2080question Seniour
2080question Seniour
2080question Seniour
Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_ u= ljjfxdf 3/ ================= agfOPsf] x'G5 .
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
3=ljjfxsf] ;dodf ;a} hgfn] gofF gofF ===============
;doM !3+=#)ld= Kf|yd q}dfl;s kl/Iff @)*) Kf"0ff{Í M @)
sIffM # ljifoM g]kfnL ptL0ff{Í M )* nufpg] u5{g\ .
%= k'lnªu hgfpg] jfSodf kl/jt{g ug'{xf];\ M $
c= ufO{ rf}/df r5{ .
!= tnsf] cg'R5]b k9]/ ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M @ cf= dfOh" cfpg'eof] .
d'lgofsf] efG;fsf]7fdf w]/} ;fdfgx? /flvPsf 5g\ . pgsf] O= s]6Lx? uP .
efG;fdf 7'nf] tvtf agfOPsf] 5 . To;}df y/Ly/Lsf ;fdfg /flvPsf O{= xh'/cfdfn] e}F;L lsGg'eof] .
5g\ . ToxfF Psfk6\l6 s's/ ,s/fxL / 8]srL 5g\ . csf{k6\l6
rDrf ,yfn ,srf}/f /flvPsf 5g\ .d'lgofsf] efG;fsf]7fdf Uof; ^= ax'jrgdf kl/jt{g ug'{xf];\ M $
l;lnG8/ / 6]a'ns';L{ klg 5g\ . Psfk6\6L s'gfdf nf]xf]/f / s= d vfgf vfG5' .
l;nf}6f] /flvPsf 5g\ . rSs' ,r'n];L ,rkaf]8{ klg pgsf] v= pm /fd|f] lrq agfpF5 .
efG;fsf]7fdf 5g\ . pgL ;w}F cfKfm\gf] efG;fsf]7f ;kmf u=ltdL lj3fno hfG5f} .
/flV5g\ . cfkm\gf] sf]7f cfkm}F ;kmf /fVg] pgsf] afgL 5 . 3= tkfO{ /fd|/L k9fpg'x'G5 .
s=d'lgofsf] efG;fdf s:tf] tvtf agfOpsf] 5 < &= tnsf] k|Zgsf] pt/ n]Vg'xf];\M #
v= nf]xf]/f] / l;nf}6f] sxfF /flvPsf 5g\ < s=s;sf] sfv lk|o nfU5 <
u= d'lgofsf] efG;fsf]7fdf s] s] 5g\ < v= af6'nL lbbL laxfg} sxfF k'lU5g\ <
3= d'lgofsf] afgL s:tf] 5 < u= zLtsf] yf]kf s]df eml//xof] <
@= jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M#
PSn} , cfkm\gf] , Kof6\6
#= zAb / cy{sf lardf hf]8f ldnfpg'xf]; M@
k|l;b| hªundf a:g]
hªunL nf]slk|o
pT;j tLy{sf nflu ul/g] ofqf
tLy{ofqf rf8kj{
$= vfnL 7fpFdf ldNg] zAb 5fg]/ n]v M@
lgj]bg , ;+:sf/ , sk8f lemlnldnL
s= ljjfx Pp6f ============= xf] .
u= ufO{ ===============df r5{ .
3= =============== n] b'w rf]/\of] .
@= tnsf k|Zgsf] 5f]6f] pt/ n]Vg'xf];\ M $=% 1. Fill in the blanks to complete the information .2.5
s= s'g} kfFrcf]6f ;fd'bflos ls|ofsnfksf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ . a. __________ is the broad subject that helps to get knowledge
v= tkfOFsf] pd]/sf afnaflnsf s:tf vfnsf ;fd'bflos ls| about nature and the universe.
ofsnfkdf ;xefuL x'g ;S5g\ < s'g} rf/ cf]6f ;"rL agfpg'xf];\ . b. _______________ pictures are very important than artistic
u= ;fdflhs k|rng eg]sf] s] xf] < s'g} tLg cf]6f /fd|f k|rngx? pictures to describe scientific activities .
n]Vg'xf];\ . c. Length ,mass, time are volume etc are ____________ quantities .
d.Plants prepare their ______________ from heat and light energy
#= tnsf k|Zgsf] nfdf] pt/ n]Vg'xf];\M ^ obtained from the sun .
e. We should not use water purifying ______________ more than
s= ljljwtfsf] ;Ddfg ug{ s] s] ug{ ;lsG5 < s'g} kfFrcf]6f s'/fsf]
required .
