Sds HRP 155
Sds HRP 155
Sds HRP 155
453/2010 - United
Kingdom (UK)
1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Use of the substance/ : Industrial/Professional Use: Hardener. Woodworking industry.
See Section 16 for the full text of the R phrases or H statements declared above.
See Section 11 for more detailed information on health effects and symptoms.
There are no additional ingredients present which, within the current knowledge of the supplier and in the
concentrations applicable, are classified as hazardous to health or the environment, are PBTs or vPvBs or have been
assigned a workplace exposure limit and hence require reporting in this section.
[1] Substance classified with a health or environmental hazard
[2] Substance with a workplace exposure limit
[3] Substance meets the criteria for PBT according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, Annex XIII
[4] Substance meets the criteria for vPvB according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, Annex XIII
[5] Substance of equivalent concern
Occupational exposure limits, if available, are listed in Section 8.
4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
Potential acute health effects
Eye contact : Causes serious eye damage.
Inhalation : May give off gas, vapour or dust that is very irritating or corrosive to the respiratory
system. Vapour may be irritating to eyes and respiratory system.
Skin contact : Causes skin irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. May cause allergic skin
reactions with repeated exposure.
Ingestion : May cause burns to mouth, throat and stomach.
Over-exposure signs/symptoms
Eye contact : Adverse symptoms may include the following:
Inhalation : Adverse symptoms may include the following:
respiratory tract irritation
Skin contact : Adverse symptoms may include the following:
pain or irritation
blistering may occur
Ingestion : Adverse symptoms may include the following:
stomach pains
4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Notes to physician : Treat symptomatically. Contact poison treatment specialist immediately if large
quantities have been ingested or inhaled.
Specific treatments : No specific treatment.
Recommended monitoring : If this product contains ingredients with exposure limits, personal, workplace
procedures atmosphere or biological monitoring may be required to determine the effectiveness
of the ventilation or other control measures and/or the necessity to use respiratory
protective equipment. Reference should be made to monitoring standards, such as
the following: European Standard EN 689 (Workplace atmospheres - Guidance for
the assessment of exposure by inhalation to chemical agents for comparison with
limit values and measurement strategy) European Standard EN 14042 (Workplace
atmospheres - Guide for the application and use of procedures for the assessment of
exposure to chemical and biological agents) European Standard EN 482 (Workplace
atmospheres - General requirements for the performance of procedures for the
measurement of chemical agents) Reference to national guidance documents for
methods for the determination of hazardous substances will also be required.
Product/ingredient name Type Exposure Value Population Effects
methanol DNEL Short term Dermal 40 mg/kg Workers Systemic
DNEL Short term 260 mg/m³ Workers Systemic
DNEL Short term 260 mg/m³ Workers Local
DNEL Long term Dermal 40 mg/kg Workers Systemic
DNEL Long term 260 mg/m³ Workers Systemic
DNEL Long term 260 mg/m³ Workers Local
DNEL Short term Dermal 8 mg/kg Consumers Systemic
DNEL Short term 50 mg/m³ Consumers Systemic
DNEL Short term Oral 8 mg/kg Consumers Systemic
DNEL Short term 50 mg/m³ Consumers Local
DNEL Long term Dermal 8 mg/kg Consumers Systemic
DNEL Long term 50 mg/m³ Consumers Systemic
DNEL Long term Oral 8 mg/kg Consumers Systemic
DNEL Long term 50 mg/m³ Consumers Local
formaldehyde DNEL Short term 0.8 ppm Workers Local
DNEL Long term Dermal 240 mg/kg Workers Systemic
DNEL Long term 9 mg/m³ Workers Systemic
DNEL Long term Dermal 0.037 mg/ Workers Local
DNEL Long term 0.4 ppm Workers Local
DNEL Long term Dermal 102 mg/kg Consumers Systemic
DNEL Long term 3.2 mg/cm² Consumers Systemic
Product/ingredient name Type Compartment Detail Value Method Detail
methanol PNEC Fresh water 154 mg/l Assessment Factors
PNEC Marine 15.4 mg/l Assessment Factors
PNEC Intermittent release 1540 mg/l Assessment Factors
PNEC Sediment 570.4 mg/kg dwt Equilibrium Partitioning
PNEC Soil 23.5 mg/kg wwt Equilibrium Partitioning
PNEC Sewage Treatment 100 mg/l Assessment Factors
formaldehyde PNEC Fresh water 0.47 mg/l Assessment Factors
PNEC Marine 0.47 mg/l Assessment Factors
PNEC Fresh water 4.7 mg/l Assessment Factors
PNEC Fresh water sediment 2.44 mg/kg dwt Equilibrium Partitioning
PNEC Marine water sediment 2.44 mg/kg dwt Equilibrium Partitioning
PNEC Soil 0.21 mg/kg dwt Equilibrium Partitioning
PNEC Sewage Treatment 0.19 mg/l Assessment Factors
Environmental exposure : Emissions from ventilation or work process equipment should be checked to ensure
controls they comply with the requirements of environmental protection legislation.
10.3 Possibility of : Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous reactions will not occur.
hazardous reactions
10.6 Hazardous : Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous decomposition products
decomposition products should not be produced.
