Year9CurriculumBooklet2022 2023
Year9CurriculumBooklet2022 2023
Year9CurriculumBooklet2022 2023
Curriculum Booklet
Behaviour for Learning and Health Related Fitness at
Coombe Wood School
We communicate with confidence and inspire others through our actions and words.
We take part, never give up and cooperate with our whole community.
We are polite and cooperative towards all members of the CWS community.
We say thank you, open doors for people and cherish our learning environments.
We are positive learners and thrive on the challenges our teachers set us in class.
We approach every task with a positive mind-set and get the most out of every situation.
We train hard, perform at the top of our game and take enjoyment from what we achieve.
We show self-control at all times and understand that things may not always ‘go our way.’
We know that our rules are there to help us and follow them first time, every time.
We recognise the importance of fairness and are prepared to be honest about what is fair.
We value our community and say ‘well done’ to others when they achieve great things.
(Contributions from the first ever students and parents / carers of Coombe Wood School have helped us to
construct this picture of what an outstanding CWS learner looks like – thank you all for your cooperation.)
Coombe Wood School Mission Statement
Displaying and developing the human values of teamwork, respect, enjoyment, discipline and
sportsmanship in our daily lives, as we journey together towards discovering and reaching our
true personal bests.
In year 9, the curriculum booklet will provide learning opportunities in addition to the
homework set by teachers.
This curriculum booklet provides many fantastic tasks that students can engage with
throughout the whole school year at home to support their learning in each subject. It
includes websites, active learning, literature, places of interest to visit and much more!
The purpose of this booklet is for students to get interested and curious in their subjects. It is
important that all students and parents / carers see this as an opportunity to inspire their love
of learning.
Teachers will be very keen to celebrate and discuss with students anything they have learnt or
any work they have produced from these booklets so please do bring work in to your
teachers. Rewards points will be awarded for work completed.
Students will also be provided with self-regulation, revision and independent learning skills
training through PSHE lessons.
Relevant and useful homework will be set by subject teachers and tutors, with a clear purpose
to either reinforce learning done in class, or to prepare students with background knowledge
for a task or assessment they will shortly be doing.
Please keep this booklet in a safe and accessible place, we firmly believe that there are great
ideas, fun activities and tasks in here that will engage and stimulate interest in subjects for
the whole of year 9.
● Continue to encourage your children to use the curriculum booklet in a happy learning environment.
● Encourage them to share their knowledge in lessons and tell you what they learn in school.
● Continue to have high aspirations and expectations for your children; including how important school is,
having a positive attitude towards their teachers and the value of education. Your contribution can have the
biggest impact on their progress.
English Curriculum
The English curriculum at Coombe Wood School has been carefully designed in order to
ensure that students enjoy learning, make clear progress and achieve their full potential. Key
exam skills have been embedded within every lesson in order to ensure that students feel
fully prepared by the time they take their GCSE exams.
The teaching of English will build students’ confidence in writing, encouraging creativity,
developing technical accuracy and the ability to write with purpose. Students will read a wide
range of texts - both fiction and non-fiction - in order to improve their comprehension and
analytical skills. Throughout the year, students will also be supported in improving their
speaking and listening skills, helping them to become successful communicators.
In Year 9, students will study a wide range of texts, including George Orwell’s Animal Farm,
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and Victorian Crime Fiction. Students will also take part in
weekly writing lessons to support them in becoming increasingly effective writers with a
life-long love of literature.
Literacy is undoubtedly a key priority for Coombe Wood School and all members of
staff feel passionate about ensuring that students are well-prepared for all future
challenges that may await them. Literacy is promoted at Coombe Wood School in
the following ways:
● Students complete literacy workshops during PM registration on Tuesdays.
These have been designed by our literacy coordinator in order to both
support and challenge students to develop essential literacy skills.
● High frequency words for each subject are collated each half term and given
to parents. Students may refer to these words in order to improve their
comprehension, spelling and to feel more prepared and comfortable about
their use in class.
● Students are given personalised reading lists in order to encourage
independent reading.
● There are regular opportunities for students to read independently in tutor
time and in lessons.
● Students will be given knowledge organisers and SPAG placemats with key
spellings, punctuation and grammatical concepts..
● Targeted literacy and reading intervention groups run throughout the year
in order to work with students who may need a little more support with
spelling or other key literacy skills..
● Students will complete reading journals to allow reading to be celebrated
and promoted for all Year 9 students. All students will be expected to bring
this journal to school with them everyday alongside their reading book.
