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v= ljjfxfdf ljBfno hfg gkPdf ============= n]Vg'k5{ .

Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_ u= ljjfxdf 3/ ================= agfOPsf] x'G5 .
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
3=ljjfxsf] ;dodf ;a} hgfn] gofF gofF ===============
;doM !3+=#)ld= Kf|yd q}dfl;s kl/Iff @)*) Kf"0ff{Í M @)
sIffM # ljifoM g]kfnL ptL0ff{Í M )* nufpg] u5{g\ .
%= k'lnªu hgfpg] jfSodf kl/jt{g ug'{xf];\ M $
c= ufO{ rf}/df r5{ .
!= tnsf] cg'R5]b k9]/ ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M @ cf= dfOh" cfpg'eof] .
d'lgofsf] efG;fsf]7fdf w]/} ;fdfgx? /flvPsf 5g\ . pgsf] O= s]6Lx? uP .
efG;fdf 7'nf] tvtf agfOPsf] 5 . To;}df y/Ly/Lsf ;fdfg /flvPsf O{= xh'/cfdfn] e}F;L lsGg'eof] .
5g\ . ToxfF Psfk6\l6 s's/ ,s/fxL / 8]srL 5g\ . csf{k6\l6
rDrf ,yfn ,srf}/f /flvPsf 5g\ .d'lgofsf] efG;fsf]7fdf Uof; ^= ax'jrgdf kl/jt{g ug'{xf];\ M $
l;lnG8/ / 6]a'ns';L{ klg 5g\ . Psfk6\6L s'gfdf nf]xf]/f / s= d vfgf vfG5' .
l;nf}6f] /flvPsf 5g\ . rSs' ,r'n];L ,rkaf]8{ klg pgsf] v= pm /fd|f] lrq agfpF5 .
efG;fsf]7fdf 5g\ . pgL ;w}F cfKfm\gf] efG;fsf]7f ;kmf u=ltdL lj3fno hfG5f} .
/flV5g\ . cfkm\gf] sf]7f cfkm}F ;kmf /fVg] pgsf] afgL 5 . 3= tkfO{ /fd|/L k9fpg'x'G5 .

s=d'lgofsf] efG;fdf s:tf] tvtf agfOpsf] 5 < &= tnsf] k|Zgsf] pt/ n]Vg'xf];\M #
v= nf]xf]/f] / l;nf}6f] sxfF /flvPsf 5g\ < s=s;sf] sfv lk|o nfU5 <
u= d'lgofsf] efG;fsf]7fdf s] s] 5g\ < v= af6'nL lbbL laxfg} sxfF k'lU5g\ <
3= d'lgofsf] afgL s:tf] 5 < u= zLtsf] yf]kf s]df eml//xof] <
@= jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M#
PSn} , cfkm\gf] , Kof6\6
#= zAb / cy{sf lardf hf]8f ldnfpg'xf]; M@
k|l;b| hªundf a:g]
hªunL nf]slk|o
pT;j tLy{sf nflu ul/g] ofqf
tLy{ofqf rf8kj{
$= vfnL 7fpFdf ldNg] zAb 5fg]/ n]v M@
lgj]bg , ;+:sf/ , sk8f lemlnldnL
s= ljjfx Pp6f ============= xf] .
u= ufO{ ===============df r5{ .
3= =============== n] b'w rf]/\of] .

#= tnsf zAb / cy{sf lardf hf]8f ldnfpg'xf];\ M@

lz/ ;kmf;'U3/ /fVg] sfd
;/;kmfO 3/sf] sfd
ca]/ 6fpsf]
u[xsfo{ l9nf

$= zAbsf] s|d ldnfP/ jfSo n]Vg'xf];\ M#

c= v]Nof] efOn] es'G8f] .
Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_ cf klxnf] eP5 hfrFdf ;'dg .
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
;doM !3+=#)ld= Kf|yd q}dfl;s kl/Iff @)*) Kf"0ff{Í M @)
O= bf}l8P5g\ ;fyLx? rf}/df .
sIffM @ ljifoM g]kfnL ptL0ff{Í M )* %= zAbcufl8 j0f{ hf]8L gofF zAb agfpg'xf];\ M@
k| ± s[lt Ö c± ;nÖ
;± x/ Ö ;± txÖ
!= tnsf] cg'R5]b k9]/ ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] pt/ n]Vg'xf;\ M $= ^= pN6f] cy{ lbg] zAb n]Vg'xf];\ @
cfkF / s]/f kx]Fnf] /ªsf x'G5g\ . :ofp / cgf/ /ftf] /ªsf x'G5g\ . cUnf] , tn, 7"nf] , c;n
cfn' ;]tf , /ftf / lgnf u/L y/Ly/L /ªsf x'G5g\ . cªu'/sf] /ª sfnf] / &= tnsf zAb /fv]/ jfSo agfpg'xf];\ M@
xl/of] x'G5 . gf:ktL eg] v}/f] /ªsf] x'G5 . lrgL ,g'g / /fd|f] , ldn]/ , /dfOnf]
cG8fsf] /ª ;]tf] x'G5 . xfdL dflysf] cfsfzsf] /ª lgnf] x'G5 . *= tnsf k|Zgsf pt/ n]Vg'xf];\ @
/fdcjtf/nfO{ y/Ly/Lsf /ª v'a dg k5{ . s= dflg; s]n] dxfg\ x'G5 <
c= cfkF / s]/f s'g /ªsf x'G5g\ < v= s] ubf{ /f]uJoflw a9\5 <
cf= cª\u'/sf] /ª s:tf] x'G5 < u= ;fyLx? s:tf x'G5g\ <
O= cfn' s] s:tf /ªsf x'G5g\ < 3= s:tf] dfG5]nfO{ ;a}n] 1fgL eG5g\ <
O{= s;nfO{ y/Ly/Lsf /ª dg k5{ <

@= vfnL 7fpFdf ldNg] zAb eGg'xf];\ M@

km"naf/L , rf}/ , lj3fno , la/fnf]
s= ljBfyL{x? =================== df k9\5g\ .
v= ================= df km"n b]Vg kfOG5 .
a'lemG5 . clg ;Demg klg ;lsG5 . Jojl:yt tl/sfn] v]lng]
v]ns'bn] t k9fonfO{ xflg xf]Og ;3fp k'/\ofpF5 .
s= v]ns'b lsg cfjZos k5{ <
v= s;/L v]Nbf k9fOnfO{ c;/ k5{ <
u= v]ns'baf6 k9fOnfO{ s;/L ;3fp k'U5 <
@= jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M#
clnslt , lgoldt , s;/t
#= tnsf ZfAbsf] p:t} cy{ lbg] zAb;Fu hf]8f ldnfpg'xf];\ M@
k':ts dg'io
dfgj u|Gy
uj{ pkof]u
;b'kof]u uf}/j

$= s/0f lqmofaf6 cs/0f lqmof agfpg'xf];\ M#

s= d lstfa k9\5' .
v= cfh kfgL knf{ .
u= pgLx? ahf/ uP .
Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_ %= sf]i7sdf lbOPsf ;ª\s]tsf ;xfotfn] jfSo kl/jt{g u/ M#
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/] s= a'jf cfpg'eof] . -:qLlnª\u_
;doM !3+=#)ld= Kf|yd q}dfl;s kl/Iff @)*) Kf"0ff{Í M @)
v= efOn] snd 6f]Sof] . -:qLlnª\u_
sIffM $ ljifoM g]kfnL ptL0ff{Í M )*
u= 5f]/L k9\g uO{ . -k'lnª\u_
^= vfnL 7fpFdf ldNg] zAb e/ M@
!=tnsf] cg'R5]b k9\g'xf];\ clg ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx?sf] pt/ s= d 3/ ===================. -hfG5' , k9\5' _
n]Vg'xf];\ M# v= xfdL v]n ========================= . -
k9]/ 8fS6/ aGg] nIo klg /fd|f] xf] t/ ltdLn] s] s'/fdf Vofn v]N5' , v]N5f}_
u/]sf /x]g5f} eg] v]ns'bn] k9fOnfO{ c;/ ub}{g . k9\g]} u= pgLx/ kfFr sIfdf ================== . -k9\5 ,
5f]8]/ hltv]/ klg v]Ng] u/] kf] k9fOnfO{ c;/ u5{ t xfdLn] k9\5g\ _
k9\g] ;do , v]Ng] ;do cGo dgf]/~hgsf] ;do ldnfg 3= /fd eft ==================== . - vfG5 , vfG5g\ _
hfGg'k5{ . ;dodf k9\g] ;dodf v]Ng] ugf{n] t k9]sf] s'/f klg &= tnsf] k|Zgsf] pt/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
s= s:tf] af]Nbf uj{ x'G5 <
v= lstfasf] 3/nfO{ s] elgG5 <
u= z/L/sf] ljleGg cªux?nfO{ s] sf] cfjZostf k5{ <
3= c;n dflg;n] s] ug'{k5{ <
!= tnsf] cg'R5]b k9\g'xf]; clg ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] pt/ n]Vg'xf];\
dflg;sf] z/L/df dfq xf]Og dfgfl;tfdf klg ljleGg ;d:ofx?
b]lvG5g\ dflg;n] dflg;;Fu ug]{ Jojxf/af6 p;df dflg;s ;d:of 5 ls
5}g eg]/ yfxf kfpg ;lsG5 . dflg;sf] hLjgnfO{ v/fa vfgkfgn]
dfq} xf]Og v/fa afgL Joxf]/fn] klg xflg ul//x]sf] x'G5 .
em'6f] af]Ng] / c?sf] b]v]/ O{iof{ ug]{ dflg; v/fa dflg; xf] .
c?sf] g/fd|f] ePsf] b]v]/ v';L x'g] / c?sf] /fd|f] b]v]/ O{iof{
ug]{ afgL dfgl;s ;d:of xf] . l/; dflg;sf] zq' xf] . dgdf c;n ljrf/
lng ;s]df l/;sf] efjgf x6\5 . l/; pl7xfNof] eg] df}g /xg'k5{ .

s= dflg;sf ;d:ofx? s] s]df b]lvG5g\ <

v= dflg;nfO{ s'g s'g s'/fn] xflg ul//x]sf] x'G5 <
u= dflg;sf] zq' s] xf] <
3= l/; p7]df s] ug'k5{ <

@= sf]i7sdaf6 5fg]/ vfnL 7fpFdf l7s zAb eg'{xf];\ M@

s= z/L/df dfq xf]Og ================ df klg ;d:of
b]lvG5g\ . -dfgl;stf , gf}ltstf _
v= ============ af]Ng] dflg; v/fa dflg; xf] .-
em'6f] ,ld7f]_
u= c?sf] /fd|f] b]v]/ =============== ug]{ afgL
dfgl;s ;d:of xf] . -O{iof{,;Ddfg _
3= l/; pl7xfNof] eg] ================== /xg'k5{ . -
7f8f], df}g_
Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_ #= tnsf zAbsf] ljk/LtfyL{ zAb;Fu hf]8f ldnfpg'xf];\ M@
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
;doM !3+=#)ld= Kf|yd q}dfl;s kl/Iff @)*) Kf"0ff{Í M @)
cg's"n gfl:ts
cfl:ts k|lts'n
1fgL klZrd
k"j{ c1fg
$= jfSodf k|of]u ug'{xf];\ M #
xtktfpg' , 7]nf , lkmSsf

%= sf]i7sdf lbOPsf ;ª\s]tsf ;xfotfn] afSo kl/jt{g ug'{xf];\

s=xfdL ;a]/} p7\5f} . -Psjrg _
v= d 3/ hfG5' . - ax'jrg _
u= pm ufO{ kfN5 . -ax'jrg_
3=pgLx? ?G5g\ . -Psjrg_ Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
;doM !3+=#)ld= Kf|yd q}dfl;s kl/Iff @)*) Kf"0ff{Í M @)
^=sf]i7sdf lbOPsf] ;ª\s]tsf ;xfotfn] afSo kl/jt{g ug'xf];\ M@ sIffM # ljifoM g]kfnL ptL0ff{Í M )*
s= a'jf cfpg'eof] . -:qLlnªu _
v= 5f]/L k9\g uO{ . -k'lnªu_
u=uf]?n] 3fF; vfof] . -:qLlnªu_ c_ 7Ls zAb 5fg]/ vfnL 7fpF e/ M !)
3= /fwf eft vfG5] . -k'lnªu_ s_ gf/fo0f uf]kfn / uf]kfn of]Ghg ==================
x'g\ . - bfh', efO{, dLt _
&= tnsf k|Zgsf] pt/ n]Vg'xf];\ M v_ uf]kfn of]Ghg uLtdf ;ª\uLt eg]{, ufpFg] /
s= xfd|f k'vf{ s:tf lyP < ================uy]{ .
v= ;~rf/ eg]sf] s] xf < - k9\g], n]Vg] _
u=s'g s'/fn] xfdLnfO{ cfkm\gL cfdfsf] k"h fug{ of]Uo u_ gf/fo0f uf]kfnsf] :j/ ===============lyof] .
agfpF5 < - ;fgf], ;'dw'/ _
3= cfd;~rf/ eg]sf] s] xf] < cf_ 7Ls jf a]7Ls lrg]/ n]v M
ª=xfd|f] emG8f slxn]b]lv xfF:b} 5 < s_ uf]kfn of]Ghg / gf/fo0f uf]kfn ldNb}gy] .
v_ logLx? dLt lyP .
u_ uf]kfn of]Ghg ;ª\uLtsf/ x'g\ .
3_ gf/fo0f uf]kfn uLt ufpFy] .
O_ tnsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]v M ª_ ljBfyL{n] s:tf] kf];fs nufpg'k5{ <
s_ gf/fo0f uf]kfnsf] :j/ s:tf] lyof] <
v_ gf/fo0f uf]kfn / uf]kfn of]Ghgsf] aLrdf s:tf] ;fOgf] lyof]
< ;dfKt
u_ uf]kfn of]Ghg uLtdf s] uy]{ <
@= tnsf zAb / cy{df aLrdf hf]8f ldnfpm M %
;xof]uL ef/L af]Sg] JolQm
9fs|] d2t ug]{
a[4 /fd|/L ldnfPsf]
;xf/f a"9f]
lrl6Ss /fd|/L ldnfOPsf]

#= 7Ls zAb 5fg]/ vfnL 7fpF e/ M %

s_ ================= dlxgfdf ;?jf /f]usf] 8/ x'G5 .
v_ kfgL ================= lkpg'k5{ . - pdfn]/,
gpdfnL _
u_ vfgf vfg'cl3 ;fa'gkfgLn] =================
w'g'k5{ . - d'v, xft _
3_=================vfg]s'/f vfg'x'Gg\ . - af;L, ;fhL _
ª_ kmnk"mnx? /fd|/L ================= dfq vfg'k5{ .
- kvfn]/, sf6]/ _

