Production Technology For Vegetable and Spices
Production Technology For Vegetable and Spices
Production Technology For Vegetable and Spices
Course code- CCAGL-222Course credit-(1+1)
Compiled by:
Department of Horticulture
School of Agriculture and Allied Sciences
The Neotia University
Sarisha, Jhinga - 743368, D. H. Road South 24 Parganas, West Bengal
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Seeds are the basic unit of identification of crop species and cultivars can be distinguished from
one another either by morphological or physiological or biochemical characteristics and these
formaintenanceofseedqualityintermsofgeneticpurity.Botanicallyseedisdefinedasaripened ovule
containing an embryo in arrested state of development usually with a food reserve and a
protective coat. In seed technological term, the part of a plant used for sowing to raise the crop or
any propagative material is known as seed. Although some vegetables like potatoes are
vegetativelypropagated, mostareestablishedfromseeds.Usingqualityseedsisaprerequisitefor
successful vegetableproduction.
1. To identify the spices based on the different plant part i.e. leaf, seed, bark, rhizome, flowerbud
2. To identify the seed spices based on shape (main diagnostic character). The seeds maybe
globose or sub-globose or oblong or orbicular or round or flat or rectangular, square,
3. To identify the spices based on surface texture. Seed surface varies from very smoothand
glossy to rough and fibrous. Botanical terms applied to the seed surface are smooth,
glabrous, wrinkled, ribbed, punctuate, reticulate, pulp, tomentose andhairy.
4. To identify the Seeds based on external structures such as seed coat, pericarpetc.
5. To identify the spices based on aroma, pungency, phenolic compounds present in it andcolour.
Common name Botanical name Family
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The development of seedling in nursery is not only reduces the crop span but also increase the
uniformity of the crop and thus, harvesting as compared to direct sown crops. Transplanting of
seedling are also eliminate the need of thinning and providing good opportunities for virus free
minimalefforts.Developmentofanurseryprovidesfavourableclimatetoemergingplantsfortheir better
growth and development. The effective utilization of unfavourable period by preparing nursery
under protected condition. Seed cost of some crops like hybrid vegetables and spices can be
economized through nursery. Nursery production help in maintaining effective plants stand in
shortest possible time through gapfilling.
Criteria for selecting Nursery:
1. Site for nursery should be selected at such places where abundant sunshine and proper
ventilation isavailable.
2. Nursery site should be on higher location so that water stagnation isavoidable.
3. In humid and rain prone areas nursery place should be well protected from heavy rains
through protectedstructures.
4. The site should be nearer to irrigation facilities andaccessible.
5. It should be protected from stray animals, snail, ratsetc.
6. SoilshouldbesandyloamorloamywithpHrangeof6to7andrichinorganicmatterand free from
Materials required for raising plug tray nursery: Good quality seeds, plug tray/poly tray,
coco peat, vermicompost, Nursery net, mulching sheet, rose can etc.
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1. The seedling tray (pro tray) is filled with the growing medium (cocopeat/Soil).
2. A small depression (0.5 cm) is made with fingertip in the centre of the cell of the pro tray
for sowing. One seed per cell is sown and covered withmedium.
3. After sowing 10 trays are kept one over other for 3 to 6 days, depending on the crops.The
entirestackwillbecoveredusingpolyethylenesheetorpaddystrawtoensureconservation of
moisture untilgermination
4. Thetraysareirrigatedlightlyeverydaydependingupontheprevailingweatherconditions
byusing a fine sprinkling rose can. Drenching the trays with fungicides as a precautionary
measure against seedling mortality is also beingdone.
5. he seedlings at right stage of planting are hardened by withholding irrigation andreducing
the shade before transplanting or selling to the growers. Systemic insecticides are sprayed
7 - 10 days after germination and before transplanting for managing the insectvectors.
6. The seedlings would be ready in about 21-30 days for transplanting to the main field
depending upon thecrop.
Production and timely distribution of quality seedlings of vegetables/spices would be a greater
scopetomeetthe growingdemand.Moreprofitcanbeearnedifthistechnologyisadoptedbythe farming
community. More income, more production of quality disease free seedlings, more employment
and entrepreneurship development can beachieved.