;"rL agfpg'xf];\ .
v=' ;]jf / ;Ddfg g} c;n ;dfh lgdf{0fsf] cfwf/ xf] .' o; 2. Put a tick (√ ) if the statement is correct and cross (× ) if it is
egfOnfO{ k'lI6 ug'{xf];\ . wrong .2.5
u= s:tf k|rngnfO{ ;'wf/ ug'{k5{ < a. Heat and light are obtained from the sun and from burning
objects ( )
$= tn lbOPsf k];fsf Jolstx?n] s] sfd u5{g\ < n]Vg'xf];\ . @= b. Polluted air is injurious to health ( )
% c. Drainage channels should not be mixed in rivers and pond.( )
d. Critical thinking about new events is unnecessary .( ) c. Write any measures to conserve energy .
e. The small quantities of substance are measured accurately by
using a digital balance.( ) END.
3. Choose the correct options .2.5
a. The distance between Kathmandu and Pokhara is usually
expressed in units of
i. Decameter ii. Meter iii. Centimeter iv. Kilometer
2 0 4 2 3 3 6 3
- 5 - 7 - 2 7 -1 8
Group: A
Two hundred two _________________ A. Tick the correct answer:5
1. The Roman number to represent of 80 is ………………
b. Th H T O i. C ii. LXX iii. LXXX
2. How many lakhs are there in 1 corer?
i. 1000 ii.100 iii. 10
3. The greatest 4-digit number formed by the digit 1,9,4 and 0 is
i. 9410 ii. 9041 iii.9401
4. The numberals in Devangari for 3672 is
Four thousand three hundred twenty four _______________ i. #^&! ii. #&^@ iii.#^&@
5. Which is the even number
i. 24681 ii.326663 iii. 35790
F. Write in increasing order and in decreasing order.2
Group –B
i. 56,28,45,29
B. Write the number in expand form.2
ii. 180, 160, 150, 190
i. 73502 ii. 810490
H. Addition with carry over .4
E. Rounding off 279 to the nearest tens then to the nearest hundreds.2
F. Simplify: 2
i. 54÷6 + ( 5×6) +15-27
ii. 40÷ (5×2) +12-17
G. The cost of motorcycle is Rs963480.2 ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
i. Rewrite the cost of motorcycle in words according to Nepali system and Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
International number system. Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
ii. Using commas in both Nepali and International number system . Class: V Subject : Math P.M.: 08
Group B
B. The population of a village is 98360.Write the population in rounding
Figure the nearest
i. Tens ii. Hundred iii. Thousand
C. Multiply.
i. 3981×74 ii. 5260×29
D. Simplify
i. 16-[20-{4×8-(6+3)-7}+2]-2
ii. 25+{6+(53-13)÷8}-5
E. Let's make mathematical expression and simplify.
a. Find the product of 8 and the sum of 18 and 16.
b. 3 times the sum of 3 and 5 is divided by 4.
( physical Education )
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
i. There is a set of ______________ players in basketball.
ii.High jump is a track and field event of _________________
iii. The two skills of football are __________ and ___________
iv. Short run can be practiced in the straight track or ___________
v. The non locomotor skill are just opposite to ________________
B. Answer the following question.
1. Write any two example of locomotor skill .
2. Write the five steps of high jump .
3. What is Pranayam ? Define
( Creative Arts )
1. What is clay work?
2. What is craft ? Define in your own words.
3. What is the maning of wire sculpture?
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20 Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Class:V Subject : Health P.M.: 08 Class:V Subject : Health P.M.: 08
A .Answer the following question .( any 6 ).7.5 A .Answer the following question .( any 6 ).7.5
1. What is hygiene ? 1. What is hygiene ?
2. Write any two function of eye ? 2. Write any two function of eye ?
3. What are the methods to manage bio-degradable waste ? 3. What are the methods to manage bio-degradable waste ?
4. Define water purification ? 4. Define water purification ?
5. Write the different commands of drill. 5. Write the different commands of drill.
6.Write the meaning of menstrual hygiene in your words ? 6.Write the meaning of menstrual hygiene in your words ?
7. Name any two chemicals that can be used to purify water. 7. Name any two chemicals that can be used to purify water.
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Class:IV Subject : Health P.M.: 08
Class:IV Subject : Health P.M.: 08
A. Attempt anu six question.7.5
1. What is personal hygiene ? A. Attempt anu six question.7.5
2. What is degradable waste ? 1. What is personal hygiene ?
3. Write four characterstics of clean environment . 2. What is degradable waste ?
4. Write any two example of pollution . 3. Write four characterstics of clean environment .
5. Enlist any five non-degradable waste. 4. Write any two example of pollution .
6. What is menstruation ? 5. Enlist any five non-degradable waste.
7. Why should we trim our nail and hair ? 6. What is menstruation ?
7. Why should we trim our nail and hair ?
B. Fill in the blanks.2.5
1. The degradable waste are useful to prepare ____________. B. Fill in the blanks.2.5
2. The non biodegradable waste have the ________________life. 1. The degradable waste are useful to prepare ____________.