$= pN6f] cy{ lbg] zAb n]v M %

;x/ , dL7f] , lbg, /fd|f], c;n

%= tnsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]v M %

s_ cr{gf / ;Demgf sxfF hfG5g\ <
v_ s:tf rLh vfPdf /f]un] slxNo} 5'Fb}g\ < Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_
u_ uLt /rgf ug]{ dflg;nfO{ s] elgG5 < Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
;doM !3+ Kf|yd q}dfl;s kl/Iff @)*) Kf"0ff{Í M @)
3_ xfdL lsg n'uf / uxgf NfufpF5f} < sIffM @ ljifoM ;]/f]km]/f] ptL0ff{Í M )*
s= r'Dasn] gtfGg] j:t' s'g xf] <
!=tnsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M $ c= kmnfd cf= lstfa O= An]8
s= xfdLn] lsg ;do ;dodf g'xfpg'k5{ <
v= dflg;nfO{ lsg ;fdflhs k|f0fL elgPsf] xf] < v= Wjlg lgsfNg] j:t'nfO{ s] elgG5 <
u= lkpg] kfgLnfO{ s;/L ;kmf /fVg ;lsG5 < c= Wjlg oGq cf =l;7\7L O= Wjlgsf] ;|f]t
3= xfd|f] z/Lsf] nflu v]n v]Ng' lsg dxTjk"0f{ 5 < u= lkpg] kfgL ;kmf ug]{ pkfP s'g xf] <
c= pdfNg] cf= 5f]k]/ /fVg] O= b'a}
@= s;nfO{ s] elgG5 < n]Vg'xf];\ M@
cfdfsL lbbL ^= pks/0f lrg]/ gffd n]Vg'xf];\ M $
dfdfsL >LdtL s= dnfO{ 8fS6/n] k|of]u u5{g\ . z/L/sf] tfks|d gfKgsf] nflu
a'afsL lbbL / alxgL d]/f] k|of]u ul/G5 . - _
cfdfsL alxgL v=d ls;fgn] k|of]u ug]{ cf}hf/ x'F . v]taf/L vGgsf] nflu d]/f]
#= hf]8f ldnfpg'xf];\ M@ k|of]u ul/G5 .
l;sdL{ v]tL ug]{ - _
ls;fg la/fdLsf] pkrf/ ug]{ u= dnfO{ ;"rLsf/n] k|of]u u5{g\ gfKgsf] nflu d]/f] k|of]u
lzIfs kmlg{r/ agfpg] ul/G5 . - _
8fS6/ k9fpg] 3= d l8hnn] rNg] pks/0f x'F . v]taf/L hf]Tgsf] nflu d]/f] k|
of]u ul/G5 .
$= vfnL 7fFp eg'{xf];\ M !=% - _
s= xfd|f] 3/sf] jl/kl/ a:g] &= tkfOFsf] Pp6f ;fyLsf] kfFr cf]6f /fd|f] afgLx? n]Vg'xf];\
JolStnfO{ ======================== elgG5 . -k/fO, M%
l5d]sL _
v= laxfg pl7;s]kl5 / /flt ;'Tg' cufl8 ;dfKt
- bfFt dfem\g'k5{ ,g8= sf6\g'k5{ _
u= 3/df cfpg] kfx'gfnfO{ =================== . - ;l/
eGg'k5{ , :jfut ug'{k5{_

%= ;xL pQ/df -√_ lrXg nufpg'xf];\ M

l8lh6n t/fh'
$= hf]8f ldnfpg'xf];M @\
a9L pd]/ ePsf JolStx? b[li6ljlxg
cfFvf gb]Vg] JolSt ;':t >j0f
sfg g;'Gg] KolSt zf/Ll/s ckfª\utf
/fd|/L v'6\6f 6]Sg g;Sg] JolSt Ho]i7 gful/s

%= tkfO{sf] kfFr cf]6f /fd|f afgLx? n]Vg'xf];\ M @=%

^= ;xL pQ/df -√_ lrGx nufpg'xf];\ M @

!=tnsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M $ s= tnsf dWo] s'g afgL /fd|f] xf] <
s= r'Dasn] tfGg] j:t'nfO{ s] elgG5 < c= nfdf g8= kfNg]
v= Wjlg k|b'if0f eg]sf] s] xf] < cf = cfkm\gf] sf]7f ;kmf /fVg]
u= Ps JolStdf ;g]{ /f]unfO{ s] elgG5 < O= ;fyL;Fu emu8f ug]{
3= k|x/Ln] s] sfd ug'{x'G5 <
@= vfnL 7fFp eg'{xf];\ M @ v= tnsfdWo] s'g r'DasLo j:t' xf] <
s= eft ,bfn ,;fu ,kmnkm"n ========= af6 kfOg] vfgfx? c= lstfa cf= kmnfd O= sf7
x'g\ .
v= v'nf / kmf]xf]/ 7fFpdf a]r]sf vfg]s'/f vfgfn] u= s'lxg] / gs'lxg] kmf]xf]/nfO{ s] ug'{k5{ <
=================== nfU5 . c= afNg'k5{
u= sfFr} vfg ldNg] cf= Ps} 7fpFdf /fVg'k5{
vfgfnfO{ ==========================dfq} vfg'k5{ . O= 5'6\6f 5'6\6} /fVg'k5{
3= df;' ,df5f b"w ,bxL ===================== af6 3= /flt ca]/;Dd g;'Tg] , a9L ;do;Dd dfjfOn rnfpg] afgLn]
kfOg] vfgfx? x'g\ . xfdLnfO{ ================= agfpF5 .
#= tn lbOPsf pks/0fx? s] gfKg k|of]u ul/G5 < n]Vg'xf];\ c= :j:y cf= c:j:y O= k'mlt{nf]
&= s;n] s] sfd u5{g\ < n]Vg'xf];\ M # @= l7s eP -√ _ / a]l7s eP -× _ n]Vg'xf];\ M @
s= lzIfs s= 5/l5d]sdf ;a} dflg;x?sf] ;+:s[lt x'G5 . - _
v= 8fS6/ v= cfkm\gf] sfd ;dod} ;Sg'k5{ . - _
u= KnDa/ u= aRrfsf] gfd /fVg] ;+:sf/nfO{ Gjf/fg elgG5 . - _
3= ls;fg 3= df3L kj{ z]kf{ ;d'bfodf dgfOG5 . - _
8= xhfd #= hf]8f ldnfpg'xf];\ M
r= Onf]lS6\l;og xfs'k6f;L tfdf8= ;d'bfo
*= Pp6f k"mnsf] lrq agfO /8= eg'{xf];\ M@ uf}/fkj{ g]jf/L dlxnf
kfnd ;b"/klZrd
;]nf] lnDa' ;d'bfo

$= vfnL 7fFp eg'{xf];\ M

s= g]kfn ;+jt\sf] ;'?jft ============== n] u/fPsf lyP .
v= cGg pAhfpg] sfd =================== n] u5{g\ .
u= l5d]sLnfO{ cfjZos k/]sf] a]nf ==================
ug'{k5{ .
3= lah'nL;DaGwL sfd ug]{ k];fnfO{ ================
elgG5 .
%= ;xL pt/df -√ _ lrXg nufpg'xf];\M $
s= ;fdflhs ;df/f]xdf l5d]sLx? =====================
Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_ c= ;'v b'Mv afF8\g hDdf xG5g\ .
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/] cf= ukmufkm u5{g\ .
;doM !3+ Kf|yd q}dfl;s kl/Iff @)*) Kf"0ff{Í M @) O= Pscsf{;Fu emu8f u5{g\ .
sIffM $ ljifoM ;]/f]km]/f] ptL0ff{Í M )* v= =================== uLt lnDa' ;d'bfodf k|Voft 5 .
c= b]p8f cf= kfnd O= ;f]/7L
!=tnsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M % u= 3f]F3L / l5r/ ======= ;d'bfosf k|Voft vfgf x'g\ .
s= xfd|f] 3/sf] j/k/ a:g] kl/jf/nfO{ s] elgG5 < c= tfdf8= cf= a|fDX0f O= yf?
v= k];fut cf}hf/ eg]sf] s] xf] < 3= afnsf] klxnf] k6s skfn sf6\g]
u= IfdfzLn Jojxf/ eg]sf] s] xf] < ;+:sf/nfO{ ================= elgG5 .
3= r'8fsd{ eg]sf] s] xf] < c= ljjxf cf= r"8fsd{ O= Gjf/fg
8= xfs'k6f;L s'g ;d'bfosf dlxnfn] nufp5g\ < o;sf] cy{ s] xf] <
^= pbfx/0fdf lbOPh:t} tnsf jfSonfO{ ;RrfP/ k'gn]{vg Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_
ug'{xf];\ M Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
pbfx/0f M l5d]sLnfO{ cfjZos k/]sf] a]nf ;xof]u ;doM !3+ Kf|yd q}dfl;s kl/Iff @)*) Kf"0ff{Í M @)
ug'{xF'b}g . sIffM% ljifoM ;]/f]km]/f] ptL0ff{Í M )*
Ö l5d]sLnfO{ cfjZos k/]sf] a]nf ;xof]u ug'{k5{ .
s= xfdLnfO{ c?sf] ;xof]usf] cfjZostf kb}{g . !=tnsf k|Zgx?sf] clt 5f]6f] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M#
v= a~r/f] ljBfyL{sf] pks/0f xf] . s= ;dfh eg]sf] s] xf] <
u= la/fdLsf] z/L/sf] tfks|d hfFRgsf] nflu xtf}8fsf] k| v= k];f eg]sf] s] xf] <
of]u ul/G5 . u= a83/ k|yf s'g ;d'bfo;Fu ;DalGwt 5 <
&= nfnLu'/fF;sf] lrq agfO /8= eg'{xf];\ M@
@= tnsf k|Zgsf] 5f]6f] pt/ n]Vg'xf];\ M $=%
;dfKt s= s'g} kfFrcf]6f ;fd'bflos ls|ofsnfksf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ .
v= tkfOFsf] pd]/sf afnaflnsf s:tf vfnsf ;fd'bflos ls|
ofsnfkdf ;xefuL x'g ;S5g\ < s'g} rf/ cf]6f ;"rL agfpg'xf];\ .
u= ;fdflhs k|rng eg]sf] s] xf] < s'g} tLg cf]6f /fd|f k|rngx?
n]Vg'xf];\ .

#= tnsf k|Zgsf] nfdf] pt/ n]Vg'xf];\M ^

s= ljljwtfsf] ;Ddfg ug{ s] s] ug{ ;lsG5 < s'g} kfFrcf]6f s'/fsf]
;"rL agfpg'xf];\ .
v=' ;]jf / ;Ddfg g} c;n ;dfh lgdf{0fsf] cfwf/ xf] .' o;
egfOnfO{ k'lI6 ug'{xf];\ .
u= s:tf k|rngnfO{ ;'wf/ ug'{k5{ <

$= tn lbOPsf k];fsf Jolstx?n] s] sfd u5{g\ < n]Vg'xf];\ . @=

s= KnDa/
v= Po/ xf]:6]h
u= d]l8sn l/lk|h]G6]l6e
3= n]vs
8= snfsf/
s= KnDa/
%= s'g} ^ cf]6f ;fdflhs ;DaGw ljsf;sf pkfo n]Vg'xf];\ .# v= Po/ xf]:6]h
^= s'g} rf/ k];fsf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ M! u= d]l8sn l/lk|h]G6]l6e
3= n]vs
;dfKt 8= snfsf/
Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/] %= s'g} ^ cf]6f ;fdflhs ;DaGw ljsf;sf pkfo n]Vg'xf];\ .#
;doM !3+ Kf|yd q}dfl;s kl/Iff @)*) Kf"0ff{Í M @) ^= s'g} rf/ k];fsf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ M!
sIffM% ljifoM ;]/f]km]/f] ptL0ff{Í M )*
!=tnsf k|Zgx?sf] clt 5f]6f] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ M#
s= ;dfh eg]sf] s] xf] < ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
v= k];f eg]sf] s] xf] <
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
u= a83/ k|yf s'g ;d'bfo;Fu ;DalGwt 5 < Class: V Subject.:Science P.M.: 08

@= tnsf k|Zgsf] 5f]6f] pt/ n]Vg'xf];\ M $=% 1. Fill in the blanks to complete the information .2.5
s= s'g} kfFrcf]6f ;fd'bflos ls|ofsnfksf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ . a. __________ is the broad subject that helps to get knowledge
v= tkfOFsf] pd]/sf afnaflnsf s:tf vfnsf ;fd'bflos ls| about nature and the universe.
ofsnfkdf ;xefuL x'g ;S5g\ < s'g} rf/ cf]6f ;"rL agfpg'xf];\ . b. _______________ pictures are very important than artistic
u= ;fdflhs k|rng eg]sf] s] xf] < s'g} tLg cf]6f /fd|f k|rngx? pictures to describe scientific activities .
n]Vg'xf];\ . c. Length ,mass, time are volume etc are ____________ quantities .
d.Plants prepare their ______________ from heat and light energy
#= tnsf k|Zgsf] nfdf] pt/ n]Vg'xf];\M ^ obtained from the sun .
e. We should not use water purifying ______________ more than
s= ljljwtfsf] ;Ddfg ug{ s] s] ug{ ;lsG5 < s'g} kfFrcf]6f s'/fsf]
required .
;"rL agfpg'xf];\ .
v=' ;]jf / ;Ddfg g} c;n ;dfh lgdf{0fsf] cfwf/ xf] .' o; 2. Put a tick (√ ) if the statement is correct and cross (× ) if it is
egfOnfO{ k'lI6 ug'{xf];\ . wrong .2.5
u= s:tf k|rngnfO{ ;'wf/ ug'{k5{ < a. Heat and light are obtained from the sun and from burning
objects ( )
$= tn lbOPsf k];fsf Jolstx?n] s] sfd u5{g\ < n]Vg'xf];\ . @= b. Polluted air is injurious to health ( )
% c. Drainage channels should not be mixed in rivers and pond.( )
d. Critical thinking about new events is unnecessary .( ) c. Write any measures to conserve energy .
e. The small quantities of substance are measured accurately by
using a digital balance.( ) END.
3. Choose the correct options .2.5
a. The distance between Kathmandu and Pokhara is usually
expressed in units of
i. Decameter ii. Meter iii. Centimeter iv. Kilometer

b. Standard ( SI ) units of length is ____________

i. Meter ii. Centimeter iii. Inches iv. Kilometer

c. 15 cm are equal to ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)

i. 150mm ii. 15mm iii. 1.5mm iv. 0.15mm Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
d.Which energy do we get by burning fossil fuels Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
i. Light ii. heat iii. solar iv. Non of them Class:I V Subject.:Science P.M.: 08
e. Our main sources of energy is the
i. wood ii. petrol iii. coal iv. sun 1. Fill in the blanks. 2
4. Match the following 2.5 a. ____________ plays and important role in observation .
a. science beam balance b.______________ is used to measure time .
b. observation Kelvin c. Meaningful information about anything is called__________
c. Hypothesis to get fact information d. The computer can remember ____________ at once.
d. Temperature to study very minutely 2. Tick if it is correct ( √) and cross ( × ) if it is necessary 2.5
e. mass is measured by to guess about the further result a. The length of an object can be compared by measuring.( )
5. Differenatiate between 2. b. Information can flow quickly from the letters .( )
a. Mass and weight c. Observation is not required in scientific learning process. ( )
d. Information should not taken while seeing a new object. ( )
6. Give scientific reasons 2.
e. Scales are used to measure time .( )
a. drawing skills are necessary for scientific study
3. Choose the correct answer to the following question and write.2.5
7. Numerical problems.1 a. What is the first steps of the scientific study ?
a. if one sides of the cube is 9m, find its voiume. i. hypothesis ii. experiment iii. observation iv. explanation
8. Answer the following questions. b. Who was the inventor of the electric bulb ?
a. What do you mean by scientific method ? List the 2 steps of i. Sir Issac Newton ii. James Watt iii. Charles Robet Drawin
scientific methods.2 iv. Thomas Alva Edison
b. Write 2 physical quantities .1 c. Why is the system unit called the brain of the computer?
i. Since all other parts are attached to it.
ii. Since all the internal organs of the computer are inside it .
iii. Because of processing data and controlling others parts.
iv. It is because all information.
d. Which of the following is an output device.
i. keyboard ii. mouse iii. monitor iv. pendrive
e. What should the schematic picture look like ?
i. coloured ii. shaded iii. artistic iv. simple and clear
4. Give the short answer to the following question .4
a. What is the scientific learning process ?
b. List the importance of measurement .
5. give the long answer to the following questions.9 ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
a. Write down 3 precaution to be taken in scientific use. Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
b. Write the importance of experimentation in scientific learning. Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
c. Why is the information needed in daily life ? Class:III Subject.:Science P.M.: 08

