CrystalCoveModule v1.1
CrystalCoveModule v1.1
CrystalCoveModule v1.1
Set Up – 3
Session Zero – 3
Background – 3
Unique Items – 10
The End – 10
The Crystal Caverns “At the far end of Crystal Cove’s bustling port town, sits a lone moun-
tain within which lie the Crystal Caverns, a vast network of caves and
An introduction to Last Arc; Tactics Analogue. tunnels that make up the now abandoned magicite mines. You have
been charged with clearing out the mines, ridding it of the crab menace,
By Dustin J Nickell & CritCrab once and for all, so that the mines may be worked once more, restoring
prosperity and stability to the cove. You’re not the first group of ad-
Set-Up venturers recruited for this task. However, none sent before you, have
ever returned. Though your primary mission is to clear the mines, your
The following module is a short adventure intended to be a port secondary objective will be to locate and rescue any survivors… should
of entry into Last Arc: Tactics Analogue. any remain. Good luck and Godspeed.”
This adventure is designed for a party of four level 5 characters.
Level 5 to gives players enough room to get creative with their builds, as
well as access to plenty of fun and engaging powers and abilities.
Room 1: The Entrance
Session Zero Room Description:
While the Crystal Cove module is designed to be simplistic in
When the party enters the room, read or paraphrase the following boxed
both application and premise, it is still advised that the GM and players
should hold a session zero, during which the players can create characters,
and basic explanation of the setting and rules can occur.
“The party enters the caverns through the main entrance, a wide tunnel
that carries the sound of rushing water through the air. Further in, is a
GM Notes: passage that cuts left, slightly obscured by the untamed overgrowth.”
Though is an introductory dungeon of sorts, Last Arc: Tactics
Analogue may have a bit of a learning curve for players new to the system.
Last Arc is not as forgiving as some other systems. That being said, having Enemies and Hazards:
your players create 2 characters for this dungeon is a good idea, as you The overgrowth along the walls of the tunnel is rough terrain.
might find it both convenient and necessary to have a backup ready to go. Any creature moving through rough terrain has their movement speed re-
duced by half. Additionally, the overgrowth grants small creatures’ con-
Background cealment from non-adjacent creatures. Concealment blocks line of sight.
The heroes have just arrived in Crystal Cove, a once bustling
port town that has fallen on hard times, ever since their magicite mines Combat:
were overrun by a giant crustacean menace. Hiding in the overgrowth, on each side of the hall, are the fol-
lowing enemies: 2 Crab Squires, and 1 Crab Knight. Additionally hiding
When you are ready to begin the module, read or paraphrase the within the overgrowth of the left tunnel are another 2 Crab Squires and 1
following text. Crab Knight. Place these enemies wherever you see fit.
The following map depicts the rooms detailed throughout the dungeon.
If not detected, these enemies will launch an ambush as soon as
a character moves about halfway through either path. Once an ambush is
Enemies and Hazards:
A DC 20 Knowledge Engineering check will allow a character
triggered, all other enemies emerge from hiding to engage in battle.
to deduce that the bridge may only hold up for a few more uses before it
finally gives out, and that small creatures have the best chance of crossing
GM Notes: safely.
As the enemy crabs are hidden in the overgrowth, you will com-
pare their stealth of 22 (taking 20 + 2 [Agi mod]) to the party’s passive Any character that wishes to make their way across the bridge
perception. If successful, the crabs remain undetected. However, should must succeed a DC 10 Acrobatics check. Each character that crosses the
the party at all be suspicious, they can try to reveal the location of hidden bridge, increases the DC for the next character by 5. However, small char-
enemies with a Perception check. We advise against the GM calling for acters treat these cumulative penalties as 2’s rather than 5’s and add no
perception checks. This needlessly alerts your players to potential danger, cumulative penalty for crossing.
stifling the sense of drama and suspense. Let them learn the merits of cau-
tion and restraint on their own. If a character fails, their respective Acrobatics check all charac-
ters currently on the bridge will fall into the waters below. The characters
The path forward leads to The Bridge (room 2), while the off- are now moved into Room 3.
shoot in the middle of the tunnel leads to The River (Room 3).