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The choice of direct seeding or transplanting for field planting depends on many factors. Among
others, these include: (1) the crop species to be grown, (2) ease in planting and survival rate,(3)
farmer'sfamiliarity,(4)timeliness,(5) financialcapabilityofthefarmer,and(6)returnon investment.
nirani, shovel, rose can, mulching material such as paddy straw, plastic mulchetc.
A. Direct seedsowing:
1. Seeds can be sown in a variety oy ways such as furrows, line sowing, mounds, or by
simply poking holes in the soil and dropping theseeds.
2. In case of direct seeded crop, requires loose, friable soil for proper germination of
seeds.Soitshouldbesowninwellpulverizedfieldbyploughingfirstwithsoilturning plough
and afterwards with 4 to 5 ploughings with countryplough.
3. Ploughing should be followed bylevelling.
4. FYM @20-25tonnes per ha should be applied at the time of fieldpreparation.
5. In addition, apply Nitrogen, phosphorus (P2O5) and (K2O) kg per hectare depending
upon the fertility status of thesoil.
6. Half of nitrogen and full dose of phosphorus and potassium should be applied at the
timeofsowingandremainingnitrogencanbetopdressedintwosplitdosesatspecific interval
depending upon the crop aftersowing.
7. Interculture operations should be performed followed byweeding.
8. Irrigations should be applied as and whennecessary.
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B. Transplanting:
1. Seed beds are prepared finely, well drained, 15-20 cm raised, 1.0m wide and of
2. FineandfullydecomposedFYMorcompost@3-4Kg/m2shouldbewellmixedtothe beds.
3. Drench the beds with formaldehyde (4%) or Captan @ 2-3g/litre and covered with
polythene sheet for 7 to 10 days to avoid damping offdisease.
4. Treat the seed with Captan or Thiram@2-3 g per kg of seeds beforesowing.
5. Seedsaresownatshallowdepth5.0cmapartintherowandcoveredwithfinelysieved leaf
mould and sprinkle waterregularly.
6. Hardening of the seedlings by withholding water at least 4-6 days beforetransplanting
7. Seedlings are ready for transplanting when they attain a height of 12-15cm with 4
leaves in 4-5 weeks. Plantation is done on flat or raised (rainfall prone areas)beds.
Though both method of planting as well as raising seedling has some pro and cons but has been
proven effective and adaptive to the farmers.
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1. To study the morphological characters of different vegetable crops based on root system,
stem characteristics, leaf characteristics, inflorescence, economic part.
2. Tostudythemorphologicalcharactersofdifferentspicescropsbasedonrootsystem,stem
characteristics, leaf characteristics, inflorescence, economicpart.
1. Critically observe the morphological characteristics of the specimen. To identify plants,
look for morphological features such as size, shape and color of the leaves as well as
unusual characteristics like aroma orhair.
2. Draw the sketch of theplant.
3. Record the observations with respect to root, stem, leaf, inflorescence and fruit
characteristics in the data sheet.
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Materials required: Forceps, hand lens, paper sheet, paper and pen
Morphological characters play a very important role in distinguishing characters of important
vegetable and spices crops. It takes time and exposure to learn to identify different vegetable and
spices plants.
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1. To study the method of fertilizer application for vegetablecrops.
2. To calculate the amount of fertilizer required for vegetablecrops.
Before calculating the fertilizer dose, one should have the knowledge about
1. The recommended dose of N- P2O5- K2O for a crop for which the fertilizer doses have tobe
2. Different growth stages of the crop at which fertilizers are to beapplied.
3. The source of fertilizers from which the N-P-K requirements have to be met e.g.CAN/Urea,
SSP, MOP etc.
Source of fertilizers supplying nutrients: Different fertilizer grade refers to the guarantee
minimum percentage of N, P2O, and K2O contained in the fertilizer material. For example
Composition (%)
Fertilizer N P2O K2 O
Urea 46 - -
CAN 25 - -
SSP - 16 -
Double super phosphate - 32 -
Diammonium phosphate 18 46
MOP - - 60
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If the recommended dose of nutrient and the percentage content of that nutrient in the fertilizer
are known,the quantity of fertilizer required can be calculated by using following formula.
Quantity of fertilizer required (kg) = (Recommended dose of nutrient application) ×100
(% Nutrient content present in the fertilizer)
Table: Represents recommended dose of nutrient for important vegetable crops (the doses may
vary according to growing area, varieties and cultural practices).
