Module 1

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Modules to be Covered

Module 1: Understanding and Analyzing Conflict

Module 2: Managing Conflict
Module 3: Youth in Peace building
Module 4: Peace in Action

Day One Day Two Day Three Day


General Objective
Getting to know each other

 Introduce your self in

pairs and report to the
group include name,
department, year of
Write at least two
expectations from the
Benefits of the training
• Gives you the opportunity to envision the world
as it ought to be, rather than simply how it is.

• Equips you with the knowledge to understand

the causes of violent conflict, develop nonviolent
ways of addressing violence, and build peaceful,
just societies.

• Its an interdisciplinary program that allows

students to explore important topics and
questions from a variety of academic
perspectives that supplement the disciplinary
training they gain from their major.

• Gives you an opportunity to serve as a skilled

peace builder/ Ambassador in your respective
Your Date
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Module 1:
Understanding and Analyzing
Module objectives
�Understand in a
technical manner what
constitutes a conflict;
�Identify the different
levels & types of conflict;
�Examine the positive and
negative functions of
�Identify the main causes
of conflict;
�Understand and apply
different conflict analysis
• Basic concepts of conflict
Brainstorming Questions (10’)

 What associations and images come to your mind

when you hear the word "conflict"?
 Write down the words you think of and/or draw
pictures you associate with conflict.
 What do the words and images you associate with
conflict connote?
 Do they have a positive, neutral or negative
Contradictions: Contradictions refer to
the actual or perceived incompatibility
of goals between the conflicting parties.
Attitudes are
the perceptions
a n d t h e
that the parties
hold towards
self and the
other. Attitudes
explain the
views the
parties hold
themselves and
the others.
w o r d s ,
structures or
systems that
cause physical,
s o c i a l o r
d a m a g e
a n d / o r
p r e v e n t
people from
reaching their
full human
Intra-personal conflict

Inter-personal conflict

Intra-group conflict

Inter-group conflict

Intra-state conflict

Inter-state conflict
Latent Conflict: a conflict at the stage of contradictions
and attitudes. It has the potential to take behavioral
expressions in the form of open confrontations but has not
yet taken that form.

Manifest conflicts: are conflicts in which attitudes,

behavior and contradictions are explicit, observed and
•Latent Conflict Manifest
•Manifest Conflict

Conflict Conflict

• Theoretical
Vs • Empirical
• Inferred • Observed
• Subconscious • Conscious
Conflict has many causes.
Identifying the causes of conflict is essential to deal with it
effectively and is a key part of conflict analysis.

Structural causes of conflict (also called root causes or underlying

causes) refer to the underlying fundamental incompatibilities of a
conflict. When we consider structural causes, we look at root causes
that need to be addressed and eradicated to find long term and
sustainable solutions.

Proximate causes of conflict (also called immediate causes) constitute

more easily identifiable events or factors that accentuate structural causes
and lead a conflict to escalate. When we consider proximate causes, we
look to identify triggers that can be tackled in the short term.
rooted/underlyin causes
g causes •Manifest Conflict

• Unequal social
• Unequal wealth
Vs • election of a
and access to
resources; and government
• Unequal power • military coup
• implementation
of unpopular
Ineffective communication exacerbates conflict. Even if there is
no fundamental incompatibility between groups and individuals,
poor communication can lead to conflict. Moreover,
stakeholders may have different understandings of the facts in
a situation and no resolution can be reached until they are

Have you ever quarreled with someone thinking that they have
done something wrong to you, but later discovered this was
not the case? self-reflection, regard for others, active
participation, good listening skills, and emotional discipline is
very important. The inability to express one's point of view
clearly and respectfully often leads to confusion, hurt, and
anger, all of which exacerbate conflict.
Our contemporary world is more diverse than ever. In
some contexts, culturally diverse people live together
harmoniously. On the other hand, in certain contexts,
some communities may unable to coexist peacefully.

Discrimination along human fault lines creates grievances

as the oppressed groups vie for their freedom. In some
societies, certain religious, ethnic and racial groups are
exposed to various forms of discrimination because of
their identity.
Carefully read the following case study and, in small
groups, discuss the questions provided below.

Draw a picture of tree including its roots, trunk, and

branches and write words that indicate the causes,
core problem and consequences of the conflict.
 The Gedeo- Guji Conflict
 On 13 April 2018 inter-communal violence along the border of Gedeo
and West Guji zones lead to large- scale displacements, loss of life and
damage to property. The violent conflict was over the use and allocations
of pasturelands and water resources, as well as other unresolved issues.
This led to a second, large wave of violence in June, displacing over 1
million people from the region. Up to 80% of internally displaced people
(IDPs) (442,029 men and 420,027 women) were recorded in collective sites
and host communities in the Gedeo Zone SNPP region. IDPs gathered in
cramped public buildings and spontaneous IDP sites (130 collective sites in
Gedeo hosting approximately 276,939 individuals). The displacement had
a negative impact on people’s lives, assets and livelihoods and already
vulnerable host communities came under great strain to absorb the new
arrivals. Women and girls lacked access to critical items and safe facilities
for personal hygiene and sanitation. There was a high risk of sexual and
gender-based violence due to a lack of basic services, overcrowded
shelter conditions and no security, privacy, or safety in accessing services.
There was little support and few services for women head of households,
unaccompanied minors, pregnant and lactating women and the elderly.
Women engaged in sex for survival and men engaged in theft as
negative coping methods for survival.
Conflict Tree

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