3rd and 4th semesters of the B Sc Electronics Course as per the State
Government of Karnataka, the core committee framed the course syllabus through Department of
Higher Education Council (DHEC), Government of Karnataka with minor modifications.

The following members were present. (The opinion and approval of the outstation members was
received through e-mail).

Name Designation Signature
1. Mrs Gayatri Sudhir
Professor & Vice Principal, Department of Electronics, Oxford
college of Arts, Science and Commerce, HSR Layout, Bangalore

2. Mr Benny Sebastin
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, Christ University,
3. Dr Subramanya Bhat M
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, Vijaya College,
RV road, Bangalore
4. Dr Manjesh
Professor Department of Electronic Science, Bangalore
University, Bengaluru – 56056

The Board placed a record of the appreciation for the members of the previous BOS members for
their contributions to the academics of the department. The Chairman extended warm welcome to
the constituted members of the BOS and thanked for the acceptance of the invitation with short

The main agenda of the meeting i.e., framing of syllabus for the B Sc 3 rd and 4 th semester degree
in Electronics under NEP was taken for discussion. After thorough discussions the following
resolutions were made.

The following Resolutions were made:

1. The committee unanimously agreed to adopt the structure (appendix – 1) suggested by the
Karnataka State Higher Education Council (KSHEC) under NEP program and also to
consider the proposed curriculum for the 3rd and 4th semesters UG program in Electronics
(appendix -2) with effect from 2022- 23

2. Minor changes in the curriculum were made related to the teaching hours for theory &
practical classes, maximum marks for the papers and minimum marks for passing, credits to
the respective papers, etc.

3. Eligibility criteria for Admission to the B Sc Electronics: Students who have qualified PUC/
10+2 /ITI or equivalent are eligible for opting Electronics in UG program.
B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 3
4. Diploma in Electronics / Electrical / Medical Electronics / Computer Science /
Telecommunications or equivalent are eligible for lateral entry to III semester.

5. The board discussed about the option for the candidates to choose the open elective paper.
After elaborate discussions it was unanimously decided that open elective may be given to
all students including the candidates opted electronics as major subject.

6. The Scheme for awarding internal assessment for the students was discussed and approved.

7. It was resolved that number of students for practical shall be 10 (Ten) per batch per teacher.

Finally, the Chairman extended vote of thanks to all BOS members for their presence.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 4


This model curriculum content for B Sc (Honours) Electronics as per NEP – 2020, is intended to
enable the graduates to respond to the current needs of the industry and equip them with skills
relevant for national and global standards. The framework encourages innovation in teaching-
learning process and appropriate assessment of student learning levels.


B Sc (Honours) Electronics is a program which needs to develop a specialized skill set among the
graduates to cater to the need of industries.

The curriculum is designed to help the learners to analyze, appreciate, understand and critically
engage with learning of the subject and also to provide better learning experience to the graduates.
Apart from imparting disciplinary knowledge, the curriculum is aimed to equip the graduates with
competencies like problem solving and analytical reasoning which provide them high professional

The Department/Institute/University is expected to encourage its faculty concerned to make suitable

pedagogical innovations, in addition to teaching/learning processes suggested in the model
curriculum, so that the Course/Program learning outcomes can be achieved.


In recent years, Electronics has made unprecedented growth in terms of new technologies,
new ideas and principles. The research organizations and industries that work in this frontier area
are in need of highly skilled and scientifically oriented manpower. This manpower can be
available only with flexible, adaptive and progressive training programs and a cohesive interaction
among the institutions, universities, and industries. The key areas of study within subject area of
Electronics comprise of Semiconductor Devices, Power Electronics and Motor rives, Analog and
Digital Circuit design, Microprocessors & Microcontroller Systems, Computer Coding/
Programming in high level languages etc. and also modern applied fields such as Embedded
Systems, Data Communication, Robotics, Control Systems, Nano Electronics and Nano Electronic
Devices etc.

Eligibility criteria

Students who have qualified PUC/ 10+2 /ITI or equivalent are eligible for opting Electronics in UG

Program Objectives

The overall Objectives of the B.Sc. (Degree) / B.Sc. (Honours) Electronics program are to:

 Provide students with learning experiences that develop broad knowledge and understanding
of key concepts of electronics and equip students with advanced scientific / technological
capabilities for analyzing and tackling the issues and problems in the field of electronics.