1. Fill in the spaces using the words given below.2

(down survive shed natural )
a.__________ things are things that are found in nature.
b. Cow live in a _________________.
c. A polar bear cannot in climate .
d. ________________ feather keep the birds warm.
2.Tick ( √) the correct and cross (× ) the wrong statements .2
a. A bus can move one place to another .So it is a living things .( )
b. We keep our parrot and mynah in cage .( )
c. Tigers build own habitats. ( )
d. The Kiwi is the smallest bird .( )
3. Answer the following question .
a. What helps the birds fly ?
b. Write down the name of two animals that can live both own land
and in water .
c. Make a list of the 2 characteristic of living things that your are
familiar with .
Health Education
1. Fill in the blanks.2
( touch , pick , heart , nervous )
a. We should not __________ our ears.
b. The skin gives us the senses of _____________.
c. The _______________ system control and regulation all the
activities of the body.
d. The ________ pumps blood to all the parts of the body .
2. Match the following .2
a. kidney movement
Brain throw waste Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
skin control activities Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
3. Answer the following question .6 Class:II Subject.:Science P.M.: 08
a. What is system ?
b. Write the names of the sense organs involved while reading in 1. fill in the blanks by choosing the correct word from the brackets
the classroom. .2
c. What is a cell ? a. All animals and _____________ are living things .( plants,rocks ,
mobiles )
b. Fish have gills to ____________ ( breath , eat ,swim )
c. A cow lives in a ____________ ( stable , shed , hive )
d. A human is an ______________ animals .( carnivorous ,
herbivorous , omnivorous )
2.Put a tick ( √ ) for correct statements and a cross ( ×) for wrong
ones .
a. An air tube is the organ that is used by insects to breath .( )
b. A car can move .so, it is a living things. ( )
c. Vultures are scavengers. ( )
d. Zebra and deer are wild animals .( )
8. Answer the following question .
a. What are the domestic animals ?
b. What are carnivores ?
c. What can living things do ?
Health Education
1. Fill in the blank using the words given below :2
( hair , healthy, muscles ,trim )
a.Exercise make our muscles ____________.
b. Bones and ______________ work together .
c. We use shampoo to wash our _____________.
d. We should _____________ nails when they grow.
2. Put marks for the true ( √) and cross for the wrong statement .2
a. We should rub our eyes when an objects enters.( )
b. We can wash our eyes with clean water .( )
c. we should trim our growing nails .( ) Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
d. We should not comb to keep hair tidy .( ) Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
3. Answer the following question .6 Class:II Subject : Math P.M.: 08
a. Why is it necessary to clean our bodies ?
b. what do the muscles do ? A. Let see the time in the clocks and write the time as
c. WHat is posture ? i. ii iii.

______________ ______________ ____________

b. Answer the following question .

i.Which is the second day of the week ?
ii . What comes after wednesday ?
iii. Which is the first Nepali month ?
iv. Which is the last English month?
C. Lets write the numbers.
i. Any three numbers before 10 .
ii. Any three numbers after 48.
iii. Any three numbers between 20and 30
D. Write these numbers in increasing then in decreasing order .
i. 27 25 41 30
ii. 93 82 69 78
E. Write the symbol of less than < greater than > or equal = between three
numbers .
i.15 ___ 14 ii. 23 __ 28 iii. 37 ____ 37 iv. 50 ____ 46
F. Write the missing numbers in


G. Complete the addition stories of these numbers .
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
0 + __ 1 + ____ Class:III Subject : Math P.M.: 08
3 + ____ A Tick the correct answer .2
2+ 1.Which is the New Year Month of Nepali calendar ?
i. Baisakh ii. Ashad iii. Poush
2 + __ 1 + ____ 2. How many days are there in a week ?
i.12 ii. 9 iii. 7
9 3. How many Rs 5 note make a 20 note ?
3 + ____ i. 5 ii.10 iii. 4
4 +___ 4. How many second in a minute ?
i. 30 ii. 60 iii. 20
H. Addition B. Write the numberals .2
1. One hundred seven ________________________.
7 5 6 6 5 6 4 3 2. Four hundred seventy ______________________
3.Nine hundred ninety nine ______________________
+2 1 +3 2 +4 0 +4 5
4.Three hundred twenty four ______________________.
C. Write the number names of these numberals .
I. Subtract i. 259=
9 3 8 2 2 6 1 8 ii. 108 =
iii. 580=
-4 1 -6 2 - 4 - 7 iv. 210 =
D. Write the times shown by the clocks.

2 0 4 2 3 3 6 3
- 5 - 7 - 2 7 -1 8

J. Use centimeter scale and measure the length of line segment .1

a. A B B. X Y
__________________ ____________________ AB=________ XY =____________
E. Lets draw as many beads in abacus as the given number of
thousand ,hundred,tens and one. Then write the numberals . ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
a. Th H T O Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Class: IV Subject : Math P.M.: 08

Group: A
Two hundred two _________________ A. Tick the correct answer:5
1. The Roman number to represent of 80 is ………………
b. Th H T O i. C ii. LXX iii. LXXX
2. How many lakhs are there in 1 corer?
i. 1000 ii.100 iii. 10
3. The greatest 4-digit number formed by the digit 1,9,4 and 0 is
i. 9410 ii. 9041 iii.9401
4. The numberals in Devangari for 3672 is
Four thousand three hundred twenty four _______________ i. #^&! ii. #&^@ iii.#^&@
5. Which is the even number
i. 24681 ii.326663 iii. 35790
F. Write in increasing order and in decreasing order.2
Group –B
i. 56,28,45,29
B. Write the number in expand form.2
ii. 180, 160, 150, 190
i. 73502 ii. 810490
H. Addition with carry over .4

1 5 4 2 3 3 6 3 C. Finds how many million in :2

+1 9 + 2 8 + 2 9 +2 7 i. 8 crore II. 3 crore

D. Addition and subtraction:2

I. Subtraction with borrowing.
379260 3600008
+45290 -654329

E. Rounding off 279 to the nearest tens then to the nearest hundreds.2

F. Simplify: 2
i. 54÷6 + ( 5×6) +15-27
ii. 40÷ (5×2) +12-17
G. The cost of motorcycle is Rs963480.2 ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
i. Rewrite the cost of motorcycle in words according to Nepali system and Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
International number system. Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
ii. Using commas in both Nepali and International number system . Class: V Subject : Math P.M.: 08

H. The population of Beltar BAzar is 836900.

i. Rewrite the population of the Beltar Bazar in Devanagari numeral . Group A
ii. What is the place value, place name and face value of 8. A. Choose the correct answer in following options.
1. How many digits in one Arabs.
i. 7 ii. 10 iii. 9
2. What is the numerals for eighty –seven Crore
i. 870000000 ii.807000000 iii.87000000000
3. Which one is the prime number
i. 27 ii. 44 iii.19
4. Rounding off 37490 to the nearest thousand is …
i. 37500 ii. 3700 iii. 37000
5. How much 190-87+16?
i.103 ii.119 iii.87

Group B
B. The population of a village is 98360.Write the population in rounding
Figure the nearest
i. Tens ii. Hundred iii. Thousand
C. Multiply.
i. 3981×74 ii. 5260×29
D. Simplify
i. 16-[20-{4×8-(6+3)-7}+2]-2
ii. 25+{6+(53-13)÷8}-5
E. Let's make mathematical expression and simplify.
a. Find the product of 8 and the sum of 18 and 16.
b. 3 times the sum of 3 and 5 is divided by 4.

F. In 2023, the estimated population of Nepal is 296483280.

a. Show the place value table of Nepali system .
b. Show the population value table of International system. ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
c. Using commas in both system.
Time:1.5hrs Annnual Exam 2080 F.M.: 40
G. Write the prime number between1 to 25.
Class:IV Subject : Health P.M.: 24
H. Mr. Anjal buys a box Rs.220 and story book Rs. 385 .He gives a
1000 rupee note to the speaker to pay the cost. ( Health Education )
i. Write a mathematical expression for the above statements.
A. State the following statement either true or false .
ii. How many rupees does the shopkeeper return to him?
a. We can be a smart and healthy by smoking.( )
b. The health institution are hospital , health post , health center
END and clicnic.( )
c. The hand wash removes the dust , dirt and harmful substance.(
d. A single food source contains all nutrients .( )
e. We can prevent the accidents and minize the consequences. (

B. Answer the following question.

a. Write two advantages of hand wash.
b. Different between degradable and non-degradable materials.
c. State any four example of junk food.
d. Write any four permanent effects of smoking.

( physical Education )
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
i. There is a set of ______________ players in basketball.
ii.High jump is a track and field event of _________________
iii. The two skills of football are __________ and ___________
iv. Short run can be practiced in the straight track or ___________
v. The non locomotor skill are just opposite to ________________
B. Answer the following question.
1. Write any two example of locomotor skill .
2. Write the five steps of high jump .
3. What is Pranayam ? Define
( Creative Arts )
1. What is clay work?
2. What is craft ? Define in your own words.
3. What is the maning of wire sculpture?
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20 Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Class:V Subject : Health P.M.: 08 Class:V Subject : Health P.M.: 08

A .Answer the following question .( any 6 ).7.5 A .Answer the following question .( any 6 ).7.5
1. What is hygiene ? 1. What is hygiene ?
2. Write any two function of eye ? 2. Write any two function of eye ?
3. What are the methods to manage bio-degradable waste ? 3. What are the methods to manage bio-degradable waste ?
4. Define water purification ? 4. Define water purification ?
5. Write the different commands of drill. 5. Write the different commands of drill.
6.Write the meaning of menstrual hygiene in your words ? 6.Write the meaning of menstrual hygiene in your words ?
7. Name any two chemicals that can be used to purify water. 7. Name any two chemicals that can be used to purify water.

B. Fill in the blanks.2.5 B. Fill in the blanks.2.5

1. The bleeding process in _______________. 1. The bleeding process in _______________.
2. The uterus is an internal ____________________ of female body. 2. The uterus is an internal ____________________ of female body.
3. For the better , change the sanitary pads in every ______________. 3. For the better , change the sanitary pads in every ______________.
4. The discharged blood may infect the genital organs due to poor 4. The discharged blood may infect the genital organs due to poor
_______________. _______________.
5. The mates of school and their own living area can 5. The mates of school and their own living area can
_____________________ support yo the menstruated girl. _____________________ support yo the menstruated girl.

Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Class:IV Subject : Health P.M.: 08
Class:IV Subject : Health P.M.: 08
A. Attempt anu six question.7.5
1. What is personal hygiene ? A. Attempt anu six question.7.5
2. What is degradable waste ? 1. What is personal hygiene ?
3. Write four characterstics of clean environment . 2. What is degradable waste ?
4. Write any two example of pollution . 3. Write four characterstics of clean environment .
5. Enlist any five non-degradable waste. 4. Write any two example of pollution .
6. What is menstruation ? 5. Enlist any five non-degradable waste.
7. Why should we trim our nail and hair ? 6. What is menstruation ?
7. Why should we trim our nail and hair ?
B. Fill in the blanks.2.5
1. The degradable waste are useful to prepare ____________. B. Fill in the blanks.2.5
2. The non biodegradable waste have the ________________life. 1. The degradable waste are useful to prepare ____________.
3. One example of a metallic waste is _________________. 2. The non biodegradable waste have the ________________life.
4. The road and open space is not toilet for ____________. 3. One example of a metallic waste is _________________.
5. The waste materials can transmit ______________ and ___________- 4. The road and open space is not toilet for ____________.
in the community. 5. The waste materials can transmit ______________ and ___________-
in the community.
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20 Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Class:II Subject : Computer P.M.: 08
Class:II Subject : Computer P.M.: 08

A. Answer the following questions.5

1.What is computer ? A. Answer the following questions.5
2. Does a computer do any mistake ? 1.What is computer ?
3.How do computer helps students ? 2. Does a computer do any mistake ?
4. What is data ? 3.How do computer helps students ?
5. Why does a computer need data ? 4. What is data ?
5. Why does a computer need data ?
B. Fill in the blanks .2
a. A computer helps us in ___________ tasks . B. Fill in the blanks .2
b. A _____________ can think and do decision on own . a. A computer helps us in ___________ tasks .
c. A computer is a ______________. b. A _____________ can think and do decision on own .
d. Number and names are _______________. c. A computer is a ______________.
( machine, data , mental, human ) d. Number and names are _______________.
( machine, data , mental, human )
C. True or false in the given statement .2
a. a computer produce accurate result .( ) C. True or false in the given statement .2
b. You can play games in a computer .( ) a. a computer produce accurate result .( )
c. A computer can think and decide o its own .( ) b. You can play games in a computer .( )
d. we need number to do calculations.( ) c. A computer can think and decide o its own .( )
d. we need number to do calculations.( )
D. Draw a net and clean pictures of a computer.2
D. Draw a net and clean pictures of a computer.2
* 10 marks from practical.
* 10 marks from practical.

Best of lucks
Best of lucks Best of lucks


ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5) Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20 Class:III Subject : Computer P.M.: 08
Class:III Subject : Computer P.M.: 08

A. Answer the following questions .

A. Answer the following questions . a. What is output?
a. What is output? b. List the areas where the computer are used?
b. List the areas where the computer are used? c. How are computer used in banks?
c. How are computer used in banks? d. List any four computer hardware?
d. List any four computer hardware? c. Can you play songs and games in a computer?
c. Can you play songs and games in a computer? B. True or false statements .2
B. True or false statements .2 a. Computer are used in school to teach students. ( )
a. Computer are used in school to teach students. ( ) b. ATM does all the financial tasks in banks. ( )
b. ATM does all the financial tasks in banks. ( ) c. A computer is faster than. ( )
c. A computer is faster than. ( ) d. Computer can works continuously for a few hours. ( )
d. Computer can works continuously for a few hours. ( ) C. Fill in the blanks .1.5
C. Fill in the blanks .1.5 a. A computer is a _____________ machine.
a. A computer is a _____________ machine. b. _______________ is the capability of doing same task repeatedly.
b. _______________ is the capability of doing same task repeatedly. c. The banks have provide _________________ service to withdraw
c. The banks have provide _________________ service to withdraw money money at any time.
at any time. D. Match the following .1.5
D. Match the following .1.5 Input result of processing.
Input result of processing. processing treating data according to instruction fed to the
processing treating data according to instruction fed to the computer.
computer. output data or instruction fed to the computer.
output data or instruction fed to the computer.

* 10 marks for practical.

* 10 marks for practical.
Best of lucks
Best of lucks
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20 Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Class: IV Subject : Computer P.M.: 08 Class: IV Subject : Computer P.M.: 08

A. Answer the following questions.5 A. Answer the following questions.5

a. What is computer? List any three use of computer. a. What is computer? List any three use of computer.
b. List the limitation of computer. b. List the limitation of computer.
c. How are computers used in hospitals? c. How are computers used in hospitals?
d. What is Binary number system? d. What is Binary number system?
e. List the features of computers. e. List the features of computers.

B. Fill in the blanks.2 B. Fill in the blanks.2

( versatile, Internet, processing, prepare, ATM ) ( versatile, Internet, processing, prepare, ATM )
a. The treating of data according to instruction is _______________. a. The treating of data according to instruction is _______________.
b. ______________ is the capability of performing varity of tasks. b. ______________ is the capability of performing varity of tasks.
c. Students can search information in the _______________. c. Students can search information in the _______________.
d. The banks have provide_________________ service to withdraw money d. The banks have provide_________________ service to withdraw money
at any time. at any time.