Product/ingredient name Result Species Score Exposure Observation
methanol Skin - Oedema Rabbit 0 - 72 hours
Eyes - Cornea opacity Rabbit 1 24 hours -
Eyes - Moderate irritant Rabbit - 24 hours -
Eyes - Moderate irritant Rabbit - 40 -
Skin - Moderate irritant Rabbit - 24 hours 20 -
formaldehyde Skin - Irritant Rat - - 7 days
Eyes - Irritant Rabbit - - -
Skin - Oedema Rabbit 3 - 24 hours
Eyes - Cornea opacity Rat 4 - 7 days
Skin : Paraformaldehyde: Irritating to skin.
methanol: Non-irritating to the skin.
Formaldehyde, solution: Causes burns.
Eyes : Paraformaldehyde: Irritating to eyes.
methanol: Non-irritating to the eyes.
Formaldehyde, solution: Causes serious eye damage.
Respiratory : methanol: No specific data.
Formaldehyde, solution: Irritating to respiratory system.
Product/ingredient name Route of Species Result
methanol Respiratory Guinea pig Not sensitizing
skin Guinea pig Not sensitizing
formaldehyde skin Mouse Sensitising
skin Guinea pig Sensitising
Chronic toxicity
Product/ingredient name Result Species Dose Exposure
methanol Chronic NOAEL Oral Rat - Male, 466 to 529 mg/ 104 weeks
Female kg Repeated
Chronic NOEC Inhalation Rat - Male, 0.13 mg/l 12 months
Vapour Female
Chronic NOAEC Inhalation Rat - Male, 1.3 mg/l 108 days
Vapour Female Continuous
Chronic NOAEC Inhalation Rat 1.33 mg/l 17 days; 22.7
Vapour Continuous hours per day
formaldehyde Chronic LOAEL Oral Rat - Male, 82 mg/kg 105 weeks
Chronic NOAEC Inhalation Rat - Male, 1 ppm 26 weeks
Gas. Female
Sub-acute NOAEC Inhalation Rat - Male 2 ppm 6 weeks
Sub-acute LOAEC Inhalation Rat - Male 6 ppm 6 weeks
Product/ingredient name Test Experiment Result
methanol DNA damage and Experiment: In vitro Positive
repair assay
Subject: Bacteria
OECD 471 Experiment: In vitro Negative
Subject: Bacteria
OECD 476 Experiment: In vitro Negative
Subject: Mammalian-Animal
OECD 474 Experiment: In vivo Negative
Subject: Mammalian-Animal
formaldehyde OECD 471 Experiment: In vitro Positive
Subject: Bacteria
OECD 741 Experiment: In vitro Positive
Subject: Mammalian-Animal
OECD 484 Experiment: In vivo Negative
Subject: Mammalian-Animal
Conclusion/Summary : Paraformaldehyde: Suspected of causing cancer.
methanol: Methanol was investigated for chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity in two
long-term body inhalation studies. There was no evidence of a carcinogenic potential
in rats and mice exposed to air concentrations up to 1.3 mg/L.
In studies with oral administration in rats and mice the number of tumor-bearing
animals in the rat study showed a clear dose-related trend. The effective dose levels
were far above human occupational exposure levels and are already associated with
other forms of toxicity in humans.
Formaldehyde, solution: Formaldehyde has local carcinogenic activity in
experimental animals; there is evidence for a threshold effect for tumors involving
cytotoxicity and regenerative cell proliferation as the mode of action.
There is no evidence for systemic or local carcinogenic effects after oral exposure in
rats. In dermal initiation/promotion studies formaldehyde did not initiate or promote
Reproductive toxicity
Conclusion/Summary : methanol: Conclusive, but not sufficient for classification.
Formaldehyde, solution: It is not expected that formaldehyde reaches the
reproductive organs and there is no evidence for effects on fertility and gonads in
experimental animals after long-term oral or inhalation exposure. Toxicokinetic data
suggest only local effects at the site of entry.
Conclusion/Summary : methanol: Conclusive, but not sufficient for classification.
Formaldehyde, solution: There is no evidence for adverse effects of formaldehyde
on embryo and fetal development as dose levels inducing local maternal effects and
secondary decrease in body weights and growth.
Aspiration hazard
Not available.
Animal experiments have demonstrated that the cancer risk has a strong link to high
and repeated doses of formaldehyde, with an effect threshold at 2 ppm. This is the
basis for the derived no effect level (DNEL) for occupational use of 0,4 ppm.
Exposure below this level gives limited or no risk for adverse effects.
Delayed and immediate effects and also chronic effects from short and long term exposure
Short term exposure No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Long term exposure No known significant effects or critical hazards.
Methods of disposal : The generation of waste should be avoided or minimised wherever possible. Waste
packaging should be recycled. Incineration or landfill should only be considered
when recycling is not feasible.
Special precautions : This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way. Care should be
taken when handling emptied containers that have not been cleaned or rinsed out.
Empty containers or liners may retain some product residues. Avoid dispersal of spilt
material and runoff and contact with soil, waterways, drains and sewers.
shipping name ORGANIC, N.O.S. ORGANIC, N.O.S. ORGANIC, N.O.S. organic, n.o.s.
(Paraformaldehyde) (Paraformaldehyde) (Paraformaldehyde) (Paraformaldehyde)
14.3 Transport 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1
hazard class(es)
Special provisions
A3, A803
14.6 Special precautions for : Transport within user’s premises: always transport in closed containers that are
user upright and secure. Ensure that persons transporting the product know what to do in
the event of an accident or spillage.