We will be working on:
The ultimate aim is for our pupils to demonstrate mathematical thinking and
problem solving. To do so, pupils require the necessary fluency in important
facts, procedures and concepts, and rich experiences in reasoning
mathematically, to make progress when solving unfamiliar problems.
Get Curious
Interactive textbook: [class code: UFFS-HZR7]
Interactive courses:
Weekly puzzles: [class code: 73u91k]
TED Education maths videos:
UK Maths Challenge questions:
Useful Websites and Resources (login details will be shared by your maths teachers and
pupils are expected to write them down in their planners and elsewhere):
Revision textbook: Grade 9-1 GCSE Maths Edexcel Student Book - Foundation (with
Online Edition): perfect course companion for the 2023 and 2024
exams (CGP Edexcel GCSE Maths)
Download resources
Virtual Manipulatives
Maths Curriculum
Smaller (formative) assessments take place a few weeks after each unit has been taught.
Pupils are expected to revise, consolidate and challenge their own learning regularly.
Larger, cumulative (and summative) assessments take place typically in the first couple of
weeks of the academic year (baseline/AP1), before/after the December break (AP2), and finally
once more before the summer break (AP3).
● Create a home learning timetable. It is better to study 2-5 subjects per day for a
shorter period each, instead of 1 subject for a long period.
● Encourage your child to practice what they have learned on a regular basis; frequent
quizzing and flashcards are generally considered as effective strategies.
● When possible, try to get your child to teach you what they have learned. This will
improve their communication skills by using mathematical language, as well as
enjoyment from sharing their knowledge and developing a genuine passion for the
● Allow your child to use their number skills while shopping (paying and working out
their change mentally), telling the time (e.g. converting 12 to 24 hours), cooking (e.g.
measuring and converting units, using scales), etc.
Maths Curriculum
Numeracy Curriculum
We want all pupils to view mathematics as something they should be curious about, its
significance and that it is really fun! All pupils need to learn, develop and be confident with
numeracy skills; it will serve them well throughout their schooling, day-to-day life and future
aspirations. Numeracy is promoted at Coombe Wood School through the following:
● Numeracy workshops that pupils attempt during registration every three weeks.
These engage pupils and help us to identify gaps in their times tables, arithmetic
and basic numeracy. With regular practice and motivation, these sessions
encourage our pupils to become more fluent over time, enabling them to better
access other mathematical concepts.
● Times Tables Rockstars for those pupils who require deliberate practice.
● At the start of most maths lessons, all pupils participate in regular retrieval using
'Corbett 5-a-Day'. These 5 daily random questions check whether pupils can recall
previous skills from memory.
● Pupils are instructed to reflect upon and improve on topics from verbal feedback,
their written feedback sheets and Topic Tests. The Maths department use online
platforms (e.g. Dr Frost maths) to set homework and direct revision. For some
occasions, worksheets will also be made available for pupils to take home and
practise further.
● A maths dictionary that contains the origins of words and the way in which their
meanings have changed throughout history.
The links below show the specifications which outline all of the skills and the content that you need to for the course.
This is the approximate schedule for what you have been taught and when. It may differ by a few
weeks either way depending upon your class.
Look at the specifications above for a more detailed look at what you need to know for each topic.
Bonding, structures and the
Chemistry Atomic structure properties of matter & The Quantitative chemistry
Periodic Table
Particle model of
Physics Energy Electricity
Energy changes
Quantitative chemistry
Chemistry The rate and extent of chemical Organic chemistry
Chemical changes
Chemical analysis
Chemistry of the Scientific skills, practical skills &
Chemistry Exams.
atmosphere revision.
Using resources
Magnetism and
Scientific skills, practical skills &
Physics Electromagnetism Exams.
Space Physics (Triple only)
Science Required practicals
Required practicals
Science is a practical subject and students will be expected to know how to carry out the required
practicals and apply their knowledge of the skills and results of the practicals during their exams.
The links below show the practical handbooks which outline all of the skills and the required practical
content that you need to know for the course.
Combined Science:
● Biology: Microscopy, Microbiology, Osmosis, Food tests, Enzymes, Photosynthesis, Reaction time
and Field investigations
● Chemistry: Making salts, Electrolysis, Temperature change, Rates of reaction and Water
● Physics: Specific heat capacity, Resistance, I-V characteristics, Density, Force and extension,
Acceleration and Waves.
