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T e c h B r i e f FHWA Contact: Ron Knipling, HCS-30, (202) 366-2981; NHTSA Contact: Paul Rau, NRD-13, (202) 366- 0418
Because this study was concerned with finding a reliable and valid drowsiness-
detection system, FHWA and NHTSA evaluated several promising drowsiness-detection
technologies. These operator-centered, in-vehicle, fatigue-monitoring technologies
record various biobehavioral dimensions of an operator, such as a feature of the eyes,
face, head, heart, or brain electrical activity, while the operator is driving.
Office of Motor Carrier Research Practical systems for in-vehicle alertness monitoring may consist of a continuous
and Standards indicator display of a driver’s alertness level, provided by in-vehicle fatigue-monitoring
400 Seventh Street, SW technology, as well as warning messages to notify a driver when drowsiness is detected
HCS-30; Room 3107 and alerting stimuli to restore driver alertness and performance. Thus, this research
Washington, DC 20590 project was divided into two experiments:
• To evaluate the validity, sensitivity, and reliability of
specified operator-centered, fatigue-detection Figure 1.
devices for predicting vigilance lapses in alert and Mean number of psychomotor vigilance
drowsy subjects; and task performance lapses per 20-minute
test bout, across 20 test bouts.
• To analyze effects of a combination of auditory and
vibrotactile alerting stimuli on alertness lapses. time of day (h)
13 17 21 01 05 09 13 17 21 01
Research Methodology 80
8:40 a.m.
Experiment 1 70
PVT lapses
conducted a controlled laboratory experiment. 50
Fourteen adult males remained awake in a laboratory
for 42 hours, while working on a computerized test
battery every 2 hours. The tests included a 20-minute 30
psychomotor vigilance task (PVT), that required
subjects to sustain attention and respond to a
randomly appearing light on a computer screen by 10
pressing a button. PVT performance lapses refer to
the times when a subject failed to respond to the task 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
in a timely manner (i.e., < 500 msec.); lapses were
performance bout
recorded each minute throughout the trial and then
totaled for the entire 20 minutes.
performance lapses and the alertness/drowsiness
PVT lapses were selected as the validation criterion
output of each technology. Each technology was
variable because driving is a vigilance task requiring
time-locked to PVT performance to test coherence
psychomotor reactions, and psychomotor vigilance
between PVT lapses and the technology’s drowsiness
has been previously validated to be very sensitive to
metric. In order for a technology to demonstrate a
fatigue from night work and sleep loss. Thus, PVT
high coherence with PVT lapses, its drowsiness
lapses were a valid index for evaluating candidate
metric had to demonstrate regular covariation with
performance lapses across the entire 42-hour period,
within and between subjects.
Six technologies were tested during the research
program: two electroencephalographic (EEG) algo-
To collect the PERCLOS measure, a low-light, closed-
rithms, which detect changes in brain wave activity;
circuit television was used to monitor the subject’s
two eye blink monitors, which measure fatigue based
entire face and to record eyes and eyelids during PVT
on eye blink activity; a head-position monitoring
performance testing. Video recordings were collected
device, which detects fatigue based on head motion;
on all 14 subjects, 10 of which were scorable (in 4
and PERCLOS. These six technologies yielded a total
subjects, glare from other equipment prevented
of nine drowsiness metrics, since both PERCLOS and
PERCLOS scoring). Trained scorers viewed the record-
the head-position monitoring device had more than
ings and rated the degree to which the drivers’ eyes
one. PERCLOS had three drowsiness metrics:
were closed from moment to moment.
• P70, the proportion of time the eyes were closed at
least 70 percent; Experiment 2
The second part of the study evaluated the effects of
• P80, the proportion of time the eyes were closed at
alerting stimuli on PVT performance and PERCLOS
least 80 percent; and
scores. Experiment 2 was conducted 6 months after
• EYEMEAS (EM), the mean square percentage of the Experiment 1 was completed. Researchers wanted to
eyelid closure rating. find out if systematically delivered alerting stimuli
could reduce drowsiness and its consequences for
Researchers simultaneously recorded PVT perfor- hypovigilance. Four of the original 14 subjects
mance and the output of these drowsiness-detection participated in this experiment, which also required
technologies every 2 hours throughout the 42-hour the subjects to remain awake in a laboratory for
period. The study design permitted an estimate of the 42 hours while performing a pyschomotor vigilance
degree of similarity, or coherence, between PVT task every 2 hours.
Table 1.
Bout-to bout coherence for individual subjects (Pearson correlation coefficients).
During this experiment, auditory and vibrotactile available on only a subset of the 14 subjects due to
alerting stimuli were delivered during each 20- unscorable results, a limited amount of certain
minute PVT performance bout, but were not contin- equipment, and unreliable data storage/retrievability
gent on actual PVT lapses. Subjects received more for some devices.
frequent stimuli during the hours when PVT lapses
were expected to be the greatest, as recorded in Bout to Bout Coherence
Experiment 1 (i.e., after 22-26 hours of waking). Bout-to-bout coherence refers to the correlation
Vibrotactile stimuli were delivered through a hand- between the total number of visual performance
held box with a duration of 5 seconds. Auditory lapses in a 20-minute PVT test bout and the drowsi-
stimuli consisted of three different recorded messages ness-detection results from a given technology. Each
received through headsets. subject had 20 test bouts for comparison across the
42-hour test period. Bout-to-bout coherence was
calculated within each subject using the technology
Findings available for that subject. Table 1 provides bout-
to-bout coherence measures for individual subjects
Experiment 1 and technologies. PERCLOS had the highest average
The study design effectively induced fatigued bout-to-bout coherence of all of the devices.