Any characters that make it across the rope bridge, enter Room
Stat blocks like these will be listed near encounters throughout the module. 4.
Crab Squire CR 3
N Small beastkin 4
Init d8; Senses Low-Light Vision; Passive Perception 17 Room 3: The River
Language Aquan
Defences Ref 19 (flat-footed 17), Fort 15, Will 14
Room Description:
If the party attempts to cross the river by jumping rock to rock, read or
Hp 25; DR 5; Threshold 15
paraphrase the following text:
Weakness Colde, Electric
Speed 4 squares; climb 2 squares; swim 4 squares
Melee steel broadsword +12 (2d6 +2) “A river divides the bottom of the small chasm below the old bridge.
Space 1 square; Reach 1 square A number of small boulders emerge just above the water’s surface, al-
most forming a traversable path. On the far end of the room, across the
Abilities Str 10, Agi 14, Vit 13, Int 2, Mnd 10, Cha 2
river, is a steep wall, atop of which lies the path forward.”
Feats Skill Focus (1-handed), Weapon Proficiency (Swords)
Skills 1-Handed +12, Perception +9, Unarmed +12
Loot Stardust (5%), Steel Broadsword (20%), Storm Crystal (50%) If a member of the party entered this room by falling from the bridge and
Steal Stardust (5%), Golden Sap (20%), Health Potion (95%) into the river, read or paraphrase the following text:
“You get a sudden sinking feeling in your stomach, as the bridge be-
Crab Knight CR 3 neath your feet gives out. Plummeting into the river below, you are
N Small beastkin 3/warrior 1 submerged into the dark water, with a loud splash. Within moments,
Init d8; Senses Low-Light Vision; Passive Perception 18 you feel sudden, sharp pains all over your body. It is not the sensation
Language Aquan of freezing cold water, it is the tearing of your flesh!”
Defences Ref 20 (flat-footed 18), Fort 18, Will 16
Hp 29; DR 4; Threshold 18
Weakness Colde, Electric Special:
Speed 4 squares; climb 2 squares; swim 4 squares Characters within Room 4 may interact with party members,
Melee boar spear +14 (2d6+5) objects, and creatures in Room 2, Room 3, and Room 5. Additionally,
Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Room 4 is in dim light.
Abilities Str 12, Agi 15, Vit 14, Int 5, Mnd 12, Cha 4
Talents Armour Training Hidden Items:
Feats Armour Proficiency (light, heavy), Skill Focus (2-Handed), Characters with a passive perception of 20, or that make a per-
Weapon Proficiency (Polearms) ception check of 15, will notice a strange plant on the northern bank of the
Skills Athletics +8, 2-Handed +13, Perception +8, Unarmed +8 river.
Loot Boar Spear (20%), Iron Cuirass (50%), Storm Crystal (95%),
and 100gp A DC 15 Knowledge Nature Check will allow them to deduce
Steal Stardust (5%), Golden Sap (20%) it is moonwort.
You stand before an old rope bridge. In a clear state of disrepair, the Enemies and Hazards:
bridge is missing a number of wooden planks, while those that remain Within the waters of the river are swarms of piranhas, which
look weathered and rotted. Suspended about 10 meters above a rushing can be identified by the party with three levels of clarity by the following
river with jutting rocks, falling would likely lead to serious injury… or Perception checks:
DC 15: There are schools of fish in the water. As the party exits the corridor, they enter room 5.
DC 20: A school of fish appear to be feasting upon something in the water,
creating a darkening cloud.
DC 25: The darkening cloud appears to be blood.
Room 5: The Nest
Party members who fail their Perception check notice nothing Room Description:
in the water.