C. Mark a tick ( √ ) for the correct statement and a cross ( ×) for the wrong C. Mark a tick ( √ ) for the correct statement and a cross ( ×) for the wrong
statement .2 statement .2
a. Treating data according to instructions is input. a. Treating data according to instructions is input.
b. Computer can be used to play songs and watch movies. ( ) b. Computer can be used to play songs and watch movies. ( )
c. In office computer are used to entertain the employees. ( ) c. In office computer are used to entertain the employees. ( )
d. Computer are used in school to teach students. ( ) d. Computer are used in school to teach students. ( )
D. Write full forms of following.1 D. Write full forms of following.1
1. MB 1. MB
2. BIT 2. BIT
* 10 marks for practical. * 10 marks for practical.
Best of lucks Best of lucks
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5) Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire Class: V Subject : Computer P.M.: 08
Time:1hrs 1st terminal Exam 2080 F.M.: 20
Class: V Subject : Computer P.M.: 08
A. Answer the following questions .5
A. Answer the following questions .5 a. What is computer? Can a computer be programmed?
a. What is computer? Can a computer be programmed? b. List the computer where the computer are used?
b. List the computer where the computer are used? c. What is central processing unit? List its main parts.
c. What is central processing unit? List its main parts. d. What is software? List the types of software.
d. What is software? List the types of software. e. Why is a computer called diligent machine?
e. Why is a computer called diligent machine? 2. Fill in the blanks.2
2. Fill in the blanks.2 ( ALU, input, information , monitor, output )
( ALU, input, information , monitor, output ) a. The data and instruction fed to the computer are known as
a. The data and instruction fed to the computer are known as ________________.
________________. b. When the data is treated or processed you get ____________.
b. When the data is treated or processed you get ____________. c. The ____________ is the part of the CPU where all the processing tasks
c. The ____________ is the part of the CPU where all the processing tasks are performed.
are performed. d. The result of processing or other information is displayed through
d. The result of processing or other information is displayed through _______________.
_______________. 3. State whether the following statements are true or false.2
3. State whether the following statements are true or false.2 a. The storage capacity of a storage device is measured in BIT ( )
a. The storage capacity of a storage device is measured in BIT ( ) b. A computer processes data and produce information.( )
b. A computer processes data and produce information.( ) c. A computer system is made up of hardware and software. ( )
c. A computer system is made up of hardware and software. ( ) d. A computer can have only three output devices.( )
d. A computer can have only three output devices.( ) C. Write the full forms of the following .1
C. Write the full forms of the following .1 a. RAM
a. RAM b. CLT
b. CLT
* 10 marks for practical.
* 10 marks for practical.

Best of lucks
5) Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire 5) Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs. 1st Terminal Examination 2080 F.M. : Time:1hrs. 1st Terminal Examination 2080 F.M. :
10 10
Class: IV P.M.: 04 Class: IV P.M.: 04
Subject.: G.K. Subject.: G.K.

A. Answer the following question.5 A. Answer the following question.5

1. Who is the first king of Gopal Dynasty ? 1. Who is the first king of Gopal Dynasty ?
2. Who is the first Martyr of our country? 2. Who is the first Martyr of our country?
3. Which is the largest artificial lake of Nepal ? 3. Which is the largest artificial lake of Nepal ?
4. What is the highet of Mt. Everest ? 4. What is the highet of Mt. Everest ?
5. In which district Pokali water fall located ? 5. In which district Pokali water fall located ?
6. Who is the last king of Karant Dynasty? 6. Who is the last king of Karant Dynasty?
7. Which festivals is celebrated by the women ? 7. Which festivals is celebrated by the women ?
8. The building of this style is roofless with several tops having golden 8. The building of this style is roofless with several tops having golden
Pinnacles. Pinnacles.
9. Who is the first actress of our country? 9. Who is the first actress of our country?
10. Which is the longest highways of Nepal ? 10. Which is the longest highways of Nepal ?
B. The following prominent poets related to :2 B. The following prominent poets related to :2
a. Leo Tolstoy:_____________ a. Leo Tolstoy:_____________
b. Tulsi Das : _______________ b. Tulsi Das : _______________
c. Kalidas : __________________ c. Kalidas : __________________
d. Dante : ___________________ d. Dante : ___________________
C. Write down the four source of history.1 C. Write down the four source of history.1
D. Write the cities that lies at the bank of river.1 D. Write the cities that lies at the bank of river.1
a. Bagmati : ___________________ c. Tama koshi:__________ a. Bagmati : ___________________ c. Tama koshi:__________
b. Seti : ___________________ d. Naryani : ____________ b. Seti : ___________________ d. Naryani : ____________
E. Write the Authors name :1 E. Write the Authors name :1
a.;fof M a.;fof M
b.;a} hftsf] k'mnaf/L b.;a} hftsf] k'mnaf/L
c.;]tf] w/tL M c.;]tf] w/tL M
d.bldgL eL/M d.bldgL eL/M
Attempt all the questions:
1. Which paintings are done on scroll of cloth or strong paper ___________

2.This dance is performed by the Newars wearing a mask ___________.

3. Where do the Christians go to pray ?

4. What is the other name of Gurung ?

5. Who is written by Sirishko Phool ?

6. The total area of Nepal is ___________ sq. K.m..

7. Who is the first Prime Minister of Nepal ?

8. A ___________ is a book in which you write down your personal

experiences and thoughts each day.

9. He was one of the rulers of Gorkha famous for his justice.

10. He is renowned as Mahaguru ( the great teacher ) among the Limbus

remembered for his religious, sociocultural message.

11. The biggest lake of Nepal is ___________.



5) Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
5) Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs. 1st Terminal Examination 2080 F.M. :
1.Answer the following question.5
Attempt all the questions: a. What is your name ?
1. Which paintings are done on scroll of cloth or strong paper ___________ b. How old are you ?
c.Can you please write the name of your school .
2.This dance is performed by the Newars wearing a mask ___________. d. Where is your school located at ?
e. How many members are there in your family?
3. Where do the Christians go to pray ? 2. Match the following: 5
Singha Durbar Prachanda Dev
4. What is the other name of Gurung ? Pashupatinath temple Chandra Shumsher
Narayanhity place Pratap Malla
5. Who is written by Sirishko Phool ? Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Lakhan Thapa
First Martyr Bir Shaumsher
6. The total area of Nepal is ___________ sq. K.m..
3. Fill in the blanks choosing the suitable answer from the solution
7. Who is the first Prime Minister of Nepal ? box : 5
a. An expression used as a polite way of asking for something or
8. A ___________ is a book in which you write down your personal telling somebody to do something____________
experiences and thoughts each day. b.The geographic regions of Nepal are Himalayan Region ,________
Region and _______________ Region .
9. He was one of the rulers of Gorkha famous for his justice. c. The Hilly Region lies at the _______________ part of our
10. He is renowned as Mahaguru ( the great teacher ) among the Limbus d.The greeting by putting your hands together to seniors , guests and
remembered for his religious, sociocultural message. others.
e.An expression used to get somebodys attention_______________.
11. The biggest lake of Nepal is ___________. 4.Choose the correct answers. 5
(Church, Teej, Temple, Tihar , Monastery)
### a.This is the place where the Hindus go to worship their god
b. This is the place in which the Christians worship
5) Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
c. This is a fasting for the Hindu women_________________.
Time:30mins. 1st Terminal Examination 2080
d. This festival is also called the festival of lights._____________
e. This is the place where the budhists go to worship their Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
god .___________ Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
Class: IV Subject.: Social Std. P.M.: 16

1. Answer the following questions: 5x2=10

a. Write any two characteristics of neighbor.
b. How does Suhana address her uncle and aunt ?
c. What is mean by neighbours ?
d. What tools does a carpenter use ?
e. What tools are used by farmer to work in the field ?

2. Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate words from the brackets:

a) Occupation help the people sustain their __________ .
( livelihood, living )
b) Occupational __________. ( things, tools ) vary according to
the occupations.
c) A __________ ( teacher, doctor ) treats the patients.
d) A farmer needs the tools like__________.(tester, plough)
digging fork and spades.
e) People should have a good__________ ( skill, training ) to
use the occupational tools.

3. Write "True" or "False" against each of the statements below :

a) We should behave poliety with our neighbours.
b) The relational words are same for all people.
c) Suhana and her uncle are not relatives.
d) Dipesh has a lot of neighbours with different occupations. ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
e) Respecting the neighbours creates good harmony. Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
4. Write the name of tools required for the following uses : 1x5=5 Class: V Subject.: Math . P.M.: 16

Name of tools Uses / works Group A

digging soil or earth Tick ( √ ) the correct alternatives : 1x5=5
cutting grass and grain crops 1. The place value of 4 in 249085 is …………….
cutting tree or log i. 4000 ii. 40000 iii. 400000
trimming hair 2. The least 3 – digit numbers formed by 4,0,7 is ……..
i. 047 ii. 470 iii. 407
cutting vegetables
3. The difference of place values of 5's in 65512 is …..
i. 4995 ii. 4500 iii. 4050
5. Draw the tools that are used by farmer and Write their uses: 5
4. What are the smallest and greatest natural numbers ?
i. 0 and 9 ii. 1 and 9 iii. 1000 and 9000
6. Long questions: 2x5=10 3
i) How to handle occupational tools safely ? 5. The improper fraction of 2 4 is ………….
ii) What happen if occupational tools are kept or used in an 3
i. 4
ii. 4
iii. 4
unsafe and improper way.
Group – B 1.5x10 = 15
-:Best of luck :- 6. $&%# nfO{ cIf/df n]v .
7. c+sdf n]v afx|nfv cf7 xhf/ gf};o rf}la; .
8. Write the three multiples of 6 and 8 .
9. Find the square number of 8 .
10. Find the cube number of 4 .
11. Multiply : 200x 40
12. Add: (+3) + (+4)
13. Multiply: (-3) x (+6)
14. Divide: (+15) ÷ (- 3)
15. Write the Greatest number of 6 digits.

Group – C 10x2=20
16. Find the sum of the greatest and the least numbers of 6 digits.
17. Find the Prime Factor's of 32 by the 'Factor – Tree' method.
18. Find the H.C.F. of 12 and 16.
19. Find the L.C.M. of 9 and 15. ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
20. Find the square root's of 576. Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
21. Find the cube root's of 216. Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
22. The male population of a village is 9840 and the female population is Class: III Subject.: Math . P.M.: 16
8965. Find the total population of the village ?
23. Multiply: 4630 x 320 Tick (√ ) the correct answer : 10
24. Divide: 1280÷ 16
25. Simplify: 3x{13 – (12 + ) ÷3 } 1. Number of digit in 7050 are ………
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4
2. Numeral for five thousand eight is …….
a. 508 b. 5080 c. 5008
Best of luck 3. Place value of 9 in 2983 is ……
a. 900 b. 90000 c. 90
4. Short form of 4000 + 20 + 5 is ….
a. 4250 b. 4250 c. 4205
5. The next number that comes after 6490 counting by 10's is …….
a. 6590 b. 7490 c. 6500
6. The smallest number of 4 – digit formed by 4, 0, 6, 9 is ……..
a. 4069 b.4609 c. 4690
7. The numeral in Devanagari for 3568 is ……
a. #$&* b.#%^* c.#$^*
8 KffFr xhf/ b'O{ ;o cG7fgAa]nfO{ c+sdf n]Vbf
a. %@** b.$@(* c. %@(*
9. The Hindu- Arabic number for XX is …
a. 10 b. 20. c. 30
10. The Roman number of 14 is…….
a. XIV b. XVI c. XXIV

Group – B

11. Write the number names: 4

a. 4683
b. 75094
c. 1255
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
12. Write these numbers in expanded : 2
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
a. 3009
Class: V Subject.:English . P.M.: 16
b. 6250
13. Add successively and get the final totals : 2
a. 3 + 4 = ______ +2 = ______ + 5 = ______ + 1 = ______ 1. Read the passage and answer the following questions:
b. 9 + 8 = ______ + 5 = ______ + 4 = ______ +3 = ______
14. Add: 4 Ani Choying Dolma
28 49 123 246 Have you heard the song " Phool ko akhama"? Do you
+ 36 +48 + 179 + 256 know who sang that song ?
15. Subtract : 4
She is Ani Choying Dolma. Ani Choying Dolma is a very
45 55 4310 9503 good singer. She was born in 1971 in Nepal.
- 41 –49 –1695 –7565 When she was 13, She joined a Buddhist school. She
studied there . She also learned to be a good person there. She
16. Complete the multiplication table of 12 and 13 : 2 likes singing. She has sung many songs in her life. The song
X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Phool ko Akhama " is very famous. It is a very beautiful song.
12 48 96 Ani Choying Dolma is a good human being. She is a very
13 39 91
king person. She helps poor children.
17. Add: 4
Now, She is famous in many countries.
a) 6 x +3 x b) 7 y +3 y
c) x +2 x + 4 x d) 9 b+ 2b +3 b 1. Fill in the blanks: 5x0.5 2.5
18. Subtract : 4 a. She is very _________. She helps people.
a. 20 x−12 x b. 19 c−11c b. I have written many_________. I sing them all the time.
c. 9 y−5 y d. 16 q−10 q c. "Phool ko akhama " is a very _________song, I like it very
19. List the members of these sets: 2 _________.
a) The set of days of a week.
b) the set of the letters of the world NEPAL.
d. When she was _________ , She joined a Buddhist
20. Rewrite these numbers in ascending order : 2 school.
a) 1362, 1236, 1632, 1326
2. Answer the following questions: 5
a. When was Ani Choying born ? Yesterday he was going to meet his uncle. He was on the
b. What is her most famous song ? bridge. It was broken. He did not see it. He was busy playing video
c. When was she joined Buddhist school ? games.
d. What is the habits of her ? "Stop ! The bridge is broken " , a young man shouted. He
e. Why is she famous ? did not listen to him. He was still playing video games.
"Look out ! it's broken " , the man shouted again, " Be
Group B careful ! There is danger ! " .
From your text book: 5 He heard nothing. He feel down. Luckily, he caught the
2. Answer the following questions: branch of a tree. The man acted promptly and saved Raj.
a) What does words worth compare the daffodils with ? Everybody said, " What a brave man ! " Raj was still
b) How did the horse know that the farmer was sick ? sweating. He realized his mistake." Thank you very much, young
c) How do you think the fly felt when the spider yelled, " man", said Raj.
Hurray !" ? a) Match the words with their synonyms: 3.5
d) Mention a few things we miss out in our lives when there i) naughty fortunately
is no leisure . ii) shouted courageous
e) What do you think was in the summer soup that the fly iii) danger badly behaved
was invited to eat ? iv) luckily quickly, on time.
v) caught risk or hazard.
3. Write an application to your class teacher for a sick leave. 5 vi) promptly cried.
vii. brave hold tightly.
4. Make a sentence by using following words: 0.5 x5 = 2.5 b) Complete the sentences using the ideas from the text : 5x1=
i) daffodils ii) farmer iii) human 2.5
iv) song v) famous a. Raj likes to play _____________ .
b. The man shouted twice to stop Raj from crossing the
5. What is the name of your birthplace? Describe . 2 _____________.
c. The bridge was _____________.
6. Read the passage and do the given activities : d. Raj fell off the white he was going to meet his _________
Raj studies in Grade Five. He is very naughty. He is also e. Raj thanked the __________ for saving him.
very careless. He visit his uncle on Saturdays. He likes playing c) Answer the following: 10
video games. a) What class does Raj study ?
c) What does he like ? Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
d) Why didn't he see the broken bridge ? Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
e) Who saved him ? Class: IV Subject.:Math . P.M.: 16

7. (2 marks for your hand writing ) Group – A

Tick (√ ) the correct answer : 10
Best of luck
1. The Roman symbol to represent 50 is ……
a) V b) C c) D
2. The Roman symbol to represent 100 is ….
a) M b) C c) D
3. What are the smallest and the greatest whole numbers:
a) 1 and 9 b) 0 and 9 c) None- any
4. The Face value of Circle number 2 7 's is …
a) ones b) tens c) hundreds
5. Which is the odd number…..
a) 2436 b) 3895 c) 9700

Group B
1. Write the place value is underline digit of 653798

2. Write the Hindu- Arabic number of IX.

3. Add tens :
4 tens + 9 tens

4. Add:
+ 549

5. Subtract:
- 275
6. Multiply: 14 x 9 Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
7. Divide: 42 ÷ 6 Class: II Subject.:Science & HPE . P.M.: 16

8. Write the Answer with correct signs of : (+2) + (+7)

9. Write the least 4 – digits numbers. Science and Environment

1. Fill in the blanks using suitable words: 4
10. Rewrite the Hiindu- Arabic numbers in Devanagari number of 75861. [ web, jungle, stomata , five ]
a. Plants breathe with the help of ________ .
Group C ( 10x2 =20 ) b. Most of the animals have ________sense organs.
1. Write the numerals of thirty two lakh twenty five thousand six hundred ten. c. A spider makes the ________.
2. Draw a place value table of Nepali place name system and write the
d. Wild animals live in the ________.
numbers 592874163 in the table. Also write the number name.
2. Match the following: 4
3. Write the least and the greatest number of 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 digits. Goat carnivore
Lion omnivore
4. Write the Hindu- Arabic number of LIII. Crow herbivore
Leech Parasite .
5. Write in Roman number of 378.