3. One example of a metallic waste is _________________. 2. The non biodegradable waste have the ________________life.
4. The road and open space is not toilet for ____________. 3. One example of a metallic waste is _________________.
5. The waste materials can transmit ______________ and ___________- 4. The road and open space is not toilet for ____________.
in the community. 5. The waste materials can transmit ______________ and ___________-
in the community.
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20 Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Class:II Subject : Computer P.M.: 08
Class:II Subject : Computer P.M.: 08
Best of lucks
Best of lucks Best of lucks
C. Mark a tick ( √ ) for the correct statement and a cross ( ×) for the wrong C. Mark a tick ( √ ) for the correct statement and a cross ( ×) for the wrong
statement .2 statement .2
a. Treating data according to instructions is input. a. Treating data according to instructions is input.
b. Computer can be used to play songs and watch movies. ( ) b. Computer can be used to play songs and watch movies. ( )
c. In office computer are used to entertain the employees. ( ) c. In office computer are used to entertain the employees. ( )
d. Computer are used in school to teach students. ( ) d. Computer are used in school to teach students. ( )
D. Write full forms of following.1 D. Write full forms of following.1
1. MB 1. MB
2. BIT 2. BIT
* 10 marks for practical. * 10 marks for practical.
Best of lucks Best of lucks
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5) Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire Class: V Subject : Computer P.M.: 08
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Class: V Subject : Computer P.M.: 08
A. Answer the following questions .5
A. Answer the following questions .5 a. What is computer? Can a computer be programmed?
a. What is computer? Can a computer be programmed? b. List the computer where the computer are used?
b. List the computer where the computer are used? c. What is central processing unit? List its main parts.
c. What is central processing unit? List its main parts. d. What is software? List the types of software.
d. What is software? List the types of software. e. Why is a computer called diligent machine?
e. Why is a computer called diligent machine? 2. Fill in the blanks.2
2. Fill in the blanks.2 ( ALU, input, information , monitor, output )
( ALU, input, information , monitor, output ) a. The data and instruction fed to the computer are known as
a. The data and instruction fed to the computer are known as ________________.
________________. b. When the data is treated or processed you get ____________.
b. When the data is treated or processed you get ____________. c. The ____________ is the part of the CPU where all the processing tasks
c. The ____________ is the part of the CPU where all the processing tasks are performed.
are performed. d. The result of processing or other information is displayed through
d. The result of processing or other information is displayed through _______________.
_______________. 3. State whether the following statements are true or false.2
3. State whether the following statements are true or false.2 a. The storage capacity of a storage device is measured in BIT ( )
a. The storage capacity of a storage device is measured in BIT ( ) b. A computer processes data and produce information.( )
b. A computer processes data and produce information.( ) c. A computer system is made up of hardware and software. ( )
c. A computer system is made up of hardware and software. ( ) d. A computer can have only three output devices.( )
d. A computer can have only three output devices.( ) C. Write the full forms of the following .1
C. Write the full forms of the following .1 a. RAM
a. RAM b. CLT
b. CLT
* 10 marks for practical.
* 10 marks for practical.
Best of lucks
5) Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire 5) Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs. 1st Terminal Examination 2080 F.M. : Time:1hrs. 1st Terminal Examination 2080 F.M. :
10 10
Class: IV P.M.: 04 Class: IV P.M.: 04
Subject.: G.K. Subject.: G.K.
Group – C 10x2=20
16. Find the sum of the greatest and the least numbers of 6 digits.
17. Find the Prime Factor's of 32 by the 'Factor – Tree' method.
18. Find the H.C.F. of 12 and 16.
19. Find the L.C.M. of 9 and 15. ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
20. Find the square root's of 576. Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
21. Find the cube root's of 216. Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
22. The male population of a village is 9840 and the female population is Class: III Subject.: Math . P.M.: 16
8965. Find the total population of the village ?
23. Multiply: 4630 x 320 Tick (√ ) the correct answer : 10
24. Divide: 1280÷ 16
25. Simplify: 3x{13 – (12 + ) ÷3 } 1. Number of digit in 7050 are ………
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4
2. Numeral for five thousand eight is …….
a. 508 b. 5080 c. 5008
Best of luck 3. Place value of 9 in 2983 is ……
a. 900 b. 90000 c. 90
4. Short form of 4000 + 20 + 5 is ….
a. 4250 b. 4250 c. 4205
5. The next number that comes after 6490 counting by 10's is …….
a. 6590 b. 7490 c. 6500
6. The smallest number of 4 – digit formed by 4, 0, 6, 9 is ……..
a. 4069 b.4609 c. 4690
7. The numeral in Devanagari for 3568 is ……
a. #$&* b.#%^* c.#$^*
8 KffFr xhf/ b'O{ ;o cG7fgAa]nfO{ c+sdf n]Vbf
a. %@** b.$@(* c. %@(*
9. The Hindu- Arabic number for XX is …
a. 10 b. 20. c. 30
10. The Roman number of 14 is…….
a. XIV b. XVI c. XXIV
Group – B
Group B
1. Write the place value is underline digit of 653798
3. Add tens :
4 tens + 9 tens
4. Add:
+ 549
5. Subtract:
- 275
6. Multiply: 14 x 9 Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
7. Divide: 42 ÷ 6 Class: II Subject.:Science & HPE . P.M.: 16
6. The male population of Mahendranagar is 65,470 and the female 3. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements: 2
population is 66,780. Find the total population of the town. a. Carnivores eat only flesh of other animals.
b. Animals do not feel and react.