 Develop ability in students to apply knowledge and skills they have acquired to solve
specific theoretical and applied problems in electronics.
 Develop abilities in students to design and develop innovative solutions for benefits of
B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 5
 Provide students with skills that enable them to get employment in industries or pursue
higher studies or research assignments or turn as entrepreneurs.

Program Outcome

 Aptitude to apply Logic thinking and Basic Science knowledge for problem solving in
various fields of electronics both in industries and research.

 To acquire experimental skills, analyzing the results and interpret data.

 Ability to design / develop / manage / operation and maintenance of sophisticated electronic

gadgets / systems / processes that conforms to a given specification within ethical and
economic constraints.

 Capacity to identify and implementation of the formulate to solve the electronic related
issues and analyze the problems in various sub disciplines of electronics.

 Capability to use the Modern Tools / Techniques.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 6

Tentative Course Structure
(Major Discipline: ELECTRONICS) - Semesters 1 – 10

SEMESTER Discipline
Core (DSC)
Major : Discipline Core (DSC) OE / DSE

OE 1: Domestic Equipment Maintenance

OE 2: Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting
Semester 1 DSC 1 Electronic Devices and Circuits
OE 3: Basics of Electronics, Computers and PCB Design

OE 2.1: Consumer Electronics

OE 2.2: Industrial Electronics
Semester 2 DSC 2 Analog and Digital Electronics OE 2.3: C Programming and interfacing with Arduino
OE 2.4: Mobile communication
OE 2.5: Mobile Application Programming
OE 3.1. E-Business .
OE 3.2. Application of Electronics-1
Semester 3 DSC 3 Programming in C and Digital Design Using Verilog
OE 3.3. Robotics
OE 3.4. Medical Electronics
OE 4.1. Application of Electronics -2
OE 4.2. E-Commerce
Semester 4 DSC 4 Electronic Communications – 1
OE 4.3. IOT and Applications
DSE 1: Computer Organization
DSC 5 Microcontroller 8051 and PIC
Semester 5 DSE 2: RFID Technology
DSC 6 Communication – II
DSE 3: Photonics
DSC 7 Power Electronics, Sensors, PLCs, Transducers, and DSE 4: Cryptography
Semester 6 Instrumentation DSE 5: Control Systems
DSC 8 IOT and 5G communications DSE 6: Project work (0+1+2)
DSC 9 Signals and Systems DSE 7: Wireless communication
Semester 7 DSC 10 Embedded Systems DSE 8: Python Programming
DSC 11 Microwave Communications DSE 9: Mechatronics
DSE 10: ARM Processor
DSC 12 Digital Signal Processing DSE 11: Computer Network
Semester 8 DSC 13 VLSI Designing DSE 12: AI, ML and Python
DSC14 Image Processing Research Project

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 7

Proposed Curriculum Framework for Multidisciplinary Four - Year Undergraduate Programme/ Five-year Integrated Master’s Degree Programme
1st year – 1. Major Core Courses 1+1
Understanding and 2. Minor/Related Discipline Understanding of Disciplines 1+1
(1st & 2nd 3. Languages Language Competency 2+2
Semesters) 4. Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses Gaining perspective of context/Generic skills 1+1
5. Skill Enhancement/Development Courses Basic skills sets to pursue any 1+1


1. Major Core Courses Understanding of disciplines 2+2
2 Year – 2. Minor/ Related Discipline Gaining perspective of context 1+1
(3rd & 4th 3. Ability Enhancement Skill sets to pursue vocation 1+1
Focus and Immersion
Semesters) 4. Skill based Vocational Development of various Domains of mind &Personality 1+1
5. Extra-curricular Activities 1+1


3rd Year – In depth learning of major and minor disciplines, Skill 2+2
1. Major Discipline Core and Elective Courses
sets for employability. 1+1
(5th & 6th Real time Learning 2. Minor Discipline / Generic or Vocational Electives /
Exposure to discipline beyond the chosen Subject 1+1
Semesters) Field based Learning/ Research Project
Experiential learning/Research.