6. The male population of Mahendranagar is 65,470 and the female 3. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements: 2
population is 66,780. Find the total population of the town. a. Carnivores eat only flesh of other animals.
b. Animals do not feel and react.
7. Subtract: 7 3 4 0
- 1643 4. Answer the following questions: 5x2=10
a. What are living thing ?
8. Multiply of 158 x4
b. Write any two characteristics of living things.
9. Divide: 218 ÷ 5 c. What are wild animals ?
d. What are domestic animals ?
10. Find the answer with correct sign (-9) x (-5) e. What are carnivores ?
Health and Physical Education(HPE)
1. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words: 4
( posture, unfit, bath, earbuds )
a. We should take a ________ daily. 1. Attempt any ten questions: 1x10=10
b. We should use ________ to clean our ears. a. What is a computer ?
c. The position of body is called ________. b. List any three uses of a computer .
d. Wrong postures make our body ________. c. What is input ?
d. List the special features of computers.
2. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements: 4 e. List the areas where computers are used.
a. Positions of the body are called postures. f. How are computers used at homes ?
b. Nose is an organ that sense taste. g. Hw are computers used in banks ?
c. We should keep our nails short and clear. h. What is hardware ?
d. We should read lying on the bed. i. List any four computer hardware ?
j. List any four output devices ?
3. Answer the following questions: 6x2=12 k. Which part of the CPU perform all the calculations?
i. What do you use to cut your nails ? l. What is storage unit ?
ii. What should we use to remove dirt from our ears ? m. What is Microsoft Paint ?
iii. What are postures ? n. Where do you draw pictures ?
iv. Name any two right postures of the body. o. What is the use of Eraser tool ?
v. What are basic skills of physical education ? 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from brackets:
vi. What is walking ? 2
( output, storage, physical, listen, )
i) The information or result of processing is _______ .
ii) You can _______music and play games at home
iii) The _______parts of the computer are known as
iv) Compact Disk and Pendrive are _______ devices.
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
3. Mark a tick (√ ) for the correct statement and a cross (×)
for the wrong statements : 0.5x5=2.5
a) Computer is faster than man.
b) ATM does all the financial tasks. Science and Environment
c) The RAM stores data and instruction temprorarily. 1. Fill in the blanks using the correct words: 2
d) Paintbrush program has its own drawing space, ( hibernation , cow , home, energy )
drawing tools and color box.
e) Eraser tool erases only straight lines. i. Food provides us ________ to live.
ii. All animals need ________ to live in .
4. Match the following: 1 iii. ________is a cud- chewing animal.
INPUT Result of processing. iv. Winter sleep is also called ________.
PROCESSING Data and instructions fed to the computer.
OUTPUT Treating data according to instruction. 2. Match the following : 2
CPU Treats the data according to instructions. Diurnal active at night
Warm-blooded body temperature changes.
5. Write the full form of the following: 1.5 Cold- blooded active in the daytime
i) CPU ii) MU iii) ALU iv) CD Nocturnal body temperature remains constant.

3. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements: 3

************************************************ i. All animals eat the same type of food.
6. (1) Marks for handwriting. ii. Tigers have strong and sharp paws.
7. (20)marks for computer practical. iii. Cows live in the forest.
************************************************ iv. Plants breathe through stomata.
v. Living beings do not need food.
eNd. vi. Cockroach is a nocturnal animal.

4. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives; 3

a) Birds and insects fly with the help of…..
i. legs ii. wings iii. horns
b) Deer and grasshopper live in ……
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire i. burrow ii. grass iii. water.
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
c) All animals need shelter to …… b) We do not get arrest while sleeping.
i. play ii. live iii. enjoy c) We should not wear dirty clothes.
d) …………. use hollow tube to suck their food. d) We should take a bath regularly.
i. cows ii. jackles iii. insects.
e) Human being, cat and dog are ……… 3. Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.: 1
i. Carnivores ii. herbivores iii. omnivores i. A clean person is ______
f) Herbivores feed on …….. a) smart b) healthy c) both
i. Plants ii. animals iii. both ii. We get a rest while ______
a) sleeping b) walking c) playing
5. Answer the following questions 5x2=10
a. What are living beings ? Why do animals move 4. Answer the following questions: 5x2=10
from one place to another. a) Why should we clean our body ?
b. What are aquatic animals ? Give any four examples. b) How do germs enter our body ?
c. What are herbivores ? Why is cow called a c) Why do we need physical exercise ?
herbivores ? d) Name any five clothes that are used in summer ?
d. What are diurnal animals ? Give any four examples. e) Write short note:
e. Define flowering and non- flowering plants with i) walking ii) running
any two examples of each.
Health and Physical Education(HPE)

1. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words: 2

( winter, twice, dirty, tired )

a. We should brush our teeth ______ a day.

b. ______ causes diseases.
c. We become ______ after continuous work.
d. Warm clothes should be used in the ______season.
2. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements: 2
a) A healthy person is mentally alert.
1. Read the passage and answer the following questions:
A Donkey and a Goat.
A donkey and a goat lived in the same barn. The goat
had to find his own food. But the donkey did not. The
donkey worked hard. Therefore, the farmer fed him.
The goat become jealous of donkey. The goat
pushed the donkey into a large hole. The farmer knew it. He
did not give food to the goat. Donkey laughed at the goat.

1. Give the answers: 5x2=10

a. Where does donkey and goat live ?
b. Who searched his own food ?
c. Who get jealous from whom ?
d. Where did goat pushed the donkey ?
e. Who laughed at whom ?

2. Write the similar meaning of each words: 2

smiled =___________ big =___________
farm =___________ Envious =___________
powerful =___________

Group B
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire From your text book : 5x2=10
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
2.Answer the following questions:
a) What was the Elephant trying to wipe ? != cg'R5]b k9]/ ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]v M
b) What would it be like to play cards with Octo ? Dflg; b]jtf xf]Og t/ c;n ljrf/ / /fd|f sfdn] pm b]jtf
c) Who sang a love song ? hlQs} dfGg nfos klg x'g ;S5 . ;dfhdf v/fa cfrf/0f / ljrf/ ePsf
d) What colour was the boat ? dflg;x? klg k|Zf:t dfqfdf el6G5g\ . cfk;L snx, df/sf6{ / czflGt
e) Which animals was trying to do an impossible dRrfP/ cfk"m cfgGb dfGg] :jefjsf dflg;n]
task ? dfgj ;d'bfonfO{ sfnf] wAaf nufPsf 5g\ . ;dfhdf unt / ;xL s'/f
3. Unscramble the letters to create meaningful words: 2 5'6\ØfP/ Pstf sfod ug{ ;lsof] eg] v/fa ljrf/sf dflg;x? :jtM
hifs _______ pumj _______ sdhf]/ x'g k'U5g\ . dflg; ;/;ª\utn] ;'w|g]] k|f0fL xf] . xfdLn]
dsna _______ aklw _______ 8fs' /Tgs/ dxlif{ jfNdLls ag]sf] syf klg ;'g]sf 5f}F , To;sf
nflu ;fdflhs jftfj/0f 7Ls x'g'k5{ . ;fdflhs jftfj/0f 7Ls
4. Fill in the blanks using the words that you unscrambled x'g' ;dfhsf ;b:osf aLr cfk;L k|]d cfb/sf] efjgf, st{Josf] Vofn /
above : 2 dof{lbt afgLa]xf]/f x'g' cTofjZos dflgG5 . oL s'/fx?
The _______ would gaze into the sky. "one day I'll the tkm{ dflg;n] v'a} ljrf/ k'¥Øfpg'k5{ .
_______ or run or _______ or _______ upon the _______.
c_ tnsf k|Zgx?sf] hjfkm b]pm M!)
5. Make a sentence by using following words: 5 s_ s;/L dflg; b]jtf hlts} aGg ;S5 <
i) octo ii) pea-green iii) thirsty v_ s:tf dflg;n] dfgj ;d'bfonfO{ sfnf] wAAff nufPsf 5g\
iv) married v) funny <
u_ v/fa ljrf/sf dflg;x? s;/L :jtM sdhf]/ x'g k'U5g <
6. Write a short notes about your: 6 3_ s] s'/f cfTofjZos dflgG5 <
a) family b) school ª_ s'g s'/fsf nflu ;fdflhs jftfj/0f 7Ls x'g'k5{ <
cf_ sf]i7saf6 vfnL 7fpFdf 7Ls pQ/ e/ M
7. 3marks for your hand writing.
s_ ;dfhdf =======================cfr/0fsf
*** dflg;x/ klg k|Zf:t el6G5g\ .
- v/fa, ;xL _
v_ ;dfhdf unt / ;xL s'/f
Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_ 5'6\ofP/======================= sfod ug{
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/] ;Sg'k5{ . - emu8f, Pstf _
;doM !3+=#)ld= c4{aflif{s kl/Iff @)&& Kf"0ff{Í M $)
u_ dflg;sf nflu nf]slk|otf M dxfsljsf ?kdf
======================afgLa]xf]/f x'g cfTofjZos b]xfj;fg M @)!^ ebf}F @( ut] .
dflgG5 .
- dof{lbt, cdof{lbt _ %= cfkm" la/fdL ePsf] sf/0f hgfO{ b'O{ lbgsf] ljbf dfu ub}{
3_ dflg; =======================n] ;'w|g] k| k|wfgfWofksnfO{ Pp6f lgj]bg n]v . %
f0fL xf] .
- v/fa ;ª\ut, ;/;ª\ut _ ^= tnsf] k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]v M !)
ª_ dflg;sf nflu ================afgLa]xf]/f x'g s_ b]ptLahf/df uf8L lsg /f]lsPsf] lyof] <
cTofjZos dflgG5 . v_ cfdfn] sf]vdf ef/ af]s]/ klg s] ul5{g\ <
-dof{lbt , cdof{lbt _ u_ st{Jo eg]sf] s] xf] <
3_ psfnLdf r9] klg uLtsf /rgfsf/ sf] x'g\ <
@= tnsf zAbsf] ljk/LtfyL{ zAb;Fu hf]8f ldnfpm M % ª_ xfdLn] ljBfnodf s] s:tf st{Jox? k"/f ug'{k5{ <
cg's"n gfl:ts ;dfKt
lzlIft klZrd Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
1fgL k|lts"n Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
k"j{ clzlIft Class: II Subject.: Computer . P.M.: 16

#=jfSodf k|of]u u/ M % 1. Answer the following questions: 1x10=10

cltl/Qm lqmofsnfk , ;d'bflos , psfnL a. What is a computer ?
b. Does a computer do any mistake ?
$= tnsf a'Fbfx? hf]8L NfIdL k|;fb b]jsf]6fsf] hLjgL n]v M % c. How does a computer help us in saving our time ?
Gfd M nIdL k|;fb b]jsf]6f d. List any two difference between calculator and computer.
hGd ldlt M lj=;+= !(^^ sflt{s @& ut] . e. What is data ?
hGd :yfg M sf7df8f}Fsf] wf]aLwf/ f. Why does a computer need data ?
g. What is instruction ?
lktfdftf M ltndfwj b]jsf]6f / cd//fHo nIdL b]jsf]6f h. List the three steps that a computer does to do tasks ?
lzIf fM aL= P= aL= Pn= i. What is INPUT ?
s[tL M ;'gsf] laxfg, d'gfdbg, levf/L zfs'Gtn cflb . j. List the steps of starting up of a computer ?
ljz]iftf M w]/} / /fd|f sljtf n]Vg], ;w}F sljtf n]lv/xg;Sg]
slj 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 0.5x5=2.5
( instruction, man , data , mental, electronic )
5. (1) Marks for handwriting.
i. A computer is an _______ device. 6. (20)marks for computer practical.
ii. Acomputer helps us in _______ tasks.
iii. Numbers and names are _______. ************************************************
iv. A computer cannot think like a _______.
v. Data or _______ given to a computer to do tasks is INPUT. eNd.

3. Mark a tick (√ ) for the correct statement and a cross (×) for the
wrong statements : 0.5x5=2.5
a. A computer takes more time to finish a task than man.
b. You need numbers to do calculation.
c. Only data is INPUT.
d. The starting up of a computer is called booting.
e. Computer runs on electric power.
in the following figures: 4 Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
Class: II Subject.: Social Std. P.M.: 16

1. Answer the following questions : 2x6=12

a) What does Sonam's father do ?
b) How do you help your parents in their work ?
c) Why do we keep things in a wardrobe ?
d) Where do we keep our books and notebooks at home ?
e) What does a good relationship develop from ?
f) How is a neighbourhood formed ?
2. Tick (√ ) the best options to complete the statement: 1x3=3
a) Good relationship helps us live like
i. enemies ii. family members
iii. politicians iv. gangster.
b) Good people need to
i. talk to anybody ii. be helpful and friendly a) The cobbler mends shoes. ________
iii. be very selfish iv. be angry with others. b) The tailor stitches the clothes. ________
c) Bad relationship causes c) We can eat any food given by unknown people. _______
i. fights and wars ii. peace and harmony d) Bad relationship causes fights and wars. ________
iii. refreshment iv. enjoyment e) Good people develop bad relationship ________.
3. Discuss with your friend how he or she cares things at home 7. Make a list of the works you do at your home from morning to
and school. Write in a box: 5 evening . 5

His / Her name :……………………………………

Where does he / she put thing ? ***
For e.g. She puts her clothes in a wardrobe.
Shoes: ………………………………………………
Books ……………………………………………… ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
Pencils ……………………………………………… Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
eraser and sharpener……………………………….. Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
toys ……………………………………………… Class: V Subject.: Social Std. P.M.: 16

1. Answer the following questions: 6x2=12

4. Write various occupations of your best friends family members: a) What is meant by an occupation ? Does an occupation
5 need skill ?
a) ___________ b) ______________ b) What are the types of occupations carried out by the
c)____________ d) _______________ neighbours of Anju ?
e)______________ c) Define community.
5. Where you put the following things and write in the box:5 d) What do you mean by empathy ?
i) Toothbrush ____________ e) How do you feel when you see beggars on the road ?
ii) comb ____________ f) What will you do when you find your friend is in trouble ?
iii) clothes ____________
iv) Pots __________ 2. Give short answer to these questions: 5x1=5
v) shoes and polish ____________ a. What is your father's occupation ?
vi) Books and note books__________ b. What are the types of occupation carried out by your
6. Write 'Yes ' or 'No' in the blanks given below : 5 neighbours ?
c. Write any 3 development work carried out with the
participation of your community. End.
d. Have you ever come across any trouble ?
e. Do you respect your neighbour's occupation ?