Triple Science:
● Biology: Microscopy, Microbiology, Osmosis, Food tests, Enzymes, Photosynthesis, Reaction time,
Field investigations, Plant responses, Decay and Microbiology
● Chemistry: Making salts, Electrolysis, Temperature change, Rates of reaction, Water purification,
Neutralisation and Identifying ions.
● Physics: Specific heat capacity, Resistance, I-V characteristics, Density, Force and extension,
Acceleration, Waves, Radiation and absorption, Thermal insulation and Light.
● Look over your notes after every lesson. Revisiting information is what helps to make it stick. If the only time
you have ever read that sentence you wrote is when you wrote it, then you will never remember it.
● Test yourself regularly on your key content by repeating your LCWCs at home.
● Make flash cards using the key content and using your revision guide.
● Look at your Topic Title Sheets to help you know exactly which content needs to be revised.
● Create mind maps to help you organise your thoughts
● If there is something that you do not understand or you have missed a lesson then it is essential that you
find your teacher ASAP to catch up.
● You will receive a pack of revision materials from your teacher that you will be working on in class. Make sure
you read through them and attempt the exam questions.
Revision guides to buy to help you: You can buy them from amazon if you have not ordered one
through the school.
Websites that can help you if you would like some extra practice:
BBC Bitesize - read the notes pages and quizzes at the end of each topic
Oak National Academy - watch the videos, make notes and try the exercises
● Combined Science: Combined Science Key Stage 4 students - Oak National Academy
● Biology: Biology lessons for Key Stage 4 students - Oak National Academy
● Chemistry: Chemistry lessons for Key Stage 4 students - Oak National Academy
● Physics: Physics lessons for Key Stage 4 students - Oak National Academy
This is a fantastic Youtube channel showing all the required practicals in detail: Malmesbury Education
Places you can visit or events you can Films about science or scientists:
attend in and around London:
● 2001: A Space Odyssey
● Bletchley Park ● A Beautiful Mind
● Body Worlds ● Agora
● Florence Nightingale Museum ● Contact
● Grant Museum of Zoology ● Creation
● Horniman Museum ● Gorillas in the Mist
● Hunterian Museum ● Hawking
● Imperial College London Festival ● Hidden Figures
● Kirkaldy Testing Museum ● Inherit the Wind
● Natural History Museum ● Interstellar
● Old Operating Theatre ● Radioactive
● Pint of Science ● Temple Grandin
● Royal Observatory in Greenwich ● Tesla
● Science Museum ● The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
● The Faraday Museum ● The Imitation Game
● Wellcome Collection ● The Man Who Knew Infinity
● The Martian
Documentaries to help you understand ● The Theory of Everything
complex topics further:
Podcasts to discover that explore
● Apollo 11 different topics in the field of science and
● Behind the Curve technology:
● Blackfish
● Blue Planet, Planet Earth, Frozen ● 60 Second Science
Planet and Our Planet – basically ● 99% Invisible
anything by David Attenborough ● BBC Earth Podcast
● Brain Games by National Geographic ● BBC Inside Science
● Chasing Coral ● Best of Natural History Radio
● Chasing Ice ● Chemistry in its element
● Connected ● Click
● Cosmos ● Crowd Science
● Cowspiracy ● Drilled
● Explained ● Houston, We Have a Podcast
● Fantastic Fungi ● Naked Scientists
● Human the world within ● Nature
● Icarus ● New Scientist Weekly
● Inside nature’s giants ● Radiolab
● Life on Us: A Microscopic Safari ● Rocket
● Mercury 13 ● Science Vs
● Resistance ● Science Weekly
● The incredible human journey ● Scienceish
● The Planets series by Professor Brian ● TEDTalks Technology
Cox ● The Curious Cases of Rutherford and
● The Social Dilemma Fry
● The Future of Everything
There is an endless list of books to keep ● The Infinite Monkey Cage
you curious about Science. See your ● The Story Collider
teacher for recommendations about
specific topics.
Health Related Fitness
Health Related Fitness at Coombe Wood school allows students to develop confidence,
competence & knowledge to stay healthy and fit. At Key Stage 3 pupils will engage in
forms of movement centered around key components of fitness. Students will be
rewarded based on effort within lessons with close links to the use of Myzone technology.
As well as Health Related Fitness lessons students will also engage with our Games
curriculum offering.
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Agility, Balance,
Strength Coordination Speed
To support the effort you will be putting into HRF at Coombe Wood School as you
endeavour to discover and reach your personal best, please look at the suggestions and
support material included below.