4thYear -
(7th & 8th Deeper and Advanced Learning of Major Discipline 4+4
Deeper Major Discipline Core and Elective Courses Research /
Semesters) Foundation to pursue Doctoral Studies & Developing 4+4
Concentration Project Work with Dissertation
Research competencies


5 Year -
(9th & 10th Deeper and Advanced Learning of the Major
Major Discipline Core and Elective courses/ Research/
Semesters) Master of the subject Discipline towards gaining proficiency over the subject 4+4/6+6
Project Work with Dissertation


B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 8


Duration of
Hours Examination Pattern

Teaching Hours
Exam (hours) Credits

Total Marks /
/ week Max. & Min. Marks /Paper

Title of the Paper Theory Practical









ELE-CT 3.1: Programming in C
3 and Digital Design using Verilog 56 4 4 60 21 40 25 9 25 2.5 4 150 4 2
ELE-OE 3.1 / 3.2 / 3.3/3.4 45 3 - 60 21 40 - - - 2.5 - 100 3 -
4 Electronic Communicaion-1 56 4 4 60 21 40 25 9 25 2.5 4 150 4 2
ELE-OE 4.1 / 4.2 / 4.3 45 3 - 60 21 40 - - - 2.5 - 100 3 -

Scheme of Internal Assessment Marks: THEORY

Sl. IA
No. Particulars Marks
1 Attendance / Specified Activity in the syllabus 05*
2 Internal Tests (Minimum of Two) 25
Assignments /Seminar / Case Study / Project work / Reports on - visits to industries/exhibitions/science centre’s / active participation
3 10
in Electronics competitions, etc.
TOTAL Theory IA Marks 40

Scheme of Internal Assessment Marks: PRACTICALS

Sl. IA
No. Particulars Marks
1 Practical Test 05
2 Report on datasheet of electronic devices / Seminar on electronics experiments, etc. 15
3 Active participation in practical classes 05
TOTAL Practical IA Marks 25

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 9

Assesment:Weightage for Assessment
Common for both 3rd and 4th semester UG Electronics

Type of Assessment Summative Formative

Theory 60 40
Practical 25 25

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course the student should be able to:

1. Aptitude to apply Logic thinking and Basic Science knowledge for problem solving in variousfields of
electronics both in industries and research.
2. To acquire experimental skills, analyzing the results and interpret data.
3. Ability to design / develop / manage / operation and maintenance of sophisticated electronic gadgets
/ systems / processes that conforms to a given specification within ethical and economic constraints.
4. Capacity to identify and implementation of the formulate to solve the electronic related issues and analyze
the problems in various sub disciplines of electronics.
5. Capability to understand the working principles of the electronic devices and their applications.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 10

Model Curriculum

Program Name B.Sc. in Electronics Semester Third Semester

Course Title Programming in C and Digital Design using Verilog (Theory)

Course Code: ELE CT 3.1 No. of Credits 4

Contact hours 56 Hours Duration of SEA/Exam 2.5 hours

Formative Assessment Marks 40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

Course Objectives: After the successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
The ability to code and simulate any digital function in Verilog HDL.
Know the difference between synthesizable and non-synthesizable code.
Understand library modelling, behavioural code and the differences between simulator algorithms andlogic
verification using Verilog simulation.
Learn good coding techniques required for current industrial practices.
Gain the knowledge of programming the system using C programming language.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1. Apply the acquired knowledge of digital circuits in different levels of modelling using Verilog HDL.
CO2. Apply the acquired knowledge of digital circuits in different levels of modelling using Verilog HDL.
CO3. Design and verify the functionality of digital circuit/system using test benches.
CO4. Develop the programs more effectively using directives, Verilog tasks and constructs. CO5. Design
and analyse algorithms for solving simple problems.
CO6. Write and execute and debug C codes for solving problems.

Contents 56Hrs

Unit–1: 14Hrs
C Programming: Introduction, Importance of C, Character set, Tokens, keywords, identifier, constants,
basic data types, variables: declaration & assigning values. Structure of C program
Arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators, assignment operators, increment and decrement
operators, conditional operators, bitwise operators, expressions and evaluation of expressions, type cast
operator, implicit conversions, precedence of operators.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 11

Arrays: Basics of arrays, declaration, accessing elements, storing elements, two-dimensional and multi-
dimensional arrays. Input output statement – sprintf(), scanf() and getch(), and library functions (math and
string related functions).