3. Give the answer in details: 6x3=18

a) Is it good to discrimate people on the basis of work ? why
? why not ?
b) " Occupation not only provide income but also satisfaction
." Justify the statement.
c) Give any three examples of bad behaviours.
d) Why do you think that empathy is necessary for every one
? Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
e) Do you remember the moment when someone helped ;doM !3+=#)ld= c4{aflif{s kl/Iff @)&& Kf"0ff{Í M $)
you when you were in trouble ? How were you helped ? sIffM # ljifoM g]kfnL ptL0ff{Í M !^
f) 'community members are strongly united for the != cg'R5]b k9\]/ k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]v M
development of community .' Justify . efg'eQm cfrfo{ g]kfnL ;flxTosf cflbslj
x'g\ . ;a}eGbf klxn]sf slj ePsfn] pgnfO{ cflbslj elgPsf] xf] .
4. Write True or False against each of the statement given below: efg'eQmn] g]kfnL efiffdf /fdfo0f n]v]sf lyP . pgn] eQmdfnf
2.5 k|Zgf]TQ/ h:tf s[lt klg n]v]sf 5g\ . efg'eQmn] cfˆgf xh'/a'af /
i. We should ignore our neighbours. Pp6f 3fF;L af6 k|]/0ff kfP/ sljtf n]v]sf lyP . efg'eQmn] n]v]sf
ii. We should behave politely. /fdfo0f lxGb' wd{ dfGg]x?sf] wfld{s u|Gy xf] . /fdfo0fdf /fd
iii. Every person has emotion. / ;Ltfsf] syfnfO{ ;/n ;a} g]kfnLx? /fdfo0fnfO{ ;Ddfg u5{g\ .
iv. Sanu reassured Bhuwan. To;nfO{ no xfn]/ ufpF5g\ . To:tf] /fdfo0f h:tf] kljq u|Gy
v. Good behavior is a key of conflict. n]Vg] efg'EfQmnfO{ xfdLn] slxNo} la;{g'x'Fb}g .

5. Write the meaning of each words: 2.5 c_ 7Ls zAb 5fg]/ vfNfL 7fpF e/M #
a) trouble b) complexions c) reassured
d) reaction e) empathy
s_ efg'eQm
cfrfo{ g]kfnL ;flxTosf========================= #= tnsf zAbx?sf] pN6f] cy{ lbg] zAb n]v M $
x'g\ . /ft, leq, kfgL, dL7f]
- cflbslj, cfw'lgs slj _
v_ efg'eQmn] g]kfnL efiffdf $= cfk"m lj/fdL ePsf] sf/0f hgfO{ ltg lbgsf] labf dfu ub}{ k|
=========================n]v]sf lyP . wfgfWofksnfO{ Pp6f lgj]bg n]v . %
-/fdfo0f ,
dxfef/t_ %= ldNg] ZfAb 5fg]/ vfnL 7fpF e/ M %
u_ /fdfo0fdf =========================sf] syf s_ sfsfsf] 3/ b'O{ sfGnf==================lyof] .
5. - dfly,tn _
-/fd / ;Ltf, s[i0f / v_ sfsfsf] 3/df ================== cfunfuL eof] .
/fwf_ - dWo/ftdf, lbpF;f]_
u_ ;a} hgfn] cfuf] nfu]sf] 7fpFdf kfgL /
cf_ 7Ls egfOdf 7Ls -√_ / a]7Ls egfOdf a]7Ls -×_ lrXg ================== 5\ofk] .
nufpm M $ - sf7, lxnf] df6f] _
s_ ;a}eGbf k'/fgf sljnfO{ cflbslj elgG5 . 3_ cfuf] nfu]sf] 3/ ================== lyof] . -
v_ efg'eQmn] zs'Gtnf n]v]sf x'g\ . ufpFdf, ;x/df _
u_ /fdfo0fnfO{ ;a}n] ;Ddfg u5{g\ . ª_ sfsfsf] ==================;'Tg] afgL lyof] .
3_ efg'eQm ufos x'g\ . - /]l8of] vf]n]/, uLt ufP/ _

O_ tnsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]v M # ^= tnsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]v M *

s_ efg'eQm s:tf slj x'g\ < s_ sfsfsf] 3/ sxfF lyof] <
v_ efg'eQm s'g} b'O{ s[ltsf] gfd n]v < v_ rf]/x?n] s;sf] 3/ rf]g]{ s'/f u/] <
u_ xfdLn] efg'eQmnfO{ lsg la;{g' x'b}g\ < u_ …lar/L r/LÚ sljtfsf n]vs sf] x'g\ <
@= tnsf zAb / cy{sf aLrdf hf]8f ldnfpm M % 3_ uf]g' emfn] rf]/x?nfO{ s;/L em'SofP <
u'F8 d]3
afbn cl;gf ;dfKt
;]tf u]8L jfo'
atf; s'6\g'
r'6\g' r/fsf] 3/
i. A computer does a task in ________ steps.
ii. You can ________ music and play games at home
iii. Most commonly used computers are ________
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire purpose computers.
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40 iv. The basic unit of data is ________.
Class: IV Subject.: Computer . P.M.: 16 v. The working area of Word pad is ________

1. Attempt any Fifteen questions: 15 3. Mark a tick (√ ) for the correct statement and a cross (×)
a. What is a computer ? for the wrong statements : 0.5 x 5 = 2.5
b. List the working steps of computer. a. Computer is a programmable machine.
c. Why is a computer called versatile machine ? b. Computer are used in schools to teach students.
d. List the areas where computers are used ? c. A laptop computer can be placed on the desk or
e. How are computer used at homes ? table.
f. How is computer used in schools and colleges ? d.You can draw rectangles and square using the oval
g. How are computers used in Hospitals ? tool.
h. What is general computer ? e. You can insert bitmap picture in WordPad
i. What type of computer is digital computer ? List the document.
different digital computers . 4. Match the following: 4
j. What is desktop computer ? Input Result of processing
k. What is minicomputer ? Processing Data and instructions fed to the computer.
l. What are the two electrical conditions that a Output capability of producing correct information.
Diligence Treating data according to instructions.
computer understands ? 5. Write the full form of following: 5
m. What is Binary number system ? a. BIT b. ASCII c. GB d. MB
n. What is computer graphic ? e. TB
o. What is the use of line tool ?
p. What is word Pad ? ************************************************
q. List the different alignment available in WordPad? 5. (1) Marks for handwriting.
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 0.5x5= 2.5 6. (30)marks for computer practical.
************************************************ O = ____127 = ____H + ___ T+___ O
___ T = ____ + _____ + ______
eNd. ____ H = ____
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire 344 = ___H + ___T + ____ O
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
Class: II Subject.: Math . P.M.: 16 ____ ____ + _____ + _____

1. Complete the digits at ones place and identify the smaller 4 8 9

and greater numbers: 1x5=5 489 = ____ H + ____ T + _____ O
greater greater
_____ + ______ + ______
smaller smaller
114, 117 238 , 234
2 3 5
235 = ____ H + ____ T + _____ O
greater greater
smaller smaller
____ + _____ + _____
473, 478 359, 355
1 3 5
135 = ____ H + ____ T + _____ O
_____ + _____ + ______
568, 398
2. Write the sign greater than >, less than < or equal to = in
3. Write these number in increasing order: 5
the blanks : 5
372, 272, 172
485 185 152 152 485 185
295, 245, 255
418, 412, 416, 414
347 247 428 328
238, 234, 235, 232
114, 117, 119, 118
3. Write the correct digit at the place and write the place
value ;Then write the number in expanded forms: 5
4. Write these number in decreasing order: 5
1 2 7
114, 118, 119, 117
418, 412, 416, 414
372, 272, 172, 160
295, 245, 255, 265
556, 554, 552, 551

5. Add: 5
3 2 9 6 3 9
+7 8 + 7 2 + 9 2

5 4 6 8
+ 4 9 +2 5

6. Subtract: 5
9 2 3 6 5 7
- 7 5 - 1 2 - 3 9

6 8 7 5
- 2 8 - 5 2

7. Multiply: 5
9 8 2 7 5 8
x 8 x 6 x 5

4 9 7 6
x 7 x 9


Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
c. Why was the dragon late ?
d. Why did Goldilocks enter the house ?
e. Where did the three bears find Goldilocks ?
3. Fill in the blanks : 5x0.5=2.5
1. Read the passage and give the suitable answer of the following a. Goldilocks ate the _________ bear's porridge.
questions: b. The house was in the middle of the _________.
Once a crow was very thirsty. He flew here and there c. The snake and the _________ finished almost altogether.
in search of water. After some time, he saw a pitcher in the d. The _________ jumped from the back of the ox onto
garden. There was a very little water in the pitcher. He tried to land.
drink, but he couldn’t. Then he collected some pebbles. He e. _________ runs away.
dropped them in the 4. Make a sentences by using each words: 5
Pitcher. The water came up. He drank water and flew away. a. Sleep b. Scream c. Taste d. Curly
e. eat
A. Answer the following questions: 2x4=8 5. Write T for True or F for False statements: 2.5
a) Why was the crow roaming here and there ? a. All the bears were inside the house.
b) Where did the crow see a pitcher ? b. Goldilocks never returned to that place again.
c) Was there enough water in the pitcher ? c. The horse came sixth.
d) What did he do to bring the water up ? d. The rabbit hopped on stones and logs to cross the river.
B. Write True or False: 2.5 e. The ant saved the pigeon.
i) A crow was very thirsty. 6. Write a short notes about your self : 2.5
ii) There was enough water in the pitcher. 7. (2) marks for your handwriting.
iii) A crow did not drink water.
iv) He put small pebbles into the pitcher. best of luck
C. Make a sentences by using given words: 5
a. Crow b. thirsty c. pitcher d. water e. little

Group B (From your text book)

2. Answer the following questions(any ten ) :10x1=10
a. Why was the ant searching for water ?
b. How did the pigeon help the ant ? ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
i. Vertebrates ii. amphibians iii. mammals
iv. birds.
c) Most of the invertebrates have
i. hard body ii. long body iii. strong body
Science and Environment iv. soft body
1. Fill in the blanks : 3 d) The _____ is a vertebrate that gives birth directly
a. The animals that live in water are called _________. i. bat ii. crow iii. parrot iv. sparrow
b. A turtle breathes through _________. 5. Give reasons: 2
c. The animals that lay eggs are called _________ a. Fishes have stream lined or boat shaped body .
d. Viviparous animals have _________glands. b. Ducks and frogs can swim easily in water.
e. Heterotrophs depend on _________ to obtain their food. 6. Different between : 4
f. The oxygen reacts with the food in _________of a cell. i) Herbevores and Carnivores
2. Match the following: 2 ii) Oviparous and Viviparous animals
Tiger Hump on its back 7. Answer the following questions: 5x2=10
Eagle water – proof scales. a) What are invertebrates ? Write any two salient features of
camel Thick and long hair. vertebrates.
Yak Sharp canine and claws b) What is reproduction ? Give any four examples of eggs
strong and curved beak lay animals.
3. Mark a tick (√ ) for the correct statement and a cross (×) for the c) What are terrestrial animals ? Give any four examples.
wrong statements : 2 d) What are aquatic animals ? Write any two adaptational
a. The animals having a backbone are called invertebrates. characteristics of aquatic animals.
b. Earthworm, leech and crab are invertebrates. e) What is photosynthesis ? What do you mean by
c. The animals having no back bone are called vertebrates. teherotrophic nutrition ?
d. The skeleton provides a definite shape and size to the
body. Health and Physical Education(HPE)
4. Tick (√ ) the best answer from the given alternatives.: 2
a) Invertebrates are the animals which do not have 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words : 3
i. Wings ii. backbone iii. eyes iv. legs a. ________ help to grow and to ________ our cells.
b) The animals having vertebral column are called b. ________diseases are transmitted from one person to
c. Many people hide diseases like ________ and ________.
2. Write 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements: 2
i. Environment includes living beings and non- living things.
ii. Biodegrable waste do not decay.
iii. We should not hate sick person.
iv. We should take bath regularly.
3. Answer the following questions; 10
a. What is personal hygiene ? Mention any two ways of
maintaining personal hygiene.
b. What is environment ? Give any two cause of pollution.
c. What is meant by a balanced diet ? Why are proteins
essential for our body ?
d. What are communicable diseases ? Name any four non-
communicable diseases.
e. Write short note on :
i. Walking ii. Running.

