UPPCS-2020-Mains-General Studies Paper-I

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;w-ih-ih-,l-lh eq[; ijh{kk&2020

lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&I)

UPPSC Mains-2020
(Question Paper-I)

lkekU; vè;;u (iz'u&i=k&I)
General Studies (Paper-I)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs] [vf/dre vad% 200
Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 200
fo'ks"k vuqns'k%
(i) dqy 20 iz'u fn;s x, gSaA [kaM&v ls 10 iz'u y?kq mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn&lhek 125 gSa
rFkk [kaM&c ls 10 iz'u nh?kZ mÙkjh; gSa] ftuds izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 fu/kZfjr gSaA iz'u fganh
vkSj vaxzsth nksuksa esa Nis gSaA
(ii) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
(iii) izR;sd iz'u@Hkkx ds fy;s fu;r vad mlds lkeus fn;s x;s gSaA
(iv) iz'uksa esa bafxr 'kCn&lhek dks è;ku esa j[ksaA
(v) mÙkj iqfLrdk esa [kkyh NksM+s x, dksbZ i`"B vFkok i`"B ds Hkkx dks iw.kZr% dkV nsaA
Specific Instructions%
(i) There are total 20 questions. Section-A consists of 10 short answer queslions with wordlimit of
125 each and Section-B conslsts of 10 long answer questions with word limit of 200 each. The
questions are printed both in Hindi and in English.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) The number of marks carried by each question/part is indicated against it.
(iv) Keep the word limit indicated in the questions in mind.
(v) Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer booklet must be clearly struck off.
1. gM+Iik lH;rk dky esa 'kgjh fu;kstu ij fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA  8
Write a note on the town planning of Harappan civilization period.
2. o.kZ O;oLFkk ij xk¡/h ds fopkjksa dk ewY;kadu dhft;sA 8
Evaluate the views of Gandhi on the Varna system.
3. bVyh esa iQk¡lhokn ds usrk eqlksfyuh dh fons'k uhfr ij leh{kkRed fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA  8
Write a critical note on the Foreign Policy of Musolini, the leader of Fascism in Italy.
4. Hkkjr dks ,d lafefJr lkaLÑfrd lekt gksus ds ykHkksa dk o.kZu dhft;sA  8
Describe the advantages of India being a composite culture society.
5. ledkyhu Hkkjr esa izeq[k efgyk laxBuksa ds ;ksxnkuksa dk vykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;sA  8
Critically examine the contributions of major women's organisations in contremporary India.
6. lekykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s fd D;k ^Hkkjr esa xjhch dk eq[; dkj.k c<+rh gqbZ tula[;k gS ;k tula[;k o`f¼
dk eq[; dkj.k xjhch gS*A  8
Critically examine whether growing population is the main cause of poverty or poverty is the main cause
of population increase in Inda'
7. mÙkj izns'k dks izeq[k HkkSfrd izns'kksa esa foHkkftr djrs gq, blds HkkWcj vkSj rWjkbZ {ks=kksa dh HkkSxksfyd fo'ks"krkvksa dk
o.kZu dhft;sA 8
Divide Uttar Pradesh into major physical regions and decribe the gegraphical features of Bhabar and Terai

8. ^LekVZ flVh fe'ku* D;k gS\ iwohZ mÙkj izns'k esa bl ;kstuk gsrq pqus x;s uxjksa dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk
dhft;sA  8
What is 'Smart City Mission'? Discuss the main characteristics of cities of Eastern Uttar Pradesh selected
under this scheme.
9. m-iz- ds cqansy[kaM i;ZVu lfdZV ds izeq[k i;ZVu LFkyksa dh vofLFkfr dk o.kZu dhft;sA  8
Describe the location of major tourist places of Budelkhand Tourist Circult of U.P.
10. Hkkjr ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa lhekar (ÚafV;j) vkSj lhek (ckmaMjh) dk varj Li"V dhft;sA  8
Explain the difference between the frontier and the boundary with special reference to India.
11. Hkkjrh; f'k{kk ds {ks=k esa ik'pkR; izHkkoksa dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;sA  12
Critically examine the impacts of West on the field of Indian education.
12. Hkkjr esa xouZj ykWMZ osystyh ds dky esa fczfV'k 'kklu ds izlkj dh foospuk dhft;sA  12
Discuss the expansion of British rule in India during Governor Generalship of Lord Wellesley.
13. tSdksfcUl dkSu Fks\ Úkalhlh Økafr esa mudh D;k Hkwfedk Fkh\  12
Who was Jacobins? Waht were their role in the French Revolution?
14. lkaiznkf;drk ds lanHkZ esa jk"Vª vkSj ukxfjdrk ds izR;; dk lekykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;sA  12
Critically examine the concept of nation and citizenship in context of communalism.
15. mnkjhdj.k D;k gS\ mnkjhdj.k us Hkkjrh; lkekftd lajpuk dks fdl izdkj izHkkfor fd;k gS\  12
What is Liberalization? How is it affecting the Indian social structure?
16. mÙkj izns'k esa flapkbZ ds lk/uksa esa Øe'k% gks jgs ifjorZuksa dks js[kkafdr dhft;sA  12
Underline the changes happening gradually in the sources of irrigation in U.P.
17. Tokykeq[kh ds mn~xkj ds dkj.kksa dh foospuk dhft;s rFkk mlds ykok ds fu{ksi.k ls cus LFky&:iksa dk o.kZu
dhft;sA  12
Discuss the causes of volcanic eruption and describe the land-forms formed by deposition of its lava.
18. fgan egklkxj ds lalk/uksa ds 'kks"k.k vkSj mi;ksx ls tqM+h fofHkUu ikfjfLFkfrdh; leL;kvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;sA 12
Highlight the various ecological problems associated with the exploitation and utlizaton of resources from
the Indian Ocean.
19. ^foijhr izokl* D;k gS\ dksfoM&19 ykWdMkmu ds nkSjku mÙkj izns'k dh vFkZO;oLFkk vkSj lkekftd O;oLFkk ij
bldk izHkko iM+k\  12
What is 'reverse migration'? What was its impact on the economy and social order of Uttar Pradesh during
the COVID-19 Lockdown?
20. mPp ioZrh; {ks=kksa esa LFky&:iksa dks vkdkj iznku djus esa fgeunksa dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft;sA  12
Describe the role of Glaciers in shaping the land-forms in high mountain areas.

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