Unit -2: 14 Hrs

Decision making, branching, and looping: if, if-else, else-if, switch statement, break, for loop, while loop
and do loop.
Functions: Defining functions, function arguments and passing, returning values from functions, example
Pointers: Pointer declaration, assigning values to pointers, pointer arithmetic, array names used as pointers,
pointers used as arrays, pointers and text strings, pointers as function parameters.
Structures: Structure type declarations, structure declarations, referencing structure members, referencing
whole structures, initialization of structures, structure bit fields

Unit -3: 14 Hrs

Overview of Verilog HDL: Evolution of CAD, emergence of HDLs, typical HDL flow, Trends in HDLs.
Hierarchical Modelling Concepts: Top-down and bottom-up design methodology, differences between
modules and module instances, parts of a simulation, design block, stimulus block, Lexical conventions.
Data types, system tasks, compiler directives.
Modules and Ports: Module definition, port declaration, connecting ports, hierarchical name referencing.
Gate-Level Modelling: Modelling using basic Verilog gate primitives, Description of and/or and buf/not
type gates, Rise, fall and turn-off delays, min, max, and typical delays. Combinational logic circuit design
using Gate level modelling

Unit -4: 14 Hrs

Dataflow Modelling: Continuous assignments, delay specification, expressions, operators, operands,
operator types.
Behavioral Modelling: Structured procedures, initial and always, blocking and non-blocking statements.
Delay control, generate statement, event control, conditional statements, Multiway branching, loops,
sequential and parallel blocks.
Tasks and functions: Differences between tasks and functions, declaration, invocation, automatic tasks and
functions. Combinational and sequential logic circuit design using all three modelling

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 12

1 Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis,” 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall
PTR, 2006.

2 E. Balagurusamy, “Programming in ANSI C”, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.

3 Donald E. Thomas, Philip R. Moorby, “The Verilog Hardware Description Language”, 5th Edition,
Springer, 2002.

4 Michael D. Ciletti, “Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education,

5 Padmanabhan, Tripura Sundari, “Design through Verilog HDL”, Wiley Eastern, 2016.

6 Nazeih M. Botors, “HDL Programming VHDL and Verilog”, 1st Edition, Dreamtech Publication,
New Delhi, 2006.

7 Yashavant P. Kanetkar, “Let us C”, 18th Edition, BPB Publications, 2021.

8 T Jeyapoovan, “A First Course in Programming with C,” Vikas Publishing Pvt LTD, 2004.

9 Kevin Skahill, “VHDL for Programmable Logic,”Pearson Education, 2006.

10 Cyril P R, “Fundamentals of HDL Design,” Pearson, 2010.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 13

Model Curriculum

Program Name B.Sc. in Electronics Semester Third Semester

Course Title Programming in C and Digital Design using Verilog (Practical)

Course Code: ELE CP3.1 No. of Credits 2

Formative Assessment Marks 25 Summative Assessment Marks 25

Note: Minimum of 10 programmers to be written and executed in each section

Part -A: Programming in C Laboratory

Write and execute C Program to

Find the area and circumference of a circle

Find the biggest and smallest elements in a series

Find the factorial of a given number

Check the prime number in a series

Find the roots of quadratic equation

Find the gross salary of an employee

Remove all vowels from a string

Upper case and lower-case conversion and vice-versa

Reverse a string using library functions

Reverse a string without using library

Check whether the string is palindrome or not

Arrange the array in ascending and descending order using bubble sort

To perform arithmetic operations for a matrix.

Display prime numbers between intervals 0 to 100

Find GCD of two numbers.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 14

Part – B: Verilog HDL Laboratory

Write and execute Verilog code to realize

Realization of logic gates.

Encoder without priority and with priority.

Multiplexer, De-multiplexer.

Comparator, Code converters – Binary to Gray and vice versa.

Adder/Subtractor (Half and Full) using different modelling styles.

4-bit parallel adder and 4-bit ALU/8-bit ALU.

SR, D, JK, T-flip-flops.

To realize counters: Up/Down (BCD and Binary).

4-bit Binary counter, BCD counters (Synchronous reset) and any arbitrary sequence counters.

4-bit Binary counter, BCD counters (Asynchronous reset) and any arbitrary sequence counters.