7. Subtract: 7 3 4 0
- 1643 4. Answer the following questions: 5x2=10
a. What are living thing ?
8. Multiply of 158 x4
b. Write any two characteristics of living things.
9. Divide: 218 ÷ 5 c. What are wild animals ?
d. What are domestic animals ?
10. Find the answer with correct sign (-9) x (-5) e. What are carnivores ?
Health and Physical Education(HPE)
1. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words: 4
( posture, unfit, bath, earbuds )
a. We should take a ________ daily. 1. Attempt any ten questions: 1x10=10
b. We should use ________ to clean our ears. a. What is a computer ?
c. The position of body is called ________. b. List any three uses of a computer .
d. Wrong postures make our body ________. c. What is input ?
d. List the special features of computers.
2. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements: 4 e. List the areas where computers are used.
a. Positions of the body are called postures. f. How are computers used at homes ?
b. Nose is an organ that sense taste. g. Hw are computers used in banks ?
c. We should keep our nails short and clear. h. What is hardware ?
d. We should read lying on the bed. i. List any four computer hardware ?
j. List any four output devices ?
3. Answer the following questions: 6x2=12 k. Which part of the CPU perform all the calculations?
i. What do you use to cut your nails ? l. What is storage unit ?
ii. What should we use to remove dirt from our ears ? m. What is Microsoft Paint ?
iii. What are postures ? n. Where do you draw pictures ?
iv. Name any two right postures of the body. o. What is the use of Eraser tool ?
v. What are basic skills of physical education ? 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from brackets:
vi. What is walking ? 2
( output, storage, physical, listen, )
i) The information or result of processing is _______ .
ii) You can _______music and play games at home
iii) The _______parts of the computer are known as
iv) Compact Disk and Pendrive are _______ devices.
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
3. Mark a tick (√ ) for the correct statement and a cross (×)
for the wrong statements : 0.5x5=2.5
a) Computer is faster than man.
b) ATM does all the financial tasks. Science and Environment
c) The RAM stores data and instruction temprorarily. 1. Fill in the blanks using the correct words: 2
d) Paintbrush program has its own drawing space, ( hibernation , cow , home, energy )
drawing tools and color box.
e) Eraser tool erases only straight lines. i. Food provides us ________ to live.
ii. All animals need ________ to live in .
4. Match the following: 1 iii. ________is a cud- chewing animal.
INPUT Result of processing. iv. Winter sleep is also called ________.
PROCESSING Data and instructions fed to the computer.
OUTPUT Treating data according to instruction. 2. Match the following : 2
CPU Treats the data according to instructions. Diurnal active at night
Warm-blooded body temperature changes.
5. Write the full form of the following: 1.5 Cold- blooded active in the daytime
i) CPU ii) MU iii) ALU iv) CD Nocturnal body temperature remains constant.
Group B
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire From your text book : 5x2=10
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
2.Answer the following questions:
a) What was the Elephant trying to wipe ? != cg'R5]b k9]/ ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]v M
b) What would it be like to play cards with Octo ? Dflg; b]jtf xf]Og t/ c;n ljrf/ / /fd|f sfdn] pm b]jtf
c) Who sang a love song ? hlQs} dfGg nfos klg x'g ;S5 . ;dfhdf v/fa cfrf/0f / ljrf/ ePsf
d) What colour was the boat ? dflg;x? klg k|Zf:t dfqfdf el6G5g\ . cfk;L snx, df/sf6{ / czflGt
e) Which animals was trying to do an impossible dRrfP/ cfk"m cfgGb dfGg] :jefjsf dflg;n]
task ? dfgj ;d'bfonfO{ sfnf] wAaf nufPsf 5g\ . ;dfhdf unt / ;xL s'/f
3. Unscramble the letters to create meaningful words: 2 5'6\ØfP/ Pstf sfod ug{ ;lsof] eg] v/fa ljrf/sf dflg;x? :jtM
hifs _______ pumj _______ sdhf]/ x'g k'U5g\ . dflg; ;/;ª\utn] ;'w|g]] k|f0fL xf] . xfdLn]
dsna _______ aklw _______ 8fs' /Tgs/ dxlif{ jfNdLls ag]sf] syf klg ;'g]sf 5f}F , To;sf
nflu ;fdflhs jftfj/0f 7Ls x'g'k5{ . ;fdflhs jftfj/0f 7Ls
4. Fill in the blanks using the words that you unscrambled x'g' ;dfhsf ;b:osf aLr cfk;L k|]d cfb/sf] efjgf, st{Josf] Vofn /
above : 2 dof{lbt afgLa]xf]/f x'g' cTofjZos dflgG5 . oL s'/fx?