performance due to the combined influence of sleep
loss and circadian nocturnal phase. As expected, the Minute to Minute Coherence
average number of PVT lapses increased significantly Minute-to-minute coherence refers to the correlation
during the 42-hour test trial, as shown in figure 1. between the total number of performance lapses in
each minute of every 20-minute PVT bout and the
Nearly all of the technologies showed potential for results of a given drowsiness detection technology.
detecting drowsiness by predicting lapses in at least Minute-to-minute coherence was consistently lower
one subject or a subset of subjects, but only PERCLOS than bout-to-bout coherence. (Minute-to-minute
correlated highly with PVT lapses both within and statistics are not shown in this Tech Brief.) It appeared
between subjects. PERCLOS not only had the highest that all technologies had a better prediction of PVT
coherence of the technologies tested, but correlated lapses when sampling a longer (20-minute) rather
more highly with PVT lapses than did the subjects’ than briefer (1-minute) period.
ratings of their own sleepiness.
Lower Lapsers vs. Higher Lapsers
Complete data for any given technology were often As expected, all subjects eventually became sleepy
Researcher and experienced increased PVT lapsing during the 42-hour period of waking.
This study was performed by However, a subset of the subjects accounted for a disproportionate number of PVT
David F. Dinges, Ph.D., lapses. Subjects who had an average of 38 or more PVT lapses per bout were referred
Department of Psychiatry, to as “higher lapsers” (HL). These subjects would begin lapsing almost immediately
University of Pennsylvania after beginning the task. Subjects with an average of 33 or less lapses per bout were
School of Medicine; and “lower lapsers” (LL). LL subjects maintained alertness for some time before beginning
Richard Grace, Ph.D., Carnegie to lapse. HL subjects were 42 percent of the subjects, but accounted for 69 percent of
Mellon Research Institute. all PVT lapses.
Contract No. DTNH22-93-D-
07007. When bout-to-bout coherence was analyzed to compare data for HL subjects and LL
subjects, researchers found that some technologies were inconsistent when assessing
Distribution the drowsiness levels between the two groups. For example, one of the eye-blink
This Tech Brief is being distrib- technologies had a significantly lower bout-to-bout coherence for the LL subjects than
uted according to a standard for the HL subjects. Importantly, PERCLOS yielded comparably high bout-to-bout
distribution. Direct distribution coherence between the two groups. Despite large inter-subject variability in PVT lapse
is being made to the Regions rates, PERCLOS appeared to reliably predict lapsing across both groups.
and Divisions.
Experiment 2
Availability PVT lapse data and PERCLOS P80 data were compared between Experiments 1 and 2
The study final report is now for each of the four subjects. Comparison of PVT lapses in each minute prior, during,
available. Copies may be and following stimulation revealed no evidence that auditory or vibrotactile stimuli
obtained from the National had much effect on PVT lapses. The alerting stimuli provided in this experiment did not
Technical Information Service, markedly reduce lapses in drowsy subjects beyond the minute in which the alert
Telephone: (703) 605-6000. occurred, suggesting only a narrow window of opportunity for a drowsy driver to
safely leave the roadway.
Key Words
driver fatigue, drowsiness,
Another notable finding was the intra-subject consistency in the time-course of the
fatigue, fatigue management,
progression of drowsiness during the 42-hour test periods. Individual subjects exhibited
drowsiness-detection, PERCLOS,
drowsiness progressions in Experiment 2 that were highly similar to those shown in
driver performance.
Experiment 1, even though the experiments were conducted 6 months apart. Although
there were only four repeat subjects, this finding supports the notion of significant,
durable differences in individual susceptibility to drowsiness during sleep deprivation.
This Tech Brief is disseminated
Indeed, each subject had a characteristic “signature” of drowsiness progression. Finally,
under the sponsorship of the
PERCLOS reliably correlated with vigilance lapses in this second experiment.
Department of Transportation
in the interest of information
exchange. The Tech Brief pro-
vides a synopsis of the study’s
Further Research
final publication. The Tech
Attempts to transition an on-line, automated version of PERCLOS to a realistic
Brief does not establish policies
over-the-road environment are currently underway. NHTSA has developed models of
or regulations, nor does it
drowsy driver performance by relating PERCLOS and driving performance using
imply FHWA endorsement of
over-the-road data from CMV drivers. FHWA and NHTSA are developing plans to
the conclusions or recommen-
understand the operational safety benefits of a drowsiness detection sensor in actual
dations. The U.S. Government
driving environments.
assumes no liability for its
contents or their use.
Through the ITS Intelligent Vehicle Initiative, NHTSA is currently managing a follow-up
to this study to evaluate the effectiveness of various potential elements of the
driver-vehicle interface (DVI) of in-vehicle driver alertness monitoring devices. Some of
the components that will be assessed are real-time gauges, informational alarms and
warnings, and alerting stimuli. The study will make recommendations regarding
optimal DVI design elements for driver alertness monitors.
Wierwille, WW, Ellsworth, LA, Wreggit, SS, Fairbanks, RJ, Kirn, CL: Research on vehicle-
based driver status/performance monitoring: development, validation, and refinement
October 1998 of algorithms for detection of driver drowsiness. National Highway Traffic Safety
Publication No. FHWA-MCRT-98-006 Administration Final Report: DOT HS 808 247, 1994.