CAN Communication
CAN Communication
CAN Communication
CAN Communication
“If horses had controlled investment
decisions, there would have been no auto
— Warren Buffett
The way I drive, the way I handle a car, is an
expression of my inner feelings.
Lewis Hamilton
Need for CAN
At first, independently operating electronic ECUs were sufficient
to implement electronic functions. However, it was recognized
early on that the coordination of electronic control units (ECUs)
could enhance vehicle functionality immensely. Data exchange
between the electronic control units was initially implemented
conventionally, i.e. a physical communication channel was
allocated to every signal to be transmitted.
However, intensive wiring effort enabled just limited data
exchange. The only solution that seemed to offer a way out of
this dilemma came from serial bit exchange of data via a single
communication channel (bus). This led to the need to
conceptualize a serial communication system tailored to the
requirements of the automobile.
CAN History
ISO 11898-1
Covers the main CAN protocol, it’s frames, Arbitration, error and all CAN rules in general.
ISO 11898-2
Covers the high-speed CAN (1 Mb/s on CAN 2.0) and (5 Mb/s on CAN-FD)
ISO 11898-3
Covers the low-speed CAN (125 Kb/s)
ISO 11898-4
It is an extension of the main CAN that adds a time triggered communication option for
CAN-based networks.
CAN Network
The fact is I don’t drive just to get from A to B. I enjoy
feeling the car’s reactions, becoming part of it.
Enzo Ferrari
CAN Network
A CAN network consists of a number
of CAN nodes which are linked via a
physical transmission medium (CAN
bus). In practice, the CAN network is
usually based on a line topology with
a linear bus to which a number of
electronic control units are each
connected via a CAN interface.
A twisted two-wire line is the physical transmission medium used. A CAN transceiver always has two bus
pins: one for the CAN high line (CANH) and one for the CAN low line (CANL). Physical signal transmission in a
CAN network is based on transmission of differential voltages (differential signal transmission). This
effectively eliminates the negative effects of interference voltages induced by motors, ignition systems and
switch contacts.
CAN Node
An electronic control unit (ECU) that
wants to participate in CAN
communication requires a CAN
interface. This comprises a CAN
controller and a CAN transceiver. The
CAN controller fulfills
communication functions prescribed
by the CAN protocol, which relieves
the host considerably.
The CAN transceiver connects the CAN controller to the physical transmission medium. Usually, the
two components are electrically isolated by optical or magnetic decoupling, so that although
overvoltages on the CAN bus may destroy the CAN transceiver, the CAN controller and the underlying
host are preserved.
Low and High Speed
Typically, a distinction is made between high-speed CAN transceivers and low-speed CAN transceivers.
High-speed CAN transceivers support data rates up to 1 Mbit/s. Low-speed CAN transceivers only
support data rates up to 125 kbit/s.
ISO 11898-2 assigns logical “1” to a typical differential voltage of 0 Volt. The logical “0” is assigned with
a typical differential voltage of 2 Volt. ISO 11898-3 assigns a typical differential voltage of 5 Volt to
logical “1”, and a typical differential voltage of 2 Volt corresponds to logical “0”.
CAN Bus Logic
A basic prerequisite for smooth communication in a
CAN network — especially for bus access, fault
indication and acknowledgement — is clear
distinctions between dominant and recessive bus
levels. The dominant bus level corresponds to
logical “0”. The recessive bus level corresponds to
logical “1”.
● Serial Protocol
Data Sent bit by bit in series
● Asynchronous Protocol
No shared clock nor synchronization bits
● The maximum data rate is 1 Mbit/s. A maximum network extension of about 40 meters is
allowed. The standards recommends the maximum number of CAN nodes as 32.
Communication Principle
Data frames assume a predominant role in a CAN network: They serve to transmit user data. A data frame
is made up of many different components. Each individual component carries out an important task
during transmission. Tasks to be performed are: Initiate and maintain synchronization between
communication partners, establish the communication relationships defined in the communication
matrix and transmit and protect the user data.
CAN Data Frame
Transmission of a data frame begins with the start bit (Start of Frame — SOF). It is transmitted by the
sender as a dominant level which produces a signal edge from the previous recessive (bus idle) level
which is used to synchronize the entire network. In order for the receivers not to lose synchronism to the
sender during transmission of the frame, they compare all recessive-to-dominant signal edges with their
preset bit timing. In case of deviation, receivers re-synchronize by the amount of the relevant phase error
ID and RTR
Following the SOF is the identifier (ID). This sets the priority of the data frame, and together with the
acceptance filtering it provides for sender-receiver relations in the CAN network that are defined in the
communication matrix. Next comes the RTR bit (Remote Transmission Request). It is used by the sender
to inform receivers of the frame type (data frame or remote frame). A dominant RTR bit indicates a data
CAN Data Frame
The IDE bit (Identifier Extension bit) which follows serves to distinguish between standard format and
extended format. In standard format the identifier has 11 bits, and in extended format 29 bits.