The _______ would gaze into the sky. "one day I'll the tkm{ dflg;n] v'a} ljrf/ k'¥Øfpg'k5{ .
_______ or run or _______ or _______ upon the _______.
c_ tnsf k|Zgx?sf] hjfkm b]pm M!)
5. Make a sentence by using following words: 5 s_ s;/L dflg; b]jtf hlts} aGg ;S5 <
i) octo ii) pea-green iii) thirsty v_ s:tf dflg;n] dfgj ;d'bfonfO{ sfnf] wAAff nufPsf 5g\
iv) married v) funny <
u_ v/fa ljrf/sf dflg;x? s;/L :jtM sdhf]/ x'g k'U5g <
6. Write a short notes about your: 6 3_ s] s'/f cfTofjZos dflgG5 <
a) family b) school ª_ s'g s'/fsf nflu ;fdflhs jftfj/0f 7Ls x'g'k5{ <
cf_ sf]i7saf6 vfnL 7fpFdf 7Ls pQ/ e/ M
7. 3marks for your hand writing.
s_ ;dfhdf =======================cfr/0fsf
*** dflg;x/ klg k|Zf:t el6G5g\ .
- v/fa, ;xL _
v_ ;dfhdf unt / ;xL s'/f
Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_ 5'6\ofP/======================= sfod ug{
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/] ;Sg'k5{ . - emu8f, Pstf _
;doM !3+=#)ld= c4{aflif{s kl/Iff @)&& Kf"0ff{Í M $)
u_ dflg;sf nflu nf]slk|otf M dxfsljsf ?kdf
======================afgLa]xf]/f x'g cfTofjZos b]xfj;fg M @)!^ ebf}F @( ut] .
dflgG5 .
- dof{lbt, cdof{lbt _ %= cfkm" la/fdL ePsf] sf/0f hgfO{ b'O{ lbgsf] ljbf dfu ub}{
3_ dflg; =======================n] ;'w|g] k| k|wfgfWofksnfO{ Pp6f lgj]bg n]v . %
f0fL xf] .
- v/fa ;ª\ut, ;/;ª\ut _ ^= tnsf] k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]v M !)
ª_ dflg;sf nflu ================afgLa]xf]/f x'g s_ b]ptLahf/df uf8L lsg /f]lsPsf] lyof] <
cTofjZos dflgG5 . v_ cfdfn] sf]vdf ef/ af]s]/ klg s] ul5{g\ <
-dof{lbt , cdof{lbt _ u_ st{Jo eg]sf] s] xf] <
3_ psfnLdf r9] klg uLtsf /rgfsf/ sf] x'g\ <
@= tnsf zAbsf] ljk/LtfyL{ zAb;Fu hf]8f ldnfpm M % ª_ xfdLn] ljBfnodf s] s:tf st{Jox? k"/f ug'{k5{ <
cg's"n gfl:ts ;dfKt
lzlIft klZrd Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
1fgL k|lts"n Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
k"j{ clzlIft Class: II Subject.: Computer . P.M.: 16
3. Mark a tick (√ ) for the correct statement and a cross (×) for the
wrong statements : 0.5x5=2.5
a. A computer takes more time to finish a task than man.
b. You need numbers to do calculation.
c. Only data is INPUT.
d. The starting up of a computer is called booting.
e. Computer runs on electric power.
in the following figures: 4 Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
Class: II Subject.: Social Std. P.M.: 16
5. Write the meaning of each words: 2.5 c_ 7Ls zAb 5fg]/ vfNfL 7fpF e/M #
a) trouble b) complexions c) reassured
d) reaction e) empathy
s_ efg'eQm
cfrfo{ g]kfnL ;flxTosf========================= #= tnsf zAbx?sf] pN6f] cy{ lbg] zAb n]v M $
x'g\ . /ft, leq, kfgL, dL7f]
- cflbslj, cfw'lgs slj _
v_ efg'eQmn] g]kfnL efiffdf $= cfk"m lj/fdL ePsf] sf/0f hgfO{ ltg lbgsf] labf dfu ub}{ k|
=========================n]v]sf lyP . wfgfWofksnfO{ Pp6f lgj]bg n]v . %
-/fdfo0f ,
dxfef/t_ %= ldNg] ZfAb 5fg]/ vfnL 7fpF e/ M %
u_ /fdfo0fdf =========================sf] syf s_ sfsfsf] 3/ b'O{ sfGnf==================lyof] .