There are so many wonderful sports in the world and lots of possibilities to learn new sports in
the Croydon area - There really is something for everyone. Taking part in ANY sport outside of
school is great for your wellbeing.
Get inspired by sport and find out how you can take part in a wide range of activities by
heading to or look on the HRF noticeboard for more
information on local clubs and activities (not just those taught at CWS).
★ You can keep active at home by completing a PE WITH JOE workout at home. There are
hundreds of free workouts on The Body Coach TV YouTube Channel that are completely free
and require little or no equipment.
Are you considering GCSE PE or Cambridge National Sport Studies? Support your interest
in this subject and see how it differs from HRF by completing these online Lessons
Art in Context
Within this project, students will delve into the social and political
influences and impact of Art. They will enhance both their critical
analysis skills and their understanding and use of visual language
through a range of workshops that heavily feature mixed media
and contemporary Artists. Alongside classwork, pupils will
undertake a research project of their choice as their homework.
This topic will prepare students for many aspects of GCSE-style
working including contextual research, independent study and
experimental practice.
Get Curious:
Collect newspaper articles and save links from reliable online
websites that discuss current affairs you are passionate about.
Get Curious:
Take a series of black and white photos to explore how light and
shadows fall across different objects..
In the final term, pupils will be guided to use the independent
working skills they have picked up throughout the year to complete
their first GCSE-style unit. This will provide the opportunity to have a
‘test-run’ of the creative process before those who have chosen the
subject begin their formal coursework in Key Stage 4. The project
will investigate the concept of ‘Journeys’ through an extensive
range of mediums and feature a large focus on the GCSE
Assessment Objectives to ensure pupils have a thorough
understanding of them.
Get Curious:
Create a Pinterest board or visual mind-map of GCSE sketchbook
page photographs that inspire you.
Design & Technology Curriculum
Welcome to Design & Technology. Over the course of the year students will study across 4
different specialisms including Product Design, Graphic Design, Fashion & Textiles and Food
& Nutrition. These varied creative disciplines include a wide range of exciting practical tasks
as well as various theory, design and research activities to inspire the most innovative and
creative outcomes.
3D Design
In this year 9 introductory workshop project students will
learn how to use a variety of hand tools and machines to
make a unique and personal bug hotel designed to be used
in a small garden. The project will incorporate aspects of
research and designing in order to realise individual ideas
that will be manufactured from a combination of pine wood
and reclaimed materials. Students will be taught how to
safely use hand tools such as tenon saws, coping saws,
mitre saws, files and rasps, and also machinery such as
hegner saws, pillar drills and sanding machines. There will
Bug House be plenty of opportunity to individualise designs.
Get Curious:
Look at design magazines and websites such as Elle
Decoration, Blueprint and Design Week for influences.
Visit London museums and galleries such as The Design
Museum and the V&A and keep an eye out for design
festivals and articles in newspapers and supplements.
Watch design and make programmes on TV such as Grand
Designs, Repair Shop, and Abstract on Netflix:
Graphic Design
Students will study the art of poster design in this cross
curricular project. After researching different styles of poster
designs, events and medals. Students will design and create
their own limited edition posters for a mass participation
event. This project will also involve opportunities for
developing hand drawn designs into professional digital
outcomes which include advertising design and laser cut
medals. The structure of research, design, and development
Graphics in work on Adobe Creative Suite aims to develop students'
ability to work independently and prepare students for a
Sports GCSE project in Graphic Communication.
Get Curious:
Record various examples of Graphics in sports in a series of
photographs to look at the differences between different
styles of design and the different types of illustrations. What
other forms of Graphic Communication can you see
throughout various sports?
Design & Technology Curriculum
Food Technology
Students will begin by reviewing how to work within a
kitchen hygienically and safely. We will continue to develop
a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills to
create a wide range of dishes with increased complexity, for
a wide range of people. Students will be exploring the
factors that influence food choices including special dietary
Making needs, and information provided on food packaging.
Physical Landscapes: Rivers Some facts about rivers across the UK:
> Why is the water cycle important to
life? m
> How do river change landscapes?
>What landforms can we find along a Check this out for the future of flood risk
river’s course? management in the UK:
>What causes floods?
>How do we manage the risks of d-risk-and-the-uk
The Middle East A deeper look into the different cultures in the Middle
> What challenges occur in the Middle East:
East today?