Modelling of Universal shift registers.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 15

Model Curriculum
Program Name B.Sc. in Electronics Semester Third Semester
Course Title ELE-OE 3.1: E-Business. (Theory )

Course Code: ELE OE 3.1 No. of Credits 3

Contact hours 45 Hours

OE Paper is to be offered for the Students other than Science stream

Theory Contents

Unit–1: E-BUSINESS 15 Hrs

Introduction, E-Commerce – definition, History of E-commerce, types of E-Commerce B to B etc.
Comparison of traditional commerce and e-commerce. E-Commerce business models – major B to B, B to
C model, Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C), Consumer-to-Business (C2B) model, Peer to-Peer (P2P) model –
emerging trends. Advantages/ Disadvantages of ecommerce, web auctions, virtual communities, portals, e-
business revenue models
Security threats – An area view – implementing E-commerce security – encryption –Decryption, Protecting
client computers E-Commerce Communication channels and web servers Encryption, SSL protocol,
Firewalls, Cryptography methods, VPNs, protecting, networks, policies and procedures

Unit -3: E-PAYMENTS 15 Hrs

E-payment systems – An overview. B to C payments, B to B payments. Types of E- payment system –
Credit card payment, debit cards, accumulating balance, online stored value payment systems, digital cash,
digital (electronic) wallets, agile wallet, smart cards and digital cheques. Secure Electronic Transaction
(SET) protocol. RFID Concepts.

1 1.Marriappa E- Commerce

2 “E-Business”, R.G.Saha, ,HPH

3 “E – Commerce & Accounting”, M. Suman

4 “Frontiers of Electronic Commerce”, Kalakota Ravi and A. B. Whinston, Addison.

5 “Electronic Commerce – the strategic perspective”, Watson R T, The Dryden press.

6 “Business on the Net – Whats and Hows of ECommerce”, Agarwala K.N and Deeksha Ararwala

7 “Business on the Net – Bridge to the online store front,”, Agarwala and Ararwala

8 “E. Commerce”, Murthy CSV, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 16

Model Curriculum
Program Name B.Sc. in Electronics Semester Third Semester
Course Title Application of Electronics-1 (Theory) No. of Credits 3

Course Code: ELE OE 3.2 Contact hours 45 Hours

Formative Assessment Marks 40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

OE Paper is to be offered for the Students other than Science stream

Theory Contents
Unit–1: Basic Electronics 12 Hrs
Introduction to circuit components- Resistors, capacitors, inductor, transformer, diode and transistor.
Symbols, pimples.
LED and LCD display, relay, fuse, switches, wires. AC and DC applications.

Unit -2: Applied Electronics 13 Hrs

Electronic instruments: DMM, CRO, Biomedical instruments-ECG, EEG, EMG, pH meter, X-ray,
sphygmomanometer, Glucometer, Digital thermometer. Sensor-OMR, MICR, Scanner, Barcode reader.

Unit -3: Power Supplies 10 Hrs

Dc power supply, Rectifiers-principle, Types
Inverter and UPS. Adopter and SMPS. Inverter and UPS. Mobile chargers.

Unit -4: Electronic calculators 10 Hrs

Types, Functions of Basic calculators-block diagram, Keypad using, use of calculator.

1 Basic Electronics-Solid State – B L Theraja - S Chand And Company Ltd

2 Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory – Robert L Boylestad And Louis Nashelsky ( PHI)

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 17

Model Curriculum
Program Name B.Sc. in Electronics Semester Third Semester
Course Title Robotics. (Theory) No. of Credits 3

Course Code: ELE OE3.3 Contact hours 45 Hours

Formative Assessment Marks 40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

OE Paper is to be offered for the Students other than Electronics stream

Theory Contents

Unit–1: 15 Hrs
Definitions of Robots, Robotics, Motivation, A Brief History of Robotics, A Robot System,
Interdisciplinary Areas in Robots, Classification of Robots, Introduction to embedded system,
Understanding Embedded System, Overview of basic electronics and digital electronics. Microcontroller vs.
Microprocessor, Common features of Microcontroller. Comparison between the two Different types of
microcontrollers. Sensors, Classification of sensors (contact & non-contact), characteristics of sensors,
Touch sensor, Position sensor, optical sensor, IR, PIR, Ultrasonic, temperature, displacement sensor.