5. - dfly,tn _
-/fd / ;Ltf, s[i0f / v_ sfsfsf] 3/df ================== cfunfuL eof] .
/fwf_ - dWo/ftdf, lbpF;f]_
u_ ;a} hgfn] cfuf] nfu]sf] 7fpFdf kfgL /
cf_ 7Ls egfOdf 7Ls -√_ / a]7Ls egfOdf a]7Ls -×_ lrXg ================== 5\ofk] .
nufpm M $ - sf7, lxnf] df6f] _
s_ ;a}eGbf k'/fgf sljnfO{ cflbslj elgG5 . 3_ cfuf] nfu]sf] 3/ ================== lyof] . -
v_ efg'eQmn] zs'Gtnf n]v]sf x'g\ . ufpFdf, ;x/df _
u_ /fdfo0fnfO{ ;a}n] ;Ddfg u5{g\ . ª_ sfsfsf] ==================;'Tg] afgL lyof] .
3_ efg'eQm ufos x'g\ . - /]l8of] vf]n]/, uLt ufP/ _
1. Attempt any Fifteen questions: 15 3. Mark a tick (√ ) for the correct statement and a cross (×)
a. What is a computer ? for the wrong statements : 0.5 x 5 = 2.5
b. List the working steps of computer. a. Computer is a programmable machine.
c. Why is a computer called versatile machine ? b. Computer are used in schools to teach students.
d. List the areas where computers are used ? c. A laptop computer can be placed on the desk or
e. How are computer used at homes ? table.
f. How is computer used in schools and colleges ? d.You can draw rectangles and square using the oval
g. How are computers used in Hospitals ? tool.
h. What is general computer ? e. You can insert bitmap picture in WordPad
i. What type of computer is digital computer ? List the document.
different digital computers . 4. Match the following: 4
j. What is desktop computer ? Input Result of processing
k. What is minicomputer ? Processing Data and instructions fed to the computer.
l. What are the two electrical conditions that a Output capability of producing correct information.
Diligence Treating data according to instructions.
computer understands ? 5. Write the full form of following: 5
m. What is Binary number system ? a. BIT b. ASCII c. GB d. MB
n. What is computer graphic ? e. TB
o. What is the use of line tool ?
p. What is word Pad ? ************************************************
q. List the different alignment available in WordPad? 5. (1) Marks for handwriting.
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 0.5x5= 2.5 6. (30)marks for computer practical.
************************************************ O = ____127 = ____H + ___ T+___ O
___ T = ____ + _____ + ______
eNd. ____ H = ____
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire 344 = ___H + ___T + ____ O
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
Class: II Subject.: Math . P.M.: 16 ____ ____ + _____ + _____
5. Add: 5
3 2 9 6 3 9
+7 8 + 7 2 + 9 2
5 4 6 8
+ 4 9 +2 5
6. Subtract: 5
9 2 3 6 5 7
- 7 5 - 1 2 - 3 9
6 8 7 5
- 2 8 - 5 2
7. Multiply: 5
9 8 2 7 5 8
x 8 x 6 x 5
4 9 7 6
x 7 x 9
Best of luck
ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5) 7. Fill in the blanks spaces using the possessive adjectives :
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire a. Mina and Neha are my friends. We play games in …………….
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 30 school ( we, our, ours )
Class: III Subject.: Eng. Grammar P.M.: 08 b. Kamal is washing ……………. car. ( he, his, him )
c. We go to school everyday. We like ……………. school
( we, our, ours )
1. Write the name of Vowel letters ?
d. Bina and Deepa are sitting in ……………. bedroom
2. Write the animals words in alphabetical order.
( they, their, theirs)
3. Circle the proper nouns in the following list:
e. This is …………….book and that is mine. ( you, your, yours)
School Country December Deepa
8.Find out the main verb and auxiliary verb of the following :
man district Everest Newari
a. Manjita is good girl.
Christmas festival day Ganesh
b. They go to school.
Koshi bottle Milan Dashain
c. Look! there is a big snake.
4. Fill each blanks with 'a' or 'an' :
d. Roman plays a football.
a) This is ______ elephant.
e. Did you finish your homework ?
b) She likes ______ orange.
9. What is the name of your district ?
c) Susan likes ______ dolls.
10. What is the name of your municipality ?
d) They have ______ car.
11. Which is your favourite festival ?
e) Miss Anjana is ______ English teacher.