Anyone who has entered the water suffers 1d4 unaspected dam- “Exiting the corridor, you enter a large, open chamber. A nest rests in
age, that ignores all forms of DR, for each square of water they move the centre of the room, surrounded by a small body of water. On the
through (or 2d4 if no movement was made). As all damage, this may ex- nest lies a large azure lizard, sleeping comfortably. It emits an irides-
plode. cent glow from within, that dimly lights all around it. Nearby, bobbing
gently in the air around the lake, are 5 glowing orbs, emitting small
Exploding damage is triggered when you roll the maximum arks of electrical energy, while lying next to the pool of water, are the
value on a damage die. You then roll another damage die of the same type, charred remains of an unfortunate explorer. On the far end of the room
adding it to the total damage. Damage dice may explode indefinitely. There a large, hastily arranged pile of rocks obstructs the way out.”
is no limit.
A character who does not have a natural swim speed must make Enemies and Hazards:
a DC 10 Athletics check to swim up to half their movement speed each The beithir is sleeping (as per the sleep status effect) and will
turn. If the check is failed, no progress is made. If the check is failed by 5 not attack unless awakened.
or more, the character begins to sink.
A successful DC 25 Knowledge Nature check would reveal the
Characters may attempt to cross the river by hopping from stone that the creature is a beithir. Every 5 points the check exceeds the DC reveal
to stone using their athletics skill, though the overgrowth (rough terrain) a single piece of information about the beithirs weaknesses, immunities,
on the riverbank will prevent them from gaining a running start unless they
attempt to jump the overgrowth as well. Any who approach the beithirs nest must succeed a DC 21 (bei-
thirs passive perception of 26 -5 for sleeping) stealth check to successfully
When the party successfully clears the river, read them the fol- move through the water and into the nest undetected. Otherwise, any crea-
lowing boxed text. ture who steps into the water immediately alerts the beithir to their presence
and wakes it, resulting in combat.
“You arrive at the base of a stone wall 10 meters in height. Given its The storm sprites are not hostile unless provoked, be they at-
slight incline and small rocky protrusions it appears scalable…” tacked directly or the beithir disturbed. If combat begins, they will fight on
the side of the beithir as they share a symbiotic bond with the creature,
Party members looking to scale this wall must succeed a DC 20 feeding upon its energy.
athletics check. A character with an adventure pack that successfully makes
this check, may choose to use pitons, and create proper handholds for the The exit is blocked by a large pile of heavy rocks tightly packed
next climber, reducing the DC to 15. together, blocking the exit.
This was clearly erected to obstruct a larger creature, as there seems to be
Alternatively, in the event that the bridge above was broken, it just enough room for a medium or smaller creatures to wedge through.
may be used as a knotted rope with additional footholds, reducing the DC
to climb to DC 5. Combat:
Anyone that successfully scale the wall enter room 5. In the event of combat, the following enemies are encountered:
1 Beithir and 5 Storm Sprites.
Section A Result B:
If the party does not escape their cells, read or paraphrase the following
Room Description: text:
As the party enters the hallway from The Pits, read or paraphrase the fol-
lowing text:
“Your attempts at escape have proved fruitless. You have no choice but
to sit in your cell and await your fate. Before long, you hear the chit-
“You enter into a damp, dimly lit hallway. The gaps in the decrepit, tering footsteps of crabs coming down the hall. Your cells then open,
rusted bars allow you a glimpse into the derelict cells that line southern one by one, as crab squires are directed by a small crab, wearing an
wall… There is a faint flickering light coming from the room at the east ornate, clerical mitre, to lead you from your cells into the hall. The
end of the murky corridor… large, ominous figure of a crab cloaked in black, blocks the passageway
to your left. He carries a massive two-handed axe, with the still fresh
blood of his last kill coating its edge. The crab priest motions the
Dynamic Events: squires forward, now leading you to a chamber at the far end of the
If any characters that died during any of the previous combat murky corridor.”
encounters, their backup characters may be discovered within the cells.
They will have none of their gear on them, as it is secured in the Armory
(room 8).
GM Notes: Section B
Should a member of the party resist the crabs and refuse to exit
their cell, the crab squire will automatically knock them unconscious and
Room Description:
As the party is forced into the Armoury, read or paraphrase the following
drag them the rest of the way.
