Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2AY, UK
Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2AY, UK
Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2AY, UK
Dear Dhananjaya G M,
On behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) (“we”, “us” or “our”), we are delighted
that you have agreed to prepare an original and previously unpublished contribution (the “Contribution”)
for inclusion in the forthcoming original literary work tentatively entitled Split Federated Learning for
Secure IoT Applications: Concepts, frameworks, applications and case studies (the “Work”). The Work
shall be edited by Dr. Lokesh, Dr. Hukkeri Prof. Jhanjhi and Prof Lin, or such people as we may appoint
(the “Editor”). This Agreement sets out our relationship with you in respect of the Contribution and
consists of the Specification and Terms below.
If you accept the terms of this Agreement, please sign and return a copy of the full Agreement to us by
email to or by post to Books Department, The IET, Michael Faraday House,
Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2AY, UK.
Please note: If your production of the Contribution is carried out in the course of your
employment, then it is very likely that your employer will own the associated copyright. We
advise that you confirm this point with your employer. If that is the case, your employer will need
to sign this Agreement where indicated instead of you. If your employer signs instead of you,
the interpretation provisions in clause 10 will apply.
Our details: The Institution of Engineering and Technology (registered charity number
211014) whose registered office is Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL, UK and
whose office for notices relating to this Agreement is Michael Faraday House,
Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2AY, UK
Our principal Sarah Lynch, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Michael Faraday
contact: House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, SG1 2AY, UK, T: +44 (0) 1438 767625 E:
Your / Dhananjaya G M
Contributor Department of Computer science and Engineering. Visvesvaraya
details: Technological University, Belagavi
Co-Contributors’ [Vijayalaxmi N. Rathod, Department of Computer Science and
details: Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological, Belagavi, Karnataka,; Geetabai S Hukkeri, Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Manipal
Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India,;
R H Goudar, Department of Computer science and Engineering. Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belagavi,
Title of the Chapter 10: SplitFed Learning for Smart Transportation
Extent: Approximately 11, 000 words / 20 pages, based on 550 words per full-text
page with a 20% allowance for figures
Style of Vancouver: numbered sequentially (see Guide for Authors), unless otherwise
references: agreed in advance with us.
Due Date: 1st May 2024
Method and You must deliver the complete final Contribution as one batch by email to the
format of Editor, to contain:
delivery: a) text in Word or LaTeX format (or such other format agreed in advance with
b) illustrative figures in print-quality TIFF, EPS or JPEG format (or other format
agreed in advance with us) delivered as one file per figure;
1 IET Academic Books: Contributor Agreement (Assignment) – Version 1.0 (January 2020)
c) a list of third party material used in the Contribution including the following
details: description; source; copyright owner; credit/copyright line; and
d) copies of all third-party permissions obtained.
Free and (a) You will receive a free copy of the Work.
discounted (b) You and any Co-Contributors will be entitled to purchase from us, for
copies: personal use only, copies of the printed edition of the Work at a discount of
33% from the published price and print versions of our other books at a
discount of 25% from the published price.
1.1. Responsibilities: As well as generally taking responsibility for the preparation and timely
submission of the Contribution, you will in particular be responsible for:
a) writing the Contribution and preparing any illustrative figures, tables, and references in
accordance with clause 3.1 (Preparation and Submission);
b) obtaining permissions from copyright holders of any third-party material to be used in the
Contribution in accordance with clause 3.3 (Copyright Material from Other Sources);
c) delivering the complete final Contribution to the Editor in accordance with clause 3.2 (Delivery);
d) making any reasonable modifications to the Contribution requested by the Editor in
accordance with clause 3.5 (Amendments).
1.2. Co-Contributors: Where Co-Contributors are listed in the Specification, you agree to act as lead
contributor in respect of the Contribution and clause 8 (Co-Contributors) will apply.
3.5. Amendments: You agree to make any reasonable modifications to the Contribution to ensure
technical correctness and uniformity of style with the rest of the Work when requested by the
3.6. Rejection: We may at our absolute discretion decline to publish the Contribution if you fail to
deliver the complete Contribution and associated materials as required by clauses 3.1 and 3.2
above or if, in our opinion, the Contribution is not of sufficient technical or literary merit to justify
publication or is likely to expose us to legal action, disrepute or ridicule.
5.1. Warranties: You warrant that as at the date of this Agreement and the date you submit any
version of the Contribution:
a) you are entitled to enter into and perform this Agreement;
b) subject to the assignment in clause 2.1 (Assignment of Rights), you are the sole holder of all
legal and beneficial rights in and to the Contribution with the exception of any Co-Contributor
rights for which you have obtained a valid assignment to us as warranted at 8.1 (d) (Working
with Co-Contributors) and any third party rights you have obtained permission to use in
accordance with clause 3.3 (Copyright Material from Other Sources);
c) the Contribution is an original work and has not been published or distributed or contracted for
publication or distribution in volume form anywhere in the world;
d) the Contribution qualifies for copyright protection under the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act 1988;
e) the inclusion of the Contribution in the published Work will in no way violate any existing law
or agreement or infringe any duty of confidence or to respect the privacy or other right of any
f) the Contribution is not the subject of any complaint, claim or legal action (whether or not this
might amount to a breach of any of the above warranties and whether or not well-founded or
g) the Contribution contains nothing obscene, indecent, libellous or contrary to law; and
h) any scientific knowledge or statements contained in the Contribution are, to the best of your
knowledge, true, accurate and based on generally accepted professional research practices.