12. Make the words in plural form of the following:
f) He has ______ cap.
a. book ______________
5. Choose a suitable pronoun for each blank space :
b. woman ______________
a) Did you hear the dog ? …………….(they, them)
c. leaf ______________
b) I will give …………….a glass of joice . ( I, you )
d. They ______________
c) ……………. is a boy. ( He, they)
e. bird______________
b. clever crisp centre candle cheat
*** c. geese guilty grape garden goose
2. Re arrange the words in alphabetical order: 6
a. dog cat mouse horse.
b. hamster hare bat beetle bear
c. lion leopard lizard
d. bear baboon bat bee
e. horse zebra hare cat
f. shark dog snail dragon
3. Give the examples of each parts of speech :2.5 + 2.5
4. Write the part of speech of the following underlined words: 0.5 x10= 5
a. Do it quickly.
b. Everyone arrived late.
c. My uncle drives carefully.
d. He did well in the test.
e. Wow ! Are we there already ?
f. Hurray ! our team has finally scored a goal.
g. His father attended the meeting.
h. I helped him because I liked him.
i. Jasmines are white in colour.
j. You or they will be able to assist.
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20 Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20
Class: V Subject.: Eng. Grammar P.M.: 08 Class: V Subject.: Eng. Grammar P.M.: 08
1. Look at the second letter of each : 4 1. Look at the second letter of each : 4
a. plan press pant punch perch a. plan press pant punch perch
b. clever crisp centre candle cheat Leo Tolstoy Sanskrit
c. geese guilty grape garden goose Tulsidas Urdu
2. Re arrange the words in alphabetical order: 6 2. Tick ( ) the correct answer: 4
a. dog cat mouse horse. a. Rodhi dance is performed by ……
b. hamster hare bat beetle bear i. Gurung ii. Newar iii. Tharu
c. lion leopard lizard b. Balkrishna sama is know as ……
d. bear baboon bat bee i. Aadi Kabi ii. Yuba kabi iii. Natya smrat
e. horse zebra hare cat c. Who is the first martyr in Nepal…
f. shark dog snail dragon i. Bhuwan Chand ii. Lakhan Thapa iii. Aridev Malla
3. Give the examples of each parts of speech :2.5 + 2.5 d. Who is the last king of the Malla dynasty ?
4. Write the part of speech of the following underlined words: 0.5 x10= 5 i. Ranjit Malla ii. Bhuktaman iii. Aridev Malla
a. Do it quickly. 3. Anwer the following questions: 12 x1=12
b. Everyone arrived late. a. Which dance was performed by Lakhe dance ?
c. My uncle drives carefully. b. What is the name of holy book of Kirant ?
d. He did well in the test. c. What is the name of holy book of Islam ?
e. Wow ! Are we there already ? d. Who is the first king of the Kirant dynasty ?
f. Hurray ! our team has finally scored a goal. e. Who is the first king of the Mahispala dynasty ?
g. His father attended the meeting. f. Who is the last king of the Shah dynasty ?
h. I helped him because I liked him. g. Which is the largest artificial lake of Nepal ?
i. Jasmines are white in colour. h. Which is the largest lake of Nepal ?
j. You or they will be able to assist. i. Who is the first female president of Nepal ?
j. Who is the first prime minister of Nepal ?
k. Which festival is celebrated by the Buddists on the full
moon day of Baisakh ?
l. Which festival is celebrated by the women or girls of the
Terai region for the long life of their brothers ?
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20
Class: IV Subject.: G.K. P.M.: 08
Class: IV Subject.: G.K. P.M.: 08
2. Write the name of the authors of the following famous books of Nepal ? 5
a. Socha : ____________
b. Khusi : ____________
c. Munamadan : ____________
d. Teen Ghumti ; ____________
e. Sirishko phool : ____________
3. Recognize the following paintings of Nepal and write their names.
a. These paintings are done on scroll of cloth or strong paper ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20
b. These paintings are painted on copper plates, books, paper and
Class: IV Subject.: Eng. Grammar P.M.: 08
paper based religious scripts. ____________
c. ____________ painting is also known as Granth Chitra.
d. ____________ painting is also called Bhitte Chitra.
e. These paintings are made on walls of houses, temples, places and 1. Rearrange the words in alphabetical order: 5
building. ____________ a. train traffic tramp tray trap
b. spend speech spell special speek
4. Fill in the blanks with correct answer : 6 c. strong string strike stripes strangle
a. An ____________is a books containing maps. d. this think thing thin these
b. An ____________ is a book that contains information about many
different subjects. 2. Re arrange the words in alphabetical order: 5
c. An ____________ is a book that has blank page for sticking a. owl oat one
photographs and stams. b. pen pan pin
d. This dance is performed by the Newars wearing a mask ________ c. rat red rose
e. This is a popular dance in the western Nepal performed by holding d. sat sit set
each others hands and making a circle ____________ e. box but bit
f. Which caste group of Nepal was famous as warriors in the ancient
Nepal. ____________ 3. Give the 5 examples of each parts of speech : 2.5 + 2.5
4. Write the part of speech of the following underlined words: 5 @= hf]8f ldnfpm M %
a. The tortoise moves slowly. kmnk'mn b|Jojfrs gfd
b. Wow ! That was great. s6x/ efjjfrs gfd
c. Aryan goes to school on foot. em'Kkf] hfltjfrs gfd
d. Suman is playing the guitar.