Best of luck


Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
a. A set of instructions given to computer to perform tasks is
known as __________.
b. The __________ is the part of the CPU.
c. A __________is an input device which is used for playing
game in computer.
1. Attempt any ten questions: 10 d. The __________ programs in the ROM are necessary for
a. What do you mean by INPUT, PROCESSING, and booting the computer.
OUTPUT ? e. A __________ is an output device that can display output
b. List any four features of computer ? on the big. screen.
c. Why is a computer called diligent machine ? 3. Mark a tick (√ ) for the correct statement and a cross (×)
d. List the limitations of computer . for the wrong statements : 0.5x5=2.5
e. How is computer used in education sector ? a. You cannot add or remove icons on the Desktop.
f. Why is computer used in homes ? b. The wallpaper appears on the desktop when you left
g. What is computer system ? the computer on for some time.
h. What is the central processing unit ? List its main c. Windows Media Player can only play music.
components. d. An incomplete drawing can be saved in Paint.
i. What is computer hardware ? list any four computer e. The Flip command rotates the selected image.
j. Why a monitor is called the soft copy output device 4. Match the following: 4
? Input Result of processing
k. What is secondary memory ? List any two Processing Data and instructions fed to the computer.
secondary storage devices. Output capability of producing correct information.
Diligence Treating data according to instructions.
l. Why is windows 7/10 called an user friendly
operating system ?
m. List any three mouse actions.
5. (1) Marks for handwriting.
n. What is computer graphics ? List any two graphics
6. (20)marks for computer practical.
o. Write the uses of pencil tool.
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 0.5x5=2.5
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
c. How many kinds of creatures are there in the
poem ?
d. Who was the poem ?
e. Why didn't Neha drink ?
1. Read the passage and answer the following questions: 3. Match the following antonyms words that are opposite in
Cow meaning : 0.5x5=2.5
Our national animal is cow. She is also known as Rest sour
“Gaumata “ . The Hindus worship cow in Laxmi Puja. We Sweet dark
get milk and dung from her. She have four legs, two horns Bright work
and two eyes and one tail. She is a domestic animals. She Cool down
live in shed. Up warm
4. Make a sentence by using following words: 0.5x5=2.5
i) Answer these questions: 10 a) climb b) bright c) ill d) doctor
a) Which is our national animals ? e) Student
b) What we get from cow ? 5. Write the similar of following words: 5x1=5
c) How many legs and eyes do cow have ? a. Stomach _____________
d) Where does cow live ? b. swallow _____________
e) When did Hindus worship cow ? c. pain _____________
ii) Write T for true or F for False statements: 5x0.5=2.5 d. smile _____________
a) Cow is our wild animals. e. alone_____________
b) Hindus worship cow in Laxmipuja. 6. Fill in the blanks : 5
c) Cow have two legs. a) "I'm too _____________ ", said Neha.
d) Cow live in stable. b) Neha didn't drink because she had a _______throat.
e) We didn't get milk and dung from cow. c) Next morning she had a _____________.
d) By next morning she had an _____________.
Group B e) "Oh dear" said her mom. " I'm calling the ______".
From your text book
2. Answer the following questions: 5x2=10
a. What do clouds cover ?
b. How did the Merry – go round go ? ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
vi) Hari doesn't help his grandparents.
4. How would help your neighbor in the following situations :
a. Your neighbour's house has caught into fire. write any 2
1. Answer the following questions: 6x2=12
a. Why should we develop a good relationship among our
b. Someone in your neighbor is very sick . Write any 2
neighbours ?
b. Why are our neighbours important for us ?
c. You see two neighbours quarrelling each other. Write any
c. Who are the elderest and the youngest members in your
2 points.
family ?
5. Write about yourself:
d. How does Bibhuti help her grandparents ?
a) My name is ……………………………………….
e. How do you help your parents at home ? Write any two
b) I live in/at …………………………………………
c) I am …………….. year old.
f. Why should we share our works ?
d) I study in grade. My father's name is ………………
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text: 6
e) He is …………years old. He works in ………………
a) Rina loves doing her _____________.
f) My mother's name is …………. She work in ………….She
b) Cina sells the _____________ when her father is away in
is ………years old.
the market.
g) I have …………( one/ two / three / four) ……………………
c) Ramesh buys and washes the _____________for his
brother(s) / sister(s) . She / He / They ( is / are ) ………..
and year old. She / he / they (works / work ) in …………….
d) _____________ helps his family members in his free
h) I am the …….. ( single/ youngest / middle/ elder ) child of
my family. We love each other. I have a happy family.
e) Helping the family members maintains _____________ in
our family.
f) Bibhuti studies in grade _____________.
3. Write "T" for True or "F" for False statements : 6
end .
i. People in a neighbourhood don't have same intrest
ii. People in the neighbourhood share happiness.
iii. Our neighbours help us in our trouble.
iv) Helping the family members makes the work easier. ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
v) Ramesh doesn't like to help his mother. Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs.30min. Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 40
5. Differentiate between: 4
a. Tapeworm and Roundworm
b. Invertebrates and vertebrates.
Science and Environment 6. Answer the following questions: 4x2=8
a) what are invertebrates ? Write any two salient feature of
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 4 invertebrates.
a) Echinoderms are found only in ________ water. b) What are mammals ? Give any four examples.
b) Mammals breathe through ________. c) What is a cell ? Give any four parts of a cell.
c) Cell are basic, ________ and functional units of life. d) What is meant by life cycle ? Name the four stages in the life
d) The life cycle of a butterfly shows complete ________. cycle of a butterfly.
2. Match the following; 2 7. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of the plant cell . 3
Liver fluke basic unit of life.
Fish first stage of the life cycle. Health and physical education(HPE)
Cell breathes through gills.
Eggs Leaf like flat body. 8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 2
3. Tick (√ ) for the correct statement and a cross (×) for the wrong a) Healthy _______ and _______ habits are essential for
statements : 2 maintaining good health.
a. The life cycle of a butterfly completes in one month. b) Solid wastes should be separated into _______ wastes
b. All cells do not have the same shape. and _______ wastes.
c. Frog can breathe through lungs.
d. Hydra has tentacles for locomotion. 9. Match the following: 2
4. Tick (√ ) the best answer from the given alternatives.2 Eye should be cleaned with cotton buds.
a. Which of the following animals is unicellular ? Nose should be brushed twice a day.
i. butterfly ii. paramecium iii. snail iv. hydra Ears should be splashed with cold water.
b. Which is a flying mammal ? Teeth helps us to smell things.
i. dolphin ii. toad iii. bat iv. sea horse.
c. Cell wall is made up of ….. 10.Differentiate between : 1
i. protein ii. minerals iii. cellulose iv. fat a. Biodegradable and non- biodegradable waste.
d. Which of the following animals is found in marine water ? p.t.o.
i. starfish ii. honeybee iii. leech iv. liver fluke 11. Answer of following questions: 5x2=10
a) What is personal hygiene ? Mention any two ways to
maintain personal hygiene.
b) What is exercise ? Write any two advantages of physical
c) What is environment ? Why do human beings depend on
environment ?
d) What is sanitary landfill ? Write any four methods of waste
disposal .
e) Write short note on :
i) Walking ii) Jumping.
*Best of luck*

Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_

Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
;doM !3+=#)ld= c4{aflif{s kl/Iff @)&& Kf"0ff{Í M $)
- s'rLsf/, ;"rLsf/, 8sdL{ _
u_ ;dfrf/ n]Vg] dflg; ==============xf] .
- snfsf/, n]vs, kqsf/ _
3_ ;flxTo l;h{gf ug]{ dflg; ================xf] .
!= cg'R5]b k9]/ ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]v M -lzIfs, u'?, ;flxTosf/ _
dflg;x? cfˆgf] hLjg rnfpg sfd u5{g\ . v]tdf sfd ug] ª_ ljBfyL{nfO{ k9fpg]
{ dflg;nfO{ ls;fg elgG5 . 3/ agfpg kvf{n nufpg 9'ª\uf df6f] dflg;nfO{ ================elgG5 .
tyf afn'jf l;d]G6sf] sfd ug]{ dflg;nfO{ 8sdL{ elgG5 . sf7sf] - lzIfs, k7Gbf;, lzIffyL{ _
sfd u/]/ kmlg{r/x? agfpg] dflg; l;sdL{ xf] . n'uf l;nfpg]
dflg; ;"rLsf/ xf] eg] ;/;kmfOsf] sfd ug]{ dflg; s'lrsf/ ;dfrf/ O_ 7Ls egfOdf 7Ls -√_ / a]7Ls egfOdf a]7Ls -×_ lrXg
n]Vg] dflg; kqsf/ xf] eg] ;flxTo l;h{g fug]{ dflg; ;flxTosf/ . nufpm M
la/fdLsf] pkrf/ ug]{ dflg; 8fS6/ xf] eg] ;jf/l ;fwg rnfpg] dflg; s_ ls;fgn] v]tdf dfq] sfd u5{g\ .
rfns xf] . 3/, k'n cflbsf] l8hfOg ug]{ JolQm OlGhlgo/ xf] . v_ 8sdL{ l;sdL{ b'j}n] 3/ agfpg] sfd u5{g\ .
ljBfyL{nfO{ k9fpg] dflg; lzIfs xf] . k|x/Ln] hgtfNffO{ ;'/Iff u_ k|x/Ln] h'n'; lgsfNg] sfd u5{g\ .
u5{ eg] ;]gfn] b]zsf] ;'/Iff u5{ . dflg; ljleGg k];fsf x'G5g\ . 3_ kqsf/x?n] klqsfdf 5fKgsf nflu ;dfrf/ n]V5g\ .
cfk"m h'g k];fdf ep klg Odfgbf/ eP/ sfd ug]{ dflg; ;w} ª_ OlGhlgo/n] k'nx?sf] l8hfOg agfpF5g\ .
+ ;kmn x'G5 .
@= pN6f] cy{ lbg] zAb;Fu hf]8f ldnfpmM %
c_ tnsf k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]v M !% b]z k/fO{
s_ v]tdf sfd ug][ dflg;nfO{ s] elgG5 < cfkmGt ;x/
v_ 8sdL{ s;nfO{ elgG5 < cw'/f] vr{
u_ sf7 tyf kmlg{r/sf] sfd ug]{ Dfflg;nfO{ s] elgG5 < sdfO ljb]z
3_ k|x/Ln] s] sfd u5{g\ < ufpF k"/f
ª_ dflg; s;/L ;kmn x'G5 .
#= tnsf zAbx?nfO{ jfSodf k|of]u u/ M #
cf_ 7Ls pQ/ 5fg]/ vfNfL 7fpFdf e/ M ldlxg]t, kfx'gf, tf]/Lsf] k"mn b]Vg'
s_ n'uf l;nfpg]
dflg;nfO{ =================elgG5 . $= cfk"m lj/fdL ePsf] sf/0f hgfO{ ltg lbgsf] labf dfu ub}{ k|
- d]l;gsf/, n'ufsf/, ;"rLsf/ _ wfgfWofksnfO{ Pp6f lgj]bg n]v . $
v_ ;/;kmfO{sf] sfd ug]{ dflg; ============xf] .
%= tnsf pN6f]kfN6f] cIf/nfO{ ldnfP/ zAb agfpm M % e) __________________ e) __________________
h:t} M gkfhf – hfkfg
rLcf]o' , zgflj, d';b| , /s/; 3. Use a or an where necessary:
i. He has _____ cap.
^= tnsf k\Zgx?sf] pQ/ n]v M * ii. This is _____elephant.
s_ ;+:d/0f eg]sf] s] xf] < iii. Nita is eating _____ oranges.
v_ ;"of]{bosf] b]z eg]/ s'g b]znfO{ lrlgG5 < iv. _____ dog is a domestic animal.
u_ ufpFn]x? lsg b'MvL lyP < v. Susan likes _____ dolls.
3_ ;fyLx?;Fu s:tf] Jojxf/ ug'{k5{ <

4. Circle the countable nouns in the following list

ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5) plates salt cups rice flages
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire curd butter snow grass flour.
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20
Class: II Subject.: Eng. Grammar P.M.: 08 5.Add-s or –es to change the words into plural :
bag _________ book _________ boss _______
box _________ boy _________ bush _________
1. Write two words for each consonant letter:
i) b: …………………. ……………………
6. Now choose a correct answer:
ii) c: …………………. ……………………
i) I have a _________ ( book, books )
iii) d: …………………. ……………………
ii) My brother has two _________ ( ballon, ballons )
iv) g: …………………. ……………………
iii) She has five _________ ( doll, dolls)
v) h : …………………. ……………………
iv) He has three _________ ( toy, toys )
v) There is only one _________for breakfast.(egg, eggs)
2. Write the names of your five friends and arrange them in
alphabetical order.
7. What is your name ?
Name ABC order
a)__________________ a) __________________
8. Where are you from ?
b) __________________ b) __________________
c) __________________ c) __________________
9. What is the name of your school ?
d) __________________ d) __________________
d) can you give……………. a pen ? ( me , she )
10. Who is your class teacher ? e) father gives ……………. money. ( us, we)
f) ……………. are picking flowers. ( we, our)
THe end. 6. Fill each blank with is, am or are:
a) Mom …………….on chair.
b) Our two ……………. with her.
c) I ……………. hungry.
d) Kabir …………….20 years old.
e) My mother is a nurse. She ……………. intelligent.
f) We ……………. friends.

ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5) 7. Fill in the blanks spaces using the possessive adjectives :
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire a. Mina and Neha are my friends. We play games in …………….
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 30 school ( we, our, ours )
Class: III Subject.: Eng. Grammar P.M.: 08 b. Kamal is washing ……………. car. ( he, his, him )
c. We go to school everyday. We like ……………. school
( we, our, ours )
1. Write the name of Vowel letters ?
d. Bina and Deepa are sitting in ……………. bedroom
2. Write the animals words in alphabetical order.
( they, their, theirs)
3. Circle the proper nouns in the following list:
e. This is …………….book and that is mine. ( you, your, yours)
School Country December Deepa
8.Find out the main verb and auxiliary verb of the following :
man district Everest Newari
a. Manjita is good girl.
Christmas festival day Ganesh
b. They go to school.
Koshi bottle Milan Dashain
c. Look! there is a big snake.
4. Fill each blanks with 'a' or 'an' :
d. Roman plays a football.
a) This is ______ elephant.
e. Did you finish your homework ?
b) She likes ______ orange.
9. What is the name of your district ?
c) Susan likes ______ dolls.
10. What is the name of your municipality ?
d) They have ______ car.
11. Which is your favourite festival ?
e) Miss Anjana is ______ English teacher.
12. Make the words in plural form of the following:
f) He has ______ cap.
a. book ______________
5. Choose a suitable pronoun for each blank space :
b. woman ______________
a) Did you hear the dog ? …………….(they, them)
c. leaf ______________
b) I will give …………….a glass of joice . ( I, you )
d. They ______________
c) ……………. is a boy. ( He, they)
e. bird______________
b. clever crisp centre candle cheat
*** c. geese guilty grape garden goose
2. Re arrange the words in alphabetical order: 6
a. dog cat mouse horse.
b. hamster hare bat beetle bear
c. lion leopard lizard
d. bear baboon bat bee
e. horse zebra hare cat
f. shark dog snail dragon
3. Give the examples of each parts of speech :2.5 + 2.5
4. Write the part of speech of the following underlined words: 0.5 x10= 5
a. Do it quickly.
b. Everyone arrived late.
c. My uncle drives carefully.
d. He did well in the test.
e. Wow ! Are we there already ?
f. Hurray ! our team has finally scored a goal.
g. His father attended the meeting.
h. I helped him because I liked him.
i. Jasmines are white in colour.
j. You or they will be able to assist.

Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20 Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20
Class: V Subject.: Eng. Grammar P.M.: 08 Class: V Subject.: Eng. Grammar P.M.: 08

1. Look at the second letter of each : 4 1. Look at the second letter of each : 4
a. plan press pant punch perch a. plan press pant punch perch
b. clever crisp centre candle cheat Leo Tolstoy Sanskrit
c. geese guilty grape garden goose Tulsidas Urdu
2. Re arrange the words in alphabetical order: 6 2. Tick ( ) the correct answer: 4
a. dog cat mouse horse. a. Rodhi dance is performed by ……
b. hamster hare bat beetle bear i. Gurung ii. Newar iii. Tharu
c. lion leopard lizard b. Balkrishna sama is know as ……
d. bear baboon bat bee i. Aadi Kabi ii. Yuba kabi iii. Natya smrat
e. horse zebra hare cat c. Who is the first martyr in Nepal…
f. shark dog snail dragon i. Bhuwan Chand ii. Lakhan Thapa iii. Aridev Malla
3. Give the examples of each parts of speech :2.5 + 2.5 d. Who is the last king of the Malla dynasty ?
4. Write the part of speech of the following underlined words: 0.5 x10= 5 i. Ranjit Malla ii. Bhuktaman iii. Aridev Malla
a. Do it quickly. 3. Anwer the following questions: 12 x1=12
b. Everyone arrived late. a. Which dance was performed by Lakhe dance ?
c. My uncle drives carefully. b. What is the name of holy book of Kirant ?
d. He did well in the test. c. What is the name of holy book of Islam ?
e. Wow ! Are we there already ? d. Who is the first king of the Kirant dynasty ?
f. Hurray ! our team has finally scored a goal. e. Who is the first king of the Mahispala dynasty ?
g. His father attended the meeting. f. Who is the last king of the Shah dynasty ?
h. I helped him because I liked him. g. Which is the largest artificial lake of Nepal ?
i. Jasmines are white in colour. h. Which is the largest lake of Nepal ?
j. You or they will be able to assist. i. Who is the first female president of Nepal ?
j. Who is the first prime minister of Nepal ?
k. Which festival is celebrated by the Buddists on the full
moon day of Baisakh ?
l. Which festival is celebrated by the women or girls of the
Terai region for the long life of their brothers ?

Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20
Class: IV Subject.: G.K. P.M.: 08
Class: IV Subject.: G.K. P.M.: 08

1. Match the following: 4 1. Match the following: 4

Kalidas Hindu Kalidas Hindu
Mirja Ghaib Russian Mirja Ghaib Russian
Leo Tolstoy Sanskrit Narayanhity Palace Prachanda Dev
Tulsidas Urdu Hanuman Dhoka Darbar Chandra Shumsher
2. Tick ( ) the correct answer: 4
a. Rodhi dance is performed by …… 2. Fill in the blanks: 4
i. Gurung ii. Newar iii. Tharu a. A word used to greet someone ________
b. Balkrishna sama is know as …… b. Expression used when you make a mistake ________.
i. Aadi Kabi ii. Yuba kabi iii. Natya smrat c. A polite expression for thanking others ________.
c. Who is the first martyr in Nepal… d. An expression used to get somebody's attention________.
i. Bhuwan Chand ii. Lakhan Thapa iii. Aridev Malla
d. Who is the last king of the Malla dynasty ? 3. Answer the following questions: 12
i. Ranjit Malla ii. Bhuktaman iii. Aridev Malla a. What is your name ?
3. Anwer the following questions: 12 x1=12 b. How old are you ?
a. Which dance was performed by Lakhe dance ? c. Can you please write the name of your school ?
b. What is the name of holy book of Kirant ? d. How many members are there in your family ?
c. What is the name of holy book of Islam ? e. Who makes furniture ?
d. Who is the first king of the Kirant dynasty ? f. Where the Hindus go to worship their gods ?
e. Who is the first king of the Mahispala dynasty ? g. Where the Muslim go to worship their god ?
f. Who is the last king of the Shah dynasty ? h. Which festival is also called the festival of lights ?
g. Which is the largest artificial lake of Nepal ? i. Which festival is the festival of colours ?
h. Which is the largest lake of Nepal ? j. Who is known as the modern poet of Nepal ?
i. Who is the first female president of Nepal ? k. Who is the first martyr of our country ?
j. Who is the first prime minister of Nepal ? l. Who is known as the national poet of Nepal ?
k. Which festival is celebrated by the Buddists on the full
moon day of Baisakh ?
l. Which festival is celebrated by the women or girls of the
Terai region for the long life of their brothers ?
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20 Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20
Class: II Subject.: G.K. P.M.: 08 Class: II Subject.: G.K. P.M.: 08

1. Match the following: 4 1. Match the following: 4

Singha Darbar Pratap Malla Singha Darbar Pratap Malla
Pashupatinath Temple Bir Shumsher Pashupatinath Temple Bir Shumsher
Narayanhity Palace Prachanda Dev v_ ================== ls|s]6 v]N5f} .
Hanuman Dhoka Darbar Chandra Shumsher u_ ================== eft vfG5;\ .
3_ ================== sljtf n]V5f}F .
2. Fill in the blanks: 4 ª_ ================== syf k9\5 .
a. A word used to greet someone ________
b. Expression used when you make a mistake ________. @= tnsf Psjrgsf zAbx?nfO{ ax'jrgdf n]v M %
c. A polite expression for thanking others ________. r/f] , df5f], 3f]8f, snd, d ,hfG5 , lstfa, p, k9\5 , sf]bfnf]
d. An expression used to get somebody's attention________.
#= kb;Ëlt ldnfpm M %
3. Answer the following questions: 12 s_ d}n] eft vfof] .
a. What is your name ? v_ alxgL :s'n uof] .
b. How old are you ? u_ pgLx?n] syf k9\of] .
c. Can you please write the name of your school ? 3_ bfO clkm; uof] .
d. How many members are there in your family ? ª_ ;f/ cfof] .
e. Who makes furniture ?
f. Where the Hindus go to worship their gods ? $= gfd eg]sf] s] xf] / tL s] s] x'g\ < gfd n]v . #
g. Where the Muslim go to worship their god ?
h. Which festival is also called the festival of lights ? %= ;j{gfd eg]sf] s] xf] < !
i. Which festival is the festival of colours ?
j. Who is known as the modern poet of Nepal ? ^= ;j{gfd slt k|sf/sf 5g\ < !
k. Who is the first martyr of our country ?
l. Who is known as the national poet of Nepal ? ;dfKt

Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_

Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
;doM !3+= c4{aflif{s kl/Iff @)&& Kf"0ff{Í M @)
sIffM$ ljifoM g]kfnL Jofs/0f ptL0ff{Í M )* Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
!= tnsf ;j{gfdx?dWo] ldNbf] ;j{gfd k|of]u u/L vfnL 7fpF e/ M % ;doM !3+= c4{aflif{s kl/Iff @)&& Kf"0ff{Í M @)
- d, xfdL, tF, ltdL, pm _ sIffM$ ljifoM g]kfnL Jofs/0f ptL0ff{Í M )*
s_ ==================:s'n hfG5' .
!= tnsf ;j{gfdx?dWo] ldNbf] ;j{gfd k|of]u u/L vfnL 7fpF e/ M %
- d, xfdL, tF, ltdL, pm _
s_ ==================:s'n hfG5' .
v_ ================== ls|s]6 v]N5f} .
u_ ================== eft vfG5;\ . 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct words ?
3_ ================== sljtf n]V5f}F . a. There are ________countries in this continent.
ª_ ================== syf k9\5 . b. The biggest desert in Asia is ________.
c. ________ is the mostly spoken language in Asia.
@= tnsf Psjrgsf zAbx?nfO{ ax'jrgdf n]v M % d. The highest peak in Asia is ________.
r/f] , df5f], 3f]8f, snd, d ,hfG5 , lstfa, p, k9\5 , sf]bfnf] e. Highest populated country in Asia is ________.
f. A narrow passage between two mountains is ________.
#= kb;Ëlt ldnfpm M % g. The planet on which we live is ________.
s_ d}n] eft vfof] . h. The largest river of the world is ________.
v_ alxgL :s'n uof] . i. A large body of salt water is ________.
u_ pgLx?n] syf k9\of] . j. The largest country on the world is ________.
3_ bfO clkm; uof] . k. The average width of our country is ________.
ª_ ;f/ cfof] . l. Nepal lies in ________ hemisphere.
m. The biggest lake in the Asia is ________.
$= gfd eg]sf] s] xf] / tL s] s] x'g\ < gfd n]v . # n. The largest country of Asia is ________.
o. Altogether, there are more than ________ streams and rivers in
%= ;j{gfd eg]sf] s] xf] < ! Nepal .
p. The highest altitude of Nepal is ________.
^= ;j{gfd slt k|sf/sf 5g\ < ! q. The total average length from the east to the west is ________
;dfKt r. Asia covers ________ square. km.
s. The largest desert of the world is ________.

2. Write the name of the following person : 5

a. Father of Red Army ________.
b. Father of Chemistry ________.
c. Father of English poetry ________.
d. Father of medicine ________.
e. Father of Economics________.
ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5) 3. Write the name of the builders of the following structures: 5
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
a. Shital Niwas ________
b. Min Bhawan ________
c. Palpa Darbar ________
d. Keshar Mahal ________ ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
e. Kailashkut Bhawan ________. Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20
Class: III Subject.: G.K. P.M.: 08

1. Write one words answer for the following questions: 0.5x15=7

a. Which caste group has the tradition of Marrying a girl with a bel ?
b, Which caste group of Nepal has the second highest population in
Nepal after Chhetris. ____________
c. Which ethnic group of Nepal has the tradition of celebrating
Udhauili and Ubhauli as its major festival . ____________
d. Which caste group of Nepal is famous throughout the world for
mountaineering expenditions ? ____________
e. What is other name of the Gurungs ? ____________
f. Which caste group celebrates Maghi festival as a major festival in
Nepal ? ____________
g. How many puranas ( sacred writings ) are there according to
Hindu belief ? ____________
h. Where do the Muslims go to pray ? ____________
i. Who is the founder of Christianity ? ____________
j. Name the oldest sacred book ( text) of Hindusim. ____________.
k. Name the district where Larumba, a holy place of the Kirants is
located. ____________
l. Where do the Muslims go to pray ? ____________
m. Name the greatest festival of the Kirant Rai. ____________
n. What is the holy book of the Muslims called ____________

2. Write the name of the authors of the following famous books of Nepal ? 5
a. Socha : ____________
b. Khusi : ____________
c. Munamadan : ____________
d. Teen Ghumti ; ____________
e. Sirishko phool : ____________
3. Recognize the following paintings of Nepal and write their names.
a. These paintings are done on scroll of cloth or strong paper ATTIC BASIC ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOL (1-5)
Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20
b. These paintings are painted on copper plates, books, paper and
Class: IV Subject.: Eng. Grammar P.M.: 08
paper based religious scripts. ____________
c. ____________ painting is also known as Granth Chitra.
d. ____________ painting is also called Bhitte Chitra.
e. These paintings are made on walls of houses, temples, places and 1. Rearrange the words in alphabetical order: 5
building. ____________ a. train traffic tramp tray trap
b. spend speech spell special speek
4. Fill in the blanks with correct answer : 6 c. strong string strike stripes strangle
a. An ____________is a books containing maps. d. this think thing thin these
b. An ____________ is a book that contains information about many
different subjects. 2. Re arrange the words in alphabetical order: 5
c. An ____________ is a book that has blank page for sticking a. owl oat one
photographs and stams. b. pen pan pin
d. This dance is performed by the Newars wearing a mask ________ c. rat red rose
e. This is a popular dance in the western Nepal performed by holding d. sat sit set
each others hands and making a circle ____________ e. box but bit
f. Which caste group of Nepal was famous as warriors in the ancient
Nepal. ____________ 3. Give the 5 examples of each parts of speech : 2.5 + 2.5

4. Write the part of speech of the following underlined words: 5

a. The tortoise moves slowly.
b. Wow ! That was great.
c. Aryan goes to school on foot.
d. Suman is playing the guitar.
e. Mina has a pen but no ink.



Chaudandigadhi -9, Jyamire
Time:1hrs Half Yearly Exam 2077 F.M.: 20
Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_
Class: IV Subject.: Eng. Grammar P.M.: 08 Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
;doM !3+= c4{aflif{s kl/Iff @)&& Kf"0ff{Í M @)
sIffM# ljifoM g]kfnL Jofs/0f ptL0ff{Í M )*

1. Rearrange the words in alphabetical order: 5

a. train traffic tramp tray trap != ldNg] zAb 5fgL vfnL 7fpF e/ M %
b. spend speech spell special speek s_ ==================lstfa k9\5' . - d , pm, xfdL
c. strong string strike stripes strangle _
d. this think thing thin these
v_ ================== 3/ hfG5g\ . - xfdL, ltdL,
2. Re arrange the words in alphabetical order: 5 pgLx? _
a. owl oat one u_ ================== xfd|f] k;n xf] . - pm, s] ,
b. pen pan pin Tof] _
c. rat red rose 3_ ================== dg k5{ 5fg]/ lsg . - h], s] ,
d. sat sit set sf] _
e. box but bit ª_ zLnf ================== sk8f l;pFl5g\ . -
3. Give the 5 examples of each parts of speech : 2.5 + 2.5 cfkm}F, p;}, ;Fu} _

4. Write the part of speech of the following underlined words: 5 @= hf]8f ldnfpm M %
a. The tortoise moves slowly. kmnk'mn b|Jojfrs gfd
b. Wow ! That was great. s6x/ efjjfrs gfd
c. Aryan goes to school on foot. em'Kkf] hfltjfrs gfd
d. Suman is playing the guitar.
dfof JolQmjfrs gfd
e. Mina has a pen but no ink.
b'w ;d"xjfrs gfd
#= s/0f ls|ofaf6 cs/0f lqmof agfpm M 6 ª_ zLnf ================== sk8f l;pFl5g\ . -
z}n]zf syf k9\5 . cfkm}F, p;}, ;Fu} _
;fyLx? uLt ufpF5g\ .
ltdL kf]v/f uof} . @= hf]8f ldnfpm M %
bfO sk8f lsGg' x'g]5 . kmnk'mn b|Jojfrs gfd
ltdL c;n ag] 5f} . s6x/ efjjfrs gfd
d :s'n hfG5' . em'Kkf] hfltjfrs gfd
dfof JolQmjfrs gfd
$= ;j{gfd eg]sf] s] xf] < @ b'w ;d"xjfrs gfd

%= gfd slt k|sf/sf 5g\ < gfd n]v . @ #= s/0f ls|ofaf6 cs/0f lqmof agfpm M 6
z}n]zf syf k9\5 .
;fyLx? uLt ufpF5g\ .
ltdL kf]v/f uof} .
bfO sk8f lsGg' x'g]5 .
ltdL c;n ag] 5f} .
d :s'n hfG5' .

$= ;j{gfd eg]sf] s] xf] < @

!= ldNg] zAb 5fgL vfnL 7fpF e/ M % %= gfd slt k|sf/sf 5g\ < gfd n]v . @
s_ ==================lstfa k9\5' . - d , pm, xfdL
v_ ================== 3/ hfG5g\ . - xfdL, ltdL,
pgLx? _
u_ ================== xfd|f] k;n xf] . - pm, s] , Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
Tof] _
;doM !3+= c4{aflif{s kl/Iff @)&& Kf"0ff{Í M @)
3_ ================== dg k5{ 5fg]/ lsg . - h], s] , sIffM% ljifoM g]kfnL Jofs/0f ptL0ff{Í M )*
sf] _
!=;ª\s]tsf] ;xfotfn] vfnL 7fpF e/ M *
s_ d sljtf ===============. - n]v\ ck"0f{ jt{dfg _
v_ xfdLx?n] lxdfn ===============. - b]v\
k"0f{ jt{dfg _ Pl6s a]l;s O{ª\ulnz af]l8{ª\u :s"n -!–%_
Rff}b08Lu9L – (, Hofld/]
u_ uf]?n] 3fF; vfFb}5 . - :qLlnª\u_
;doM !3+= c4{aflif{s kl/Iff @)&& Kf"0ff{Í M @)
3_ ;'Gtnf sf] n3'tfjfrL zAb ===============xf] . - sIffM% ljifoM g]kfnL Jofs/0f ptL0ff{Í M )*
s];|f], lkTsf] _
ª_ eft sf] n3'tfjfrL zAb =============== xf] . -
!=;ª\s]tsf] ;xfotfn] vfnL 7fpF e/ M *
rfOnf], l;tf] _
s_ d sljtf ===============. - n]v\ ck"0f{ jt{dfg _
r_ …;+;f/ Ú sf] kof{ojfrL
v_ xfdLx?n] lxdfn ===============. - b]v\
zAb===============xf] . - ljZj, k|b]z _
k"0f{ jt{dfg _
5_ cfh kfgL k5{ . -cs/0f_
u_ uf]?n] 3fF; vfFb}5 . - :qLlnª\u_
3_ ;'Gtnf sf] n3'tfjfrL zAb ===============xf] . -
@= vfnL 7fpFdf pko'Qm ZfAb e/ M %
s];|f], lkTsf] _
s_ vf]nf =============== ghfpm . - lt/, cg';f/ _
ª_ eft sf] n3'tfjfrL zAb =============== xf] . -
v_ 3/ =============== au}+rf 5 . - cufl8, leq _
rfOnf], l;tf] _
u_ ltdL =============== slt k};f 5 < - ;Fu, leq_
r_ …;+;f/ Ú sf] kof{ojfrL
3_ emf]nf =============== lstfa 5g\ . - dfly, leq _
zAb===============xf] . - ljZj, k|b]z _
ª_ cf1f =============== u/ . - cg';f/, ;DaGwL _
5_ cfh kfgL k5{ . -cs/0f_
#= tnsf jfSodf stf{ cg';f/ lqmofkft ldnfpmM #
@= vfnL 7fpFdf pko'Qm ZfAb e/ M %
s_ ;fgL ?G5 .
s_ vf]nf =============== ghfpm . - lt/, cg';f/ _
v_ cUnf dflg;x? uof] .
v_ 3/ =============== au}+rf 5 . - cufl8, leq _
u_ zld{nf /fd|f] k9\5 .
u_ ltdL =============== slt k};f 5 < - ;Fu, leq_
3_ emf]nf =============== lstfa 5g\ . - dfly, leq _
$= gfd slt k|sf/sf x'G5g\ / tL s] s] x'g\ < @
ª_ cf1f =============== u/ . - cg';f/, ;DaGwL _
%= ;j{gfd s]nfO{ elgG5 < !
#= tnsf jfSodf stf{ cg';f/ lqmofkft ldnfpmM #
s_ ;fgL ?G5 .
^= ljz]if0f eg]sf] s] xf] / slt k|sf/sf 5g\ < @
v_ cUnf dflg;x? uof] .
u_ zld{nf /fd|f] k9\5 .

$= gfd slt k|sf/sf x'G5g\ / tL s] s] x'g\ < @

%= ;j{gfd s]nfO{ elgG5 < !

^= ljz]if0f eg]sf] s] xf] / slt k|sf/sf 5g\ < @

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