Unit -2: 15 Hrs

Getting Started with Programming platform of Robots: Installation of IDE, Pin configuration and
architecture of Microcontroller (Atmel series/arduino), Device and platform features. Concept of digital and
analog ports. Familiarizing with Interfacing Board, Introduction to Embedded C platform, Review ofBasic
Concepts, Arduino data types, Variables and constants, Operators, Control Statements, Arrays Functions,
I/o Functions, Pins Configured as INPUT, Pins Configured as OUTPUT, Incorporating timedelay()
function, delayMicroseconds() function ,millis() function , micros() function

Unit -3: 15 Hrs

Demonstration experiments
Programming different types of Robots:
Temperature & Humidity controlled Robot (Fan Regulation, thermostat)
Infra-Red signal Controlled Robot (Measuring the speed of the vehicle)
Ultra-sonic signal operated Robot (automatic Tap system/Hand Drier/Floor drier)
Obstacle Follower & avoider Robot

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 18

1 Fundamentals of Robotics by D K Pratihar

2 Robotics Simplified: An Illustrative Guide to Learn Fundamentals of Robotics,by Dr. Jisu Elsa
Jacob , Manjunath N

3 Introduction to Robotics | Fourth Edition by John Craig

4 Arduino Robotics by John-David Warren (Author), Josh Adamsduino

5 Programming in 24 Hours by Richard Blum

6 Getting Started with Arduino: The Open Source Electronics Prototyping Platform Book by Massimo
Banzi and Michael Shiloh

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 19

Model Curriculum
Program Name B.Sc. in Electronics Semester Third Semester
Course Title Medical Electronics. (Theory) No. of Credits 3

Course Code: ELE OE 3.4 Contact hours 45 Hours

Formative Assessment Marks 40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

OE Paper is to be offered for the Students other than Electronics stream

Theory Contents

Unit–1: 10Hrs
Fundamental Electronics: Amplifiers, Frequency response, signal generation. Different types of
transducers & their selection for biomedical applications. Electrode theory, selection criteria of electrodes &
different types of electrodes Bio electric amplifiers

Unit -2: 12 Hrs

Introduction to Bio-medical instruments: Origin of bio-electric signals, active & passive transducer for
medical application –Electrocardiography-waveform-standard lead systems, typical ECG amplifier, EEG
electrode, recording systems, EMG basic principle-block diagram of a recorder.

Unit -3: 10 Hrs

Medical Imaging: Nature and production od X-rays, Improving X-ray images, Computerised axial
tomography, Using ultrasound in medicine, Ultrasound scanning, Magnetic resonance imaging PET and
SPECT Imaging

Unit -4: 13Hrs

Biomedical Signal Processing: Fundamentals of signal processing, digital image, transforming image,
image enhancement, image Segmentation, image compression, image restoration and reconstruction of
medical images.
Demonstration using MATLAB

1 L Cromwell, F J Weibell, Eapfeiffer, Biomedical Instrumentation and measurements, PHI

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 20

Model Curriculum

Program Name B.Sc. in Electronics Semester Fourth Semester

Course Title Electronic Communication-I (Theory)

Course Code: ELE CT 4.1 No. of Credits 4

Contact hours 56 Hours Duration of SEA/Exam 2.5 hours

Formative Assessment Marks 40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

Course Objectives:
To understand the communication system, Principle and working communication system, means and
medium of communication.
To understand the Principle and working of different modulation techniques.

Will be able to differentiate between analog and digital communication.

To understand the Principle and working of Satellite and optical fibre communication.

Course Outcomes (COs): After the successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:CO1.
Know the basic concept of Analog Communication, means and medium of communication.
CO2. Understand the principle of Analog and digital modulation.CO3. Familiar with “AM” and “FM
CO4. Understand the basic concept of Pulse Modulation, Carrier Modulation for digital transmission and
able to construct simple pulse modulation.
CO5. Understand the basic concept of Satellite Communication

CO6. Understand the basic concept of Optical Fibre Communication

Contents 56 Hrs

Unit–1: 14 Hrs
Electronic communication: Introduction to communication – means and modes. Need for modulation.
Block diagram of an electronic communication system. Brief idea of frequency allocation for radio
communication system in India (TRAI). Electromagnetic communication spectrum, band designations and
usage. Channels and base-band signals. Concept of Noise, signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 21

Propagation of “EM” Wave: Introduction, Loss of “EM” Energy due to noise, Ground Wave, Sky-wave
and Space-wave propagation. Ionosphere and its effects.
Communication medium: Transmission lines, coaxial cables, wave guides and optical fibers.
Antenna: Introduction, Antenna parameters, Ferrite rod antenna, yagi-Uda antenna, Dish-antenna,
principle, Working and applications only