Willing or not, the party enters the Armoury (Room 8)
“As the crabs lead your party, willing or not, into the armoury. You see
it’s been fashioned into a makeshift execution chamber. A crude,
blood-stained chopping block rests at the centre of the room, a small
Room 8: The Armoury mound of severed heads piled against the east wall. Across the room,
Dynamic Events: you can see your armaments carelessly scattered atop the tables… As
If the party wanders into the Armoury while exploring, refer- the crab priest begins to flip through a small tome, preparing your last
ence Section A of the following room. However, if the party was forced rites, the executioner begins to sharpen his axe. Their backs are turned
into the Armoury by the crabs, reference Section B of the following room. to you and even the lowly squires pay you little mind… this may be
your last chance.”
Section A
Room Description: Enemies and Hazards:
Should the party choose to attack or attempt to grab their weap-
As the party enters the Armoury, read or paraphrase the following text:
ons, they initiate combat. Treat this as a surprise round.
“You enter the room at the far end of the hall. It seems to be an armoury During a surprise round, initiative is rolled as normal, though
of sorts, though clearly refashioned into a makeshift execution cham- only the attackers (in this instance, the party) may take a full round of ac-
ber. A crude, blood-stained chopping block rests ominously at the cen- tions. The surprised party (in this instance, the crabs) may only take a single
tre of the room, a small mound of severed heads piled against the standard, move, or swift action on their turn, but only if their initiative
wall… there were no survivors. Across the room are several tables, would allow them to act before 1 or more of the attackers. Otherwise, sur-
shelves, and racks filled with equipment and supplies, while a set of prised characters and creatures can take no action on their turn and are flat-
old keys is suspended from a hook on the nearest wall.” footed. After the surprise round, combat continues normally, using the ex-
isting initiative order.
Hidden Items:
If the party made it to this room without dying, then they dis-
cover various pieces of gear and equipment that have been discarded here. The party must battle 4 Crab Squires, 1 Crab Priest, and 1 Ex-
Roll 1d4 on the Armoury Loot Table below, to determine what items are ecutioner Crab. However, should any squires remain after the Crab exe-
found. cutioner and Crab priest are defeated, they immediately flee, and are re-
moved from combat. Note, loot is not rolled for any enemy that fled.
GM Notes:
The keys on the nearest wall unlock the cell doors found in room
GM Notes:
7. As stated in one scenario of the Holding Cells (room 7), party
members may be drug into the Armoury while unconscious. After the sur-
prise round, you should consider allowing an unconscious character to
Armoury Loot Table come to and join the fight, though now at a greater disadvantage.
In the event that the entire party are drug into the room while unconscious,
# Items Found no combat may be initiated, and the characters are quietly executed one
after the other. The game is over.
1 Bronze Sword, Long Bolts (10), Scroll of Ember, Widow’s
Crab Squire CR 3
2 Ether, Javelin, Pyrosceptre, Scroll of Cure. N Small beastkin 4
Init d8; Senses Low-Light Vision; Passive Perception 17
3 Fyr Arrows (10), Hide Armour, Hi-Potion, Scroll of Protect. Language Aquan
Defences Ref 19 (flat-footed 17), Fort 15, Will 14
4 Dagger, Fyr Wand, 1d4 Health Potions, Hi-Ether. Hp 25; DR 5; Threshold 15
Weakness Colde, Electric
However, if the party had to escape the holding cells after de- Speed 4 squares; climb 2 squares; swim 4 squares
feat, or otherwise had to free any players' backup characters from the hold- Melee steel broadsword +12 (2d6 +2)
ing cells, only confiscated items can be recovered in this room. Space 1 square; Reach 1 square
Abilities Str 10, Agi 14, Vit 13, Int 2, Mnd 10, Cha 2
Enemies and Hazards: Feats Skill Focus (1-handed), Weapon Proficiency (Swords)
Skills 1-Handed +7, Perception +9, Unarmed +12
If, and only IF the party had to had to free themselves from the
holding cells after defeat, does this encounter trigger. Loot Stardust (5%), Steel Broadsword (20%), Storm Crystal (50%)
Steal Stardust (5%), Golden Sap (20%), Health Potion (95%)
As the party recovers their equipment (give them time to use
potions if they would like) and are ready to leave the Armoury, the loud
sound of chittering feet, large and small, can be heard from the hall. Within
moments, 4 Crab Squires, 1 Crab Priest, and 1 Crab Executioner burst
into the room!