> How can development vary between nd-the-middle-east-2/#.YXJisRrMKUl
different countries in the Middle East
> Oil dependency and the impact of Check this out for information and facts about middle east countries:
supply and demand
Our Global World Check out this website for an overview of what a
> What is globalisation? superpower country is:
> How have jobs changed across the
world? ml
> What are superpowers and how have This video will help you understand the current global
they changed the world? superpowers on the planet:
>Who is more powerful: China or USA?
Passport to South America Learn more about being changes that you can make
> What resources can we find in our to your energy consumption:
world’s forests?
> How are humans damaging these /RenewableEnergyHome
> Why is there a growing demand for
energy resources?
History Curriculum
History is a dynamic and engaging subject that challenges students in many ways. The
teaching of history not only develops analytical skills, but also crucial life skills such as essay
writing, the articulation of arguments and how to use evidence effectively.
Year 9 is a unique year for Key Stage 3 in that it is taught thematically rather than
chronologically. The overarching themes in our study are democracy, freedom and equality.
This approach allows students to analyse how the modern world and our current British
values have been shaped over the course of the last 1000 years. We will start by looking at the
Holocaust and the creation of universal human rights before focusing on the rise of
democracy and freedom for women and minorities in Britain.
Year 9 will culminate by studying the GCSE thematic topic ‘Medicine through time’ to give
students a flavour of history GCSE and to further study in a thematic format. .
Learning Quest
Topic 1 The Read the information, make notes, watch the video and complete the
Holocaust knowledge test
Topic 2 Rise of Read the information, make notes, watch the video and complete the
Democracy knowledge test
Topic 3 Freedom for Read the information, make notes, watch the video and complete the
Women knowledge test
Topic 4 Freedom for Read the information, make notes, watch the video and complete the
Minorities knowledge test
Topic 5/6 Medicine Read the information, make notes, watch the video and complete the
through knowledge test
MFL Curriculum
French or Spanish
Lessons per week: 2
What will students study in Year 9?
Pupils will study a range of topics during the course of Year 9 which will build on knowledge
obtained during Years 7 & 8. Using contexts familiar to them, they will gain further insight into
the everyday life and culture of France / Spain and other French/Spanish-speaking countries.
Topics include describing what you do in the week, describing birthday celebrations, talking
about films, food in the context of healthy eating, how we can take care of ourselves both
mentally and physically and finishing with a tour of a French / Spanish city. Year 9 students will
consolidate their working knowledge and application of the past, present and future tenses as
well as develop more complex structures in order to enrich their communication in the
foreign language. Year 9 students, following the topic of films, will study a film linked to a
country of the language they are studying as well as take part in a House Language
Competition. Lessons will have a strong focus on listening, phonics and reading activities to
prepare students to then be able to speak and write in the language spontaneously and
accurately. Activities have been designed to be fun and engaging whilst having a clear and
meaningful purpose.
Pupils will be informally assessed as they work through the subunits with a formal graded
assessment set at the end of each unit of study and an end of year assessment in
the summer term.
Be independent; Be curious:
The Great Modern Foreign Language Challenge
Challenge yourself to find out more about the French / Spanish language
and the cultures of those countries where the language is spoken.
Stuck for ideas? Here are some to get you started. Present your findings
in an attractive way for it to be displayed in the classroom.
MFL Curriculum
Watching tasks & Listening Tasks:
● When you next watch a film, change the language to French / Spanish whilst keeping the
subtitles in English. How does it sound to you? Are you able to pick up any words?
● Find a Spanish / French film, cartoon or soap opera and watch and listen to it in its original
language. Consider the intonation and the gestures people use to express themselves. In what
way is it different to English or other languages that you know?
● Extr@s: This is a series, available on YouTube, aimed at teenagers learning Spanish / French. It is set
out in the style of ‘Friends’ and there will be a lot of vocabulary that you will recognise and new
words that you will pick up. Open YouTube and from there search for ‘Extr@s Spanish’ OR ‘Extr@s
French’. There are 13 episodes in total!
● Listen to French / Spanish songs on You Tube. You can also use the following websites to find
songs and complete activities: French (; Spanish
● For any of the above tasks, write a short paragraph in English giving information on what you
watched or listened to, if you changed any of the language settings, what you thought of it (focus
as well on the sound of the language, intonation, gestures), what you picked up or learnt from it.
Give your opinion – would you recommend others to watch/listen to it?
Research tasks:
● Prepare a presentation or poster on any of the following:
● Research a famous French / Spanish sports person or celebrity.