Unit -2: 14 Hrs

Analog Modulation: Amplitude Modulation, modulation index and frequency spectrum. Generation of AM
(Emitter Modulation), Amplitude Demodulation (diode detector), Concept of Single side bandgeneration
and detection. Frequency Modulation (FM) and Phase Modulation (PM), modulation index andfrequency
spectrum, equivalence between FM and PM, Generation of FM using VCO, FM detector (slopedetector),
Qualitative idea of Super heterodyne receiver.
Analog Pulse Modulation: Channel capacity, sampling theorem, Basic Principles- PAM, PWM, PPM,
modulation and detection technique for PAM only, Multiplexing

Unit -3: 14 Hrs

Digital Pulse Modulation: Need for digital transmission, Pulse Code Modulation, Digital Carrier
Modulation Techniques.
Introduction to Communication and Navigation systems: Satellite Communication Introduction, need,
geosynchronous satellite orbits, geostationary satellite advantages of geostationary satellites. Satellite
visibility, transponders (C - Band), path loss, ground station, simplified block diagram of earth station.
Uplink and downlink.

Unit -4: 14 Hrs

Optical Fiber Communication: Optical Fibers: Structure and wave guides, fundamentals, Nature of light,
basic optical laws and definitions, optical fiber types, Rays and modes, ray optics. Signal degradation in
optical fibers, attenuation, scattering losses, radiation losses, absorption losses, core and cladding losses,
signal distortion in optical wave guides, group delay, dispersion, pulse broadening in graded index wave
Optical sources: LEDs, structure, source materials, Laser diodes: Structures, threshold conditions, modal
properties and radiation patterns
Optical Receiver Operations: Fundamental receiver operations, digital signal transmission, receiver noise,
analog receivers.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 22

1 Electronic Communications, D. Roddy and J. Coolen, Pearson Education India.

2 Advanced Electronics Communication Systems- Tomasi, 6th edition, Prentice Hall.

3 Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, B.P. Lathi, 4th Edition, 2011, Oxford
University Press.

4 K.D Prasad, “Antenna and Wave Propagation”, Satyaprakashan, New Delhi.

5 Sanjeev Gupta, “Electronic Communication Systems”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.

6 Electronic Communication systems, G. Kennedy, 3rd Edn., 1999, Tata McGraw Hill.

7 Principles of Electronic communication systems – Frenzel, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill

8 Communication Systems, S. Haykin, 2006, Wiley India Electronic Communication system, Blake,
Cengage, 5th edition.

9 Wireless communications, Andrea Goldsmith, 2015, Cambridge University Press

10 Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fibre Communication “, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edn.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 23

Model Curriculum

Program Name B.Sc. in Electronics Semester Fourth Semester

Course Title Electronic Communication-I (Practical)

Course Code: ELE CP 4.1 No. of Credits 2

Formative Assessment Marks 25 Summative Assessment Marks 25

Note: Minimum of 10 Experiments are to be performed using hardware and simulation.

List of Experiments

Construct amplitude modulator using transistor / I. C. Determination the modulation index.

Construct frequency modulator circuit – determine the modulation index.

“AM” Liner Diode detector- trace the input and output waveforms.

Frequency mixer circuit – Verify output frequency for different input frequencies.

“FM” Detector – Plot the frequency response curve.

Study of Balanced demodulator

Study of IF amplifier circuit.

Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) – trace the output waveforms.

Pulse width modulation (PWM) – trace the output waveforms.

Pulse position modulation (PPM) – trace the output waveforms.

Characteristics of LED in OFC

Study of Numerical aperture

Study of OFC losses.

Setting up simple OFC Link.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 24

Model Curriculum
Program Name B.Sc. in Electronics Semester Fourth Semester
Course Title Application of Electronics-2 (Theory) No. of Credits 3

Course Code: ELE OE 4.1 Contact hours 45 Hours

Formative Assessment Marks 40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

OE Paper is to be offered for the Students other than Science stream

Theory Contents
Unit–1: Introduction to Advanced Communication 12 Hrs
Radio, TV- principles, block diagram & applicationsOFC applications and advantages,
Embedded system – Smart card, SIM card
Mobiles- Bock diagram &applications

Unit -2: Advance Electronics 12 Hrs

CCTV camera, ATM- principles, block diagram & applications
Electronic voting Machine (EVM)- CU,BU,VVPAT.,

Unit -3: Application of Satellite 11 Hrs

Types, EDUSAT, TV & Internet-modem, Wi-Fi.

