Modern - Family.S04E02 Eng
Modern - Family.S04E02 Eng
Modern - Family.S04E02 Eng
Honey, she's an adult, and she's going I'm gonna cry harder than the first
to college. time I saw "Air bud"...
I want to be realistic. Especially when I give her this.
I don't want her to get caught "Phil's-osophy."
unprepared. A hardbound collection of all the life
24 times? What, are you buying her a 4- lessons I've learned,
year supply? such as...
Please. Phil, that would've lasted me "Always look people in the eye,
and my college boyfriend, like, a "even if they're blind.
long-- Just say, 'I'm looking you in the
La, la, la, la, la, la, la! eye.'"
Okay, we gotta hit the road. Or...
Give your sister a hug good-bye. "If you get pulled over for speeding,
Don't dork up our room. tell the policeman your spouse has
Don't slut up your college. diarrhea."
Seriously, though, don't study too Phil's-osophy.
hard, okay? Look how much fun you're gonna have
I'm totally going to have fun. here, Lily.
I'm Iceland in the mock U.N. So many great toys to play with,
Mom, we're gonna lose her. and you're gonna make so many new
I am doing my best. friends.
Luke, come say good-bye to your sister. Oh, I wish I was in kindergarten again.
I'm right here. Oh, not me. Did I ever tell you about
Bye, Haley. Have fun. David Anthony?
Don't drink too much beer and shots of He used to call me "Cam the ham."
tequila. - Okay, Lily's day. - Yeah, you're
Why are you wearing that mask? right.
Uh, I like it. You know what? It's gonna be a great
He doesn't want you to see him cry. day.
He's literally masking his emotions. I'm just saying, it's difficult to grow
No! up
- That's so sweet. - Come here. with a name that rhymes with "ham."
It's not sweet. I'm an evil cyborg. Hello? Mitch? Witch. Twitch.
Half my face was burned off in an Bitch.
industrial accident, Elaine Stritch.
and the mask is hiding the servos that What?
control my mouth. Not all bullies are straight.
Yes, I am sad Haley is leaving, Okay, parents...
but I'm gonna be okay knowing I've done Oh! We'll see you at 12:00.
everything I can All right. Mm!
to get her set up and prepared and off This is when the crying starts.
on the right foot. Does it ever stop?
Not me. When we're standing in her dorm Come on, Cam.
room saying good-bye, Okay. You know what, Lily, sweetie?
it's gonna be one of the most emotional I know this is gonna be difficult--
moments of my life. Bye!
第 2 页 共 8 页
Okay. That was a knife to the heart. have less in common than one might
No, it's--it's a good thing. Come on. think.
Oh, you know what? She forgot her Like in the Venn Diagram of sexual
snack. Oh. identity,
Where'd she go? You have gay men...
Ow! That hurts! Ow! That hurts! And straight men.
Oh, Lily, honey! Both the same gender.
Sweetheart, come here. Come here. Then you have gay men...
If you ever put your hands on my And straight women.
daughter again, Both attracted to the same gender.
I will string you up by your feet, run But gay men and lesbians?
you up the flagpole, No.
and let the birds peck out your eyes. Nothing.
You understand? I am so sorry we have to meet like
Mr. Tucker, put that boy down! this,
He pulled my daughter's hair. but I'm sure you can understand, as
Please apologize to Connor parents,
for using your hands instead of your the instinct to protect your child.
words. Yeah, it's what makes me want to punch
Sorry, little fella. you in the neck right now.
I would like to see you in my office. Wow. I see where your son gets all of
Right. his aggression.
- Now, please. - Me, too? Oh. Okay, let's all take a time-out.
Stop it. Leave him alone. That's a good idea. This is getting a
Mr. Tucker, what happened out there was little heated.
unacceptable. Yeah, Pam,
I agree. Is this kindergarten or "The we don't want another incident like at
hunger games"? the lumberyard.
I'm speaking of your behavior. Oh, my god. You guys go to the
We've never had an incident like this, lumberyard, too? D--
and now we've had one on the first day, I didn't know they had a ladies' night.
Before circle time. Not the bar, sally.
What the fudge were you thinking? Okay, you know what? He's trying to be
Now the boy's parents are coming in, nice,
and trust me, And you just called him "Sally."
they're mad as hello kitty. Yeah, you're not being very helpful,
Oh, you told his parents on us? peppermint patty.
That is--that is so not cool. Okay. Let's just stick to our actual
Well, I'm sure once they hear what names.
their boy did, Enough.
they will be understanding. I'm gonna give you a little homework
All right, whoever made our son cry assignment.
has messed with the wrong moms. I want you and your kids to have a
Lesbians. family playdate.
While often lumped together, gay men Maybe if the four of you can get along,
and lesbians You can set a better example for your
第 3 页 共 8 页
It's babies. They're hungry, you feed Apparently, that's what people do these
'em. days--
They're teething, you give 'em some Buy condoms for their kids.
scotch. When I went to college,
Scotch? my parents bought me a bicycle helmet.
Really? Are you serious? That was their idea of safety.
What? Certainly didn't need condoms.
So we left. Mm, not if you were wearing
I didn't need a lecture from Mary a bike helmet around campus, you
Poppins. didn't. Am I right?
And I was suddenly in a mood for a Why don't we let you guys finish,
burrito. and we'll come back later?
I'd like admission to your student Okay.
body. Yeah.
Oh, my goodness! Yep.
I am so sorry. I thought you were my Yeah, that sounds good.
wife. See you on parents weekend!
What's going on? They seem nice.
He grabbed me and said-- - Guys, I-- - I know. I know.
I thought she was my wife. My wife Look, we need to reorganize a little.
works out a lot. Your dad will go out and get us some
Dad? new sheets.
How'd he grab you? You and I can hang up all the pictures
He squeezed my butt. on the walls.
He what? You know what? I think it's best if you
- Phil! - I thought it was you! guys get going.
Believe me, sir. I'm a respected But we--we wanted to help you, sweetie.
realtor. No, I got it.
This is an innocent mistake. W-what if you wanna move the furniture
Honey, turn around and show him your-- around?
your butt. And we were gonna take you to dinner
- It--it's uncanny. - Dad. before we left.
I am very normal. Please do not judge I like the furniture where it is, and
me based on them. I'm not hungry.
Are those your my little pony sheets? So...
What? No! - Okay. - Okay.
I ordered them online. Um, well, uh, before we leave,
They must've sent the wrong ones. I'm I wanted to give you a little present.
very sorry. It's actually not a little present.
That's what was in the box. It's probably the best present you're
Okay. ever gonna get.
Uh, for the record, I am a respected - It's a collection of all the things
realtor. I've learned-- - Thanks.
Those are not my condoms. Attention.
She bought 'em. Dorm meeting in the common room.
Oh, my god. Okay, so...
第 6 页 共 8 页