dfof JolQmjfrs gfd
e. Mina has a pen but no ink.
b'w ;d"xjfrs gfd
#= s/0f ls|ofaf6 cs/0f lqmof agfpm M 6 ª_ zLnf ================== sk8f l;pFl5g\ . -
z}n]zf syf k9\5 . cfkm}F, p;}, ;Fu} _
;fyLx? uLt ufpF5g\ .
ltdL kf]v/f uof} . @= hf]8f ldnfpm M %
bfO sk8f lsGg' x'g]5 . kmnk'mn b|Jojfrs gfd
ltdL c;n ag] 5f} . s6x/ efjjfrs gfd
d :s'n hfG5' . em'Kkf] hfltjfrs gfd
dfof JolQmjfrs gfd
$= ;j{gfd eg]sf] s] xf] < @ b'w ;d"xjfrs gfd
%= gfd slt k|sf/sf 5g\ < gfd n]v . @ #= s/0f ls|ofaf6 cs/0f lqmof agfpm M 6
z}n]zf syf k9\5 .
;fyLx? uLt ufpF5g\ .
ltdL kf]v/f uof} .
bfO sk8f lsGg' x'g]5 .
ltdL c;n ag] 5f} .
d :s'n hfG5' .
!= ldNg] zAb 5fgL vfnL 7fpF e/ M % %= gfd slt k|sf/sf 5g\ < gfd n]v . @
s_ ==================lstfa k9\5' . - d , pm, xfdL
v_ ================== 3/ hfG5g\ . - xfdL, ltdL,
pgLx? _
u_ ================== xfd|f] k;n xf] . - pm, s] , Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
Tof] _
;doM !3+= c4{aflif{s kl/Iff @)&& Kf"0ff{Í M @)
3_ ================== dg k5{ 5fg]/ lsg . - h], s] , sIffM% ljifoM g]kfnL Jofs/0f ptL0ff{Í M )*
sf] _
!=;ª\s]tsf] ;xfotfn] vfnL 7fpF e/ M *
s_ d sljtf ===============. - n]v\ ck"0f{ jt{dfg _
v_ xfdLx?n] lxdfn ===============. - b]v\
k"0f{ jt{dfg _ Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
u_ uf]?n] 3fF; vfFb}5 . - :qLlnª\u_
;doM !3+= c4{aflif{s kl/Iff @)&& Kf"0ff{Í M @)
3_ ;'Gtnf sf] n3'tfjfrL zAb ===============xf] . - sIffM% ljifoM g]kfnL Jofs/0f ptL0ff{Í M )*
s];|f], lkTsf] _
ª_ eft sf] n3'tfjfrL zAb =============== xf] . -
!=;ª\s]tsf] ;xfotfn] vfnL 7fpF e/ M *
rfOnf], l;tf] _
s_ d sljtf ===============. - n]v\ ck"0f{ jt{dfg _
r_ …;+;f/ Ú sf] kof{ojfrL
v_ xfdLx?n] lxdfn ===============. - b]v\
zAb===============xf] . - ljZj, k|b]z _
k"0f{ jt{dfg _
5_ cfh kfgL k5{ . -cs/0f_
u_ uf]?n] 3fF; vfFb}5 . - :qLlnª\u_
3_ ;'Gtnf sf] n3'tfjfrL zAb ===============xf] . -
@= vfnL 7fpFdf pko'Qm ZfAb e/ M %
s];|f], lkTsf] _
s_ vf]nf =============== ghfpm . - lt/, cg';f/ _
ª_ eft sf] n3'tfjfrL zAb =============== xf] . -
v_ 3/ =============== au}+rf 5 . - cufl8, leq _
rfOnf], l;tf] _
u_ ltdL =============== slt k};f 5 < - ;Fu, leq_
r_ …;+;f/ Ú sf] kof{ojfrL
3_ emf]nf =============== lstfa 5g\ . - dfly, leq _
zAb===============xf] . - ljZj, k|b]z _
ª_ cf1f =============== u/ . - cg';f/, ;DaGwL _
5_ cfh kfgL k5{ . -cs/0f_
#= tnsf jfSodf stf{ cg';f/ lqmofkft ldnfpmM #
@= vfnL 7fpFdf pko'Qm ZfAb e/ M %
s_ ;fgL ?G5 .
s_ vf]nf =============== ghfpm . - lt/, cg';f/ _
v_ cUnf dflg;x? uof] .
v_ 3/ =============== au}+rf 5 . - cufl8, leq _
u_ zld{nf /fd|f] k9\5 .
u_ ltdL =============== slt k};f 5 < - ;Fu, leq_
3_ emf]nf =============== lstfa 5g\ . - dfly, leq _
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