When the players are ready to move forward… enter The
Crab Priest CR 3 Throne Room.
N Small beastkin 1/initiate 3
MP 24
Init d12; Senses Low-Light Vision; Passive Perception 17
Language Aquan, Auran, Terran Room 10: The Throne Room
Defences Ref 20 (flat-footed 17), Fort 16, Will 18
Hp 24; DR 5; Threshold 16
Room Description:
This is the final room of the dungeon. Read or paraphrase the following
Weakness Colde, Electric
Speed 4 squares, climb 2 squares, swim 4 squares
Melee 2 claws +6 (1d3+1)
Space 1 square; Reach 1 square “As you step into the light, the passage opens into an enormous expanse
Spells Known (spellcraft +14/16*) Cleanse, Cure, Dispel, Ward of crystalline walls, reaching high into the interior of the hollowed
mountain. Before you, a great staircase climbs the many ascending lev-
Abilities Str 8, Agi 16, Vit 13, Int 16, Mnd 15, Cha 10
els of the glorious cavern, each crowned with crystals that shine more
Talents Benediction, Healers Blessing
brilliantly than the last.”
Feats Arcane Study, Channel, Extra Mana, Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Knowledge Arcana +9, Knowledge Religion
+9, Perception +7, Stealth+13, Spellcraft +14/16*, Survival +7, Un-
armed +6
Enemies and Hazards:
Creatures do not have line of sight on creatures that occupy the
Loot Cleric’s Chimere (5%), Ether (50%), Storm Crystal (95%), and higher elevation, unless said creature is standing at the nearest edge. The
300gp only exception to this rule is for any creature or character that occupies the
Steal Stardust (5%), Ether (95%) adjoining stairs, which allow them a better view of the next floor.
*when casting white magick spells
The Crab King is at the top of the stairs, upon his throne. How-
ever, the party will not see him until they reach the platform beneath his
Executioner Crab CR 5 throne.
N Large beastkin 2/warrior 5
Init d8; Senses Low-Light Vision; Passive Perception 17 When the party finds the Crab King at the top, read or para-
Language Aquan phrase the following text.
Defences Ref 16 (flat-footed 16), Fort 22, Will 14
Hp 75; DR 8; Threshold 27 “As you ascend the final flight of stairs, you are greeted by an enor-
Immunities Paralysis, Poison, Toad, Silence, Sleep, Slow mous red crab, wearing a golden crown adorned with an impressive
Resistance Colde variety of jewels, gems, pearls, and shells. Mounted upon each of his
Weakness Holy mighty limbs is a large tower shield, bearing the crustacean coat of
Dfs Options Tough as Nails arms, while upon his face, he wears the scars of his many battles… If
Speed 4 squares; climb 4 squares; swim 8 squares his sheer size is any indication of his longevity, it is safe to assume, he
Melee headsman's axe +23 (2d10+12) has won them all… His eyes meet yours, glaring at you menacingly.
Space 1 square; Reach 2 squares He rises from his throne, claws raised in the air, and with a deafening
Abilities Str 24, Agi 11, Vit 18, Int 3, Mnd 10, Cha 2 CLICK CLACK, he challenges you to a climactic final battle.”
Talents Brutal Assault, Heavy Handed, Tough as Nails
Feats Armour Proficiency (light), Improved Damage Threshold, Im-
proved Defences, Improved Initiative, Mighty Swing, Skill Focus (1- Combat:
handed), Toughness The final battle is against 1 Crab King, 1 Crab Priest*, and 2
Skills 1-Handed +20, Perception +8, Unarmed +20 Crab Knights.
Loot Headsman's Axe (5%), Black Garb (20%), Storm Crystal (95%),
500gp Should any enemies remain when the Crab King is defeated,
Steal Moondust (5%), Hi-Potion (20%), Nothing (95%) they immediately flee and are removed from combat.
*If the Crab Priest was defeated with the Executioner Crab, he will not be
present for this battle.
-The End-
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Tactics Analogue, as well as your adventures through the Crystal
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