5.2. Survival: The warranties in this Agreement will survive its termination or expiry.
6.1. You shall promptly notify us if you become aware that copyright in the Contribution has been, or
is likely to be infringed (an ‘Infringement’) and we may take action against the Infringement. If
required, you shall provide reasonable assistance to us in connection with any action against
7.1. Termination by Us: We may terminate this Agreement immediately by notice in writing:
a) if we reject the Contribution as set out in clause 3.6 (Rejection);
b) if any warranty given by you in this Agreement is found to be untrue or misleading;
c) if in our reasonable opinion the publication of the Contribution may result in legal liability
unacceptable to us;
d) in the event of adverse changes in market conditions, such as new technologies rendering the
Contribution obsolete; or
e) if you or any Co-Contributor loses a relevant professional licence as a result of disciplinary
proceedings or acts in such a way as to cause or threaten to cause damage to our reputation.
The termination or expiry of this Agreement will not affect our ownership of any rights assigned
to us in clause 2.1 (Assignment of Rights).
8.1. Working with Co-Contributors: Where one or more Co-Contributors are listed in the
a) you acknowledge that as lead contributor you have primary responsibility for delivery of the
Contribution and that you are individually responsible for the performance of your obligations
under this Agreement, even where you have delegated particular tasks to a Co-Contributor;
b) you agree to ensure that each Co-Contributor complies with any terms of this Agreement to
the extent they are relevant to the tasks that Co-Contributor carries out on your behalf (as
though “you” or “your” referred to that Co-Contributor), including without limitation clause 9.1
(Data Protection) and clause 9.2 (Confidentiality);
c) in the event of any disagreement between you and any Co-Contributor that in our opinion has
the potential to cause any deadline in this Agreement to be missed or to otherwise interfere
with the timely publication of the Work, we will have the right to determine how that
disagreement should be resolved and our determination will be final; and
d) you warrant as at the date you submit any version of the Contribution:
i. that you have obtained a valid assignment to the IET of each Co-Contributor’s existing
and future legal and beneficial rights in and to the Contribution; and
ii. that each Co-Contributor has given their permission for us to use their name, likeness
and biographical data in the same way as you have agreed we may use yours under
this Agreement.
8.2. Co-Contributor Form: You may choose to meet the requirements of the warranty in clause
8.1 (d) either:
a) by obtaining the signature of each Co-Contributor (and their employer, where applicable) on a
form adopting the wording set out in the Annex (Co-Contributor Form) (which, if properly
completed, will be deemed to meet the requirements of that warranty); or
b) by such other mechanism as you consider sufficient to meet the requirements of that warranty.
In either case you agree to provide a copy of the relevant assignment(s) and permission(s) to us
on request.
9.1. Data Protection: If for any reason you come into contact with any personal data when carrying
out your obligations under this Agreement, you agree to process and otherwise use that personal
data only in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection
Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
9.2. Confidentiality: During your relationship with us you may have access to or otherwise obtain
confidential information relating to us. If that happens, you agree that you will only use that
confidential information to carry out your obligations under this Agreement and that you will not
disclose it to any third parties unless strictly necessary for that purpose (in which case you must
ensure they comply with this clause 9.2) or you are required to do so by law.
9.3. Entire agreement: This Agreement sets out your entire agreement with us relating to the
Contribution and supersedes any previous agreements or discussions we (or our representatives)
may have had with you. In the absence of fraud, neither you nor we will have any remedies based
on any statement, representation, assurance or warranty unless it is set out in this Agreement.
9.4. Changes to this Agreement: The terms of this Agreement can only be varied by a written
document signed by both you and us.
9.5. Waivers: No delay by you or us to enforce a particular right under this Agreement will prevent the
later enforcement of that right. If you or we do agree not to enforce a particular right, it will not
affect the enforceability of any other right.
9.6. Uncontrollable events: If you are delayed in performing an obligation under this Agreement by
events beyond your and any Co-Contributor’s reasonable control, we will give you a reasonable
extension to perform that obligation. You agree to do likewise where we are affected by events
beyond our reasonable control.
9.7. Assignment: You may not assign any rights or obligations under this Agreement without our
express written consent.
9.8. Third Party Rights: Neither you nor we intend any term of this Agreement to be enforceable by
any third parties.
9.9. Notices: Any notices required under this Agreement must be given in writing and delivered
personally, or sent by email, pre-paid first-class or registered post (only if sent and received in the
UK) or commercial courier to the relevant address in this document or otherwise notified from
time to time. Notices to us by email must be sent to both our principal contact at the email address
set out in the Specification and to Any notice shall be deemed
a) if delivered personally, when left at the relevant address;
b) if sent by pre-paid first-class post, at 9.00 am on the second business day after posting;
c) if sent by registered post or commercial courier, at the time the delivery receipt is signed; or
d) if sent by email, on confirmation of receipt from the addressee.
This clause 9.9 shall not apply to the service of proceedings or other documents in any legal
9.10. Dispute Resolution: You and we agree to enter into mediation in good faith to settle any dispute
that arises in relation to this Agreement in accordance with the Centre for Effective Dispute
Resolution (CEDR) Model Mediation Procedure. Unless otherwise agreed, the mediator will be
nominated by CEDR.
9.11. Law: This Agreement and any related dispute or claim will be governed by English law and under
the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.