● Find a typical French / Spanish menu. Select one of the dishes and find out more about it – what
ingredients does it take? How is it prepared?
● Research a town or city in France / Spain. Describe it geographic location, what can one do there,
Trip or visit:
● If you get the chance to visit a French / Spanish speaking country, complete a short project on the
region you visited in English. You could write a diary, in English, about a trip to France / Spain you
have been on and include photos. How many phrases in French / Spanish can you include in your
Student-led task:
● Change the settings on your phone into French / Spanish to practise useful language.
● Change the settings into French / Spanish on your favourite computer game. On FIFA, for
example, you can set the commentary to French or Spanish.
What are some great websites that can help with this year’s studies?
Show my Homework and Google classroom – Look out for resources put on there to support learning. is a fantastic online dictionary. is great for revision of vocabulary and key phrases. Your teacher will issue you with a
username and password. allows you to practise listening and reading tasks as well as vocabulary and
grammar revision. Your teacher will issue you with a username and password. Your teacher will issue you with a username and password so you will be able
to play lots of really cool games to train your brain in languages. OR - great for practising grammar: Select your language under the ‘Shared activities’ heading.
Also, for French, see ‘Français Immersion’ on YouTube for some fun French practice with Thomas.
For Spanish, go to ‘Notes in Spanish’ (
podcast/). Here you can access the beginners and intermediate podcasts from Ben and Marina. Ask
your teacher if you would like the transcripts to the podcasts.
Performing Arts Curriculum
Welcome to Performing Arts. Over the coming year, students will explore the medium of
Performing Arts through the study of Dance, Drama and Music. In Year 9 the curriculum
is planned to prepare and support the students in preparation for Key Stage 4 study at
GCSE or BTEC. For every topic students focus on the fundamentals of creating,
performing and appreciation and explore different Performing Arts pathways.
The main objective of Performing Arts at CWS is to celebrate the talents of our students
and inspire a love of learning through the Arts. There are many opportunities for all
students to become involved in the Performing Arts both in lessons and through
extra-curricular activities
Stimuli & Motif Development: The Ingredients of Choreography.
Get Curious: A stimulus is a starting point used to choreograph a dance.
Autumn Some examples include an object, word, theme and event. What would
Term be your ideal stimulus in creating a dance?
Physical Theatre: Frantic Assembly and DV8
Get Curious: Watch the video on ‘What is Physical Theatre’ led by the
movement director of Frantic Assembly’s adaptation of The Curious
Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.
Ensemble: Ukuleles
Summer Get Curious: Learn the names of the strings of the ukuleles
Term Work out how to understand chord diagrams.
England is a multi-cultural and multi-faith society, a fact that brings great benefits, but can also
lead to misunderstandings and conflict. Prejudices are easily formed; if students are not to
misunderstand different beliefs and attitudes, they must be well-informed. Yet, under pressure
from testing and bombarded by the mixed messages of the media, students are often short of
time to reflect on life's larger questions.
Get Curious
With mosques, churches and temples all around Croydon, there is certainly no shortage of
places to visit. As part of their studies at the school, students will visit places of worship,
allowing them to see how beliefs affect behaviour first-hand.
Encourage your child to complete additional research, either through using books and the
internet (under your supervision) or through discussing the issues with members of your
Help your child master the ability to reason and evaluate by debating issues with them. Make
sure they learn to use evidence and clear examples to support their points, whether arguing
about politics or about doing the washing up!
Philosophy, Beliefs & Ethics
Topics include:
Does God Christian Metaphysics Is there a Moral Moral
exist? Understandi : How can right way to decision decision
ng of God we know live? making: The making: The
anything? Hunger Hunger
Games Games
Ovid’s Fire of Rome
Metamorphoses Sea gods
Roman villas Dinner parties
Get curious:
• Borrow and read one of the Classics novels available at school.
• Research the Roman or Greek gods and create a poster showing what each god looked
like and what they were worshipped for.
• Listen to a classical story and create a storyboard of the events
• Take a virtual tour of one of the Greek galleries at the British Museum
• Visit the British Museum and learn about Greek and Roman life (Room 69) and the
Roman Empire (Room 70).
• Visit the Roman London gallery in the Museum of London.
• Research the Roman army and draw a labelled diagram of a Roman soldier
• Read about the 12 labours of Hercules and create a news report about your favourite one.
• Watch Horrible Histories: The Movie – Rotten Romans!
• Watch the Disney film Hercules!