Vaesen Skoffin

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The Skoffin

A Creature from I cel andic folk lore for Va esen

No creature, not human nor animal, is able to resist the gaze of these monsters,
and will instantly fall dead if their eyes meet.


Had it not been for quick thinking of the parish priest
and his able handling of the mirror, many more might COMBAT
have fallen to the beast’s gaze. ATTACK DAMAGE RANGE
— Niels Horrebow, July 1751
Bite, claws 2 0
The skoffin is the misbegotten offspring of a male Gaze * 0
fox and a female tabby cat. It looks like both of them,
* Kills instantly
except for its short, uneven fur and bald patches.
These creatures are vicious in the extreme, and
love to kill both humans and livestock. While they are
armed with formidable teeth and claws, their deadliest RITUAL
weapon is their gaze, which kills instantly. The A skoffin can be wounded by silver bullets, and also
strength of this power seems to vary from one by bullets made of dried sheep dung. It can also be
individual to another: some need to make eye contact killed by the gaze of another skoffin or by seeing its
with a victim to kill them, while others do not. own reflection.
Skoffins can speak human languages, and have
been known to taunt victims or to speak in riddles.

MIGHT 8 BODY CONTROL 8 MAGIC 8 Kittens born with their eyes open are skoffins.
MANIPULATION 6 Fear 1 The can be killed as newborns, but if this is not
done they sink into the earth for three years, to
emerge as these monstrous creatures.


♦ Enchant
♦ Curse A tom cat and a vixen produce a similar creature
♦ Gaze kills instantly called a skuggabuldur (‘shadow baldur’) or finngalkn.
This creature has dark fur, often black, and preys
♦ Draws two initiative cards and acts
twice per round mainly on livestock though it will attack humans
without hesitation. Some individuals have the skoffin’s
killing gaze, and some do not. Guns are no use against
this creature, which must be killed at close quarters.
The urdarköttur (‘ghoul cat’) is of uncertain
CONDITIONS parentage. They are shaggy, with white or black fur,

□ Angered
and can grow to the size of an ox. It kills everything it
meets and digs up corpses from graveyards to eat, but
□ Mad +1 is otherwise quite similar to a skoffin.
□ Dazed -1 In some sources, usually later (and including The

□ Wounded and cautious -2 (acts

Witcher video games), the skoffin is a cockatrice by
another name. This version is hatched from a rooster’s
on only one initiative)
egg that has been incubated by a toad, and looks like a
□ Furious +2 (Enchants or
mix of both creatures. This vision of the creature is not
supported by Icelandic folklore, but it might be an
□ Broken (flees and re-appears amusing way to mislead and confuse player characters
after 1d6 minutes)
who have not done their research properly.

♦ A skoffin has moved into a small ravine by ♦ A skoffin climbed to the roof of a church
Gudbrandsdal, and is killing all the sheep that during Sunday services, and from this vantage
wander into it and all the shepherds sent to point it killed more than twenty people as they
protect them. left. More would have died had the village
♦ Thorarin Helgison and his wife Berta are priest not tied a mirror to a long pole and
arguing over a litter of kittens that were just showed the beast its own reflection, which
born to one of their barn cats. A hand reported killed it instantly.
that they were born with their eyes open, and ♦ A skuggabaldur was tracked down and killed
must surely become skoffins. Thoriarin wants in a canyon. With its dying breath it charges
to drown the kittens and burn their bodies to the hunters to tell the cat at Bollastadir of its
prevent this, but Berta dismisses his concerns death. When one man did so, a tomcat leaped
as empty superstition. She has hidden the at his throat with its teeth and claws. It only
litter and will not say where. If Thorarin is released its grip when its head was cut off, but
right, the kittens will sink into the earth any the man was already dead by then.
day now, and emerge in three years’ time as
skoffins. And there are eight of them….
♦ The graveyard at Liefsby has been dug up by NEILS HORREBOW
some kind of animal. Dismembered, chewed
Niels Horrebow was a Danish lawyer who visited
corpses are strewn everywhere, much to the
Iceland to study its flora and fauna. His book
distress of the parishioners. More worrying,
though, are the massive, cat-like tracks left in Tilforladelige efterretninger om Island (The Natural
the loose earth around the open graves. The History of Iceland) was published in Danish in
old folk whisper that an urdarköttur is to 1752, with an English translation in 1758.
blame — but where is it now, and who will Like Carl Linnaeus, Horrebow was a real person,
hunt it down? and like Linnaeus, in the world of Vaesen he was
a member of the Society, in whose archives he
deposited all the notes that could not be

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