Unit -4: E-waste management 10 Hrs

E-waste management-identification, segregation, disposal

1 Basic Electronics-Solid State – B L Theraja - S Chand And Company Ltd

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 25

Model Curriculum
Program Name B.Sc. in Electronics Semester Fourth Semester
Course Title E-COMMERCE (Theory) No. of Credits 3

Course Code: ELE OE 4.2 Contact hours 45 Hours

Formative Assessment Marks 40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

OE Paper is to be offered for the Students other than Electronics stream

Theory Contents
Unit–1: 15Hrs
E-Security: Information system Security – Security on the Internet – E-business Risk
Management Issues – Information Security Environment in India. Legal and Ethical Issues :
Cybers talking – Privacy is at Risk in the Internet Age – Phishing – Application Fraud –
Skimming – Copyright – Internet Gambling – Threats to Children .

Unit -2: 15Hrs

e-Payment Systems: Main Concerns in Internet Banking – Digital Payment Requirements –
Digital Token-based e-payment Systems – Classification of New Payment Systems – Properties
of Electronic Cash – Cheque Payment Systems on the Internet – Risk and e-Payment Systems –
Designing e-payment Systems – Digital Signature – Online Financial Services in India - Online
Stock Trading.

Unit -3: The Geometry of Virtual Worlds &The Physiology of Human Vision 15 Hrs
Information systems for Mobile Commerce:Mobile Commerce – Wireless Applications –Cellular Network
– Wireless Spectrum – Technologies for Mobile Commerce – Wireless Technologies –Different
Generations in Wireless Communication – Security Issues Pertaining to Cellular Technology. Portals for E-
Business: Portals – Human Resource Management – Various HRIS Modules.

1 P.T.Joseph, S.J., “E-Commerce - An Indian Perspective”, PHI 2012, 4th Edition.

2 David Whiteley , “E-Commerce Strategy, Technologies and Applications”, Tata McGraw

Hill, 2001
_Pap .

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 26

Model Curriculum
Program Name B.Sc. in Electronics Semester Fourth Semester
Course Title IOT and Applications (Theory) No. of Credits 3

Course Code: ELE OE 4.3 Contact hours 45 Hours

Formative Assessment Marks 40 Summative Assessment Marks 60

OE Paper is to be offered for the Students other than Electronics stream

Theory Contents
Unit–1: 12 Hrs
Fundamentals of IoT: Introduction, History of IoT, Definitions & Characteristics of IoT, IoT Architectures,
Physical & Logical Design of IoT, Enabling Technologies in IoT, Components of an IoT Solution, IoT
frameworks, IoT and M2M, Open Source and Commercial Examples, Competing Standards for IoT

Unit -2: 12 Hrs

Sensors Networks: Definition, Traditional Data Storage, Analog and Digital I/O Basics, Types of Sensors,
Types of Actuators, Examples and Working, IoT Development Boards: Arduino IDE and Board Types,
RaspberriPi Development Kit, RFID Principles and components, Wireless Sensor Networks: History and
Context, The node, Connecting nodes, Networking Nodes, WSN and IoT.

Unit -3: 11 Hrs

Wireless Technologies for IoT: WPAN Technologies for IoT: IEEE 802.15.4, Zigbee, HART, NFC, Z-
Wave, BLE, Bacnet, Modbus. IP Based Protocols for IoT IPv6, 6LowPAN, RPL, REST, AMPQ, CoAP,
MQTT. Edge connectivity and protocols

Unit -4: 10 Hrs

Data Handling& Analytics: Introduction, Bigdata, Types of data, Characteristics of Big data, Data handling
Technologies, Flow of data, Data acquisition, Data Storage Applications of IoT: Home Automation

1 Internet of Things, Vasudevan, Nagrajanand and Sundaram, Wiley India.

2 Srinivasa K G “Internet of Things”, Cengage Learning, India 2017.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2022-23 Page 27

3 David Hanes, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Patrick Grosstete, Robert Barton, Jerome Henry, IoT fundamentals:
Networking Technologies, Protocols and uses cases for the Internet of things, 1st Edition, Pearson

4 Iot Fundamentals, David Hence et al, Cisco press.

B.Sc. (Degree & Hons) Electronics Curriculum – NEP 2021-22 Page 28

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