Materials required: Fertilizers (to apply in field), Paper sheet and pen to note down
the calculation procedure.
Proper amount of fertilizer application in vegetables crops by adopting best possible methods to
achieveoptimalnutrientuseefficiency, cropyields,cropquality,andeconomicreturnsisthemain
principles of successfulcultivation.
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Garden pea Well filled, green, tender pods that open easily
French bean, cow pea and Tender pods, desirable size, stringless
other beans (without fibre formation) seeds soft and snap
Snake gourd and bottle gourd Desirable size and thumbnail can penetrate
flesh readily
Cauliflower Curd compact, well developed and at least 15
cm in diameter
Cabbage Compact, well developed at least 750-1000 g
Broccoli Bud cluster compact, adequate diameter, all
florets should be closed.
Radish, turnip and carrot Large enough and crispy but should not be
over mature (pithy)
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Packaging is an important consideration in vegetable market. The use of properly designed
containers for transporting and marketing of vegetables can significantly reduce their losses and
maintain their freshness succulence and quality for longer period. Packaging also provides
protection from mechanical damage and undesirable physiological changes and pathological
deterioration during storage, transportation and marketing. Many vegetables are transported in
gunnybagsofbamboobaskets.Packagingmaterialsuchaspolythenefilms,paperboars,andboxes lived
with polythene and other materials can effectively prolong the shelf life of vegetables. By using
plastic films vegetables can be protected from dry air. Polythene packaging, provides
Packaging of vegetables in perforated films significantly reduces weight and water loss in
transportation. eg.Carrot.
colour,andfirmness.Generally,produceisgradedasA,BorCaspersize,shapeandcolour. The fruit
vegetables such as bitter gourd, okra, bell pepper, brinjal, green chill, etc. also graded on the
basis of size into three grades as small, medium andlarge.
Harvest should be completed during the coolest time of the day, which is usually in the early
morning, and produce should be kept shaded in the field. Crops destined for storage should be as
freeaspossiblefromskinbreaks,bruises,spots,rots,decay,andotherdeterioration. It isessential to
grade the produce brought to the market on scientific lines in order to get remunerative prices.
Grading not only promotes the international trade but also improves national credentials in the
marketing. Packaging also provides protection from mechanical damage and undesirable
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1. To calculate cost of production of vegetable and spicescrops.
2. To calculate the cost benefit ratio for vegetable and spicescrops.
Materials required:
Paper sheet and pen to note down the instructions and calculation.
These are the following components for calculating cost of cultivation of vegetable and
spices crops per hectare.
i. VariableCost:
1. Nurserymanagement
2. Landpreparation
a) Ploughing
b) Harrowing
c) Preparation of beds and channels
3. Transplanting
4. Manures and fertilizersapplication
5. Intercultureoperations
6. Irrigation
7. Plantprotection
8. Harvesting
a) Picking
b) Grading
c) Packing
d) Transportation
9. Seed
10. Manures andfertilizers
11. PlantProtection
12. Miscellaneous
13. Interest on workingcapital
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ii. FixedCost
Land revenue, Rental value of land, Management cost, Risk margin, Depreciation cost, Plough,
Harrow, Ridges, Buckets, Pump, Sprayer, Total Fixed Capital, Interest on Fixed Capital.
1. Total cost of cultivation = Total variable cost + Total fixedcost
2. Total income = Yield (kg) × Market price of the produce(Rs./kg)
3. Net Profit = Total Income - Total cost ofcultivation
4. Benefit cost Ratio = Cost of totalbenefit
Cost of production
5. Bullock/Tractor cost
6. Miscellaneous (2% of totalcost)
7. Interest on working capital(5%)
Total Variable cost 38337
B) Fixed Cost
1. Land Ravenue (Rs 15./ha) 12
2. Rental Value of Land 1000
3. Depriciation 100
No Junk Value 180
With Junk Value 2000
4. Management Cost (5% of working 165
5. Interest on Fixed Capital (5%)
Cost of cultivation helps to minimize the risk of loss in crop cultivation. It helps in management
of different factors during cultivation of crops. It also helps in planning and initiation of any crop
cultivation and reveals the requirements for cultivation It increase the sustainability in farmers