CAN Data Frame
The DLC (Data Length Code) communicates the number of payload bytes to the receivers. The payload
bytes are transported in the data field. A maximum of eight bytes can be transported in one data frame.
CAN Data Frame
The payload is protected by a checksum using a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) which is ended by a
delimiter bit. Based on the results of the CRC, the receivers acknowledge positively or negatively in the
ACK slot (acknowledgement) which also is followed by a delimiter bit.
After this the transmission of a data frame is terminated by seven recessive bits (End Of Frame —
Reserved Bits
In classical CAN, reserved bits are dominant bits used for frame check.
Besides the data frame used to transport data, there is the remote frame — a frame type used to request
data, i.e. data frames, from any CAN node. Except for the lack of a data field, the layout of a remote frame
identical to that of a data frame. Data and remote frames are differentiated by the RTR bit (Remote
Transmission Request). In the case of a data frame, the RTR bit is sent as dominant. A remote frame is
identified by a recessive RTR bit.
Communication in the CAN network is based on content-related addressing. It is not the CAN nodes
that have identifiers, but rather the data and remote frames are identified (identifier — ID). So, all CAN
messages can be received by every CAN node (broadcasting). Each receiver is independently
responsible for selecting CAN messages. Such receiver-selective addressing is very flexible, but it
requires that each receiver filters the received CAN messages (acceptance filtering).
Each can node stores a database called CAN DB. This database identify the owner of each message
and the receivers of it. Only one owner per message ID is allowed. So that only one node can send a
certain message.
However, the message can be received by many nodes. Once a node send a message, all other nodes
receive the message and check their DB, if the received ID matches a record in the database then the
node continue listening to the frame. Otherwise, the node would neglect the frame.
Senders must transmit a complementary bit at
the latest after transmitting five homogeneous
bits; a stuff bit is added even if a
complementary bit followed the five
homogeneous bits anyway.
A- 20
B- 22
C- 24
A- 129
B- 132
C- 139
Bus Arbitration
CAN defines a multi-master architecture to assure high availability and event-driven data transmission.
Each node in the CAN network has the right to access the CAN bus without requiring permission and
without prior coordination with other CAN nodes. Although bus access based on an event-driven
approach enables very quick reactions to events, there is the inherent risk that several CAN nodes
might want to access the CAN bus at the same time, which would lead to undesirable overlaps of data
on the CAN bus.
In case of simultaneous bus access, a bitwise bus arbitration ensures that the highest priority CAN
message among the CAN nodes prevails. In principle, the higher the priority of a CAN message the
sooner it can be transmitted on the CAN bus. In case of poor system design, low priority CAN messages
even run the risk of never being transmitted.
All CAN nodes wishing to send place their identifier of the CAN message bitwise onto the CAN bus, from
most significant to least significant bit. In this process, the wired-AND bus logic upon which the CAN
network is based ensures that a clear and distinct bus level results on the bus.
Bus Arbitration
Error in CAN
The time is right for electric cars – in fact the
time is critical.
Carlos Ghosn
Error Detection
To detect corrupted messages, the CAN protocol defines five mechanisms: bit monitoring, Form Check,
Stuff Check, ACK Check and Cyclic Redundancy Check.
Transmission of an error flag ensures that all other CAN nodes will also transmit an error flag (secondary
error flag) and thereby also terminate the regular data transmission just like the sender of the primary
error flag. Depending on the situation, the primary and secondary error flags might overlap.
Transmission of an error flag is always terminated by an error delimiter. This consists of eight recessive
bits. The error delimiter replaces the ACK delimiter and the EOF of a regular message transmission, so
that together with the obligatory transmission pause (ITM — Intermission) on the CAN bus, this results
in eleven recessive bits (bus-idle identifier).
Error Reporting
Error Tracking
To assure network-wide data consistency, each node
in a CAN network has the right to terminate any CAN
message interpreted as faulty.
Passive Error
CAN controllers in the Error Passive state can only indicate a detected error by sending six homogeneous recessive
bits. This prevents the error-detecting receivers from globalizing detected errors. In addition, when sending two
consecutive data or remote frames, CAN controllers that are in the “Error Passive” state must wait the “Suspend
Transmission Time” (8 bits).
Bus Off
If a CAN controller fails or if there are extreme accumulations of errors, a state transition is made to the Bus Off state.
The CAN controller disconnects from the CAN bus. The Bus-Off state can only be exited by intervention of the host (with
a mandatory waiting time of 128 x 11 bits) or by a hardware reset.
Overload Frame
It is very similar to Error Frame in format and it is transmitted by any node to buy some time if it is too
busy so that it can complete its pending task.